Vaccination 2021 and the Nuremberg Code of 1947

Vaccination 2021 and the Nuremberg Code of 1947

The trial is ongoing 


Once again, we remind everyone. 

On November 19, 1945, the victorious Allied Powers established the International Military Tribunal, within the framework of which the trials of war criminals, supporters of Nazism, who held senior positions in the political, military and medical spheres, were held. We recommend everyone to update the lawyers, assistants and assistants of the presidential administrations of the world, as today's ones have large gaps in knowledge if they have brought you to the status of suspects in especially serious crimes. New personnel need to know that the first trial conducted by the Nuremberg Military Tribunal in 1947 became known as the "Doctors' Trial," in which "23 doctors from Germany's Nazi Party were convicted of crimes against humanity for the brutal experiments they conducted on prisoners of war and civilians." Many medical experiments were conducted in the Auschwitz concentration camp, where Slavic and Jewish prisoners were tated with the help and with the participation of IBM identification numbers - a kind of prototype of modern QR codes. 


We will not remind you - who was the first and where, in 1895 came up with the "campos de concentracion", who and where first began to "chip" people as animals. But the current "health" activists should remember, the trial of doctors was officially called "The United States of America vs. Carl Brandt et al." 

The setting is the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany. Of the 23 accused, 16 were found guilty, seven of whom were sentenced to death and nine received prison sentences giving them 10 years to life imprisonment, and only 7 were acquitted. But how many such "healers" have eluded the justice of mankind?! 

How many such doctors are operating in modern prisons, special hospitals, mental hospitals, "state security agencies" around the world today? How many of these members of the peaceful profession serve as instruments of political assassination?


This trial led to the creation of the "Nuremberg Code", having developed at the international level ten ethical principles permissible for experiments on people. They read:

1). The voluntary consent of the subject is required.

2). The results of experiments should be of great benefit to people.

3). Human experiments should be only after animal experiments.

4). Experiments should be conducted without human suffering and harm.

5). No experiments should be conducted if death or disability is possible.

6). The risk should not exceed the possibility of benefit.

7). Experiments should be carried out in equipped laboratories.

8). Experiments should be carried out by qualified specialists.

9). Test subjects should be able to opt out at any time.

10). The head of the experiments should be ready to refuse further experiments at any time.


Based on these international principles of the Nuremberg Code, several fundamental documents were later adopted, which became fundamental unchanging principles of good clinical practice (GCP). Without it, it is simply inconsthible not to provide everyone who participates in such research with the protection they deserve. With the advent of digital technologies in clinical trials, new challenges against human health, many practices have "evolved": scans, electronic records, signatures and much more. They, of course, have created some new legal circumstances, but should be aimed solely at ensuring the safety of research and experiment data. 


Over the past 75 years, the Nuremberg Code has been supplemented by the Declaration of Helsinki, the Belmont Report and the Common Rule, yet the basic ten principles have remained unchanged. The main goal has always been and will be - to conduct ethical clinical trials and protect people!


And we do not understand at all - what do politicians, officials, the media and "doctors without pharmacological boundaries", "running ahead of the locomotive" of unfinished research count on? Today you offer QR colas, and de facto electronic passes (passport of movement), restricting the natural human rights to "freedom of movement" depending on a particular medical procedure it is not clear from which disease, experimental vaccine 💉 with unidentified contents. 


Why are so many media personals involved in a conspiracy against the population? 


Who gave you grounds to implement non-Constitutional actions in relation to the citizens and States headed by you? 


Why at the UN level declare international laws and projects depriving all citizens of basic rights – "the right to choose life or death"?


Who gave you the right to pour chemical and other waste from planes ploughing the blue sky on our heads, turning a bright day into a joyless carcinogenic smur?


Who among you created our planet and humanity to destroy it in such a barbaric way? 


Who gave you the right to own the resources of the earth for their own selfish interests, destroying the "living water", without which we all living beings can not live?


Who delegated to international officials the right to act as "vicars of the Creator"?

Presidents answer our seven questions to your citizens, otherwise many of you will sit in the dock before all mankind even before meeting the Creator!

We look at the Nuremberg Code and the Guidelines for Covid19 vaccines and throw in the indictments. 

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