Memory 1/1

Memory 1/1

 Rafael Sweet

We re-immerse ourselves in the memories of our beautiful years of youth with Britney. This is the room where we played with her in different toys 🧸 

On the right stood the bed 🛌, there we read with Britney a book on philosophy and world history. Britney was particularly fond of the Egyptian pyramids and emperors. Ah, what a wonderful time those distant 80th century. Thank you girl for having wonderful days with a book in our Transformer library. 

Let's open to the reader over the editorial secret, the secrecy regime under our contract of silence ended 6 days ago and we can briefly tell about the basement of the house 🏡 where our editor Louise 👇

This is where our meetings took place 👇

So far, all about our basement past and let's get to our conversation yesterday with Bernie 👇

You, Friends, probably don't know all the talents of this powerful young man.

And he is a real giant of thought 💭 and the father of democracy, or rather the progenitor of this masterpiece of Freedom. Bernie is a wonderful children's writer, he writes under the pseudonym very kind tales for children and once a week comes for a salary in our editorial 👇

    Gallery and some of Bernie's stories 🎭 

👀 eyes, 👂 ears and 👃's scent of Bernie 👇

There is a real, real time machine in which you can go back in time and see, for example, what a particular object looked like yesterday or a few years ago. Do you think no one needs copies of many years ago? Wrong! For us, archiving information is a very useful thing.

It's just interesting ! From pure curiosity and from the excess of free time you can see what looked like favorite at the dawn of the 21st century .

Knowing a place where you can find information that was at some point, and then disappeared, is not just useful, but very important.

Comparison itself is the most important method of analysis and inquiry, which allows us to assess the progress and results of our activities. By the way, a number of comparison methods are very effective in conducting the analysis.

Therefore, the presence of a unique archive allows us to access a huge amount of audio, video and text materials. You hit the right museum, you are lucky!

😷A footing of masks by children: 

Carbon gas poisoning, hearing loss, blurred vision, consequences for the central nervous system - drowsiness, dizziness, confusion, headache, fainting; children have a higher need for oxygen and oxygen starvation is carried by children only during the

A short period of time sweating, shortness of breath, tremor, increased heart rate, high blood pressure, etc. 

Graphic Atelier Ridiger-Medicine Illustration: Henning Ridiger

 We hope, Friends, everyone understands what happens 🖕 and we don't need to describe the details of this process in detail? 

🚢 "One-name" Clinton with the call sign H3RC q Hillary Rodham Clinton went...

💉 EVERGREEN, Gates, Epstein both out and over-the-counter globalist agenda. 

The husband of Giselen Maxwell, who preferred to remain in the shadows for obvious reasons, Scott Borgerson, is the CEO of the marine analytics company CargoMetrics.

The company studies and analyzes the logistics and movement of shipping containers. Last summer, the Daily Mail reported that Borgerson was living with Gislen Maxwell, a former girlfriend of a close friend of Gates' paedophile and a slave trader by Jeffrey Epstein's children, when his wife, Yizlen, was arrested.

Borgerson graduated from The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in 2006 with a Ph.D. in international relations, and in 2003 received a master's degree in law and diplomacy. He also earned a bachelor's degree in government from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy.

Build what is being built with the "covid pandemic" project, through the pocket shop of China and Gates, namely the world-wide digital gulag with covid passports (as a result, a tattoo with quantum dots in the form of a label of the beast of the zR code with three sixes in the corners as a name by which the machine understands that it should be read, as described by the Great, on the forehead or hand), without which "not to buy, not to sell", Friends, without breaking the supply chain is impossible. Reality definitely let us know that the traffic jam in the Suez Canal, who its organizer was, and why it was all needed.

CargoMetrics - TerraMar Project - Maxwell - Epstein / Gates / EVERGREEN 🌲 

What is called, having the brain and mind, yes will understand ... It is time to begin to understand for whom and why it is written "Here wisdom. Who has the mind, that will consider the number of the beast, for this number is human; number of his six hundred and sixty-six."

Let's watch this world premiere of the theatre of the absurd to the end.

💉 Chief Medical Officer of Moderna, Inc. on moderna mRNA vaccine: a person with a mRNA vaccine with the genome is no longer God's creation, but a creation of man, so can become the object of a patent.

Not a doctor, not an infectious diseaser, a friend of epist Epstein, an ordinary eugenicist- whistleblower notorious Gates once openly said that "experimental injection of mRNA alters the human genome", after which the term was used to describe the vaccine, which is now being tested in the West, by many scientists in their speeches to explain largely unsuspecting public. 

While many in the media, Gates' friend, the head of the CDC, the conman Fauci and his gay group of chronic liars and "fact-checkers" have declared this allegation false, speaking back in 2017 at TEDx Beacon Street, Tal Sachs, heads. A Ph.D., a ph.D.p.m., company that is producing an experimental mRNA injection that is currently being experienced in humans in the West, confirms that the mRNA vaccine can change your genetic code. 

Sachs called it "life software hacking." "We've been through a phenomenal digital scientific revolution, and I'm here to tell you that we're actually hacking into life software, and it's changing the way we think about disease prevention and treatment" and added that they (Moderna) think of it as an operating system that Moderna's website points out as, "attention!!!, "Our operating system."

"Every cell has a thing called an RNA messenger or for the brevity of mRNA, which transmits important information from DNA in our genes to a protein, which is actually the material we're all made of," the guy says, "This is critical information that determines what the cell will do. That's why we think of it as an operating system. .... So if you really could change that... if you could enter a line of code or change a line of code, it would turn out that it has serious consequences for everything from flu to cancer." 

When the code line is "changed" or "injected," the DNA changes, which means that the individual or "subject" now has a different gene, modified by scientists. An individual or subject is no longer a creation of God, but a creation of man, which means that an individual or subject can be the object of a "patent." He goes on to say that mRNA will order cells to "code" the virus protein. This "viral protein" is foreign to the body. The human body produces an alien protein that the immune system must attack. When the body produces protein, the immune system attacks it. That is, your immune system attacks the protein that your body produces, that is, what happens in an "autoimmune response" or "autoimmune disease."

Sachs talks about the inclusion of this system; however, he does not say anything about the possibility of turning it off. When will the cells learn to stop producing this "viral protein"? And in case it turns out, Friends, that the cells will never know; And if this continues for the life of the subject whose DNA has been altered?

Dr. Lee Merritt, who studied biological weapons while working as an orthopedic surgeon in the U.S. Navy for nine years, served on the board of the Arizona Medical Association and published many peer-reviewed articles about experimental injections of the "operating system": "We will see many deaths."

Dr. Sherry J. Tenpenny, an osteopathic physician certified by the Council for Three Medical Specialties, is widely known as the most knowledgeable and outspoken physician about the adverse health effects of vaccines: "The FDA has at least twice broken the law regarding covid injections," "COVID vaccines as a depopulation agent will start operating in 3-6 months."

The highest degree of sura taking place in the U.S. and this is just one video from the house 🏡 

Cognitive abilities almost completely ended. It seems Joe someone/someone is ordering to say Incredible nonsense urging governors, mayors and leaders of other communities to reinstate the mandate for mandatory wearing of masks:

"I need the American people to do their part, too. Put on the mask. Put on the mask. It's a patriotic duty, the American grandfather said, but he didn't specify whether patriotism is that the mask on the respiratory system is slowly killing people.

Why are you doing this Joe Biden? 

💉A he is not only a paedophile, as Gates called live on Newsmax founder Thrive15.comClay Clark, but also a maniac, and the most massive in the history of mankind

United Kingdom 🇬🇧 | People over the age of 70 will receive a third dose of the #COVID19 kovid vaccine. Bill Gates talks to Norah O'Donnell.

🇺🇸💉American grandfather and his adm. became the unspoken banner of the introduction of the brand for the American plebs.

The Administration is coordinating an extensive group of private stakeholders and government agencies seeking to create "vaccine passports" that would prove that their owners have been vaccinated 👇

Digital Identity of the United Nations: Digital Gulag

Basically, Friends, there's nothing to see. Just every single country in the West is using the "cat pandemic" #COVID19 (light flu) as an excuse to roll out the UN Agenda 2020 Plan to provide each individual with a "digital identification" that can be used to track and monitor every aspect of your life to introduce digital slavery.

The UN openly announced the scheme back in 2016 at its ID2020 summit, although their plans were apparently well-established for a long time before 2016.

Friends, you better start believing in the New World Orders. Otherwise, the bitterness of disappointment will be cruel to the craziness. We all have one foot in it. 

But we invite you to see this world view of the theatre of absurdity together with us. 

💉 The Mysterious Find of Astrazeneca: Traces Lead to German Billionaire Family

Vaccines are scarce in many places. All the more shocking is the news that 29 million Astrazeneca vaccines have been found at an Italian bottling plant (video) 👇

But where did they come from? Traces lead to a factory in the Netherlands and a family of billionaires from Germany.

It looks like the EU 🇪🇺 were going to make a deal with the vaccine mafia? I wonder when they lost control of these institutions and whether it was at all.

The largest initiated sea traffic jam in history.

Some parts of the planet already lack coffee, oil and toilet paper 👇

Rescue of a boy from a container with a familiar inscription "EverGreen" 👇

Nearly 400 ships near the blocked Suez Canal.

It was reported that the vessel moved 17 meters north. There was talk of the hope that he would continue to move when the tide came at about 22 hours Cairo time (20 GMT).

Diary 📓 March:

From China, we get pictures of a truck with a "EVERGREEN" container, standing across the highway, blocking the roadway. 

One of the main rail routes in the Rhine Valley for freight traffic is blocked: further deterioration of supply chains.

The most interesting part of the Suez Canal is now blackened on Google Maps.

Apparently, they are trying to hide something from us and we should not see it.

Meanwhile, it is officially reported that the military "assisted" in the rescue of a container ship in the Suez Canal.

"German economic news" reports: "The ECB has 3 to 4 trillion left - then the system will collapse." 

Reports by Senator Ted Cruz and his colleagues about human rights crimes on the Mexican border are widely publicized in the United States 🇺🇸 👇

The alternative for Germany explains the absence of half of the CDU staying in jail because of corruption.

Vessel tracker (shipping survey) show the entire European coast "besieged" by military vessels.

Flight tracker (flight monitoring) indicates huge military air traffic, both through Germany and across Europe.

The world's media continue to support some absurd narratives, but apparently fail and plunge into chaos, reporting outright nonsense.

Pensioners and pensioners are currently storming ARD studios in Berlin.

The Biden administration has reached the point of maximum absurdity: the American people hope to have learned their lesson, just like us. 

The mood in Germany among Germans can be called overturned : more and more people perceive the presented Nazi-criminal regime Merkel as a source of evil.

Huge quantities of drugs found around the world have been reported. 

Mike Pompeo is pictured in the media by a visitor to the Ministry of Defense. Allegedly there is a secret meeting.

We have one question, Friends, when will the climax of this world show begin? 

A German analyst talks about Biden's vaccination. We don't take an unscored German translation. This video is without comment by the 👇

A German analyst talks about Biden's vaccination. We don't take an unscored German translation. This video is without comment by the 👇

In Washington, the inauguration ceremony has been held since 1801, when the third president, Thomas Jefferson, took office. This became possible after the city, which was built in 1790, received the status of the capital on December 1, 1800. The first U.S. President George Washington took the oath of office on April 30, 1789, at the Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York , then the temporary capital of the country. He took office for the second time in 1793 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where the capital was moved. The inauguration of the second president, John Adams, took place there in 1797.

The oath of office of the first President of the United States, George Washington, at the Federal Hall in New York, on April 30, 1789

© AP Photo

From 1793 to 1933 (inclusive) the inauguration took place on March 4. Then, in accordance with the 20th Amendment to the Constitution, it began to be held on January 20. The date has been changed to shorten the transition period between the election and the inauguration of the new President.

Church service

Franklin D. Roosevelt defended the morning service for the first time before the ceremony in 1933. He visited St. John's Cathedral near the White House. Subsequently, almost all presidents participated in church services, which often took place in the same church. Sometimes special services were held at the White House. In 1977, before Jimmy Carter's inauguration, a joint service of representatives of major denominations was organized at the Lincoln Memorial Building.

Tea Party at the White House

The tradition of meeting presidents and vice presidents with their successors in the White House was established in 1837, when Andrew Jackson handed over power to Martin Van Buren. Since 1877, a tea party has been held during such meetings. The outgoing head of state writes thank-you letters to White House staff, and also leaves a note in the Oval Office admonishing the new leader of the country (he reads it after taking office).

At the Capitol

The first president to take the oath of office at the Capitol was Thomas Jefferson. The ceremony took place in 1801 in a still unfinished building in its north wing. In 1817, James Monroe had a tradition of holding the inauguration outdoors. In 1825, John Adams for the first time held a ceremony in the eastern portico of the Capitol. All presidents were sworn in here until 1981, when Ronald Reagan moved the inauguration site to the west terrace. In cold weather, the celebrations take place in the Rotunda - the main hall of the Capitol, located under the central dome and can hold up to 1,000 people.

Inauguration of U.S. President Rutherford Hayes at the East Capitol Portico, March 5, 1877

© AP Photo


The text of the presidential oath is written in the U.S. Constitution and consists of 35 words: "I (the president's full name) solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will act in good conscience as President of the United States and, to the best of my ability, uphold, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." The possibility of variations - I swear or affirm - is due to the fact that a number of religious movements forbid to take an oath. The words "God help me" that all American presidents add are not in the constitution. They were first uttered by George Washington during his first inauguration.

He also established a tradition of taking the oath of office by putting his hand on the Bible (only John C. Adams and Theodore Roosevelt took the oath of office on the constitution). Presidents use their own family Bibles or those that belonged to former presidents, often two Bibles. For example, Barack Obama in 2013 swore an oath on the Bible of Abraham Lincoln, who abolished slavery, and black rights activist Martin Luther King. The Vice-President uses the text of the oath of allegiance to the Constitution, which is uttered by members of the Government and both houses of Congress. The second person's oath in the state became part of the inaugural ceremonies only in 1937, previously this procedure was carried out in the Senate, the vice-president of which is presided over by the Constitution. One of the supreme court judges takes the oath of office, the President is the President of the Supreme Court (the vice-president and the president repeat the text behind the judges).

Biden took the oath of office on a 12.5 cm-thick Bible that has been kept in his family since 1893 (photos)

Reuters 👇

The same book was used by his late brother Joseph Beau when he took over as Delaware's attorney general in 2013.

New U.S. President Joe Biden during the oath read the oath, putting his hand on the Bible, which is kept in his family since 1893. Biden's late son Joseph Beau was sworn in in the same book when he took over as Delaware's attorney general in 2013.

Joe Biden was also sworn in as vice president in 2009 and 2013. The same Bible was used every time he was sworn in as a senator from Delaware. The Bible of the Biden family is 12.5 cm thick.

And you do not see any letters on the sheets of edict, perhaps it is the problems of our vision, perhaps the edict is written in invisible ink. We will also leave these two videos without comment 😶👇



💉People are afraid to eat GMOs, but for some reason no one is afraid or just does not know what mRNA makes of a human GMH. 

"The really important discovery here was that now you can use mRNA, and if you inject it into cells, you can make mRNA express any protein in the cells, and that's a big deal," Rossi says.

MRNA is a kind of postal pigeons loaded with genetic instructions. They are a portfolio with the drawings and instructions needed by the cage to become what it is destined to become than someone wanted them to become. Rossi, using a fake mRNA, discovered that he could hack the system and reprogram the cell.

In the previous set of protocols, we presented this material below, but we'll just 👇

DarPA-funded implantable biochip for the detection of a covid could enter the market as early as 2021.

The now-retired Harvard professor said in an interview with the National Post that he has found a way to "reprogram" molecules that carry genetic instructions for cell development in humans. 

These molecules are called "ribonucleic acid messenger" or mRNA. It is this ability to rewrite the instructions for the creation of any kind of cell in humans has radically changed the course of Western medicine and science, and, as we all know, the way vaccines are created, including the Gamalei Institute, which used this method in the creation of an anticospecial vaccine. As Rossi himself says: "The real important discovery here was that now you can use mRNA, and if you put it in the cells, you can make the mRNA express any protein in the cells, and that was a great achievement."

Moderna Inc., founded by Rossi in conjunction with private equity firm Flagship Pioneering, began trying to use its mRNA innovations before the covid and raised nearly half a billion dollars in federal grants/premiums to start developing vaccines using technology. Now Rossi has nothing to do with Moderna.

Back in 2006, long before the world learned what a #COVID19, DARPA began to "learn" to identify viral pathogens of the upper respiratory tract through its Health and Disease Prediction (PHD) program, which led to the creation of the Biological Technology Management Agency (BTO). In 2014, BTO DARPA launched the In Vivo Nanoplatforms (IVN) program, which explores implantable nanotechnology leading to the development of hydrogel.

Hydrogel is a nanotechnology whose inventor initially boasted that "if it can be implemented, with FDA approval, consumers will be able to implant sensors into their core to measure glucose, oxygen and lactate levels." This material, similar to contact lenses, requires the introduction of a special injector under the skin, where it can transmit digital signals based on light through a wireless network such as 5G.

Being implanted into the body, human cells fall into the power of any mRNA program delivered through this substrate, which opens up nightmarish possibilities, Friends. Definitely, this is the first real step to full-fledged transhumanism, the philosophical base of neo-Marx, the creator of VEFY Schwab, and which is popular among the powerful World, including the well-known notorious Ray Kurzweil and no less well-known following the theme of Eric Schmidt. Proponents of this crap see and see the fusion of technology and biology as an inevitable consequence of human progress.

A private company created to promote this anti-human, inhumane nonsense that allows you to manage biological processes, attention!!!, remotely, opens the door to the potential manipulation of your biological reactions, Friends, and, ultimately, all of our existence, called Profusa Inc, and its operations are financed by billions of dollars, poured in by American NIH and DARPA. In March 2020, the company was suddenly but discreetly found itself in a crowded boiler room when it announced an injectable biochip to detect viral respiratory diseases, including, of course, "super dangerous" and "murderous" covid. ☠️

 We can't show all the victims of vaccination 💉, the bill goes to tens of thousands, here are just some data for March 2021 👇

💉⚰️ Mumbai, India. Dr Tulcio, 61, died 15 days after the Covishield vaccine, which is also being stabbed in Ukraine, stopped his heart.

💉⚰️ In the EU, 3,964 people died from adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines, 162,610 injured. 

The database, which is being conducted in Europe, has a list of cases where people have died or suffered injuries from a vaccine against the kovid.

If we look at the results, against the background of calls of politicians to go and to take care of the results, there is the opposite of their demand desire and desire to consider bringing these very politicians to justice. Your attention to the results of vaccination in the EU on 13.03.2021 

Tozinameran Experimental MRNA Vaccine (BNT162b2, Comirnaty) from BioNTech/Pfizer: 2,540 deaths and 102,100 injuries, 

MRNA-1273 (CX-024414) from Moderna: 973 deaths and 5,939 injuries and 

(CHADOX1 NCOV-19) from Oxford / Astra'eneca: 451 deaths and 54,571 injuries.

This is public information funded by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), but it is obviously censored by the corporate media. Ask yourself, Friends, is it all right with the health workers and corporations distributing these "vaccines", with the journalists who should cover the results of the vaccination, and with people calling for forced vaccination?

🇺🇸💉A this is how Kamala was "vaccinated": 

Americans and the world 🗺 everything, including the bending needle on the syringe 💉 👇

It is very strange for us to observe all this and we have put it very mildly, given only one circumstance: the official status of this woman 👇

💉Wheed, what's happening in the next video doesn't need an explanation, Friends 👇

Museum Square in Amsterdam. Mrazi with batons is back in action, despite the fact that veterans of the 👇 stood in front of the protesters.

Fauci, a Nobel laureate and creator of PCR tests, said the guy should not hold his position because of his full professional fitness, says the child survival rate is 99.99%.

And in another speech, a friend of the paedophile, as Gates called live on Newsmax founder Clay Clark, cdc head Fauci said that until the children are vaccinated, they should still continue to play together in masks. 

Very sorry for the American kids.

Soon 🔜, very much have to bear the burden of responsibility for their decisions - crimes that led to a split the whole world 🗺 another line of "medical-children" 

It is disgusting to observe the powerful idiots by inertia screaming for a year and a half, and believe that for stolen their decisions a year and a half out of the life of our children, a year and a half of childhood, and for the additional split of the already divided world and societies will not have to hold the answer. 

Cooperation and promotion of global satanists, neo-fascists in their agenda for nothing to anyone and never passed. never. 

How can you have this level of understanding of the realities is difficult to understand, it is not put on the head. Meanwhile, the 37th, Friends, started not only in the U.S. ...

If someone has not yet realized that soon is coming, let this someone consider it our last admonition ... 

Bernie is tired, has grown up on a break and rest 💆 . Now feed it for free, allocate a room for sleep and later continue to listen to the 👂 👂 of this talented young man. 

To confess and we are tired of this gallery Bernie . 


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