The U.S. editorial board 🇺🇸 The Obvious Incredible.

It seems to our Editorial Board that all this will pull in court for life imprisonment for criminals or even the death penalty. 

Liar and state biological terrorist Fauci said people are not entitled to their own decision to vaccinate

People do not have the right to make their own decision whether or not to be vaccinated during the pandemic, said advisor to the President of the United States Anthony Fauci, October 1, during a virtual lecture at McGill University in Canada.

Fauci gave a virtual lecture to Canadians at McGill University titled "Covid-19: Lessons Learned and Remaining Challenges." 

During the lecture, Fauci addressed Canadians who oppose forced vaccination.

"I think people should appreciate that you really have personal freedoms for yourself and you manage them," Fauci said.

"But," Fauci said, "you are members of society and as members of society reaping all the benefits of membership in society, you have a responsibility to society."

"I think each of us, especially in the context of a pandemic that is killing millions of people, should look at it and say that there comes a time when you really have to give up what you consider your personal right to make your own decision for the greater good of society," Fauci said.

At the same time, the director of the Institute of Infectious Diseases did not explain what the benefit of society is specifically from vaccination against COVID-19. At first, it was said that vaccination would end the epidemic. I didn't stop.

Then it was said that, of course, the vaccinated carry the virus, but get sick without symptoms, easily, do not die. It turned out that this was not the case either. In countries with high vaccination rates, there is a surge in diseases, hospitalizations and deaths.

Recall that the other day the director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Rochelle Valenski, admitted live on CNN that vaccines against COVID-19 do not prevent the spread of the virus. 

That is, the vaccinated spread it as well as the unvaccinated. Why at the same time to be vaccinated, neither Fauci, on Valenski did not explain.

Direct and documentary recognition in the implementation of the state, communist, Nazi coup d'état in the United States. Since the U.S. medical authorities have taken on the role of maratel of the U.S. Constitution 🇺🇸 and are attacking individual freedoms, this is our best U.S. radical coup. 

In the last two lines of the American anthem, the United States is referred to as "the land of the free, the home of the brave." 

De facto, a false medical brazen official Fauci admitted that covid restrictions are not intended to preserve someone's health, but to attack the basic freedoms of US citizens. 


The territory of the United States 🇺🇸 became an experimental testing ground for universal communist Nazis of the 21st century, de facto engaged in the usurpation of US power 🇺🇸 located on the territory of the White House. This is their last refuge and refuge in the paradise of money 💵 and lies in the crown 🤴 19/ 21 

🇨🇳Kini's Communists of Beijing prepared in advance for the false pandemic and knew everything in advance. However, not only Beijing was preparing. Richard's PCR tests the lion's heart 💔 Rothschild have been bought by all countries of the world since 2917 from the supplier of this World Lie International Hospital 🏥 Bank 🏦 crystal Bulgarian Marxist commissioner of world money Kristalina Ivanovna Georgieva. 

According to a report released by a research team made up of former U.S., U.K. and Australian intelligence officers, based on data from a site that aggregates bids for public sector procurement contracts, pcR test purchases in China's Hubei province rose months before the first reports of covid. The report is called "PANDEMIC PROCUREMENT: AN ASSESSMENT IN HUBEI PROVINCE (CHINA). ASSESSING PANDEMIC PROCUREMENT.".

"Approximately 67.4 million yuan ($10.5 million at current rates) was spent on PCR tests in Hubei province in 2019, nearly double that of 2018, with growth starting in May." 

The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates.


The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates. And the Bulgarian international revolutionary terrorist chief doctor of the world hospital 🏥 (bank 🏦) Kristalina Ivanovna Georgieva is one of the main sponsors of national biological - agricultural state terrorists. 




🇺🇸Lynn Wood.:


"Scenes of the September 11 attacks were fabricated using computer graphics, and two towers were blown up, destroying the adjacent building 7, as well as the Pentagon ...".

Well, the Chief Red Orderly of the United States 🇺🇸 continues the crime begun with red China and is not going to stop only at the murder of civilians of the United States 🇺🇸. For the success of the guaranteed usurpation and seizure of U.S. power, he needs the U.S. Army 🇺🇸 

Since the military sent him to the ass, he decided to prick all civilian employees of the US Department of Defense and demands that a fist knock on the table of their full vaccination with state poison by November 22, 2021.

Senator Ron Johnson cites public health data from England showing that 63% of deaths occurred among fully vaccinated (last 7.5 months):


"I will continue to insist on it. Data from England, Israel, Iceland, Denmark, etc. is completely different from what public health officials in the United States call the "unvaccinated pandemic."

Data in the United States is manipulated in a variety of ways, some of which I've explained before, but you only have to look at data from European countries to understand that..."

"Cyber Polygon-2021 briefly: 

"As negative scenarios, the authors of the Rockefeller Foundation report "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development" (2010) Lock Step as a result of the virus pandemic is almost a complete analogue of what is happening today. But there is another "forecast" called Hack Attack – "an economically unstable and shock-prone world in which criminals thrive and dangerous innovations appear."

Shadow high-tech groups of cybercriminals are beginning to appear, massively kidnapping almost uncontrolled and not protected by the authorities, but actively collecting "big data" (today there are already many such examples). And here the national elites, according to the Rockefellers, will either be replaced or will be forced to reformat for the sake of world cooperation and unification on the international platform. 

All in the name of the fourth stage, called Clever Together - "Smart Together" - what we are called to right now by the gates, swabians, heads of the WHO, from the rostrum of the 🏟 of the UN circus 🇺🇳 and other pastors of the US orderly 🇺🇸 That is, the institutions of a world state with a world government, a single digital zeroing of debts, an ecosystem of hunger and cold, the antichrist on the throne. Just a traditional Christian interpretation.

A single plan and all within a plan of four episodes - the script. One right now, well, at number two is waiting for its turn is the "hacker attack" on October 5-11 and the logical continuation.

So now, after the next cyber teachings of the American Schwab, the Russian Mishustin and Comrade Gref and company, we once again ask all conscious citizens, officials, security forces to be on the alert and not to consider the probable digital lockdown as something unexpected and accidental coincidence. 

Communist Dawn - exercises on cybersecurity, organized by neo Marx Klaus Schwab Sberbank of the Russian Federation and Interpol made clear messages and a direct parallel with the exercises "Event 201" ("Event 201"), which were held in October 2019 in Rockefeller Plaza on the site of the nomadic Marxist circle of the WEF. There was worked out the scenario of a blow to all mankind with a new fake from the strain of the terrible coronavirus.

[ It turned out the laws of nature can not be deceived, where the conscience goes away, and with it leaves as a rule and professionalism is also possible ]


 Translation of an 11 minute video ⬆️ 

On October 18, 2019, the WEF, the Bill and Melinda Foundation, Johns Hopkins University, the main misinformer on fake sick and fake covid corpses in the future organized in the United States a model of simulating a pandemic rapidly spreading throughout the planet (after mutation and transmission from animals to humans) of the new zoonotic coronavirus (in the version of the teachings it came from Brazil). A feature of the virus was the selective mortality of the population - mainly from the attack of the elderly, chroniclers and people with weakened immunity. In its virulence, it resembled influenza or SARS, while in 18 months the virus was supposed to destroy 65 million people on the planet and continue until there is an effective vaccine that will prick everyone. It was also assumed general lockdowns, social distancing regimes, the collapse of the world economy by 10% and other "charms" of the well-known scenario that became the reality of mankind just two months after the exercises.

We do not consider this fact a mere coincidence, and the composition of the participants of the large-scale event is not doctors 🥼 at all, and why these people did not do their own thing. Did they want to show states and private entities their unpreparedness for such challenges? A 2010 report by the Rockefeller Foundation (the largest non-governmental ideological think tank of the neocons) titled "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development," based on an analysis of the influence of two factors: "global political and economic alignment" and "adaptive capacity" of different segments of society. As negative scenarios, the authors of the report draw Lock Step ("Block development") as a result of the virus pandemic - this is almost a complete analogue of what is happening today. But there is another "forecast" called Hack Attack – "an economically unstable and shock-prone world in which criminals thrive and dangerous innovations appear."

Scenario analysts of this report note that the presented matrix of versions of the future from the Rockefellers actually shows a single global scenario consisting of four episodes. One of them is being implemented right now, but at number two it is the "hacker attack" as its logical continuation that is waiting for its turn. To move to this stage, two phenomena must grow in the world (this is exactly what is happening now):

- digitalization from above (forced imposition of an "electronic concentration camp" by the authorities, the Rockefeller Foundation even used a biometric surveillance camera as its symbol),

- falling level of economic development of states, well-being and living standards of the population.

Against this background, shadowy high-tech groups of cybercriminals are beginning to appear, massively kidnapping almost uncontrolled and not protected by the authorities, but actively collecting "big data" (today there are already many such examples). And then the national elites, according to the Rockefellers, will either be replaced or forced to reformat for the sake of world cooperation ...

What did 200 organizations from 48 countries rehearse on July 9-10 in the cyber defense center of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, with the support of the WEF Cybersecurity Center and Interpol? And they rehearsed the reflection of a global attack on the corporate ecosystem, in these exercises the team of the BI company. ZONE (part of the Sber ecosystem) played the role of hackers, and the association of international specialists in cyber threats tried to prevent it. The official media and the organizers of the online polygon did not report who ultimately won, although the essence, as we understand, is not at all in this story.

In the context of the topic under discussion, we will not quote Gref, Mishustin, numerous representatives of the leading corporations of Silicon Valley - Apple, Microsoft, IBM, VISA, Mastercard, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, etc. But the opening speech of the head of the WEF Klaus Schwab is given:

"Technology has played a key role in our fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Digitalization has put us in front of new challenges – ensuring the safety and security of technologies and the trust in them on the part of citizens. In just a few months (of the coronavirus pandemic), we have moved further in digital transformation than we normally would have been able to do in years. But this digital return on the pandemic could prove fragile. Cyber incidents can undermine the credibility of this environment and disrupt the development of socially significant innovations.


Citizens are beginning to suffer from power outages, from failures in the provision of medical care, and criminal groups operate with increasing scope and depth. This underscores the need for a structured, participatory approach to combating them. We must work together: governments must guarantee security, but deep security knowledge is often in the private sector. And if governments are joining forces to fight physical crime at Interpol, then we need to increase similar cooperation between governments and private cybersecurity companies. Such a public-private collaboration already exists, as evidenced by the current event. The WEF offers an independent platform to increase such cooperation.

Amid the pandemic, the paradigm shift towards a digital lifestyle has made the importance of cybersecurity as a global public good even more prominent. Against the backdrop of our growing dependence on the digital landscape, cybersecurity should be a key element for the activities of any organization, the foundation for a smooth business in the future.

To help the economy recover, governments and businesses need to look for innovative ways to build and access their services. This involves the creation of expanded digital ecosystems, further binding of services to data. If new services are to be implemented at the speed necessary for a sustainable economic recovery, citizens must trust technology and be able to make sure that it is safe, that their personal property and data are protected.

The current forum itself and the status of its participants today is an important stage in preparation for an even more interconnected and, I hope, even safer future, "concluded the speech neo Marx cosmonaut 👨 🚀 chairman of the WEF. 

Nazi Klaus actively lobbies for the introduction of expanded digital ecosystems and "new services for sustainable economic development", where the state actually merges with private individuals and delegates its management functions to them, and on the other hand, notes the dependence of critical infrastructure on digital technologies. Pure corporate fascism instead of a market economy and as the only cure for this disease, Schwab offers governments of all countries to fully open up, to open their "big data" to private corporations of the same Silicon Valley, created and financed by US military departments and intelligence agencies, which "certainly know" how to defeat cybercrime? Yes? What kind of security do U.S. subjects and biological state terrorists tell us fables in such circumstances? Moreover, it is already clear, according to reports of analysts on the website of the same WEF, that strengthening security will primarily result in strict control, full transparency and identification of citizens in these very systems.

Regarding neo-Marx's statements about the large scale of the activities of hacker groups, the increase in their attacks on the vital infrastructure of states – everything is exactly what is happening. In the United States, in several states, communications were completely cut down not so long ago after hacker attacks, in Russia there were also cases of "blackouts" in power grids due to external interference. The problem is that we are unlikely to ever know who actually initiates these attacks, although it is clear that it certainly will not be possible to write off everything to "bearded barmaleys".

In the scenario of the chaotization of the world before its global self-collection from the Rockefeller Foundation, everything is spelled out clearly: disconnections of sewerage, heating, public transport, etc. as a result of hacker terror. Both evacuations and emergency modes are likely (by the way, the new recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor for the evacuation regime involve mass vaccination against covid to citizens directly in temporary accommodation points). We have no desire to frighten and stir up panic – we simply inform readers about how the rules of the game of globalist transhumanists who have passed into the status of terrorists work. National windows of opportunity are constantly narrowing – we are simply put before the fact every time in the conditions of blocking the work of the previous, well-established system.

In order to bring humanity to the peace described by a member of the Danish Parliament, a former member of the WEF Youth Leaders Group ("Welcome to 2030, I have nothing, and I am happy"), we must first immerse people in conditions of controlled chaos. And then society sooner or later will ask for anyone, at least some order. Note that this strategy today works perfectly with the adherents of forced injections and harassment of all 11 who are not ready for an experiment on themselves: they together, without checking the facts, declared vaccination the only salvation (following the ideologists-manipulators from the globalists) from the "pandemic" and are ready to do anything to give this "treatment" to themselves and everyone else.

About the "impossibility of returning to the old system," Mr. Schwab has already told us all in detail in his Marxist masterpiece "COVID-19: The Great Zeroing." And the Rockefeller Foundation in a 2010 report calls the mandatory conditions for the establishment of a new world order tough global economic and political pressure on the peoples of all states, as well as the psychological readiness (adaptability) of the population for the imposed changes. According to the situation with the plandemia and its development, we see that the mechanisms of informational, psychological and economic coercion have already been fully included. So now, after the next cyber teachings of Shvab, Mishustin and Gref with fellow Chinese Ethiopians, we ask all conscious citizens, officials, security forces to be on the alert and not to consider the likely "digital lockdown" a "coincidence".





Prof. Dr. med. A.Redko:

"We constantly receive questions, does the vaccine contain embryonic cell lines HEK293? This is indeed a very serious moral and ethical issue, perhaps not paramount with the so-called medicine. There are bishops today who publicly declare that they have been vaccinated... The patent clearly states that this cell culture is in the composition"


"... Confirm the use of the HEK 293 cell line for the growth of genetically modified adenovirus in the Sputnik V vaccine. It cannot be renewed by creating it once, because there is an insurmountable obstacle - the Heiflick limit. We need a constant influx of new abortive material.

In large-scale industrial production, it is impossible to replace one standardized cell line with another, since this would mean a complete re-registration of the medicinal product (vaccine), as well as a change in the registered production regulations. There is no way to even briefly explain ALL the complexities of this process.

The use of the human HELA cell line is also impossible..."

"... Today, I reaffirm that COVID19 has a combination of CGG-CGG genome sequencing. No natural coronavirus has ever had such a combination of CGG-CGG, except when it is used by scientists performing "amplification of function." in the laboratory. Artificial virus and variants..."

Nothing unusual, Friends) 

Just singer Grimes and former girlfriend of our cosmonaut Elon Musk walks through the streets of Los Angeles in erotic stage robes, and tries on the role of Commissioner of the 9th Department of the OGPU reading on the go the unforgettable "Manifesto of the Communist Party" by Karl Marx. 

Welcome to the City of 🌆 Lights! To such an end of the plot, even in Red Alert did not think well, the leader of the world proletariat himself on the joys for the path chosen by the American elites drained the collectible 6-liter decanter Lalique Macallan "M" Imperiale and with a sense of accomplished duty for the accomplished debilitation - destabilization - degeneration of the US elites and lay down under the walls of the Kremlin to rest and gain strength for new deep penetrations into the brains of 🧠 America. 

 including group penetrations, taking into account the local specifics and predisposition of local residents...

The elder David Rockefeller is now deceased, loved to play very large balalaikas in Moscow, While washing the Communists money 💰 through American banks 🏦

The painting 🖼 of the Year - Lenin and Klaus 🤶 live and work in the same office. 

Leningrad 1987 . Businessman Dhoni with his Czech/Soviet wife Ivan Zelnichkov.

The main terrorist of the 20th century on the left 👈 Ulyanov Lenin and his comrade in terror on the right 👉 Lev Davidovich Trotsky (party pseudonyms: Pero, Antid Oto, L. Sedov, birth name - Leib Davidovich Bronshtein, October 25 [November 7] 1879, Yanovka, Kherson province of tsarist Russia ...

Not finished and did not finish school teenager Down Greta. 

Premiere in the city of Lights.

The curator of the chief orderly of the United States 🇺🇸 during the election race and during the fake inauguration of US President 🇺🇸 

The main ideologists and one of the financiers of the oval communist Nazis are the Rockefeller brothers. 

The chief orderly of the United States 🇺🇸 the communist Nazi everyone knows, let's go further. 

The painting Lenin rose from the mausoleum and sailed to New York 2021. 

Meet Dr. Nora Volkov. This forces us to dig into the CDC (which acts as an independent organization, like the Federal Reserve), whose actions are copied by the WHO, and to which it actually obeys. I wonder how many people died from an overdose of fentanyl while she was on duty? 


After the death of his father and the arrest of his mother, the upbringing of little Yulia Sedova-Rubinstein was carried out by her grandmother and grandfather on her mother's side.

Zinaida Lvovna Volkova

English (default): Zinaida Volkova Volkova (Bronshtein)

Nickname: "Zina", "Zinushka"

Date of birth: 1901

Place of birth: Irkutsk, Irkutsk region, Russia 

death: 05 January 1933 (31-32) 

Berlin, Berlin, Germany (Suicide)  

Next of kin: 

Daughter of Leon Trotsky (Bronstein) and Alexandra Lvovna Bronstein 

Wife of Platon Platonovich Volkov and Zakhar Borisovich Moglin 

Mother of Private and Alexandra Zakharovna Bakhvalova 

Sister of Nina Lvovna Nevelson 

Half-sister of Lev Lvovich Sedov and Sergey Sedov


Immediate family

Plato Platonovi...




Zakhar Borisovich M...


Alexandra Zakhar...


Alexandra Lvov...


Leon Trotsky (Bron...


Nina Lvovna Neva...


Frida Kahlo

father's ex-partner

Natalia Sedova


Lev Lvovich Sedov

half brother

Sergey Sedov

half brother

About Zinaida Volkova Volkova

Zinaida Lvovna Volkova (née Bronstein; Russian: Zinaida Lvovna Volkova; March 27, 1901 – January 5, 1933) was a Russian Marxist. She was Leon Trotsky's first daughter by his first wife, Aleksandra Sokolovskaya. She and her younger sister Nina were raised by their paternal grandparents after their parents divorced.

She married twice, and had a daughter by her first husband and a son by her second. Both husbands died during the Great Purges. In 1931 Volkova was allowed to leave Russia, taking only her younger child, the son, with her into exile in Berlin. She left her daughter in the care of the girl's father, her first husband. Suffering from tuberculosis, then incurable, and depression, Volkova committed suicide in Berlin.


1 Biography 2 Descendants 3 Notes 4 External links


Zinaida Lvovna Bronstein was born in Siberia, where her parents were living in exile at the time. Her sister Nina was born the next year. As a child, she and her younger sister Nina were raised mostly by her paternal grandparents, David and Anna Bronstein. The girls' parents parted ways in 1902 and as revolutionaries, were often traveling or living in hiding.

After the Russian Revolution of 1917, Zinaida married Zakhar Borisovich Moglin (1897 - 1937). They had a daughter, Alexandra Moglina (1923 - 1989). They divorced in the mid-20s. Moglin died during the Great Purges.

Bronstein married as her second husband, Platon Ivanovich Volkov (1898 - 1936), a Russian Trotskyite. The couple had a son, Vsevolod (diminutive Seva, later Esteban) Volkov, who was born in 1926. Volkov was exiled to Siberia in 1928, but returned in the early 1930s. Zinaida had already left Russia for Berlin with their son. Volkov was re-arrested in 1935 during the Great Purges and disappeared in the Gulag.

For three months in 1928, Zinaida took care of her younger sister Nina, while the latter was dying of tuberculosis (TB), then incurable. Nina had married a man with the surname of Nevelson.

In 1931 Joseph Stalin allowed Zinaida Volkova to leave the Soviet Union to join her father, Leon Trotsky, in exile. She was allowed to take her son Vsevolod with her, but left her daughter Alexandra in Russia with the girl's father.

Suffering from TB and depression, Volkova committed suicide in Berlin on January 5, 1933. She had been under the care of Arthur Kronfeld, a noted Berlin psychotherapist. She also saw Alexandra Ramm-Pfemfert. She was married to Franz Pfemfert, the founder of Die Aktion, a journal of expressionism, and translator of books by Trotsky. [1]

Ken McMullen, in his film Zina, suggests that the relationship between Volkova and her father Trotsky mirrors the Greek tragedy of Antigone. This idea was first substantially developed by the noted historian Isaac Deutscher in his 1963 book on Trotsky. [2] Descendants

Zinaida's daughter Alexandra (born 1923) remained in the USSR and lived for a year with her father, Zakhar Moglin. After Moglin was exiled in 1932, she was cared for by her maternal grandmother, Alexandra Sokolovskaya. The latter was exiled in 1935 during the Great Purges and died in the labor camps. Finally, as an adult, Alexandra was also exiled, to Kazakhstan. She survived, returning to Moscow after Stalin's death. She died of cancer in 1989.

After Zinaida's death, her son, Vsevolod Volkov (born 1926), first lived with his grandfather Trotsky in Turkey. He was next cared for by his half-uncle, Lev Sedov (Trotsky's son by his second wife) in Germany, Austria and finally Paris. After Sedov died in 1938, his girlfriend wanted to keep the 12-year-old boy Vesevolod. Trotsky sued for custody and won the case, but Sedov's girlfriend took Vsevolod into hiding.

Director's Page. Nora D. Volkow, M.D., became Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) in May 2003. Dr. Volkow's work has been instrumental in demonstrating that drug addiction is a disease of the human brain. As a research psychiatrist and scientist, she has pioneered the use of brain imaging to investigate the toxic effects ...


Fixing and documenting is very important for an arrest warrant 🚔 and investigation. 









It seems to our Editorial Board that all this will pull in court for life imprisonment for criminals or even the death penalty. 


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