THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN of 🤴 Open for publication to the world 2 Part .

THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN of 🤴 Open for publication to the world 2 Part .

Sᴩᴇᴄiᴀl Fᴏldᴇr ᴏf ᴛhᴇ 📁 Сhᴇᴋisᴛ 

             Оᴩᴇn Рᴀrᴛ 2

The Committee of 300 is an absolutely Secret Society, consisting of representatives of the UNTOUCHABLE class (Exempt from Responsibility! for any Crime!, for any Genocide!), which include the Queen of England (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, - Windsors), the Queen of the Netherlands (Oranges), the Queen of Denmark (Oldenburg dynasty) and the royal families of Europe. <...> 

The inner circle of the Committee of 300 consists of the knights of the "Order of the Garter", a circle of the most corrupt public figures ... <...> 

Take, for example, Lord Halifax, the former British ambassador in Washington, the man who passed the orders of the Committee of 300 to our (American) government during World War II. Halifax's son Charles Wood married Miss Primrose, a blood relative of Lord Rothschild. Behind names such as Lord Swaythling hides the name of Montagu, the bank of England's director, confidant and adviser to Queen Elizabeth II, the controlling shareholder of the Shell Oil Company. They are all members of the Committee of 300. Some old barriers have already been broken. The title today is not the only criterion for admission to the Club of Rome. <...>

Members of the Committee include the old families of the European Black Nobility, the American Eastern Liberal Establishment (in the hierarchy of Freemasonry and the Order of Skull and Bone), the Illuminati, or as they are known from the MORIAH CONQUERING WIND, the Mumma Group, The National Council of Churches, The World Counsil of Churches, The Circle of Initiates, The Nine Unknown Men, The Lucus Trust, Jesuit Liberation Teologists, The Circle of Initiates, the Nine Unknown Men, the Lucus Trust, Jesuit Liberation Teologists, The Order of the Elders of Zion. The Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the Unated Nations (U.N.), the Central, the British Quator Coronati, the Italian P2 Masonry (especially its members, members of the Vatican hierarchy), the Central Intelligence Agency, the elected staff of the Tavistock Institute, various members of the leading funds and insurance companies named in the lists below, the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC), the Milner Group – Round Table, the Cini Foundation, the German Marshasll Fund, the Ditchley Foundation, NATO, the Club of Rome, the Green Movements( Environmentalists), the Order of St. John the Baptist. The Order of St. John of Jerusalem, One World Government Church, Socialist International, Black Order, Thule Society, Anenherbe-Rosicrucianists, The Great Superior Ones, and literally HUNDREDS of other organizations.

What do we see? A fragile association of people with strange ideas? Of course not. The Committee of 300, which has a history of 150 years, contains some of the brightest intellects gathered together to create a completely totalitarian and completely controlled "new" society – in fact, this society is not new, all its ideas are drawn from diabolical cults ... 

- (N.I. Senchenko - "The Venetian black aristocracy on the way to world domination." - Chapter 3 Web of latent societies of the "black aristocracy").

TENS OF TRILLIONS OF $$ in London!?? (see S.P. Shashurin). There in London settled and other protégés of beria-Andropovskaya part of the KGB: Friedman, Aven, Abramovich, Deripaska (friends of Nathan Rothschild - son of Jacob, and grandson of Victor Rothschild - friend of Arnold Toynbee - curator of all British Special Services during the 2nd world war! - remember the Minister of Finance of the 3rd Reich (see Auschwitz) Montague Norman and the current "righteous" of the peoples of the world (according to the Kremlin sect Chabad) chief of Hitler's Abwehr V. Canaris!), Berezovsky, Dudayev and the entire Lazan Mafia (a joint brainchild of the KGB (curator D.M. Gvishiani - the son of the same KGB general (deputy L. Beria - worked for the Rothschilds) - who burned live more than 700 people in Khaibakh in 1944), and the British MI-6, - under the supervision of Lord Solomon Zuckerman)...!?? - (see E. Khodos - "Jewish Syndrome-2", Ch. 14; + A.P. Shevyakin - "KGB against the USSR", O. Grechenevsky, A.I. Fursov, O.A. Platonov - "Russia under the rule of the Criminal-Cosmopolitan regime").

All as one, the oligarchs are the Andropov Project "Red Star". (see Professor O. Soskin). 

At the same time, it has long been known that all these "people" are direct protégés of the Bloody Organization itself, which created the Miracle Machine of Mass Political Murders of the Gulag, the KGB ... !!! (see A.V. Ostrovsky, I.Y. Froyanov, V.V. Kozhinov). 

- Everything is simple - The Yeltsin-Berezovsky family (in a secret conspiracy with the Lazan Mafia and Dudayev) subjected Us to GENOCIDE - 2 times bombed and burned the city of Grozny - by direct Order of their Masters from the London City ... - who, then, all of them were NOT only completely covered from Criminal Prosecution, but still "protect" any of their Criminals: contract killings and the billions and trillions of dollars they washed in their offshore banks!

- Boris Yeltsin - from the same stable MI-6 - SIS. - (John Coleman. - "Committee of 300").

__ Both Communism and Liberalism are the Two Strands of Satanism. 

- If earlier Freemasonry Controlled Power, now Freemasonry Has Become Power Itself. - The structure of Freemasonry - led by the Council of 33 - is primarily the World Church of Lucifer. (see The Empire of Satan). - (S.A. Sall - "Plans of the Black Aristocracy about Russia and Humanity"). 

- Yeltsin B.N., as you know, was both a Communist and a Liberal - like his Family brothers (one office each - the KGB) - P.S. Grachev, E.T. Gaidar, D.M. Dudayev, M.S. Gorbachev, V.A. Kryuchkov ... etc. - (although the American politician Lyndon LaRouche points out another THEIR common office - MI-6. And he is not alone in his opinion - Professor J. Coleman also points this out! Like the St. Petersburg historian A.V. Ostrovsky!).

- (A.I. Fursov, on the contrary, believes that Freemasonry played its main role in the XVIII-th century, and in the middle of the XIX-th century descended from the large political arena to the background).

__ In their alliance with the "Bavarian Illuminati", the Rothschilds represented the financial power that supported Zionism and subsequently Communism, they organized and financed many revolutions and wars. — (N.Bogolyubov - "Secret societies of the XX century").

__ In the World (and since the time of the prophet Noah (about 13 thousand years), and especially the last 2.5 thousand years) there is NOT only the Battle of Civilizations, but also the Struggle of the Egregors: the Masonic Cult of the Supreme Liberal-Materialistic Consciousness against the Dogmas and Commandments! The Spiritual Teachings of Christ and the prophets: Mohammad and Moses... 

- And it seems that all this is happening within the framework of the Global Management Concept - judging by the Realities of the Global Historical Process - the chronology of the movement of complex Empirical Dynamic CYSthemes. - (confrontation between the Temple of Amun (Thebes) and the Temple of Aten (Memphis) - just as historical fact! As well as the fact that Judea was then a province of Egypt). 

Boris Yeltsin uses the Committee of 300 decrees to experiment with Imposing the Committee's will on Russia. - (John Coleman - "The Committee of 300").

 - The SUCCESSOR Continues the same line! ... and the West Falsely - more than 18 years ago - promises to publish all secret Accounts in THEIR banks ... (and always under the next "elections"), and to close its SWIFT (Belgian private cooperative 4 clans) in the Russian Federation - what should they do, for now, they will NOT ... And how then to take out the stolen money ..! ?? - MAFIA - hand washes hand - already 30 years ago.

 __ The so-called "sanctions" of the West, this is the 1st - for Simpletons; - 2nd - to Create an Alibi for yourself. (In the West, NOT Spirituality and the Commandments of the Prophets, but Jurisprudence!). - Those, whose names are in These Lists, absolutely calmly have a Base in Western countries - both material and political, and other "residence permits" ... - in case of force majeure in Russia. And this is a Fact. - So, before the next "elections" in the Russian Federation, there was an event Impossible from the point of view of the "sanctions" promised by the West - at once three main EREF security officers (Naryshkin, Bortnikov, Korobov), at the same time, bypassing the well-known "ban", arrived in the den " his enemy "- to that very (controlled by the same Kremlin sect, Chabad!) State Department - with a rather strange, from all points of view, visit ... And they were received! - On January 27-28, 2018, the most status (!) And representative meeting of the leaders of the American and Russian special services took place in Washington (!). Pompeo received the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation Sergei Naryshkin, the director of the Federal Security Service Alexander Bortnikov and the head of the Russian military intelligence Igor Korobov ...

 __ “Disraeli admitted that everyone was inferior to him (Sidonia Rothschild), turned to him with requests, listened to him and obeyed. What is the secret of his influence? " - Disraeli asks in his work "Koningsby" on page 258 and here he reveals the fact that almost all wars and revolutions (since 1770) were financed by the same Sidonia Rothschild (pp. 218-19). ___

 __ "If he wished, Rothschild could become king of France." (Mazzini, July 27, 1844 The Birth of a New Italy, p. 62, Jessie White Mario). - (from the book of AI Cherep-Spiridovich - "The Hidden Hand. The Cry of the Soul of the Tsar's General").

 __ The entire World Monetary and Financial SIStheme - in the form in which it exists - is in the process of decay. The direct detonator of which will be the Federal Reserve System (FRS).

 In a broader context, it is the BRITISH SIStheme, or ALPHA-GROUP (the owners of BRICS), which actually controls, directly or indirectly, 70% of the world's banking business!

 - (Here is the Answer to the Question in WHOSE Banks have been laundering and keeping their own for 30 years (stolen in Russia, i.e. from Us! - see S.P.Shashurin, V.M.Simchera, V.Yu. Katasonov) Billions and Trillions of $$ generals of the KGB, GRU and all the Kremlin Officials - and other MarkSISt-Chekists from the Beria-Andropov part of the KGB!

 - (Appeal of the American economist Lyndon LaRouche to the participants of the Ukrainian "Student Republic-2010". Video dated August 13, 2010.).

 __ The Inter-Alpha Group of Banks:

 AIB Group, Ireland.

 Novo Banco, Portugal.

 Commerzbank, Germany. - (It absorbed Dresdner Bank, and Deutsche Bank - see S.P.Shashurin, S. Demura - in which from 1991 to 2019 money is laundered from stolen Chechen oil!).

 ING Group, Netherlands.

 Intesa Sanpaolo, Italy.

 KBC Bank, Belgium.

 Nordea, Denmark, Finland and Sweden.

 National Bank of Greece, Greece.

 Royal Bank of Scotland Group, UK. (Williams & Glyn's Bank was one of the original founding members but its membership was later taken over by The Royal Bank of Scotland).

 Santander, Spain. - (It contains 73 Trillion (code 810) - i.e. more than 110 Trillion $$ - money withdrawn from the accounts of the State Bank of the USSR - 48% of which (out of 73 trillion) - 35 trillion withdrawn to the West through the State Bank of Grozny in 1991-1992 - Then the ordered war and the prepared bombing of the branches of the State Bank of Grozny with incendiary bombs Written off the entire VEK scam. March 2019).

 Societe Generale, France.

 - (; + M.T.'s comments).

 __ - "In total, only through ASER" Tan ", according to 268,000 payment documents, Russian assets worth 73 trillion US dollars (!), Which are stored in the Spanish bank" Santander "(!) Russia and is kept abroad in the amount of US $ 116 trillion. (!) ". - (see: Information on the plundering of Russia. Working group on combating corruption in the highest echelons of power under the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Central office "UNION ANTITERROR").

The main Institution that emerges after any Bourgeois Revolution is the Central Bank (CB). And this is not accidental! - Rothschild said: Let Me Print Money, and I don't care Who and What Laws write! 

— On the 1st Place and 1st Power is the Central Bank! - Not the President or the Government. 

- The main Fruit of the English Bourgeois Revolution of 1640-1689 is the Central Bank of England - which appeared in 1694 - The same Result and the French "Revolution" of 1789 - the Central Bank of France - in 1800. 

- The same result in Japan - the so-called "revolution" of Meiji (1868-1889) - in 1884 appears the Central Bank of Japan! 

- The Central State Bank of Russia also appeared as a result of the "Unofficial Bourgeois Revolution" of the time of Alexander II - 1860. 

<...> ... even before its Union with the bourgeoisie, the "Celtic" -Khazar "black aristocracy" - "black" not so much in the modern moral as in the medieval Hermetic sense, had its centers in Europe in Venice and Amsterdam, gave birth in the XI and XII centuries. a number of noble and royal families, in particular Saint-Clair (Sinclair), Medici, Sachsen - the ancestors of such dynasties as Coburg, Orange, Glucksburg (Danish) and Hanover. Today's banking families, such as the Du Ponts, Rockefellers, the same Rothschilds, Warburgs, Agnelli and many others - both considered Jewish and not considered - come from the same nest. The "Babylonian brotherhood", as David Icke calls it (it is better to speak of the "Babylonian circle"), also included the Phoenicians (as you know, this is originally a Venedian, but strongly Semitized people. - V.K.), who inhabited Scotland long before Christmas Christ. By the reign of David I and Malcolm IV (1124-1165) aristocratic families of Stuarts, Setons, Hamiltons, Montgomeries, etc; all - "people from Sumer, Babylon, Asia Minor and the Caucasus). <...> The current British Royal family, the Windsors, carries the blood of Robert the Bruce, the Scottish, Irish and Welsh elites, as well as some, as David Icke calls them, "reptilian" families of Germany. "

 - (V. Karpets - "Winds against Rurikovich", collection of scientific papers "De Aenigmate" (On the Secret).).

 __ Once again about the Super-Society of Western Civilization. - This is NOT just a Group of people. There is a huge number of Institutions, Commissions, Organizations that dominate the management system, they employ more than 100 million people. - (150-200 million people - for 2019). - The American president does NOT undertake anything without the sanctions of any kind of Informal Commissions, Institutions that, by the way, deal with the problems of World Intelligence, the creation of the Fifth Columns, etc.

 The SuperSociety is a Superstructure over the entire Western World, everyone is included in it, but people occupy different places in it. The Western world is Globalizing, i.e. turns into a single whole. This Global Super-Society strives for World Domination. Take, for example, the Banking System - it is It that Provides, in my opinion, Monetary Totalitarianism in the World.

 - (From the conversation of the correspondent I. Shcheglova ("Economic and Philosophical Gazette") with the well-known sociologist and philosopher AA Zinoviev).

 __ Former and current Committee of 300 institutions and organizations, as well as those directly under its influence:

 Academy for Contemporary Problems

 Africa Fund

 Agency of International Development

 Albert Previn Foundation

 Alliance Israelite Universalle

 American Civil Liberties Union

 American Council of Race Relations

 American Defense Society

 American Press Institute

 American Protective League

 Anti-Defamation League

 Arab Bureau

 Arab Higher Committee

 ARCA Foundation

 Armor Research Foundation

 Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus

 Arthur D. Little, Inc. (Arthur D. Little Inc.)

 Asian Research Institute

 Aspen Institute

 Association for Humanistic Psychology

 Augmentation Research Center

 Baron De Hirsh Fund

 Battelle Memorial Institute

 Berger National Foundation

 Berlin Center for Future Research


 Black Order

 Boycott Japanese Goods Conference

 British Newfoundland Corporation

 British Royal Society

 Brotherhood of Cooperative Commonwealth

 Bureau of International Revolutionary Propaganda

 Canadian Jewish Congress

 Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York (Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York)

 Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences

 Center for Constitutional Rights

 Center for Cuban Studies

 Center for Democratic Institutions

 Center for International Policy

 Center for the Study of Responsive Law

 Christian Socialist League

 Cini Foundation

 Club of Rome

 Cominform ("Cominform")

 Committee for the Next Thirty Years

 Committee of Fourteen

 Committee on National Morale

 Committee to Frame A World Constitution

 Communist League

 Congress of industrial Organizations

 Council on Foreign Relations

 David Sassoon Company

 De Beers Consolidated Mines

 Democratic League of Brussels

 East India Committee of 300

 Economic and Social Control (ECOSOC)

 Environmental Fund

 Environmetrics Inc (Environmetrics)

 Esalen Institute

 Fabian Society

 Federation of American Zionists

 Fellowship for a Christian Social Order

 Fellowship of Reconciliation

 Ford Foundation

 Fordham University Institution Educational Research

 Foundation for National Progress

 Garland Fund

 German Marshall Fund

 Governing Body of the Israelite Religious Community

 Gulf South Research Institute

 Haganah ("Haganah")

 Harvard University (Harvard University)

 Hells Fire Club

 Horace Mann League

 Hudson Guild

 Hudson Institute

 Hudson Bay Company

 Imperial College University of London

 Industrial Christian Fellowship

 Institute for Brain Research

 Institute for Pacific Relations

 Institute for Policy Studies

 Institute for Social Research

 Institute for the Future

 Institute for World Order

 Institute on Drugs, Crime and Justice


 Inter-American Social Development Institute

 International Institute for Strategic Studies

 Interreligious Peace Colloquium

 Irgun ("Irgun")

 Knights of Malta ("Knights of Malta" - "Order of Malta")

 League of Nations

 Logistics Management Institute

 London Board of Deputies of British Jews

 London School of Economics ("London School of Economics")

 Mary Carter Paint Company

 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

 Mellon Institute

 Metaphysical Society

 Milner Group

 Mocatto Metals

 Mont Pelerin Society


 National Action Research on Military / Industrial Complex

 National Center for Productivity Institute

 National Council of Churches

 National Opinion Research Center

 National Training Laboratories

 New Democratic Coalition

 New World Foundation

 New York Rand Institute


 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

 Odd Fellows

 Order of St. John of Jerusalem ("Order of St. John of Jerusalem")

 Order of The Golden Dawn


 Oxford Univac

 Pacific Studies Center

 Palisades Foundation

 Peninsula and Orient Navigation Company

 PERMINDEX ("Permindeks")

 Princeton University

 Rand Corporation

 Rand School of Social Sciences

 Research Triangle Institution (Research Triangle Research Institute)

 Rhodes Scholarship Committee

 Rio Tinto Zinc Company

 Riverside Church Disarmament Program

 Round Table

 Royal Institute for International Affairs

 Russell Sage Foundation

 San Francisco Foundation

 Sharps Pixley Ward

 Social Science Research Council

 Socialist International

 Socialist Party of the United States

 Society for Promotion of Study of Religions

 Society of Heaven (TRIADS)

 Soviet State Committee for Science and Technology

 Stanford Research Institute

 Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

 Sun Yat Sen Society

 Systems Development Corporation

 Tavistock Institute of Human Relations

 Tempo Corporation

 The High Twelve International

 The Public Agenda Foundation

 The Quality of Life Institute

 Theosophist Society

 Thule Society

 Transatlantic Council

 Trilateral Commission

 U.S. Association of the Club of Rome

 U.S. Institute for Peace

 Union of Concerned Scientists


 University of Pennsylvania Wharton School ("Wharton School" at the University of Pennsylvania)

 Warburg, James P. and Family (Warburg, James P. and Family)

 Western Training Laboratories

 Wilton Park

 Women's Christian Temperance Union

 Wong Hong Hon Company

 Work in America Institute

 World Council of Churches

 - Special funds and interest groups:

 Arab Bureau

 Aristotelian Society

 Asian Research Institute

 Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation

 British American Canadian Corporation

 Brotherhood of Eternal Love

 Cambridge Apostles

 Canadian Histadrut Campaign

 Canadian Pacific Ltd. ("Canadian Pacific Ltd".)

 Caribbean-Central American Action Group

 China Everbright Holdings Ltd. (China Everbright Holdings Ltd.)

 Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs

 Council of South America

 Endangered Peoples' Society

 English Property Corporation Ltd. ("English Property Corporation Ltd." - "English Real Estate Corporation")

 Hospice Inc. ("Hospice Inc." - "Shelter")

 International Brotherhood of Teamsters

 International Red Cross

 Jerusalem Foundation, Canada

 Kissinger Associates

 Kowloon Chamber of Commerce

 Organization of American States

 Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee

 Radio Corporation of America (RCA)

 Royal Police of Hong Kong

 Young Men Christian Association (YMCA)

 - Banks:

 American Express Bank

 Banca de la Svizzera d'Italia ("Banca de la Svizzera de Italy")

 Banca Andioino

 Banca d'America d'Italia ("Banca de America de Italy")

 Banca Nazionale del Lavoro

 Banca Privata

 Banco Ambrosiano

 Banco Caribe

 Banco Commercial Mexicana

 Banco Consolidato

 Banco d'Espana ("Banco de Espana" - "Bank of Spain")

 Banco de Colombia ("Banco de Colombia" - "Bank of Colombia")

 Banco de Commercio

 Banco de Iberio-America

 Banco de la Nacion

 Banco del Estada

 Banco Internacional

 Banco Latino

 Banco Mercantile de Mexico

 Banco Nacional de Cuba

 Banco Nacional de Panama ("Banco national de Panama") and another 54 small Panamanian banks ... - (Putin's friend Roldugin!) ...

 Bangkok Commercial d'Italian

 Bangkok Metropolitan Bank ("Bangkok Metropolitan Bank")

 Bank al Meshreq

 Bank America ("Bank America")

 Bank for International Settlements

 Bank Hapoalim

 Bank Leu

 Bank Leumi

 Bank of Bangkok

 Bank of Boston

 Bank of Canada ("Bank of Canada")

 Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) ("Bank of Credit and Commerce International" - "Bank for International Credit and Commerce")

 Bank of East Asia ("Bank of East Asia" - "Bank of East Asia")

 Bank of England

 Bank of Escambia

 Bank of Geneva

 Bank of Ireland ("Bank of Ireland" - "Bank of Ireland")

 Bank of London and Mexico

 Bank of Montreal

 Bank of Norfolk

 Bank of Nova Scotia

 Bank Ohio

 Banque Bruxelles-Lambert

 Banque Commerciale Arabes

 Banque du Credit International

 Banque de Paris et Pays-Bas ("Bank de paris e pays-ba" - "Bank of Paris and the Netherlands")

 Banque Francais et Italienn por l'Amerique du Sud

 Banque Louis Dreyfus e Paris

 Banque Privee

 Banques Sud Ameris

 Barclays Bank

 Baring Brothers Bank

 Barnett Banks

 Baseler Handeslbank

 Basel Committee on Bank Supervision

 BCCI (see above)

 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

 Centrust Bank

 Chartered Bank

 Charterhouse Japhet Bank

 Chase Manhattan Bank

 Chemical Bank ("Chemical Bank" - merged with "Chase Manhattan Bank")


 Citizens and Southern Bank of Atlanta

 City National Bank of Miami

 Claridon Bank

 Cleveland National City Bank

 Corporate Bank and Trust Company

 Credit and Commerce American Holdings

 Credit and Commerce Holdings, Netherlands Antilles

 Credit Suisse ("Credit Suisse" - "Swiss Credit")

 Crocker National Bank

 De'Neuflize, Schlumberger, Mallet Bank ("De Neuflitz, Schlumberger, Mallet Bank")

 Dresdener Bank ("Dresdner Bank") = (Friends of Putin)

 Dusseldorf Global Bank ("Dusseldorf Global Bank")

 First American Bank of Georgia

 First American Bank of New York

 First American Bank of Pensacola

 First American Bank of Virginia

 First American Banking Corp. ("First American Banking Corporation")

 First Empire Bank

 First Fidelity Bank

 First National Bank of Boston

 First National City Bank

 Florida National Bank

 Foreign Trade Bank ("Foreign Trade Bank" - "Bank for Foreign Trade")

 Franklin National Bank

 Hambros Bank

 Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC)

 Independence Bank of Encino

 Israeli Discount Bank

 Litex Bank ("Litex Bank")

 Ljubljanska Bank ("Ljubljanska Bank")

 Lloyds Bank ("Lloyds Bank")

 Marine Midland Bank

 Midland Bank

 Morgan Bank

 Morgan Et Cie ("Morgan and Company")

 Morgan Grenfell Bank

 Moscow Narodny Bank, London ("Moscow Narodny Bank", London - The largest bank in the USSR - operates under the "roof" of the KGB and MI-6)

 National Bank of Cleveland

 National Bank of Florida

 National Westminister Bank

 Orion Bank

 Paravicini Bank Ltd. ("Paravicini Bank Ltd.")

 Republic National Bank of New York (recently acquired by Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC))

 Royal Bank of Canada

 Schroeder Bank ("Schroeder Bank") - (personal friend of Putin - see ROSNEFT).

 Seligman Bank

 Shanghai Commercial Bank

 Soong Bank

 Standard and Chartered Bank

 Standard Bank ("Standard Bank")

 Swiss Bank Corporation ("Swiss Bank Corporation")

 Swiss Israel Trade Bank ("Swiss Israel Trade Bank" - "Swiss-Israeli Trade Bank")

 Trade Development Bank ("Trade Development Bank" - "Trade Development Bank")

 Unibank ("Unibank")

 Union Bank of Israel

 Union Bank of Switzerland

 Vanying Bank

 White Weld Bank

 World Bank

 World Commerce Bank of Nassau

 World Trade Bank

 Wozchod Handelsbank

 - Note:

 With the exception of the Basel Banking Committee, each of the aforementioned banks was, and may still be, involved in the drug, diamond, gold and arms trade.

 - Legal associations and firms:

 American Bar Association

 Clifford and Warnke

 Coudert Brothers

 Cravaith, Swain and Moore

 Wilkie, Farr and Gallagher

 - Accountants / auditors:

 Price Waterhouse

 - Tavistock institutions in the United States:

 FLOW LABORATORIES - Receive contracts from the National Institutes of Health.

 MERLE THOMAS CORPORATION - Receives contracts from the US Navy; analyzes data transmitted by satellites.

 WALDEN RESEARCH ("Walden Research", research - research, transl.) - Works in the field of environmental pollution control.

 PLANNING RESEARCH CORPORATION, ARTHUR D. LITTLE (Arthur D. Little), GE TEMPO (G. I. Tempo), OPERATIONS RESEARCH INC ... (Operations Research Inc.) - This is part of an estimated 350 companies that conduct research, review, and recommend to government.

 BROOKINGS INSTITUTION - Dedicates its work to what is called the "National Agenda". Drafted President Hoover's program, President Roosevelt's New Deal, the Kennedy administration's New Frontiers program (deviating from it cost John F. Kennedy's life), and President Johnson's Great Society. “For the past 70 years, the Brookings Institution, on behalf of the Committee of 300, has largely shaped the policy of the United States government.


NATIONAL TRAINING LABORATORIES - NTL is also known as the International Institute for Applied Human Behavior Sciences. This institute is a veritable brainwashing center based on the principles of Kurt Lewin.

 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, WHARTON SCHOOL OF FINANCE COMMERCE ("Wharton School of Finance and Commerce" at the University of Pennsylvania. Founded by Eric Trist and one of Tavistock's brain trusts, Wharton School has become one of the most important Tavistock institutions in the US in the field of " behavioral research "(research in the field of human behavior).

 INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH. “This institute was founded by the Tavistock brain trust Rensis Likert, Dorwin Cartwright and Ronald Lippert. His works include Human Understanding of Social Change, Youth in Transition, and How Americans Perceive Their Mental Health. The institute's clients include the Ford Foundation, the US Department of Defense, the US Postal Service and the US Department of Justice.

 INSTITUTE FOR THE FUTURE - This is not your typical Tavistock institution as it is funded by the Ford Foundation, but it draws its long-term forecasting methodology from the mother of all brain trusts. The Institute for the Future predicts the changes that it believes will occur within a fifty-year time frame. The institution is supposed to be able to predict socio-economic trends and sound the alarm about any deviation from what it defines as normal.

 INSTITUTE FOR POLICY STUDIES (IPS) - Part of the Big Three, the IPI has been shaping and changing the foreign and domestic policy of the United States since its inception. It was founded by organizations under the control of James P. Warburg and Rothschild in the United States, supported by Bertrand Russell and the British Socialists through their networks of agents in America, which includes the "Industrial Democracy League" in which Leonard Woodcock played leading behind-the-scenes role.

 STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE (SRI) - Jesse Hobson, the first president of the Stanford Research Institute, explained in a speech in 1952 which direction the institute should follow. "diamonds" in the Tavistock Crown in governing the United States - Among the corporations using Stanford's services were Wells Fargo Bank, Bechtel Corporation, Hewlett Packard, Bank of America, McDonnell Douglas, Blyth, Eastman Dillon and TRW. using chemical and bacteriological weapons.

 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ALFRED P. SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT - This flagship institute is not usually seen as part of the US Tavistock system. Most people consider it a purely American institution, but this is far from the case. MIT - "Alfred Sloan" can be roughly classified into the following groups:

 Modern technology

 Industrial relationships

 Group psychology based on Lewin's principles

 NASA-ERC Computer Science Laboratories

 Naval Research Group, Psychology

 Dynamical systems.

 Commissioned by the Club of Rome, Forrestor and Meadows wrote The Limits to Growth study.

 The list of MIT clients includes the following organizations:

 American Management Association

 American Red Cross

 Committee for Economic Development


 Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA)


 National Academy of Sciences

 National Council of Churches



 U.S. Army

 U.S. Department of State

 U.S. Navy

 U.S. Treasury (US Department of the Treasury)

 Volkswagen Company (Volkswagen company)

 The range of activities of the Institute for Defense Analysis is so wide that it would take hundreds of pages to describe the problems with which it is engaged. The Institute for Defense Analysis is fully described in my book on the role that institutions and foundations play in betraying the interests of the United States of America. This book will be published in early 1992.

 RAND RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION - The RAND is undoubtedly the most valuable brain reservoir in the Tavistock collection, and perhaps the most prestigious RIIA institution in control over United States policy at all levels. RAND's areas of interest include: the ICBM program, primary analysis for shaping the US foreign policy concept, space program initiatives, US nuclear policy, corporate analysis, hundreds of different military projects, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in connection with the use of drugs that alter the state of consciousness, such as peyote, LSD (covert operation "MK-Ultra", which has been going on for 20 years).

 Here are some of RAND's clients:

 American Telephone and Telegraph Company (ATT)

 Chase Manhattan Bank

 International Business Machines (IBM)

 National Science Foundation

 Republican Party


 U.S. Air Force (United States Air Force)

 U.S. Department of Health

 U.S. Department of Energy

 - Former and current members of the COMMITTEE of 300:

 Abergavemy, Marquis of - Abergavemy, Marquis

 Acheson, Dean - Acheson Dean

 Adeane, Lord Michael - Adeane, Lord Michael

 Agnelli, Giovanni - Agnelli Giovanni

 Alba, Duke of - Alba, Duke

 Aldington, Lord - Aldington, Lord

 Aleman, Miguel - Aleman Miguel

 Allihone, Professor T. E. - Allihone T.E., professor

 Alsop Family Designate - Alsop, family representative

 Amory, Houghton - Amory Houghton

 Anderson, Charles A. - Andersen Charles

 Anderson, Robert O. - Anderson, Robert O.

 Andreas, Dwayne - Andreas Dwayne

 Asquith, Lord - Asquith, lord

 Astor, John Jacob and successor, Waldorf - Astor John Jacob and successor Waldorf

 Aurangzeb, Descendants of - Aurangzeb and his descendants

 Austin, Paul - Austin Paul

 Baco, Sir Randulph Balfour, Arthur - Baco, Sir Randalph Balfour, Arthur

 Balogh, Lord - Balo, lord

 Bancroft, Baron Stormont - Bancroft, Baron Stormont

 Baring - Baring

 Barnato, B. - Barnato B.

 Barran, Sir John - Barran, Sir John

 Baxendell, Sir Peter - Baxendell, Sir Peter

 Beatrice of Savoy, Princess - Beatrice of Savoy, princess

 Beaverbrook, Lord - Beaverbrook, Lord

 Beck, Robert - Beck Robert

 Beeley, Sir Harold - Beeley, Sir Harold

 Beit, Alfred - Beit Alfred

 Benn, Anthony Wedgewood - Benn Anthony Wedgewood

 Bennet, John W. - Bennett, John W.

 Benneton, Gilberto or alternate Carlo - Benneton Gilberto or Carlo

 Bertie, Andrew - Bertie Andrew

 Besant, Sir Walter - Besant, Sir Walter

 Bethal, Lord Nicholas - Bethal, Lord Nicholas

 Bialkin, David - Bialkin David

 Biao, Keng - Biao Keng

 Bingham, William - Bingham William

 Binny, J. F. - Binny J. F.

 Blunt, Wilfred - Blunt Wilfred

 Bonacassi, Franco Orsini - Bonacassi Franco Orsini

 Bottcher, Fritz - Bottcher Fritz

 Bradshaw, Thornton - Bradshaw Thornton

 Brandt, Willy - Brandt Willy

 Brewster, Kingman - Brewster Kingman

 Buchan, Alastair - Buchan Alastair

 Buffet, Warren - Buffett Warren

 Bullitt, William C. - Bullitt William C.

 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward - Bulwer-Lytton Edward

 Bundy, McGeorge - Bundy McGeorge (friend of D. Gvishiani (advisor to Y. Andropov) and Lord S. Zuckerman (Rothschild cluster) - founders of IIASA-1972).

 Bundy, William - Bundy William

 Bush, George - George Bush

 Cabot, John. Family Designate - Cabot John, Family Representative

 Caccia, Baron Harold Anthony - Baron Caccia Harold Anthony

 Cadman, Sir John - Sir Cadman John

 Califano, Joseph - Califano Joseph

 Carrington, Lord - Lord Carrington (in 2000 he introduced the successor to the Yeltsin-Berezovsky Family - the newly-made Vladimir Putin to the whole world. He was also at the Bilderberg meeting in 1998 - where this successor was approved ...).

 Carter, Edward - Carter Edward

 Catlin, Donat - Catlin Donat

 Catto, Lord - Lord Catto

 Cavendish, Victor C. W. Duke of Devonshire - Cavendish Victor, Duke of Devonshire

 Chamberlain, Houston Stewart - Chamberlain Houston Stewart

 Chang, V. F. - Chang V. F.

 Chechirin, Georgi or Family Designate - Georgy Chechirin or family representative

 Churchill, Winston - Winston Churchill

 Cicireni, V. or Family Designate - Chichireni V. or family representative

 Cini, Count Vittorio - Count Cini Vittorio

 Clark, Howard - Clark Howard

 Cleveland, Amory - Cleveland Emory

 Cleveland, Harland - Cleveland Harland

 Clifford, Clark - Clifford Clark

 Cobold, Lord - Lord Kobold

 Coffin, the Rev William Sloane - Coffin, the Rev William Sloane

 Constanti, House of Orange - Constanti, House of Orange

 Cooper, John. Family Designate - Cooper John, Family Representative

 Coudenhove-Kalergi, Count - Earl of Coudenhove-Kalergi

 Cowdray, Lord - Lord Cowdray

 Cox, Sir Percy - Sir Cox Percy

 Cromer, Lord Evelyn Baring - Lord Cromer Evelyn Baring

 Crowther, Sir Eric - Sir Crowther Eric

 Cumming, Sir Mansfield - Sir Cumming Mansfield

 Curtis, Lionel - Curtis Lionel

 d'Arcy, William K - D'Arcy William K.

 D'Avignon, Count Etienne - Count D'Avignon Etienne

 Danner, Jean Duroc - Danner Jean Duroc

 Davis, John W - Davis John W.

 de Benneditti, Carlo - De Benediti Carlo

 De Bruyne, Dirk - De Bruyne Dirk

 De Gunzberg, Baron Alain - Baron De Gunzberg Alan

 De Lamater, Major General Walter - Major General De Lamater Walter

 De Menil, Jean - De Menil Jean

 De Vries, Rimmer - De Vries Rimmer

 de Zulueta, Sir Philip - Sir De Zulueta Philip

de'Aremberg, Marquis Charles Louis - Marquis de Aremberg Charles Louis

 Delano. Family Designate - Delano, Family Representative

 Dent, R. - Dent R.

 Deterding, Sir Henri - Sir Deterding Henry

 di Spadaforas, Count Guitierez - Count Di Spadaforas Guitierez

 Drake, Sir Eric - Sir Drake Eric

 Duchene, Francois - Duchene Francois

 DuPont - DuPont

 Edward, Duke of Kent - Edward, Duke of Kent

 Eisenberg, Shaul - Eisenberg Shaul

 Elliott, Nicholas - Elliot Nicholas

 Elliott, William Yandel - Elliot William Yandel

 Elsworthy, Lord - Lord Elsworthy

 Farmer, Victor - Farmer Victor

 Forbes, John M. - Forbes John M.

 Foscaro, Pierre - Foscaro Pierre

 France, Sir Arnold - Sir France Arnold

 Fraser, Sir Hugh - Sir Fraser Hugh

 Frederik IX, King of Denmark Family Designate - Frederik IX, King of Denmark, representative of the family

 Freres, Lazard - the Lazar brothers - (one of them is Berl Lazar - the chief rabbi of the Kremlin and the KGB - as well as: Gorbachev-Kryuchkov + Yeltsin-Berezovsky-Gaidar-Dudaev + Putin-Voloshin-Chubais families ... etc. .).

 Frescobaldi, Lamberto - Frescobaldi Lamberto

 Friborg, Michael - Freiburg Michael

 Gabor, Dennis - Gabor Denise

 Gallatin, Albert. Family Designate - Albert Gallatin, Family Representative

 Gardner, Richard - Gardner Richard

 Geddes, Sir Auckland - Sir Geddes Auckland

 Geddes, Sir Reay - Sir Geddes Reay

 George, Lloyd - George Lloyd

 Giffen, James - Giffen James

 Gilmer, John D. - Gilmer, John D.

 Giustiniani, Justin - Justiniani Justin

 Gladstone, Lord - Lord Gladstone

 Gloucestor, The Duke of - Duke of Gloucester

 Gordon, Walter Lockhart - Gordon Walter Lockhart

 Grace, Peter J. - Grace Peter J.

 Greenhill, Lord Dennis Arthur - Lord Greenhill Denise Arthur

 Greenhill, Sir Dennis - Sir Greenhill Denise

 Gray, Sir Edward - Sir Gray Edward

 Gyllenhammar, Pierres - Guillenhammar Pierre

 Haakon, King of Norway - Haakon, King of Norway

 Haig, Sir Douglas - Sir Haig Douglas

 Hailsham, Lord - Lord Hailsham

 Haldane, Richard Burdone - Haldane Richard Burdone

 Halifax, Lord - Lord Halifax

 Hall, Sir Peter Vickers - Sir Hall Peter Vickers

 Hambro, Sir Jocelyn - Sir Hambro Jocelyn

 Hamilton, Cyril - Hamilton Cyril

 Harriman, Averill - Harriman Averell

 Hart, Sir Robert - Sir Hart Robert

 Hartman, Arthur H. - Hartman Arthur G.

 Healey, Dennis - Healey Dennis

 Helsby, Lord - Lord Helsby

 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

 Her Majesty Queen Juliana - Her Majesty Queen Juliana

 Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrix - Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrice (Orange).

 Her Royal Highness Queen Margreta - Her Royal Highness Queen Margreta

 Heseltine, Sir William - Sir Heseltine William

 Hesse, Grand Duke descendants, Family Designate - Hesse, Grand Duke and descendants, representative of the family (see Frederick II of Hesse-Kassel and Wilgelsband Convention of 1782)

 Hoffman, Paul G. - Hoffman Paul G.

 Holland, William - Holland William

 House of Braganza - House of Braganza

 House of Hohenzollern - House of Hohenzollern

 House, Colonel Mandel - Colonel House Mandel

 Howe, Sir Geoffrey - Sir Howe Jeffrey

 Inchcape, Lord - Lord Inchcape

 Jamieson, Ken - Jamieson Ken

 Japhet, Ernst Israel - Japhet Ernst Israel

 Jay, John. Family Designate - Jay John, Family Representative

 Keynes, John Maynard - Keynes John Maynard

 Jodry, J. J. - Jodry J. J.

 Joseph, Sir Keith - Sir Joseph Keith

 Katz Milton - Katz Milton

 Kaufman, Asher - Kaufman Asher

 Keith, Sir Kenneth - Sir Keith Kenneth

 Keswick, Sir William Johnston, or Keswick, H.N.L. - Sir Keswick William Johnston, or Keswick, H.N.L.

 Kimberly, Lord - Lord Kimberly

 King, Dr. Alexander - Dr. King Alexander

 Kirk, Grayson L. - Kirk Grayson L.

 Kissinger, Henry - Kissinger Henry

 Kitchener, Lord Horatio - Lord Kitchener Horatio

 Kohnstamm, Max - Konstamm Max

 Korsch, Karl - Korsch Karl

 Lambert, Baron Pierre - Baron Lambert Pierre

 Lawrence, G. - Lawrence J.

 Lazar - Lazar

 Lehrman, Lewis - Lerman Lewis

 Lever, Sir Harold - Sir Lever Harold

 Lewin, Dr. Kurt - Dr. Levin Kurt

 Lippmann, Walter - Lippmann Walter

 Livingstone, Robert R. Family Designate - Livingstone Robert R., Family Representative

 Lockhart, Bruce - Lockhart Bruce

 Lockhart, Gordon - Lockhart Gordon

 Linowitz, S. - Linowitz S.

 Loudon, Sir John - Sir Loudon John

 Luzzatto, Pieipaolo - Luzatti Pierpaolo

 M …. ***

  Continue reading in the third part of the criminal communist reading ⬇️

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