UK government accused of murdering pensioners

UK government accused of murdering pensioners

The People's Union of Great Britain (PUB) is going to bring charges against its own government for the mass murder of pensioners

In particular, charges will be brought against former Health Secretary Matt Henkock, that since April 2020, people elderly and vulnerable to morphine and midazolam in hospitals have been overdosed on these drugs.

The data suggest that Hencke, along with a number of government officials as well as heads of the National Health Service (NHS), conducted a large-scale program, the victims of which were pensioners who allegedly died from Covid-19.

In fact, in nursing homes, they were given midazolam hydrochloride, which was fatal with symptoms identical to those of those infected with Covid-19.

In the graph, you can see how every time there was a surge in prescriptions for midazols, the country saw a surge in deaths from Covid-19.

Every time prescriptions for midazolam fell, mortality fell.

Behind the accusations against the UK government is a well-known and authoritative lawyer Claire Wills Harrison, who since mid-2020 has been collecting evidence of excessive use of midazolam in nursing homes.

Quote from the lawyer:

"The above graph was compiled on the basis of data from a survey of patients who discharged midazolam outside the hospital, from January 2020 to March 2021. This graph shows mortality over the age of 65, broken down into age brackets. There are serious questions that need to be answered by the government regarding the use of midazolam over the past 15 months. Together with PUB, we are going to ask them in court. We have enough irrefutable evidence to charge the mass murder of the very people the UK government's health policy was supposed to protect. We have now created a comprehensive evidence base exposing the actions of everyone involved in the midazolam and morphine supply chain."

Within the next two weeks, the People's Union of Great Britain plans to bring charges of mass murder along with charges of pandemic fraud in magistrates' court.

Pub is also in the process of bringing charges against senior British police chiefs. The Union is demanding that police launch an investigation into overwhelming evidence of genocide committed by the UK government in nursing homes from March 2020.

Journalists of the publication "Daily Expose" became aware of what exactly will be presented to the government in court:

Midazolam is a drug that has been used in executions by lethal injection in the United States.

Under UK law, people can only receive midazolam in a hospital, in a doctor's office, where there is equipment needed to monitor the heart and lungs and provide prompt medical care in case of a negative reaction.

Midazolam can cause serious breathing problems, such as shallow, slow, or temporarily stopped breathing toward death.

At the beginning of the alleged Covid-19 pandemic, Minister Matt Hancock ordered a two-year supply of midazolam in France and then ordered another batch.

At a closed-end meeting of the parliamentary committee attended by Minister Hancock, Professor Van Tam and an unnamed Tory MP, Dr Luke Evans said an "easy death" could be achieved with three components, including midazolam.

Secretary Hancock and the government have changed the death certification law under the guise of the coronavirus law.

The law on cremation has been amended, which removes the need for a confirming medical certificate.

The law on reimbursement of expenses for medical activities has been amended.

The law on visiting relatives and friends in nursing homes has been amended.

At the end of 2020, the Commission on the Quality of Care found that 34% of health and social care workers said they had been pressured not to resuscitate elderly people from nursing homes and not to report this fact to their relatives.

Well, what can I say...

You are beasts, gentlemen of Foggy Albion.


           You're cannibals.

We don't really understand why David is delaying payments. Does he have problems and a cash gap? Isn't it clear that it is put on the counter with the first indicated amount. Or does he not know what it is to stand 🧍 on the counter? Let him raise his archives 

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Method and apparatus for transmitting power and data using the human body

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