The Absolute Cruelty of the Communist Parties

The Absolute Cruelty of the Communist Parties

Ϻɾ. Αηʈʝ-Ϝαʂϲʝʂʈ

Hundreds and hundreds of books are devoted to terror, sadism, and atrocities of communist regimes today. Published in Paris in December 1973, Alexander Solzhenitsyn's "Gulag Archipelago", which outnumbered the Western Communist Parties, was preceded by two monographs of famous physicists published in London: the book about Soviet concentration camps "Purge in Russia" by Friedrich Houtermans (co-authored with Konstantin Steppa), as well as Alexander Weisberg's monograph "The Witch's Sabbath. Russia is in the crucible of purges." 

Both of these books were published back in 1951. 

Perhaps the reader is familiar with the apocalyptic atrocities of communism in the USSR and much less in communist China, which set an absolute record for the destruction of its fellow citizens. We will mix the translation of several chapters from 2 volumes of "How the Ghost of Communism Rules Our World", written by Chinese authors.

1) Atrocities of the CPSU

The Gulag system that inspired Hitler to create concentration camps

On September 5, 1918, Lenin ordered the creation of the first Soviet concentration camp on the Solovetsky Islands with the aim of arresting, torturing and murdering political prisoners and dissidents who opposed the October coup and were enemies of Soviet power. These concentration camps were the precursors of the infamous Gulag of the Stalin era. Under the leadership of Joseph Stalin, the Gulag system grew to monstrous proportions when the CPSU intensified its political terror and carried out ever-increasing purges. By the time of Stalin's death in 1953, there were 170 Gulag administrations that included more than 30,000 separate camps scattered throughout the Soviet Union. They spread to all regions of the country, like an endless archipelago.

In his book The Gulag Archipelago, Alexander Solzhenitsyn listed 31 interrogation techniques under torture, from psychological torment to physical humiliation, which includes everything without any restrictions. The secret police often simultaneously used a lot of torture to exhaust the physical and mental strength of the victim and force them to confess to any crime [6].

People who were in the concentration camp suffered from a constant lack of food and clothing. Every day, even in severe frost, they performed exhausting physical work for 12-16 hours. The death toll was huge. Many people were imprisoned in camps with their families. In some families, the husband served his sentence, and the wife was sent into exile. Not even 80-year-old old men were spared. The composition of the convicts ranged from the high-ranking party elite, state leaders and senior commanders of the army to completely ordinary citizens from all walks of life, including believers, engineers, technicians, doctors, students, teachers, workers and peasants.

It is generally accepted that concentration camps were an invention of Nazi Germany, but in fact the concentration camps of Soviet Russia were models of similar forms of repression throughout the world, in both communist and non-communist regimes. Before World War II, Hitler sent Gestapo officers to Russia to learn from the experience gained by the Communists in building the Gulag.

According to incomplete statistics, between 1930 and 1940, more than half a million prisoners died in the Gulag system. In 1960, the Gulag system was abolished. In 2013, a Russian government website reported that more than 15 million people had been sentenced and imprisoned in Gulag prisons and labor camps, and more than 1.5 million had died before liberation.

Murder through artificially created mass starvation

Communist regimes also use hunger to kill people. In 1932-1933 in Ukraine there was a Holodomor. In this way, the CPSU committed ethnic cleansing and genocide of Ukrainians. The background of this event was the policy of collectivization of agriculture introduced by the CPSU in Ukraine, which met with resistance from local peasants. As a result, most of the peasants who succeeded in agriculture, the CPSU branded as "kulaks" and sent whole families into exile in Siberia and Central Asia. This led to the fact that agricultural production and grain production in Ukraine in 1932 fell sharply.

In the winter of 1932-1933 the Soviet government stopped food supply to Ukraine. The republic was surrounded by a police cordon along the perimeter, as a result of which no one could escape. At first, Ukrainians satisfied their hunger at the expense of stored vegetables and potatoes. However, the government of Soviet Russia sent there "detachments for the requisition of grain", which took away from each family all the stored vegetables and potatoes. Very soon, the peasants began one by one to die en masse of starvation. There were many cases of cannibalism. There were also cases when in winter peasants ate buried carcasses of cats, dogs and livestock. Peasants were forbidden to enter the cities for the purpose of searching for or buying food. A lot of people died on the rails and on the side of the railways.

After the Holodomor, more than a million Ukrainian teenagers lost their parents and became orphans. Street children had no choice but to go to the cities to beg. Stalin's government considered that a huge number of teenage beggers spoiled the brilliant image of the USSR, so Stalin signed an order that teenagers over 12 years old should be shot. According to various sources, as a result of the Holodomor, from 2.5 to 4.8 million people died. On the streets at that time of the capital of Ukraine Kharkov you could see everywhere the corpses of people who died of starvation.

The Great Terror against the Soviet Elite

The goal of the evil spirit of communism is to destroy all of humanity, including the destruction of its followers. Therefore, the Communist Party has never had even a slight generosity to its associates. During Stalin's reign, terror and murder gradually intensified. Beginning in 1938, Stalin initiated a bloody political repression that lasted 10 years. Among them was the so-called "Great Purge" ("Great Terror"), a movement in which Stalin exterminated members of the highest echelon of the communist leadership.

According to the study of historians, during the "Great Purge" of the deputies present at the XVII Congress of the CPSU in 1966, 1108 were arrested on charges of counter-revolutionary activities. At the XVII Congress, 139 people were elected members of the Central Committee and candidates for membership in the Central Committee.

Of the seven members of the Politburo of the last convocation elected during Lenin's lifetime, Stalin put to death five members: Kamenev, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Rykov and Tomsky. Of those elected between 1919 and 1935, 31 members of the Politburo were killed. Once Beria said these words: "Bring a man to me, and I will find evidence of his crimes."

This purge affected representatives of all social strata, repressions in the religious and scientific, educational and artistic spheres occurred earlier than the repression of the military command and the political elite. However, the greatest price in Stalin's policy of terror was paid by ordinary Soviet citizens.

So how many people were arrested, killed, taken into custody and sent to camps during Stalin's "Great Terror"? To this day, there are no exact records and answers to this question. In June 1991, on the eve of the collapse of the USSR, the chairman of the KGB of the USSR, Vladimir Kryuchkov, published the following data: from 1920 to 1953, about 4.2 million people were repressed, of which more than 2 million were repressed during the "Great Purge". Alexander Yakovlev, who led rehabilitation work in the Soviet and Yeltsin eras, said in an interview in 2000 that Stalin's repression affected at least 20 million people.[7]

Atrocities of the Chinese Communist Party

Between 1949, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) seized power, until 1966, several tens of millions of Chinese were killed in the political campaigns of "Struggle against Counter-Revolution", "Struggle against the Three Evils and Five Evils", "Struggle against the Right" and "Great Leap Forward", which resulted in the Great Chinese Holodomor.

This was followed by a bloody inner-party struggle. As a new generation of Chinese, raised in the spirit of atheism and nurtured in party culture, became adults, the evil spirit of communism began even more insane murder and destruction in order to destroy the traditional Chinese culture that had been formed over several thousand years.

Artificially created by the Communist Party Holodomor in China

In 1959-1962 in China there was a famine, the scale of which had no precedent in the world. To deceive the world, the CCP claims that it was caused by natural causes. In fact, in 1958, the CCP actively began to create People's Communes and implemented the "Great Leap Forward" policy, as a result of which not only all grain stocks were devastated, but also Chinese agricultural production was destroyed. In addition, officials at all levels, from provincial to rural, were forced to report false reports on the grain harvest and levy super-taxations in accordance with fictitious figures about the harvest. As a result, this led to the fact that even after giving the authorities all their personal food rations, sowing and fodder grain, the peasants still could not reach the figures indicated in the false statistics.

CCP bodies at all levels sent special detachments to the villages to torture and interrogate starving peasants, forcing them to give up the last remnants of food. In accordance with the example set by the Soviet Communists, the CCP cut off the peasants' routes to cities and other areas where food could be found, provoking the mass death of entire families and even villages. Repeatedly there was cannibalism, on the roadsides everywhere lay the corpses of people who died of hunger. It was truly terrifying. When peasants went to seize food to save their lives, they were brutally killed.

The grain given to the authorities was used for the mass purchase of weapons in the USSR, as well as for export abroad in exchange for gold and repayment of debts. The Communist Party did not care about the loss of life. In just three years, the Holodomor killed tens of millions of Chinese.

Killings and cultural genocide during the Cultural Revolution

On May 16, 1966, the "Information Message of the CPC Central Committee" was published, which stated that the CCP was beginning the "Great Cultural Revolution". In August, the Beijing Red Guards, among whom there were many children of the party elite, began to commit large-scale robberies, beatings and murders in Beijing. By the end of the month, thousands of people had been killed in all parts of Beijing, which was later called "Bloody August."

Here is just one example of a massacre in Beijing's Daxing County. From August 27 to September 1, 1966, 325 people were killed at various times in 48 large production brigades of 13 people's communes of daxing County. Among them, the oldest was 80 years old, the youngest - only 38 days. In one of the families, 22 people were killed. The Red Guards used such methods of murder: beating with batons, blows with a straw cutter and strangulation with ropes. Babies were killed by tearing the child in half, stepping on one leg and pulling the other.

The evil spirit of communism made people believe that murder and beatings were necessary, that they should get rid of their inherent kindness, that enemies should be treated mercilessly and cruelly. It was part of the party culture, and there are a lot of such examples. Every atrocity of the CCP has done its part to create a party culture that destroys traditional culture and morality. Under the influence of the poison of party culture, many people turned into mercenaries of the evil spirit of communism and instruments of murder.

When people see how cruel and bloodthirsty communist totalitarian regimes are, they cannot understand how it is possible to lose the human form so much and stoop to such inhuman barbarism. The reason is that they were possessed by rotten demons and degenerate spirits controlled by a communist ghost.

Those who died an unnatural death during the entire period of the Cultural Revolution are difficult to count. According to most researchers, this figure is more than 2 million people. The authoritative American researcher of mass murder on the planet, Professor Rudolf Rummel in his book "China's Bloody Century" (China's Bloody Century: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900, Transaction Publishers, 1991) noted that the death toll during the "Cultural Revolution" is about 7.73 million people.

Dong Baoxun, associate professor at Shandong University, and Ding Longjia, deputy head of the Party History Research Bureau in Shandong Province, jointly wrote a book, Rehabilitation after Injustice - Reviewing False Cases and Passing a Fair Sentence, which was published in 1997 by the People's People's Chubanshé publishing house in Anhui Province. The book quotes at that time the vice-chairman of the CPC Central Committee, Ye Jianying, from his speech at the closing ceremony of the working conference of the Central Committee on December 13, 1978: "The Central Committee conducted a comprehensive study in 2 years and 7 months. The Great Cultural Revolution killed 20 million people, politically persecuted more than 100 million people, which is 1/9 of the country's total population, and wasted 800 billion yuan."

According to the records in the "Collection of Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping", from August 21 to August 23, 1980, Deng twice gave interviews to the Italian journalist Oriana Fallacci in the House of the People (the building of the Chinese parliament - approx. Fallacci asked Deng Xiaoping, "How many people ultimately died in the Great Cultural Revolution?" This is a truly astronomical figure that will never be possible to calculate."

Deng Xiaoping gave a typical example of the conviction of an innocent: Kang Sheng, the head of the Communist Party secret police, accused the provincial party secretary Zhao Jianmin of Yunnan Province of treason and of being an agent of the Kuomintang. Kang Sheng ordered Public Security Minister Xie Fuzhi to arrest Zhao Jianmin and throw him in prison. The court case of Zhao Jianmin alone affected a total of more than 1.38 million people, resulting in more than 17,000 people being beaten to death and 60,000 injured. In the kunming urban district alone, 1493 people were beaten to death and 9661 people were maimed.

Unprecedented Evil: The Persecution of Falun Gong

Several decades of murder, forced brainwashing, the introduction of party culture and education, which were carried out by the CCP, led to the fact that the morality of people who do not believe in God fell far beyond the lowest line that the Gods have set for people. Even those people who still believe in God no longer know what real faith is. They have fallen into the trap of false religious organizations created and controlled by the Communist Party. If this continues, humanity will certainly face a great calamity that will destroy people, as predicted in the sacred texts of every ancient civilization.

In order to raise the moral level of society and save people, in the spring of 1992, Mr. Li Hongzhi distributed the spiritual practice of Falun Gong (Falun Dafa), based on faith in the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance".

In just a few years, the practice of Falun Gong, which also has a great healing effect, has spread widely in China and around the world. Both practitioners and their relatives have experienced miracles of recovery and improved their character. More than 100 million Falun Gong practitioners around the world have influenced the moral level of society, and it has begun to rediscover its moral compass.

The ultimate goal of the evil specter of communism is to prevent people from receiving salvation from the Creator through the destruction of culture and the perversion of morality. Therefore, the evil ghost instantly perceived Falun Gong as its most important enemy.

In July 1999, then-CCP leader Jiang Zemin single-handedly decided to unleash a large-scale crackdown on Falun Gong. In this brutal campaign, which has swept all corners of China, the CCP has employed all the most vicious methods in its arsenal that could have been implemented in pursuance of Jiang's directive: "Tarnish their reputation, ruin them financially, and destroy them physically."

The Communist Party's massive propaganda, filled with slander and hatred of Falun Gong, led the Chinese to recognize the persecution and reject the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance (a basic tenuous principle of Falun Gong), choosing lies, evil, and struggle.

The evil ghost led society to an even deeper decline in people's morality. He forced them, rejecting Falun Gong, to betray the Gods and Buddhas. Many Chinese, because of their long stay in an environment of pressure, lies and brainwashing, have become indifferent to the ongoing terror. They pretend that they do not notice any repressions, and even contrary to their conscience participate in them, not suspecting that in this way they are led to death.

The evil specter of communism was not limited to China. With economic leverage, he silenced the countries of the free world so that they could not influence the CCP's repressive policy against Falun Gong to turn a blind eye to this inhumane persecution, allowing the CCP to act even more cruelly and unbridled.

Using the entire arsenal of repressive measures accumulated in China and abroad, this time the CCP surpassed all its predecessors in cruelty. She began using Falun Gong practitioners as living organ donors, killing them as needed and selling their organs for tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars.

On July 7, 2006, Canadian human rights lawyer David Matas and former Canadian Member of Parliament David Kilgour published their first report titled "Bloody Harvest: Falun Gong Practitioners Killed for Organs." This document provides ample evidence to support the fact that forced organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in China does exist. The authors of the report called it "an unprecedented evil on Earth."

10 years later, in June 2016, an updated report entitled "Bloody organ harvesting. Massacre.", which analyzes the facts on 680 pages using about 2400 references that the CCP's crimes of forced organ harvesting continue and how large they have reached.

On June 13, 2016, the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously (by interviewing those present) passed Resolution 343, which demands that the CCP immediately stop the forced organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners of conscience.

The huge profits that this "black transplant" brings not only help the CCP to support the repression, it has also attracted numerous people from all over the world to China who need organ transplant surgery. Foreigners use money to buy organs of Falun Gong practitioners, which makes them accomplices in crimes. They're actually helping the Communist Party kill people. This is what the evil ghost needs to get even closer to its ultimate goal – the destruction of humanity.

Since seizing power, the CCP has never eased the persecution of believers.

4. Red Communist Terror for export

In the "Black Book of Communism" in the chapter "Crimes, Terror, Repression" approximate statistics on the number of people killed by communist regimes in different countries are given:

"USSR: 20 million killed;

- China: 65 million killed;

- Vietnam: 1 million killed;

North Korea: 2 million killed;

- Cambodia: 2 million killed;

Eastern Europe: 1 million killed;

- Latin America: 150,000 killed;

Africa: 1.7 million killed;

Afghanistan: 1.5 million killed;

- The international communist movement and communist parties not in power: 10,000 killed" [8].

The total number of killed, according to the authors of the book, is 94 million.

Researchers estimate that in Cambodia between 1975 and 1979, the Khmer Rouge regime, which was under the direct control of the CCP, killed between 1.4 and 2.3 million people. This is despite the fact that the total population of this country at that time was just over 7 million people. The Cambodian communist regime has created the most extreme terror among similar regimes, wipeing out nearly a third of its country's population.

In North Korea, between 1948 and 1987, the communist regime massacred more than a million people through forced labor in camps and executions. In the 90s, from 240 to 420 thousand people died of starvation. Between 1993 and 2008, between 600,000 and 850,000 people died unnaturally in North Korea. Kim Jong-the-moon, who came to power, also began his reign with large-scale murders, including the murders of high-ranking officials and their relatives. In addition, he also threatened the world with nuclear war.

In just a hundred years, after the creation of the first communist government in Russia, the evil specter of communism destroyed more people in the countries under its control than died in two world wars. The history of communism is the history of murder. Every page of this story is soaked in the blood of his victims.


[1] “Remembering The Victims Of Communism,” [2] St;phane Courtois, ed., The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression;trans. Jonathan Murphy (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999), 4.

[3] “Revolutionaer Seiner Majest;t” (;;;;;;;),

[4] Winston S. Churchill, The World Crisis, Volume 5.

[5] Robert Service, Lenin: A Biography (London: Macmillan, 2000), 365.

[6] Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago: 1918-1956.

[7] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1992—2005;;;

[8] St;phane Courtois, ed., The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression;trans. Jonathan Murphy (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999), 4.


Joseph Dzhugashvili Stalin contributed to Hitler's rise to power. This is not Koba's only fatal mistake. Because all Stalin's "genius" is literally woven from a lot of pathological ambitions and grandiose miscalculations of the rumbling leader who eventually led to a big war and later to the collapse of the USSR.

Even the victory over Hitler's Germany in May 1945 decades later turned into the impoverishment of the winner and the transformation of Germany into a prosperous European country, in which Veterans of the Wehrmacht today receive pensions and benefits that are an order of magnitude higher than the social guarantees of a small handful of 90-100-year-old Russian front-line soldiers who have survived to this day. 

But it's not even that Stalin contributed to Hitler's rise to power, because the problem of the emergence of fascism in Italy and Nazism in Germany is rooted much deeper than the personal relationship of the Fuhrers (Mussolini, Lenin, Hitler and Stalin).

Antique book "Thoughts on fascism", published in Italy after Mussolini came to power. The general idea ("duma") of this unique study is that the main reason for the emergence of fascism in Italy was the mass fear of the arrival of Bolshevism in the country, the horrors of which (civil war, red terror, holodomor) "cut through" in the minds of Italians in the early 20s.

At first, there were very few "fascists". By the end of 1919, there were only 870 of them in italy, while the political arena was largely dominated by the Socialists. Duce Benito Mussolini himself came to fascism directly from the socialist movement: before the First World War, Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was an active member of the Italian Socialist Party, even the editor-in-chief of the socialist newspaper Avanti!).

Marxism had a significant impact on the formation of the founder of fascism, but after the victory of the Bolsheviks, he not only became completely disappointed in socialism, but saw in it a terrible threat to his country and at the end of the 1st World War became one of the main founders of Italian fascism, which included elements of corporatism and anti-communism. However, as duce, he learned a lot from Lenin - imitated him how to make a revolution, to carry out a coup d'état. Lenin said that the main thing is the avant-garde. No matter what the people say, you need an iron fist. This was the main idea of Mussolini, who put it into action - to his own surprise, he could never imagine that the legitimate power in Italy would fall so easily, that he would so easily get it (as, in fact, Lenin in Russia).

Long after Alexander Solzhenitsyn's The Gulag Archipelago, published in Paris in December 1973, halved the number of Western Communist parties and eventually led to the collapse of most of them, in the first third of the twentieth century what was happening in Bolshevik Russia did not just split the European socialist movement or open the eyes of the European intelligentsia to what was really hidden behind the Bolshevik duping of the masses. , but led to the emergence of new kinds of totalitarianism, exploiting the horrors of Stalinism to attract supporters.

Hitler's rise to power is also largely due to his struggle against the German socialists, and this struggle was largely facilitated by references to the atrocities of the Bolsheviks (which, however, did not prevent Hitler from allying with Stalin in 1939 and learning from the Bolsheviks in the construction of death camps). There is every reason to assert that without the Germans looking back at what was happening in the USSR after the revolution and in the early 30s, the Nazis would never have managed to defeat the socialists in the elections of 1933.

Political scientists estimate that by the beginning of World War II, three-fifths of European countries were ruled by dictators of one kind or another. But all these dictatorial regimes in one way or another exploited anti-Bolshevik slogans, referring to the atrocities of the Bolsheviks and at the same time learning their lessons in fooling and zombifying the masses of the people and creating a dumbing down mass of propaganda. It was the Bolshevik atrocities, then not yet fully manifested, that became the triggers that transformed Europe in the 30s and then led to the mortal battle of Nazism and Bolshevism.

The economy of the Western capitalist type led the democratic countries to a high standard of living of the population. But the ideology of corporate fascism is a strong thing and it is in a short period of the special operation the crown of 👑 2020-2021 it won, turning in a year and a half the population of the countries of the world into hostages of their own administrations, arranging on a fake pandemic, they them themself planned and arranged, coups d'état. These fascist freaks in the administrations of the countries of the world do whatever they want, implementing the most real communist and Nazi measures of the 20th century.

Have you tried to think what SHE would tell you? 

- 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓽𝓪𝓿𝓻𝓲, 𝓫𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓵𝓮𝓼 🕷 𝓭𝓾𝓷𝓰.

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