Protocol 1 . 

Protocol 1 . 

𑀗꤀𐌌𐌌꤯᥉᥉꤯꤀ꤙꤕ꤅ 𑀗ꤌ𑀱ꤌꤙʆꤕ

... But bourgeois contagion

There's a lot of walking on the heels,

Beware of the Eye

You have extramarital affairs there.

There's stilettos with a strong body:

You're at their door, they're out the window!

Tell me what's wrong with this case.

We're done a long time ago.

They may not act directly:

Shass in the compartment - and pretend to be a man,

And she will put the tol under the corset ...

You check what gender your neighbor is...

Here's me torturing him:

I'm afraid I'll give you a let's go.

How to check? Climb under the dress -

You're going to snout.

But the instructor is the guy of the dock,

Business, try to cut it off!

And again came the gloom

About the treacherous abroad...

There will be a water debate - answer:

No, the Democratic guys are just tea ☕️ 

From gifts they turn away harshly:

Like, the 'good' themselves have such a slaying ...

🎥🇺🇸6 cameras... No comment.. 😂

"A good communist is a dead communist." 

A gathering of demons and stupid brazen lazy - hapug, in connection with not being able to work with his head working with his mouth and ass. 

Hit with a hammer

Under the illusion

The labor force!

Forged happiness

Not in art studios,

Not kissing with cute

And not for the nest.

A powerful-armed

Going straight

For the sake of Soviet power

Not sleeping for days,

In your life, those who have accepted

Direct participation.

Kneel before the communist!

See that they kill him often.

The world is like a leaf clean

The impurities smeared consonants.

Kneel before the communist!

Before his heart with the rhythm of the planet


Take a look at him.


Bow out before him,

Who dies for you.

And after many years and winters

You'll see your face in the award.

Engraved in medals

Or a hero's star.

And those who didn't know you

They'll put you standing up.

"A good communist is a dead communist." Anti-communist picket on the day of N.S. Khrushchev's visit. USA, Iowa, September 23, 1959 . 

Another picture 🖼 It was published on the Internet in October 2019

Deciphering codes:

Democrats are playing poker, trump ace under the table - warning Democrats about foul play in the election, and taking responsibility for the consequences of cheating, as those who took the game (plebs and Republicans) accepted it voluntarily and consciously.

The game takes place just before midnight - The game of poker is not in the plane of truth/truth, all actions are covered with darkness.

Biden puts his hand on Harris - Harris is scheduled to become vice president. He kind of shifts the burden of responsibility and hands her the presidency. (If Joe had been swamped, it would have been the perfect excuse to introduce total plebs control).

On the lamp sickle, hammer, stars and the third eye of globalists - the world communist "revolution about which the Bolsheviks have been talking for so long" and total control of the plebs.

Trump looks at the cards and winks at someone outside the picture: Trump is not with them, but at the same time he's out of the game, enough about this action, the election called and the way the materials are going.

Dogs are creatures guilty of Biden "breaking" his leg and wearing a tracker bracelet on his leg. They also designate police, military, doctors and government officials who will be key actors in the "world communist revolution."

Perhaps, Friends, you can add what you saw.


Details of Biden's leg fracture revealed

The U.S. president-elect was injured while playing with a dog.

Probable next U.S. President Joe Biden was caught on video after visiting the hospital because of leg fractures. The corresponding footage was taken by an NBC photographer. 

They were posted on Twitter by White House correspondent Kelly O'Donnell.

An NBC employee filmed the politician leaving an orthopedic ward in Delaware accompanied by several people. Biden is coming without anyone's help. The Democrat and his entourage wear masks. At the end of the video, he walks up to the car and gets into it.

Earlier, a CT scan confirmed two fractures to Biden's leg. He was diagnosed with filamentous fractures of the lateral and middle wedge-shaped bones of the foot. Within a few weeks the politician will be forced to walk in a special shoe. Incumbent U.S. President Donald Trump wished him a speedy recovery.

The Democrat slipped and suffered a leg injury while playing with a dog on Saturday, November 28. It was initially reported that Biden sprained his ankle and was later diagnosed with a sprained right leg. However, the politician decided to take to another medical institution to get a ct shot.

If Twitter is blocked, here's a snippet of this video 👇

According to Biden's office, the U.S. president-elect has two fractures to the bones of his right ankle. These injuries he received while playing with a dog, a German Shepherd named Major. 

Continuation about the best dead communists. Now we will organize and in two blocks will issue 👇

And here is the national security analyst himself, the first head of the National Center for Counterterrorism, the chief adviser to U.S. 

President Barack Obama on counterterrorism. However, John Brennan believes that the story of Joe Hunter's son Biden, his sexual contact with Obama's daughter (this was confirmed by Jim Stone), the sniffing coke with Lady Gaga, who sang at the inauguration, pedophilia, drug addiction and other - is Russian misinformation.

Because, according to Joe, Hunter is "the smartest person I know, I mean purely intellectual ability." 

🇺🇸 Biden Jr. had a sexual relationship with Barack Obama's daughter. 

If you add up to the rumors that Biden Jr. grilled Obama's daughter Amaalia with Obama's dog, caught in the frame during one of The at Biden Jr.'s house, it's almost 100 percent likely to say that hearing is not a rumor, but a reality. Hunter really sexually exploited barack and Michelle Obama's daughter. Speaking of which, Jim Stone agrees with us. 

Barack Obama translates from Hebrew as "Lightning falling from the sky"; Up. Luke (10:18)

Video from a German source analyzing the actions of the doctor and patient Joe Biden, when injecting a syringe into his left hand, we leave without commenting 👇

We don't see any edict on the white paper sheets. These are clean sheets of paper👇

Video 1:

Video 2:


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi commented on Pfizer and BioNTech's announcement that their candidate for the coronavirus vaccine is 90 percent effective in preventing COVID-19. 

We observe a pinkish plastic cap on the needle syringe 💉 and a pseudo prick in the speaker's left hand.

On May 25 (Monday), police in Minneapolis, Minnesota, detained 46-year-old George Floyd on suspicion of using a "fake payment" to shop at the store. The rest you know. We decided to put together a small selection of inconsistencies in this narrative.

Derek Chauvin in the photo before his arrest looks a little different than after him.

The two photos clearly shows the different size and shape of the ears, the size and shape of the chin, the size and shape of the forehead, the shape of the nose, the arcs. Although, perhaps, the events of recent days have changed the appearance of the ex-cop, because of the act of which the whole of America still stands on the ears.

The obama Foundation's official Twitter account posted a photo of George Floyd long before he died, and long before the world learned of the existence of this convicted, porn-actor drug addict, on May 17: 

"Did you tune in to start Barack Obama's message starting the message last night? Here are some of our favorite hour-long parties. Answer this theme with your photos from last night and continue the celebration in "-- said in a statement of the foundation on May 17.

Not only that, there is an even older message from the Obama Foundation of this kind. On October 29, 2019, the Foundation also published an image of a poster with Floyd:

The Obama Foundation: Michelle Obama and her brother Craig Robinson take the stage at the Obama summit. Tune in now to"

Attorney Timothy D. Jafett of Corpus Christi, Texas, also confirms that the victim, if at all, was not Floyd.

The real George Floyd died three years ago. Now is the time to reach out to your leaders... I saw a black man I played football against in college, allegedly killed on camera 30 years later... But it's not the same guy... I was his lawyer. He died three years ago...

1. Why in one photo (rear view) shows a man on the road not handcuffed, and in the video in front - that he is handcuffed?

2. Why is the police car outside the Sorvelance restaurant different from the one behind floyd (different car numbers)?

3. Why did the police officers in the Sorvellans video footage who arrested him differ from the police officers in the actual incident?

4. Why does the video show the price of diesel at 99 cents instead of the usual price at around 12.49?

6. Why does Derek have a completely different police badge on top of the second police badge, and match his partner if they work in the same station?

6. Isn't it strange that both officers, Tou Tao and Derek, were previously investigated for excessive use of force and were not charged by State Agent Amy Klobuchar? In addition, Officer Derek Chauvin is under the command of his partner Sister Kell.

7. Is there any policeman so blunt to continue kneeling on someone's neck for 8 minutes surrounded by people while he is being videotaped?

8. Is it possible that the deceased does not have injuries/screams/tears during what is happening? 

9/10 Why does the chief cop keep one hand in his pocket most of the time while he kneels?

11. Don't you think it's strange that Floyd and the officer who stood around his neck and killed him worked together in the same shit at the El Nuevo Rodeo club and had known each other for 17 years (both were fired because of a kovid)?

12. Why did the officer's neighbours say that they did not know he was a policeman and had never seen him in uniform?

13. Why was the same lawyer hired as all the other previous black deaths that caused the protests?

14. Why the surveillance video stored in the store shows Floyd dutifully walking with the officer and not resisting arrest, while the officer gently sits on his neck. Why did the officer feel the need to put the opposing guy on the ground and put his knee on his neck?

15. Why did ambulance workers (dressed in police uniforms, including body armor) treat an unconscious person so rudely and even throw his body to the ground? (Trained ambulance staff never lift a person with a neck injury in this way.) Why didn't they try to diagnose and/or give them artificial breathing?

17 Why did the police chief stresse that the instigators and arsonists were not from Minnesota, why the News crew was not only detained, but also arrested? 

The authors of the film "Captain America" (2011) may have been involved in the prognostic programming of the covid and the situation with George Floyd.

In the scene of the film in Times Square in the background behind the Captain you can see a coronavirus, a bottle resembling a container with a Molotov cocktail and the inscription "I swear george we did it."

That's not accurate, though.

And yes, look at those glitches.

Although, maybe we are mistaken and, in this case, we would be grateful to debunk our theory about this special operation.

Until our assumptions are debunked, we will be confident that Floyd's murder was an operation under a false flag, arranged not without the help of crisis actors, a kind of hoax with mountains of coe corpses in New York, which was put together by a woman, with one left.

Fake troupes in New York are prepared like Christmas trees 🌲 👇

Fake: In New York, the dead from coronavirus are buried in mass graves...👇

Fake: In New York, the dead from coronavirus are buried in mass graves...

The creators of this madness are almost all in venerable age and it is softly said. 

In one of the blocks, we disassembled a non-docking video where a 75-year-old man allegedly died at the hands of a police officer👇

🇺🇸 video from Buffalo, New York, in which a police officer pushes a 75-year-old man to the ground, causing him to fall and die? So, it seems that the fall of this elderly man was also a hoax, as well as the rows of corpses of people who died of a coir, which was folded by a woman with one left. Let's lower the force of the jolt, from which even the child would not fall and touch the most visual inconsistencies on the video. In a slow-motion replay of the moment, the video from 6 seconds. 16 seconds. You can see how the fallen continues to hold the phone in his hand, looking at the fact that he is already dead, and his hand is in a particularly tense state, otherwise it could not be after a fall on his stomach. 

Further, despite the fact that he has already "died", the man, apparently assessing the unnaturalness of his game, carefully lowers his hand with the expensive phone in a more appropriate position of his death (from the belly to the asphalt), after which the brush is gently pressed and the phone is also neatly put on the asphalt.👇

Moreover, the stop-frame clearly shows where the blood of the "victim" is coming from. Despite the fact that with such a blow, blood would have to go, if not from the cracked occipital part of the head, then from the place of dissection of the skin on the back of the head after the impact, at first glance the blood comes from the front of the ear. On a more detailed examination of the stop-frame, a tube sticking out from under the mask, from which, in fact, blood is coming, is clearly visible.

The indifference of the policeman who pushed the man, which led to his "death" and the abrupt suspension of his commander, when he was surprised by the fall from such a sluggish jolt, wanted to see what with him, only confirms our version that we witnessed the game of crisis actor, set shortly before the riots. 

Although.., maybe we all this just seemed because of the accumulated fatigue from mass manipulation and crimes . . .

On January 16, 2020, a "crisis actor" was cast in Virginia. 


Learning to understand a hostile environment. Location: Amsville (Virginia).

Payment: $250 per day ($200 plus $50 per trip). There are no additional expenses/accommodation.

Description: HEAT courses are designed to prepare NGO staff to work in a challenging international environment through personal modeling. Actors take on different roles (terrorist, victim of improvised explosive device, hostage, rescue team) throughout each workshop. Work can be intense (both physically and mentally), but also very stressful. For more information and to apply, please complete the casting application form at the following link:

Based on all this, it seems that to prepare a mass slaughter. Perhaps the version that the rally for carrying weapons just coincided with the conduct of such a casting, which could be useful for replenishing the White Helmets with new members. However, other reports leave a minimum of doubt that Virginia is really going to be serious. Here's what Tom Davis, a Richmond, Virginia resident, writes.

"I'm in Richmond, and I just got information from a very reliable source regarding Monday's rally against the lawmaker's weaning of guns. Antifa rented seven buses to bring their thugs to cause trouble. The infa reported: they will wear MAGA hats and NRA clothing. They will pretend to be professionals with weapons. At the same time, others, posing as Democrats holding "anti-gun" posters, will stand by. Thugs Antifa, pretending to be professionals, will attack the owners of the posters. To make it look as if people with guns in their hands started violence. That's our plan. If you are present at the rally, be vigilant. Be very careful."

Charming, isn't it, Friends? 

How many of them fell into this abyss,

I'm going to be out in the distance!

The day will come when I will disappear.

From the surface of the earth.

Frozen all that sang and struggled,

It was shining and rushing.

And the greens of my eyes, and the gentle voice,

And the gold of the hair.

And there will be life with her daily bread,

With the forgetfulness of the day.

And it will be everything - as if under the sky

And there was no me!

Changing like children, in every mine,

And so short-lived wicked,

Loving the hour when the wood in the fireplace

They're getting angry.

Cello, and cavalcades in more often ...


Rich in events and strange life teacher George Floyd . 

Friends, we still see some doubts among our readers that the incident with George Floyd is not a tragic case, but an operation under a false flag. This is despite the fact that on October 27, 2019, Obama "talked" about it, posting a picture of him on the official account of his foundation on Twitter, and despite the fact that the lawyer Timothy D. Jafett of Corpus Christi (Texas) also confirmed that the victim, if at all there was a corpse, was not Floyd. Therefore, following the story "called load in the body " which we voiced again not by accident, we are forced to continue this agenda until the unsouthed still wake up and understand how "They" have the whole world.

So, CNN, after being called "Floyd's murder," interviewed his teacher, who was second grade. Wayne Sexton, the teacher's name, showed a picture that George, who had already slanted after school, had drawn in the second grade.

Your attention is a segment of the video of the American truth-teller, who drew attention to what you could pay attention to yourself, if you had the time and desire. The full video lasts more than an hour, so we cut out, in our opinion, the main and enough frames that could understand what's what. Tap your finger 👇 on our Telegram channel

The man gives an interesting story, or rather, a chronology with George Floyd's teacher Wayne Sexton. As it turned out, her fate is full of surprises and tragic events.

First, in addition to teaching Floyd's marauding banner, she was also a teacher at Sandy Hook, was at the Orlando Pulse Gay Club at famous events, in a New York synagogue at an equally famous event, in an Oklahoma church, and was even a defendant on 9/11.

Without a doubt, this woman has really lived a truly amazing and full life, but still, I wonder what the chances are that :

-of all the billions of people on earth, Wayne Sexton," was George Floyd's second-grade teacher;

- also a teacher in Sandy Hook (Newtown, Connecticut), where the massacre occurred on the morning of December 14, 2012;

-Orlando Pulse, a gay club in Orlando, Florida, where a mass murder also took place on June 12, 2016; 

-was at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, when a mass shooting occurred there on October 27, 2018;

Attended an Oklahoma church in November 2017 when a mass shooting occurred there;

- and even was a defendant on 9/11?

It's just very interesting to know what Human's doorstep is. What's it like to be a clown? What's it like to watch people think that everything you tell them is real and true? What's it like to live on an island with millions of people evacuated from common sense?

I wonder how long humanity will believe, indulge and not resist this farce ?

It seems that even this will not convince anyone. It's always hard to wake up. And the truth always hurts. But it is also difficult to stay awake in the world of "meat puppets". Therefore, most people do not want to wake up and will fight with us for the fact that we do not even try to wake them up. 

And yes, besides, you believe that in second grade, George Floyd not only wrote this terrific essay without spelling errors and impeccable handwriting, but also that his teacher kept this particular assignment from her best student, depriving his parents of the opportunity to read it, to shine with pride at the potential that the future will prepare for her student.

"And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not befallen him." ...

... To you all - that I, in no way knew the measure,

Strangers and their own?! -

I'm demanding faith.

And asking for love.

Day and night, and writing and orally:

For the truth, yes and no,

For being too sad so often.

And only twenty years,

For being a direct inevitability

Forgiveness of grievances,

For all my unbridled tenderness

And too proud to look,

For the speed of rapid events,

For the truth, for the game...

"Listen to me!- Still love me

For going to die.

Klaus Schwab 

Of course, Klaus 🤶 only a collective image, there are a lot of people, a lot, it's Anya and Olezh and Herman and Bill and so on in each country their anti heroes, all much more radical. Reality is so mobile now. But the finale is clear, remarkable, clear and almost accurate. Adjusted for the realities, I think it would be right to intermediately finalize the materials, to sum up so to speak ideological balances: not "The Road to Hell paved with Marxism" and "The road to Hell is paved with neo-Marxism-Swwaism" . Swab is this tampon and just a tampon for the collection of smears from the canal and nasopharynx (GEB) respectively-sign of time). Swab is the surname of a neo-Marx, a non-philosopher degenerate, founder of the WEF young elderly "intergalactic cosmonaut" who offered a philosophical basis on the modern technological end of the world glowing their parody "Capital 2: 0" calling it a "poem" "Great Reboot".

It is said that Noah's prophecy reads: "The weapon of the future will be the weapon of the very beginning: the word!". And now that they believe they have won or are on their way to it, they seem to have forgotten that the strongest Words in the universe were said at the beginning of reality🤡

Glenn Greenwald: Literally the dumbest fucking people in the world - absolutely dumb, who can't get even dumber - are those who don't just claim, but really believe that Wall Street firms are paying powerful politicians huge sums for banal 45-minute speeches because they want their wisdom, not slavery: Jessica

🔹Greis: Janet Yellen accepted $810,000 in performance fees from Citadel, the owner of Robinhood.

🔹Reporter: Are there any plans to recedish from advising the president on the situation with GameStop and Robinhood?

🔹Pski: And she's an expert and deserves the money. 😂

Ride more on the merry-go-round 🎠 darling 

🌎I will end this chapter on the Federal Reserve: 4 of our 5 patriotic presidents who opposed the private central bank during their time in office were killed: Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy. These were the only assassinations of a U.S. president in history. All of them were killed by the Illuminati. The fifth, Andrew Jackson, miraculously survived the assassination attempt, when both pistols of the killer jammed ...

From the family archive 👇

Joe Biden was also sworn in as vice president in 2009 and 2013. 

Whether the cross ☦️ another, or the Bible has changed during this time .... 2021

December 29, 2020 . 

U.S. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris was vaccinated against coronavirus live

In the near future, her husband will follow her example. 

U.S. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris was vaccinated against the CoViD-19 live on American television. The politician stressed that it is fast, painless and safe. She noted that doctors administered her the drug from Moderna.

"I'm now vaccinated. . . . I want to encourage everyone to get vaccinated. It's relatively painless, it's fast and safe... My husband will do it today," she said on MSNBC.

In the video, we were given a fragment of a syringe needle 💉 which Kamala Harris is being shot. We can't be responsible for someone else's work and the authenticity of this video, but we clearly see in this fragment a flexible plastic fake needle on a syringe 💉👇

In the video below, an employee of a large logistics warehouse dismantles us a huge empty parchment 📜 annotation to a product called the U.S. 👇


Trump: Every American will be provided with COVID-19 vaccine by April


On Friday, President Donald Trump announced that 100 million doses of the government-approved coronavirus vaccine would be produced in the United States by the end of 2020. "Once the vaccine is approved, my administration will immediately deliver it to the American people to begin the "vaccinations" 24 hours after notification," Trump said during a Friday news conference.


U.S. chief health care doctor urged to wear masks after pandemic

The U.S. government spent more than $9 billion on vaccines. And is it possible not to make an annotation with such appropriations? 

Which companies received U.S. taxpayer money from the government's $9 billion in development and production of vaccine candidates, USA Today reported August 8.

So far, the largest sums have been received by pharmaceutical giants Pfizer, Astra'eneca and the collaboration between Sanofi and GSK, as well as biotech firms Moderna and Novavax, each of which has candidate vaccines tested on humans.

To save time in the development process, companies conduct parallel tests that are usually conducted sequentially.

Moderna, for example, has not yet published the results of its Phase 2 trials, but is already conducting large-scale Phase 3 trials, launching last week's trial of its vaccine candidate for 15,000 volunteers. Phase 3 trials, which began this summer, are expected to yield results this autumn, with a timeline depending on how quickly they can find volunteers.

Clarifying question 🙋 ♂️ 

Are they testing or have they finished? Today is June 2021 and the money of the U.S. budget as we understand all have been attempted and digested successfully . In this case, where 🔬 published results of the study? 

Fake from India 🖕on burning coiled corpses. In our case, people from Hollywood silently smoke on the side of the bulls, found in the grass paradise more often on the hills, dreamily looking at the flames of the 🔥 the fire in the hope of hammering a fresh shoal, which is no longer buy for money, since communism has come and everything has turned into a deficit of 💸 and money and goods. 

Continuation here 👇

The reasons for things lie in the depths of ideas - it was known by Plato. In the overlays of explanations should not be content with superficial, and should strive for the root, most from the gaze remote. The causes of historical crimes lie deeper than the existence of criminals, because behind the consciousness hides the subconscious, the human underground, and criminal communities are dangerous not even "great feeders" - "godfathers" of the mafia, but - the people who accepted such godfathers.

In order to understand the causes of the destruction of empires, enough rich countries of the world in the past (Iran 🇮🇷 Tsarist Russia) - the devastation that has come in the peaceful period of history - in order to explain the unprecedented destruction of millions (Russia, China, Kampuchea) adherents of the regime at the time of the highest successes of the powerful empire, naively refer to a particular tyrant-necrophilia, or "the whole royalty", and "the whole of the royalty", and the "whole royal" that has confused, although in principle true, does not explain anything.

Yes, the demon is confused, but - what, where, when, whom? Genesis defines the consciousness of the communists who spoke by the mouths of the same Brother of Rothschild Karl Marx bequeathed to the world his 'Capital' - the world's inept work as our history and life have shown 

reincarnation (Latin reincarnatio) is a "re-incarnation" in 

neo - Marx Schwab and his creations 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution'. In fact, much more consciousness determines being: what our consciousness is- and our being. How's the poet? "Man, what a bull, it's going to be a bliss in his head."

So, the root answer has already been given: on the one hand - the immature, unbreakable consciousness of the hungry, broken lash, the dormant representative of the plebs, on the other - bliss, hammered into this unformed consciousness, the bliss of milk rivers in the sour banks and the fried grouse flying into the mouth.

In the religious language, utopia and communism are the way to the apocalypse, the seduction of man by the devil, demonic souls, the exploitation of the underdevelopment of the human mind and base human qualities - lusts, envy, thieving, laziness. In the language of science, communism is illiteracy, incompetence, ignorance of man and history, rejection of them. There is also internal non-freedom, suppression of the personality, nievelation of people. The epidemic of communism has affected many countries of the world, backward countries, that - backward, hungry, slaughtered population. These people have been accustomed for many decades and years to primitive Bolshevik thinking - to see the world of multicolor in two colors - black and white. "The world will not return to normality, 'New Normality' and other delusional slogans the world has been forced to listen to for more than a year. Meanwhile, the world is plural, pluty, infinitely diverse. The sweet pictures of the utopian communist paradise, not rooted in man, society, or in the nature of things, always initially contain behind a false facade violence and lies necessary to break bones and minds, not stacked in the pro-crust bed of Bolshevik doctrines.

... What they don't do, don't go well -

Apparently, on Monday their mother gave birth.

Apparently, on Monday their mother gave birth -

What they don't do is not work.

Crocodile is not caught, does not grow coconut.

Crying, praying to God, not feeling sorry for tears 

They cry, they pray to God, they don't feel any tears.

Crocodile is not caught, does not grow coconut.

It seems not slackers and could live -

They'd have Mondays to take and cancel.

They would have Mondays to take and cancel -

It's not like slackers could live.

As luck would have it, there is no calendar on the island -

Kids and adults are missing in vain.

Kids and adults are wasted -

There's no calendar on the damn island.

On this occasion from night to dawn

Unlucky savage people cry.

And the poor cry, and swear trouble

On a day which - unknown, in no year ...

ℳɑɼⅈσ Ꭿ℘ɑɼᎿɱɛɳᎿʂ

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