Even the Bolshevik terrorist killers were more careful in their public statements.

Even the Bolshevik terrorist killers were more careful in their public statements.

💉☠️ Depopulation is not a matter of one generation, where sons work for their fathers. 

"15,000,000 AMERICANS ARE DEFECTIVE," THEY SAY. A gigantic eugenic enterprise organized to sterilize an unfit nation. New York, September 2..."

Omitting the details of the article, I will only say that 15,000,000 are considered "defective" and uninhabitable, but suitable for eugenic experiments. 

Little seems to have changed from the 1930s to this day. Guess what surname/surname was behind this eugenic depopulation enterprise at the time. That's right, Friends, all the same names as they are now, concerned about depopulation through vaccination: Harriman, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Alexander Graham Bell and so on. 

Death of the President of Tanzania.

Tanzanian President John Magufuli declared that vaccination against Covid-19 was dangerous, ignored the WHO's call to follow "science", and threw the EU for a bribe of 27 million euros from European taxpayers' money (took the money but refused to do what he was told, expelled the WHO sheep from the country and told the globalists and other "smoke bamboo" after papaya, bird and goat tested positive for covid), as we warned, Friends, died.

Magufuli disappeared from the media on March 12, and on March 18, the country's Vice President Samia Suluhu Hassana said that the 61-year-old president of Tanzania died of a heart attack.

The story of his departure as a "copy" is similar to the story of the departure of another African Covid skeptic, Burundian President Pierre Nkurunziza, who called covid "nonsense."

If we briefly recall the story of Pierre Nkurunziza, then after he called covid nonsense and announced the representatives of the WHO, where Gates reigns supremely through his foundation and China, which are the main mega-donors of the organization, persona non grata, all the world media attacked him, and, after a relatively short time, he suddenly died of a "heart attack". The new president of Burundi, who replaced him, immediately canceled the policy of his predecessor and introduced everything that the WHO sheep demanded from the country, including masks, blocking, vaccines and so on.

The Guardian published an article titled "It's time for Africa to rein in Tanzania's anti-vaccination president," and two weeks later Magufuli disappeared from public view. The article was published by an author working in Global Development. Global Development is a division of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Tanzania's approach to covid after the death of the president was completely changed within a day or two. Moreover, after March 12, when the president of Tanzania had just disappeared from the field of visibility of the media, and when various rumors spread about him, including covid infection, the cancellation of everything he initiated had already begun. That is, he has already been killed. The anti-Covid measures actually began under him, and they were put in place before the president's death was announced (March 12), prompting WHO officials to praise Tanzania's "new position" on covid #Covid19.

As recently as 2017, Reuters reported that Gates had pledged to spend $300 million in Tanzania on public health and poverty reduction. Vaccines are pretty much part of that.

08.02.2021. Bill & Mellinda Gates Foundation: "It's time for Africa to rein in Tanzania's anti-vaccination president."

After Magufuli's death, samia Suluhu Hassan, who had previously served as vice president, took over. Samiha is a member of the Swab World Economic Forum!!!

Another missing point in this review, in our view, could be China.

"Only a drunken drunk will accept these conditions," the now late Tanzanian president rejected a $10 billion loan from China, a loan to build a port on The Mbegani in Bagamoyo in Tanzania, signed by his predecessor Jakaya Kikwete.

According to local media reports, Jakaya Kikwete signed a loan agreement with Chinese investors for the construction of the port, subject to a 99-year continuous lease by China of this port.

Immediately after coming to power, Magufuli initiated the process of revising the terms of the contract, insisting that investors reduce the lease term from 99 to 33 years.

From the above, it can be concluded that in addition to the 180-degree Covid reversal, a 180-degree reversal of Tanzania on this loan may also follow and the agreement will be signed again.

The assassination of the Haitian president is the demand of BigPharma and the WEF.

A growing amount of evidence shows that Haitian President Moise was assassinated before he reported vaccines and covid.

Haiti is the only country in the Western Hemisphere that does not have access to covid injections. Given extreme poverty, cramped conditions, terrible health infrastructure, media reports that talk about the horrors of covid, WHO comments about the same things the media is telling, and a population that sees vaccines as a threat, one might think that the country should have become a cesspool, and that it should have been left without citizens a long time ago. However, this is not happening. In fact, we can talk about one of two things as an immutable truth - Haitian superhumans who are not taken by Covid, or Covid is just a scam. 

Compare Haiti and New Jersey, as Haiti and New Jersey have a similar population density: Haiti has 11.5 million people on an area of 10,714 square miles, and New Jersey has 9.2 million people on an area of 8,721 square miles. Haiti has reported 19,295 cases of covid. In New Jersey, 1,026,286. Perhaps someone could try to explain this by Haiti's poor medical infrastructure, which reduces the number of tests, but their shortage, if it took place, which there is doubt, cannot explain the sharp decline in mortality. Haiti had 482 deaths, compared to 26,509 Covid deaths in New Jersey.

Despite a similar population density, a higher total population, and worse health care available, Haiti accounted for 1.8% of New Jersey's COVID cases. It turns out, Friends, New Jersey residents with high vaccination rates are 53 times more likely to contract covid than Haitians who do not have access to the vaccine.

Haitian President Jovelle Moise could not have been unayed to know this, Friends. And that's one of the reasons he turned down free vaccines in May and June. But you won't hear about it anywhere, Friends. Not anymore. No media outlet will write about it. Never again. 

Of all those involved in the assassination of haiti's president in a country of more than 11 million people, among the 28 alleged accomplices in the plot were Haitians associated with both the DEA and the FBI. And it's not even weird, Friends. It's predictable and it can be considered evidence of a murder plot to hide information about Covid and the whole scam. FBI officials have arrived at Gfiti to help with the investigation, making it obvious that people will never know what really happened. Anything you hear from now on, Friends, will be a lie.

The official storyline about Haiti's indecision about vaccination suddenly changed after Moise's murder. Now, the country's health officials say they don't reject ALL vaccines, but only AstraZeneca vaccines because of the higher risk they allegedly have. 

The media and tame experts have always played a crucial role in promoting BigPharma products. 

One such tame expert in promoting covid, panic, and vaccines is not even a doctor, but a zoologist, an expert on the ecology of diseases, in particular on zoonosis. President of the EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit non-governmental organization that supports various global health programs headquartered in New York, Peter Daszak (2015)


We need to raise public awareness of the need for MCMs, such as the pangrippa vaccine or pancoronavirus. The media is a key driving force, and the economy follows the hype. We need to use this hype to our advantage to get to the real problems. Investors will react if they see profits at the end of the process.

At least 80 of the world's central banks are turning to digital currencies, exploring the possibilities of such a transition. This was told by Christine Lagarde 🏳️ ⚧, Director of the International Monetary Fund and President of the European Central Bank, responsible for pension reforms and considering the disposal of the elderly and the abolition of pensions as a blessing.

We told about it in the autumn of 2020, when everyone was still hiding the true plans of the bankrupts of Global - Kogal. 


"Not to buy, not to sell" is already very close and electronic money is the most important part of this plan.

9.01.1988 & 8.05.2021

33 years between these two covers of The Economist's Rothschild magazine

The cover on the left, pointing to the global virtual currency, was published in 1988, and the cover on the right came out just 33 years later, on May 8, 2021, citing the government's digital currency GovCoin.

There is no doubt, Friends, shot too lenient punishment for all these scum and tyrants trying to take away all our freedoms and power, abolishing Nuremberg, and making you dependent only on them, and not on ourselves and the people around us.


Cuba is engulfed in rebellion. South Africa is on fire. The President of Haiti was assassinated in the same way that the Tanzanian and Burundian leaders were killed. The Middle East is engulfed in conflict. China is on the march, Emanuel and Putin are firing warning shots. 


While the authorities of the countries that have fallen under the psychopaths from the WEF, carry out their guiding principles, violating the laws of their own country, the plebs, completely dumbfounded by covid rules, lockdowns and this beautiful New World Order, continues to plant their mental health, gradually turning back into monkeys.


Life sentences and the death penalty are guaranteed to many. The general plan is fully disclosed and only the organizational aspects for the detention / neutralization / elimination of the criminals of bioterrorism remain.




 Things are tight with your imagination.


 Next who? Who follows to receive a party ticket is in line, we ask! 

Roni rolls over into a coffin ⚰️ laughing at these illiterate morons. 

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