Applications to the Fizer Contract

Applications to the Fizer Contract

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Appendix A.

Moh and PFIZER will collaborate in the analysis of the data points listed in Appendix A. MOH will provide PFIZER with the data listed in Appendix B.

Endpoints (start and end dates are agreed by Parties)

Confirmed cases of COVID-19 per week.

Confirmed COVID-19 hospitalizations per week

Confirmed severe/critical coVID-19 cases per week

Confirmed use of COVID-19 ventilator per week.

Confirmed deaths from COVID-19 per week.

Symptomatic cases per week

Weekly vaccinations, both general and age and other demographic subgroups.

The number of cases per week by age group and other demographic factors.

Additional subgroup analyses and analysis of vaccine efficacy, as agreed by the Parties.

Additional potential analyses:

Direct medical costs prevented by modelling the impact of the national vaccination programme on the

outpatient visits, hospitalizations, intensive care units, etc.

Appendix B


The Ministry of Health will electronically transmit aggregate data on the pandemic to PFIZER, as described herein.

Exhibit. The Ministry of Health will use a mutually acceptable method of electronic transmission that protects the security and integrity of data.


The Ministry of Health will provide PFIZER with weekly data transfers, which include the following information:

1.1 Epidemiological data

Each data transfer will include at least the current calculation of the following:

Confirmed cases of COVID-19 per week.

Confirmed COVID-19 hospitalizations per week

Confirmed severe/critical coVID-19 cases per week

Confirmed use of COVID-19 ventilator per week.

Confirmed deaths from COVID-19 per week.

Symptomatic cases per week

Weekly vaccinations, both general and age and other demographic subgroups.

The number of cases per week by age group and other demographic factors.


The following additional documents will be provided to each other as needed:

2.1 If necessary, an electronic "Data Dictionary" consisting of all the data variables used, marked

Variable names and relevant datasets

2.2 Documentation of statistical programming algorithms used to create analysis datasets

Methodology for converting raw data into output (derivative) data; and the relevant statistics

Assumptions or analysis plans If you need to understand datasets (e.g. statistical analysis, table list plans, programming plan);

2.3 any other documentation that can be reasonably requested by any party and agreed upon by mutual agreement.

both sides.

2.4 Transfer schedule.

The Ministry of Health will transmit aggregated epidemiological data to PFIZER: (i) weekly; (ii) at the end of 1

year for any residual data, by mutual consent of the parties, and other frequency mutually

Agreed. MoH will work with PFIZER if you want to change the formatting of the data or

transfer process to ensure data quality and ease of use. Analysis of data related to

The vaccination project will be carried out independently or jointly by the Ministry of Health and Pfizer and shared with the other party. Any analysis/results that Pfizer can perform will be transmitted

The Ministry of Health will discuss and finalize jointly.

Appendix C


1. Pfizer policy

Pfizer has a longstanding policy that prohibits bribery and corruption in doing business in the U.S. or abroad. Pfizer strives to conduct business fairly, and to act ethically and lawfully in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. Pfizer expects the same obligations on the part of employees, consultants, agents, representatives or other companies and individuals acting on behalf of Pfizer ("Business Partners"), as well as acting on behalf of business partners (such as subcontractors) in connection with Pfizer's work.

2. Bribery of public servants

Most countries have laws prohibiting making, offering or promising any payments or any other payments.

value (directly or indirectly) to a public servant when the payment is intended to influence the official act or decision to award or maintain the business. "Government official" will be interpreted

broadly means: (a) any elected or appointed public official (e.g. legislator or member

Ministry of State); 

(b) any employee or individual acting on behalf of or on behalf of the Government

An official, agency or enterprise performing a government function, owned or controlled

Government (e.g. a health worker working in a public hospital, or a researcher

works at a state university); 

(c) any official of a political party, a candidate for public office,

an official, employee or individual acting on behalf of or on behalf of a political party or a public candidate


(d) any employee or individual acting on behalf of or on behalf of a public international organization;

(e) any member of the royal family or member of the armed forces; and (f) any person otherwise

classified as a public servant under the law. "Government" means all levels and divisions.

governments (i.e. local, regional or national, administrative, legislative or executive).

Since the definition of a public servant is so broad, it is likely that Business Associates will

engage with government employees in routine activities on behalf of Pfizer.

For example, doctors working in public hospitals are considered public.



U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) prohibits doing, promising or authorizing

payment or providing anything of value to a government official outside the United States improperly or

corruptly influence this official in order to carry out any government action or to make a decision on assistance

companies in obtaining or maintaining the business or otherwise to gain an improper advantage. FCPA

also prohibits a company or individual from using another company or individual to participate in any

such events. As an American company Pfizer must comply with the FCPA and can be held accountable.

as a result of actions committed by a Business Partner anywhere in the world.

4. Anti-bribery and corruption principles that govern interactions with governments and

Government officials

Business partners must report and adhere to the following principles regarding their

interaction with governments and civil servants:

4.1 Business partners and persons acting on their behalf in connection with Pfizer's work cannot

directly or indirectly to make, promise or authorize the commission of a corrupt payment or provide

anything valuable to any public servant to encourage this public servant to comply with any government acts or making a decision to help Pfizer get or keep the business. Business Association, and those who act on their behalf in connection with Pfizer's work, may never make a payment or

to offer an item or benefit to a public servant, regardless of cost, as an improper incentive

for such a government official to approve, reimburse, prescribe or acquire Pfizer products,

to affect the outcome of a clinical trial or otherwise benefit Pfizer's commercial activities incorrectly.

4.2 In its Pfizer-related activities, business partners and individuals acting on their behalf.

in connection with working at Pfizer, must understand and comply with all local laws and regulations.

or operational procedures (including the requirements of public authorities such as the Government

which impose restrictions, restrictions or disclosure obligations

compensation, financial support, donations or gifts that may be given to the government

Officials. If a business partner is unsure of the significance or applicability of any identified

restrictions, restrictions or disclosure requirements for interaction with the government

Officials, this business partner should consult with his principal contact at Pfizer before

participation in such interactions.

4.3 Business partners and persons acting on their behalf in connection with Pfizer's work do not

allowed to offer a reward for simplifying formalities. "Simplification fee" is a nominal payment to a public servant in order to ensure or expedite the implementation of normal, non-performing

government discretion. Examples of rewards for simplification of formalities include payments to expedite the processing of licenses, permits or visas for which all documents are in order. in an event where a business partner or anyone acting on their behalf in connection with the work on the

Pfizer receives or learns of a request or request for simplification of formalities or bribes in connection with work at Pfizer, business partner will report such a request or requirement

immediately to its main contact at Pfizer before taking any further action.

5. Commercial bribery

Bribery and corruption can also take place in non-governmental organizations, in business relations. Most

countries have laws prohibiting offering, promising, giving, requesting, receiving, accepting or

consent to accept money or anything of value in exchange for an improper commercial advantage.

Examples of prohibited behaviour include, among other things, the provision of expensive gifts, generous

hospitality, kickbacks or investment opportunities for improperly prompted to buy goods or

Services. Pfizer employees are not allowed to offer, give, extort or accept bribes, and we expect our business partners and individuals acting on their behalf in connection with Pfizer's work to adhere to the same principles.

6. Anti-bribery and corruption principles that govern interaction with individuals

and Pfizer colleagues

Business partners must report and adhere to the following principles regarding their

interaction with Pfizer's private and peers:

6.1 Business partners and persons acting on their behalf in connection with Pfizer's work may not directly or indirectly commit, promise or authorize a corrupt payment or provide anything of value to any person who may influence that person in order to provide Pfizer with illegal business advantages.

6.2 Business partners and persons acting on their behalf in connection with Pfizer's work may not, directly or indirectly, claim, agree to accept or receive a payment or anything of value as a

improper incentives in connection with their commercial activities for Pfizer.

6.3 Pfizer employees are not allowed to receive gifts, services, benefits, entertainment or other items greater than the face-to-face or face value of Business Associates, and those acting on behalf of Pfizer. In addition, face gifts are allowed only if they are received infrequently and only in appropriate cases.

Reporting alleged or actual violations

7.1 Business partners and individuals acting on their behalf in connection with Pfizer's work are expected to raise concerns about potential breaches of these International Anti-Bribery Regulations and

Anti-corruption principles or the law. Such reports may be sent to Pfizer's Business Main Contact Or, if a business partner prefers, to Pfizer Compliance Group by email or by calling 1-212-733-3026.

The fact that the treaty with the Government of Israel (this is typical for any democratic country in the world ) and other parties in the supply of the vaccine 💉 is a violation of the Nuremberg Code in the following material . 


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