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It is possible to formulate everything that happens more accurately and truthfully without unnecessary pathos, since all the pathos of the first persons is alluvial. Behind their mask of confidence lies a real animal fear. All national administrations have fallen into the criminal trap of 🪤 like driven rats (now we do not even consider criminal business and international functionaries like the fool Guterres of the UN 🇺🇳). All the people's anger and anger of various professional groups of the population, including the military, will result in the elected defendants in this state crime, officials of national administrations. It is clear that these unpretentious fools have nowhere to retreat, behind them a state crime of unprecedented scale to the village and a long list of articles of accusation of treason. That's actually the whole analysis of what's going on. Well, if you personalize on the basis of the statement of prince 🤴, then just a crowned dude does not want to go to jail or be torn apart, as happened a little earlier with another unpretentious revolutionary Muammar Gadhafi, he was raped with a shovel in the ass, and then dragged this piece of shit around the city tied to a car. Prince Of course, this prospect does not like, so he offers a military way to solve his criminal issue. There is nothing surprising or new here, he wants state protection of the military. But no matter how long this criminal show of national administrations lasts, at least another year or two, until the complete exhaustion and destruction of national economies, this action will end with arrests, captivity, or liquidation by various national forces of the conspirators, in this matter of the method of liquidation we do not undertake to make predictions. Everything else is exactly that in general terms and will be.

Prince Charles openly reports on the coup d'état and argues that he needs a "large-scale military-type campaign" to implement "fundamental economic transformations."

By "military campaign" this pretzel 🥨 the defendant means clear planning, immediate execution, greater control over people and the seizure of power by a certain group of military under his leadership. De facto, we see and hear unconstitutional communist calls to change the structure of governance of democratic countries and the transition to state military violence of the population and change the economic system of relations with a certain military central authority down the chain to other departments. Everything is as described by neo Marx Klaus Schwab in his imperishable terrorist work "the fourth industrial revolution" with headquarters in Moscow. By 2030, no private property. Before us is the Lady and gentlemen an elderly group of status conspirators committing fan coups d'état. A group of status idiots surviving from the mind.


The world, as well as the false virus in the spring of 2020, the next stage of a special operation was everywhere covered as part of the establishment of new unconstitutional methods of managing national countries and the authorities are trying to introduce QR codes. To get to the cinema, café, swimming pool or shopping center, citizens must present a code confirming:

a) a state injection from an unknown and unidentified virus; 

b) was ill less than six months ago with unknown and unidentified documents of the virus; 

c) a negative false test not earlier than 72 hours ago by an unknown product named test. 

Let's see if this is legal and what does it have to do with fighting infection?

To convince, in the presence of a huge number of documents, that the state injection is safe and effective is ridiculous. Why divide those who made a state injection and did not make a state injection? The pricked will also show whatever the defendant who manipulates the false test from the individual wants. For example, take a fitness center. The probability of getting infected there from a pricked or not pricked person is even less than in a crowded morning bus. And if you think that you are saved by a rag on the nose, then just remember that the holes in the material from which standard medical masks are made are 200 times larger than any virus! 

And 99% of people use these rags incorrectly - they wear for more than 2 hours, correct and move with dirty hands, do not dispose of how it should be done, but simply throw them in the trash.

That is, the introduction of QR codes does not protect you from infection with possible influenza viruses and it has absolutely nothing to do with medicine. The meaning of the introduction of QR codes is a large program to change the payment transactions of citizens and businesses, the transition to electronic money and chinese social rating, it is also total control of movement and intentional creation of inconvenience for pressure and forcing the citizen to expand this state poison. 

Can you imagine how wonderful this state program is and how it perfectly saves from a deadly virus, how great is the trust of citizens in governments and the health care system, that in order for people to make an injection with the elixir of Health if everyone has the ability to be treated by a doctor, they have to be beaten with batons and deprived of all rights?! 

A QR code is like a seal, a stamp in the passport about the injection. If it is, then there was an injection. But the virus itself by none of the national administrations has not yet been presented to the population openly, the state liquid in the syringe and its composition is a secret, moreover, this secret has not passed all stages of research!

What, then, can this QR code testify to? Viruses mutate constantly, and if it is stimulated by a genetically modified vaccine, the mutations will go even faster and more perverse. Vaccinated all get sick and can be carriers of any virus, the benefit of their about 206 counted only. The meaning of the pass by QR code is in another trick for total injections of the national populations of the world and the enslavement of the people under the new vision of the Office of colluding national administrations of the world. 

Let's continue the educational program and see what a QR code is. Have you even been interested in this question?! The term itself is a registered trademark of the Japanese company "Denso" and is created for the convenience of tracking products. 

Are you people, or cattle with a number, private property of the owner? Where is your Human Dignity?! You will at least find out what this abbreviation means and realize that they want to hang a number stamp on you, like cattle! 

These codes have nothing to do with epidemiology. After all, vaccination is not carried out either during epidemics and pandemics, or in emergency situations! Moreover, no one will be able to prove an epidemic or a pandemic with convincing documents in their hands. Moreover, no one has officially announced anything like this. All the talk about it is idle chatter. 

In biology, there is such a thing as MARK. Almost all mammals mark their territory and their objects. Man has not gone far in this regard. Branded cattle to indicate belonging to a farm, marked in different ways slaves. A QR code cannot in principle be related to the spread of infection, because it is directly related to the purely biological desire to mark "their own". And in this case, the question arises: on what basis does someone mark another person as his property? And can we talk about some superiority of the one who is marked, if this is a manifestation of a specific snotting? 

Restricting citizens' rights depending on the availability of a QR code is absolutely illegal and violates the national Constitutional rights to freedom of movement, participation in cultural life, health care, freedom of economic activity, etc. Because vaccination is voluntary, and each person has the right to independently decide whether to be vaccinated or not. Under the Constitution, no one may be restricted because of his or her beliefs, race, sex or membership of a social group, and the same applies to vaccination.

Health professionals say that a person with a QR code is no less "dangerous" than a person without it - vaccinated and ill can also get sick and infect other people. Especially when it comes to an unidentified virus and not even a vaccine in the conventional sense of the word. After all, this drug contains gel information about the coronavirus s-protein, which is embedded in the cells of your body so that your body itself begins to reproduce this protein. And then to produce antibodies to it. What is important is that there is evidence that this gene is embedded in the cells not only at the injection site, but also throughout the body - in the heart, lungs, intestines, in the vessels. And your own body begins to attack itself, destroying these cells as "enemy". In the case of infection with any influenza virus after the injection, this process can be aggravated. In medicine, this phenomenon is called antibody-dependent amplification. There is practice and in this case, the disease can occur in an extremely severe form and in many cases can end in death. That is why it has not been possible to create effective vector vaccines against coronaviruses for so long. 

CDC tells us: " Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer..."

" Since no virus isolates with a quantified amount of the SARS-CoV-2 arecurrently available, assays designed for detection of the SARS-CoV-2 RNA couldbe tested with characterised stocks of invitrotranscribed RNA containing the target of interest of a calculated titer (RNA copies/μL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human cells in viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic a clinical specimen. "

Coronaviruses (Coronaviridae) are a family of viruses that combines medium-sized RNA-containing pleomorphic viruses, on the surface of which there are characteristic fringed villi. Initially, the viruses belonging to this family were classified as myxoviruses, but the results of subsequent studies gave grounds (1968) to separate them into an independent taxonomic group. The generic division of the Coronavirus family has not been determined.

And the types of coronavirus themselves begin to appear in medical encyclopedias of different nation-states since 1968, Comrades of colleagues in the shop of misfortunes! 

And in the case of the crown of 🤴 19, everyone suddenly had enough three or four months?!

All the tests laid down in science, which take at least 5 years in time, no corona vaccine has yet passed the will go! It's essentially a medical experiment, the shortest. medium and long-term consequences are not known to anyone and no one is ready to answer with normal insurance for this experiment, and no one wants to sign the documents as expected, feeling the bitter cloying taste of Nuremberg 2: 0 in his mouth. A similar situation was with emergency vaccination against swine flu in 2009-2010. Then vaccines were also hastily registered, the safety of which was not confirmed. As a result, in Europe alone, more than 1300 people became disabled - some time after vaccination, they developed narcolepsy - an incurable disease of the nervous system, in which a person falls asleep uncontrollably. Officials then only spread their hands - they say, sorry, we did not know, we wanted the best!

So today in social networks a huge number of messages about the severe course of the disease after vaccination, about serious complications up to myocarditis and even death, but official sources are silent about these statistics!

QR codes are convenient, they quickly send you to the right information resource. But people can not be clinged to 🚫! Because in fact, the assignment of a QR code is the numbering of people. The Portuguese Constitution (Art. 5) prohibits "assigning citizens a single number on a national scale." 

The Constitutional Court of Hungary in 1991 recognized the assignment of such a number to citizens as unconstitutional, since the personal number "has become a symbol of total control over citizens" and considers a person as an object. 

At the Nuremberg trials, the International Military Tribunal recognized the practice of assigning numbers to people and branding these numbers as a crime against humanity that does not have a statute of limitations! The decisions of the Nuremberg Tribunal against fascism were canceled! Enforcing QR code has nothing to do with taking care of our health. 

This is a system of total control and interference in the private lives of citizens, which Orwell did not dream of since his "1984". And, of course, this control is planned to disappear after the cessation of the active phases of false pandemics planned until 2028 and the establishment of NWO.

Terrible prophecies about the coming "digital fascism" today do not seem to most of us manifestations of conspiracy. The biblical predictions about the coming of the Antichrist are also recalled: "And he will do that all, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, will be inscribed on their right hand, and that no one will be allowed to buy or sell, except he who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." (Revelation of St. John the Evangelist, Chapter 13, verses 15–18).



QR-code -GET;


SOON the "cabbage" will be "cut" from you and will lead you to slaughter.

Restriction of the rights of citizens of nation-states, discrimination, the introduction of QR codes can and should be resisted and put an end to the illegal actions of the administrations of the world. To do this, carefully study the national Constitution, the relevant decrees and resolutions of the heads of your state, province, land, region, mayor of the city, the Ministry of Health and the chief sanitary doctor. Their unlawful actions should be complained to the national courts, the judiciary and the Public Prosecutor's Office. Best of all - collectively, collecting the signatures of those who also do not agree with the state lawlessness.

There are also happy prophecies about our future. And which of them will come true depends on you and me. John of Jerusalem's Vision of the Golden Age: "People will finally open their eyes... because a woman will abide to reign in the highest degree. It will inform the course of future events and prescribe its philosophy to man. She will be the mother of this millennium following this millennium. She will, after the era of the devil, radiate the tender tenderness of her mother... Diseases will be cured before they manifest, and everyone will heal themselves and each other..." 

Seek the woman of the Lord and smile! And remember – those who do not agree to compulsory vaccination, who are against the establishment of total control and digital slavery – the VAST MAJORITY of the WORLD's POPULATION! THERE ARE A LOT OF US! AND TOGETHER WE ARE A GREAT FORCE!

Join the NO COERCION movement! Nation-state administrations are your resignation! 

Act. Don't be silent! Silence is a sign of agreement!

Boys and Girls, chicks You are our communist. Your coup d'état has failed, you are fully exposed and will be prosecuted for your Mega crime against US citizens 🇺🇸 humanity as a whole!

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