Now people around the world can briefly understand what changes are planned by revanchists and who is in the positions of implementing these changes. 


The old world is coming to an end. It will be replaced by a new way of doing business. The new world will be called the "New World Order."

This new structure will redistribute property from the "haves" nations and transfer it to the "poor" nations.

The new world order will include changes in:


🔻gomosexuals will be legalized;

🔻parents will not be allowed to raise their children (the state will deal with this;) 

🔻all women will work for the state and will not be allowed to be "housewives"; 

🔻 divorce would become extremely easy and monogamous marriage would be phased out;

🔻 government becomes the owner of all factors of production; 

🔻private ownership of property will be outlawed;


🔻religion is outlawed and believers are either exterminated or imprisoned;

🔻 there will be a new religion: the worship of man and his mind; 

🔻ever believe in the new religion; 

The United States will play an important role in bringing this to the world.

World wars were wought to achieve these goals.

Adolf Hitler, a Nazi socialist, supported the goal of the planners. Most people will not readily accept the "new world order", but will be deceived by adopting it by two strategies.

🇺🇸A great table of contents for the upcoming report on Hunter Biden's laptop prepared by a team of one of the investigators. 


"Meeting with CEFC. Note: Annabelle Walsh, Director of Planning, Governor's Office.

From: James B. Biden,, (610) 247-8992

Edition: On April 5 and 6, 2017, CEFC will be based in New York, New York, for a series of meetings dedicated to real estate and infrastructure investments in the United States. If there are free seats, we ask the governor for a brief meeting or "pop in" at a convenient place and time for you on the 5th or 6th. We intend to discuss potential projects and investments in New York.

Background: CEFC ( is a private collective enterprise with energy and financial services as its core business. The Company's strategy is aimed at expanding international economic cooperation in the energy sector and creating a well-organized international investment bank and investment group. 

The company is among the 10 largest private enterprises in China, with loans, oil and gas production (60%) and financial services (25%), but they also operate in a wide range in other industries such as transportation infrastructure, forestry, asset management, hotel management, warehousing services, real estate development and logistics services. A significant part of CEFC's assets and successful investments are concentrated in foreign markets, which encourages the company to continue its activities abroad. Since 2013, the company has been on the Fortune Global 500 list, rising from 342nd place in 2015 to 229th in June 2016. Most of the company is owned by Shanghai Energy Fund Investment Ltd (SEFI), which is registered under the name Ye Jianming, chairman of CEFC.


James B. Biden,

R. Hunter Biden,

Ye Jianming, Chairman of CEFC,

Zang Jianjun, Executive Director of the Management Board, CEFC..."

Which chapter do you care about the most? It seems between crimes in business, work (BETRAYAL of the United States) with China, human trafficking, pornography and ketamine.

Jill Biden was able to return "honor and decency to the White House 🏡 

US Vice President Harris spoke out against vaccines and called the condition under which she would refuse the injection. 

In 2020, around October 10 - 11 - 12, Kamala Harris said:

"If Donald Trump tells us to take [the vaccine], I won't take it."

But then she changed her mind and made the injection with a special flexible needle called Kamala. 

The commander-in-chief of the US orderly 🇺🇸 went through the military lawlessness like a military terrorist. To test schoolchildren in Massachusetts, he allows the deployment of the national. guard.

And on Tuesday, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker announced that 450 guardsmen from the U.S. National Guard would be deployed to enforce the order on the injections that need to be used to encircle the entire plebs. Interestingly, the military is brought in to prick off the smallest representatives of the plebs, which the authorities treat like a silent herd. This is despite the fact that there is more plebs, and that BigPharma asks truthful questions about their injections, invented at an amazing and never before seen speed, which leads to a lot of suspicion and gives rise to even more difficult theories about injections, false vaccines and about the lie of the pandemic in general. Among those who ask fair questions there are much more well-known world science and big names, the carriers of which did not want to spoil all the fruits of their activities at the end of their lives and flush them down the toilet, washing away this muddy and vile stream of shame that little that remains for the Man forever - Good Memory and Reputation.

Officials say the military is being brought in "to conduct COVID19 tests for schoolchildren" and "to help cover the Department of Corrections staff shortage," which appears to have been formed by a vaccination order that not all doctors wanted to follow. 200 soldiers will be trained this week and will begin conducting tests for children in the state's schools on Oct. 18.

"The Commonwealth has developed the nation's leading COVID-19 testing program to help K-12 students stay in school safely. Currently, more than 2200 schools have registered to participate in at least one of three types of testing: testing and abandonment, symptomatic testing, and pooled testing. Since the start of the school year, combined testing results show that the percentage of positive results is less than 1 percent, and testing and isolation, which are used to check close contacts, has saved approximately 25,000 school days for students who would otherwise have to quarantine."

Baiden and Fauci spoke about Rothschild's "Dark Winter"

Gates' friend, the swindler Fauci, picked up the Rothschild (Schwab by his father) "Dark Winter" and said that the states would inevitably face it if the plebs did not stop turning vaccines into a political problem and did not receive each of their own injections.

"You know, if we don't vaccinate people who need to be vaccinated, and we get that along with flu season, we could have a dark, bad winter," Fauci said during an interview for the "The Takeout" podcast with Major Garrett.

However, the scammer also said the U.S. could avoid a "Dark Winter" if Americans were vaccinated to a "very high degree" within the next few months.

However, "we could also avoid a dark and bad winter if we made people vaccinated to a very high degree over the next few weeks or a month or two," Fauci also said, adding that "there is no room" for the injection to be politicized because states are in a public health crisis.

By the way, around the same time, but last year, old Man Biden recalled Rothschild's "Dark Winter" when he said about the same thing as the swindler to scare Americans, since lying does not work on them, so that they wear masks, keep their distance from each other and regularly receive injections.

Meanwhile, the other day, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass legislation that would allow police to confiscate firearms from individuals deemed to pose a threat to themselves or others, known as the "Red Flag Laws." They needed 60 votes, so Trump's comrads and associates, Republicans... gave them as much as 135. 

The bill against the Second Amendment, which passed through the U.S. House of Representatives and will now go to the Senate, received bipartisan support from 135 Republican representatives.

The end of 2031 and spring 2022 will be the most romantic period since the end of World War II, the end of which they planned in 2030 came much earlier, and all their development strategies and plans for the final formation of NWO will lie on the tables of investigators.

The NHS app has been updated to include much more than vaccine vaccinations, bringing the population closer to social credit with all the implications. A Covid passport is a prototype of a single document, having modified it with tattoos, with quantum dots in the form of a QR code, has all the attributes of the mark of the beast, including three sixes [in the corners. According to them, "seeing" them, the algorithm understands that this is his, for him, that it is necessary to read], with information about everything about you, including honey information and everything else. 

Julia: "Data relating to mental health, lifestyle, ethnic origin, biometric data and alleged criminal behaviour; what the hell does this have to do with proving that you had two shots!?"

It seems that everyone understands why the special operation corona 🤴 19, biometrics was needed, and where they plan to tie it, abolishing our names as our personal identifiers, and making such the numbers of our biometrics.

Handsome, however. 

Osteopathic doctor, author of four books, Dr. Tenpenny, sticking to his number one oath - DO NO harm, about Western protocols for treating covid (many believe that almost all people who died of covid were in hospitals).

"If you have a family member who goes to the hospital, you need to discharge him, treat him at home, find nurses for treatment, get oxygen for treatment at home ... Because if you leave them in the hospital and they put remdesivir on them and they put them on a ventilator, the probability that they're going to die is over 85%."

Part one of this material is quite impressive and interesting, it is here ⬇️


The modern Illuminati are a secret society seeking to establish a New World Order with a world government and a unified cashless monetary system. Every person in this society will be required to obtain a chip implant for personal identification. Those who disagree will be deprived of the opportunity to buy or sell anything.

 Illuminati Order. History of origin

 Secret societies called the issue of the origin of the Illuminati is not fully known. The most popular version is that the Illuminati is a secret society that was founded in the second half of the 18th century by Adam Weishaupt, a professor at the University of Ingolstadt [i]. However, this is not an exhaustive answer, since this date speaks only of the beginning of the formation of the modern doctrine of the Illuminati. In this period of time, the secret society has become what it is known today. In fact, the history of the emergence of the Illuminati goes back to the distant past. Some conspiracy theorists, based on Masonic legend, go so far as to consider antediluvian times as the starting point. They are convinced that the Order of the Illuminati is already 6000 years old, when either extraterrestrial or otherworldly forces opened a certain Book of Power to the priests of Sumer, which was imprinted by them in stone. The Egyptian priests, according to these legends, became the recipients of this knowledge, having copied the Book on papyri, which they keep in the strictest confidence to this day.

 There is another more moderate tradition, which claims that the Illuminati Order emerged in the Middle Ages as an enlightening secret society of scholars fighting against inquisitorial persecution. As famous Illuminati, this tradition cites such names as Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilei, Nicolaus Copernicus, Isaac Newton. This is evidenced, in particular, by the book "Falsified History" by French journalist Etienne Kassay, recently translated into Russian. Sometimes there are claims that the Illuminati were an alliance of a number of scientists who guarded secret knowledge from mere mortals. This version takes the times of antiquity as a starting point, and the secret society included the well-known pillars of ancient Greek wisdom.

 As a confirmation of the antiquity of the Order of the Illuminati, one can cite the fact that as early as the fourteenth century there is the highest initiation of the secret society "Brotherhood of the Serpent", which has the Latin name "Illuminati" [ii]. W. Cooper said the following about this society: "The Brotherhood of the Serpent is dedicated to the preservation of the" secrets of generations "and the recognition of Lucifer as one and only God." The same Lucifer [iii], the fallen cherubim who rebelled against his God, was expelled from Heaven and became Satan [iv]. Thus, the worldview core of the Illuminati Order is occultism and service to the forces of darkness.

 In the XVIII century. Adam Weishaupt's Bavarian Illuminati appeared on the stage of history. The first members of the order were admitted to it on May 1, 1776. It is difficult to imagine, but initially the Illuminati Order numbered only five people, but the secret society developed at a fantastic pace: three years later, the Bavarian cities had four branches of the secret society. By the middle of 1782, there were about 300 members of the order, and two years later - more than 650 people. By that time, the Illuminati owned branches in Poland and Austria-Hungary, Holland and Denmark, Sweden and Italy, Spain and Switzerland, France and Russia.

 The Bavarian Illuminati - the brainchild of Adam Weishaupt The elite of the order bore high-profile pseudonyms. Directly Weishaupt had the nickname Spartacus, Baron Knigge - Philo, Professor Westenrieder was called initiates only as Pythagoras, the book dealer Nicola - Lucian, Canon Gertel was known as Marius, and the solicitor Zwakk - Cato. Duties were distributed between the leaders of the secret society: Adam Weishaupt personally recruited the most talented young people from his students to the order, and Baron Knigge acted in a different direction, recruiting, as a rule, the most noble, learned and noble people. He managed to attract a sufficiently large number of members to the order, awakening in them the most ardent hopes of not reforming the state system prevailing at that time. To show how influential the order of the Bavarian Illuminati became, it is enough to mention such names as Prince Neuwied, Dukes Ernest II of Gotha, Karl August of Weimar, Ferdinand of Braunschweig, a number of Göttingen professors, as well as the famous teacher Pestalozzi. Ultimately, the order included about 2,000 people.

However, sensing danger from the rapidly developing secret societies, the Elector issued a decree that imposed a ban on all their activities. As a result, in 1784-86 the Bavarian Illuminati were defeated, and their temples were closed. The police began to conduct searches in the homes of the leaders of the secret society, which brought valuable information. In particular, it was established that the Illuminati Order was secretly financed by the Rothschild clan. This indicated that such a rapid spread and growth of the influence of the Illuminati of Bavaria relied not only on the charismatic abilities of Adam Weishaupt and Baron Knigge, but also on wide financial opportunities.

Illuminati families today. Knowledge that is known to the elect. Secrets of society.

The Illuminati today belong to one of the thirteen richest families in the world, and are the force that invisibly rules the world. Illuminati families are the "black nobility" that makes decisions and rules for presidents and governments. There is no country in the world that is completely free from their influence. Their pedigree goes back many millennia, and they carefully preserve the purity of their blood from generation to generation. The secrets of the Illuminati are known only to a narrow circle of people. Their power is based on secret knowledge and extreme economic power. The Illuminati own the most powerful industries and trade organizations, as well as international banks and the oil business.

About the leading clans of this secret society tells in detail the book by Fritz Spingmeyer "Illuminati Families". The list of thirteen most powerful Illuminati today includes the Astor, Bundi, Collins, Du Pont, Freeman, Kennedy, Lee, Onassis, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Duin and Merovingian families. Merovingia in this case means all the royal families of Europe. Four other families are closely associated with this peak - Reynolde and Disney, Krup and MacDonald.

The secret knowledge of the Illuminati gave rise to many rumors, among which there are both true and outright fiction. Where is the border between them, it is difficult to say. In particular, among the issues discussed among conspiracy theorists, the issues of the illuminati's behind-the-scenes agreement with representatives of an alien civilization, the usurpation of unconventional technologies (for example, in the field of antigravity), conducting prohibited experiments on humans, hiding knowledge and discoveries important for mankind are raised. There is evidence of giant underground bases (Area 51) under the control of some reptilian creatures and much more. However, even if such statements are true, it is extremely difficult to verify such facts. Given whose representatives are in power, they have enough resources to carefully veil and hide the facts that are undesirable for disclosure. However, despite the high level of secrecy, some secrets of the Illuminati still become public.

New World Order

Illuminati lead the world to a New World Order The ultimate goal that the Illuminati set for themselves is the New World Order. It means the unification of all states under the leadership of a single world government. It should be controlled by the whole planet with the complete abolition of national, state, economic, cultural, moral, religious borders. The basis of the New World Order should be a single cashless electronic monetary system controlled by the world government through a network of supercomputers with artificial intelligence. This concept includes the following mandatory point: each individual of society must be unified, representing a fully controlled object. Control is supposed to be carried out by identification using an implantable microchip. An important part of this doctrine is the concept of the "Golden Billion", according to which the world's population should be reduced in various ways to a controlled minimum of one billion people. There will be only two categories of people in this world: the ruling elite and the fully controlled people serving the elite. All dissenters will be outlawed... read

So that trump sheep understand the purpose of the Shepherd and the Dissenting material for Satanists. Not only Trump is involved in collusion, but all the Leaders of the Major Countries including Erdogan and Putin and others. 

The Crown Project 🤴 19 and the goal of Crowning the Antichrist then the One Religion Currency Army and so on. The Satanists need a Unified Army for Armagedon for the War Against God. What Smart these Communists are Nazis at the UN 🇺🇳 21-2030 (pdf)

- One World Government

- One global controlled non-cash currency

- Single Global Central Bank

- One Global Military Mila

- The End of National Sovereignty

- End ALL private property (except for some elites)

- End of Family Unit

- Depopulation, control of population growth and density

- Endless mandatory vaccines

- Universal basic income (austerity)

- Microchip Society (for trade, travel, tracking and control)

- Implementation of the world system of social credit

- Internet of Things, all connected to 5G monitoring

- Government raising children

- Public and supervised schools (education)

- Termination of the Institute of "Private Transport"

- Restriction of non-essential air travel

- Settlement zones (concentration of people only in cities)

- Cessation of livestock on private farms and irrigation

- Limited land use, the completion of single-family homes

You will not own anything and will be happy .

Freemasons and Illuminati. Masonic conspiracy

Freemasons and Illuminati are one It should be noted that the names of secret societies have not always remained permanent. Depending on the circumstances, the same societies surfaced under a different name, and the same people could be seen at the head of different, at first glance unrelated organizations. At that time, Masonic lodges were quite widespread in Europe, which included many famous politicians, figures of science and culture, representatives of the aristocracy. Freemasonry was a fashionable and highly influential secret society, gathering under its banner the most famous and wealthy people of its time with exciting ideas for some ("Freedom, Equality, Fraternity") and the prospect of gaining secret power for others. This circumstance was taken advantage of by the Illuminati, penetrating into the Masonic lodges, which over time they managed to completely take under their control. The Freemasons and illuminati are now essentially one with the peculiarity that the Illuminati are only Freemasons of the highest degrees of initiation... read

Secret World Government

secret world government has long been a reality The concept of "Illuminati" in Latin means "enlightened". In this case, the name is derived from the name of Satan before his descent from Heaven: Lucifer (in the Russian Bible the word Dennitsa is used - "light-bearing"). According to an online journalist who is known by the pseudonym Wes Penre, the modern Illuminati are an elite club of tightly woven financial oligarchs who control power in the world on a rigid hierarchical principle. They are the true rulers in all spheres important for a person: social, scientific and political. This is a carefully designed organization, which includes people who occupy very high positions. The scale of their activities is planetary. Controlling 95% of the material resources of the planet, they stand above any laws of states, manipulating presidents and governments at their discretion. Recently, these people have been calling their organization the "Victorious Wind of Moraya." These are the people the author of the book "Committee of 300" had in mind. They are the secret world government... read

Secrets of the Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt

Like any secret society, the secrets of the Illuminati were carefully guarded and are still veiled. To understand the meaning of the doctrine of Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the modern Illuminati, helped a document known as the "New Testament of Satan". It was kept in the strictest secrecy, but due to circumstances, its content was revealed, plunging everyone into horror ... read

[i] Bavaria

[ii] Latin "illuminare" – "to enlighten"

[iii] Lucifer - literal meaning "light-bearing"

[iv] Satan is the adversary

Secrets of the Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt

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The mystery of the Illuminati: the ginealogical tree of the Rothschilds is not immediately opened a little, because this secret society carefully concealed the real goals. To understand the meaning of the doctrine of Adam Weishaupt (founder of the order), and what is the ideology of the Bavarian Illuminati, it is necessary to consider a document known as the "New Testament of Satan." The Illuminati kept it in the strictest secrecy, and it became available only in 1875, when a courier of the Bavarian Illuminati on the way from Frankfurt to Paris was killed by lightning. Thanks to this case, some of the information about the conspiracy of a worldwide scale became publicly available (this case shows how insane the struggle against God, in whose power the life of every person is).

 So, here are excerpts from Satan's New Testament, vividly reflecting the "mysteries of the Illuminati":

 The first secret in managing people is mastering public opinion, and you need to sow discord, doubts and plant conflicting views for so long until people are completely lost and do not lose their orientation in confusion, and do not decide that it is better not to have at all in political issues. own opinion. Popular discontent must be aroused; to spread unspiritual, unclean literature. The task of the press is to prove the inability of anyone other than the Illuminati to do something in any area of ​​state and religious life.

 The second secret is to prioritize people's weaknesses, all their bad habits and mistakes - until people stop understanding each other.

 First of all, it is necessary to fight the strength of the individual, since there is nothing more dangerous than it. If she has creative spiritual energy, she is able to achieve more than millions of people.

 Through envy, hatred, strife and war, through deprivation, hunger and the spread of infection (for example, artificially obtained diseases like AIDS - ed.), All peoples should be brought to the point that they will no longer see any way out, besides how to completely surrender to the submission of the Illuminati.

 If any state is undermined by a revolution or, as a result of a civil war, faces the danger of an attack by an external enemy, then this is always a favorable course of events and works in our favor.

 It is necessary to teach people to take receipts as genuine coins, be content with the outside, chase after pleasures, being in a continuous search for something new, getting entangled in it and eventually following the Illuminati; this can be achieved through good reward of the masses for their submission; this can also attract their attention.

 By corrupting society, people will be deprived of all faith in God.

 Through consistent processing of spoken and written words, as well as specially designed forms of deception, the masses will be tilted towards the will of the Illuminati. The ability to think independently should be eliminated in people through the introduction of teaching ready-made views; spiritual forces must be undermined by the use of empty demagoguery. The free thoughts put forward by the parties should be stretched out by the speakers of the Illuminati so that people tired of listening develop an aversion to speakers of all orientations. In contrast, the Illuminati state doctrine should be presented to citizens in a non-tiring manner so that they can calmly accept it.

 The masses must remain blind, unreasonable and devoid of their own opinion, so that they cannot debate on topics of state structure; they must be governed by a just but implacable force and the principle of unconditional obedience.

 World domination can only be achieved by roundabout ways, through the deliberate undermining of all genuine freedoms - legislation, election procedures, press, individual freedom, and above all the system of upbringing and education of the people - and with the strictest observance of secrecy about all events.

 By means of specially orchestrated economic crises, during which all available funds will be withdrawn from circulation, this thereby undermines the monetary economy of the non-Illuminati.

The power of money must be the only force driving trade and production, so that through money industrialists can gain political power. Along with the Illuminati, millionaires who depend on them should also fall into this category; the police and soldiers must remain poor.

Through the introduction of universal equal suffrage, the undivided domination of the majority must be established. Through accustoming to independence, the family and its educational power are destroyed. Through education based on false data and false teachings, young people must be dumbed down, sideways and corrupted.

Through all these activities, peoples should be pushed to invite the Illuminati to the role of world rulers. The new world government must appear to be a beneficent screen leadership, which is resorted to entirely voluntarily. If any state objects to it, its neighbors will start a war against it. The creation of such a government requires the organization of a world war. [Coralph: "Maitreya, the world teacher of the future"].

behind the mysteries of the Illuminati, there is a very gloomy picture of the future The content of this program is almost identical to the known "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", which, however, are noisily disputed by interested parties. Adam Weishaupt organized the Illuminati Order, as mentioned above, on the instructions of the Rothschilds. The question arises: why did the Rothschilds, who represent the richest part of Jewish circles, take such steps? The origins of this mystery of the Illuminati should be sought in ancient times. Israel is indeed God's chosen people, and its representatives are very capable and talented people. However, having high abilities (given to them by God), nevertheless, this people was divided in two. From one of them came the Lord Jesus Christ, the apostles, the prophets, a great number of righteous people. Through them, the world received the Word of God, the Bible. The other part of this people embarked on the path of irreconcilable enmity with their own God and with that part of their people that followed the Lord. They then crucified Christ, they were the persecutors of their own God-loving brothers in the flesh. This is where the irreconcilable hatred of the Rothschilds, Morgans, and others for Christianity comes from. They are the spiritual heirs of the Pharisees who hated Christ. However, in interpreting the words about The Chosen Nature of Israel, they translated them from the spiritual plane to the material one. Instead of holiness and attaining spiritual heights, as the ancient Jewish prophets spoke of, they chose the path of acquiring earthly wealth and power. These are the roots of the philosophy of this order, and, as a result of complete renunciation of God, service to Satan. However, before Adam Weishaupt, the Rothschilds and their ilk did not have access to Freemasonry and the illuminati society that existed at that time. The Bavarian Illuminati solved this problem by gradually subjugating these secret societies. Here is what paragraph 11 of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion says about this: "The conspirators had knowledge of the power and influence of the already existing lodges of freemasons; now they were beginning to systematically penetrate them and seize control of them." Masonic Lodges, which were already under the control of the Bavarian Illuminati, were designated by the term "Lodges of the Great East".

Elon Musk at the age of 17. That year he moved from South Africa to Canada, and all he had with him were a backpack, a suitcase with books, $2,000 and Mom.

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