The status of the material: coup d'état, segregation and genocide of the population. 

The status of the material: coup d'état, segregation and genocide of the population. 

Operation Pandemic – Fifth Attempt, Successful

People have always been sick and dying, but not more than usual. Well prepared for the standard situation, cunning criminals and scoundns have benefited immensely for themselves to the detriment of the world's population.

[ It was not easy to catch Volodymyr Zelensky today, but only our film crew managed to do it today. The President of Ukraine answered my question about the upcoming exchange of prisoners. ] Here not only the Ukrainian clown 🤡 but also on the heels of the American neo Marx Klaus Schwab follows. Absolutely. No prisoners were talked about there. They made plans for national coups d'état. 

[ The American delegation drove into Davos with style, taking up all possible space. So much so that even the exit from the hotel is not easy to find. And Oleg and I, although we were looking for, but did not find. ]

The Russian mistress of VTB Bank President Andrei Kostin got lost in the basement of Trump's house on January 21, 2020 at night with her personal Russian television cameraman, Nail Oscar Zadeh. 

If this is not enough for you, catch more tenderness.  A sign with a declaration of love to Andrei Kostin, stolen from a park in New York, was sold at auction. 

December 9, 16:15 Artist Artem Loskutov announced that he was putting up for auction a plate with the recognition of a certain Nailya (presumably, this is the leading "Russia 1" Naila Asker-zade) in love with a certain Andrey Kostin (presumably, this is the head of the state bank VTB Andrei Kostin).  Plaque with the text "Andrei Kostin. Remember that you and I are of the same blood. I love you. Nailya. 2015" was placed on one of the benches in Central Park in New York. On December 2, opposition leader Alexei Navalny showed it in his video about the close relationship between Asker-zade and Kostin.

Yacht 🛥 Airplane ✈️ Girl. Forbidden love at your expense 🧾  02.12.2019, 11:21 86 video, VTB, Kostin, Nailya Asker-Zade, investigation .What is the most banned topic in Russia?

What should no media write about? What can't be discussed in the forums? FBK investigations? Torture in the FSB? Terrorism? Rallies? No. Well, at least not officially. If you look at the statistics of Roskomnadzor's blocking, the most forbidden topic is the relationship between Putin's state banker friend Andrei Kostin and TV presenter Naila Asker-Zade. Hundreds of locks. And illegal. Just clean up the entire Runet, if only, God forbid, no one wrote "Asker-Zade - Kostin's mistress." The main wave of locks was in 2018. I was reading then and thinking, "Well, what kind of idiocy is that? Why are they so zealously and frantically cleaning up all the information about their affair? After all, well, they meet and meet, why conduct a whole special operation to clean up the Internet?" And then we began to look more closely at what was there and how, and realized that they really have something to hide. You think, "Well, rich this banker Kostin, that's understandable," but you have no idea how much.

Yesterday, December 8, it became known that the sign from the bench disappeared.

Artem Loskutov – "Nothing Will Work Out Without Love" (2019) 

found object, stainless steel, 5×14 cm 

marker, canvas on cardboard, 13×20 cm 

starting price 1 ruble, raise in the comments, anonymous bets in the person or cart @kissmyba, the auction will last until 22:30 Moscow time all the money from the sale of this work will be sent to Rusfond [Russian Relief Fund - donations to this organization are collected in the Asker-zade program on Russia 1] 

Artem Loskutov

Loskutov claims that the tablet is genuine. "This is a real sign from Central Park, the plate was twisted and glued to a certain base. A bonus to her are four screws, with which she was screwed to the bench," he said. 

Loskutov refused to answer the question of how the plate got to him. 

He added that this is his work, made from the found object. "I separate it from the bench and move it to a different context. This is an important work about modernity, about Russia, about love. It is important that this action includes an attempt to add money to the Rusfond charitable foundation, which also appears in connection with this story. I do this for reasons of artistic nature, "the artist said. 

December 10, 09:48 The plate was bought for one and a half million rubles. "Sold for 1.5 million rubles to a buyer who wished to remain anonymous. I will post the proofs of money transfer to Rusfond as soon as they are ready. Thank you all for participating, we will continue the auctions on Friday," Loskutov said. "It's even more than it cost to install a sign. I'm satisfied," he added.  December 16, 19:41 Rusfond announced the receipt of one and a half million rubles from Loskutov. The money was credited to rusfond's account on the evening of Friday, December 13.  Rusfond will send 616 thousand rubles of the received amount to pay for the operation to seven-month-old Farida Turdibayeva from Novosibirsk. The girl has a congenital heart defect. 465 thousand rubles. will go to a course of proton therapy for nine-year-old Vanya Gadiev from Satka (Chelyabinsk region), who was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor - anaplastic ependymoma. The remaining 419 thousand rubles. will be sent for examination of five-year-old Angelina B., born with a spinal cord malformation Spina bifida. 

Rusfond. The name of the buyer of the plate is still unknown. FBK: Medvedev's wife and TV presenter Asker-zade use VTB aircraft rewritten to one offshore.

Hi, Ari.

Ari Melber at work helps establish NWO – New War Communism on the basis of false medical fascism. Beautiful not dusty work with good pay IN the U.S. 🇺🇸 

Doctors 🥼 have nothing to do with it at all. This is an epidemic of international banks and primarily the Bulgarian International Bank of Peace and the International World Hospital 🏥 MB at the same time. You may ask, how can this be? Yes, it is very easy to do this if you studied banking from Karl Marx himself and continued this training already at the onset of brain menopause in neo Marx Klaus Schwab.

Speech by a Soviet Ethiopian from the Tigray People's Liberation Front (Tigrinya ḥizbāwī weyānē ḥārinet tigrāy; amh. ህዝባዊ ወያነ ሓርነት ትግራይ), TPLF is an Ethiopian insurgency of the 1970s and 1980s... Ghebreyesus in general turned out to be very interesting. Ethiopian in French, it seems, so that others do not understand that he is weaving, describing the situation as a "pandemic", at the same time warned against the use of this term. Ethiopia said that calling the COVID-19 outbreak "could cause unfounded fear and unjustified recognition that the fight is over." But as part of the fear launch plan, the Ethiopian fulfilled the mission he had wrought and essentially gave the go-ahead to universal panic, such a role as this talking terrorist head. We all remember the global shock and the headlines that the WHO recognized the existence of a pandemic in the world. 

The world began to storm the shops, from the shelves of which people swept toilet paper and detergents, other products and items. Countries and continents differed only in that they bought their national cereals and canned food. Even Anna Merkel portrayed herself as an orphan along with a large camera and security went to the supermarket to buy two bottles of wine. This Komsomol masterpiece of Anna is especially memorable to us, after all, the old school of blueberry speculation 🫐 in the Soviet GDR and these skills can not be drunk with any collection wines. 

Anna and her Bluenica 🫐 in the GDR

   Bill in a nightclub - karaoke 🎤 

Klaus's homeland, Nazi Germany.

Ari Melber ? And the wonderful years of young Womanizer ? 

Famous world virologists and climatologists need no introduction.

The girl on a number of indicators was not selected by chance. 

The world's famous virologist George Soros recommends the use of condoms.

CNN and Nail Oscar Zadeh. Warm meeting of colleagues in Davos, January 2020.

Lenin and Trump in Davos January 2020

Trump and Russian Repik R-Pharma celebrate Dhoni's victory together in 2016. 

Lunch 🥘 in the cell 

The picture 🖼 Lenin and I. Try to distinguish with two times. 

Another false pandemic of 1918. Doctors and intelligence agencies of the United States are better than any words.

And then there were lockdowns. What does the Bulgarian Kristalina from the Golden Sands, Karl Marx and the World Bank have to do with it? The fact is that the WB began to speak and act earlier than anyone and even before the Ethiopian WHO doctor. Already on 3 February 2020 (more than a month before the WHO declared the pandemic), the WB released the first global strategy to combat COVID-19, the Strategic Plan for Preparedness and Response (SPRP). The plan called for nearly $675.7 million for "strategic preparedness and response elements." Of this amount, more than $ 640 million was sent unclear under what status of payment to "expand the scale of country preparedness and response operations."  Once again for those who do not want to listen: we are talking about February 3, 2020.

More than $30.5 million was allocated under the program for "international coordination." The screenshot below in the document shows the date – February 3, 2020.


On March 3, 2020, that is, before the official announcement of the PANDEMIC by the WHO, the World Cup announced the allocation of $ 12 billion in emergency assistance to combat COVID-19.


Finally, the most dizzying theft we consider the large-scale infusion of the World Bank into the project "pandemic" allocation to developing countries of a completely cosmic amount of $ 160 billion in grants, loans and investments to combat the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. We also see crime in the fact that the World Bank announced these tranches only on May 19, 2020, that is, after life stopped and world production almost also stopped due to the false pandemic.

All this Bulgarian communist banquet from the World Bank even before the official announcement of the pandemic is international state terrorism. How, a few weeks before the WHO announcements, did the World Dog have already prepared a large-scale program of assistance to different countries? Well, the amount of $ 160 billion is not your children tens of millions here or there. It's much bigger and more serious. Any banker and just a specialist knows the passage of such documents and decisions. Such global programmes require a long period of elaboration, and it simply could not have been done in such a short time. And one more interesting fact. On March 23, the famous article of the chief economist of the World Bank Carmen Reinhart was published in the publication Project Syndicate. Even then, she wrote that the world was facing a pandemic, and this pandemic is much worse than the Spanish flu epidemic during the First World War. "This time it's different," wrote a great expert on viruses.

This statement sends a clear message: everything is very, very bad. The provision obliges: the chief economist of the World Bank is obliged to monitor his speech, and if he believes that the situation will look worse than in 2008, the markets perceive it in a very certain way. Thus, the WB has deliberately made a very serious contribution to the overall pandemic chaos.  And at the same time, together with the WHO, he created a group to overcome the economic consequences of the pandemic - that is, he took the well-organized turmoil under his control. The formula of criminals is clear: we create a problem and we solve it. Nothing New and well-known style of one national administration where Bulgarian doctor banker practiced for 3 years (2004-2007).

The story of another scuffle. We turned to the document in which the evidence was found and here is what we managed to find: 

SCREENSHOT OF THE SIXTH PAGE OF THE WORLD BANK'S COVID-19 STRATEGIC PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE PROGRAM AND PROPOSED 25 PROJECTS UNDER PHASE 1 REPORT FROM DOCUMENTS1. WORLDBANK.ORG, APRIL 2, 2020 .The WB in internal documents indicated the start and end dates of the first phase of the "COVID-19 project". The start date of the project is April 2, 2020. Ends March 31, 2025.  "COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Program" (SPRP). We do not need to explain anything, you can write anything, we need these documents to understand the scale of criminals.

The world's famous top liar, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), told the world back in 2020 that the Covid-19 virus (Sars-cov-2) has never been isolated by anyone, which directly means that it does not exist.

CDC tells us: " Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer..."

The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates.

The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates. And the Bulgarian international revolutionary terrorist chief doctor of the world hospital 🏥 (bank 🏦) Kristalina Ivanovna Georgieva is one of the main sponsors of national biological - agricultural state terrorists.  The virus 🦠 no one has yet isolated or represented. And the damage of a physical and material nature for the population of the world is enormous.

Chronicles of the crime 

Key substitution of concepts

The World Health Organization is a key actor in the "pandemic" scams

History of declaring fake "pandemics"

Choosing the time for another fake "pandemic"

Outreach preparations for the operation

Chronology of the Fifth Operation Pandemic

Errors and claims to statistics

What is there today?

Beneficiaries of Operation Pandemic

1. Key substitution of concept

Let's start with definitions.

There is a clearly defined concept of "epidemic" in the legislation of all countries. It corresponds to a very specific, which allows it to distinguish signs, the state; a natural phenomenon. There is a clearly defined by law procedure for identifying and declaring the state of the epidemic. There are clearly defined by law medical and organizational measures to combat this phenomenon. It can be assumed that in each nation-state the chief sanitary doctor of a certain territory discovers that the number of cases of a certain disease in its territory has reached the so-called "epidemic threshold" - 5% of the population. He makes an official presentation to the head of the executive branch in this territory - this is an official document that assumes, among other things, the responsibility of the chief sanitary doctor in case of deception on his part, false information, false alarm. Because the state of the epidemic involves a number of expensive measures that severely disrupt the functioning of the economy, interfere with the normal life of people in this territory, sometimes requiring the expenditure of resources for direct support of the population of the affected area. The head of the executive power declares the state of the epidemic and, depending on the severity of the disease, the number of cases, introduces a variety of measures to get out of the state of the epidemic. All these measures are clearly defined by law and by-laws in accordance with the law. Approximately so the legislation of most countries of the world is arranged: the solution of the problem corresponds to this task; similar problems in close conditions require similar procedures for solving. Specific activities may vary, but the basis is the same. The epidemic is a standard phenomenon, solutions for it have long been developed, tested, tested by practice. For example, in the world standard, in spring and autumn, there are usually two epidemics (or fairly extensive outbreaks, usually does not reach the epidemic threshold) - acute respiratory viral infections, SARS or, colloquially, influenza. This is a regular, not extraordinary event, there are treatment procedures, the work of health systems; sometimes partial restrictions on daily life are imposed, such as the termination of classes in schools in the case of a sufficiently large number of sick students.At the same time, the number of cases is in the millions - but there is no panic. A certain number of people from the flu - rather, from complications caused by SARS and a general weakening of the body - die. This is also quite common. Unlike the concept of "epidemic", the concept of "pandemic" is not legally defined in any way. There is no procedure for declaring a pandemic, no procedures to counter it. The phenomenon is quite non-standard, rare. The "pandemic" is consonant with the "epidemic", and the volume looks much more solid: not somewhere in a separate place, but throughout the planet! a dangerous disease! we're all going to die!

And at the same time, as experience has shown, it is possible to circumvent national epidemic legislation - that is, lawless and senseless, or even directly harmful actions. Generally speaking, it is almost impossible to imagine a real pandemic – an epidemic of a dangerous disease that has hit the whole world in a short time. Very different natural and climatic conditions: a virus or a bacterium can not multiply equally well in hot and cold climates, in dry and humid climates, at different levels of solar radiation (almost all known viruses and bacteria quickly die from direct sunlight). People's standard of living is very different. The level of medicine is different. After all, even the biology and physiology of people in different settings varies greatly. That is, the pandemic as a logical concept is rather an assumption, an artificial construct; it's a zero-volume concept. There were no real pandemics, in fact. There were epidemics that swept large areas: the Hong Kong flu in the 1970s, the "Spanish flu" in the 1910-1920s (that this was now unclear, the then means did not allow to find the pathogen); but there have never been pandemics in the ordinary. One can imagine an artificial pandemic resulting from the massive use of biological weapons; but there has been no natural pandemic in known human history. But to intimidate people, the concept of "pandemic" fits very well: a deadly threat, ubiquitousness (do not hide, it will not pass by), there are no means of counteraction at the household level, external intervention is required (the state or suprategorical structures).

2. The World Health Organization is a key actor in the "pandemic" scams

See the history of the World Health Organization (WHO) on the website of this organization.

1952: Global Tropical Granuloma Eradication Program;

1974: elimination of onchocercosis;

1967–1979: The complete eradication of smallpox worldwide is who's most serious achievement; 1988: Launch of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Actions are certainly useful and require coordination of actions of several countries on a global scale. 1948: WHO assumes responsibility for the International Classification of Diseases. The action may be beneficial. But increasing the possibility of errors and unscrupulous actions. 1975: The lists of essential medicines are launched. After 1988, there are no clear useful actions (this does not mean that they do not exist). But there is a fight against tobacco, for a healthy lifestyle, a healthy diet and physical activity. That's just a global bureaucratic organization for this is absolutely not needed. And there are somehow no serious diseases on a global scale... Normal transformation of a bureaucratic organization without proper control (and there is practically no control over supranational organizations - there is no one to control) - loss of the meaning of activity or change in this meaning; the desire to expand the powers and the amount of resources used. From an interview with a German doctor, scientist, and later politician Wolfgang Wodarg: "Ten years ago (i.e. about 2000) ago, a radical change occurred in the activities of WHO. The organization invited representatives of the world's leading pharmaceutical concerns to the management as advisers and consultants."

The bureaucratic organization has found allies with similar interests: large pharmaceutical companies. Pharmaceutical companies detect epidemics of terrible diseases, the WHO declares a pandemic, pharmaceutical companies offer cures for terrible diseases, the WHO recommends these drugs to governments for purchase at the expense of the budget and use. The disease in this case can be arbitrarily insignificant or it may not be at all. If there is no disease, you can offer at least saline as a medicine, you can still talk about a positive effect on the patient.The costs of each operation are only advertising and representative.And that's where the "pandemics" began.

3. History of declaring fake "pandemics"

The first test of the pen of the miraculous alliance of the corrupt bureaucratic organization WHO with big business is "SARS", 2002. 8436 cases worldwide... for one and a half billion China - as many as 348 patients. Is it an epidemic? Somehow not so... but there were cries of a "pandemic", a search for a cure. It was then that the terms "coronavirus" and SARS appeared in the media space. The abbreviation SARS is quite mysterious and incomprehensible, "coronavirus" sounds impressive and well remembered. Not saying "one of the many viruses that cause flu" is not solid and not scary. Remembered the term of the 1930s "SARS"; generally forgotten. Not scared.

It didn't work out, no one believed in the terrible pandemic. Second attempt: "bird flu", 2002-2007. In general, the disease of birds, but... "WHO believes that H5N1 avian influenza can develop into a worldwide pandemic if the virus undergoes recombination of genes with the human influenza virus, that is, acquires new properties (the ability to be transmitted from person to person, etc.)" (from Wikipedia). In general, in case of what suddenly somehow... not convincing. Again, it didn't work. "From February 2003 to February 2008, of the 361 confirmed cases of human infection with avian influenza virus, 227 were fatal." It's not like a pandemic, and it's like an epidemic, too. But they tried. For example, they gave governments a veterinary vaccine. Third attempt: Zika virus, attempts to fan panic in 2007. Did not grow together: "Until now, Zika fever was considered a fairly mild disease. Only one person out of five has shown symptoms of the disease, there is no mortality, but the true potential of the virus is still not known" (quote from Wikipedia). Nevertheless, Wikipedia still says "pandemic status". History has been forgotten; discovered by accident: the series "Mars" (second season, 2018) shows documentary footage of speeches by politicians and WHO officials about the terrible Zika pandemic in 2007: all the same as in 2020; same phrases, same panic-mongering. It also shows the speeches of politicians about the "SARS" of 2003 - all the same, in the same words, with the escalation of horror, accusations of China in concealing information, which led to the pandemic ...

PCR tests were used for fake diagnosis.

Fourth attempt. "Swine flu", 2009. It got livelier. Again pulled out the virus "bird flu" H5N1, but called differently. "The H1N1-2009 epidemic has been assigned the 6th (pandemic) threat degree according to the WHO classification. The degree of threat does not characterize the danger of the disease to human life, but indicates its ability to spread. That is, any influenza transmitted from person to person is capable of reaching the sixth degree of threat." But doesn't it sound? The sixth degree of threat! Pandemic! "WHO estimates that there were 18,449 deaths from the influenza virus in 2009. This number includes cases of laboratory-confirmed H1N1 virus infections." So how much is still from the terrible "swine flu", separately, not together with all the other options?

12 (twelve, that's not a typo)! All in one place... It's definitely a pandemic!

At the same time, even about these 12 deaths, experts were not 100% sure. The conclusion read: "Most likely" they died of the flu." Results of the fourth operation "Pandemic": "The number of AH1N1 victims worldwide was lower than in conventional seasonal influenza epidemics. According to the PACE report, the panic caused by the WHO led to the overload of hospitals and the squandering of funds from state budgets. The British Medical Journal has directly accused the WHO of corruption. According to the publication, many experts of the World Organization had financial ties with pharmaceutical companies. And it is not excluded that the pandemic was declared precisely under pressure from drug manufacturers. Millions of packages of the purchased vaccine were not used because the epidemic was "limited". The Commission of the Council of Europe found an interesting fact: the announcement of the alarm was based on the conclusions of experts, whose names the organization does not want to disclose. In addition, according to the chairman of the commission, Lilian Maury Pasquer, the organization "strangely" changed the conditions for declaring a pandemic in 2009: "To declare a pandemic, it used to require the presence of a very dangerous virus that causes a large number of deaths. However, last summer it was announced in the absence of this factor." According to the mentioned Wolfgang Wodarg, pharmaceutical concerns made a profit of about 18 billion US dollars on the brand "swine flu". "It's a completely ordinary flu. Moreover, the virus is noticeably weaker than what it was in previous years. Just an unusual name was used by PR people to convince people of the danger of a new virus, to cause them to panic and thereby force them to buy a vaccine ...

... even the panic itself was first staged to make people afraid. All this theater with the closure of kindergartens and schools, the ban on mass events began with Mexico, although there and the government and people already in May 2009 realized that in fact everything was not so terrible. But the WHO just at this moment declared a pandemic, and the process began to spin on a global scale ...

... vaccination itself is not as safe. Vaccines developed against swine flu had many side effects. In Germany, they killed 65 people alone. Let me remind you that there are 200 people from the flu." Everything completely coincides with today's events: panic in the media, the declaration of a pandemic, the closure of schools, the prohibition of mass events, untested vaccines with side effects up to deaths. Only our case is cooler, all national administrations of the world joined the information attack and scam Pandemic, former retired presidents suddenly returned to big business and business, all member states of the Ethiopian WHO hospital and the communist rabble in an expensive quarter of New York with the loud name of the UN 🇺🇳 not complying with their own UN charter 🇺🇳. So, perhaps, to the great amazement of the reader, we will tell about the universal obstruction of the UN 🇺🇳: instead of Russia in the charter of this American depository there is a country of the USSR, the abstraction of this situation is that such a country (the USSR) has not been on the political and geographical map of the world since 1992. That's all right? Yes 👏  Recall that then the vaccines were mostly not used, they were completely unnecessary and meaningless. But what a dizzying commercial success and new sold mansions and apartments from real estate companies! Again, the construction industry is profitable, manufacturers of sports car and business jet ✈️, the manufacturer of super yachts is also not bored 😑 

Naturally, everyone liked it. The third operation"Pandemic" was finally successful. There was a high-level investigation (Council of Europe). The conspiracy was exposed. But there was no punishment for theft, absolutely none. No one recovered from the fraudsters dishonestly received money. No one imprisoned corrupt officials from the WHO for fraud. Given the ensuing, I think it's not free at all.

The fifth attempt, which is happening now. "Coronavirus SARS Cov2", a terrible "covid".

It's finally going really seriously. Because a powerful player joined the WHO-Bigpharm tandem – politicians and the state. Here they collected all the seemingly successful techniques of the first four attempts: the abbreviation SARS, the sonorous word "coronavirus", massive propaganda through the left-wing media and left-wing politicians, the declaration of a pandemic, fake diagnosis through PCR tests, the mass production of vaccines from what is not clear with the sale of them to governments, the escalation and fanning of panic.

4. Timing the next fake "pandemic"

Another operation "Pandemic" was absolutely necessary in the spring of 2020.

1) In the United States, a coup d'état was being prepared through mass electoral fraud, mass stuffing of non-existent ballots for Biden.

2) Having studied the experience of election fraud, the conspirators chose the most effective way of such ballot stuffing - remote voting (this is not the only way, there were also the use of computer counting systems programmed to obtain a given result, street terror with intimidation of Trump supporters).

3) The possibility of mass voting without the voter's turnout and identity card allows you to throw in as many ballots as you want, which was done (the number of registered ballots that came by mail was more than the number sent, and sent ballots to everyone in a row, not only expressing a desire to vote remotely).

4) Mass remote voting requires a change in the electoral legislation, which did not provide for such a possibility until 2020. The possibility of remote voting was, but as an exception, for individuals, in clearly specified cases; uncontrolled remote voting without any justification was necessary.

5) To justify the need for mass remote voting, something must happen that prevents people from personally appearing at the polling stations. A terrible epidemic of a deadly disease is just such a phenomenon.

6) But epidemics of this kind actually happen very rarely. And the coup plan cannot depend on an unlikely, rare event.

7) But there are regular epidemics of a relatively safe disease (SARS, influenza), which occur twice a year, in spring and autumn, when changing the warm season to cold and back. It was from such an ordinary epidemic (often not even an epidemic, but local outbreaks) that the Terrible Pandemic of the Plague of the XXI Century was made by means of psychological warfare. The experience of declaring a pandemic – not an epidemic with clearly described signs and procedure for declaring – has already been, and in 2009 it was quite successful. The procedure for declaring a pandemic has been worked out, albeit for other purposes. With whom and what to negotiate, it was clear - with the WHO.

8) The only suitable time to declare a pandemic was spring 2020. It's too late in the fall of 2020, elections, in September; there is no time to deploy the process. In the fall of 2019, there was a real flu epidemic in the United States, quite consistent with the concept of "epidemic" in terms of the number of patients. But early, everything must happen quickly so that the opponents of the coup do not have time to react - any reaction to the event requires time to realize and understand what is happening, the appropriate legal actions require the time stipulated by law for implementation.

But the spring of 2020 is the best time to start not hidden, but explicit preparation of the coup. In April – the announcement of a pandemic with intimidation of the population through media channels (media, social networks, Internet sites, speeches of pre-trained paid "experts", etc.). Again, there was the experience of the "swine flu pandemic", which showed the reaction time of the political system to the stuffing of information - three months after the start of a massive information attack, there were already parliamentary investigations. That is, in order to avoid such a reaction until September, it would be necessary to start in May - but the flu epidemic begins in March-April. Therefore, the declaration of the pandemic was scheduled for April.

5. Outreach preparation of the operation

The experience of successfully imitating the presence of a terrible disease, stirring up panic was; it remained only to increase the information pressure. This was done by classical means of psychological warfare: exaggeration of the event, concealment of facts inappropriate for the picture shown, ridicule of any other information and its authors. The novelty was the daily, and even several times a day, reports on the number of "sick" - it turned out that this is a very powerful means of creating mass psychosis, a stressful state, a means of intimidating the population. At the same time, censorship was introduced on the topic of the epidemic in social networks - the main networks were in the hands of the conspirators. The explanation is the unreliability of the information. Now it is safe to say that the frightening videos shown by the media and social networks had nothing to do with the flow of false covid. They showed some Chinese actors falling in the streets and immediately dying in convulsions ... in the picture of the real course of the disease there is nothing like this. They showed footage of secret graves of the victims of the epidemic – secret, because the authorities hide the danger and do nothing. It turned out that this is all a fake and a movie with extras and bags of garbage, as well as footage of a completely non-secret burial of dead homeless people, for example, New York and the last great creativity of the 🧑 🎨 loving mayor of New York, finally Cuomo shot at least one horror movie in his life. Mobile crematoriums and refrigerators for storing corpses were shown. Not useful, there was no overflow of morgues, no need for hasty cremation. There were terrible numbers of deaths, with even those who died in traffic accidents being recorded as covid deaths. There was no excess mortality in developed countries by the end of 2020. 

Where are the dead Comrades criminals?

In the statistics of the WHO, the column "covid patients" appeared, but the epidemics of influenza, 0 cases and 0 deaths completely disappeared. This was already in 2002 and 2009, only then all the dead were not recorded in an osprey as victims of the epidemic; on the contrary, the victims of the epidemic were counted among those who died from influenza (rather, complications caused by influenza) - this is an innovation of 2020.

An example of information escalation of the situation, creating an atmosphere of panic and horror. A website appeared on the Web, where it was possible at any time to get fresh, hour-old information about the number of sick and dead. According to legend, some underage programmer from somewhere in Latin America developed the appropriate software to help humanity. Suppose. But who and why collects and publishes every hour information about the number of cases, and even around the world? There is no practical sense in such statistics. And usually they try, on the contrary, to hide information, to downplay the data - precisely so as not to cause panic that interferes with the normal work of medicine. Maybe there was some boy, but someone told him where the data would appear, for practical purposes meaningless. Or maybe deliberately falsified, or rather, specially composed. The usual methods of information warfare were also used, i.e. lying by replacing concepts with similar, but more suitable for the goals and objectives of the lying. The well-defined concept of "epidemic" has been replaced by the vague concept of "pandemic". In statistics, people who may have been diagnosed with the virus began to be shown as "sick". The wild term "asymptomatic patients" was coined.The disease is expressed in a violation of the body. At the same time, some measured parameters of the body change (blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, oxygen saturation of the blood - there are many such parameters); according to these changes, the disease is diagnosed. A person may (not necessarily) feel bad, note a decrease in some functions, etc.But if there is none of this, then there is no disease. There is no disruption of the body, all organs and systems work normally - there are no symptoms. So, there is not the slightest reason to call a person sick. "Asymptomatic patient" is nonsense. But is it necessary to somehow justify the barbaric pseudo-medical measures against the population? To diagnose the presence of the virus, PCR tests began to be massively used, which are not intended for this purpose.

"The method is based on repeated selective copying of a certain section of nucleic acid DNA using enzymes under artificial conditions." It is not objective: the result depends on the number of copying procedures... We will carry out the procedure 40 times - the desired substance will be more than when it is carried out 10 times. With a certain number of iterations, we will find completely insignificant, below the theoretical error of measurement, the amount of the desired substance, in which there is no sense. But when they are carried out, there is a way to arbitrarily change the result (detection or non-detection of the virus) by a small change in the method of testing. Wanted - increased the sensitivity of the test, ai-yay, epidemic! Wanted – reduced sensitivity – reported on the successes achieved. Tests of the world virologist Richard Rothschild, in PCR registered in the Netherlands in 2015-2016, with the activation of the active status of pearl false pandemic detected a terrible virus in fruit juice and even in technical liquids.

For medical purposes, these tests are not intended, their use for other purposes is a deliberate violation of the testing procedure, they are not objective, they are extremely inaccurate. But for propaganda purposes, they are very suitable. On March 24, the Vienna court ruled that PCR tests are not suitable for diagnosing diseases, and their results do not allow to identify a person as a patient (it was about the restrictions on a person's freedom associated with this status). At the same time, the court, among other things, referred to the documents of the WHO, which does not recommend making a diagnosis only on the basis of PCR tests. For some time, all the dead were recorded as victims of a terrible epidemic.Everyone who was found to have antibodies to the new infection was declared ill - despite the fact that in most cases people, even closely communicating with the sick, do not get sick themselves; i.e. they developed immunity, and there was no disease. In Italy, the case of a mass conspiracy of doctors with relatives of the dead was investigated - to record the death from the epidemic, for which insurance was relied. In fact, the patients recorded all who only suspected not the disease itself, but the presence of the virus - and still the epidemic threshold was not crossed anywhere. There was no epidemic, nowhere else. And the "pandemic" was...

Reuters: "British scientists have said that patients who tested positive for coronavirus but successfully underwent treatment would still be considered dead from COVID-19 even if they suffered a heart attack or were hit by a bus three months later. Uk Health Secretary Matt Hancock has ordered a check on how England reports deaths from the coronavirus. Fox News headline: "Questions raised after fatal motorcycle crash listed as COVID-19 death." ABC: "Some private labs in Florida did not report negative COVID-19 test results to the Department of Health as required by the state, resulting in a 100% positive for these labs. The U.S. Department of Health has confirmed this information."

Fucking circus 🎪 state criminals 

🤡🌎 G20 Column Meeting. 

Russian 🇷🇺Siluanova and hand on heart with a speaking sign.

Well, his walk in a muzzle can be watched in our channel alone and in a mask after leaving the hearse on the street and standing without it in front of the clear eyes of the meeting party also do not need comment ...

In the Vatican, Joe and Jill completely forgot about the pandemic organized by their curators and did not wear the muzzles that they were told to wear in public. With the deteriorating thinking abilities of this barely standing on their feet of a couple day by day, it seems that the absence of muzzles could be forgiven if the grandfather's health concerned only the grandfather himself.

This is only a small part of the corpus delicti carried out by national administrations in 2020, preparing for the transition to another more important stage of the main crime against humanity, nation-states in 2021, that is, today, now.

Who will say that these are children's pranks in the form of redrawing the national borders of the world drawn in kindergarten, let him be the first to throw a stone at us 🪨. We say it —

Ꭲhᴇ sᴛᴀᴛus ᴏf ᴛhᴇ ʍᴀᴛᴇriᴀl: ᴄᴏuᴩ d'éᴛᴀᴛ, sᴇgrᴇgᴀᴛiᴏn ᴀnd gᴇnᴏᴄidᴇ ᴏf ᴛhᴇ ᴩᴏᴩulᴀᴛiᴏn.

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