
The family met again. Margaret Trudeau mom, Fidel Castro Dad and son Justin Trudeau. 

    Mom, Dad, I am our close-knit family. 

Loving Triangle: Margaret Trudeau, Pierre Trudeau, Fidel Castro, Justin Trudeau.

Archival Minutes of the Editorial Board of February 1, 2021.

A Covid gulag is marching in Canada.

The pastor's wife, who was flying home to Calgary from a business trip to Texas, was taken to a "secret detention facility" and detained for two nights because authorities said she had the wrong COVID test.

Nikki Mathis, 35, who founded summit church in 2009 in Florida with her husband Chris, returned from Dallas on Jan. 28 after a four-day trip.

Before boarding the plane in Texas, she tested negative for COVID-19 as required.

However, upon arrival in Calgary, border control officials told her that her antigenic nasal swab was not acceptable and instead she needed to undergo a molecular test.

Now the pastor will preach Covid-dissidentism.

View from the window of the 🪟 of the Canadian Gulag.

These are the kind of people who greeted passengers on February 1, 2021 at Toronto Airport.

Starting Wednesday, February 3, 2021, all incoming flights began landing in Montreal, Toronto, Calgary or Vancouver. And that's it. Other airports in Canada have closed.

After that, all arriving passengers were tested for false COVID-19 false tests from 2017 and waited up to three days at a government-approved hotel to get their results, with the travelers paying for the accommodation themselves.

It cost this pleasure from Justin will be about $ 2,000.

Good son from the same kind Dad. 

How the Chinese are taking over 🇨🇦

Remember, when the Chinese want to come, you will not see their tank columns. Just one day you will wake up and realize that there are more Chinese people around.

 Canada 🇨🇦 a huge empty area of ​​3 people / 1 kV. Km, such is the population density of the country. The whole city next to Vancouver looks like real Asia. And this is not the pop-tourist Chinatown.

Let's see how the city lives under the Chinese "occupation".

In America, there are also many such areas to this day. Moreover, the Chinese are everywhere, they already conduct national news 📰 the United States 🇺🇸 and tell with foam at their Chinese mouth how Americans should live. 

Combined with the old material, the Great Wall of China and the crowds of people on the wall, as well as the deployment of the Chinese Army on Canadian territory near the U.S. 🇺🇸 borders, everyone should know very briefly:

And this is said by another defendant in the lawsuit against the health of Canadian citizens and citizens of other states living in Canada 🇨🇦. Introducing Justin Trudeau, a Canadian public servant who is currently Canada's 3rd Chief Public Health Officer. 

Against the background of all this co-shaped sura, no less ponopthumistically looks info that the FGAOU "Urfu named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin" as well as the patent of Bill Gates, as well as the address of the laboratory in Wuhan, funded by Soros/Gates, also has in its data 666 (three six)

💉🤡🇺🇸This Brown of Oregon openly blackmails the public and sets a new vaccination goal, updating risk levels in Oregon. 🐏 All this looks like a hostage situation in which all the residents of the state:

Settlements were founded a long time ago, in the 19th century, for the same reasons: Chinese emigrants who moved to a foreign land in search of a better life tried to settle closer to their own, receiving all kinds of support from their fellow tribesmen. Chinatowns still play the role of a walker for the Chinese taking their first steps in a new country, but to a lesser extent. Although as before, they remain the center of Asian life on another continent.

With Canada, and especially vancouver, the story is a little different. 40% of the city's population is made up of recent immigrants. The city has the highest proportion of Asians per capita among all of North America, and most of them come from China. First of all, from Hong Kong, where in 1997 the mass resettlement of the people began due to the transfer of sovereignty from Great Britain to China. The British government promised Hong Kong citizens the preservation of citizenship of the United Kingdom, but this caused only a wave of migration to other countries of the Commonwealth of Nations. Most settled in Canada. 

Vancouver also has its own Chinatown, it is located in the city center and is not of particular interest. This historic district is distinguished by red lanterns with dragons, characteristic Chinese gates, several buildings in the Asian style and specific shops. Those who have been to the Chinatowns of New York or San Francisco, it will seem quite boring and small. Another thing is Richmond. This is not a district, but a whole city, more than half of whose population is ethnic Chinese. Richmond is part of Greater Vancouver and is its suburb, but it's a very different Canada. 

Visually, the center of Richmond has little resemblance to typical American cities. High-rises made of glass and concrete, everywhere hieroglyphs, in parks Asian old women in the morning do exercises. Well, just a Chinese metropolis! 

Domestic tours in Canada and trips abroad. English is not necessary, Chinese guides are at your service. 

Branch of Bank of China in Canada. 

In traditional Chinatowns, as in any other ethnic neighborhoods of America, there are usually a lot of old people: the next generation becomes full-fledged Americans and changes the habitat. In Canada, everything is a little different: the state is built on the principle of a multi-ethnic mosaic, not a melting pot, the national identity of everyone is put at the forefront. The result is obvious: Richmond is young, cheerful and successful. Vancouver-born Chinese remain chinese first and Canadians only later. 

The discipline of communism has the first effect. Ideal self-organization at the gene military level. 

Richmond and expensive cars! 

They're here on every corner. America 🇺🇸 well, where can you see the cluster of Bentley, Rolls, Ferrari in one place? On Hollywood Boulevard near the cinema on the day of the premiere? Here they drive around the city, a supercar can be near an inconspicuous eatery or a cheap supermarket. 

An insatiable passion for luxury is a feature of all hunger strikers from communist countries. Chinese Canadians are no exception. Such a mentality, you can live in a full shovna and slums, but drive an expensive car. 

Parking at the entrance to an inconspicuous dental clinic. In fact, it is an innovative company for the restoration and implantation of teeth. 

Boots thrown on wires in America are a sign of a gangster "ghetto" and a bad neighborhood. But not in this case. 

Lotus car dealership under the bridge. A modest elderly Chinese man is eyeing the car.

The local Richmond public market is one of the very few signs in English. This is the main difference, even the historical Chinatowns have already been adapted.

Nothing like a hipster market on Granville Island. The Richmond market is its exact opposite. Tight passages, empty boxes in the corners, small debris on the cracked concrete floor. 

Vancouver, is "the best city on Earth" so good today? 

            Vegetable shop. 

Many goods come here directly from China and are not sold in other parts of the city: no one but Asians even understand their purpose. Roots, algae, shavings from deer horns, dried bird nests. Judging by the range, this is a shop of traditional medicine. And in Canada, dried members of animals do not openly sell? 

For years, we have seen chinese troops, armored vehicles, and artillery concentrate in Mexico 🇲🇽 and Canada 🇨🇦 with the goal of physically invading the United States. Most people have shoved those rumors off. But now...

Video from salt spring island is in our channel. It is near Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA. It depicts the Chinese military in uniform on a country road.

Canada. Concentration camps of the country of correct democracy

Modern Canada is associated for many as the promised land, where migrants from all over the world aspire. Canada is among the advanced countries of the "right" democracy, which regularly tries to teach Russians and other Slavic peoples how to live. And this is a country that repeatedly betrayed its citizens during the First and Second World Wars.

Everyone has heard about the Soviet Gulag, but not everyone knows that the concentration camps were in the "right" democracies. But over time, it was the Soviet Gulag that was turned into a hell with the help of a Nobel laureate, as if Western concentration camps were created by democratic "angels" with wings.

Concentration camps are an invention of the West, brought to "perfection" by Nazi Germany. The first camps were established in southern Africa during the Anglo-Boer War of 1899 by the British authorities (the birthplace of parliamentary democracy). This fact is more or less known.

But there were concentration camps in other Western countries. For example, in the United States and Canada, where they were eventually renamed "camps for displaced persons."

After Britain entered the First World War (August 5, 1914), the Canadian authorities called for tolerance of fellow immigrant citizens. But the Canadian layman demanded tough measures from the government. The British Dominion of Canada passed the "Military Measures Act", which provides for the registration and in some cases internment of citizens of "enemy nationality". The rights of immigrants from Austria-Hungary and Germany were restricted, including a ban on the purchase of land suitable for agricultural cultivation, the publication of newspapers and magazines in their native languages, and the deprivation of the right to vote. Police were allowed to search immigrant homes.[1]

In the wake of the hysteria of the outbreak of the First World War, a broad propaganda campaign against Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy unfolded in Canada. And migrants from these countries were trapped, turned into internal enemies. After their arrest, all valuables, including money, jewelry and securities, were seized and sent to the "Enemy Aliens Property Fund". Some of the confiscated money was stolen.

Most of the 170,000 Ukrainians (more precisely, Galicians and Ruthenians) living in Canada before World War I settled in the Canadian prairies, Ontario and Quebec. Here they worked on farms and factories, in the forestry and mining industries, on the construction of railways. Since these immigrants came to Canada from the Austro-Hungarian Empire (mainly from Galicia and Bukovina), their citizenship was recorded as "Austro-Hungarian". More than 80,000 Ukrainians were registered with the police, and about 8,600 people, including women and children, were sent to concentration camps in cold and remote places in Canada. There they were obliged not only to build camps for prisoners, but also were distributed to hard labor on the construction of roads and railways, as well as to logging.


Norbert K. Iwan Canada's First World War Internment Camps, 2014.

In Canada, from Quebec to British Columbia, 24 concentration camps were organized. They contained sailors from German ships sunk by the British, and among the civilians, in addition to Ukrainians, poles, Russians, Czechs, Slovaks, Serbs and Croats were kept.

Some of the prisoners were sent to concentration camps in the Rocky Mountains (Canadian Kolyma). The largest camp was located in Banff near Castle Mountain. The prisoners created the infrastructure of the resort, including the construction of local roads.

- Castle Mountain Rocky Mountain Internment Camp (1915)

Prisoners of Canadian concentration camps worked in logging, mines, farms, and the construction of roads and railways. They died of disease and died while trying to escape. A total of 107 internees died, mostly "Austrians". Thousands of internees lost their health, as well as faith in a happy life in a foreign land.

Internees were denied access to newspapers, their correspondence was severely censored and as limited as possible. Therefore, it was common for prisoners to passively resist (including hunger strikes) against conditions of detention. Some prisoners committed suicide. And in 1916 there was a riot of 1200 prisoners in the Kapuskasing camp. During attempts to escape, some prisoners were shot dead.

As the need for troops at the front led to an acute shortage of workers in Canada, many of the internees were paroled and sent to work in private companies, where their earnings were set at the level of a soldier (25 cents per day). This payment was much less than that of Canadians of English or French descent. Thus, former internees continued to be used as almost free slave power.

The war ended, but in Russia since 1917 the "red infection" spread and the authorities decided to extend the stay in the camps for Ukrainians until the beginning of 1920. Subsequently, Canadian Ukrainians appealed to the Canadian government with a demand to publicly recognize responsibility for the injustice inflicted on the Ukrainian community in 1914-1920 and pay compensation.


Internment camps were re-established during World War II for Japanese, Italian and German Canadians. This time, the Canadian Mennonites were also unlucky. Members of this Protestant sect, for their religious beliefs, refused to take up arms and serve in the army. For his pacifism, he landed in the camps.

The first concentration camps for the Japanese appeared in the United States after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941). In early 1942, the government of the most "correct" state in the world sent 110,000 Japanese citizens to them, having previously requisitioned their property, including real estate and valuables.

This example was followed by Canada, which interned 22,000 in concentration camps. Japanese, mostly from the province of British Columbia. By order of 24 February 1942, persons of Japanese origin were interned from the 100-mile coastal zone and their fishing vessels confiscated. The Japanese were placed in 10 concentration camps, including the Rocky Mountains. Here, the hard labor of the Japanese was used to build roads in the national parks of Jasper and Banff (near Princess Louise Lake).

After the war, Canadian Japanese were forbidden to live in the province of British Columbia and offered deportation to Japan. However, in 1949, after several trials, the Japanese received the right to live in all Canadian provinces.

In 1988, U.S. President Ronald Reagan publicly apologized for interning Japanese Americans during the war. The Canadian prime minister also made a formal apology, and the government began paying compensation ($ 21 thousand per person). Canadian citizenship was restored to 199999.

The Military Measures Act of 1917 was also applied in 1970 to French-speaking Quebec, which demanded independence. Canadian immigrants rightly believe that legislative safeguards are needed against massive violations of human rights, ethnic discrimination and civil liberties.


When you walk independently in the Banff National Park, you can find in addition to the beauties of nature, modest bronze obelisks with inscriptions in English, French and Ukrainian. Monuments were erected to prisoners of concentration camps, whose labor paved roads and bridges, equipped local resorts.

It seems clear to everyone that we know the main defendants by name and in person. Mistakes are certainly possible, but these are costs when carrying out work on disinfection of territories and nothing more. 

             Georgia 1963 .

Son justin and Dad Fidel Castro 

We remember someone who couldn't do their job well, didn't we? 

         Fidel Castro Diaz-Balart

                            Fidel Castro

It seems that someone still in 60 years has not learned to work? 

Justin Trudeau is the son of Fidel Castro.

Margaret Trudeau, Pierre Ellioth Trudeau, Fidel Castro. 

                         Margaret Trudeau

This is evidenced by the suicide note of the son of Fidel Castro, who committed suicide. The ways of the Lord are inscrutable. Where is the son of Canadian Liberal Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau and where is Cuba's revolutionary dictator Fidel Castro? Nearby are in 2020-2021. Connected by one unlucky windy woman. What was Justin Trudeau's mother, Margaret Trudeau. Fidel is Cuban and Justin is a Canadian copy of a Cuban. Even a computer algorithm was called for help, which gave Justin the similarity of Justin with Fidel Castro by 94% while his father Pierre Trudeau, the man Justin looks only 64%.

Pierre Trudeau had a noble bald head. Justin is almost 50 and if he were Trudeau's biological son, bald patches would have made themselves felt long ago. However, Justin, as we can see, has fiery glamorous curls, comparable only to Fidel's beard. And the last is the suicide note of 68-year-old Fidel Castro Diaz-Balart, the eldest of the children of Fidel Castro. In it, he actually confirmed a long-standing rumor that Margaret Trudeau gave birth to Justin from Fidel Castro after a date in 1970. Fidel Castro Diaz-Balart was treated for depression for a long time, in the end he voluntarily said goodbye to life. Among other things, he mentioned in his message how angry he was at his father because he had always been compared to Justin on his part. 

Fidel Castro is the sexiest man I've ever seen in my life. That evening I felt so attracted to him that we couldn't even stand a couple of meters apart. Pierre was not surprised he rejected my achievements compared to his success in Canada. But what was I to do? I'm Cuban. My brother is Canadian. If he had been born and raised in Cuba, he would have always lived in the shadow of our father, as I did – "little Fidel" remarked in his note. So he was called because of the similarity with his father. 

Margaret Trudeau .

Now a little digression into history. So, Margaret, Justin's mom is a very relaxed person. She had a large number of sexual partners, which she did not really hide. Margaret Trudeau, Pierre Ellioth Trudeau, Justin Trudeau. 

In the early 1970s, Margaret became famous as a poster girl of the Flower Child movement and was an adept of the sexual revolution, which despised traditional marriage vows as archaic. The woman did not change her freedom after her marriage to a famous politician. Pierre Ellioth Trudeau reciprocated her and also indulged in the binges. It is known that the family was very close to Fidel Castro. Once Margaret admitted: Fidel Castro is the sexiest man I have seen in my life However, she was so hot that it was passed on to all the men margaret paid attention to. Here's how she describes her meeting with Ted Kennedy: That night I felt so drawn to him that we couldn't even stand a couple of meters apart. After U.S. Senator Margaret fell in love with Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Voodoo, and then Mick Jagger, who in 1977 moved to New York with the frontman of the Stones. As a result of her love, her marriage to Trudeau eventually fell apart, and he achieved sole custody of the children.

And now smoothly moving from the interesting mother of Justin to the comparison with Castro - are these two different? 

Margaret Trudeau, Pierre Ellioth Trudeau, Justin Trudeau

Executioners of the NKVD: How was the fate of people on whose conscience tens of thousands of ruined lives.

In the 1930s, the state punitive system was in dire need of people who were fully prepared for anything. By order to carry out mass executions, to knock out the necessary testimony - not every person is capable of this. And therefore the executioners of the NKVD were very much appreciated, lived in special conditions, their position was considered even honorable. On the conscience of such performers tens of thousands of murdered, often sentenced to death on trumped-up charges.

"Death Machine"

The NKVD acted according to the worked out scheme. On the basis of the information conveyed to the investigators, a case was opened, which in the vast majority of cases became the basis for the death penalty. The worst thing is that the relatives were not informed about the shootings - they were informed that their relative was sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment without the right of correspondence and transmission. This was the order, and since 1945 it was reported that the prisoner died his own death in prison.

Two from the NKVD firing squad.

They were deprived of their lives by executioners, those who directly led in the execution of the orders of the higher authorities. Most executions took place in Moscow, immediately after interrogation or a short sentence. Therefore, most of Stalin's executioners lived in the capital. Interestingly, there were not so many of them - about two dozen. And all because not everyone could withstand such work, the executioners had to have a stable psyche, excellent professional data, be able to observe strict secrecy and be devoted to their work and leadership.

As creepy as it sounds, many of them even enjoyed the process. Someone aspired to quantitative records, considering each new victim a separate professional achievement, someone came up with sophisticated methods to stand out from his colleagues, and someone carefully prepared for each murder, creating special rituals, a special form of clothing or choosing a specific type of weapon. 

Vasily Blokhin - a general who personally shot about 20 thousand people

This man became the absolute record holder in terms of quantity. He was the permanent commander of the shootings, having received this position at the beginning of his career and retreating from it only after retirement. Vasily Mikhailovich became a rare exception among the executioners - he was able to live to old age with a relatively good state of health. He always approached work responsibly - he observed safety precautions, did not drink alcohol. He always wore a special uniform so that blood did not fall on open areas of the body.

On the shooting, he tuned in emotionally - each time calmly drinking a cup of strong tea and leafing through books about horses. It was Blokhin who was the leader of the mass shooting of Poles in Katyn. There, the executioner personally took the lives of more than 700 people. He also shot his former colleagues arrested in the case of the shootings of the Solovetsky stage. 

During his lifetime, he received many awards for his selfless work, had honor and respect among colleagues, received a special pension of 3150 rubles, when the average salary was 700 rubles. After the arrest of Beria, the major-general was deprived of his rank, orders and pension. There is a version that it was after these shocks that Blokhin had a heart attack. He died in 1955 and is buried in the Donskoy cemetery, not far from the mass grave of his victims.

Sardion Nadaraya - "universal soldier"

On his account about 10 thousand killed. Being a countryman of Beria, the Georgian Nadaraya quickly built his career. After 11 years of service, he was already the head of the internal prison of the NKVD of the Georgian SSR. Sardion Nikolaevich personally supervised the interrogations, using brutal methods. He personally beat, tortured and shot prisoners. Nadaraya became famous for his ability to knock out of the prisoners the testimony necessary for the NKVD - self-indents and fictitious accusations, accusations against those who were in the development of the security forces.

The highest point of career growth was the appointment of Sardion Nikolayevich heads of personal protection of Lavrentiy Beria. In this position, he carried out all the orders of the chief. One of his tasks was to find and deliver women for pleasure, and the choice of Beria was unpredictable - he could point to a lady on the street, the wives of high-ranking military, actresses and singers, or choose one of those who wrote him written appeals on work issues. Nadaraya and his colleagues tracked them, went to addresses, caught on the street and brought them to their leader. 

After the arrest of Beria, Nadaraya was taken into development by the special services. He was accused of pimping, and remembered all the acts as head of the Georgian NKVD. In 1955, he received 10 years of imprisonment with confiscation, served his entire term and lived out his old age in Georgia. 

Peter Maggo - executioner, who considered shooting an art

Latvian Maggo is also included in the list of record holders - he took the lives of more than 10 thousand prisoners. One of the most effective executioners of the NKVD carried out executions all the years of his service. Having successfully worked in the punitive detachment, Maggo became the head of the internal prison. As a leader, Pyotr Ivanovich had the right not to take a personal part in the executions, but he did it because he liked the process. Killing people, he often entered into courage and fell into semi-oblivion. There is a case when, having shot convicts, Maggo began to force his colleague Popov to undress and stand up to the wall, because he could not recognize him, being in a very excited state.

Sadist and maniac Peter Maggo.

He considered shooting a special art, loved to teach novice executioners, telling them how to properly bring prisoners to the place of execution and what actions to perform when shooting, so as not to be splated with blood. At the same time, he always improved his work if he received comments from his superiors. For example, he carried out educational work with prisoners, so that they did not pronounce the name of the leader before they died.

Maggo's awards include the badge "Honorary Chekist", two Orders of the Red Banner and the Order of Lenin. In 1940, he was dismissed from the NKVD. Love for strong alcohol, which appeared over the years, brought him to cirrhosis of the liver, from which Maggo eventually died in 1941. 

Such small paper meant imminent death.

Vasily and Ivan Shigalev - family devotion to a common cause

Shigalev - very famous personalities, it was the only case when relatives were the so-called employees for special assignments. Vasily was an ideal performer, who was appreciated by the authorities - he flawlessly performed tasks of any complexity. His personality is also notable for the fact that he is the only one who was reported by his own colleagues. In the denunciation Shigalev was accused in connection with the enemy of the people. Such a report at that time was enough for execution, but the authorities left it without consequences, because they did not want to lose such a valuable employee. After that, Vasily began to perform his work as an executioner even more zealously, was awarded the title of honorary chekist and the Order of the Badge of Honor, became a knight of several military orders. 

The executioner was so careful that his signature was not found in any of the documents of the archives.


Ivan was less cunning, however, just as quickly went up the career ladder, and received even more awards for his service. The lieutenant colonel had the Order of Lenin and even the medal "For the Defense of Moscow", although he did not kill a single German. But the executed compatriots on his account hundreds, if not thousands.

The brothers confidently walked on the corpses, striving for new titles and awards. Both died at a fairly young age - in 1942 Vasily passed away, in 1945 (according to some sources in 1946) - Ivan. 

Alexander Emelyanov - dismissed due to illness associated exclusively with long-term work in the bodies

This is the wording in the order to dismiss Lieutenant Colonel Emelyanov. Qualitatively performing his work, Alexander Yemelyanovich eventually became schizophrenic. He repeatedly spoke about the complexity of his work, because of which "they drank until they lost consciousness", because otherwise it was impossible not to go crazy. According to him, the executioners "washed with cologne to the waist." Because the only way to get rid of the persistent smell of blood. On Emelyanov and his colleagues, even the dogs did not bark, shuffled and bypassed them.

Mass shooting.

Ernest Mach - earned neuropsychiatric illness

Latvian shepherd, who later became a prison guard, and then nkvd officers to carry out special instructions. Mach was an exemplary executioner - a minimum of emotions, a maximum of accuracy and well-established actions. Major 26 years faithfully served his favorite cause. Having departed from the work of the executioner, he was happy to train young NKVD officers - he passed on his rich experience.

Execution of execution sentences were not in vain - at the end of his career, Ernest Ansovich was dismissed from service due to a developed mental illness.

The general directs the shooting.

Miraculously managed to survive in repression and two talented screenwriters - camp, who wrote the script Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson and other cult Soviet films.

War of half-measures does not know. Any people whose freedom has been attacked will take revenge on their invaders for the atrocities of the enemy. And this revenge will be cruel. Blood for blood is the motto of guerrilla warfare. 

Agenda 21 - a plan to build a planetary dystopia

“Everything has two purposes. One is the ostensible purpose which will make it acceptable to people; and second, is the real purpose which would further the goals of establishing the new system and having it.”

Ideological fascists - communists have long been drawn up a plan. Of course, they called it a decent name: "sustainable development" for the XXI century, Agenda 21. 

Rebecca June "Beck" Hewitt – Hayley Smith – Home and Go. 

Do we explain? 

𝕸𝖗. 𝕴𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖚𝖗𝖊𝖗 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖚𝖓𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗 & 𝖁

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