As soon as somewhere instead of the word "hello" they say "heil" in someone's personal address - you know, there we are waiting, from there we will begin our great revival. And who now helps the coveted dreams of Henry in working against his country, for …

As soon as somewhere instead of the word "hello" they say "heil" in someone's personal address - you know, there we are waiting, from there we will begin our great revival. And who now helps the coveted dreams of Henry in working against his country, for …

Tribule X


The last letter of the Greek alphabet is Ω or ω (omega), which means Big-O. There is also Little-o, or in Greek: omicron, which means: o. There are suspicions that omega was once written as two omicrons side by side. 



"Those who are now ten need us, neither us nor our ideas; they will not forgive us for hunger and bombing. But those who do not understand anything now will talk about us as a legend! And the legend must be fed! We need to create storytellers who will shift our words in a different way, accessible to people in twenty years. As soon as somewhere instead of the word "hello" they say "heil!" in someone's personal address, know that there they are waiting for us, from there we will begin our great revival. " 

Who said that? Presumably this was said by Heinrich Müller, chief of the secret state police (IV department of the RSHA) of Germany (1939-1945), SS Gruppenführer and lieutenant general of police (1941).

Sir Tribule creates Stories at his desk. 

Media Don't thank you. Eat how you used to chew on a freebie at the expense of the budget for your parasha called in a narrow circle of uneducated morons and degenerates by MSNBC, CNN, Skype News and other cheap slag for pigs. You are all 100% faggots and huesos and we are coming to you for a perverted blowjob. Sit the cock from a drunken monkey 🙉 , or better hang in the bathroom on a towel. I'm telling you, you know who I am, the gavniuks are cheap.

𝓢𝓲𝓻 𝓣𝓻𝓲𝓫𝓾𝓵𝓮 𝓥 .

The people and the Victory will decide for themselves what this Victory will be. 

Everyone is tired of the anti-constitutional lawlessness happening around us. The paper for recording the names of those involved in lawlessness will never end and we have been recording everything that has been happening for 2 years quite accurately and painstakingly. 

Yes, many do not have the physical and emotional strength to endure the immorality created by the talking heads of national administrations, these puppets of Mr. Globalist and pretend that nothing is happening. 

Calls for effect have not yet had an effect: the sadder and sadder the fate of the guilty and the more work for the cleaners. 

No one thinks that once everything will end and we will live as before, as we lived; that once and everyone will stay in their seats where they are now. 

It doesn't work that way, Friends. Responsibility will have to be liability to everyone and in any case.

Somewhere out there, far or near, there is already a Man watching all this. Maybe he's been involved in politics before, maybe he wasn't. But what he sees, he can't ignore and he doesn't like it very much. He is a maximalist and a perfectionist and this quality is very bad for the opposing side, because alas, there will be no compromises and transactions. 

He loves his homeland and the ideals of freedom presented to him. 

Now He has to watch as these ideals, given to him by his homeland, are trampled into the mud by those who preferred money, power and position, which they were falsely promised by those who manage the processes, the children of the father of lies, and who then dispose of them. 

This man doesn't know it yet, but he's a Phoenix. He is the one everyone is waiting for, and about whom there are many rumors. He is the one who will rise from the ashes of dreams set on fire by those who wanted to enslave us. 

What is happening now in the World reflects the fury of the disenfranchised. And whenever this rage boils over, blood must or should not be shed in the name of change, in the name of Ideals, in the name of Life, in the name of Eternity, in the name of the only true and unchanging absolute-Love.

Somewhere out there, Friends, there is already a person who will make sure that everything we expect happens and happens. An instrument of God Himself, that man will not be a mirror for the wrath of the People, but rather a lens concentrating the light of the People into a blazing beam of purifying fire. It's not a prophecy, it's just inevitable. It's a century-old experience, Friends. This has always been the case with "Before" and now it will be performed, perhaps for the last time. 

That person could be anyone. In an instant, he will realize that he is Him. Until this time, he will accumulate rage by watching. And so I appeal directly to you, Friends, for from among us He will be, to the man who will be this Phoenix. 

Stand, and the truth will stand with Us.

Stand now, as you stood before.

Fight, and the honest will support Us.

Never bend the knee, and they themselves will bow it before Us. Freedom demands it. This is what the World demands.

And when the struggle is over and Freedom is restored, Friends, You and I will be able to say that we were the first to speak to Him, and we were the ones who called upon Him.

Now is the time. It could be anyone. Maybe I, maybe You, or maybe He, or maybe They. Take your roe and sword-Word, and don't forget the shield-Knowledge. History awaits us. And it does not matter whether we are remembered or we are unnamed, victory will decide for itself what it will be. 

Daniel Andrews calls the unvaccinated a bunch of and says they should drink from separate fountains of water.

Victorian Prime Minister Daniel Andrews says people who didn't get

the latest products COVID19 Pfizer are a bunch of. He then made a gesture, turning his head away from the cameras in disgust and spitting on the ground.

His previous claims that he wanted to "track them all down" were widely criticized by civil rights groups. Today's comments, proposing a new segregation policy under which the unvaccinated will have to drink from individual fountains for the foreseeable future, have drawn similar criticism.
In the video are epstein Island regulars whose names were on his black book and the logbook of his private jet, which pedophiles called lolita express. Next to the name of the number of articles by which they should be judged.

The clowns of the global kahal perform again. Without it, they can't 6️ 6️ 6️

Thursday 30 January 2020 to Friday 26 November 2021: 666 Days.

The "Omicron" virus, which appeared 6 6 6 days after the onset of Omicron COVID. Omicron - also Italian science fiction - comedy "Omicron" was shot in 1963 by director Gregoretti. 

"Guest from the planet

Omicron. An alien arrives on earth with a botanical virus, but a brave Arizona widow conquers it with her freshly cooked kitchen and then tries to overthrow the corrupt government that pushed him to do so. An alien captures the body of an earthling to learn about the planet so that his race can take over it." 😂
Fragment of the film "Omicron". Discover and you will understand everything from this brief story. To scare 👻 you stood and is facing a task. This is the main and main task of the state biological terrorists to reformat the world and establish the NWO in the form of a military communist on the basis of false Ethiopian medical fascism. "Omicron".

The chief medical officer of the United States, terrorist number 1, was burned.

He was spotted in a store in Nantaketa over the weekend. He was without his dog muzzle, despite the prescriptive sign and the fact that he himself repeatedly urged Americans to wear muzzles consisting of a plate of Petri in the form of dirty, snotty and drooling rags. 

An Italian policeman/carabinieri cries and says he can no longer serve these fascists who violate the Constitution and put them against their own People.

Watching the lawlessness, the swabian clowns from the global kahal destroy his People, his homeland, which he loves so much, he cries like this every day: "This is not the spirit and courage with which we took the oath. I refuse to continue serving."

I want to say to this awakened Man: Don't worry, Friend, this will pass... Yeah, at first it feels like that. Then you just at some point will no longer have enough land under your feet, it will go away when you suddenly begin to understand how the World really works. It's about questioning everything that has led you to who you are now. But rest assured, once you open your eyes wide enough to take note of what you've seen, they'll never close again...

And as soon as you understand that you are not only the person you were before, and whom you saw in yourself, but also just an ordinary, good person with a clear conscience, the smile will return to you again and will never leave your lips, because for good People there is no alternative, they have no choice, except to fight for justice, the rule of law and freedom. Good spirits to all of us, Friends.

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