American Gulag 

American Gulag 

During the Great Depression, which raged in the United States in the 30s, about 5-7 million citizens died of starvation in America. At the same time, many of them died due to the fault of the US government. Why do they prefer to shyly keep quiet about this in the Oval Office today? 


- Do you doubt this figure? 

You can doubt as much as you want, even to the point of blueness, even to the point of insanity, although it seems that another mind-blowing Joe is definitely not threatened, then there is simply nowhere to fade. Well, if anyone still doubts, it is better to take the official data of the US statistical agency. And they're really stunning. In the 30s in the United States, the actual presence of citizens was found out only at the time of the census, and they were conducted in 1930, 1940 and 1950. So, the data from these censuses reveal a sharp shortage of the US population. And it is obvious that these statistical data were adjusted to the actual population for census years, that is, forged. It looks like this: the birth rate by the beginning of 1931 allegedly drops by half and remains at the level of ten years. And in 1941 it rises sharply. And also twice. That doesn't happen in demographics! If it was only a drop in the birth rate, then we would have a failure only for people born in the 30s. However, there is such a failure for Americans born in the 20s. But they could not "not be born" - they were already living! Consequently, they could only die in the 30s. In total, based on American statistics, the population of the United States by 1940 should have grown to almost 141.856 million people. In fact, this figure is 131.409 million.  3 million of them are explained by the migration of the population. Another 2.5 million losses are due to a decrease in the birth rate (here it is still necessary to find out the proportion of unaccounted infant mortality). And about 5 million where did they disappear in american statistics? 

And no one ever explained to us where they went... ! 

If you take and look at the statistics of the population by year: how many were born, how many died, then you will not see reliable figures.

- How's that? 

- I need to ask Orderly Joe, how's that? 

See the U.S. statistical website, for example, 1932: "the statistical report for 1932 was not compiled."  Do you understand what a convenient way to hide the ends in the water? Just don't make a report...


- Are there really such terrible losses from the Great Depression?

- It turns out that yes, exactly. Among the millions of disadvantaged people, hunger, disease, and high mortality were rampant. About 5 million farmers and their families were deprived of land and housing, that is, dispossessed to nowhere. The terminology is purely Soviet... In fact, what happened to American farmers can be put on a par with Stalin and the dekulakization in the USSR. And Joe Barry just wants to do it again. Yes Joe Barry? The land, crops and livestock of many farmers were pledged to banks. And those, in turn, belonged to large oligarchic agricultural structures, which took property from the ruined peasants for debts. Almost every sixth farmer fell under the millstone of the credit system then.  The agricultural business lobby was not interested in having a lot of food: then it would become available to impoverished Americans. Therefore, the authorities and business acted quite according to the communist tradition: they smelled about 10 million hectares of land with a harvest and destroyed more than 6.5 million pigs. Well, now they just bought the land and destroyed the farmer: Gates, Bezos, a few more hui - a loop and a pussy; Like Lady Gaga, this whole company of pidaras is well known and revealed, they are all from the same communist conspiracy NWO. I have been saying for a long time, these condoms are so stupid that they did not invent anything new, except for new technologies invented not by them, but by scientists for money stolen from the US 🇺🇸 budget Naturally, all this caused discontent among ordinary Americans who organized "hunger marches". The government left them with only one choice: "community service." To admire the wisdom of Roosevelt, who organized "public works," is the same as to admire the wisdom of Stalin, who organized the construction of the White Sea Canal and a number of other great construction projects of communism. The memory of the humanitarian crimes of the then ruling US regime is etched from official history, replaced by propaganda, in which there is a place for the "wise" Roosevelt, but there is no place for millions of Americans who died of hunger. In total, about 8.5 million people passed through the American "Gulag" of public works. About 2 million unemployed youth alone were attracted. They were paid $30, but $25 of them were deducted for "content"... 

All this happened in terrible malarial conditions and against the background of unprecedented mortality. That's what we need to talk about and write reports about, not the fictional corona 🤴 virus 🦠. And also we need to talk about a conspiracy and an attempt now to arrange an artificial famine in the world. This is how the U.S. administration treats historical documents and memory. These people from the lawn of the same deck generally like to count other people's dead more than their own. The US administration forgot about its Holodomor and decided to repeat it again in the NWO.  A number of modern congressmen, for example, are sincerely surprised by their colleagues, congressmen of the 30s.  Here's one recent statement: "Knew what was going on, but did nothing to help the starving." Silent stage. That is, they knew perfectly well that in the richest city of the country, New York, there are queues for free soup (in the American hinterland there are no such queues, because half of the cities are bankrupt and they do not have money for free soup), but first aid is provided to the population only a few years after the crisis began. The mass famine, in which the U.S. government was guilty, has been talked about in America before. However, all those who made the truth public were declared communists conducting "anti-American activities." And the speakers experienced all the delights of the totalitarian cleansing of the American legal and information field.


Many memories of that time: "The oldest members of my family told how people smashed other people's doors with requests to give them a job for one day only for one meal." Or, "My grandmother used to say that sometimes she didn't eat for days in a row." And the mass demonstrations of the Hoover era were called "hunger marches" 

American press of the 30s. 

The mass destruction of food during the crisis and famine was carried out by the US federal government. They're still doing the same thing. State food storage facilities are full, brought at night a year ago, many kilometer-long trucks were standing for unloading and we record everything.  Comrades communist lawns, let's be honest and write a confession, you are ordinary banal war criminals and cheaters. By the way, the Oval Office needs to be reminded of this fact all the time.  For example, "The Grapes of Wrath" by Steinbeck. There, at the end of the book, a woman feeds a starving adult farmer with her breast milk. Another classic comes to mind, the unemployed picked up spat bones and spruces from the sidewalk. Right now, when the Oval Office at the zenith of its NWO crime, again planned to arrange a famine together with Putin, this information about the fact of the Holodomor in the United States needs to be disseminated around the world in various languages. To educate people, first of all, the Americans themselves and their allies and all sorts of their varieties - rodent licks, such as the G20. Here's Boris Johnson, so much Britain has done in the field of human rights violations, but since the snout is in the cannon, Borya is silent, so as not to get it. And we're still. Can Borya producer continue to make a good mine with a bad game. The so-called English excerpt. Learn Oval Z  One fact of a crime against its people is the Great American Holodomor of the ill-fated year of 1932/33, as a result of which the United States lost millions of its citizens.

«Golodomor ad usum externum» 

"Holodomor for external use" (lats). 

The US administration is now trying, in collusion with the UN and the Kremlin, to present us with another lie about the famine from its old Holodomor 2-0 storehouses. U.S. Congressmen! Genocide against the indigenous population of the United States should honestly be called genocide, or at least "mass extermination" Most of the peoples inhabiting the territory of the United States were completely destroyed, and their total number was consistently and purposefully reduced by about a hundred times. In American history, there is another crime against its people - this is the Great American Holodomor of the same, ill-fated 1932/33 year, as a result of which the United States lost 5-7 million of its citizens. About this, as well as about the genocide of the indigenous population, we can not find condemnatory resolutions of Congress, angry speeches of American politicians, "memorial signs" built on the anniversary of the mass destruction of people and other signs of memory. The memory of this is reliably walled up in forged statistical reports, in archives cleaned of evidence of crimes, written off to the "invisible hand of the market", varnished with panegyrics about the genius of President Roosevelt, and the happiness of the "public works" organized by him for the nation - in fact and fact, this differs little from the Gulag and the epic of the construction of Stalin's White Sea Canal. 


1) Fake Statistics, or Where Are Seven Million Americans?

2) Trying to look at official U.S. demographic statistics is staggering from the start: the statistics for 1932 have been destroyed – or very well hidden. They just don't exist. Without explanation. Yes, they appear later, in later statistics, in the form of retrospective tables. The study of these tables also leads the attentive researcher to some astonishment.

Here's part of a screenshot of the U.S. government's statistical website 

"No statistical report has been compiled for this year," the caption reads. A good way to hide the ends in the water. Just don't make a report. First, according to American statistics, in the decade from 1931 to 1940, according to the dynamics of population growth, the United States lost no less than 8 million 553 thousand people, and the population growth rates change immediately, at once, twice exactly at the turn of 1930/31, fall and freeze at this level for exactly ten years. And just as suddenly, a decade later, they return to their previous meanings. There is no explanation for this in the extensive, hundreds of pages, text of the AMERICAN report of the US Department of Commerce "Statistical Abstract of the United States", although it is filled with explanations on other issues that are not worth even mentioning compared to the above. The question is just stupidly bypassed by default. There is no such question. Any responsible demographer will tell you that a one-time double change in population dynamics in a huge country of one hundred million people is possible only as a result of mass loss of life. Perhaps people left, emigrated, fled the terrible conditions of the Great Depression? Take accurate, detailed data on U.S. immigration and visas and population movements, easily verifiable through cross-comparison with data from other countries, and therefore quite trustworthy. Alas. Immigration statistics do not confirm this version. Indeed, at the height of the Depression, perhaps for the first time in recent U.S. history, more people left the country than moved into. In total, in the 30s, 93,309 more people left the country than arrived in it, and a decade earlier, an additional 2,960,782 people arrived in the country. Well, let's adjust the figure of the total demographic losses of the United States in the thirties by 3.054 thousand people.  In total, according to calculations, in 1940, the population of the United States, while maintaining the previous demographic trends, should have been at least 141.856 million people. The actual population of the country in 1940 was only 131.409 million, of which only 3.054 million are explainable due to changes in the dynamics of migration. So, 7 million 394 thousand people as of 1940 are simply absent. There is no official explanation for this. That they will never appear? But if there are any, the episode with the destruction of statistical data for 1932 and obvious signs of falsification of data from later reports obviously deprives the US government of the right to give any credible comments on this issue. However, the US administration is far from alone in its desire to systematically destroy kompromat and hide population losses from starvation. This is quite a hereditary feature of Anglo-Saxon politics, and it comes from the British Empire. So, in 1943, the British authorities allowed a monstrous famine in Bengal as a result of which more than 3.5 million people died, and before that they quite successfully starved Ireland. The organization of mass starvation in India was the response of the British administration for the uprising of 1942 and the support of the population for the "Indian National Army". But you will not find such data in the British sources of those years. Only India's independence made it possible to collect and make public these materials later. Otherwise, the monstrous British Holodomor of 1943 would never have become known to us, everything would have been safely erased and hidden, as it happened with the materials on the victims of the Great Depression. Actually, any colonial power has such skeletons in the closet. Only when the Biden administration, under the strict leadership of the Soviet negro Barry Obama, breaks up the United States, only then will we learn a lot and a lot of interesting things about the crimes of the US authorities against their own people, the genocide of the indigenous population of the continent and about this tragic time.  But we live here and now, today we live, where the monstrous Stalin, who starved entire peoples of the USSR, is littered in front of us all in white by the Angel of Good and Light, the appearance of the orderly Joe Biden and this angel whines with his vile weeds about the prices raised in the United States personally by Putin and the possible famine in the United States and Europe now also from Putinka. 

In the 30s, America had its own Gulag in the form of public works:

In total, in 1933-1939, he worked in public works under the auspices of the Public Works Administration (PWA) and the Civil Works Administration - SVA (this is the construction of roads, bridges often in uninhabited and swampy malarial areas), with a one-time number of employees up to 3.3 million. In total, 8.5 million people passed through the American Gulag of public works - this is not counting prisoners. People there were held like in a private prison! Officially, of the $30 nominal wage, the mandatory deductions were $25. 

       What is $5 USD at a time? 

Watch a documentary based on Douglas Blackmon's book Slavery under a Different Name on PBS.

All systems of dictatorship are like a copycat, all are similar to each other.

If you need cheap, and even better free labor and there is power and people who can be used, there are always options. The film and the book tell about the system that followed the Civil War and lasted until the Second World War, then Roosevelt was "told" that it was necessary to at least slightly "cut" the material for Japanese propaganda. In the USSR, there was a law of "five spikes", in the South of the States at the same time for a walk near the railway, a black man took a similar term. In the USSR, they built Belomorknals, in the USA roads. Cotton picking season is approaching and arrests begin. In the United States, prisoners were quite legally "resold" into private hands before the end of the term (if before the 13th amendment it was profitable for the slave owner to keep the slave healthy, under the new system - die, the sheriff will send another). The infrastructure and industrialization of the South after the decline of Reconstruction took place almost according to the scenario of the USSR, according to the Stalinist scenario. And the deadlines were sculpted one on top of the other according to a system in which our "troikas" will be ironed out almost as a model of the justice of the law. Yes, I remember Joe Biden was going to set up roads everywhere, interesting thoughts of this US 🇺🇸 orderly I wonder how he was going to build these roads everywhere and the most interesting and most important thing why did he need them everywhere? 

Executive Order 9066: Resulting in Japanese-American Incarceration (1942)

The state of Idaho became the American state in which during the Second World War the largest camps for the deportation of the Japanese population of the United States were created, the internment camps for the Japanese, most of whom, most importantly, had at that time the citizenship of the United States of America. The systems of these camps can be considered the American "GULag", which grinded thousands of lives. 

    Now it is often asked: what happened? 

     Fascism happened, folks, fascism.

Artificial hunger as a method of control

We clearly see and for more than a year we have been fixing the creation of an artificial shortage of food, as a result of inflation and hunger in certain areas of the states for a certain category of the population as part of the establishment of the NWO project. Hunger can be created artificially through a set of state tools and manipulations, with the aim of destroying or deliberately ruining the local population. This practice of these criminal methods of application in history is extremely extensive. 


We must no longer wait for tomorrow; it has to be invented.”

Gaston Berger

It was never about real immunity (vitality) and never about a real viral threat. (The viral theory itself is a fiction.)

According to our latest data, the planning and development of this PLANDEMIA began more than 20 years ago! This is also confirmed by all the numerous Patents for Covid-19 that existed before the so-called "outbreak". 


Pieter Bruegel Jr., "Payment of Debts"

  Control of food production and distribution.

Russia is spreading a fake about Ukraine's "guilt" in the food crisis. 

But as accusations of creating a food crisis are becoming louder at the international level against Russia, which was the result of the blockade of ports, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation began to justify its criminal actions. Well, how to make excuses. Rather, in the manner inherent in the ministry, brazenly lie and, moreover, promote a new information psychological operation. In particular, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation sent a letter to the president of the Moscow Association of Military Attachés (MAMA), the president of the Moscow Association of Air Attachés (AFOA) and the president of the Moscow Association of Naval Attachés (FNOA), in which it accused ... Ukraine.The Russian ministry, completely ignoring and denying its guilt in the emerging food crisis, in this letter accused Ukraine of holding foreign ships hostage and not letting them out of ports under threat of execution. In turn, none of the representatives of the vessels located in Ukrainian ports announced their forceful retention and everyone understands perfectly well that they are hostages of an exceptionally critical situation. The situation that Russia has created. Also, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation tried to present itself as a benefactor in the letter, saying that the Russian authorities "sheltered" more than a million Ukrainian refugees in the country. But, it is well known that a significant part of the citizens of Ukraine from the occupied territories were taken to Russia by force and placed in a kind of concentration camps. Similar is the ministry's lies about some green corridors that the Russian occupiers offer for the exit of foreign ships. To date, navigation in the exclusive economic zone of Ukraine is impossible due to its dense mining. Russia has used more than half a thousand old Soviet naval mines on mine supports (anchor mines), which break during storms and drift uncontrollably. In fact, navigation in the region is impossible until complete demining. It is obvious that the Russian Ministry of Defense has launched another campaign to spread lies and manipulations against Ukraine, using the facts of its own crimes as accusations. This was expected, given the traditional reaction of the Russian side to the accusations against it, which it always retorts, accusing others of its crimes. A primitive and predictable method. But, it should be understood that the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will not abandon it within the framework of the joint project of NWO and the new IPSO, within the framework of the world food crisis artificially created under the auspices of the UN 🇺🇳.

The USSR and its communists staged an artificial famine (1932-1933) in Ukraine. Famine also took place on the territory of Belarus, the North Caucasus, the Volga region, the Southern Urals, Northern Kazakhstan, and Western Siberia. This is our former material in the channel just above. The practice of artificial starvation has a long history. It has long been successfully used by manipulators in colonial wars with the aim of exterminating or deliberately ruining the population in the region of influence. The slightest approximation to the essence of the problem allows us to find out that the practice of creating artificial hunger is extremely extensive. Its founders are not even Jewish Bolsheviks, its discoverers are not the bloodthirsty tyrant Stalin, but the ancestors of Boris Johnson, Borya producer from Great Britain, these guys have been practicing all this since the 16th century.

Advertising firm hires actors posing as doctors to promote vaccines

Meet Dr. Nora Volkov. This forces us to dig into the CDC (which acts as an independent organization, like the Federal Reserve), whose actions are copied by the WHO, and to which it actually obeys. I wonder how many people died from an overdose of fentanyl while she was on duty?

After the death of his father and the arrest of his mother, the upbringing of little Yulia Sedova-Rubinstein was carried out by her grandmother and grandfather on her mother's side. In the 16th century, an artificial famine is created in the historical homeland of the orderly Joe in Ireland. Created in order to clear the Irish of their too good and convenient lands. Extermination by starvation and slavery lasted two decades. 

In the 17th century, after Cromwell defeated the nationwide Irish Rebellion, the country was also plundered. From 1641 to 1652, the population of Ireland decreased from 1.5 million to 850 thousand people, of which 150 thousand were English and Scottish immigrants. The continuation of this story happened in the early 19th century, when the East India Company stopped buying fabrics in the homeland of Kamal Harris in India. Before that, from 6 to 8 million pieces of fabric were taken to the metropolis, and here they simply stopped purchases altogether. Many weavers starved to death. The population of the main center of the Indian textile industry, the city of Dhaka, decreased between 1815 and 1837 from 150 thousand to 20 thousand people. During the "great famine" of 1876-1878, which struck bombay and Madras in the first place, about 2.5 million people died according to the British administration, and according to Indian data, about 10 million people. 

Photographs from the 19th century from the birthplace of Kamal Harris from the starving regions of India. By the way, where kamala is, we have not seen it for a long time and we have not heard it. Who knows who the Vice President of the United States is now? Apparently it's now Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates? 

As a result, the British destroyed two targets with one blow - in addition to the population, local competitive textile production was also exterminated, and India was transferred the status of a market and an agricultural colony supplying exclusively food products and raw materials. Of course, Ireland hasn't been forgotten either... When the British economy no longer needed Ireland as a source of food (everything could be brought from India), an artificial famine was organized for the Irish once again. The reason was the failure of the potato harvest. There was a shortage of food, and the British government, instead of helping the starving, in 1846 abolished the "corn laws" and reduced the price of bread, which accelerated the development of pasture cattle breeding and the expulsion of peasants from the land. The Irish, for some reason, did not have money for bread and began to starve to death. Within a few years, more than 1 million people died from this cause. From 1841 to 1851, Ireland's population declined by 30%. In 1841, it was 8 million 178 thousand people, in 1901 - only 4 million 459 thousand From the lack of origin, the Irish massively left the island and freed their lands for the lords from foggy Albion of the ancestors of Boris the producer. 

The Great Potato Famine in Ireland. 

During the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902, in order to break the resistance of the Boers, the British invaders staged an artificial famine by burning crops, destroying the farms of the descendants of the white settlers of South Africa, the Boers. Now they're doing all the same things in Server Africa, but with chemicals. Pour out of the tanks of huge trucks fields and that's it. We have a large archive of these crimes of the 21st century 

The Boer child dying of hunger, by the way, is a descendant of European immigrants. This well-worn British methodology was used by the Soviet authorities of the Bolsheviks in 1918-1922, 1932-1933 to suppress the uprisings of their own peasants. Barriers were set up to block roads. The starving locked themselves in their areas, doomed to extinction. "Surplus" agricultural products were raked out by food detachments. And in 1920, the "prodrazverstvo" intensified, as the grain was exported. As a result, the famine helped extinguish the peasant guerrilla war. In Ukraine, the famine forced Makhno to withdraw from the areas that served as his main base, where he was supported by the population, and his detachments at the right time grew rapidly at the expense of the peasants. Instead, he had to organize long raids, disperse forces into small groups capable of feeding, and managed to crush him. Similarly, the famine helped the Communists extinguish the insurgency in the Crimea, the Don, and the Volga. There was no famine in Belarus, but there was a punishment for rebel villages – to deport residents to hungry areas. In short, the revolutionaries trained with British and German money did a good job. In addition to money, they were provided with instructions and advisers. Reprisals against the affected population have already become commonplace for the average person. Information about this comes to us in the Bureau regularly from our colleagues and friends of blacks from Africa and Asia. For us in the Bureau in these two years a lot has opened up, we are amazed by the cruelty of the morals of the modern polites, who declared war on their own population. We are surprised to learn that Western administrations are just as cynical today with their own able-bodied population and farmers, who have spent their entire lives working on the land for the benefit and stomach of their own citizens, quite loyal, but for some reason have become superfluous at this celebration of the life of the Oval Office and the administrations of the nation-states of Europe.

The picture was taken in the USA in the 30s of the 20th century, in the picture the Americans who died of hunger ...

Look for, see the material on the topic "Holodomor in the USA". This U.S. government event claimed 7 million lives in the grave, and you'll just be horrified... 

So, what we have learned:

1) To implement the "artificial hunger" method, manipulators must first establish political control and conduct economic expansion in the region of influence. Optimal conditions are military expansion.

2) Victims must first open the domestic market to the "free movement" of foreign goods.

3) Special services and law enforcement agencies physically block the population in the region of influence and block publications in the media.

4) People sentenced to sacrifice are deprived of their civil rights in advance by changing or adopting new regulations and we see this everywhere, especially Australia David Rockefeller gallops like an antelope.

5) This method is used equally by manipulators in both colonies and metropolises. From the moment the decision to conduct the operation is made, the population of the region is no longer influenced by people, but a means to an end.

They are doomed, there will be no pity for anyone.

The Key to Understanding the Pure Torah. Where does it lie? Is the Written Torah the original from Moshe, or does it contain footnotes?  Who else but the Italian-French Jewish American Bureau Tribule is so thorough in researching the end of days prophecy? And this is mandatory for everyone to study as a complex material before bedtime!  There is not an ounce 💧 of distrust in me of the Law or of Jehov, who gave it. And if anyone we believe, it's the one from whose lips and hands we sing this torah in writing. For there are Direct Sayings in the Tanakh of Yehovah, transmitted through the Prophets, stating that all right things were distorted and that the pen in the 🪶 hands of the scribes distorted the Law thousands of years ago. And to say that there are no these sayings would be nothing but perjury. In our days, numerous revelatory scientific studies of the texts of the Written Torah have long been conducted, which revealed that the Written Torah, in the originality of which many Yehudim blindly and fanatically believe, is not even a single document from one author, neither in style of presentation and vocabulary, nor in the format of the Name in reference to the "god", nor in the semantic load. Of course, it is easiest to say: "I believe that the whole Torah is written by Moshe and coincides letter for letter, but I do not believe in science, and I do not believe in my eyes, and I do not want to know anything else, and I do not recognize the sages, and I do not appreciate the words of the Prophets in shekel, and in general – the world is 6,000 years old, the stars are painted on the firmament of heaven, and the Earth is flat." but it is not a question of faith, but a question of Truth and Meaning. For the Torah should not be untrue, forged and diluted, otherwise man's faith, guided by a false law, will be absurd, lawless and will lead this person inevitably to the fall and punishment. Don't the texts of the written Torah contain the joined blocks of at least four different documents? The "documentary hypothesis" of the scientific analysis of the origin of the Pentateuch Moshe divides these documents by comparing the style of writing, the set of vocabulary, the thematic orientation, the Name, which is called in the texts of the Almighty and a number of other factors of difference, into four books that received conditional names: "Yahwist", "Elochist", "Priestly Codex" and "Deuteronomy". We researchers 🧭 of the documentary hypothesis tend to believe that Yahwist and Elochist, and these are the most ancient textual sources that formed the entire Written Torah, Deuteronomy is considered a separate separate book, it is quite possible that they were created later, in order to correct the charter of the cult, as for the Priestly Codex, then its appearance refers by many researchers to the times of the Babylonian Captivity, or even to a later period. What if, in fact, the same Vaikra is not from Yehova and was not recorded by Moshe at all, but there are only human writings compiled by the priests of the cult that seized power? Where are the witnesses and their testimonies? Where is the protocol? What if Jehovah never asked for any sacrifices, offerings, libations, resurrections, or all the other things that make up any cults?

Here is – read – confirmation that king Joshiyau was given through the scribe Shofan some torah book, allegedly found in the Temple, which the King did not even know about, but was guided by some other norms until that time:

"8 And the high priest Hilkiyahu said to Shafan, the scribe, 'I found the book of torah in the house of Jehovah. And Khilkiyah gave the book to Shafan, and he read it. 

9 And Shafan, the scribe, came to the king, and brought an answer to the king, and said, "The slaves poured out your money, which was in the house, and gave it into the hands of the people who worked in the house of Jehovah.

10 And Shafan, the scribe, reported to the king, saying, "The book was given to me by Khilkiyah, the priest, and Shafan read it to the king.

11 And when the king heard the words of the book of the Torah, he tore his garments.

12 And the king commanded the Priest of Khilkiyah, and Ahikam, the son of Shafan, and Ahbor, the son of Michael, and Shafan, the scribe, and Asai, the king's servant, saying:

13 Go and ask Jehovah about me and about the people and about all of Yehudea about the words of this book found, for great is the wrath of Yehovah, which was kindled upon us for not accepting our fathers of the words of this book, so that we might do as is commanded of us." – Tanakh, Neviim, Melachim II, chapter 22.

This new book was immediately taken into circulation and taken into account, apparently adding to the already existing texts ... It is possible that devarim was brought to the king at that time. In favor of the fact that it is about Devarim says that Yoshiyau ordered the destruction of local sanctuaries and centralized the religious cult around the Temple, which is emphasized in Devarim. Who knows – maybe Devarim was written specifically for this – to eliminate the cult competition. Judging by the lawlessness Melachim describes, religious priestly wars at that time were coupled with inter-clan and political wars. But here's the thing – the Temple still fell! And the second Temple too! And neither Devarim nor the Priestly Code helped...

But everything is elementary and simple - no sacrifices and no cult service can block the lawlessness from the absence of Tsedek! And now, you and I, Ladies and Gentlemen, are already present at the repetition these days! Tsedek did not exist, and there is no capital, together with the cult, again dream of erecting a temple and beginning sacrifices ...

What is the True Written Law of Jehovah transmitted through Moshe? What is the original list of texts of the original Torat Moshe? What do we even have in our hands with you from the remnants of what Moshe himself was the author of? In the current Written Torah, there are more than two and a half dozen repetitions only among the narratives that are retold in two or more versions, including contradicting in some details, as well as more than five dozen repetitions of the Laws in two or more versions, given that some revise, supplement and correct the previous ones. What is this? If the entire Written Torah is a personal manuscript authored by Moshe, then what did Moshe have with his memory, if he did not remember what exactly Yehova told him? And why would he write down the same thing several times, constantly making adjustments, if you could just rewrite it anew, rather than multiply the different repetitions tell us, please? In the various repeated narratives of the Pentateuch, there is a use of different vocabulary and different terms, which only adds fuel to the fire of exposing the unoriginality of the Written Torah. So is computer verification.

On top of that, isn't the list of Edomite kings from Bereishit 36 indicative of a later addition, mentioning those who lived much later than Moshe? This alone destroys the cult dogmas about the "correctness and holiness" of every letter of the Written Torah.

Be sure, read melachim II (The Fourth Book of Kings) from the Tanakh right now and tell yourself – could the original Torat Moshe survive in the midst of such obscurantism, lawlessness, desecration and Satanism? Melachim is the best proof that already in those days the Law was lost almost completely! Wars, murders, massacres right in the Temple, cannibalism, idolatry, mixing of many cults, sacrifices, priests, magicians, sorcerers 🧙, debauchery and bribery – all to a heap! And the kings in the heart of this desecration of shrines... And they blamed everything on Jehovah, betraying Him at every turn. Although He has not appeared for a long time, because developed space civilizations do not communicate with "Papuan cannibals", which is quite logical. It was in those years that the formation of cult dogmatism about the abstractness of "god" began. Taking off their hats and responsibility for the lawlessness being committed, they began to hang anything on the "god": something good happened – "god gave", something bad happened – "god took". And this manner of passing off anything as Jehovah's craft has been preserved in religious dogmatism to this day, ever since those times. For just as there was no righteousness in mankind, so there is no such thing as open diplomacy with Elohim, which, judging by Bereishit and Shemot, must necessarily be, and is not a myth or an abstraction, but, apparently, a real contact with a more advanced alien civilization. The most absurd inconsistency, speaking not simply in favor of the editorial version or partial forgery of the Written Torah, but in favor of the fact that most of it has nothing to do with the original Torat Moshe is the question: "How could Moshe's injunction to write the Torah on the 12 stones of the altar be fulfilled?" Would the Written Torah of our day fit on 12 stones? It turns out that Torat Moshe in the original was from 12 to 72 pages. 12 is if the stones were painted only on the front side, and 72 pages if the stones were cubic in shape and were painted on 6 sides. 

It is much more convenient to divide the Written Torah according to a page system, where Bereishit has 50 chapters, Shemot has 40 chapters, Vaikr has 27 chapters, Bemidbar has 36 chapters and Devarim has 34 chapters. However, it should be borne in mind that this page division of chapters fits under the fine print, but will one such page fit in small text on one side of the stone? That's also a big question... Well, okay, let's say that fits, but how then to fit 187 pages-chapters of the entire Torah on 72 sides of stones, even if they were written in a circle on all sides? However, how do you imagine that the stones were painted on all sides by the Law, if an altar was made of them, and some sides were turned to the ground, others to other stones, and others were on top, where the fire burned. The Law simply could not be placed on the "ineffective" sides, not only because no one would have seen it, but also because of the blasphemy of such a thing. What's it like to write the Torah on the bottom side and put it facing the ground? Or write the Torah on the top side and light a fire on it? Absurd however! It turns out that if 12 stones were stacked in two rows of 6, then the maximum number of "effective" sides for drawing the Law was 12 + 4 = 16 (unless, of course, the stones were rectangular in shape and had smooth sidewalls)... 

If The True Torat Moshe was only 16 pages long, then what do we read, Ladies and Gentlemen? Who is it all from? What to believe?

But, didn't Jehovah, who knew that the Torah was distorted by the pen of scribes in favor of cult conspiracies, who sent many prophets to expose obscurantism, not leave us the main key to purifying the Written Torah and understanding the True Torah? Of course I left !

Neviim, Yirmeya, chapter 9: "23 ... I am Yehova, who does mercy, justice and justice on earth, for only this is what is desired by Me," Jehova said.

Similar sayings have been passed on to us through other prophets. They are also cited in this book in the relevant sections. 

The basic key to understanding the True Torah of Yehovah is extremely simple: Tsedek. Justice, inseparably connected with Mercy, Justice, as well as, respectively, with Goodness, Love and Truth. If we look at all the scriptures through the prism of Tsedek, which is what my book teaches, then the Written Torah from Jehovah will be clear to you – whoever is its scribe, for the one who carries Tsadek – Justice, Mercy, Justice, Goodness, Love and Truth – carries the Law of Yehova.

Let us, dear Bolshevik Jews, without distorting our souls, decide for ourselves – say for yourself – Tsedek li:

🔻Slave trade;

🔻The bloody cult of sacrifices, and indeed any offerings to ministers of worship, priestly caste and other embezzlement on the cult;

🔻Oppression and enslavement;

🔻Capitalist conquests;

🔻Likhva, bribery, growth, exploitation of workers, fraud and other manifestations of capitalism;


🔻Exaltation not by righteousness, but by kind and origin? 

Could it be the Torah of Yehovah? Does it please Him? Could He have given us such commandments?

And, the next question is, who then are those who make up their cults from such passages of scripture, develop multi-book dogmatism around them over thousands of years and build cult-racial fascism over it? What can they have to do with Jehovah and His True Law?

And you will be right if you ask: "What to do with the Written Torah - how then to read it, and how to deal with the prohibition to reduce from it and add to it"? Calm down, we tell you, don't stomp your hoof, drink validola, varnish whiskey with banana and calm down! Judging by the huge amount of evidence - the Torah of Writing has long been added and long ago reduced ... Now, everyone trumpets at every turn about its "holiness in every letter" and the prohibition to add and subtract from the modern version – only from the fear of being disappointed in their beliefs and convictions, and also in order to preserve the rulings beneficial to themselves, mixed, most likely, thousands of years ago, on which over these thousands of years they built a multi-book biased dogmatism and their entire life for dozens of generations. They think that their construction will not crumble like a house of cards when Jehovah blows on it... From that mankind writhes in agony and sees no light, for it is blinded... People cling to forgery – false teachings that have been formed for thousands of years, and the Torahs of Yehov did not understand, and do not understand... It is not the minds that understand the True Torah of Jehovah, but the souls and hearts. We offer to believe not in people, but in Jehovah! Check everything written according to His formula for the presence of Tsedek. And what is not Tsedek in the scriptures is to translate into the postponed until the moment when we ourselves – personally – ask for confirmation or refutation from Elohim. And it's not fiction at all that's the methodology of reading the book 📖.

Be silent, fools who think that the distortion of the scriptures is only a hypothesis! We rely entirely on Jehova! His words, transmitted through the prophet Yirmeyu and remaining forever in the Tanakh:

"8 How can you say, 'We are the sages and the Torah of Jehovah is with us'? And behold, her deceitful pen of the scribes distorted.

9 The wise men were ashamed, they were crushed and caught; Behold, they have despised the word of Yehovah, what is their wisdom?" – Tanah, Neviim, Yirmeya, chapter 8.

We have very little time left. Do not go to bed without learning this simple truth, be worthy, pure and righteous, give everyone the same, those who are near and whom you know call, please 🙏 call 

"I survived two wars, two wives and Hitler" Albert Einstein. Summer 1945 Long Island. New York. UNITED STATES.

The White House administration and their immediate plans.

Nashville, Tennessee. This institution is state property. Attention is drawn to high fences with barbed wire and twisted inwards barbed tops. 

Agroterrorism term

This is due to the concept of biological warfare, chemical warfare, and entomological warfare.


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