NWO 22 Working Draft

NWO 22 Working Draft


The conspirators are so stupid and ridiculous that I don't see anything new from them. Many are mistaken, believing that they warned us about something through cinema 🎥 and other formats such as the opening of the Olympics and something else. No, they stole all these plots from science fiction writers. All written and made a long time ago. All the plots of the movies are stolen, it is from this that they concocted their dystopia and are trying to bring this dystopia to life.  1932's Brave New World Begins to Come True. The reverse hidden side of WWF and the founders of the Wildlife Fund (WWF) is their Malthusians. The ideology of Thomas Malthus, which appeared in 1798, was revived in the 1930s in the Third Reich and today it again rapes the world's population.Their ultimate goal is simple and unpretentious, it is also silly at its core, but they achieve step by step this theory. Malthusians believe that the population of the Earth is growing exponentially, and the resources to maintain it - in arithmetic. And this will eventually lead to increased poverty, growing social tensions and endless wars for resources. Another problem of overpopulation of our Planet, they believe, is the great need for the constant expansion of industrial production, which sooner or later will deplete the Earth and destroy all living things. Therefore, to save either themselves or humanity, they decided to get rid of 5-6 billion. people and still limit population growth by any means. According to Thomas Malthus, this can happen due to moral abstinence, wars, epidemics or famine. Malthus throws us some fascist claims from the 18th century about poverty, which today looks extremely unethical. According to the founder of the theory, it is not necessary to increase the incomes of the poor, as this will lead to an increase in the number among them and further increase poverty. The revival of Malthusianism occurred in the second half of the twentieth century and was found among conservationists, perhaps tigers, possibly monkeys and Indian elephants. We see and know these people in person, for example, Prince Bernard, the husband of the Queen of the Netherlands, and these passes were frankly made by the now dead 🪦 Prince Philip, the husband of the Queen of Great Britain. And all the answers to the questions of how the views of the neo-Malthusians differ from their predecessors and what methods they will act can be seen and read in the utopian novel "O Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, the brother of Julian Huxley and the founder of WWF. The book gives a distant future - 632 of the Ford era, that is, somewhere around 2542 (1910 + 632). In the new world, there are no mothers and fathers - all are born from test tubes according to predetermined parameters for distribution into one of four castes: laborers, workers, service personnel and the upper caste of managers. There are no families here: men and women are common within the caste, and attachment to one person is strongly condemned by public opinion. The most important value of this society is stability, equated with happiness, which is achieved by the following measures. First, it is important to quickly meet the needs of each member of society so that dissatisfaction does not develop into tension and emotions. Therefore, food, sex, entertainment and relaxing means are available to everyone in this world. Secondly, genetic engineering produces very similar people - identical twins, which excludes the emergence of extraordinary and dissident individuals. Thirdly, loneliness, religion, literature and science are prohibited here, which can give rise to new needs, the failure of which will again cause tensions and emotions. Don't we have eyes and ears and see what they build fraudulently? All this is happening in real time before our eyes. According to the new Lenin, who at one time saw communism sitting somewhere in a Restaurant in Switzerland on the horizon line, now we have new Lenins, real, native Swiss - Schwab from Davos and Ray Kurzweil from Silicon Valley, on the instructions of the Soviet Jew Sergei Brin from Google, saw this guy in 2039 virtual reality and 100% caught a real buzz. No one sees, but he sees with Sergei through the prism of Shvab and the world USSR 2:0. In 2022-2023, three advanced technologies of Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Teslasuit from VRTek will allow you to experience almost complete immersion in virtual reality. Yes, for God's sake, dive in for money and on the open market, competing and selling your rose-colored glasses 🥸. Drain your mirage and sell it. In 2021, they made an artificial uterus, yes for God's sake, well done, good that they did, sell your uterus, maybe someone will buy and even give birth. Here is another crazy Jew at night with his Chinese wife from Facebook The main goal of their conscience dreams is to see the Metaverse, that is, a continuously operating virtual world, in which you can not only have fun, but also work and live. Yes, for God's sake Mark, you and your narrow-eyed Chinese woman can even see group sex with Mao, we do not interfere with you. But I'm going to lie down with the sociology of communism - fascism and there's still 7.9 billion? And what does this virtual reality of yours and Huxley's utopia have to do with it? And virtual reality, Friends, will allow everyone to quickly satisfy almost all the basest needs at the monkey level, with the exception of food. But since everyone is sitting at home and no one is producing anything but the cunning Bill and Schwab, with their worms and water from your shit from worms, then you need to get rid of any of your complexes as a lone homebody. Become tall, strong, rich and beautiful! No question! Just choose the avatar you like. There you will be dressed, given a new body of any creature and gender. All these virtual reality possibilities, as these assholes believe, will reduce the social tension and emotionality that they are so afraid of. Apparently, you are doing something completely wrong, if you have become so scared to live among people. Well, the main bonus of these new technologies for Malthusians is the control of the body, thoughts, soul and birth rate. In the virtual world, there is sex, but not real, it is not for nothing that in porn sites they 100% put at once the same screensavers of girls and men from the gel, and male actors inflate their bellies, but children are not born from this and the progress that we have achieved as humanity by 2020, is no longer progress but the ass of a monkey. We as a population and as states of the world are degrading at an accelerated pace!

I destroy his defense in a flash, old English in the moment, or "ANTI-MALTHUS"

A man-genius produces orders of magnitude more products than he consumes - this is a new basis for a new theory and practice of life, a new supersource of any means of subsistence. Anyone can and should become a great scientist or a great master; this solves all the negative problems of society, abolishes the old arithmetic theory of Malthus. The parameter of the new generalized theory of Malthus – the Level of Culture of Man and Society – at a low modern Level of Culture we get the old dead-end theory of Malthus, at a high new possible Level of Culture we get a new promising theory of "Anti-Malthus".


"There would be people (the highest value of society) — there will always be material means of subsistence for them."


"There would be material means of subsistence (the highest value of society) there will always be people for them."


A person from the highest value of society has become a secondary value of society.


Malthus fundamentally does not distinguish between man and animal, man-degenerate and man-genius. Malthus's theory is based on the introduction of the term – The Level of Culture of Man and Society.  At very low modern values of this parameter, we get a relatively correct old destructive theory of Malthus, at sufficiently high values of this parameter we get a new opposite creative theory of "Anti-Malthus". 

From open sources:

Thomas Malthus, 1766 - 1834 - English priest and scientist, demographer and economist, ideologist of the landed aristocracy, the author of the theory according to which uncontrolled population growth should lead to famine on Earth. Throughout his life, Malthus lived very modestly, not to say poorly, but consistently and fundamentally refused both the high state posts that the government offered him, and from a church career, considering scientific work to be the main business of his life. He was elected both a Fellow of the Royal Society and a Fellow of the Académie française, an honour bestowed upon by few scholars, founding the Club for Political Economy and one of the founders of the Statistical Society of London. The ancient, extremely forgiven approach of the slacker priest is flawed and erroneous in almost everything. The theory does not stand up to any criticism of the level of a modern entrepreneur, all this stitching theory of Malthus is based on the main statement that is known even before the birth of the priest Malthus himself - the number of people on the planet. The island, the state, is growing very fast, approximately exponentially, and the amount of food is growing much more slowly, at most, in an arithmetic progression and this is at best. This creates an inevitable catastrophe in the long run. To prevent this possible catastrophe (global famine), useful and good, according to Malthus, are any radical means leading to a decrease in the number of people - epidemics, wars, non-global catastrophes - very simple radical means, such as the ancient medical method of "letting bad blood" to drunkards and the sick. It is very similar that Malthus's theory, like Karl Marx's capital, was ordered and paid for by someone, this conclusion is suggested by the movement of this faceless stupid body in the hierarchy of foggy Albion, the Nazi theory was created with the very cunning goal of increasing the chances of survival of some by reducing these same chances for others. However, much higher chances of survival are achieved not by opposing interests, but by their compromise optimal synthesis and accounting. The main fundamental drawback of a very simplified approach to the complex mechanisms of the structure of society on such a different planet, in fact, as well as the imperishable work of Klaus Schwab with his stupid ideas of some bicycles, so, Malthus's arithmetic theory is that this theory does not take into account the significant difference between a human creator and an animal, the difference between a degenerate man and a genius man, the difference between a primitive consumer life system and a highly productive highly developed system vital activity, in which a person can produce orders of magnitude more than he consumes. Malthus's theory is extremely primitive, it is approximately and relatively true for insects and animals, for human consumers and human degenerates. The flawed relative little "malthus wisdom" is practically based on the approach of "one with a bipod, seven with a spoon", this term reflects only some non-global negatives of society and is not an absolute eternal universal truth. Elevated to the rank of "Higher Social Wisdom", this anti-social theory, a small "malthus-wisdom", disorients and misinforms, paralyzes the healthy positive forces of society without seeing the huge potential of opportunities and encourages unhealthy negative tendencies, leads to an active struggle of all against all for a place in the sun, instead of mutually beneficial cooperation guarantees the Great Degradation, the Great Personal Depression and the Great Confrontation, and as a consequence behind these factors. the Great Catastrophe of a degraded society is coming, according to the scheme for which the Malthusians fought and ran into it. Malthus's arithmetic simplified theory is applicable only to primitive consumer life systems in the world of insects and animals, as well as in certain locations of the world of degenerate people and human consumers, single-celled. For healthy societies, it is not applicable, fundamentally erroneous. This territory is harmful to highly productive highly developed systems of life, in which any person becomes the highest value of society not only in words, but also in deeds, by the way, the last position is accurately implemented so far very weakly and partially crookedly. Malthus's refined theory is based on the use of the parameter - the Level of Cultural Development (perfection) of society - with the growth of this parameter, the acuteness of the negative problem of lack of means of subsistence (food and other simple products) first decreases, then annulls and, then, turns into its opposite - into a positive problem of optimal application of the gigantic abundance of material and information capabilities of man and society. The optimal worldview should set as its main task effective Social Evolution, which guarantees the highest quality of life and effectively protects the interests of all people (Anti-Malthus), and not individual opportunistic interests of a narrow group of persons and individual individuals - groups (Malthus). Malthus, you're not right dude, there are exact laws of human reproduction!  In 1798, the two-volume "Experiment on the Law of Population" by the English priest and economist Thomas Robert Malthus was published for the first time in London. The same year is considered the birth year of Malthusianism, which for two centuries has been hanging a black shadow over all of humanity. Thomas Malthus, studying the dynamics of the population of North America in the second half of the 18th century, noticed that it doubled every 25 years. Later, having summarized these studies and disseminated their findings to the whole globe with the help of the customer's money, he wrote: "If the reproduction of the population meets no obstacle, then it doubles every twenty-five years and increases exponentially, and the means of subsistence in the most favorable conditions for work can in no case increase faster than in arithmetic progression." As a result, according to the mathematician Malthus, "superfluous" people are created, about whom he predicted: "At the great feast of nature, there is no device for him. Nature commands him to withdraw, and if he cannot resort to the compassion of anyone around him, she herself takes steps to ensure that her order is carried out." A clever move, and for solidity, the guy attributed to Nature a position that she had never formulated, is tantamount to criminally forging Joe's documents and signatures on his presidential decrees, in the form of blank sheets of paper and with two standing guards on the sides - on kamal's right hand, on the left hand Of Dr. Evil Tony Fauci. We see the verdict of Malthus with our own eyes and it is very cruel for humanity. His followers are known to us in person and by name in the Roman club of degenerates - neo-Malthusians, they developed this theory of their patron came to an even darker conclusion: there will come a time when people will not have enough not only food, but even "space under the sun". And that's when Bill should light his sun 🌞 by extinguishing ours and pour us all holy water from his farm and from his shit with Barry Obama and feed us sinners a signature dish of worms from Klaus Schwab/Putin. Despite the seeming fundamentality of Thomas Malthus's research, he made two gross mistakes, not forgivable even for a 6th grade student of a school for boys without girls in Brooklyn, and in fact the guy was well fed and dressed by his customer, and he also sat as a member of the Royal Society of London. Who took him there?  First, the guy did not take into account that in his time the population of North America increased mainly due to immigrants from Europe. Second, he did not take into account or did not know, or deliberately did not want to know, that by 1750 the world's population had doubled in the previous almost 750 years.

Tribule logical check 🧾 

Base anticipation – A vicious circle (Latin: circulus vitiosus), a logical loop of logic or a ploy in which a statement is derived from itself, usually through several intermediate statements. Vicious circle in definition (Latin circulus in definiendo)... 

LOGICAL ERRORS are violations of laws or rules of logic. If the error is made unintentionally, it is called a paralogism; if the rules of logic are violated intentionally in order to prove the unprovable or mislead someone, then this is sophism.  PROOF is the substantiation of the truth of a proposition in the logic of reasoning, which establishes the truth of a certain proposition on the basis of the truth of other propositions within a particular field of knowledge or theory...A logical fallacy is the result of an unintentional violation by the speaker of the rules of logic in the process of reasoning due to logical negligence or ignorance. The central point of reasoning is the thesis. No matter how the reasoning is built... 

An unproven basis of proof is a logical fallacy in which the number of arguments of proof includes a proposition that itself needs proof ...

Tautology - (Greek tautología, from tautó the same and lógos word) repetition of the same or similar in meaning words, for example, "clearer than clear", "cries, tears are poured"...

AGRIPPA (Greek: Ἀγρίππας, Latin: Agrippa) (1st–2nd centuries) was an ancient Roman philosopher, a representative of later skepticism, included in the same group with Aenecidemus and Sextus Empiricus. What is known about A. is that he is to 10 tropes of abstinence (arguments against...) 

BASE ANTICIPATION is a false inference in which what is still to be proven is arbitrarily true. A distinction is made between paralogism, or an unintentional error in inference, and sophism, which consciously anticipates the reason to deceive the interlocutor ... 

The anticipation of the Foundation is PO. 

A logical error in the proof, consisting in the fact that as an argument (basis) justifying the thesis, a provision is given that, although not knowingly false, but needs to be proved. Thus, the sociological doctrine of the English economist and priest T. R. Malthus (1766-1834) was based on two main arguments: the population grows exponentially, while livelihoods increase only in arithmetic progression. Both of these arguments were unproven, so Malthus made a software error. The mistake became apparent when it was shown that the population is growing much more slowly than Malthus had anticipated, and that livelihoods were increasing much faster. 

The works of T. Malthus are based on paralogisms. Paralogism is paired with another logical term , sophism. Paralogism is a logical unintentional error in inference, and sophism is a deliberate violation of the rules of logic, formally seemingly correct. Such an antonymic opposition is very important: paralogism speaks of the author's delusion, which is based on a lack of education, and sophism is a logical deception, about the dishonesty of the author. Yes, this is a simplified general theoretical comment, we cannot interrogate it now, the subscriber is not available. 



Malthus's arithmetic, logical, methodological errors are of little importance - Malthus did not set the main unattainable goal in his work to build accurate impeccable economic and mathematical models for the simple reason of the lack of such knowledge in his head, de facto he did not have education and deep knowledge of sociology. Such works require knowledge of the category of higher mathematics and management, and at that time of the ancient time such knowledge was available only to some professional mathematicians. These mistakes do not negate Malthus's main correct conclusion about a possible global catastrophe associated with a possible lack of livelihood. Even today, a very large number of people die of starvation in some countries where the leadership is unable to offer effective management of the territory. In addition to the well-known arithmetic errors of Malthus, which have already been mentioned, there are other much more serious fundamental errors that cause irreparable strategic and ideological harm to man and society on the path of evolution and social development of society. These fundamental mistakes have already led and continue to lead to a very significant comprehensive degradation of man, society and civilization. The main fundamental mistakes of Malthus consisted in the formation of the currently dominant degenerative consumer thinking, behavior and worldview of a person and society, which does not contribute to a healthy search for an effective solution to the problem, but adjusts only to unhealthy militarism with criminal overtones, so to speak, the idea of a fix about the survival of some at the expense of others. These mistakes were inherently catastrophic. The logical essence of this error is the absolutization and hyperbolization of the possible very distant problem of lack of means of subsistence, the transformation of this quite solvable problem into the Eternal Irresistible Idol-Scarecrow, which the priest Malthus calls to worship forever. In the material-commercial scientific theory of the priest Malthus, surprisingly, his standard religious worldview, which teaches another, and this is the Bible, ladies and gentlemen, and in it: "be fruitful and multiply." Malthus's law is the opposite of the Biblical Law and the guy in the cassock states a completely new and completely opposite: "we must stop being fruitful and multiplying, there will never be enough for everyone." If Malthus were a universally recognized new apostle or mission, then we could still understand this dude and his business plan for a radical correction of the Bible by analogy with the correction of Wikipedia by the Ethiopian WHO. But it turns out to be an incident and a paradox, Malthus's religion itself, the fateful scientific theory of the priest in the cassock of Malthus by itself. Here Malthus brilliantly repeated the famous answer of the physicist Laplace, who answered Napoleon's question "where is God in your theory", that Bonaparte replied as follows: "I did not need this hypothesis about God."

Emanuel, about Emanuel .

Malthus's ancient, highly simplistic schematic theory has retained its full evil power to the present day of 2022. Moreover, it has been significantly strengthened by the facts of poverty and hunger, the facts of the strengthening of the consumer style of life and in these evil facts there is a large share of the contribution of Malthus's theory. The famous Thesis - there is not enough for everyone, only one "Golden Billion" will survive - the usual, banal, familiar, unwise primitivism in the politics of the famous figures in the NWO project, this is their ideological base, generated by the harmful theory of Malthus as well. This policy leads to the fact that not even their "Golden Billion" will survive. An interesting discussion – who has the right to survive and a place in the sun? Or could everyone die? Or will we destroy civilization to the ground? In this impasse and possible catastrophe, there is a considerable contribution of Malthus, who very significantly strengthened the unhealthy nervous-hysterical component of the difficult, but actually solvable, problem of survival. The problem of survival and prosperity is easily solved by a man-creator, whom Malthus the Destroyer did not see at point-blank range and do not want to see the current authors of the secret NWO project sheep, who occupied all the national administrations of the capitals of the world and are with one foot in the grave purely by age category. The problem of survival and prosperity has an insoluble, unbearable, catastrophic characteristic for a human consumer who is not accustomed to limiting himself and is accustomed to living according to the momentary principle - after me, even a flood, I need only everything at once. De facto, the gigantic potential lies untouched in the frozen and unrealized possibilities of the vast areas of uncultivated empty land of nation-states, full-flowing rivers and seas, the man standing on this land, all this allows not only 100 billion people to survive and prosper, but also allows orders of magnitude great opportunities for all mankind. The evil of Malthus's theory is that for the sake of prevention of a very distant, especially for his time, problem of the hunger catastrophe, a really acting Evil Destructive Ideology and Methodology, Politics and Practice of Life, which are considered by this priest as supposedly absolute truth and a panacea for all ills, are introduced. The religious doctrine that "men are to be fruitful and multiply", and this is the Bible, ladies and gentlemen, is very significantly corrected by this new mission from antiquity by Malthus. This significantly contradicts the modern dogmas of religion about the dangers of abortion and any protection against pregnancy, the commandment "do not kill" - Malthus's theory for abortion and for mitigating the punishment for murder. Hinting at the bad real rules of the game in life, if you can't, but you really want to, then everything is possible - this is one of the most ingenious rules of life; here you can see Malthus's seating at the same time on two chairs, on a religious and on a material-commercial chair.  Is Malthus's theory or the work of a sincere scientist? There are good reasons to doubt this. Given its status, we see an order for this creativity from interested persons and there are confirming indirect considerations for this. Malthus's strange ambiguous position raises reasonable doubts. The negative theory of Malthus is adequate to the existing negative system of vital activity. In favor of this evil theory of Malthus speaks an important evil fact - for the existing evil imperfect system of life, the growth in the number of people is clearly and unambiguously not yet useful, people have not yet learned to solve even the simplest problems of life - and this is in the presence of very large "successes" in creating a very large list of the most complex negative problems of life. Modern society cannot provide a relatively stable existence for existing citizens, new citizens are seen as an additional headache and burden for society. The consumer zoological system of life in a long time had a positive meaning - a person knew and was able to do very little and the main thing was only survival. The 21st century and our time - a person can do orders of magnitude more and pursues much more important and dangerous goals; such a person, with a much more dangerous line of life, will survive only within the framework of a much more cultural "game of life". Man, in fact and according to Malthus, is far from the highest value of society and very often just a "small bargaining chip" - this was the case at all times, in practice it was, not in words.  It is this circumstance that now obliges us, all progressive and thinking people, to make a strategic choice - or always live badly, live in the old way, according to Malthus, try only to survive or live according to the new, according to Anti-Malthus, with the highest quality of life - in the first case, any person, in fact, will always be far from the highest value of society, which prevents other people from surviving, in the second case, any person, in fact, it will always be the highest value of society, which helps other people to live in high quality. Before Malthus, a healthy, positive worldview prevailed, increasingly in the language of words – there would be people, and food for them would be found. Malthus convinced everyone of the opposite - there would be material means of subsistence (the highest value of society), and there will always be people for them, there will never be enough for everyone, every new person born is an aggravation of the problem for everyone, there are any relatively cultural means to reduce the number of people. Good – today such a dominant, negative, unhealthy worldview is the main and universally recognized, in fact, unadvertised in words. This is the main "merit" of Malthus (a negative revolution in the worldview of people), everything else was discovered before Malthus, who only for the first time wrote a large generalizing work and this sharply stood out. The main positive of Malthus's work is only a correct indication of the well-known prospect of a possible Global Hunger Catastrophe (Holodomor). The main negative of Malthus's work is the change of a very healthy optimistic old worldview to a very unhealthy pessimistic modern worldview - without indicating an effective constructive solution to the problem, except for the old medical method of "letting bad blood" to the population.


Malthus's old theory comes from oversimplifying assumptions - a person in his scheme is no different from a simple animal or insect, a degenerate-consumer man is no different in his scheme from a human-genius-producer, the potential role of education and science is not significantly taken into account. Malthus's theory was clearly written for the macaque caveman, who multiplied in huge numbers. The real life of today's very imperfect society convincingly proves that Malthus is still largely right, but this evil rightness is also achieved thanks to the evil contribution of an evil worldview from Malthus. If modern society continues to live according to Malthus, then the prospect of a very close Global Catastrophe in the form of the Holodomor for which we are so intensively prepared and World War 3 is guaranteed. If a person is constantly told around the clock that he is a pig, then he soon grunts. If society is constantly told that it will live forever according to the zoological primitive theory of Malthus, then society significantly degrades, which we observe today – civilization has long been "grunting". The gigantic Potential of the Opportunities of man and society is not fully used, the private sector and farmers are deliberately extinguished (ruined and not allowed to produce agricultural livestock), and we should raise the level of culture of Man and Society many times, by orders of magnitude in the short foreseeable future. The efficiency of each unit solves all the negative problems of life - a new person can and should produce more relevant and tedious products orders of magnitude more than he consumes. This cancels the old Theory of Malthus and establishes a new theory of Anti-Malthus. The frozen and preserved gigantic potential of the population is simply and quickly realized – with a new positive education, a new positive science and culture, a new positive policy and economy, new positive rules of the game in life! The main mechanism of evil inhibition of the gigantic potential of opportunities is the well-known difficulty of moving from the old to the new – the psychological and practical difficulty of abandoning the usual old and switching to the unusual new. All these are already urgent tasks, otherwise the catastrophe will break out and civilization will go to the bottom. The lack of effective institutions of modernization, the dominant opportunistic principle of "after us at least the flood" and this process of the Great Degradation went too far. Whether it is easy to convince a hardened alcoholic or drug addict to change his life from negative to positive has a well-known answer - without extreme and cardinal means of treatment, without a powerful strong-willed purposefulness, this is almost impossible. In the case of the transition in question "from Malthus to Anti-Malthus", this transition is still achievable, however, such an opportunity may be missed, the point of no return-incurability is already very close and then only extreme military "shock therapy" for national administrations will remain the only means of treatment.



The main Criterion for the Quality of the systems of Science, Education, Culture is the final Quality and Productivity of the Vital Activity of Man and Society, in particular the indicator of the Level of Culture of Man and Society. Today, this criterion is applied only in words, in practice this criterion proves the low and very low levels of these indicators in all countries. New Education can and should give graduates orders of magnitude more and better Knowledge and Skills - general and special, theoretical and practical. With such New Knowledge, a person will be able to have a guaranteed effective solution to all his personal and social problems of life. Old education makes all graduates problematic people morons – for themselves personally, for society and the state, for civilization. Education can and should turn from the main source of all negative problems of man and society (The Factory of Evil) into the main tool for solving these problems (the Golden Key 🔑 of Life). To do this, you need much more To Know and Be Able. New Science can and should increase its productivity by orders of magnitude. Proper New Education allows any person to participate very effectively, at a minimum, in inventive and entrepreneurial activities, as a maximum, in serious scientific and practical activities. Science is a testing ground for the application of individual forces not only for professional scientists - it is a testing ground for the application of forces for absolutely all people, starting from the school bench. To do this, you need to know and be able to know much more. This is a modern problem formulated by Tribule long ago as "Mr. Short Step". Some children amaze society with their exceptional achievements, and some children can compete even with professionals. There are a lot of very talented children – each in his own field, which only needs to be found and implemented. The search and support of the Main Vector of Human Abilities must be put on a professional stream. The new Culture can and should participate very actively and constructively in solving all the pressing problems of society, and not only describe the old negative problems of life – this whining about "yesterday" is not enough. We need new approaches and strategies, a new method of culture, New Masters. Today it is considered the highest achievement of culture - a highly artistic truthful reflection of the past, but the most modern, as a rule, is reflected with great censorship and apprehension - "what did not turn out good for the author." Already "yesterday" this was not enough, "today" this is sharply insufficient, "tomorrow" will be too late - no one will need anything on the ruins of the former civilization. The New Ideal of Culture is an effective constructive assistance to a person and society in making optimal decisions to urgent problems of life. In uniquely rare cases, this is already being implemented, there are excellent examples. To do this, you need much more To Know and Be Able.


Modern Politics and Economics are characterized by the following negative:

1) The main players of life are dissatisfied with the existing state of affairs and want to change it in their favor at the expense of everyone else. Even the luckiest seem small and want to win much more; eternal unhealthy insatiable "appetite", a feeling of eternal "hunger" and revanchism, eternal unhealthy excitement. Even those who are already very saddened by many circumstances – both the fact that everything can be lost under unfavorable circumstances, and the fact that it is possible to have much more. This is the evil principle of building your little short-term micro-happiness at any cost, even at the cost of a lot of global unhappiness for everyone else. So it was in the wild cave times, but then man could not in principle do great trouble, so until today but the troubles from these ancient ruins of national administrations are completely different. The fragile temporal equilibrium of modernity can be disturbed at any second and is systematically disturbed - in any country and on the planet as a whole - in this situation, we always have a very low level of life safety and, therefore, we have a very low level of quality of life in general. Among the other players, there are very few satisfied and even few – this is where the uncultured factor of unsportsmanlike envy comes into play. Only very rare people with a relatively wise attitude to satisfying any minimum are satisfied, but even they understand what a terrible world they live in. In total, almost all the "players of life activity" are dissatisfied, in different ways, with the existing imperfect system of life activity. This dissatisfaction is expressed in continuous social catastrophes and tragedies. An absolute symptom of a possible absolute. The catastrophe is realized in the main political and economic games of the eternal centers: Washington - New York - Brussels - Beijing - Moscow and any major player will never be satisfied with any gain and will play further - to build his impossible super-happiness on the type of world totalitarian domination of the NWO and a complete monopoly at the expense of the super-misfortune of everyone else. In world history, such global tragic scenarios have played out many times, failed miserably, but were hatched again and again – this disease of eternal revanchism has a deeply neglected chronic character everywhere and everywhere. Although in words and declarations you are all angels in white descended from heaven.

2) Constantly and everywhere there is an eternal lack of money, especially for solid fundamental construction - social and economic, scientific and technical, educational and cultural. Much more money is spent on temporary short-term opportunistic ersatz construction – party and administrative, criminal and personal. 

3) The destruction of the entire building of life from the foundation, in all directions, comes from the main center of all diseases - from the unhealthy political and economic rules of the game in life. 

The picture of life is significantly aggravated by the evil well-known fact: if any giant goods are conditionally one-time gifted to our civilization (conditional experiment), then very quickly all these benefits will disappear into a black insatiable hole, will be scattered in burrows and will again be as it was before the experiment. These are the evil rules of the game. Such evil politics and evil economy bring one absolute evil to all players in life. Such a catastrophic system of life is not beneficial to all players - this is the road of degradation to nowhere, this path is doomed to a global catastrophe in which everyone will get and even more will go to those who are now riding a white horse with a sword naked and chopping down the heads of their subjects. You will soon be thrown off this horse and hacked to pieces, giving the dog fit to eat. The new Politics and Economics easily and simply solves all the negative problems of life and gives all players orders of magnitude more than they can even dream of:

1) The personal resources and budgets of all players increase by orders of magnitude - material and informational, moral and cultural, personal and social, state and international - each player receives a huge gain - 

Jackpot. Beggars feel better, millionaires become billionaires, billionaires become trillionaires. 

2) The global catastrophic political and economic game of all against all is replaced by a progressive political and economic game - one for all and all for one, of course, such a scheme works only for participants in civilized approaches, for all others a lightning strike and liquidation in the palace. This approach is implemented only in Dumas and his "musketeers", as well as in similar small groups. This increases the Quality and Safety of Life by orders of magnitude.

3) The eternally unsolvable numerous negative problems of life - the problems of fundamental construction, the problems of catastrophes - receive a quick, complete, effective solution. All this maximum well-being for all is achieved through the proven most powerful means (implemented so far partially) - the maximum development and maximum use of the giant "frozen" potential of land and water resources and the capabilities of a person who creates his happiness and society as a whole, the modernization of the old evil rules of the game in life. 


NWO has been used repeatedly in history, but to no avail. All these people are builders, until they know how to build soundly and fundamentally, qualitatively and promisingly in the humanitarian sphere of life. They want all the time something better in words, in fact so far everything is bad - all the old attempts to build the NWO and all other similar Babylonian towers and communist Nazi projects ended in complete collapse and fiasco. There will be nothing new this time with such unprofessional players. The New Positive World Order can and should have only one single goal - to increase the quality and fruitfulness of human life and creativity, society as a whole by orders of magnitude in the very short foreseeable future - by abandoning evil destructive rules, goals, methods of playing in life by realizing the gigantic positive potential of the earth and water resources, as well as the capabilities of man as the creator of his happiness and society as a whole. State. This is absolutely really tested, absolutely beneficial for absolutely all segments of the population. On the way to this goal there is only one obstacle - evil and acute cultural and ethical inadequacy in all spheres of life, which constrains, inhibits and freezes this huge potential of positive. And entails all other forms of acute cultural insufficiency – material, mental, physical, managerial, educational, social, economic, political, industrial. A powerful, effective, instantly acting, proven medicine is new positive rules, goals, methods of playing in life, which include, develop, realize the huge potential of positive opportunities of a person and society.



All this is good and well known, but they are not advertised and varnished because of their very unsightly appearance, which without a thick layer of varnishing officialdom almost nowhere appears, evil is always masked. Evil, which is nowhere officially and can not be, but it is everywhere and everywhere present and dominant and this systematically happens. A short list of some of these rules, goals, methods, almost without varnishing, is as follows:

1) The main rule of thumb and the main goal of the game is the Winner of the Game of Life, he is the fakir for an hour, this is the guy who has more power and money at the moment of the game. To achieve this main goal of the game (the whole meaning of the life of the main players), any or almost any means that ultimately give the desired are justified; the higher the stakes in the game, the wider the choice of means. The main Winners are not judged (there is no one to judge, the winners themselves appoint the judges and are judges themselves) - another rule of the game, which is a very significant addition to the main rule and very significantly stimulates the "New Napoleons" to active actions - to get immunity - the untouchable (not subject to jurisdiction) want and dream about it even the smallest players freaks. Power and money have the property of effective self-growth – once given enough power and money, it has a very good prospect of self-augmentation, which is what happens to the most talented winners. But even for the winners of an evil game, happiness is always very short-lived and overshadowed by details - numerous competitors interfere very much, evil always very successfully eats all its favorites - less lucky a little earlier, luckier a little later. The practical meaning of this ancient evil rule is to "take away and appropriate" what you like; in this game nothing useful is produced, only destroyed, taken away, appropriated. The victim - the loser is thrown off and he can only hope for the return of what was taken and appropriated in the future, by the same clever method (the eternal main state of revanchism of all players). That is why the great cunning in such great esteem in all spheres of life of all the main players and candidates for the main players. The bolsheviks' notorious communist principle of "take away and divide" is only a vivid special case of one territory of the 20th century and the general ancient principle of "take away and appropriate" partially discussed above for all other territories. History proves and illustrates that all the winners of this terrible gambling game turned out to be, in the end, short-lived and tragic "fakirs for an hour." The results of these evil games are the gigantic destruction of society's means of subsistence, which Malthus placed above man. But Malthus saw only a positive here - a decrease in the number of all people by the number of all dead. 

2) The unwise strategy of life "After us though the flood" is the main global outlook and practical principle of a degrading civilization. This principle underlies the choice of all solutions to all life problems - instead of professional, optimal, promising, wise, highly effective solutions, short-term, opportunistic, defective ersatz solutions are often chosen, which are often not friends even with simple rationality and an elementary mind - not to mention high optimality and wisdom. And this principle leads to the gigantic destruction of the means of production and the existence of society, which Malthus placed above man.

3) The absence of wise development plans, this is the style of the politician of the temporary - proved by the entire World History of all countries and peoples. The ability is usually enough, at most, only temporarily to win the struggle for power, but after that immediately, after a short period of euphoria, the era of degradation begins. All the time looming before his eyes looms this marasmatic and chief orderly Joe, who fell the United States with his team of pilars and trances, like a knocked out Russian ship to 🚢 the bottom. This is the old unwise management style in the unwise life and unwise civilization of the 21st century. And this principle leads to a gigantic loss of the means of industrial production and the existence of the population of the United States and society as a whole, behind the island to the bottom of Joe pulls the whole of Europe and the world. That's all a very long time ago this priest Malthus put above man. These negative rules and principles work at all levels, from the lowest household to the highest political. Malthus did not see here the gigantic reserve of the means of subsistence of society, which Malthus put above man. The new positive rules of the positive game of life are the antipodes of the old rules. Significant social progress is possible even with a small "domestication" of the old rules (in practice, this has always happened and is now happening in very small microsteps and microdoses), very significant social progress is possible when replacing any one old rule with a new antipode rule, colossal social progress (cultural leap) is possible when replacing all the old rules with new antipode rules. 

View of the New Rules in the basic version: 

1) Any form of power should be effectively achievable only for the most positive leaders who have already come a long way positive and have already become famous for great positive practical successes. Any form of power gives only one opportunity – only the opportunity to work very effectively in your post and receive adequate rewards for it. All other negative opportunities, for the sake of which many maniacally rush to power, in principle, should be impossible. To implement this idea, a new institution of power is optimal, it trains and trains, controls and advises future cadres of power.

2) The main duty and professional duty of any manager is to make optimal far-sighted decisions worked out by the professional staff of analysts on all the tasks of the life of the state and society, which are in his competence. To do this, you need a professional team, selected not on the principle of friends and relatives "look into my mouth", for this you need to abandon the "warm pleasant bath" and have a very great talent and a very large work experience, great knowledge, skills and real achievements in the past. A real leader very often and a lot thinks about something completely different, makes decisions spontaneously and opportunistically. The fundamental development of optimal solutions to urgent life problems should be carried out by all knowledge workers - this is the main task of science, and not just the leaders of society. Today, decisions are made according to a very simplified unscientific and even anti-scientific scheme. Suboptimal solutions lead to the omission of gigantic opportunities. Wrong decisions negate the fate of a person, society, state, civilization. There is no effective responsibility for suboptimal and incorrect decisions, and this encourages progressive voluntarism in making individual decisions. This has become the norm of the leadership of many countries. There are no well-deserved exports at all, everyone has been cleaned up, the same people with the same talk about injections. Do you realize that you are fully exposed with your lies about COVID19, Omicron, Monkeys 🙉 and Chips? Or will you only understand it in the electric chair? Or worse at some gas station, like Benito and his faithful girlfriend? 

3) The availability of wise development plans that determine the optimal mandatory strategy and methodology for development in the near and long term, are mandatory and fixed by an act of law. 

The practical meaning of the transition from the old rules to the new ones is to obtain powerful supersources of environmentally friendly super profits.

Cheque 🧾 

The optimal modern worldview of the 21st century sets the main task - effective social and commodity evolution, it guarantees the highest quality of life and effectively protects the interests of the entire population (Anti-Malthus), and not individual opportunistic interests of individuals in butterflies and tailcoats with heifers in night pajamas for budget money and other sex groups in national administrations. Malthus's theory very significantly hinders effective social evolution and underlies all conflictual, communist, openly fascist and extremist ideologies and worldviews, it is focused only on solving the problem of survival of a very limited special contingent of selected persons and even this small problem it does not solve anything effectively, moreover, it is destructive and militaristically criminal in the struggle for the opportunity to get into the gold lists of a very limited special contingent of elected persons. More than once this has already generated considerable tragedies, wars, conflicts and will still give rise to a much greater global catastrophe for the entire civilization than those from which the priest Malthus tried to save us all. The new refined and refined Malthus Theory not only contributes to Effective Social Evolution, but also indicates a constructive way to implement it. The simplest and most effective solution to all the negative problems of life and the first effective step in solving the problem of implementing the new theory of Anti-Malthus, it is also a roadmap 🗺 and a key 🔑 to the ignition lock , is a significant increase in the culture and quality of the institution of power. This is absolutely simple and absolutely beneficial to absolutely everyone - the leaders themselves (a guarantee of their stability and effectiveness of power), the state (a quick effective solution to all negative state problems), the people (improving the quality and fruitfulness of life), civilization (a quick powerful impulse of social evolution). This idea has already been published by different authors in different media, the process of implementing this idea does not go at all, it has long stood up after the triple world war.  The problem of all national administrations is about the same. The promises of all the leaders of all countries and all times turned out to be at best fulfilled very partially and unsatisfactorily, basically these "Great" storytellers turn out to be a banal PR move and a soap bubble. The meaning of all revolutions, coups d'état and insurrections, election campaigns is to replace some very weak leaders with other similar ones. Malthus's theory is quite true for such a low-quality institution of power and not true for a high-quality institution of power of the 21st century. We don't need a red reset button from Hillary's conditional grandmother. We need her conditional departure to her conditional land plot for the conditional cultivation of conditional vegetables, conditional fruits, the production of conditional natural milk from conditional goats and knitting conditional warm socks 🧦 🧦 from their conditional wool and other useful things on Hillary's personal teaching for her family!  It is necessary to return to the fundamental origins of national legislation and constructions! Everything is spelled out there! All by-laws and decrees have no legal force! There are examples of going back to basics. But the road is closed back to us. We can't go back to the caves – There are too many of us on Earth now. The world's social networks and search engines cannot be managed by one person or a narrow group of persons of major shareholders. He or they are just the owners of the money, they only make a profit from the operational work to their personal account. That's it, period. How to control this monster? The supervisory board of the company is selected from people known for their achievements to the world, without national restrictions, one to five people based on the size of the territory of the state, by open voting of the nation via the Internet and it all works on a well-paid basis. The Council forms the main management of the company at the place of the company's central office and develops strategies for the work of the platform and exercises control for exactly 3 years. Then a new election. Networks are international and building a national consensus for the world is very important. It will not work any other way for well-known American platforms. Telegram doesn't need such a structure, as it's originally done correctly. National public television with a wide coverage area according to the same scheme, the council consists of national persons elected by direct vote via the Internet. It's like eurovision. A general world pact on the inadmissibility of state propaganda on any mass private / state information resource of ideas and ideologies close to / similar to the communist and fascist ideology. All these phenomena are well studied and quite easily diagnosed by our specialists. We are no longer debating on understandable topics and axioms that do not require any proof. You either sit in civilized New York and do good to yourself and people, or you go to the bottom, sitting in your national garbage dump under the watchful eye of an interregional coalition of rapid reaction forces.  All branches of business have the right to life and a place under the sun of our common planet. Any prohibitions or obstacles to the conduct of legitimate types of business for the needs of the population of the state and the world, by state and other bodies of national states and international institutions are not acceptable and criminally punishable for any country that is a member of the reformed organization of the Commonwealth of Free States of the World in the former UN building in New York. Dot.

Judging by the countries where monkeypox has been identified (Canada, USA, Australia, Germany, Portugal, England and other European monkeys) - only monkeys live there ... The Lawn, the New York City Quarter and the United Nations, Geneva, Brussels — monkey organizations, have absolutely slipped to the level of humanoid creatures from the zoo ... And it's not smallpox, it's dirt coming out of your pores. man-made mud.  The worst thing that can happen for a politician is when you are hated by a lot of people, and also laugh at the whole country. The U.S., thanks to the criminal clumsy actions of the U.S. president and his company, has become a laughing stock for professionals around the world. It's ridiculous, the Oval Office is a collection of cheap clowns.  Today, only two laboratories in the world - the United States and Russia - officially contain the variola virus - the causative agent of smallpox.  In 1980, the WHO announced the complete eradication of the smallpox virus. Until 1960, thousands of people died from smallpox. 20 years after the development of a smallpox vaccine, the epidemic was defeated. And now the authors of the NWO project with a vision of one country on the whole planet and with one office in New York, as part of clinical degenerates, again took this tuff from the dusty shelves and weaved here also the unfortunate macaques. All under the meeting of WHO terrorists. Shooters kill people before Joe's hearings to take weapons from the US population, monkeys a few days before the meeting of terrorists manage to infect several countries and even continents at once, apparently flying on F35 around the clock without rest. Why are you all so crooked and dumb as champagne corks? 

Overpopulation of the planet lies 🤥 👇 


The population of the Earth is the total number of people living on our planet. Today, 7.83 billion people live on Earth. It took humanity more than 200,000 years to reach a population of 1 billion (around 1800) and only about 200 years for that number to grow to 7 billion. Greenhouse Gases and the Climate Agenda Are Lies


Edited version, corrected spelling errors. We are in a hurry today, working live and without editors, as well as without the staff of our girls typesetters. They all got pregnant by the editor-in-chief and went on maternity leave. The editors of Tribule ask everyone to treat with understanding the mores of total debauchery reigning in our bureau.  The pandemic and all subsequent events are lies. The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates.


Kristalina Ivanovna Georgieva .And all this Mega lies for the sake of a distorted vision of the world in the paradigm of NWO and Agenda 21 from communists and technical executors from elderly degenerate terrorists under the roof of the UN 🇺🇳 and at the behest of David Rockefeller Ala Mikhail Gorbachev



The fundamental basic laws of the United States 🇺🇸 have not been observed and have been violated for a long time 👇



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