Protocol 3. 

     Protocol 3. 

𑀗꤀𐌌𐌌꤯᥉᥉꤯꤀ꤙꤕ꤅ 𑀗ꤌ𑀱ꤌꤙʆꤕ

TUCKER CARLSON, the most popular host of the conservative fox news channel discusses with a guest of the program, journalist Glenn Greenwald, reigning mass hysteria in the United States. Doubters in vaccines are declared agents of the Kremlin.

It's a masterpiece of course! 

GLENN GRINWALD is an American leftist journalist who has won numerous international awards. He was best known for his activities related to the material handed to him by Edward Snowden. Four of Greenwald's five books were on The New York Times' bestseller list. In 2013, Glenn Greenwald was one of the world's 100 thinkers compiled by Foreign Policy magazine.

TUCKER CARLSON: We've gone out of science, under the influence of mass hysteria.

Translated from Tucker Carlson's opening monologue on May 13, 2021, abridged.


 We often hear this: "They are opposed to vaccination, they do not believe in the vaccine." But let's pause and think. This is a rather strange way of talking about science. Science never requires us to believe in anything. On the contrary. Science is an endless struggle with established convictions, with blind faith, also called superstition, with our far-fetched ideas, with our prejudices. Science does not require us to believe in truth. Science proves to us that there is truth. It does not require faith, but proof. So the next time you hear a pompous masked conservative annoyed that provincial American idiots from the Midwest do not believe in a vaccine, you can be sure you are in the company of someone who has no idea what science is. And in the worst case, you will realize that you are talking to a moron.

 But until we switch to another topic, it should be said that millions of people really do not believe in the effectiveness of the covid-19 vaccine. Who are these people? Sociological services usually do not notice them during surveys. Ask hundreds of Americans the question: "Do you believe in the effectiveness of the covid vaccine?" 99 of them will say, "Yes, of course it is effective." They will say this because they know that this is the answer that is expected of them. They watch the daily Today TV show. They don't want to be punished for misconceptions. They are afraid of being fired or ostracized.

 But what if we paraphrase this question, ask it more cunningly, not so directly? What will be the result in this case? The staff of the Morning Consult polling company did just that. And here's what they found out. Americans who have been vaccinated against covid are more afraid to go out than those who have not been vaccinated. A lot more. Only a quarter of the vaccinated respondents said they would agree to go to a work conference or go to the gym. Only 24% agree to use public transport. Less than half are willing to rent a car, even alone. B only 34% are willing to go to a party. Only 17% would dare to go on a cruise. Etc. These people are terribly afraid of contracting the coronavirus. But, let me remind you, they all took root. So it's becoming clear that many vaccinated Americans - the majority if you look at the survey data - don't really believe in the coronavirus vaccine.

 What does this mean? Among other things, that we have long left the field of science and are in a state of mass hysteria, being subjected to massive manipulation. Many Americans are too scared to think clearly. What kind of situation is this: you are vaccinated and you say that you believe in the effectiveness of the vaccination, but at the same time you are afraid to get into a taxi? If you, believing in the vaccine, are still so terrified of contracting COVID, then you are not able to think clearly. And why? You cannot think clearly because you are scared. And you are scared, because you have been told for over a year that you should be afraid. And the advent of the vaccine did not in any way reassure you. Demagogues push us to turn our fear into hatred, turning this hatred on anyone who does not obey their orders. As a result, the vaccinated masked Americans will not feel happy, secure, or relieved until everyone else is vaccinated and masked. But this is unreasonable. This is unscientific. There is some kind of obscurantism in this. What began as a public health measure has evolved into an instrument of public oversight.

 We saw this last night when we interviewed Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin. Johnson has already had covid. Like tens of millions of Americans (there may be over 100 million), Johnson contracted the coronavirus but survived. Johnson is not against the vaccine. It has been vaccinated many times in the past. Yesterday he told us that he would gladly be grafted in the future. He is in favor of vaccination. But in this particular case, Johnson consulted with his doctor and got tested for antibodies. Like many people who have recovered from the disease, Johnson now has a better natural defense against the virus than a vaccine can give him. Therefore, there is no medical reason for him to be vaccinated. People shouldn't take drugs they don't need. For this reason, Ron Johnson decided not to get vaccinated. This is a very sensible position. This is an absolutely reasonable position given what we know. In his case, abstaining from the vaccine is much wiser than giving an injection that he does not need. To be vaccinated in his case would be recklessness and madness. It would be contrary to science. But precisely because it was a reasonable decision and Ron Johnson explained it intelligibly and calmly, referring to the data of practical science, the forces of meager mind took up arms against him and decided that they needed to destroy Ron Johnson before others heard what he was saying.

 MSNBC host Brian Williams first quotes an excerpt from Ron Johnson's speech on Fox News, and then Brian Williams says on MSNBC: “I know very smart, educated, serious people who consider him a free or unwitting agent in Russia who talk about this American society. "

 End of quote. So the point is that Ron Johnson is an agent for Russia. If you decide not to vaccinate, following the advice of your doctor, the medical advice of your doctor, then you are working for Putin. You are a traitor acting at the behest of a foreign power. You are a traitor. And one guy from CNN is calling for the arrest of unvaccinated people if they try to enter buildings. Here's a quote from a conversation on CNN:

 JOHN BERMAN: Should I somehow be worried that a person who decided not to vaccinate made a bad choice? And the second question: maybe we need to pass a law prohibiting such people from entering buildings?

 JAVIER BESERRA: You hit the spot, John. When will we achieve such a situation that everyone will be as protected as possible?

 End of quote.

 "Maybe we need to pass a law prohibiting such people from entering buildings?" - says this nerd from television. Such people will say anything. The answer from the minister from Joe Biden's cabinet is striking. Yes, such a law must be passed, says Minister Becerra. I would like to think that someday we will remember this and laugh. But will such a day come? Maybe the fear will never go away. Fear is too good for some people. Most likely - for people who do not like those who ask questions. Soon all such questioners will be called agents of Russia, China, Syria or whatever.

 Glenn Greenwald thought about this a lot. He is a journalist. You can find this work on the Substack. Site. By the way, he is one of the leading experts in the world on the still hidden connection between the Kremlin and the vaccine indecision))), and therefore we are delighted to see him tonight.

 Glenn, thanks so much for coming. Is Putin against COVID vaccination? I didn't know this before.

 GLENN GREENWALD, JOURNALIST: I mean, Tucker, this illustrates two things in liberal culture, where obviously MSNBC and CNN are the mainstream. First, this movement has become completely tyrannical. They don't believe in free speech. They want anyone who disagrees with them to be censored, disconnected from the Internet or from the cable.

 They don't believe in due process. They constantly declare people guilty of crimes, without evidence, just an accusation is enough. And here they are, in effect, trying to get people to relinquish control over their bodily autonomy, which was once a core value of American liberalism, by arguing that they have no right to determine their own risk of taking the vaccine.

 I got vaccinated after spending a lot of time reading everything I could and listening to the opinions of experts, including my own doctor, and making my own decision, and everyone else should be eligible.

 But the other part of that is the coercive tactics they use: if you disobey them or disagree with them, they'll just call you a Russian agent. I think we need to stop and realize how crazy this is. And this is what journalists do.

 As if there could be no other explanation - this is a really serious accusation against someone, and they know there is no evidence for this accusation. He doesn't want to get a vaccine because he has antibodies, so he is Putin's agent. Yet it is perfectly acceptable for journalists of a liberal culture to drop these accusations in order to get people to do what they want or to manipulate them.

 CARLSON: It requires a longer conversation. I hope someday we can sit down for an hour and talk about it. But I can't help asking you. What is this fixation with Russia? We have been talking about this for five years now. I have never been to Russia. I don't know much about Russia.

 Their hatred of Russia seems disproportionate to Russia's real influence in the world. I'm starting to wonder what this is about? What do you think of it?

 GRINWALD: You know that there is a lot of literature about the ability to use paranoia and tribal fears to manipulate people. You know, when Obama was pressured by the likes of Senators Marco Rubio and McCain and the Democratic hawks who have a lot of power. He said: “Russia is not a terrible power, their economy is smaller than Italy. At best, they look like a regional power. "

 Yet, as viewed by the Democratic Party, Vladimir Putin is similar to Darth Vader. Russia is an existential threat. These people, who hate Russia, have penetrated the institutions of power and are carrying this infection there. They deliberately constantly incite this fear among their liberal flock, in order to keep them in fear, so that they are afraid of everything, which means that they are more submissive and more pliable in management.

 That's what it is about, but they really believe it. They don't pretend. All of them have plunged into this mania for a country that does not threaten the United States at any level.

 CARLSON: I know. It's like making us fear Burundi or something. This is so strange. I need to go to Russia somehow. They make me want to go there.

A quote from Carlson, the world's best home tamer. 

Calm, only calm!

"Calm, only calm!" - the Russian equivalent of the English "DON'T PANIC!".

Haven't you left yet, Karlson? 

Dear Friend Karlsson, who lives on the island, now you and I will get cancer all this and put them in one place their communist Vaccine 💉. They transfer from one sore head to another sick head, most of these off the island does not understand anything at all except a bank card 🎴. 

There are two on the island, Rockefeller and Soros, they understand all very not bad.

Let's go 🛫 

Vaccination from Communism 👇

To understand where the real truth is, you will have to answer the following questions:

- What was the real purpose of the creators of the October coup of 1917 - Lenin, Trotsky and Sverdlov?

- Who financed them and for what purpose?

- What is communism and what do foreign sponsors of the Bolsheviks have to do with it?

- Why did the Bolsheviks win the Civil War, although, logically, they should have lost?

- Why did the leadership of the USSR depart from the idea of "world communism" and decided to create "one separate socialist state"?

There is no secret that a small bolshevik party received a lot of money from abroad. Initially, they were financed by the German leadership. But then the initiative was intercepted - comrades Parvus and Trotsky managed to agree on the financing of the RSDLP (b) with the oligarchic circles of the United States and Europe, the magnates of New York and London, who soon took the initiative in their own hands. Schiffs,, Rothschilds, Rockefellers - these richest clans and became the main sponsors of the Bolsheviks. These tycoons did not hide their goals - the construction of a world communist state, no matter what price. 

Someone will ask: "What do the Rothschilds or the Schiffs have to do with communism? After all, communism is universal equality, the lack of exploitation of one person to another, everyone works for the benefit of man and the state and receives equally. It's not the most natural! Back in the early 1920s, they didn't talk about it again. It seems that the paradox - billionaires started talking about communism? not at all. On the contrary, by financing the creation of the world communist state, they were thus going to take control of the whole world. how? 

Remember how the ideal state was described by the socialist utopians - Mor, Campanella and others: at the bottom of the crowd of workers who pass the fruits of their labor to their elected superiors, above - some hierarchs who make sure that nothing is stolen, simply put, the military-protection class, and at the very top - the elected, elite, which is the fruit of the labor of millions of working people distributes among all equally. Everyone is happy and happy, no one has been deprived or offended, there are no poor and rich, because the elite has created universal equality. Everyone works for the benefit of all humanity. There is no crime, because there is no economic component to it. That's the communism of Wall Street moguls who dream of world domination. 

The idea of such a state was to eliminate all state borders, to create a truly unified world education, which would be ruled by a small group of the most powerful representatives of the world elite, by which the tycoons of the United States and Britain meant themselves. It was their will and performed in Russia L.D. Trotsky, who, by the way, the same considered himself to be this elite. The world oligarchy was betting on him, not Lenin.

If someone thinks that they were going to destroy only one Russia, he is mistaken - Russia went only first on their stage in Kolyma. 

In the Soviet institutions, all studied in detail the famous "Communist Party Manifesto." These institutions have trained the education of Angela Merkel, Kristalina Georgieva (International Bank of 🏦) and there are many more socialists on beliefs in the West . At least the same neo Marx Schwab. The Western everyman does not understand what the document actually says. 

And the essence of it - in the creation of the same society of "universal welfare" - the chosen, elite, at the bottom of the myriad of men who work for this elite, and she hands out "all brothers and sisters in earrings." Everyone is happy - no one was deprived or offended. 

Marx's Manifesto is an essay in which the authors all stigmatize the so-called "middle class", small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, who only prevent oligarchs from getting their hands on all the property of the world. Read carefully this creation of Comrade Charles - although he addresses the proletariat, but only with one sentence - it is the proletarians should eliminate the small bourgeoisie, without affecting large private property. Which is understandable, because Karl Marx is a singer of large capital, the same tycoon who seeks to subjugate the whole world, to take up not just property, but to privatize all the countries and peoples who would work for the benefit of a small group of American billionaires.   

In principle, it happened, however, not all over the world, but only in the United States, but the essence of this does not change - it was the United States became the first country to build communism. Thank you comrade K. Marx!

It is no coincidence that in the early 20th century in the newspapers began to appear drawings on which a satisfied Marx, with a book called "Socialism", depicted among the magnates of Wall Street, who thank him for explaining to them how to build a communist society. his cousin. This explains K. Marks's dislike of medium and small business and his love of large capital. 

In addition, his friend Comrade F. Engels was, if not an oligarch, then a very large businessman, owned several rather large industrial enterprises in Germany and England, received from them a decent profit, some of which was to finance the publications of the works of comrades Marx and Engels. 

As you know, the communists of the USSR were very revered by these "comrades." 

By the way, it should be noted that Comrade K.Marks is an ordinary plagiarist. This fact at the beginning of the twentieth century was discovered by the not-so-famous writer-emigrant V. Cherkesov, about which he wrote in detail in his work "Pages of Socialist History." It seems that if this book were to be published in Russia, the whole history of socialism and Marxism would have appeared quite differently. The author writes that "Manifesto" is a very brief note of long work, as far as 143 pages, the French socialist V. Consideran "Principles of Socialism: The Manifesto of Democracy of the Nineteenth Century", which was published twice in 1843 and 1847, and where as an author details the foundations of Marxism, describes the future of communist society. Marx simply rewrote theses, even the names of the chapters did not bother to rename, and signed his name. In addition, shortly before the publication of the Communist Party Manifesto, the American political scientist K. Roosevelt published his "Socialist Manifesto - "Science to Rule", in which he outlined his vision of the future of society, again in the spirit of the so-called "utopian socialism" with the elite at the top and slaves at the very bottom.

What does all this have to do with our Carlson story? 

The most direct:

In the 40th part of Murzilk you could see "LOCK STEP" from 2009 from under the pen of the Rockefeller Foundation - in which the authors of the text describe the scenario of total control by governments over the world's population through an artificial pandemic. Thus, under the guise of combating an epidemic or supposedly "good cause" the population of countries are deprived of almost all their freedoms, and almost voluntarily. Doesn't all this remind you of the current situation? It seems that we have all painted you and we do not think it for a long time, and we clearly know what criminals do.

1989. Rockefeller's "The Loxtep Novel"👇

🇺🇸"The world no longer works this way. Now we are an empire, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying this reality, we're going to act again, creating other new realities that you can study, and that's all for you. We are the actors of history ... and you, everyone, will only have to study what we are doing." ©Swest of the head of the George W. Bush administration, Karl Rove.

We'll add from the Editorial to the saying: - the slog horse to you on the collar of the suit from Brioni 👇

📹 Archive footage from Sochi 2008: Putin and Bush Jr. lit hot dances 👯 under the lady - madame . 

To understand the views people are in the world's finances or where they are around, doing someone else's will, you will hear an interesting speech by IMF head Christine Lagarde, who praised the Russian government for its pension reform, and who said that "given the ageing of the population and the risk of increasing life expectancy, this is part of the necessary reforms to restore confidence in the profitability of the balance sheets of the public and private sectors."

This speech was delivered on January 14, 2014. In his speech, Lagrda says something about the G7. Although on that day, such an organization did not exist and mention. Then there was the G8. It was not until March 24, 2014 that Russia was expelled from the G8, making it the G7. 

The New World Order pret from Lagarde inexorably. Among other things, in a seemingly purely economic match, Lagarde took and touched the occult side of Numerology numbers. Moreover, she also used the word magic and prefaced her statement, saying that the most important thing is number 7, both in religion and in ceremonial rites. The words/words "religion" and "ceremonial rites" mentioned purely "financial woman" suggest that she, if she is not engaged in besides financial activities of the occult, and is not a hierophant of dark mysteries, is interested in this for sure.

Just imagine the picture, The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde talks about the world economy at the National Press Club about the prospects of American and world economic growth, the recovery of the economy in the European Union and the mission of the IMF to support low-income countries by increasing the availability of credit, and the occult flies. At the same time, she talked about the number "7" sometimes distracted for almost five minutes. For lack of time I will give only some of her quotes from the speech (who is interested in see the video above.):

"world economy. What should we expect in 2014... So if we think about 2014..."

"Now I'm going to test your numerology skills by asking you to think about the magic seven"

"most of you know that seven is a pretty strong number

"2014 will throw away zero, and there will be fourteen - twice seven"

"it marks the 70th anniversary. We remove the zeros and get the 70th anniversary of the Bretton Woods Conference, which actually gave birth to the IMF. 7 + 0 = 7"

"and it will be the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the 25th... 2 + 5 = 7"

"We will also celebrate the 7th anniversary of the financial market

"So 2014 will be a year and hopefully a magical year from May."

"After these seven miserable years, weak and fragile <...> we will have seven strong years"

" now I don't even know if the G7 will have anything to do with all this" (G is also the 7th letter of the alphabet)

"So, my hope and my aspirations for 2014"

All this speech is so bizarre that it is difficult to understand what all this could mean then, except for a hidden message. If you have read the Bible, the parallels with its quotations are amazing. Pharaoh asks Joseph to decipher his dreams, which he deciphers as 7 years of abundance and 7 years of hunger. Pharaoh believes him and Joseph became a counselor to the pharaoh and was born with the local aristocracy. A pretty good metaphor for what the IMF is.

Omitting reflections 💭 Christine is there, whether the occult works and magic, whether there is a Creator and other, it must be said that what people do not understand is that it does not matter whether we believe in occult practices and demonic forces. The only thing that matters is that the world's elite believes in it, and believes with pathological intensity. 

And they believe only because they believe that it is from there that they draw their power. And the power of their aphrodisiac and their true religion.

And this 💉 at the 2016 panel discussion at the "Achieving the Success of Children's Vaccine in the U.S." event before the "Give Children a Chance" gala.

"To eliminate any waiver, we just need to get rid of all white people, because immigrants are the only ones who want to be vaccinated," Dr. Carol Baker of Honey said at the time. Baylor College (Texas Children's Hospital)

Perhaps this is the true main motive for the increase in racial tensions not only in the United States. In 2009, Obama administration secretary Kathleen Seableius appointed Baker to chair the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, and she did so until 2012. Then, in 2019, the woman was awarded the Sabine Vaccine Institute Gold Medal at a ceremony made possible by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Pfizer. 

Marilyn Monroe in that "naked" dress on the president's jubilee.

📹 Marilyn Monroe - Happy Birthday Mr. President 

Jacqueline Kennedy: "She'll pay for it!"

On May 19, 1962, Marilyn Monroe performed at a concert to mark John F. Kennedy's 45th birthday, passionately performing the traditional "Happy Birthday, Mr. President!....

Her translucent $12,000 dress wasn't just defiant - screaming! And as luck would have it, Jackie herself missed the ceremony. Now the entire United States press has written about this scandal.

Jacqueline took the newspaper from the table and ran through the lines: "... it's like she's making love to the president in front of 40 million Americans...." 

No, it's a shame not to leave 🚫! Jacqueline dialed the phone number: "Will you help solve my problem?"

Two-and-a-half months later, the first lady liked the headlines much more: "Marilyn Monroe committed suicide."

Now such a record is no longer found - everything is edited even on the website of the World Bank (worldbank).

"Export of COVID-19 test kits (300215) by country | 2017

It doesn't matter if you're big or small, strong or weak. The Giants are always in the first line of resistance to the New World Order.

💉When to understand what is a pandemic really and what is happening in the world now, Friends, just wonder why a friend of paedophile slave trader Epstein has a voice and why his voice is decisive in WHO and the media? 

"Bill Gates: Here's when we can

expect a full return to normal"

It's still that simple...

It's definitely not Melinda Bill. 

It reminds us very much of the right hand of epstein's paedophile slave trader, Gillen Maxwell👇

Ivana Marie Selnichkova in her youth, 1972

Birth name

It's Czech. Ivana Marie Zelníčková

Date of birth

February 20, 1949 (74 years)

Place of birth

zlin, Moravia, Czechoslovakia




United States


model, designer, entrepreneur, writer.


Milos Selnicek


Marie Franzova


Alfred Winklemayr (1971-1973) 

Donald Trump (1977-1992) 

Riccardo Mazzaccelli (1995-1997) 

Rossano Rubicondi (2008-2009)


Donald Trump Jr. 

Ivanka Trump 

Eric Trump


The KGB has nurtured Trump for 40 years, a former Russian intelligence official. 

Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin

Photo: | Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin

Trump first came to the attention of the KGB in 1977, when he married Czech model Ivana Selnichkova.

Yuri Shvets, a former KGB officer who emigrated to the United States in 1993, said that Russian intelligence services had "raised" former U.S. President Donald Trump as his agent for about 40 years. He voiced this information in an interview with The Guardian.

Shvets, who obtained U.S. citizenship and now works as a corporate security investigator, became a key source of information for journalist Craig Unger, who wrote the book "American Compromising: How the KGB Cultivated Donald Trump, and other stories about sex, greed, power and betrayal." It went on sale on January 26 and has already become a bestseller.

The former Russian compared the former US president to the "Cambridge Five", a British spy network that passed secrets to Moscow during World War II and the beginning of the Cold War.

"There are cases when people are recruited during their student years, and then they occupy important positions. Something like this happened to Trump," he told reporters.

According to him, for the first time in the field of view of KGB agents the American businessman got in 1977, when he married the Czech model Ivana Selnichkova.

Three years later, he opened the Grand Hyatt New York Hotel, for which he bought 200 television sets with dual systems that allow to receive broadcasts to the Soviet Union, from the immigrant from the USSR Semyon Kislin. The one to leave the Union allegedly agreed to work for the KGB, and it was he, Shvets claims, who spotted Trump as a potential agent. Years later, Kislin denied any links to the Russian mafia. However, he remained close to Trump and donated more than $40 million to Rudy Giuliani's election campaign for mayor of New York city in 1993 and 1997.

Trump first visited Moscow and St. Petersburg in 1987. During this trip, Shvets argues, KGB officers, having studied the psychotype of the American and taking into account his weakness for flattery, pathological greed, as well as intellectual and psychological vulnerability, instilled in him that he must go into politics.

Donald Trump with his wife Ivana in Leningrad (1987)



Judging by the fact that, soon after returning from the USSR, Trump seriously considered to nominate his candidacy for the Republican Party for the presidency, the work of the Russians was not in vain. In 1987, he wrote an address to his fellow citizens, accusing Japan of exploiting the United States and criticizing U.S. involvement in NATO.

Shvets noted that in the USSR this publication was "met with glee." Trump's victory in the 2016 presidential election was supposedly a real celebration for the Kremlin.

The Daily Mail also wrote about the new book, which is overflowing with facts about Trump's ties to Russia. Journalists noted Craig Unger's claim that Trump was saved several times from numerous bankruptcies by huge flows of Russian money laundered through his real estate in the 80s and 90s. Russian money also went to buy back buildings built under the name Trump.

"The invitation to Russia from a high-ranking KGB official in 1987, under the pretext of a preliminary intelligence trip to build a Trump hotel in Moscow, was in fact a "deep development" of KGB curators who helped create secret channels of communication and allowed Russians to influence and damage American democracy," the author writes.

According to Unger, when Trump became president, it was time to pay his debts, and he "gave Putin everything he wanted."

Unger has long worked in the genre of political journalism. His best-selling books "House of Bush, House of Saud: The Secret Relationship Between Two of the World's Most Powerful Dynasties" and "Trump House, Putin's House: The Unspeakable Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia" were released. Working on the latest book, he conducted numerous extensive interviews with high-ranking sources, representatives of the USSR, KGB defectors, former CIA officers, FBI counterintelligence agents, lawyers and many others.

Journalist Craig Unger

Photo: Screenshot

The contents of Unger's book are based on dozens of exclusive sources, including Epstein's "black book." This was the name of a document showing a variety of crimes - from bribing influential people to paedophile parties. It was "thanks" to his "black book" that Epstein was behind bars (sex trafficking, paedophilia), and in April 2019 ended his life in a New York prison cell.

A graduate of Harvard University, Unger earned his reputation for analytical books about Presidents Bush Sr. and Bush Jr., the family of incumbent Senator Mitt Romney, as well as high-profile articles in The New Yorker, Esquire Magazine and Vanity Fair.

Craig Unger

And here is the caricature about gates 200 billion dollars, which he, according to his words said on the air, will be able to raise on vaccines, has come.

Add to this, the casino 🎰 taj mahal is a project of the KGB of the USSR funded through curator Vyacheslav Ivankov (Japanese)👇

When Trump became president, it was time to pay the bills, and Trump gave Putin everything he wanted, writes author Craig in his book.

What connects this Kutuzov, Soros and The Rothschilds?👇

18 U.S. Code 2384 - Criminal Conspiracy, 18 U.S. Code 2381 - Treason


She was born in the Moravian city of Szlin (formerly known as Gottwaldov), Czechoslovakia, the daughter of Czech Milos Selnicek and Austrian Marie Franzova. Her father was an electrical engineer and her mother was a telephone operator. From an early age, her father nurtured and encouraged her ski talent. In the early 1970s, she attended Karlov University in Prague.

In 1970, Ivana appeared on Czechoslovak television in the children's television series Pan Tauruen.

Given the experience of probability theory and statistical formulas, Russian Roulette, as we see it, is much less dangerous than the "vaccine" 😂

The Pope's apostolic visit to Iraq.

Arrival, all in masks, covid lute ...

Covid went somewhere...

On the Pope's arrival in Iraq, the plane was on an apostolic visit, and now the covid is gone. 😂

Bosnia and Herzegovina (former Yugoslavia . Broz Tito, the leader of Yugoslavia in the future, enters the apprenticeship of the locksmith, where later came and his brother Stepan. Joseph Broz Tito imbued with the ideas of socialism and in 1910, moved to zagreb, became a member of the Social Democratic Party of Croatia . 

Melania Trump (/məˈlɑːniə/; 1,000-3 Melania Knavs; "mɛˈlaːnija knaːu̯s, Germanized as Melania Knauss; April 26, 1970) - An American of Slovenian origin, a former model of socialist Yugoslavia. 

Knavs was born in Novo Place and grew up in Sevnica, in the Yugoslav Republic of Slovenia. She worked as a model in agencies in Milan and Paris and moved to New York in 1996. She has been linked to Irene Marie Models and Trump Model Management. 

Ivana Marie Trump, in her maiden name - Selnichkova (Czech. Zelníčková; 20, 1949, the Czechoslovakian-Austrian model. 

Epstein's plane flew to Antarctica on July 23, 2020. The flight of "Lolita Express" to the area of the mysterious continent was recorded on July 23:

In the area where the plane was flying, there are none of the 22 airports that could serve aircraft (helicopters only). The nearest runway near the visible landing site is the Russian-Perseus Aerodrome (3 km ice), the runway closest to Princess Elizabeth station, which has a length of 1420 m. Although there may be something else nearby that can receive planes. From Antarctica everything is clear, he flew to the penguins, while all. 

All videos with "horrors" 100% fake and mounted for the media on order for payment : cemeteries and funerals 🪦, hospitals 🏥 and corpses in New York, fires 🔥 corpses in India and so on around the world.

All this is a big world theater 🎭 lies and there is not a single real, not fake, not staged, with real mountains of coiled corpses and real hospitals, clogged with coiled patients🤦🏻 😂


Masks should only be used by medical professionals or people who are sick with symptoms such as fever and cough.

🇺🇸 Migrants wearing the new identical T-shirts that read "Biden, please let us in" ask Joe to get out of the Capitol bunker and open their borders as soon as possible.

What a posh "banquet" is not clear yet just who paid for all this. Apparently still the same indefatigable George. 

🇨🇳Kitai finally lied about the smears on the covid and in March 2021 made them mandatory for all foreigners.

China has made smears on COVID-19 mandatory for all foreign travelers arriving in the country. According to the Chinese government, such tests provide a higher degree of accuracy than other methods of kuid screening. According to Times UK, as part of the new requirements, special testing centers for covid will be established at airports in Beijing and Shanghai.

Li Tongzen, a respiratory physician whose words are quoted by the Chinese media, smears from the hole are better because traces of the virus remain in feces samples longer than in the nose or throat. 

The move came after Japan and the United States insisted on China to stop climbing its citizens in the ass and taking anal smears on the covid because "anal smears cause mental anguish."

Some Japanese reported to our embassy in China that they had been given a smear from the hole, which caused severe psychological pain, Japanese Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato said at a news conference, as previously reported.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin called requests to stop taking Japanese and U.S. smears scientifically sound, saying the tests were conducted in accordance with changes in the epidemic situation, as well as relevant laws and regulations. 

What is interesting and more than revealing, if we consider the skirmishes of Japan, the United States and China over smears in light of the way of doing policy, is that the Chinese Foreign Ministry not only joined the commentary on the topic of smears not peculiar to such agencies, but also that the Chinese Foreign Ministry lied when commenting on this unique-anal situation.

While now The Chinese Foreign Ministry says that the smears are taken in accordance with changes in the epidemic situation, as well as the relevant laws and regulations, then on Thursday, commenting on the topic of smears, the Chinese Foreign Ministry in doubt lied and denied the information that American diplomats in China were required to pass smears without fail. 

"As far as I know ... China has never required U.S. diplomatic personnel stationed in China to conduct smear tests from the canal, foreign ministry spokesman Xiao Lijian said at a daily briefing in Beijing.

🇺🇸 Many have seen many, but few have seen similar videos with Gates' friend Dr. Fauci. 

It should be noted that in the original video

anomalies observed in the mobile version of the video are not so clearly visible. Most likely in the video is really Fauci, since he is 80 years old, and the skin of a young man. Conclusions to do, Friends, only you...👇

 We have not only heard, but also know a lot about the signs ... 👇

🇺🇸 This young man on MSNBC could stand in line with three women accusing Cuomo of molestation and swagger😂 👇

🇩🇪The question: Which one is real, and who is now sitting in Berlin in an anti-tic-shaped bunker? 

🇮🇱 When, according to the world's media, here and there lie the corpses, when there are not enough hospitals for the haunted, when the authorities are tired of allocating land for the claws, when here and there business and life collapses, when the whole world is on the verge of existence, Israeli doctors find time and place, and most importantly the strength and will to encourage the dismirable from today's realities of plebs ... 👇

Friends, maybe there are specialists among you. 

Tell me, the mask of children's underpants also saves from the cooid, as well as all the other recommended?

Still, this man at risk is in his 80s. 🤦🏻 😂

The first case of discrimination over the mask was settled for 7,000 pounds. 

A disabled woman who received Kester Disability Rights' assistance received compensation of 7,000 pounds from a service provider who denied her access because she could not wear a face mask.

🌎In 1882 was born Louis Nathaniel de Rothschild, who paid the Nazis twenty-one million dollars to gain freedom, and was released after negotiations between the family and the Nazis.

Heinrich Himmler visited him in the "prison". Rothschild, apparently, made an impression on the leader of the SS or something promised that, as later Himler ordered to improve the conditions of keeping Rothschild in the "prison" - good furniture and sanitary conditions. Despite the calls of the queen of Great Britain Mary and possibly the Duke of Windsor, Rothschild was kept in a "prison" in the Vienna Hotel Metropol, while the German government tried to expropriate his business interests/assets. He was imprisoned until at least July 1938 and his property was transferred to the control of the German "commissioner".

Rothschild soon left Austria, survived the Holocaust, World War II and Hitler himself.

🇺🇸Read, Friends, how many U.S. federal police agencies you have to maintain so that all that you read and see with your eyes in our materials: 




🔹Federal Security Service (FPS)

🔹Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)

🔹 Homeland Security Service 

🔹Apolis of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

🔹The Anti-Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

🔹 Homeland Security (DHS)

🔹Federal Reserve Bank/Federal Reserve Police

🔹Thist on Financial Crimes (FINCEN)

🔹Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)

🔹Bureau of Land Management - Office of Law Enforcement 

🔹Departion of Criminal Investigations of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS-CI)

There are dozens more, but these federal agencies stand out the most, because they are the ones that make the greatest contribution to God's destruction of these rights and freedoms of Americans.

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