Protocol 13/66.

Protocol 13/66.

𑀗꤀𐌌𐌌꤯᥉᥉꤯꤀ꤙꤕ꤅ 𑀗ꤌ𑀱ꤌꤙʆꤕ


The guys on the cargo ship still manage to break the supply chains: the tanker is still slowing down what was supposed to slow down. One covid and the measures against him, apparently, do not cope very well with the organization of the autumn famine . 

Suez Canal lockdown: Snarl stops $9.6 billion a day worth of ships.

So far, attempts by tugs and earthmovers to dislodge the EVER GIVEN - a 400-metre vessel stuck in the canal on Tuesday - have failed.

The figure is based on Lloyd's List's estimate that the westbound movement is worth about $5.1 billion a day and the eastbound movement at about $4.5 billion. 

🌎The creators of bioterrorism: 

🔹 Jinping





We have shown in past materials the plans for the beginning of the next pandemic. 

However, now there is additional information about this. 

The next pandemic will begin in 2025 - 2028.

Now Johns Hopkins is "sparring" another simulation, exactly the same as "Event 201" in October 2020 Rockefeller Plaza New York. 

The World Bank is the organizer of the pandemics, whose website states that the pandemic will end in March 2025, after which a new deadly strain will be declared.

The CDC recognizes that there is no Covid-19: A CDC document called "CDC 2019-New Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Diagnostic Panel RT-PCR in real time." July 2020.

In the document, on page 39, in a section entitled "Performance Characteristics," we have the following: "Since there are currently no quantitative isolates of the 2019-nCoV virus, the analyses are "diagnostic tests" designed to detect RNA 2019-nCoV..."

Key phrase: "no quantitative isolates of virus 2019 - nCoV..."

Each object existing in nature can be defined quantitatively, that is, measured. The use of the word "quantitatively" in this phrase means: the CDC does not have a measurable amount of virus because it is not available. Karoche, the CDC doesn't have a coe-shaped virus.

Another clue - "use of insulators." This means that the virus NO or its existence so far no one has proven without highlighting its "gold standard" that is the academy. proof of the existence of any virus.

🎚 Many remember how the Minister of Health and Medical Research of New South Wales (Australia) Brad Hazzard called to obey the NWO, saying: "... We must recognize that this is a new world order..." and British MP Tobias Ellwood, who backed him and in his congratulation to Barbara Woodward (Britain's new ambassador to the UN) said it must "force the UN to urgently adapt to the New World Order." 

Now the Pope has followed suit. In an interview with journalist Domenico Agosso titled "God and the Future World," which will be published in Italian on Tuesday, the pontiff declares his support for the Great Reset, moving from financial speculation, fossil fuels and military construction to a green economy based on inclusivity.

💉Moderna and Pfizer vaccine research data from the government clinical trials website informs us that research will not be completed until August 2022 and January 2023.

 We are guinea pigs 🐇 Friends.

💉 As Netanyahu instilled... 🤦🏻 

💉🇺🇸Pfizer begins testing #COVID19 for baby and young children

Pfizer said it has begun clinical trials of its Covid-19 vaccine on healthy children between the ages of 6 months and 11, an important step in obtaining federal approval to vaccinate young children and fight the pandemic. 

According to U.S. health officials and infectious disease experts, it is unlikely that collective immunity will be achieved in the United States until children are vaccinated.

Let's watch this performance of 🎭 in the theater of the absurd until the end of 👇

💉The hysteria and fear in spite of the figures and logic freaks are devoted to the propaganda in the media. 

"If you want to be healthy, get vaccinated"

All three are behind many horrific staged events that have cost the lives of many innocent people and caused massive suffering. They were also Epstein's buddies. Two of them flew on his plane to his Island of Horrors to do terrible things with innocent children. And now these three luciferian freaks, as well as the faces from the box and other "journalists," tell you to trust science and get injections of their eugenics treatment. They have no intention of killing themselves or their families, they just want to exterminate ordinary people.

Three men lock their hands in pockets of black clothing telling people to "trust science and get injections." This is a very candid video.

And remember, no one will leave the Court. No one. People should make a decision without outside pressure.

An interesting date is stamped on this unknown product named by many by a household name

 'The 💉' Vaccine' 

The FDA put pressure on the FDA to put the vaccine on sale as soon as possible. This is evidenced by emails from the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Just days after Pfizer published its first major clinical trial results, a senior EMA official, Marco Cavalryi, head of EMA vaccination strategy, warned the FDA that Azar and the U.S. government were "strongly pressuring him."

By Azar, he implied Alex Azar, then head of the Health and Human Services Service, a FDA agency. Minutes later, another senior EMA official replied: "Azar stands for Trump... Trump is still pulling the strings in this case."

An undated email from Cavalry reveals concerns by both the FDA and EMA that Pfizer's CEO wanted to pit the agency with each other to force them to move into launching the company's vaccines even faster so the agency wanted to become the first to approve the vaccine to avoid scandal and accusations of unprofessionalism and delaying permits. 

The Cavalry wrote that the agencies "agreed to keep the channels open and exchange views to avoid misleading messages." Pfizer CEO set up senior FDA official Peter Marx at the EMA, writing to him that the EMA wants the data before the FDA.

Even as the FDA and EMA began working together against Pfizer's pressure, they feared that a third party, British drug regulators, would outperform them in obtaining data to approve the vaccine, which apparently put pressure on both offices and played a role in solving the Pfize vaccine. 

Some backstory. 

Hackers stole these emails from the EMA sometime in late November or early December. After more than a month of refusal to state it directly on January 25, the agency confirmed that the data are real. 

"Separate emails are genuine," the Cavalry wrote. 

The most explosive information in the emails is political, and demonstrates the pressure that the Drug Regulatory Authority (EMA,FDA) has been under pressure to speed up the sale of Pfizer vaccines.

Initially, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) told European regulators that the end of December would be the earliest time it could complete its review. In an email in mid-November, the Cavalry wrote that it hoped to authorize the Pfizer vaccine by the "end of the year."

The FDA has scheduled an advisory committee hearing for December 18, The Cavalry wrote, then the FDA convenes advisory committees - unpaid expert panels - to review the issue without awaiting approval of the vaccine immediately after the first hearing.

The FDA also asked Pfizer not to file its emergency application until the end of November, The Cavaliers wrote. Regulators seemed to fear that the pressure on them would only increase once Pfizer announced it had formally requested permission. Accusations of delaying permits could follow.

Pfizer did not comply with the FDA's request to delay the application. Instead, she filed her application on November 20 and publicly stated that she had done so. As a result, three days later, the FDA informed the EMA that it was rescheduling the advisory committee for December 10, giving members less than three weeks to review the application.

The FDA said it did not expect approval of the Pfizer vaccine until December 17, which reassured Europeans who feared their own political crisis if they took too long to study the risks and benefits of the vaccine.

Noel Vation, deputy director of the EMA, on November 19 unequivocally warned senior officials that "now we have more clarity as to what can be difficult to accept . . . that is a delay of several weeks... the political consequences seem to be too high."

Ultimately, as a result of Pfizer's intrigues, Britain approved Pfizer's first vaccine on December 2, just two weeks after the trial ended. 

After Trump tweeted that the FDA is a "big, old, slow turtle," the FDA also approved the vaccine on December 11 and the EMA on December 21.

The EMA has now received more than 100,000 reports of side effects of the vaccine.

Most media ignored the leak. Meanwhile, the leak shows that early commercial batches of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine had lower than expected levels of intact mRNA. 

💉 on March 16, 2021, the paedophile-slave trader-eugenicist of billionaire Epstein Gates, the head of the CDC Fauci said that children will soon be able to get a vaccine against kovid. #COVID19

"We will get older school-age children - 12 to 17 years old - vaccinated by the fall," Fauci told the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday, noting that young children are likely to have to wait longer and that those under the age of 12 may start receiving the COVID-19 vaccine "in the first half of the first quarter of 2022."

Meanwhile, on the same Tuesday, Moderna announced the start of testing of an experimental vaccine against foreris in children.

"We are pleased to begin the phase 2/3 mRNA-1273 study in healthy children in the U.S. and Canada, and we thank NIAID and BARDA for their cooperation," said Stefan Bansel, Chief Executive Officer of Moderna, "It is humiliating to know that to date 17.8 million U.S. adults have received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. We are encouraged by the initial analysis of phase 3 of the COVE mRNA-1273 study in adults age 18 and older, and this pediatric study will help us assess the potential safety and immunogenicity of our candidate for the kovid vaccine in this important young population."

More than 6,000 children from the U.S. and Canada will reportedly be included in the Moderna experimental vaccine study. The first participants must be at least 6 months old and 12 years old. During the study, children will be stabbed two doses at intervals of 28 days.

💉 In Canada, the husband of the chief doctor of Toronto, promoting the complete closure of the city in the interests of Astra'eneca and Pfizer.

Richard Choi, the husband of Toronto's chief medical officer, has been arrested for fraud, extortion, money laundering and other serious offenses related to his work at the infamous Astra'eneca. 

As it turned out, the husband of a medical dictator in a skirt, has "financial ties" with Pfizer, Astra'eneca.

The woman who kept the city with nearly three million people in one of the strictest lodowns in North America, Eileen de Villa, is married to a doctor with financial ties to two leading manufacturers of the COVID-19 vaccine.

According to the case file, the boy was caught illegally "pressure" on his wife, the chief doctor of Toronto, responsible for introducing anti-criminal measures in Toronto, with the aim of introducing a strict anti-criminal policy against the people of Toronto. 

According to police, he used threats of violence and financial ruin to force Eileen de Villa to comply. Now his wife is also threatened with charges. Interestingly, Choi has financial interests not only in Astra'eneca, but also in the infamous than the first, Pfizer. Dr Choi is currently in custody but is expected to be released on bail. He also faces loss of medical license. 

What is very important to know, the arrest was possible, thanks to bloggers and media outlets, which widely covered the corruption aspect of the doctoral family, which closed the whole city for no apparent reason. De Villa's approach to isolation has also been criticized by several doctors, including Ash Kaur of Brampton, who has become, if not a banner of the family's coverage and their affairs, then one of the.:

"Show that scientific evidence of the effectiveness of isolation is effective in reducing morbidity and mortality. If you can't: then why are you promoting malicious locks? Give toronto-based mortality data compared to 2019. Find the effectiveness of quarantine to reduce morbidity and mortality. If you can't: then why do you promote harmful lockdowns #lockdowns?"

We hope, Friends, now you understand how important it is to cover what you think is illegal, even if you're just a writer 

🇺🇸 "in the deaths I ask to blame the dead": All themselves and voluntarily went to the reception of an experimental vaccine against the cooida.

🔹S no vaccine approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) vaccine to prevent COVID-19...

🔹Y understand that this product has not been approved or licensed by the FDA...

Representatives of Facebook, Twitter and Google were instructed in the U.S. Senate that they were responsible for "suppressing informational mutinies."

"Civil wars don't start with gunshots, they start with words," they were told by representatives in the Senate. "We must all act now on the battlefield of social media to quell informational uprisings that can quickly lead to violent confrontations and easily turn us into divided States of America."

🌎Representatives of Facebook, Twitter and Google have been instructed in the U.S. Senate that they are responsible for "suppressing informational mutinies."

Also, totalitarianism also begins with this. 

In totalitarian societies, censorship implants a certain ideal to which the bearer of ideology should strive or to which he arbitrarily or involuntarily adjusts the surrounding (sometimes not only social) reality, distorting it in accordance with the content of ideology. Censorship is a good means of subjugating a person. Foucault notes that “the person… whom we are called to release is the result of submission that is much deeper than himself. The "soul" dwells in him and gives him existence, which is itself an element of the domination exercised by the power over the body. The soul is a consequence and an instrument of political anatomy; the soul is the prison of the body "(Foucault Michel. To Discipline and Punish: The Birth of a Prison. - M., 1999. S. 46). Hence it follows that censorship is a means of control not so much over the spirituality of a person as over his body; it enables the authorities to direct a person's labor activity in the required direction.

 The existence of ideology takes place in two planes - objective and subjective. Objectively, ideology is a set of basic ideological attitudes imposed on an individual by society or government; subjectively, these are views that are axiomatic for the individual and are perceived as the highest moral value. The subjective component is characterized by uncriticality, which is a consequence of the imposed protective structure of the society's thinking.

 The mass media, censored by the totalitarian power, pass off the private interests of the ruling elite as the interests of the whole society and the private interests of each individual, and, consequently, the political needs of society turn into individual needs and aspirations. This is the mechanism for managing the masses. For J. Baudrillard, the masses are "a black hole where the social falls" (J. Baudrillard In the Shadow of the Silent Majority, or the End of the Social. - Yekaterinburg. 2000, p. 9). Hence, one of the important functions of censorship can be distinguished - censorship as an attempt to overcome this failure, an attempt to create spirituality among the masses.

 Against the background of such unity, any criticism of ideology, regardless of its adequacy to reality, is regarded by the bearer of ideology as an act of hostility towards him personally. Ideology violates the adequacy of the perception of reality by the individual, it mediates all spheres of his life.

 G. Marcuse argues that "in the modern era, technological reality invades this personal space and reduces it to nothing" (G. Marcuse One-Dimensional Man. Investigation of the Ideology of a Developed Industrial Society. M., 1994. S. 14). Censorship is one of the main means of this invasion, it concerns almost all aspects of a person's being as a subject of social relations: worldview, knowledge, practical creative activity, interests, goal-setting, creativity and art - that is, it implies self-education - a process if not controlled, then , to some extent comprehended, which, however, does not exclude a negative impact on individuality. It is clear that censorship also acts as a form of alienation of a person's personal being; it makes false consciousness true (Ibid., P. 15).

 Ideology is a dual phenomenon, it is an ethical system of values ​​aimed at educating a personality, which in turn is itself an immutable value for carriers, which slows down the development of its value content. Censorship as an ideological subsystem is aimed at preserving the value core of ideology in a particular society.

 Any ideology has two components - declarative and practical. The axiological dimension of ideology - as a rule - lies in the semantic space of the declarative component; practice, however, may not always be mediated by axiology or ethics, here the main thing is expediency.

Censorship as a means of socialization of the individual has a defining feature: it does not so much seek to establish social connections between the person and society, as it seeks to make a person a supporter of a particular model of society and a champion of a particular idea, and an opponent of other social models and their ideological base .

Censorship is a multifaceted phenomenon, it is a complex system of various components of the social and political system. It should be recognized that censorship is a powerful tool not only to change public consciousness, but also to change the state of the individual human psyche. In Foucault's view, "the current problem is rather related to the sharply increased use of normalization mechanisms, which are extremely conducive to the widespread dissemination of the influence of power through the establishment of new objectivity" (Foucault Michel. These new objectivity at the present stage of the development of society contribute to the creation of a consumer society capable of assimilating a mass culture - a culture of superficial and anti-intellectual. 

Israeli statesman, diplomat, ex-head of the Israeli intelligence service "Nativ" Yakov Kedmi on KP-radio : Pfizer has turned Israel into its experimental laboratory.

Burla doesn't hide it. And according to the agreement of the Israeli Ministry of Health with Pfizer Corporation, all data on the effectiveness and side effects of the vaccine will be classified for at least 15 years. 

This is despite the fact that in Israel, after the beginning of vaccination, the mortality rate has increased dramatically, according to the analysis, as stated by scientist Haim Yativ and Dr. Herve Seligman, who was a member of the research group on infectious diseases at the Medical School of the University of Ex-Marseille. They are guided by several sources of information, including a database of the Israeli Ministry of Health.

They point to oddities in official data that have reversed into a decline in mortality, and the most suspicious thing that researchers have found is that it appears that vaccine death explains the rise in official couid deaths in Israel since December. Among those vaccinated over 65, 0.2% died within a three-week period between doses, which is about 200 deaths per 100,000, while before vaccination the figure was 5 per 200,000.

The EU's agenda is pure madness! 

The magistrate of Vienna ordered Hort's employee under threat of dismissal not to discuss the actions on the team's summons. Covid-tyranny has long used covid-censorship. And this letter, Friends, unfortunately is not fake.

Stopping small businesses, agriculture 🧑 🌾 and farmers, reducing the number of trade operations in retail chains, stopping restaurants and much more we attribute to the goal of 🎯 interruption 

business links and supply chains. 

Shipping containers has grown 9 times. A kind of monopolization of transportation. 

Evergreen Group is a concern for the Taiwanese conglomerate of shipping and transport companies and other associated service companies.


Evergreen Marine

EVA Air and Uni Air

Evergreen International

Evergreen Aviation Technologies

Evergreen Air Services

Evergreen Air Cargo Services



Evergreen Group was established in 1975 as a result of the diversification of the evergreen Marine Corporation (EMC) shipping company (EMC), which was established in 1968 and is, as of 2021, the 7th largest shipping container carrier in the world. [2]

Evergreen Group has about 18,000 employees, more than 240 offices/agencies around the world, a structure of about 50 companies around the world, three of which are listed on the Taipei Stock Exchange. "The source is not specified for 66 days"

DeepState, Clinton and Co.-Breaking Supply Chains: "Worst Scenario for World Trade"

The fact that the most expensive blocking of the Suez Canal in history is organized/initiated is an obvious fact for any person who monitors the background of what is happening in the world in the big horizon, and not separately, that there is short-sightedness...

If someone suddenly does not know, the name of the mega-container ship "EVERGREEN", which arranged all this and applied across its board, coincides with the nickname of Hillary Clinton - Evergreen (Evergreen), which is used in correspondence.

"Thank you for coming. The disappointment is very great. Can physically delete texts, tapes, etc. ??? We have everything. The right people have the information. Reliable dudes operate on the basis of information. I think Gug. I think so. Think about many projects. Many common users are "foreign and domestic." Variable access. Codes. Fake letters. The game is a forum commi. Today there is new information. Gmail (emails) comms. Identify the Evergreen. When do you call a plumber? Ongoing investigations require this," Hillary Clinton said in a letter to DeepState operatives when it was revealed that emails from Dem's server had been leaked. Party.

Bill Clinton's code name is Eagle, Hillary Clinton is Evergreen, Chelsea Clinton is Energy. 

By the way, in the photo below next to the stuck vessel is also visible another vessel and its name is also entertaining - "Baraka."

The Suez blockade, Clinton and Co. and our flashback due to the trajectory of the vessel.

The ship was coming from China. He was heading to Rotterdam, Europe's largest seaport.

Paula Jones vs. Bill Clinton sexual assault case: Victim claimed to be able to identify the physical features of Bill Clinton's penis.

Describing the characteristics of a member of a rapist is common practice in such cases in states where there is no other evidence of violence. 

As you may remember, the victims of Gates' friend paedophile Epstein also took evidence about the features of his penis, watch the video of Jeffrey's interrogation in our telegram channel👇

No less interesting is the call sign of the mega-container ship, which continues to break supply chains - H3RC. 

H3RC - Hillary Rodham Clinton. 

Hopefully now you understand, Friends, why the container ship before getting stuck drew a dick.

So, to understand where we are, Friends, we'd like to resize again some of the paragraphs from Rockefeller's 1989 novel "Lockstep":

Phase 1: Common cold/gripp. The most-light symptoms. The media endorse mass paranoia and use a defective testing system that captures any genetic material in the body and triggers a positive result, a mass of cases, through death certificates, double counting and classification of all deaths, including other and natural causes, like Covid-19. The blocking will force us to live by the laws of Dragonia, prevent protests and suppress public resistance.

Stage 2 of Phase 1... lack of food, social distancing, masks and lack of contact with sunlight and healthy bacteria. Exposure to 5G radiation further attacks the immune system... This will also be dumped on the Covid-19. All of this will happen before the vaccination is ready for it, and an even more powerful blockage will follow until everyone likes the vaccine.

Phase 3 If most people resist the vaccine, the ATPICIN pneumonia/HIV/MERS virus will be released. A lot of people are going to die. It will be the survival of the fittest. It will also be the last push for everyone to be vaccinated to get back to normal. Those who have taken the vaccine will fight those who do not have it, it will be anarchy on all sides.

"In the right hand of the Snickers

In the left hand "Mars"

My PR Manager - Klaus Schwab and Karl Marx

Around the time Rockefeller's report was published in 2010 with his infamous "Lock Step" script, from which we live now, Bill Gates was speaking at the TED show in California, "Innovating to zero" about the use of energy.

He used this TED presentation to promote his vaccination programs, literally saying, "If we do a really good job of vaccinating children, we can reduce the world's population by 10-15%."

4:19 - "There are 6.8 billion people in the world today, or about 9 billion. Now, if we do REALLY more work on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services (abortion), we could reduce that rate by perhaps 10-15%."

In one of his speeches, neo Marx, founder of the WEF, actual eugenicist Klaus Schwab, said that "The reboot for the U.S. is behind us."

In the video, Schwab speaks of "admiration." Apparently, not many have heard that the word "admiration" is used outside the context of biblical admiration. The logo behind his head, looking like his own horns, his restless hands, the nervous language of his decrepit body, trying to relax and not being able to do it, a strange snarling sound, his gnarled tongue, matted speech, as if the human language was not his native, and what he said, indeed, very eloquently, Friends.

"... arm, when we look at the huge challenge that we have in creating this great reboot, I think we are at a point of admiration where I think we are at the point of admiration"

He, his plans and plans of his clique because of the total spiritual impoverishment of Humanity are restrained by the Lord and only by Him, and the time of darkness is approaching. When the Christians get out of his way, it'll be over, and he can't wait for that to happen.

It's all part of their plans. They seek to develop a scenario like the apocalypse to deceive the masses and then introduce a satanic system, establishing power over all. Everything is happening right in front of our eyes. They will kill millions, and those who remain, or more importantly, those who have never received a mark or vaccine and therefore have never succumbed to mass manipulation, will be ended once and for all. 

🇺🇸Senator Rand Paul, addressing Gates' friend, CDC head, fauci conman Fauci: 

"You've been vaccinated, and you're walking around in two masks... You defy everything we know about immunity when you tell people who have been vaccinated to wear masks."

"He doesn't understand electron microscopy or medicine, and he shouldn't be in the same position as he is now," said The inventor of PCR tests, Nobel laureate Carey Mallis.

💉Elina Page, Knight of the Order 🖕of the British Empire (OBE), and her anti-vaccine vaccination with a cap on a syringe needle and singing

💉The address of the pharmaceutical company Astra zeneca in England looks like a "customer" manufacturer ADRENOchroma: 6 Renaissance Way Liverpool, L24 9.JW 6, Britain. 

⚠️💉 The vaccination process of the infamous Pfizer, Friends, went beyond madness. 

As it became known, thanks to Pfizer itself, as their vaccines were abandoned by some pages, the company requires military bases and government buildings as a "guarantee" in exchange for vaccines.

As the story tells the global news network India WIONews, the only international news channel in India, the governments of Argentina and Brazil, which rejected the contract with Pfizer, told which of the items were in the submitted by him to sign the contract.

Pfizer requirements from Argentina:

Compensation to victims from the government of the country in any future legal action

The government must buy international insurance in case of future lawsuits

- sovereign assets as collateral (bank reserves, military bases, embassy buildings)

Pfizer's requirements from Brazil:

The government should set up a "guarantee fund" and deposit money into a foreign bank account

- Renunciation of sovereignty over their foreign assets

- Brazilian laws should not apply to Pfizer

- Pfizer's exemption from any civil liability

Video 👇

Why do deaths occur only in the state of Uttar Pradesh? Why are there no death data in the media in the five other states where the assembly elections are held (Assam, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Kerala) in the media? The media prefer to avoid coverage of the death of vaccinated, so that the plebs do not add to the two two and would not find the answer to the question of where suddenly such a surge in India ? 

The U.S. takes India under its toxic plume ? 

What do officers from the specialized verticals of the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) do? 

Why did the U.S. CDC 🇺🇸 arrive in India?

The main task of EIS officers, also called disease detectives, is to oversee COVID-19 in India and advise the government on what to do next? 

💉 We knew it was going to happen sooner or later, but now we know who one of the players is.

WISeKey is launching a digital vaccination certificate platform to be used as evidence of an anticosic vaccine. 

WISeKey International Holding (WISeKey, SIX: WIHN, NASDA': WKEY), the leading Internet of Things cybersecurity company, today announced the launch of the VaccineTrusts platform based on its PKI digital certification technology.

VaccineTrusts combines digital vaccination certificates (DVCs) issued by various third parties and will be used as proof of vaccination by those who have received kovid vaccines. In the near future, WISeKey will announce that countries will join its VaccineTrusts platform. 

WISeKey's digital PKI technology is designed to help law enforcement, and the DVC will serve as official proof of a person's vaccination against a cooid. DVC is an ID form consisting of vaccine-related data, such as date, type and place of vaccination, as well as other relevant information. All vaccination data is digitized, encrypted and linked to the user's identity. WISeKey is a provider of trust services (TSP) in accordance with eIDAS, updated EU rules regarding trusted eID and electronic transactions and Webtrust.ORG .

WISeKey (NASDAQ: WKEY; SIX Swiss Exchange: WIHN, NASDA': WKEY is a leading global cybersecurity company that is currently deploying large-scale digital identification ecosystems for people and objects using blockchain, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. 

And while WISeKey itself, in order to avoid liability, states that "Nothing contained here is a promise or assurance about the future work of WISeKey and cannot be seen as a promise," Friends, we now think many of you will understand where and in what direction in the coe aspect the World will go further.

💉I'm so the game is being done too: 

The UK government has announced a tender for an advertising campaign to continue the so-called co-op psiope over the next TWO years at a cost of 2 million pounds. #covid 

💉🇺🇸 Manager of PR BigPharma with an aggressive type of advertising (there is such a professional term) persistently promotes vaccines.

This type of aggression is used in trade, politics and carries, first of all, information, and to achieve the final result there is aggressive advertising - the concept is quite conditional and depends on the subjective perception of its consumer. At present, aggressive advertising has become quite commonplace, but it is no less effective affecting the masses. The main objectives of this type of activity can be considered to be the greatest benefit and attracting attention ...

- For all of you who are asking when things will get back to normal, here's the truth: the only way to get our lives back on track - and get our economy back on track - is to defeat the virus.

Here are the following steps we are taking to make this happen:

First, I instruct all states, tribes, and territories to ensure that all adult Americans have the right to be vaccinated no later than May 1.

Second, when every adult is eligible for vaccination in May, we will launch new tools to make it easier for you to find a vaccine, including a website that will help you find a place to vaccinate near you.

Third, with the adoption of the American Rescue Plan and my announcement last month of a plan to vaccinate teachers and school staff, we can accelerate a large-scale nationwide effort to safely open our schools.

Fourth, we will give further guidance on what you can and cannot do after full vaccination- to reduce confusion, ensure people's safety and encourage more people to get vaccinated.

Finally, we need every American to do his part - including getting vaccinated when it's his turn - and helping family, friends, and neighbors get vaccinated too.

If we all do our part, there is a good chance by July 4 that people will be able to gather with family and close friends to celebrate Independence Day.

Italian scientists really demonstrate the capabilities of COVID 19 testers from the International Gift Bank to the world in 2017 - 2018 - 2019.

These tests reveal a positive test in papaya and other fruits. We are fruit 🍈 according to the criteria of the international hospital 🏥 🏦 Bank, Friends! 

Influenza has disappeared everywhere, all over the world in 2020-2021 as you already know, Friends. 

So filmed the world premiere of the play lies COVID 19, in one scenario in all countries of the world, often using real parking lots, pavilions, real cemeteries, false bonfires 🔥 in India and other infrastructure 👇

Well, here 👇 upright confessions - the testimony of 👇

The chubby head of the Bank for International Settlements, often referred to as the Central Bank of central banks, says it needs "full control" over money through a ban on cash in favour of digital currencies, describing this goal as "very important."

We hope that those who have learned to add two and find the right answer will also find the right answer to the question of how it is related to the covid pandemic and vaccination. Otherwise, Friends, alas, but this agenda will be unstoppable.

2030 and the golden billion

Participation in the modern economy, the ability to buy and sell, get jobs, health care, social services and more is virtually impossible without a "digital identity" and back in May 2016 at the UN headquarters in New York, governments, non-profit organizations, academia, more than 150 private sector companies and 11 UN agencies worked together on how to provide a "unique digital identity" to every inhabitant of the planet. 

According to the founding member of the ID2020 Alliance, Microsoft, which joined ID2020 in 2017, "by 2030, it is aimed at promoting the scaling of a secure, verifiable, sustainable digital identification system in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals," "digital identity is a cornerstone of international development" and "digital identity must be human-born."

All UN countries have made a global commitment to ensure legal identity for all their citizens by 2030.

What to some extent can confirm the "conspiracy theory" of the "golden billion" is the fact that, according to the same Alliance, "The emphasis on 1.5 billion people without identification is part of this short-term vision".

The name of the alliance - ID2020 Alliance, or rather 2020 - is quite interesting, the year of the pandemic, which the Swabian WEF uses, according to the creator of this very Davos forum, for the purposes of the "Great Reboot". 

Agree, Friends, you need to be a complete idiot or just a short-sighted person, not to understand what follows in chronological sequence at the meetings of the WEF and the ideologue of "Great Reboot" Schwab , globalists and other eugenits, including the main vaccinator of the planet, friend of paedophile eugenist Epstein Gates about the "golden billion" conspiracy theory. 

And now add here DOD ("unique digital identity" to every inhabitant of the planet) and the digital covid passports that are being introduced right now, and what is happening to the noise of the cowid and what it can all end will become more than obvious.

🇨🇳Gates, China and the CPC are more than just friends.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has entered into agreements with BGI Group, a company affiliated with the CPC and accused by U.S. authorities of obtaining genetic data from Americans through covid tests. 

In addition to the Obama administration, which allowed the firm to gain a foothold in the United States, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation played a crucial role in the U.S. expansion of BGI. 

According to former U.S. intelligence officials The National Pulse, BGI Group is responsible for "collecting, storing and using biometric information." 

BGI Group, the world's largest genomic company, is collaborating with the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA) to conduct research and is the first company to clone pigs, several hundred of which have been produced annually since 2014.

In September 2012, the Gates Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to establish cooperation in global health and agricultural development (now Gates is the largest landowner in the United States) to achieve common health and agricultural development goals.

The BGI co-founder praised the agreement, noting the coming "scientific breakthrough in the field of human, plant and animal genomics" and said that joint efforts were focused on genome sequencing (PCR tests) - this activity is marked as a threat to national security:

"Participating in the Human Genome Project, as well as sequencing the genomes of many of the most important plant and animal species and human diseases, including the initial sequencing of the rice genome, as well as our participation in the Genome 10,000 Rice Project, 1000 Plants and Animals Genome Project, The International 1000 Genome Project, the 1,000 Rare Diseases Project, the International Cancer Genome Project, the International Genome Project , Autism Genome 10K, among other things, BGI looks forward to partnering with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in this important collaboration to apply genomics research to the benefit of human health worldwide."

Gates also teamed up with the military university, the PLA Academy of Military Medical Sciences, which is the PLA's main medical research institute, and holds a dozen patents for tests that look for genomes related to the disease.

The memorandum preceded Gates' visit to China at the BGI headquarters in 2010.

The Gates Foundation also funded BGI genome sequencing projects in conjunction with Chinese Communist Party bodies such as the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Dr. Tadataka Yamada, former president of the Global Health Program of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is now Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of China's BGI.

In 2016, BGI opened an office in the United States in Washington, D.C., the home state of Microsoft and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

BGI's ties to Washington also appear to have influenced the firm's decision to send its COVID-19 test kits to staff, part of the company's plan to "extract" American data:

"In early March last year, Washington State experienced the first major outbreak of coronavirus in the United States. As the incidence of COVID and the need for tests grew, BGI Group, the world's largest biotechnology company - a global giant based in China - turned to Washington state with an enticing offer. In a startlingly personal letter to the Governor, BGI offered to build and help run modern COVID testing laboratories."

No less scandalous is Gates' relationship with paedophile slave trader Jeffrey Epstein and his numerous visits to the Epstein-owned island in the Caribbean, where he and the first collected sperm.

The chances of dying from sunstroke or the fact that you are suddenly choked with a sash, Friends, are much higher than the chances of dying from a cooid. At least that's what the CDC thinks.

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