The Russians, having lost their army in the fields of Ukraine, rush and advance on other flanks without an army and missiles, with the help of a special operation AI NWO 👑19

The Russians, having lost their army in the fields of Ukraine, rush and advance on other flanks without an army and missiles, with the help of a special operation AI NWO 👑19

Sberbank rf with a crazy communist and criminal father transformer AI, the German grandson of grandfather Klaus Schwab, Gref, is preparing to take over the management of Russia

In Moscow, doctors are forcibly forced to be vaccinated against the "flu". Shmurdyak is now served under a different sauce – the flu .

Herman Gref spoke at the conference "Sbera" AI Journey – 2022. The case was on November 4 in Moscow at the site of his savings bank, which is 44.37% owned by non-residents of the Russian Federation.

"Russia is waiting for a dramatic increase in the impact that artificial intelligence (AI / AI) will have on modern life," said the grandson of Klaus Schwab.

Gref turned out to be absolutely wrong. Against the backdrop of the defeated army of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, Russian digitalizers continue to attack the world 🗺️ without an army. 

Yesterday, the State Duma in the first reading adopts the draft Federal Law No. 242398-8 on the future development of the Unified Biometric System (EBS), disguised by an amendment to Article 71 of 126-FZ "On Communications". 

According to the explanatory note, the law simplifies the import of foreign radio-electronic means and high-frequency devices into the Russian Federation. Thus, the closed official import of the component for the organization of 5G and 6G networks, as well as reading biometrics, will be continued through the gray schemes of the Nazi regime of the Russian Federation under the leadership of Klaus Schwab's grandson Hermann Gref and David Rockefeller's younger brother Putin. 

Any government-approved supplier will be able to participate in the state criminality of the Kremlin and San Francisco. For example, in the framework of the memorandum with Klaus Schwab, it can be his office WEF. It is with the help of these devices that Putin and David Rockefeller plan to monitor the single world "vaccine passport" introduced through the Soviet Ethiopian terrorist WHO. This decision was supported at a gathering of criminal tourists g20 in Indonesia by the Nazi Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Murashko on the beach in Bali. Participants in the global Nazi experiment of the Kremlin and David Rockefeller with comrades from the United States and the G18, should become 194 member countries of the Ethiopian firm WHO so far through a QR code. Software development begins to engage in the German company T-Systems, the contract with which became known on November 23. In addition, it is this AI, promoted by the grandson of Schwab and Göring, the Russian German Hermann Gref, according to their version, that will allow real-time work with markers assigned to people, including the use of EBS. It "sucks in" data from all places of collection of biometrics: from MFCs and credit institutions, to educational, medical and social facilities, shops, transport, etc. Grandson Gref does not hide the plans of Western colleagues participating in the process of digital globalization: "Now the task is to accelerate the transition to the widespread and large-scale introduction of AI in key industries." The simplified procedure for the import and use of electronic and communications products dramatically increases the risks associated with the directed activities of Western special services aimed not only at stealing data, but also at disabling critical systems. By the way, in the "work" with data, their removal is not the worst thing: it is much worse when, with a complete reduction in paperwork, they will be destroyed or replaced in Data Centers, where "sleeping" Russian agents can sit. " Medicine" from this is - the development of its own Block Chain systems without participation, ensuring the survival of data based on the research of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 

However, for some reason this is not yet done. Back to THE 2022 AI Journey Conference

The words of Vladimir Putin, who instructed the Russian government together with artificial intelligence companies to prepare a draft Decree on changes in the national strategy for the development of AI, is directly related to this program. Here is a texture from the Nazi Putin: "Russia today has unique achievements and breakthrough technologies that need to be applied: I ask in this regard the presidential administration together with the government and the alliance of < ... > artificial intelligence companies to prepare a corresponding draft decree. We'll see and accept it together." 

In combination with information from the "innovative" Rosstat about the effectiveness of AI ("in 2021, with its help, it was possible to earn 300 billion rubles, of which 200 billion is the profit of © Sber, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko), this is a very hot mixture.

That is how beautifully German Gref covers the agenda of the Kremlin and Western accomplices of the Russian Federation. The words of the head of Sberbank about the future drama of the situation with AI are absolutely sincere - he understands everything, but continues to act in the outline of the plan of the KGB agent of the USSR Kis, the same age as the first revolution in Russia, Henry Kissinger and his student Klaus Schwab. They met in the '60s, when one was Professor Gaverd and the other was his student. This tandem persists to this day.

           WEF in 2017

WEF Founder and Executive Chairman Schwab praises China's Belt and Road Initiative as a model for promoting economic development and international cooperation.

- What's the operational trick? 

- Assemble a team of pidaras and do whatever you want, with the help of sick state perverts on whom there is a bunch of sex compromising.

It was late in the evening. I went to Roni to pick him up in the bath, that evening the singers were brought to perform at our wellness cultural center and they had been waiting for us for 3 hours. Roni hung up the government communications phone when he saw that I had entered the office. 

"Guess who I'm talking to right now, Tribule," asked me slyly smiling and squinting one eye, Roni! 

"How can I know who you're talking to right now?" We are ⏰ late for the 🧖 bath, let's go Ronald! 

"You have no idea what I learned! It turns out they ACTUALLY believe we can attack them! Idea? And with these people I have to talk not to a psychiatrist, but to me..."

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