May Mask and this whole family of freaks should be detained for 48 hours and testify to the investigation regarding the presence on the personal e:Mail Of May from the summer of 2021, materials relating to US 🇺🇸 national security 

May Mask and this whole family of freaks should be detained for 48 hours and testify to the investigation regarding the presence on the personal e:Mail Of May from the summer of 2021, materials relating to US 🇺🇸 national security 


        NOTE, THREE = CHIP


Apparently, Ms. May has financial problems with paying for a large amount of data storage and therefore changes e:Mail?

For 48 hours and must be detained and interrogated, a number of owners of registered e:Mail should testify to the investigation regarding the presence on the personal e:Mail from November 2019 to May 2022, materials relating to US 🇺🇸 national security ( Adam Bennett Schiff; born June 22, 1960, Framingham, Massachusetts) ( MSNBC journalist )

It is fundamentally wrong to deal with minor empty words about the dangers [of 💉 the vaccine] This can be done by a nurse. We have treason and a coup d'état. This is not even an attempted coup d'état – this coup itself has been going on for several years with planned preparations and an active phase of the state international Mega Crime of 2.5 years. 

These are completely different articles of the criminal code and include other preventive measures against state biological and agricultural terrorists. 


Change selection (Reporter, Year, Trade Flow, Partner and HS 6 digit Product)

In 2017, Top importers of Medical Test kits are European Union ($4,109,581.58K , 43,139,600 Kg), United States ($3,386,548.14K , 28,387,200 Kg), Germany ($2,933,670.73K , 31,045,500 Kg), China ($1,543,298.93K , 11,402,700 Kg), France ($1,511,448.75K , 28,382,400 Kg).

Who are you, Soviet cosmonaut Elon Musk?

Elon and his mentor Mama May are always more graceful in their subliminal messages than any other celebrity on the planet and this Halloween he sends us a clear message:- I'm not your boyfriend. 

The Neuralink project has already told us everything, and everything else has only confirmed... 

Take a look at this comic from South Africa on two stilts by May Musk, Elon's mother. Again, this symbolism is loud and clear. It's not a family you can trust. If you think that all this Luciferian symbolism is just a coincidence, then I will disappoint you - everything is intertwined and nothing happens just like that. Satanism is real. 

By the way, remember when Musk wore a jacket that said "Novus Ordo Seclorum" at the Met Gala? If you've studied the Bible, the occult elite, and the plans of freemasons for thousands of years, you must understand the immense significance of all of this.

What a coincidence that a person representing Satanic/Luciferian/Masonic symbolism also supports the idea of achieving God-like intelligence and eternal life through technology...

Satan tempted Eve in the Garden with the exact same promise of God-like intelligence and eternal life.

It seems highly likely that Elon Musk may be a false prophet who promises the world eternal life through the digitization of consciousness. And you know, it doesn't seem like that far off is the day when it will offer a fully controlled life in virtual reality, and many people will consciously choose this eternal curse. 

Ethiopian and Soviet terrorists of the USSR (Sergei Brin) continue to seize power with the US via YouTube. De facto, the Soviet communist platform [of the Democrats] usa became the mouthpiece of false communist fascist propaganda and a branch of Big Pharma.

They even use Russian. Ethiopians, the communist black Hamite WHO is no longer shy of anything and went openly to attack in the kremlin's Russian language. 

World Burial Organization 

Channels broadcasting about natural, natural health and healing will fall under the law of misinformation and will be blocked.

("WHO") is currently taking control of content promoted on YouTube as part of a partnership with Google. The goal of the partnership is to "combat the spread of false information and misinformation."

Article on the WHO website:

Japan was a fascist country, so it remained so. Hiroshima and Nagasaki did not help the narrow-eyed degenerates fascists. Well fuck with them, the country anthill garbage has lost all its potential. 

Japan and Turkey are testing digital currencies in combination with a digital identity card. There are plans to end confidentiality.

The Japanese credit bureau, in cooperation with the fintech company Soft Space and the payment card provider Idemia, has launched a pilot program to test CBDC acceptance.

The companies said they want to complete the development of JCBDC (JCB digital currency) by the end of the year and conduct pilot tests with sellers in Tokyo by March 2023.

Idemia will provide the possibility of offline payments in digital currencies for people without smartphones, including biometric payment cards.

There is a similar project in Turkey. The government said it is working on a CBDC system that will be integrated with the country's central bank's FAST instant payment service and its digital identification system.

The new phase of the CBDC project, which was announced in September 2021, will include testing the use of CBDC in payments and wholesale banking operations.

Crime Democrats Barry Obama and his stunt double replacement, aka long-out-of-the-mad environmental orderly Joe Biden, witnessed, and may have initiated, the escape in March 2014 of a mouse 🐁 formerly infected with the Urbani STRAIN SARS-CoV. This white beast mouse 🐁 almost escaped from the laboratory of Ralph Barick, but then the leak was stopped with a broomstick. 🧹 

4 other mice still successfully escaped around the same time, but we have not heard any mention of their capture from Barry Obama and Joe Biden. While they are silent, but it is militaryly silent, until 9/11/2022 they are silent.

Why does a schizophrenic and down work for the U.S. Army and why is he granted diplomatic immunity?

Entomological warfare is a type of biological warfare that uses insects to transmit diseases. 

U.S. patents for an airborne release system for toxic mosquitoes issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in 2014. The invention includes an unmanned aerial vehicle that can release infected mosquitoes.

The inventor of the drone for the release of poisonous mosquitoes patented 42 similar military inventions for the US Army and special forces, including bullets that cause stroke.

🦟Gates said he was going to get genetically modified mosquitoes to fly and vaccinate humans. They've been flying somewhere for a long time.

And everyone knew that the Democrats were the bulwark of the nation's health! And whoever is not with us is against us. 

Voter Service and Polling Centers list. University of Denver Driscoll Student Center. 2055 E Evans Ave. October 19-20. Washington Park Recreation Center. 701 S Franklin St. October 21-23. Conservatory Green Park. 8350 E 49th Pl.

My dear, dearly beloved citizens of the world! I am happy to tell you the good news today, I am suffocating with delight my dear! We are citizens of the American and European continents, in numbers exceeding one billion people. We are pure before our conscience and the conscience of the whole world and even future generations! We have nothing to do with this crime, I have always known, all my life I knew that you are all, all my dearly loved big family, you are good and honest people, you did not invent all this and did it also not you, it has long been clear to me, more than 2 years clearly completely accurate. After all, it is enough just to look at your subtle facial features, without any imprint of intelligence and knowledge, in order to understand that you are not guilty. And, you can not even listen to you, just look and admire you with earplugs on your ears. It doesn't even matter what you say for three years in a row. 

Great material on artificial intelligence. It could only be invented by those who have problems with the natural 

Intelligence. Start here 👇 

In aid of the national police of the states of the world 

Artificial intelligence was invented in Soviet Russia on the basis of TWIST - probability theory and mathematical statistics.

Today, the version of Seryozha Brin and his father proposed once in 1956 by Soviet morons was supplemented with only five more paragraphs and the case of Klaus Schwab turned out to be in his black cap of Ostap Bender. 

With this table of 10,000 combinations of sentences, you can broadcast for a minimum of 40 minutes without stopping.

How easy it is to fool listeners...

Artificial Intelligence: From the Past to the Future. On the life path and scientific heritage of Professor D.A. Pospelov B.B. Tarasov, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia

The full package of documents of the special operation World Crown 🤴 19 as part of the NWO project and the terrorist attack of criminal elite communist billionaires, national officials on the world 🗺, can be watched on the TG channel Tribule in full-length materials from October 2021.

The murderer and rapist Macedonian Vlado Taneski calmly described his crimes in newspaper articles, and this did not make any noise at all - after all, he worked as a crime reporter.

In the third article, the police drew attention to the fact that the journalist mentions details that were not disclosed to the press. Immediately after a DNA test confirmed Vlado's guilt, he mysteriously died by sticking his head in a bucket of water. Police insisted on a suicide version.

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