This is a brief history of the NWO Communists' plans to seize power in the U.S. 🇺🇸 Europe and the world. 

This is a brief history of the NWO Communists' plans to seize power in the U.S. 🇺🇸 Europe and the world.

Epigraph 28/10/2022

[Democrats] no longer have the moral right to hold any public office and to be present in the U.S. Congress. This party must undergo a legal lustration procedure. 

By the way, what kind of structure is this - World Economic Forum LLC, with which the fascist Putin government concluded an agreement? 

An LLC is a U.S.-specific hybrid form of legal entity that simultaneously has the characteristics of a corporation, an LLC, and an individual entrepreneur. 

We explain how power will be seized in the United States and Europe, for example, the Russian Federation 

Sberbank rf with a crazy communist and criminal father transformer AI, the German grandson of grandfather Klaus Schwab, Gref, is preparing to take over the management of Russia

It is fundamentally wrong to deal with minor empty words about the dangers [of 💉 the vaccine] This can be done by a nurse. We have treason and a coup d'état. This is not even an attempted coup d'état – this coup itself has been going on for several years with planned preparations and an active phase of the state international Mega Crime of 2.5 years. 

These are completely different articles of the criminal code and include other preventive measures against state biological and agricultural terrorists. 

Change selection (Reporter, Year, Trade Flow, Partner and HS 6 digit Product)

In 2017, Top importers of Medical Test kits are European Union ($4,109,581.58K , 43,139,600 Kg), United States ($3,386,548.14K , 28,387,200 Kg), Germany ($2,933,670.73K , 31,045,500 Kg), China ($1,543,298.93K , 11,402,700 Kg), France ($1,511,448.75K , 28,382,400 Kg).

A single digital platform to manage the entire collapsing Russia under the control of rear-wheel drive transhumanist bankster Herman Gref. That's right:

"The services of the unified digital platform "Gostech" will be located at the facilities of the Sber data processing center in Balakovo. This decision was made during a meeting with the participation of Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Chernyshenko, who signed the WEF memorandum and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank Stanislav Kuznetsov, which was held on the basis of the regional data processing center Sber under construction in Balakovo. The meeting was also attended by the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in the Volga Federal District Igor Komarov, the Acting Governor of the Saratov Region Roman Busargin and others.

Dmitry Chernyshenko noted that the data processing center in the conditions of an active digitalization process solves the tasks of optimizing the process of collecting, processing and storing data, as well as ensuring their security."

Same in all countries – NWO 

As befits the documents from the globalists, the text begins with a vague preamble, from which, however, we immediately understand in whose interests this agreement was concluded. Without jokes, it can reshape the fate of every resident of Russia.

«... The Forum, founded in 1971 as a foundation located in Geneva (Switzerland), is an independent and non-profit organization and does not pursue in its activities any political interests, interests of individual groups or countries. "

«... The Forum concludes this Memorandum in order to implement the mission of the Forum and world Economic Forum LLC to improve the state of affairs in the world by involving business, political, scientific and other leaders of society in the process of forming a global, regional and industry agenda. "

The WEF Foundation allegedly does not pursue political interests, but at the same time "implements its mission" and, to this end, "involves political leaders of states in the global agenda" (its own, of course). Doesn't this seem a bit strange and inconsistent with simple logic? By the way, the Government of the Russian Federation in the preamble to the memorandum does not write anything about the goals of implementing its own mission in its country.

In this memorandum there are no goals of the fascists of the Russian Federation, they exist. Is it just that the fascists of the Russian Federation "suddenly" suddenly became eager to "support and promote the development of the Affiliate Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the territory of the Russian Federation? 

That's all the motivation of the fascists of the Russian side. But the other side has an agenda, and a very detailed and thoughtful one. 

What is this mission? 

The essence of "improving the state of affairs in the world", according to the founder of the WEF Klaus Schwab and the successor of his ideas Børge Brende, is revealed in detail in monographs and program articles and looks, frankly, peculiar. The ideas of globalist transhumanists can be found most fully in the book "COVID-19: The Great Reset (Reset)" by Schwab and futurologist Thierry Mallere. Theses from this work, which was published in the second half of last year against the background of the crackdown on the media and the authorities of the states of the next "wave of Covid", have already been dismantled by numerous experts, analysts, journalists, etc. 

, read the original book in English, just give a few quotes for understanding:

"The pandemic gives us that chance: it's a narrow window of opportunity to think, decide, and reset our world."

"Many people ask when we will finally be able to return to normal life. In short: never. Our history will be divided into two parts: before the coronavirus and after."

"If democracy and globalization expand, there will be no room for the nation-state."

"The world will no longer be the same, capitalism will take a different form, we will have completely new types of property, in addition to private and public. The largest multinational companies will take on more social responsibility, they will participate more actively in public life and be responsible for the common good."

"Businesses will comply with these measures not because they think they are right, but because otherwise they will have to pay too high a price."

"To end the pandemic, a worldwide digital control network must be created."

"The question of world government is at the heart of all other issues."

"The greater the demographic growth ... the higher the risk of new pandemics."

"With the introduction of lockdown, our attachment to loved ones increases, we value those we love more – family members and friends. But the flip side here is that it causes the growth of patriotic and national feelings along with dark religious views and ethnic preferences. And this toxic mixing brings out the worst in us..." 

The WEF website has a separate section called "Strategic Intelligence". 

In the Russian Federation, an innovative position has appeared, which is introduced in all Russian power structures - "senior officer of digital transformation", specially trained overseers of the digitization of various spheres of life of the state and society. Military terminology here is absolutely not accidental – these characters openly wage their war against humanity, and humanity (99% of people) today is retreating on all fronts. So, in this section on the WEF website, you can see the infographic of the transformation of the world into a dystopia - it is made in the form of an interactive map.

The scale of Russian terrorists is truly impressive – there is not a single sphere of life, not a single country, the future of which would not be calculated in detail by globalists. Here you will find artificial intelligence, global governance, digital identity of a person, the future of the planet's resources, biotechnology and vaccines, neural interfaces, the fate of the traditional family, the values of the new world, the reformatting of education, and sustainable development... In short, everything you want – the future of the Russians has already been created for us in the United States, which is transferred from layouts and graphs to our dimension. The WEF website reports that the map was created in 2017, and in 2020 a new idol of globalists was placed in its very heart (in the center of the main circle, from which semantic connections diverge) - COVID-19. It is quite obvious that it was impossible to finish the picture so quickly and vividly – the strategy for the transformation of humanity was clearly being prepared by the Kremlin and Schwab with American fellow Communists for more than a dozen years. 

Neuro and biotechnology, machine control of people, the abolition of cash, total vaccination and "transparency" : read about the plans of the organizers of the "great reset" on the website of the Davos Forum


If you look at various online encyclopedias in order to understand what the World Economic Forum is, you will not know anything interesting. Well, prominent political, social and financial tycoons gather once a year in the capital country of usury (Switzerland). Well, they are trying to comprehend some epochal events from the life of mankind, scratching their tongues on the cameras of the world media. The reality is different. The WEF is a permanent body of global governance and influence on all states, giving governments direct directives for implementation. And the story of the covid-hysteria special operation has clearly shown that these directives are diligently being implemented. The founder and ideologist of this office, Klaus Schwab, already allows himself to describe our future in an ultimatum manner, and all the cards of his puppeteers have long been revealed, putting them right in front of our noses. To your attention the analysis of official materials from the weF agenda, which we found on the organization's website

We will not once again analyze in detail the constructs of Schwab and his colleagues from the series "fourth industrial revolution", "inclusive growth", "sustainable development", "digital transformation", "big reset". These simulacra words, which under the veil of plandemy have entered the everyday life of every major international politician, are designed to reconcile us with one simple thought – there will never be a return to the old life, to the old world order. Mask regimes, social distancing, mandatory thermometry at the entrance to buildings, tests and vaccines, penalties for those who do not fit into the system, restrictions on citizens' basic rights ... A year ago, no one would have believed the story about such a life in the virtual mode of "high alert", and today everyone is really almost used to it and does not ask unnecessary questions. This is how their "new normal" is being introduced, it has already taken hold in the minds of most of us – and this is just the beginning.

A couple of months ago, Klaus Schwab, inspired by the respiratory infection that has captured the minds of world leaders, gave a speech on Euronews entitled "Pandemic as a Springboard." Here's his key idea:

"We have to think about how to structure our lives after the pandemic, and here too, the word 'reset' comes to mind. There will be no return to the old rate (!!!). We need to seize this opportunity, as our parents and grandparents did after the Second World War. We need to seriously analyze what went wrong and what we could improve. First, we must make the world more resilient to new threats. Second, we must make it more inclusive, more equitable, because we have seen that entire layers of society have found themselves abandoned in the crisis. Finally, we must make the world much greener, focus our efforts on decarbonization – this is necessary to avoid catastrophe in the future."

The WEF website has a separate section called "Strategic Intelligence". One immediately recalls the innovative position that is introduced in all Russian power structures – "senior officer of digital transformation", specially trained overseers of the digitization of various spheres of life of the state and society. Military terminology here is absolutely not accidental – THEY are waging war against humanity, and humanity (99% of people) today is retreating on all fronts. So, in this section you can see the infographic of the transformation of the world into a terrible dystopia - it is made in the form of an interactive map.

There is not a single sphere of life, not a single country, the future of which would not be calculated in detail. Here you have artificial intelligence, global governance, digital identity of man, the future of the planet's resources, biotechnology and vaccines, neural interfaces, the fate of the traditional family, the values of the new world, the reformatting of education, and sustainable development EVERYTHING that you have dreamed of and wished for in your dream for so long – we guys and girls who live on a permanent basis in the USA and Europe Russian specialists Schwab and David Rockefeller have already created our future, which is transferred from layouts and graphs to our dimension. 

The WEF website reports that the map was created in 2017, and in 2020 a new idol of the NWO conspirators was placed in its very heart (in the center of the main circle, from which semantic connections diverge) - COVID-19. 

In October 2019, in New York, the same Mr. Schwab and his fellow WEF communists, together with Johns Hopkins University (the key institution that broke the false wave and constantly updates data on false planning), as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, conducted an exercise called Event 201. According to their plot, humanity was gripped by panic after the outbreak of the new coronavirus, and the "powers that be" began to quickly develop familiar "countermeasures" in the form of lockdowns, social distancing, thermometry and other "joys" described in the rockefeller Foundation report of May 2020.

Less than three months later, Schwab began broadcasting to us from a high rostrum about "a rare but real opportunity to rethink, reinvent and reboot our world." And in the summer of 2020, his 213-page report titled "COVID-19. The Great Reset." 

The report's summary is shocking: a post-Covid "new normal" "will lead to a fusion of human physical, digital, and biological identities." Only in this way, and no other way – terrible eugenics is presented to us as an inevitable reality.

The WEF site is a serious center of social engineering, strategically important materials from the World Bank, various research institutes and directly from the forum team appear daily on the organization's website, all of them are organically woven into the roadmap of the "Big Reset" with the coronavirus at the head. We analyze the most interesting excerpts from the texts translated from English. Alas, the official media will not tell about it. And this is not some conspiracy or the thoughts of the marginalized - those who own the brain can check us by checking the original on the WEF website.

"Key advanced healthcare technologies that will end this pandemic and prevent the next one," authors – Bernard Meyerson, IBM Senior Innovation Officer, Marietta DiCristine, Boston University.

"COVID-19 has identified gaps in global cooperation. Alarming is the lack of a coordinated global approach to containing and eliminating the pandemic, which appears to have broadened and deepened its impact.

Two different but critically interrelated issues arise: the technological resources involved in the fight against the pandemic and the global international governance and coordination needed to

achieving the best results. In achieving the "Great Health Reset," global governance and new technologies will play a central role as much. 

Access to what we traditionally call private information about human health is crucial to protecting against the pandemics of the future. Transparency today is not supported by many countries, and the current pandemic has proven to be so powerful in part because of the information vacuum immediately after the discovery of the disease. This is a systemic, global problem.

The world needs to move towards a system in which those responsible for medical services in individual states, including local governments, will recognize and transmit data along the command chain. Delays in reporting or failure to provide data can cost lives if the vector of disease spread remains unknown. Ideally, we need to autonomously collect and decipher medical reports in real time and on a global scale, which will significantly accelerate the rate of recognition of diseases.

The benefits of technology require the development of one critical but as yet unattainable asset – trust. As part of the Great HealthCare Reset program, we must address and overcome concerns about the privacy of national and personal data. States should be guided by uniform standards and exchange medical data relating to the disease being spread. Using autonomous monitoring of such data with artificial intelligence would allow even small risks to be recognized as early as possible. The success of new technologies in healthcare will be determined by the willingness of all stakeholders to trust each other and join forces."

Before your eyes, Ladies and Gentlemen is a visual agitation about the globalization of Nazi medicine, the need for states to abandon sovereign methods of fighting infections, from any protection of personal data of sick people who will flock to the international database. It is also proposed to turn a blind eye to the destruction of medical secrecy and the right of every person to privacy. After the same "great reset", all the medicine of the future will be managed from one global center – responsible officials in the states will only have to take under the visor.

"How Digital Identity Can Improve Life in a Post-Covid World," by Christian Duda, Digital Identity Project, WEF, Julie Dawson, Director of Regulatory and Policy at Yoti (develops identity platforms).

"All industries, from tourism to healthcare and education, will recover faster if they effectively use solutions developed primarily for the financial sector. Strengthening the trust of citizens (in the state) in the safe use of personal data will be key to creating an effective working environment.

The ability to securely verify your identity will affect how we live and how quickly the global economy can recover, mitigating key risks highlighted in the WEF's May 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic Risk Review. 

Digital identity is a means of reducing the global risks associated with health, movement, travel and trade, noted in the said report.

The benefits of trusted personal identification may include: remote confirmation of information about mandatory medical examinations, the possibility of attending mass events or traveling, obtaining information about digital documents on education and employment, and carrying out online transactions with property.

People are concerned about the impact of technology on managing them

Personal data (66% of people don't trust their data storage systems, according to a study by the Edelman Trust Barometer), but there is one fundamental digital infrastructure tool that can bring transparency to all interactions – digital identity.

With the spread of our digital footprint to all spheres of life, digital identity is becoming a global topic. A "healthy" digital identity empowers citizens and supports the development of society. Although people's level of trust in digital technologies varies from region to region, following the useful recommendations of the Good Digital Identity package, it will be possible to start a whole new era in which transparency will prevail.

The provision of digital identities must be interoperable, that is, compatible with different systems. Some digital id models have been developed through an arrangement between banking communities, others between payment networks and mobile operators. The next stage should open up new horizons – digital identity will function in different sectors and on different platforms as a key element in the creation of trade zones or tourist corridors.

It may be necessary to rewrite the framework documents, to issue new laws so that digital forms of identification can be perceived on a parity basis with traditional identity documents. Politicians must be able to move forward as quickly as technology and the times in which they live. Data protection authorities should provide a sufficient legal basis for this very data protection so that biometric digital identification can function.

In order for citizens to be willing to participate voluntarily, organizations must find time for global dialogue and clearly explain the proposed digital models. Innovative thinking is needed so that citizens from all walks of life can participate in the public digital infrastructure under construction."

Any comments here seem superfluous, this is a coup d'état in sovereign states, by the defendants from the private sharaga of the WEF and we are talking about direct lobbying for the introduction of a unified system of digital identification of people (at the first stage - biometric), about the creation of unified databases with the IDs of "digital personalities" in all countries. 

Global identification of a person, including giving the right to access benefits that are closed to others, "unidentified". They are preparing an era where total "transparency" will prevail, it remains only to fully trust the conspirators of the Russian Federation and the WEF. And of course, to adopt a dozen other relevant digital laws that destroy national constitutions and basic legal norms. This scenario, by the way, we are seeing today everywhere in many countries. 

"COVID-19 demonstrates why we need to build trust in

Digital Financial Services," by Leora Clapper, Lead Economist in the World Bank's Development Studies Group.

"The pandemic has confirmed that the development of digital finance is vital, and it cannot depend on services that use cash. Weak financial infrastructure makes remote transactions difficult, and people often distrust digital financial services. Governments and financial institutions can earn such trust by creating a viable and inclusive electronic financial system.

In response to COVID-19, governments are paying benefits to support citizens in cashless, increasingly salaries are transferred to a card, and we are also seeing a surge in digital transfers sent home by migrant workers. If the results of past studies remain relevant, then most people prefer to immediately withdraw the entire amount in cash.

However, this fake pandemic has shown that digital financial services cannot function successfully based on cash-out services.

Intermediary companies can be closed, at ATMs can

run out of money. A sustainable digital financial system requires a greater prevalence of e-wallets, as well as the expansion of the digital ecosystem so that recipients can use the money in their accounts, for example, to pay for services, utilities, taxes, buy food and send money to needy family members.

There are many obstacles to the adoption of digital financial services. Among the most important is trust. Confidence that the money in the e-wallet is completely safe, that people are offered suitable products, that electronic systems do not take additional commissions. About half of Latin American adults who don't have a bank account report not trusting financial institutions. 

Digital disbursements as part of COVID-19 assistance programs offer great opportunities to build confidence in them."

A remark was immediately given here - it was for the reasons set forth in the material from the WEF and the World Bank around the world that "covid" payments from the state could only be received in electronic format. The procedure for calculating payments approved by the Governments. 

Is it a coincidence that everything was organized this way? Of course not – and now we find obvious confirmation of this in an article by a World Bank official who sends similar recommendations to all countries.

Let's continue to quote the material on digital finances:

"During the pandemic, cash has complicated the administrative burden – it's unhygienic, and waiting for payment in line disrupts social distancing. Safeguards for consumers are critical to building public confidence in the financial system so that people use e-wallets to ensure financial security. Governments also play an important role in building financial literacy among the population. As practice shows, traditional financial education is not enough here. Measures aimed at increasing financial opportunities work well, for example, when adult citizens apply for credit, or when women receive state benefits. "

It is according to this WEF manual that a phased refusal of cash is implemented: through advertising of remote loans that can be taken from the bank after the delivery of biometrics, or through the payment of benefits. 

This is what the agents of change see as an important role for the Government – in blocking its ability to use traditional cash payments.

"The rapid transfer of settlements to digital in the midst of a special operation of the false coronavirus will also, according to their plan, create new tools for assessing electronic payments that can be used to recalculate loan rates. Let's take this unprecedented chance (with the novel coronavirus) to start policies that will help people develop trust (in cashless money) and then keep people in the system to strengthen their financial capabilities when the crisis subsides."

As you can see, it is directly stated that those who use non-cash payments should have preferences when lending. And of course, people must be kept in this system. It should be noted that "digital transformation" is not at all about scientific and technological progress and economic breakthroughs, not about the seizure of promising markets, as transhumanists in power are trying to present the topic to us. 

Algorithms for digital identification of a person and alternative payments in electronic currency are being tested today in developing and backward countries: India, central African countries, Bangladesh, Latin America.

Steps towards discrimination of cash in different countries are made constantly: in terms of control and limits on cash payments, refusals of banks to accept cash payments, all kinds of promotions, discounts and promo codes for more profitable payment for services by cashless, the establishment in a number of regions of a lower fare with an electronic ruble, etc.

We presented only three selected texts from the WEF agenda, but you can be sure that its resource "strategic intelligence" is 99% clogged with such materials, where citizens are stubbornly drilled into their heads by methods of military counterintelligence the idea of the inevitability of an electronic concentration camp and a new world order. There are many other "hits" in this series in the form of food of the future from freeze-dried insects and GMOs, the rejection of private ownership of anything, the complete zeroing of industry, total control in cities, etc. 

To call all this conspiracy theories is to demonstrate an extremely low level of intelligence development. Go to these resources yourself, translate, study, finally make sure that the global financial "elite" is preparing to do something very unhappy with humanity. And of course, think with your head so that "the big reset becomes a big reset for them."

By the way, what kind of structure is this - World Economic Forum LLC, with which the fascist Putin government concluded an agreement? 

An LLC is a U.S.-specific hybrid form of legal entity that simultaneously has the characteristics of a corporation, an LLC, and an individual entrepreneur. The main characteristic that distinguishes an LLC from a corporation is limited liability. That is, once again, the Government of the Russian Federation, which is at war with the entire civilized world, signed a memorandum of cooperation with a private, commercial organization. The place of registration of the office of this office is easily located on the official website of the WEF:

350 Madison Avenue, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10017, USA. 

That is, ladies and gentlemen, in the absence of their own national goals and objectives of Russia and Putin (there is not a word about them in the text of the memorandum), putin's government concludes an agreement with a company with Madison Avenue, which designates its interests and sphere of influence quite clearly. Is there a direct threat to the national security of the United States, is it not like the surrender of key US industries, which will now be developed according to the Kremlin's manuals under external control?

Where is the U.S. military's 🇺🇸 reaction? 

"Whereas the Forum and the World Economic Forum LLC have established the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, located in San Francisco, as a new platform for cooperation dedicated to the development of public administration principles, policies and protocols that promote the application of science and technology for the benefit of all mankind in an era of transformation, which is called the fourth industrial revolution." 

Let's re-read a few more times to understand what kind of sheep, excuse me, the Russians and other NWO conspirators are holding us for, they are also signatories of this memorandum. The head office of the network of Centers of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (by the way, also located in the United States, at 1201 Ralston Avenue, The Presidio of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94129, USA and there was also the office of the combine harvester Gorbachev, until he moved the horses, but there sit his people, Putin's people) develops the principles of unified public administration and policy in the era of transformation, and it is stated in our blue eye that the agreement with the WEF does not impose any political/legal obligations on the government of the Russian Federation. 

What level of intelligence do you need to have to believe this?

Next, we proceed to the disclosure of the main definitions in the text of the memorandum. But in fact, we are also coming to an understanding of things more serious – for example, why Putin, speaking before the Federal Assembly in December 2016, called for Russia (read the world 🗺) to be transferred to the tracks of the "digital economy". The fact is that the status of "Affiliate Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution" in Russia is received by the ANO "Digital Economy" under the Government of the Russian Federation. The supervisory board of this NGO includes Deputy Prime Minister Chernyshenko, ministers Reshetnikov and Shadaev, as well as top managers of the largest Russian IT corporations - from state-owned VTB, Rostec, Rosatom, Russian Railways and Russian Post to private MTS, VimpelCom, Yandex, MegaFon, conditionally parastatal Sber, etc. 

All these are pioneers, Komsomol members and communists, shooters of the so-called NWO in the cold dark Russian winter:

Now the ANO "Digital Economy" receives the status (direct quote from the memorandum) of "part of the Global Council for the Fourth Industrial Revolution" and "launches projects aimed, among other things, at the joint development of regulatory practices for new technologies that will be tested in the Russian Federation." 

"Regulatory practices" is already a legal concept, i.e. new legal regulation will be developed for new technologies. And all this will be TESTED for peace in Russia – it is explicitly stated that it is becoming a global testing ground for NWO conspirators' projects.

The Global Council for the Fourth Industrial Revolution is the integration of key communities of government representatives, leading companies, civil society and technology companies involved in joint responsible management and mutual cooperation on the issues of the fourth industrial revolution in the interests of all mankind. " 

How bravo it sounds to the Russians! 

The government of the Russian Federation has not come one iota closer to solving its own extinction problems and is destroying its soldiers in the fields of Ukraine, brought the citizens of the Russian Federation to fascism, impoverishment, has not improved the socio-economic situation in Russia, is waging aggressive wars, is engaged in nuclear blackmail and terrorism, but is already aiming at "integration in the interests of all mankind." However, this is how the Communists of the Kremlin and the world see their interests. The Government of the Russian Federation sells them for export to the world 🗺. They were voiced at the infamous International Population Conference in Cairo (1994), in the report of the Club of Rome "Limits to Growth" (1972). In short, the gist is this (and the whole "Great Reset" of Schwab is about this): zero or negative growth in the population, industry, livestock and agriculture, carbon-free energy, eating GMOs, worms and insects, the "gender normality" of any perversions, the total digitization of everything that moves, genome editing and the transfer of most of the survivors of this obscurantism under the control of neural network algorithms created by the "chosen" programmers. 

Once again, we draw the attention of the responsible US authorities, who seem not to sleep – Putin's national interests of Russia are not spelled out in the memorandum, but there are "interests of all mankind."

The affiliated center of the CPR (also known as the ANO "Digital Economy") will be formally controlled by the Government, while, within the framework of the Partnership Agreement between the ANO and the WEF (a separate document that is not yet in the public domain), the conditions for interaction with the WEF are established, as well as "payment obligations and the amount of the annual payment" to the treasury of the Offices of Schwab and Brende. 

Here is such a wonderful "non-political" and "non-legal" memorandum among the Russians, thanks to which the Kremlin will also regularly finance its accomplices with office headquarters in the United States.

A great treaty for the U.S. and Europe, isn't it? 

But let's move on. In the paragraph "Interaction of the parties" finally begins the semblance of a specific action plan of the Government of the Russian Federation and the WEF: 

"Supporting the Affiliated Center in jointly developing regulatory practices in line with the objectives of the Global PPC Council". 

[ World Economic Forum, Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution is located at 1201 Ralston Ave, San Francisco, CA 94129. World Economic Forum, Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution can be contacted at (415) 704-8848. Get World Economic Forum, Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution reviews, ratings, business hours, phone numbers, and directions.]

[ San Francisco (in San Francisco County), California 94129, the location GPS coordinates are: 37.7749295 (latitude), -122.4194155 (longitude). Gorbachev Foundation USA is categorized under Seeds and Bulbs (SIC code 5261). Current estimates show that the unit has a sales volume of $540,000 and ...]

The Global Council for the NPR is the one that acts in the "interests of all mankind", the headquarters of the network is located in San Francisco in Gorbachev (hereinafter always in the text Gorbaty). That is, Putin's Kremlin appointed the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation responsible for cooperation and this member body will, together with the WEF, develop experimental legal regimes for nation-states, guided by the tasks of this Global Council. So, it will act in the interests of this structure with an office in the United States, to conduct experiments on the territory of the Russian Federation according to its tasks.

Again, not a word about Russian tasks.

"The areas of interaction described above are not financial in nature. The interaction takes place on a pro bono basis." 

Another chic example of the schizophrenic logic of the Kremlin and the WEF. If the "Interaction of the Parties" does not talk about financial obligations, then just above in the section "Definitions" it is directly stated about the "obligations to pay and the amount of the annual payment of the Affiliate Center to the Forum (WEF)" under the Partnership Agreement. We still do not have the text of this agreement, so there are no specifics about the amount of payments, but in any case – what kind of gratuitous partnership in general can we talk about when working with the Kremlin?

"This Memorandum is not an international treaty and does not entail any mutual legal and financial obligations for either Party." 

[ The Gorbachev Foundation - Wikipedia

In 1993, Gorbachev founded Green Cross International, a separate organization whose Russian national office is headquartered in the Gorbachev Foundation building. In 1995, the foundation hosted its first event, the State of the World Forum, at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, which discussed international political goals of the 21st century ...]

In form and content, it is obvious that we have an agreement between a vassal (WEF) and a suzerain (RF). 

The final point beats the chord 

The "duration and discontinuation of application" is also very surprising: the memorandum is concluded for three years, until October 14, 2024, while we are talking about the "initial deadline", and after the named date, the memorandum "continues to apply for an indefinite period of time." In other words, an intermediate, initial stage of cooperation between the fascists of the Russian Federation and the WEF is indicated, after which the intermediate (unspecified) goals and objectives of the experimental projects of terrorists should be achieved. But in fact, the memorandum is indefinite, which indicates a clearly and forever chosen course of the Kremlin. 

The vagueness of the memorandum and the almost complete absence of specifics in its text is not accidental, any activity falls into it and gives grounds for the exchange of technology and transactions. 

And for what else the Kremlin and the Swabians started this and what in the end they want to turn the world 🗺 into Probably, access to an additional agreement of the ANO "Digital Economy" with the WEF will clarify these points.

The Russian government is engaged in terrorism all over the planet, has signed a terrible agreement with a think tank of conspirators based in the United States and Geneva, the main players are the richest moneylenders and heads of TNCs (membership in the WEF is not cheap, and the higher the level of access to information and decisions made, the more members have to pay for it). No one was interested in the opinion of experts and civil society in the United States, everything was turned according to a proven scheme (as in the case of the "pandemic agreement" of the United States with the WHO). 

Russian terrorists have their own "digital special forces" of the terrorist Prime Minister Mishustin. 

Obviously, the White House is not going to answer for the risks in the implementation of the memorandum "digital transformers". 

And the risks are such that the largest terrorist state on the planet in terms of territory may soon join the "marvelous" digital anti-world of the globalists - without national sovereignty and without the legal personality of the "contingent" inhabiting it. We, US citizens, do not need such memorandums, we have not signed them and do not consider such agreements legitimate in our hometown of New York and the United States. 

We are confident that the majority of our fellow citizens of New York and all of America will join our position and demand for the investigation and trial of all those responsible for the biological attack on CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES and the world with suspicion of deep penetration of Russian terrorists into the territory of the United States 🇺🇸.


[Democrats] no longer have the moral right to hold any public office and to be present in the U.S. Congress. This party must undergo a legal lustration procedure.

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