Special Operation World Crown 🤴 19 fully revealed. It was an information fake in order to put people (the population) on state injections, as a stage to the realization of a long-standing dream of idiots – NWO.

Special Operation World Crown 🤴 19 fully revealed. It was an information fake in order to put people (the population) on state injections, as a stage to the realization of a long-standing dream of idiots – NWO.

Ꮮ_ᎢᖇᏆᗷᑌᏞᗴ ᖴᗩᑕᎢᝪᖇ

Edited version, corrected spelling errors. We are in a hurry today, working live and without editors, as well as without the staff of our girls typesetters. They all got pregnant by the editor-in-chief and went on maternity leave. The editors of Tribule ask everyone to treat with understanding the mores of total debauchery reigning in our bureau. 

Disinformation in the U.S. comes from the state. 

Reporter: "Do you feel there is a problem of misinformation in the United States?"

Gun rights activist Lauren Beaubert: "I'm doing [...] and it starts with our government. The government is imposing disinformation on the American people to control what the American people are doing to close our schools..."


Biden and Putin are partners in this war against the world's populations and nation-states, as well as in the hot war in Ukraine. Or do we just think so? 

Dennis Meadows, one of the members of the Club of Rome open text about depopulation.

🚩 "I hope it can happen in a civilized way." 

🚩 "If you want more freedom and more consumption, you have to have fewer people"

"Much more civilized," someone will say, "release the virus, and make people inject themselves with what they would not want to inject themselves, seeing what sometimes happens after injections, condemning those who refuse to live outside society and persecution by this society ..."


False Vaccines, FDA, BigPharma and so on.

Rotten Through Criminal Food and Drug Administration Knew The Injection Reactivated Viruses And Allowed Pharmaceuticals To Get Off Their Hands

Dr. Robert Malone may refer to: 


"[The Food and Drug Administration] knew that the viral reactivation signal (such as the recurrence of shingles) was one of the main known side effects [of the vaccine]... and they didn't admit it. It's another one of those inexplicable things."

Cancer caused by injections, reproductive problems, blood clots and so on: how did the FDA miss all this?

Malone: "This goes back to the original dossier because the Food and Drug Administration treated it as if it were a regular 'vaccine,' whatever the conventional vaccine was, not the gene therapy product that it was, and they didn't do thorough reproductive toxicology. They didn't deal with genomic toxicity. They didn't do biodistribution. They didn't do pharmacokinetics. This goes on and on. Why didn't they do their job?"


There is no such thing as "mild" myocarditis: "death and damage from this will not go anywhere"

Malone: "Subclinical myocarditis can occur in most vaccine recipients if you test the right enzymes. It's a big [thing]."


"The event horizon of death and the damage from this is not going anywhere. This is more like the classic profile of myocarditis, in which the five-year mortality rate is from (!!!) 15 to 20%."

Causing chronic disease to those who have received an injection: Dr. Cole and Dr. Urso discuss immune dysregulation

Dr. Ryan Cole: "To give a chronic lipid nanoparticle and a chronic factory to produce adhesions into your body, into your cells – we know that spike is toxic. We are constantly destroying people's immune systems, and who knows what disease they will die of [due to immune suppression] in the second place."


Special Operation World Crown 🤴 19 fully revealed. It was an information fake in order to put people (the population) on state injections as a stage to the realization of a long-standing dream of idiots – NWO. These morons ran with this idea throughout the second half of the 20th and the first half of the 21st century. When the special operation world crown 🤴 19 was fully revealed and made public they became scared.

We remember well the spring of 2020 and how on one command all the capitals of many cities of the world, the USA, Europe, China and Russia turned into hotbeds of fear, and then Covid tyranny.

By the end of 2021, the planet's chief nurse, Joe, is increasingly starting to say and saying almost every day that Putin is about to attack Ukraine. On one occasion, he even casually mentioned that if it was a small invasion, it would be nothing.

Why did the Oval Office so early begin to introduce this topic into circulation as an inevitability? In 2014, everyone slept through Putin's attack on Crimea and eastern Ukraine, and now all of a sudden they are all so busy with their injections suddenly broke away and moved on to the topic of war at the end of 2021. What happened in your grandfather's terrarium, Orderly Joe/Barry? It was important that this war began then, in the moment of February?

For two years, the U.S. population has been subjected to continuous psychological COVID aggression from the national Chinese media in the U.S. (CNN). At first it was a war of mass terror: terrible images of this terrible invisible disease were whipped up, after the deadly theatrical falls of street Chinese communist actors, deaths began to grow 📈 on TV. Even the garbage bags of New York with garbage were used by the loving mayor of New York to convince us of corpses, refrigerators refrigerators were removed with bags of false corpses. In general, the movie 🍿 is notable shot, Hollywood smokes bulls on the sidelines. In fact, there is no data on super deaths, the mortality rate in the US was within the normal range and even less than in previous years (see our materials in our Telegram channel). Then there was the prohibition to work and leave the house. Then an organized war against people without masks. Then there was the war against the unvaccinated as enemies of the people, the plagued, the untouchables, the selfish. 

But the campaign of selling fear, lies and terror was losing momentum: the vaccinated got sick with something and died, allegedly from Covid (the test is fake from 2017), people died from the side effects of injection products and for some other reasons died. If anyone has forgotten that people are mortal, then we remind everyone of this well-known indisputable fact just in case. And those who are going to live forever, we will upset - these are your senile illusions of degenerates. 

Insurance companies are experiencing an unexpected increase in mortality among the working-age population. No one wants to be vaccinated anymore, except for those who have already turned into a robot and are ready to carry out any order of the annoying state in the form of officials of healers without a 🪪 license. The ferocious rout of protesting Canadian drivers by Fidel Castro's son with trucks. Justin, the ardent scion of the father of the Terrorist Cuba/USSR made us seriously think about where he then fled, to which country this communist Trudeau had fled. Even Bill, a friend of the youth of the Soviet Negro Barry, suddenly declared that Covid is no different from the flu in terms of mortality, although he regrets that even more severe measures were not applied from the very beginning


People need to be distracted. A war where Putin and Russia are the enemy is very suitable for the cabal. The collective West relegated the Kremlin administration and all of Russia to the role of the enemy, because they really needed some enemy. And what country besides the Russian Federation could start a war in Europe? No one could, only the Russian Federation.

Putin and Western administrations have had these plans and considerations for a long time. In Russia, from the very beginning, there is exactly the same special operation of Covid militarism as elsewhere, although everything there was not as successful as in the United States and Europe. 

It is clear that distraction is not the only purpose of this treaty attack of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Immediately after the war began, the administrations of the collective West began to impose secondary sanctions against the Kremlin. But the embargo has not been imposed, and this is the main income of the Kremlin and the West finances this war from two sides at once: it finances the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Money flows in a large full-flowing river of budgets in both directions and in two directions of the warring parties from the same banks in the United States and Europe. Part of the sanctions hit primarily ordinary people in Russia, Europe and America. Now the conspirators are rubbing their hands and happily inform us every day about the shortage of food (this is their clear plan from shortage to hunger), high prices and inflation on all goods, on gas and gasoline, instability, protests. The administration of the West is a collection of complete morons with a certificate of Mega criminals, totally stupid, illiterate degenerate killers working against their population and the interests of the state. If someone is suddenly offended and outraged by such a protocol, then we can hold any public and non-public debate on our price list and show you on your fingers a goat, sheep from national administrations 🐏. 

To understand this, it is necessary to take into account that the paramilitary special operation Covid, as part of a non-existent pandemic, is already a war of heads of state against their national population and state. Global social platforms, corporations, well-known foundations of Jews and Blacks, who have stuffed me personally with a snark on my teeth, it is usually accepted to call this Mega slag of crime with a butterfly and a tailcoat, as well as accompanying them in night pajamas their heifers - whores, called the elite. Well, who knows, for our bureau it is a half-naked mafia, led by marasmatics and the walking dead from Nikita Khrushchev "we will bury you " communist Mikhail Gorbachev and his office neighbor, bald donkey Klaus Schwab and their joint project of the World Communist 4th International, in the form of a euphonious Economic Forum in the package of the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" and stupid members of slacker rentiers on the state budget support of national states. This whole gang is known by their surnames and faces, they all refer to the population of the whole world, including Europe and America, as occupiers and colonizers. They act in the interests of this elite itself, against the local "natives" (the population), whom they hate from birth and they need to weaken the people, subjugate the people within the framework of the program of another UN Communists and their Agenda 21. The superfluous must be destroyed - the colonizers are only interested in profit and resources, and the population interferes with them. They think so, but it's actually a disaster for everyone, for the poor and for those rich degenerates in butterflies and nightgowns. 

In Russia, all the same poisonous injections, local and Western spills, all the same false vaccines and they are intensively distributed and imposed. The Russian leadership conducts coordinated actions with the MB Kristalina Ivanovna Good afternoon Georgieva, friend and colleague of neo Marx Klaus Schwab, work on the depopulation of Europe and the United States, as well as in relation to its people interfering with the life of the Kremlin. All within the framework of the "Great Replacement" or relocation of the population from the dirty Russian garbage to Ukraine, Europe and the United States. And the territories of the Russian Federation go under the narrow-eyed China. Everything is already divided. 

Yes, Putin, Xi and Biden are on the same board of this world chess and one side of the NWO conspiracy, they play on the side of these butterflies and tailcoats, as well as their half-naked heifers in the nightgowns of the global elites. This is the hidden goal of this war (as well as the goal of the fictitious Covid pandemic) - the destruction of economic ties, the existing world order, depopulation, total control over those who can survive and the dissolution of nation-states under the false protectorate of the UN - the analogue of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee is built by Mikhail Gorbachev and David Rockefeller, only on a global scale. 

If Putin had not shared these goals and had not been a member of the same conspiracy, he would not have allowed these lies to enter His territory in Russia from the very beginning. And he's been carrying false tests since 2017. He could have finished everything two years ago. This is 100% cheap and wiring for suckers, this is a children's charade of the Kremlin. They're playing this deadly roulette wheel all over the cabal: they're not banning mandatory deadly vaccination against a non-existent virus, they're not divulging the composition of vaccines and the results of their testing, they're not going to stop their deadly experiments 🧫. 

In the USA, Europe and Russia (we do not have official statistics from the Russians, they simply do not keep it or closed it), everywhere the mortality rate after injection abnormally increases in all countries.

War is beneficial to the entire club of conspirators – it is the possibility of laundering huge budgets of nation-states for thieves in tailcoats and butterflies in power, huge profits for the military industry, justification of the suffering of the population, falsification of information, they benefit from the distribution of products on their terms. For Western administrations, war is needed as long as possible, and preferably indefinitely, until 2030 and the complete establishment of the NWO in the world, the transition of all countries of the world under one false protectorate of the UN 🇺🇳. De facto dissolution of nation-states.

As long as the Kremlin is in power, as long as they continue this war with one club of conspirators, they all win. That's exactly what they need.

We receive extremely sensitive information from a variety of sources, including several national administrations, and are well aware of most of their plans. This war is a treaty war and it was started in understandable circumstances that we have already mentioned. Yes, the global conspirators unleashed this war, but once again did not calculate their strength and mental abilities, which have long been lying at the bottom of the sewers under each of the national administrations in the White House, Berlin, Paris, Moscow and so on throughout the capitals of the G7 and G20. This is the main close-knit team of conspirators. 

You can believe in God, you can believe in love, but you do not need to believe in epidemics or an injection, this is a science and not a matter of faith. We must first present the isolated virus 🦠 to the public, declassify the results of clinical trials, show the composition of the vaccine, open the entire study of side effects after testing on tens and hundreds of millions of citizens around the world. As long as all this data is top secret, we have every reason to believe that we have now formulated very briefly and basically in our bureau. This is the basic brief basic version of this Mega Conspiracy and Crime. 

For America and Israel and many other countries, there are statistics on a sharp increase in overall mortality and a peak in this mortality at once half a mass government injection. There are data from insurance companies. Therefore, we refer to what we called the vaccine as poisonous substances with an unknown composition. It is known that different people receive different doses and if they have survived the injection of the vaccine, this does not mean that they are not dangerous. 

In addition, there is evidence: before the vaccines themselves were deployed, this false Covid did not raise the overall mortality rate. We have analyzed this data and we have it, we confirm it. Thus, a sharp increase in overall mortality in nation-states is the result of a false vaccine — poison ☠️. Dot. 

Once again, Vanguard Group Inc. and Blackrock Inc. lit up in the arena of crisis organizers.

Everyone knows about the nationwide shortage of a vital product, which is announced in the United States in connection with the total shortage of infant formula. And the situation is serious. 

According to ABC News, Carolyn Maloney, who chairs a committee on the topic, has sent letters asking for information to Abbott Nutrition, Mead Johnson Nutrition, Nestle USA and Perrigo. 

Abbott is one of the largest companies in global healthcare. 

Abbott Laboratories is one of the largest chemical and pharmaceutical companies. corporations, included in the Fortune 500 list.

Abbott Nutrition is the largest manufacturer of baby food.

How nothing aggravated the situation with mixtures was the message of Abbott Nutrition, which recalled in such an "inconvenient", in the crisis, a whole range / line of its products, and one of the company's factories was generally decided to close after an investigation by the Fauci swindler affiliated with the Gates Six by the office of the US Food and Drug Administration. 

At the same time, the owner fauci Gates invested heavily in laboratory-grown baby milk. 

Seeing so many problems with Abbott, the name of Gates and Fauci my irresistible desire, Friends, was to find another missing puzzle and find out who the main shareholders of Abbott Laboratories are. 

Predictably, they turned out to be the disruptive supply chains and exacerbating and precipitating the famines of the notorious Vanguard Group Inc. and Blackrock Inc. and a few others, including Capital Research Global Investors. 

They have been poisoning babies for years, then robbing them of their baby food as part of a conspiratorial plan by the globalists to plunge us all into poverty and artificial hunger. By the way, Abbott in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, was bought... (!!!) Pfizer.

Global Kagal organizes a situation (famine, wars, riots here and there, etc.) when chaos reaches the right point and when people themselves ask for and thirst for an iron hand with qr codes, with quasi-order (read slavery) and other attributes of the NWO.

Tribule Blitz 


L_Tribule Factor 



— Wesley, brother, what is our dear Ben Hodges doing now?" I see he writes a lot and flashes before my eyes every day three times a day, began to see him before going to bed often, he quit and he had a lot of free time? So maybe we will assign it to the 6th sector of our new concentration camps under construction along the coastline of Miami with a departure towards the jamaican skyline? 


— Ben Hodges is an absolutely destitute abandoned unemployed man, leans idle and writes and comments all the time, he left this tedious job in the US Army.


—Wesley, dear, what was his mission as a martyr in the U.S. Army?


— Oh, his role was great as Mount Kilimanjaro, Tribule, Ben was a big man — Lieutenant General, former commander of the U.S. Army in this wretched communist damp impoverished Europe.


— What is his email address and phone number ☎️? I will now make him an offer for the 6th sector of our concentration camps under construction Leo Drop 💧 Tribule in the location you know and he will not be able to refuse. We need to close the position urgently, soon 🔜 accept the first prisoners for the test sample, and the former boss we executed yesterday, burned him at the stake and ate him for dinner 🥘, now we have this vacancy not yet closed, Wesley! 


— His personal e-mail address is ben@army.mil. Your former work email address is ben@army.mil.

But you do not write to work mail, there is no point in writing and sending, he does not read, because he does not work, write to him on personal mail, Tribule. Oh, and record his phone number at headquarters +1 703-695-6518.


— Who did he work with, Wesley? 

In its draft law "On Combating Sexual Abuse of Children", the EU Commission describes the apparatus of mass surveillance with the help of cameras and AI. AI will scan the private messages of EU citizens, that is, in fact, it will become the most massive observer of all, while not being appointed by the judge. 

The European Commission, seized by the Nazi Ursula, fraudulently uses the protection of children as a pretext for the introduction of mass total surveillance. The protection of children itself does not interest her at all.


Ben's colleagues were: Dequincy Scott, Ahmek Muhammad, Anesh Singh, Aaron Abshire and other killers! 

Oh my God 🙄 it's a find, it's luck, it's what we need Wesley! 

 Let's sum up the results of the 2020-2022 battle of this crowned criminal pahan. 

          ‘’Putin's Cocktail’’ 

Capitalism is dead, socialism is kaput, and I don't feel good about it anymore... (c) Putin

Therefore, in order to save the world in general and for "this country" in particular, we declare the New World Order and the entry into the era of a new socio-economic formation - Caputinism!

Well, multiplied by the material below 👇 is all the stale racial Orthodox values of Putin, his personal interests, presented as the national interests of the collapsing aggressor country, the Nazi nationality, bonds and spirituality - at the exit from this rattling cauldron we get exactly where "this country" is rapidly moving europe and the rest of the world, and which has already been officially announced - Orthodox national socialism. He is Orthodox fascism, if not crooked. 




The network recalled the appeal of Patriarch Alexy 2 in connection with the war in Chechnya in 1994:

"No, even the most just and legitimate considerations of public benefit, can justify the sacrifice and suffering of civilians. No, even the most noble goals should be achieved by methods of violence, which can eventually lead to a multiple multiplication of evil, which will be disastrous for all of Russia. "

And in Ossetia in 2008:

"Having learned about the clashes in Tskhinvali and its environs, I urge the opponents to cease fire and return to the path of dialogue. Now on the land of South Ossetia blood is shed and people are dying, for which my heart deeply mourns. Among those who raise their hand against each other are Orthodox Christians. Moreover, the Orthodox peoples called by the Lord to live in brotherhood and love clashed with each other."

Patriarch Alexy II called for a ceasefire in South Ossetia on August 8, 2008.

Thank you General Ben for your attention! This is very important to us! 

brief replay for General Ben 

Russia used a French agent of influence for an information attack on the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russian propaganda continues to make attempts to justify its war crimes in Bucha. So, on May 10, the world media began to circulate an interview with a French "volunteer", a former military man Adrian Boke, who allegedly visited the Kiev region and witnessed certain "crimes" on the part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in particular, the Azov regiment against Russian prisoners of war.

All comments and "evidence" that were provided by the said person do not contain an evidence base and do not stand up to criticism. In particular, the analysis of social networks Instagram, Facebook, Twitter showed the absence of photos confirming the stay of the Frenchman in Ukraine in the specified area, which is very strange.

Andrian Boke states that he was in Bucha in the second half of April, but at that time the Russian occupiers were no longer on the territory of the Kiev region. The French "volunteer", according to confirmed data, in April 5 times came to Ukraine, in particular, to Lviv on his own car across the Polish border and usually returned the same day.

Continued: https://infonavigator.com.ua/novosti/rossiya-ispolzovala-francuzskogo-agenta-vliyaniya-dlya-informacionnoj-ataki-na-vsu/

Irakli Komakhidze posted on Facebook his OSINT observations in the context of some materials:

"Where is Major Zigura? 

Analysis of trophy documents published on the channel "Look for your own"


led us to interesting conclusions. So, in order:

1. Among these documents is an interesting paper-soaker, in which the printer registers regular positions: a) the command of the Southern Military District; b) command of the 58th Combined Arms Army; c) command of the 19th Motorized Rifle Division; d) command staff of the 429th Motorized Rifle Regiment; e) command staff of the 1st Motorized Rifle Battalion of the 429th Regiment. Each position is hand-ascribed to the ranks of the full name of the incumbents of these positions. This in itself is interesting, it turns out that in the above positions, personalities are short-lived and often change (i.e. suspension from office for one reason or another, transfer, injury or "visit to Kobzon").

In today's analysis, we focus only on the 429th SME. We would like to remind you that InformNapalm has repeatedly touched upon this topic before. Our intelligence is at our disposal. Even before the start of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, a package of documents appeared in which the list data of the units and formations of the Southern Military District appear. Including the battalion-tactical groups (BTGr) of the 429th MSP of the 19th Division from Vladikavkaz in North Ossetia. These lists were thoroughly analyzed, which made it possible to establish the command structure of the division, regiments and battalions (tactical groups).

Some information on the results of the analysis is reflected in publications on the InformNapalm website: "Installation data of the commander of the 19th MSD, Colonel Dmitry Uskov"


"The data of the commander of the 1st BTGr of the 19th MSD, Major Oleg Zigura"


have been established. 

In the same publications there is a description of the BTGr of the 429th SMEs, of which there are only four. The first 2 are equipped by contract soldiers of the 1st and 2nd MSB, the 3rd in its majority consists of conscript soldiers of the 3rd MSB (we will return to this in point No. 2), the 4th - the smallest reserve group is formed on the basis of the tank battalion of the regiment.

Checking our list of the 1st MSB / 1st BTGr, which according to our data at the time of the Russian invasion of Ukraine was relevant, to the list published today, it is clear that there are fundamental changes in the command structure of the Tactical Group. In particular, Major Zigura no longer appears in the position of combatant. There are a number of assumptions about this - killed!? (unlikely, since there was no obituary), possibly wounded, or suspended for incompetence and failure. We also do not exclude that his suspension was indirectly influenced by the "flight" with the publication of InformNapalm, which reflected the detailed personal data taken from the pages of social networks of the major and his wife. Judging by the captured documents, the last position of the combatant of the 1st MSB is occupied (possibly occupied until the last) by Major Denis Apolonov. There is a change in the zamkombat in terms of armament - previously Major Orujov appeared, now Major Pliyev. The only one of the deputies who has not changed is the deputy major Butaev. Again, the question arises, where are the former deputies!?

No less interesting is the fate of the owner of the magazine of the commander of the 2nd department of the 3rd platoon of the 2nd company of the 1st MSB, Sergeant R. M. Mamaev, who apparently is already at the kobzon concert. According to our information, Sergeant Revaz Mamaev on the eve of the invasion was listed as a grenade thrower in the same platoon and miraculously suddenly became the commander of the squad, which suddenly became "vacant" and apparently it will be "vacant" more than once. 

Recall that in early March he reported on the losses of the 439th SME "The servicemen of the 429th regiment from Vladikavkaz


liquidated in Ukraine were identified. 

2. The second document that caught our attention is a stale list for receiving ammunition with the responsible sergeant of the 7th company (this is the 3rd MSB / BTGr) V. Verdiyev.

And indeed, in our lists of the 3rd BTGr there is Sergeant Velimet Verdiyev as a squad commander - the commander of the combat vehicle of the 3rd section of the 1st platoon of the 7th company. So what happens? Taking into account our past assumptions that were voiced more than a month ago


the 429th SME represented by the 1st and 2nd BT group suffered serious irretrievable losses of more than 20% of the personnel. Most likely, now these BTGr are completed with personnel from the 3rd BTGr, i.e. conscripts or against - the remnants of the 1st and 2nd BTGr are attached to the 3rd Tactical Group.

3. Immediately we want to convey our greetings to the unofficial speaker of the 58th Army of the Russian Federation Oleg Marzoev, who performs his duties more than well and helps us to conduct a full-fledged OSINT (open source reconnaissance), periodically informing about the composition and location of the BTGr of the 429th SME (for example




Also thanks to Marzoev and for the lists of these tactical groups, which with his "accidental" participation were received by us. 

With the beginning of the Russian aggression, the Russian "volunteer Komsomolets" Marzoev is more than active in the network, collecting either humanitarian or all sorts of funds for the needs of the unfortunate soldier of the 19th MSD. According to our sources from North Ossetia, Marzoev earned good money during these couple of months, warming his hand on monetary "donations" and receiving kickbacks from the purchase of certain funds at unrealistic prices. 

The remaining trophy documents of the 429th SME are in the process of study. So, to be continued."


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