The public declaration of the "New World Order" bypassing national constitutions and national referenda, against the will of citizens, in the silence of the UN red light district 🇺🇳 New York, a world coup d'état has been planned for many decades with the aim of establishing a totalitarian one world government. Whether you believe or not, the so-called "New World Order" conspiracy theory, the phrase "New Universal Agenda" and the phrase "New World Order," share the same linguistic meaning. The question is, are they the same? Initially, the UN published a plan called "Agenda 21", which focused exclusively on environmental issues. Now this plan has evolved into the 2030 Agenda and is called the "21 Agenda on Steroids." This new agenda now encompasses virtually all areas of human activity and is a genuine plan for global governance.

The hidden agenda of the UN, for the period up to 2030.

At first glance, the agenda is for all the good against all the bad and is aimed at combating all serious problems on the world stage. However, if you delve into the logistics of the plan, it becomes clear that the act of proposing what should be done deliberately and the very existence of problems in the world and the solution to these problems are two completely different things. Setting the lofty goal of "ending poverty in all its forms" is very different from a real solution to poverty itself. The agenda also lists sub-goals, but they are also objective goals that would have already been achieved if simply agreeing with them solved the problem. 

For example, Goal 1A: "Ensure significant mobilization of resources from various sources." It's incredibly vague, and no one can disagree with that, that's the point. However, actually doing so is the same problem as before. And that puts the agenda back on track. This seems to suggest that so far no one has officially made a decision to "end poverty". And now that the global agenda has been announced, the anti-poverty plan will be distributed to all those in need. This raises the obvious question of what will happen to countries that choose not to participate? Will their country be freed from a universal plan to eradicate poverty? As for the media of the world, these topics were not very important to the unknown authors of the plan. It's odd that a grand plan of this magnitude is completely ignored by the mainstream media. When the whole planet will strive to achieve seventeen mutual goals, and around the world there was a mass silence of the media. The majority of the population does not know about this global agenda, and this in itself should cause great concern especially now in 2021 with the well-known events taking place in the world for two years (false Pandemic, not an epidemic, but a Pandemic, a substituted concept of a world emergency). The lack of reporting on a specific topic in the corporate "media" is a sign that the topic is really classified. Although such a plan is worthy of lighting. When there is a media blackout in a story or event, it is most likely a topic to pay close attention to. But everyone is silent, why?

🤒 Instead, most of us seem completely obsessed with the latest celebrity gossip or the last nasty insults our puppet politicians threw at each other. It amazes me that more and more people fail to understand that the 2030 Agenda is a really big deal. When will people finally start waking up?" — zerohedge.

"We are digging our own grave," warned UN Secretary-General Antoniu Guterresmir leaders gathered at the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow.

Here we agree with you mechanic, you will definitely dig a grave and you yourself will lie down in this grave first. 

1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere. Purpose of 🎯 

Translated. Centralized banks, "IMF", "World Bank", "Fed" will become control over all finances. Digital single world currency in a cashless society (plastic cards, chipization of the population). 

2. End hunger, ensure food security and improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. Purpose of 🎯 

Translated. Lifting of bans on the cultivation and sale of "Genetically Modified Organisms" around the world. 

3. Ensuring healthy lifestyles and promoting well-being for all, at all ages. Purpose of 🎯 

Translated. Mass vaccination, changing the "DNA" of a person. 

4. Ensure inclusive and equitable, quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Purpose of 🎯 

Translated. UN propaganda, brainwashing through compulsory education "from cradle to grave". Creating a submissive society. 

5. Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls. Purpose of 🎯 

Translated. Declining fertility. Population control through forced "family planning". 

6. Ensure access to and sustainable management of water resources and sanitation for all. Purpose of 🎯 

Translated. Privatization of all water sources, do not forget to add fluoride. 

7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Purpose of 🎯 

Translated. Smart network, with smart meters everywhere. Increase in the cost of tariffs. 

8. Promote sustainable, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. Purpose of 🎯 

Translated. Agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), free trade zones that favor the interests of megacorporations. 

9. Build sustainable infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and stimulate innovation. Purpose of 🎯 

Translated. Toll roads, development of public transport. Removal of free travel and environmental restrictions for the population and transport. 

10. Reducing inequality within and between countries. Purpose of 🎯 

Translated. More bureaucracy of the regional government. Purpose 

11. Make cities and towns inclusive, safe and sustainable. Purpose of 🎯 

Translated. "Big Brother", with broad powers of state supervision and full control over the population. 

12. Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns. Purpose of 🎯 

Translated. Forced planned savings. Purpose

13. Taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Purpose of 🎯 

Translated. Emissions trading, carbon taxes/credits. "Chemtrails" - the fight against global warming on the planet, the simultaneous decrease in the population of the planet. 

14. Conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources. For sustainable development. Purpose of 🎯 

Translation: Environmental restrictions, control over all oceans, including mining rights from the ocean floor. 

15.Protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems. Sustainable forest management, combating desertification, halting and reversing land degradation and halting biodiversity loss. Purpose of 🎯 

Translated. Even more environmental restrictions. More control over resources and mining rights. 

16. Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development. Ensure access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Purpose of 🎯 

Translated. UN Peacekeeping Missions. The International Court of Justice (blind) makes people fear, through fake refugee crises, wars, terrorism. And then mediate with a lot of "UN peacekeepers" when tensions arise to gain more control over the region, remove the 2nd Amendment in the US. 

17. Strengthening the means of implementation and intensifying the global partnership for sustainable development. Purpose of 🎯 

Translated. Remove national sovereignty around the world. Promote globalism under a new "authority" and an inflated Orwellian "UN" bureaucracy. 

With good intentions - paved the road to hell ...

That's what the world's small but surviving UN crime district offers the world 🇺🇳 in New York in the form of a hidden UN agenda 🇺🇳 for the period up to 2030.

This event is scheduled for the date of 2030, on the prototype of a single identity card, for a single world PASSPORT.

The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates.

The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates. And the Bulgarian international revolutionary terrorist chief doctor of the world hospital 🏥 (bank 🏦) Kristalina Ivanovna Georgieva is one of the main sponsors of national biological - agricultural state terrorists. 
Doctors 🥼 have nothing to do with it at all. This is an epidemic of international banks and primarily the Bulgarian International Bank of Peace and the International World Hospital 🏥 MB at the same time. You may ask, how can this be? Yes, it is very easy to do this if you studied banking from Karl Marx himself and continued this training already at the onset of brain menopause in neo Marx Klaus Schwab.

Speech by a Soviet Ethiopian from the Tigray People's Liberation Front (Tigrinya ḥizbāwī weyānē ḥārinet tigrāy; amh. ህዝባዊ ወያነ ሓርነት ትግራይ), TPLF is an Ethiopian insurgency of the 1970s and 1980s... Ghebreyesus in general turned out to be very interesting. Ethiopian in French, it seems, so that others do not understand that he is weaving, describing the situation as a "pandemic", at the same time warned against the use of this term. Ethiopia said that calling the COVID-19 outbreak "could cause unfounded fear and unjustified recognition that the fight is over." But as part of the fear launch plan, the Ethiopian fulfilled the mission he had wrought and essentially gave the go-ahead to universal panic, such a role as this talking terrorist head. We all remember the global shock and the headlines that the WHO recognized the existence of a pandemic in the world.

UN Directive 001, dated 4 July 2025. 

In accordance with the approval of the majority of the Members of the United Nations, the following directive shall enter into force upon its receipt and shall be implemented immediately, except for those matters or paragraphs which are likely to require additional time for modification or implementation.


Entrance to this private establishment requires membership but not an account.

According to the estimates of the United Nations Population Fund, the main milestones of the world's population were passed in the following years:

What are you, infection, eyebrow shaved yourself,

For what I wore, I understood, my blue beret!

And where did you, the, ski up —

From me you will not hide in the cinema 🍿 the second ticket!

You know that I do not have a soul in you,

What am I ready to steal for you day and night,

But lately I've been noticing something.

That you've changed too often.

If it's Britney or even Jackie —

I will not object to the comrades,

But if it's Justin from the island of 🏝 Jamaica 🇯🇲 —

I'm breaking those legs, in God soul mother!

Red shalava, I will not hide from you:

If you continue to wear your beret —

I will not touch you, but I will sing in my soul

And I will order to pour cement, so as not to dig.

And summer will come , you will come back,

Well, I'll take such a woman for myself,

That then you,, will bend with envy,

Tell me, "I'm sorry!" and I don't want to spit 😆

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