A parasitic organism dubbed "The Thing" has been found in COVID vaccines.

Dr. Frank Zalewski: "That's why egg-feeding graphene is added to vaccines."

"Something like this will develop within you."

Many people may already be aware of the strange "hydra" like the parasite that has been found in COVID vaccines by Dr. Carrie Madei and several other researchers/scientists – Carrie Madei has been an ardent supporter of vaccines and has appeared in many interviews. and measures to warn the public about these dangerous injections.

Here's an interview between her and Sty Peters detailing what she and her team found while examining the contents of the vials:

Dr. Carrie Madej: First U.S. Lab Examines "Vaccine" Vials, HORRIFIC Findings Revealed

A parasite has been found in the COVID vaccine that may have been identified as the "common hydra." Peak is credited to Shaw Stu Peters and Dr. Carrie Madege.

In addition to the video above, another doctor found a similar but slightly different organism in the vaccines.

Dr. Frank Zalewski claims to have discovered an aluminum/carbon-based life form in COVID vaccines. He also asks a few questions as to why they are only found in some vaccines. According to him, some vaccines can only be found in saline.

The doctor argues that a widespread legal parasite vaccine will cause too many harmful side effects at the same time – thus it will cause serious concern to the public, and so tptsb has mixed its research/experimental vaccine with parasites with saline solutions in order to protect some from the harmful effects of these side effects and deaths, but only to re-introduce it later with 2 injections and permanent boosters. Injection.

Seeing all the moral falls of the organizers of this criminal act of thousands of manipulations, gaslighting, coercion to vaccination, when it is NOT REQUIRED, then alternative conversations justified "for health" are becoming less and less convincing. 

But another hypothesis put forward by Frank Zalewski is that these parasitic creatures may not appear until suitable conditions for life are created. Namely, mixed into a host together with graphene. A video in which Dr. Zalewski discusses what he found in the vaccines can be found below with a transcript based on the English subtitles provided. Initially, the lecture was in Polish. Many thanks to the person who translated and provided the English subtitles.

Source: bitchute | LaNena | Aluminum-based life forms found under microscope in vaccines - Dr. Frank Zalewski

Some decorations were added for the accent.

All quotes from Dr. Frank Zalewski:

The first sample summary: "And here we see a hole (because graphite tape was used as the surface). I noticed a lot of crystals, but some are so "aggressive" that even the graphite melted somewhat. And I thought I had found something. Of course, I did the tests and it turned out to be salt; this liquid turned out to be a saline solution. Nothing else inside.

So, I continued... So, in the first sample, nothing was found, everything dried up, and even the salt was no longer noticeable... therefore, the composition of the liquid changes."

Second sample summary: "In the second sample I found a lot of crystals. And here we see the results: they are made up of sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl). This is what we call regular table salt. Thus, the liquid contains only saline. But I was looking for something else and, as always, I found something. And I found this:

Here's what I found: "The Thing."

@ 1:12 (photo courtesy of Dr. Frank Zalewski)

Where is my marker? We need to write "it's something" in big bold letters.

I continued my studies, conducted tests. What's it? He seems to have a head and three legs. I did head tests (1) and (2), (3), (4), and here are the results: it's aluminum and carbon... sorry, I got my tool."

[Dr. Frank Zalewski writes on the presentation board]: "THE THING"

"The faint of heart can leave the room.

No, no kidding.

Results of the following tests: aluminum, bromine and carbon. This means that "something" has legs of different colors. Here are the results of testing this "thing". [holds the demonstration object] It's 1/10th of the piece. If the head here is 2mm, then the legs/ribbons are 25m. The head is 2mm, the ribbons are 25m. Like this."

@ 3:00 (photo courtesy of Dr. Frank Zalewski)

"And I'm like, 'What's this creature?' Is it something like this creature with claws that kills people? Or something shown in The Matrix that flies, has tentacles, and attaches to other things?


'This thing' is here."

@ 3:50 (photo courtesy of Dr. Frank Zalewski)

"Here it is in your photo. COVID-19 vaccinations.

Welcome, friends. This is the "Thing" that I tested on these samples.

Yes? Shocked?

"This thing" is given to people in vaccines, but in eggs. I was looking for her eggs. And they have to have the right environment. If you test the injection on bare utensils, nothing happens and the eggs cannot be detected. Perhaps they were not inside the injection because some of them are pure saline solutions.

But if you test on graphite tape... That's why graphene, which nourishes eggs, has been added to vaccines.

And dear vaccinated ladies and gentlemen, you can now faint ... Something like this will develop within you.

And the head will have 20 microns [μ] and a length of 2.5 mm (tentacles).

It's a life form.

And now you have to ask yourself... Too little? Coincidence... Frank just understood?... Even a blind squirrel sometimes finds an acorn...

I marked the bottles as numbers 1, 2, and 3. Only in the third there was "that thing" inside. And grew/developed for 4 days. It is then placed in a spray chamber. There is a high temperature, so graphite is sprayed, so the electric arc burns.

Other! If he was only one... and here we can see another... We can see how the head and legs come out of it. Scale 30 μm [ μ ].

@ 6:30 am and 6:35 am (photo courtesy of Dr. Frank Zalewski)

The "thing" has found fertile ground. And here we have "that thing", it smiles at us. Here's the head, and here are the tentacles. Here's another and multi-colored tentacles. And it's made of aluminum and carbon. Do we know aluminum-based life forms?

We're doing it now. Most people already have it inside the body. The majority who accepted it voluntarily...

I'm so glad we're here and that I was able to give you "this thing."

Again, the "thing" inside another sample. Is it a plant? Dust? A "creature" given to humans in eggs in a fertile/suitable environment. Somewhere nearby, there may have been some signal that made this creature begin to live. Just as pine cone seeds won't grow unless they're in a suitable environment on fertile soil, the same "thing" doesn't seem to move. It can be in a sleeping/sleeping state.

Who wants to have "it" inside of you?

Many of you have already chosen and received... Welcome. Hopefully it won't be activated.

Let's continue the following tests and points. Here we have life forms based on aluminum. Do we know aluminum-based life forms? I ask the smartest people in this world. Let them present... but not in secret.

This is the end of the tentacle/leg. By design, it is not serrated. It's built that way. It ends with a paw... And it's made of aluminum. 100% aluminum. Now there are aluminum-based beings within us. [Dr. Zalewski later corrects himself by claiming that the end of the tentacle is based on carbon, not aluminum-based].

Here we have 10 microns and this is a leg. The leg length of this creature is about 2.5 mm.

It's just life... but different. Would it be benevolent?

Maybe we should hang a poster somewhere here... That everyone voluntarily surrender to euthanasia?

The criminals of this world ... you can hear well...

These are the test results: it is made of carbon. Sorry, I meant carbon, not aluminum, but the end is only made of carbon. I made a mistake.

It is a brand that produces this "healing potion" for our happiness and well-being. [shows Pfizer vaccine slide]. It's from this brand.

And now it is worth asking why someone is given an injection only with a saline solution, and someone else - eggs.

But it's not for me to find out. I seek the truth, but not of this world. We must understand that this world is almost already lost.

Take a look at the statistics. How many people have already accepted it.

Yes, we do have a lot of bacteria and viruses that we need to fight. And we continue to live. But no one gave them to us artificially. Now most have done it voluntarily.

Do you want that being inside of you? It has beautiful colors, you can take care of it... But it's not designed to just sit around and do nothing. He also wants to live and reproduce... you have to realize that.

And it's not a hedgehog or a seanut."

@ 12:38 (photo courtesy of Dr. Frank Zalewski)

"It's a brush for taking DNA samples. This is a small brush for smears from the mouth or on the other hand, as in China.

Why is the tampon brush arranged the way it is? Each end is melted/sealed. Not cut off, melted. I analyzed the ends as well as the side walls. Here is the side wall, but the molten end. The tampon brush contains titanium, aluminum and coal.

You have to understand that it's about collecting DNA. I was at the airport... and as I walked by, it was officially written, "Central DNA Database." And they take samples there.

The purpose of the smear is to collect DNA. Why do they need our DNA? I invite you to find out. Just kidding, we won't have a break now.

But who cares? For those interested, I'm happy you're here today. The room is full, but ... A million of you should have been here today.

But maybe there is? Behind the screen will be a million of you who will learn about all this."


About me: "My name is Frank Zalewski, by profession I am a geologist, mineralogist, but also an archaeologist, cosmologist, Egyptologist, passionate about mathematics, and by vocation I am a discoverer of truth in Poland and in the world." - Frank Zalewski

A HUGE thank you to Dr. Frank Zalewski and many other doctors/researchers who are studying these vaccines and presenting their findings. The narrative that "COVID vaccines" are for our benefit is crumbling every day. We really appreciate your help and dedication in uncovering this.

And, as Dr. Zalewski asks, "Why do they need our DNA?" Well, some answers can be found in the Human Genome Project, which works closely with the National Institutes of Health. And I can't make that clear when I say it's NOT FOR OUR HEALTH.

Still don't think something nefarious is happening? After all, anyone who wants to participate in such terrible (and evil) projects as the creation of hybrids of man and animals or experimentation with aborted embryos has already crossed the moral and ethical boundaries of mankind and does not show decency regarding the health of an ordinary person.


Dr. Anthony Fauci Tied to Scandal Involving Human-Animal Hybrid Experiments with Aborted Fetal Parts

Parasitic Organism Dubbed “The Thing” Found in COVID Vaccines | Dr. Franc Zalewski: “That’s Why There’s Graphene Added Inside the Vaccines, Which Nourishes the Egg”

The Mustang flies on all pairs without being tired.

Filled to the eyeball tank, with a canister of oil.

Tasol boils, piston burns and rubber smells,

We will not leave chances to anyone, in Havana 🇨🇺 🏝 arrive on time. 

Agenda 21 plan is when you have nothing and you have to become absolutely Happy. They didn't come up with anything New. Part was taken from the Communists, part from the Nazis and now offer us to take it to the house of 🏡 and live in this Pigsty Orwell this. 

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"

George Orwell, Animal Farm

Orwell's allegorical novel predicted that pigs would eventually rule the world. And the pigs now really rule the World. Although, there are places in the world where not all of their decisions are 100% and even 50% do not pass as they would like. 

"The true equation is 'democracy'= the government of the world's financiers"

J. J. R. R. Tolkien

"Welcome to Orwell's Brave New World!

Orwell's words (1984) became a prophecy. Huxley (Brave New World) was Orwell's schoolteacher at Eton College. They both attended elite symposia in the 1920s and '30s, where all of this that we see today, yes, with a changed vector of implementation by virtue of the present tense. In the time in which they lived, it was discussed somewhat differently, but with all the seriousness discussed. Something similar to earlier versions of the Bilderberger meetings. The accuracy of their books was not accidental. 

They really knew the general plans and what awaited the World in the future. Huxley emphasized more socialist elements, and Orwell emphasized the fascist elements. They were both right, because both aspects are always part of the plan - to portray helping the people, pretending to care for them in every possible way and at the same time kill. Rulers have always intended to use both approaches as part of the structure of total CONTROL.

Observing their personal lives and past, Orwell tried to warn us. Huxley was more blue immersed in the system, he is from the British elite. He seems to have agreed essentially with what the Rulers were planning, and along with his brother Julian did help them.

Have the current conspirators used their books as textbooks? It is difficult to say yet there is no testimony of the authors of the conspiracy, most likely yes used, even there is small evidence in the form of orwell's book in the hand of some well-known and close to the bodies of the first persons involved. One warned for the world, the other warned and implemented beliefs and teachings according to which people/plebs should voluntarily consciously accept evil. Evil imposed by deception or force will not last. 

Orwell in his care tried to warn, Huxley tried to execute the plan, veiling the message. 

Everything was done as according to the Scriptures - "having eyes, let him see" and so on, as well as "you will hear by ear - and you will not understand, and you will not look with your eyes - and you will not see, for the heart of these people has become coarse and they can hardly hear with their ears, and their eyes have closed, let them not see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and do not understand with their hearts ..." 

"Armaments, universal duty and planned obsolescence are the three pillars of Western prosperity. If war, profligacy and moneylenders were abolished, you would collapse."

Aldous Huxley

A deep, comprehensive quote, it clears almost everything, if you know who Huxley was. Connect the dots and you will see the day. today 

✅ weapons are;

✅ universal debt is;

✅ planned moral and physical obsolescence, and in the process corruption and pederasty, other perversions and deviations gradually through the Windows of Overton entered and enter the norm with the first two aspects. 

Humanity is dealing with a global system of nation-states that is de facto privately owned. The 256 different franchised armed states are owned and controlled by individuals, entities endowed with enormous resources and power, perverted by years of lawlessness to the last point. The world has frozen on the brink of the abyss and in this mode of the last two years it has a very short time to exist peacefully.

The neckline for the population of nation-states always has two ends. There is a fairly high probability that we will pull this global kahal. The ice broke and the plan began to tow all the driving wheels of this multi-stage drive transmission. The plan moves with a very big creak like a cart of the 13th century, although astronomical finances are invested in the implementation of the project. We move on to our Word of Truth agenda and stop all this red-brown shit.


We must no longer wait for tomorrow; it has to be invented.”

              Gaston Berger

“Everything has two purposes. One is the ostensible purpose which will make it acceptable to people; and second, is the real purpose which would further the goals of establishing the new system and having it.”

The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates.

This event is scheduled for the date of 2030, on the prototype of a single identity card, for a single world PASSPORT.

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