Agenda 21 plan is when you have nothing to do and you have to become absolutely Happy. They didn't come up with anything New. Part was taken from the Communists, some from the Nazis and now offer us to take it to the house of 🏡 and live with it. 

Agenda 21 plan is when you have nothing to do and you have to become absolutely Happy. They didn't come up with anything New. Part was taken from the Communists, some from the Nazis and now offer us to take it to the house of 🏡 and live with it. 

Predictive Agenda. This Agenda is composed of a single convoy with the teachings of neo-Marx Schwab in the fourth industrial many points, for example, 'Life will never be the same', adds up to Event 201, this Agenda adds up with all the other nonsense of narrow-eyed CNN communists, everything adds up to one coherent series of state crimes mega red level. That's all we've been listening to for almost 2 years. All of this American Chinese, Russian is subject to immediate arrest and thorough professional investigation within national and international jurisdictions while conducting comprehensive investigative measures. You know, Ladies and Gentlemen, before this has never and no one in the world thought of it : - internal coup d'état, internal attack and internal sabotage against their own population of national administrations led by the White House administration. Of course, this will go down in history for centuries.

CNN: If you were hoping that grocery stores this fall and winter would look like Before The Times, with a limitless selection of snacks, drinks, candy, and frozen foods, then get ready for disappointing news.

- "Before the times" is a dystopian language chosen for a reason. They lay the narrative foundation to prepare you and the world for scarcity, scarcity, and incompetence. This is not an accident.

- In addition to the lack of food, CNN, calling normal life "old times", has that dystopian feeling that makes you wonder what else will be combed under the mat "before the time" and what else will be bought for this price.

-An interesting way to say that we will have a shortage of food "in Joe Biden's America." - This is how users reacted to the CNN news about "Before the Time". 

In the future, "Before the Times" or "Old Times" will be known to our descendants, Friends, if we still manage to preserve life on Earth, which is doubtful, as the period of human history before digital money replaced physical, fiat money.

Their god is money and covid. They worship at his altar. They are well-wishers of masks, well-wishers of pokes and injections. Their ultimate spiritual achievement would be, if they were their will, the satisfaction of each of their erotic fantasies and perversions. 

Hopefully it's clearer now why DeepState, Clinton and Co. tried so hard to break supply chains that could be a "worst-case scenario for global trade." 

"... And I looked, and behold, the horse is pale, and on it is the rider whose name is "death"; and hell followed him; and he was given power over a quarter of the earth - to kill with sword and starvation, and pestilence and beasts of the earth..."

   "You should have smoked Hunter's pipe"

American journalist, host of the television station KSAZ-TV in Phoenix, Arizona, Kari Lake: 

"It can't be that Joe Biden wins with 81 million votes. You had to smoke Hunter Biden's pipe to think so."

You'll finish smoking bamboo in the cell.

The first significant victory in Europe: France against the mandatory covid vaccine. 

The Covid vaccine will not be on the list of mandatory vaccinations. in France. The senators did not pass the bill introduced by the Socialists on October 13, their group with their vaccine fanaticism found themselves alone, and the People made their choice. 

The Senate did not pass a law "making it mandatory to vaccinate against SARS-CoV-2." The text, submitted by members of the Socialist group at the end of August, was rejected on October 13 in a public meeting by 262 votes to 64. Thus, this parliamentary initiative will not be further developed.

Only the socialist group that stood at the origins of the text voted "for" and three more people from the outside. 

"It seems more reasonable to align vaccination against this Sars-CoV2 virus with a flu vaccination model that is not mandatory but is strongly recommended for vulnerable people," the secretary of state for children and families said.

False Landemia Covid has partially fulfilled its way but completely overwhelmed the main task of enslavement, now the criminal elite is moving on to a larger scam.

Now they need a new permanent source of pumping out national budgets and financing false expensive programs and a new crisis wrapped in virtuous, they need a noble facade from warming. 

. This is where the crusade against climate change begins.

Only this time, the world's most expensive plan to rob what little remains of the middle class, under the guise of a noble crusade to defeat global warming, is a crusade that will require more than $500 billion in annual monetization of central bank debt each year, leading to hyperinflation and risky assets, as a consequence the economy will begin to burst at the seams like old jeans 👖 Montana as a whole. Of course, the economy is the law of communicating vessels and the whole body of the economy will begin to crack at the seams in convulsions.

          Behind the Green Mask

Author Rosa Koire is the executive director of the Institute for Sustainable Development after. She is also a forensic commercial real estate appraiser specializing in valuing outstanding domains. Her nearly 30 years of experience analyzing land use and property values has allowed her to recognize the planning revolution sweeping the country. Struggling to stop a huge reconstruction project in her city, she explored the corporate, political and financial interests behind it, and she reached the UN Agenda for the Twenty-first Century. Touching on every aspect of our lives, the UN Agenda for the Twenty-first Century/Sustainable Development is a communist corporate manipulation using the Green Mask of Environmental Concern to promote the Nazi corporate enslaving plan of freaks.

☠️🇺🇸 Secret U.S. Government Experiments on Its Citizens

🏴 ☠️ Rak: The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research infected people with cancer cells. Dr. Cornelius Rhodes established U.S. Army biological weapons facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama and began a series of experiments to irradiate patients in public and civilian hospitals.

🏴 ☠️ (1932) Syphilis: In a study of syphilis in Tuskegee, two hundred blacks with syphilis were never told about their illness and were used as guinea pigs to better understand the symptoms. No one received any treatment, and only seventy-four people survived.

🏴 ☠️ (1935) Dietary Deficiencies: Millions of people died of pellagra, a dietary deficiency, among the poor black population. The U.S. Public Health Service has finally taken action to combat the disease and has acknowledged that it has known the causes of pellagra for more than two decades.

🏴 ☠️ (1940) Malaria: To assess the possibilities of experimental drugs designed to combat malaria, four hundred prisoners in Chicago were infected with the disease.

🏴 ☠️ (1942) Mustard Gas: Four thousand soldiers, mostly Seventh-day Adventists who had conscientious objections, served as guinea pigs for mustard gas experiments.

🏴 ☠️ (1947) Radioactive injections: The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission began administering intravenous doses of radioactive materials to humans.

🏴 ☠️ (1947) Psychedelics: In its efforts to evaluate LSD as a potential weapon or truth serum, the CIA administered doses of a powerful hallucinogenic drug to people, civilians and military, without their knowledge or consent.

🏴 ☠️ (1950) Radiation: As nuclear weapons were still in their infancy, the Department of Defense detonated nuclear devices in desert areas and then monitored unsuspecting civilians in cities downwind from explosions for medical problems and mortality.

🏴 ☠️ (1950) Bacteriological Warfare: The U.S. Navy sprayed a cloud of bacteria over San Francisco to test how a big city would respond to more deadly biological attacks. Many residents have contracted symptoms similar to pneumonia.

🏴 ☠️ (1955) Biological Agents: In an experiment to test its ability to infect human populations with biological agents, the CIA released bacteria in the Tampa area of Florida.

🏴 ☠️ (1956) Yellow Fever: Mosquitoes infected with yellow fever were released over Savannah, Georgia, and Avon Park, Florida. U.S. Army disease specialists, posing as public health officials, tested residents of the area for exposure.

🏴 ☠️ (1965) Dioxin: Inmates at Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia were injected with dioxin, a toxic chemical component of Agent Orange used in Vietnam.

🏴 ☠️ (1966) Bacteriological Warfare: More than a million civilians were exposed to microbial warfare as U.S. Army scientists moved bulbs filled with bacteria on ventilation grilles throughout the New York City subway system.

🏴 ☠️ (1977) Pollution: Senate hearings revealed that between 1949 and 1969, 239 densely populated areas, including San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City, Florida, Minneapolis, and St. Louis, were contaminated with biological agents.

🏴 ☠️ (1978) Hepatitis B: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention specifically targeted gay men with promiscuous sex when they tested an experimental hepatitis B vaccine in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Three years later, the first cases of AIDS in homosexuals were confirmed in the same cities.

🏴 ☠️ (1990) Measles: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention vaccinated more than 1500 six-month-old blacks in Los Angeles against measles. Later, the center admitted that the vaccine was experimental.

🏴 ☠️ (1995) Biological Agents: Evidence emerged that biological agents used during the Gulf War were manufactured in Houston, Texas, and Boca Raton, Florida, and tested on inmates at the Texas Department of Corrections.

🏴‍☠️ (2015-2017) Inventors: Rothschild, Richard A. (London, GB) Macklin, Dan (Stafford, GB) ... ROTHSCHILDS PATENTED COVID-19 BIOMETRIC TESTS IN 2015. AND 2017. " Pingback: ... 2015 and later requested changes to the patent in 2016, 2017, twice in 2019 and eventually also on May 17, 2020 to include COVID19. ...

🏴‍☠️ (2017-2019) The screenshots show web pages entitled "COVID-19 Test kits (382200) imports by country in 2017" or "COVID-19 Test kits (300215) exports by country in 2018" with a detailed list broken ...

🏴‍☠️ (2020-2021) The Covid-19 hoax is rapidly unravelling – CDC documents admit they have never isolated the virus

It seems to us very soon that questions may arise and it will be extremely difficult to answer convincingly. 

The obverse of Covid-19 has been revealed — CDC documents admit that they have never isolated the virus and are de facto manipulating biological weapons.

Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen .


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