WEF: Private property and privacy will disappear by 2030

WEF: Private property and privacy will disappear by 2030

The only economic system in the world that calls for the abolition of private property is the Technocracy, where resources will be stored in a global common fund run by technocratic scientists and engineers. The great reset of the WEF is the complete destruction of the status quo of the world, it is a violation of all balances achieved through the evolution of centuries. 

The WEF World Forum was founded only fifty years ago. 

Over the decades, it has evolved into a forum for fascists and has become their leading platform for futuristic thinking and planning. The main focus of terrorists is global control and it does not matter by what means - control.

Free markets and individual choice are not the highest values, but are state interventionism and collectivism. According to the terrorist scenarios of the forum, individual freedom and private property will disappear from the planet by 2030.

Eight Predictions

Individual liberty is again under threat. What may be ahead was predicted in November 2016, when the WEF published "8 Forecasts for Peace in 2030. " According to the WEF scenario, from now on the world will become completely different, because the way people work and live will undergo profound changes. The scenario for the development of the world in 2030 is more than just a forecast. It's a plan that has accelerated dramatically since the pandemic was declared and blocked after it was announced.

In line with the WEF Global Future Council Forecasts, private property and privacy will be abolished over the next decade. The coming expropriation will go further than even the communist demand to abolish ownership of manufactured goods but leave room for private property. According to the FORECAST OF THE WEF, consumer goods will also cease to be private property.

If the WEF forecast comes true, people will have to rent and borrow from the state, which will be the sole owner of all goods. The supply of goods will be rationed in accordance with the system of social credit points. Shopping in the traditional sense will disappear along with private purchases of goods. Every personal step will be tracked electronically and all production will meet the requirements of clean energy and a sustainable environment.

To achieve "sustainable agriculture," food will be mostly vegetarian. In the new totalitarian service economy, the government will provide basic housing, food and transport, and the rest must be lent to the state. The use of natural resources will be minimized. In collaboration with several key countries, the global agency would set the price of CO2 emissions at a very high level to curb its use.

In promotional videos, the forum summarizes eight predictions in the following statements:

People won't own anything. The goods are either free or must be leased from the state.

The United States will no longer be the leading superpower, but a handful of countries will dominate.

Organs are not transplanted, but printed.

Meat consumption will be minimized.

There will be a massive movement of people with billions of refugees.

To limit carbon dioxide emissions, the world price will be set at an excessively high level.

Humans can prepare for a flight to Mars and embark on a journey to find alien life.

Western values will be tested to the limit.

In addition to privacy and property

In a publication for the forum, Danish eco-activist Ida Auken, who served as her country's environment minister from 2011 to 2014 and is still a member of the Danish parliament (Folketing), developed a scenario for a world without privacy and property. 

In "Welcome to 2030, "

She envisions a world in which "nothing belongs to people, there is no privacy, and life has never been better." 

By 2030, according to her script, buying and owning are outdated because everything that was once a product has now become a service.

In this idyllic new world, people have free access to transportation, housing, food, "and everything they need in everyday life." As these things become free, "it ultimately didn't make sense for us to own much." There will be no private property in the homes, and no one will pay rent "because someone else uses our free space when we don't need it." For example, a person's living room will be used for business meetings when they are away. Problems such as "lifestyle diseases, climate change, the refugee crisis, environmental degradation, completely congested cities, water pollution, air pollution, social unrest and unemployment" are a thing of the past. The communist-like author predicts that people will be happy to enjoy a good life that is much better "than the path we took when it became so clear that we could not continue the same model of growth."

This is the delusional idea of the Communists, there is nothing New here. The end is also known. 

Robbery or how did the Bolsheviks treat property?

           Pages of history. 

August 20, 1918. The Bolsheviks abolish private ownership of real estate 🏡 

On August 20, 1918, private ownership of real estate was abolished in Soviet Russia. After the entry into force of this decree, private ownership of real estate was absent in the country for more than 70 years.

The decree belonged to the category of the so-called first decrees of Soviet power - laws designed to abolish all the norms and principles of the existing civilization. The Bolsheviks initially did not touch upon the housing issue (with the exception of the ban on real estate transactions in December 1917). They reached him quite late, on the eve of the announcement of the Red Terror. 

Summary of the decree:

Article 1. The right of private ownership of all plots without exception, both built-up and not built-up, both owned by individuals and industrial enterprises, and departments and institutions located within all urban settlements, is canceled.

Article 2. In urban settlements with more than 10,000 inhabitants, the right of private ownership of all buildings that, together with the land under them, have a value or profitability above the limit established by local authorities, is abolished.

Article 5. All urban lands and buildings, which, in the course of this decree, are taken from private property, shall be placed at the disposal of local authorities.

Now about the essence of the decree. 

In all large and medium-sized cities, private ownership of any real estate was completely abolished. It does not matter whether it was industrial buildings or residential. Also did not matter and the financial level of owning property. In the presence of the right of ownership, real estate was equally seized from both the "bourgeois" and the workers.

In the smallest settlements with a population of up to 10 thousand inhabitants, the right of ownership could formally be preserved. But with mocking wording - if its cost does not exceed the limit set by local authorities. Local authorities in such towns were also given the right, at their discretion, to disseminate all the rules on the abolition of property provided for large cities.

Inheritance of real estate was also canceled. An exception was made only for those cases when it was a single residential premises and its cost did not exceed 10 thousand rubles. In this case, it was not inherited, but passed into the "temporary use" of children and relatives.

Compensation for robbery was not provided ("say thank you for leaving alive"), but in some cases, if the property was seized from a disabled person who could not work, it was allowed to pay a symbolic one-time compensation by decision of local authorities.

Suburban areas by the action of this decree were not initially affected. But later they were requisitioned to the communal dacha fund. In cases where the cottage was seedy and there was no more than one building on the land, the dacha could be left to the owner.

Since the abolition of private property, the housing issue has appeared (which the Bolsheviks have not fully solved), especially in large cities. Previously, the real estate market was simple and clear. Those who lived in the cities either had their own houses or lived in apartment buildings, paying rent. But now all the previous mechanisms did not work. Housing had to be knocked out, defend endless queues, give bribes.

Unlimited power within the house received house committees of the poor (just like in the village, only instead of grain took away real estate), which disposed of all the housing stock in the houses and at will could expel any tenant and instill the one they liked.

Of course, first of all, the members of these committees designed the best area for themselves, expelling the former tenants. All these questions gave rise to permanent scandals, swearing, conflicts.

This is what Bulgakov meant, writing that muscovites were spoiled by the housing issue. New housing was not built, and the old was a lot of people, and everyone beat himself in the chest, proving that he is a hegemon, wounded on the Kolchak fronts.

In addition, the domkombeda was also entrusted with the duty of watching the "bourgeois" and oppressing them so that life did not seem like honey. They also had to manage the house, which they did the worst. By the end of the Civil War, more than a third of the living quarters of the new and old capitals were uninhabitable.

The newspapers were full of screams of the soul from the confiscated apartments:

The house has already changed the third head, but none of them are able to cope with the case. For the second week, as the house is not heated stoves and stoves due to lack of firewood, and these days the tenants are doomed to sit hungry and cold, in unheated rooms in coats, hats and mittens; in this form and go to bed. Hence typhus and all sorts of other contagion. Water supply in malfunction, common latrines in unsanitary condition, gas barely flashes, and therefore on the stairs, in common kitchens, corridors and rooms darkness, which has repeatedly been used by thieves and robbers; roofs leak, dampness passes from floor to floor, water flows from the room walls. 

However, the house of domkombedy blamed the local real estate departments, who gave them houses in poor condition:

The house belongs to the city, and it is managed by some uncertain person, or rather does not manage, but charges money from the tenants, leaving the house economy in the care of the fate of the <... > House, as a result of the six-month owner of the so-called real estate department, came to a state of complete collapse: the water supply is spoiled, the central heating does not work, the latrines turned into cloacas, firewood - not a single log (for 350 inhabitants!) cellars flooded with water, etc. etc. This was the picture that the house committee of the poor found!

After the Civil War, the house combeds were dissolved. Their heirs were domkoms and housing and property.

Private property was absent in the USSR until its collapse. In later times, personal property arose, which was clearly separated from private property on the grounds that it could not be sold. For example, in the personal property of a citizen was a car.

But the citizen could not sell it. Only to hand over to the state through commission departments.

The same with apartments that were the personal property of citizens and could not be sold. At best, exchange was allowed in compliance with all formalities. Even a cooperative apartment purchased by a citizen for his own money, and not received from the state, was still not private property and any manipulations with it (exchange, etc.) could be carried out only after the permission of the entire cooperative.

In post-Soviet Russia, there are cases when individual citizens tried to challenge the decree of 1918 and return the land plots that belonged to their ancestors. For example, the epic of a certain Firsanov stretched from the beginning of the zero. He went through all the courts and reached the Constitutional Court.

However, each time the courts ruled not in his favor. The Constitutional Court refused to accept his complaint on the grounds that the Bolshevik decree had ceased to be in force and that the court could not examine laws for their inconsistency with the Constitution if they were now no longer in force.

Unlike most former Soviet countries, in Russia the issue of restitution has never been raised at a high level. Immediately after the collapse of the USSR, the Kremlin made it clear that there would be no restitution, they themselves were not enough. 

Nevertheless, limited church restitution took place, i.e. the church received part of the confiscated property (some temples and monasteries were returned). However, this policy was not carried out on the basis of clear legal norms, but rather of good will, as they say, from the lord's shoulder.

Only in 2010, a decree was signed regulating the transfer of confiscated property to religious organizations. Nevertheless, even in these circumstances, most of the property remained in the hands of the state. Religious organizations have so far managed to return no more than 15-20%.

 Happy future of the planet 🌏 🌍 🌎

Dystopia of the 21st century "The Great Reset": "Own nothing and be happy", being a person in 2030 

The annual meeting of the Marxist Terrorist Club (WEF) in late January in Davos, Switzerland, gathers the international mafia under the guise of business and political leaders, economists and other high-ranking officials to discuss global problems. Driven by the vision of its ideologue director Klaus, the WEF is the main conspirator and driving force behind the dystopian "Great Reset," a tectonic shift that intends to change the way we live, work and interact with each other.

The Great Reset entails a transformation of society, leading to permanent restrictions on fundamental freedoms and mass surveillance, as entire sectors are sacrificed to the monopolies and hegemony of pharmaceutical corporations, high-tech/big data giants, Amazon, Google, large global networks, digital payment sectors, biotech concerns, etc.

Using COVID-19 isolations and restrictions to push through this transformation, the Great Reset is unfolding under the guise of a "Fourth Industrial Revolution" in which old businesses must be driven into bankruptcy or absorbed by monopolies, effectively shutting down huge sectors of the pre-Covid economy. The economy is "restructuring" and many jobs will be occupied by AI-driven machines.

In a short video below, the WEF predicts that by 2030, "you won't have anything and you'll be happy." A happy smiling face is shown as a drone delivers a product to a household, no doubt ordered online and packaged by a robot in Amazon's giant warehouse: "No human has been involved in the process of producing, packaging, or delivering that product"; rest assured, it is free of viruses and bacteria, because even in 2030 they will need to keep the narrative of fear alive and well in order to maintain complete dominance over the population.

The unemployed (and there will be many) could be placed on some universal basic income and their debts written off (debt and bankruptcy on a massive scale are the deliberate result of locks and restrictions) in exchange for the transfer of their assets to the state or, more precisely, to financial institutions that help to carry out this Great Reboot. The WEF says the public will “rent out” whatever it needs: divestment under the guise of “sustainable consumption” and “saving the planet”. Of course, everything will be owned by the tiny elite that unleashed this Great Reboot.

 Hundreds of millions of people around the world who are considered “surplus beyond what is required” must be (and are currently) deprived of their livelihoods. Our every move and purchase must be monitored and our major transactions will be carried out online.

 A plan for individual citizens could reflect the strategy applied to nation states. For example, World Bank Group President David Malpass said that the poorest countries will be "helped" to get on their feet after various isolations. This "aid" will be provided on the condition that more neoliberal reforms and the destruction of social services are carried out and take root.

 On April 20, "The Wall Street Journal" published the headline "IMF and World Bank Face a Flood of Requests for Help from Developing Countries." Dozens of countries are asking for financial assistance and loans from financial institutions up to $ 1.2 trillion. The perfect recipe to fuel addiction.

 In exchange for debt relief or "support", global conglomerates, along with the likes of Bill Gates, can continue to dictate national policies and destroy the remnants of nation-state sovereignty.

 Identity and meaning

 What will happen to our social and personal identity? Should it be eradicated in an effort to commodify and standardize human behavior and everything we do?

 The class of billionaires who are pushing this agenda think they can own nature and all people and can control both, whether through atmospheric geoengineering, for example, by genetically modifying soil microbes, or by working better than nature itself by producing biosynthesized counterfeit food in laboratories.

 They think they can complete history and reinvent the wheel by changing what it means to be human. And they think they can achieve that by 2030. It is a cold dystopian vision that wants to destroy millennia-old culture, traditions and practices literally overnight.

 And many of these cultures, traditions and practices have to do with food and how we produce it, as well as our deeply rooted connections with nature. Consider the fact that many of the ancient rituals and celebrations of our ancestors were built around stories and myths that helped them come to terms with some of the most basic questions of existence, from death to rebirth and fertility. These deeply rooted beliefs and practices served to sanctify their real relationship with nature and its role in sustaining human life.

 Since agriculture has become the key to human survival, planting and harvesting crops and other seasonal activities related to food production have been central to these customs. Freyfaxi (First Harvest Festival) marks the beginning of the harvest in Scandinavian paganism, for example, while Lammas or Lugnasad is the celebration of the first harvest / grain harvest in other pagan traditions.

 People glorified nature and the life that she gave birth to. Ancient beliefs and rituals were filled with hope and rebirth, and people had a necessary and direct relationship with the sun, seeds, animals, wind, fire, soil and rain, as well as the changing seasons that nourished and brought life. Our cultural and social relationship with agricultural production and its associated deities had a solid practical foundation.

 Professor Robert W. Nichols explains that the cults of Woden and Thor were superimposed on much more ancient and ingrained beliefs related to the sun and earth, crops and animals, the changing seasons between the light and warmth of summer and the cold and dark of winter.

 We do not need to look beyond India to appreciate the important relationship between culture, agriculture and ecology, far from the last in the vital importance of monsoons and seasonal planting and harvesting. Rural beliefs and rituals imbued with nature persist even among urban Hindus. They are linked to traditional knowledge systems, where livelihoods, seasons, food, cooking, processing, seed exchange, health care and knowledge transfer are all interconnected and constitute the essence of cultural diversity in India itself.

 Although the industrial era has weakened the link between food and the natural environment as people moved to cities, traditional “food cultures” - the practices, attitudes and beliefs associated with the production, distribution and consumption of food - still thrive and underline our constant connection with agriculture and nature.

 Imperialism "God's hand"

 If we go back to the 1950s, it is interesting to note the corporate narrative of Union Carbide, based on a series of images that portrayed the company as the “Hand of God” descending from the sky to “solve” some of the problems facing humanity. One of the most famous images is a hand pouring the company's agrochemicals onto Indian soils, as if traditional farming methods were somehow "backward".

 Despite widely publicized claims to the contrary, this chemical approach has not led to an increase in food production, according to Professor Glenn Stone's New Stories of the Green Revolution article. However, it has had long-term devastating environmental, social and economic consequences (see Vandana Shiva's book The Violence of the Green Revolution and the now famous and highly insightful open letter to Indian officials from Bhaskar Seiwa).

 In Food and Cultural Studies (Bob Ashley et al.), We see a Coca-Cola TV ad campaign several years ago selling its product to an audience that associated modernity with a sweet drink and portrayed ancient Aboriginal beliefs as harmful, ignorant, and outdated. Coca-Cola, not rain, began to give life to those in need. This type of ideology is part of a broader strategy of discrediting traditional cultures and portraying them as imperfect and in need of help from "godlike" corporations.

 What we are seeing in 2020 is the acceleration of such processes. In terms of food and agriculture, traditional agriculture in places like India will be under increasing pressure from big tech giants and agribusiness to open up access to lab-grown food, GMOs, genetically modified soil microbes, data collection tools and unmanned aerial vehicles and other “destructive” technologies.

 The Great Reboot includes farms without farmers, equipped with driverless cars, controlled by drones and doused with chemicals to produce cash crops from patented GM seeds for industrial "biomatter" that will be processed and turned into something like food. What will happen to the farmers?

 In the aftermath of COVID, the World Bank is talking about helping countries get back on track in exchange for structural reforms. Can tens of millions of smallholder farmers be lured out of their land in exchange for individual debt relief and universal basic income? The displacement of these farmers and the subsequent destruction of rural communities and their cultures was what the Gates Foundation once called for and cynically called "land mobility."

 Euphemisms aside, and it becomes clear that Bill Gates - and the other incredibly wealthy people behind the Great Reset - is an old-fashioned colonialist who supports imperialism's time-honored strategies of mining, appropriating and commercializing farming knowledge, accelerating the transfer of research, and seed corporations or the promotion of intellectual property piracy and seed monopolies created through IP (intellectual property) laws and seed regulations.

 In places like India - still an agrarian society - will the land of these already (pre-COVID) heavily indebted farmers then be turned over to tech giants, financial institutions and global agribusiness to produce their high-tech, data-driven GM industrial slag? Is this part of “Own nothing, be happy” in the sweet brave new world promoted by WEF?

 When the link between food production, nature, and culturally rooted beliefs that give meaning and expression to life is completely severed, we are left with a laboratory food dependent, government-driven, and deprived of productive fulfillment and genuine fulfillment.

 Technocratic interventions have already destroyed or undermined cultural diversity, meaningful social ties and agrarian ecosystems that rely on centuries of traditional knowledge and are increasingly recognized as viable approaches to food security (for example, see “Food Security and Traditional Knowledge in India” in the Journal South Asian Studies). The massive technocratic transformation currently underway sees humans as commodities to be monitored and tracked in the same way lifeless technology drones and AI are advancing.

 But don't worry - you will be propertyless and happy in your open prison of mass unemployment, government dependency, tracking and microchip health passports, lack of cash, mass vaccinations and dehumanization.

The totalitarianism of utopia and the communism that grew out of it were speculative constructions contrary to human nature - those human qualities that are so juicy and deeply analyzed in the brilliant works of Theophrastus ("On the Properties of Human Mores", III-IV centuries BC), Jean de Labruyère ("Characters", XVII century) and André Maurois ("Labruyère. Characters", twentieth time). 

Many outstanding thinkers rang all the bells about the unnaturalness of communism - Søren Kirkegaard, Joseph de Maistre, Alexis de Tocqueville, Edmund Burke, Gabriel Tard, Jacob Burkhardt, Gustav Lebon, Friedrich Nietzsche José Ortega y Gassett, Karel Čapek, Scipio Siegel, Karl Jaspers, Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, Oswald Spengler, Arthur Koestler, Wilfredo Pareto, Gabriel Marcel, Erich Fromm, and in Russia - Vekhovtsy, passengers of "philosophical steamers" , figures of the Silver Age, Evgeny Zamyatin, Dmitry Merezhkovsky, Andrey Platonov, Vladimir Voinovich... 

In "The Revolt of the Masses," José Ortega y Gassett wrote that "the man of the masses, realizing that he is mediocre, will everywhere assert and impose his right to mediocrity on everyone, joining the benefits of civilization very quickly, trampling on nature and culture." And Grigory Pomeranz will say that among peoples who have late embarked on the path of progress and hurried to catch up and overtake, the growth of rudeness will become especially formidable, questioning the very existence of European civilization.

In the Wall Street Journal, titled "How I Learned to Love the New World Order," Biden, then a senator from Delaware, explained his plans to cede America's sovereignty to the United Nations and create a one-world government by "breathing life into the UN Charter."


"They also understand that many security threats — the proliferation of high-tech weapons, environmental degradation, overpopulation, drug trafficking, migration — require global solutions."

The new failed Ulyanov is Lenin. Who and what object made this Pinocchio? 

The second final part of this communist paradise 


Alessandra Ambrosio in the morning does exercises, warms up in general.

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