Քᤉ᥎𐌠ᤉᤐ 22/07.

It's a shame for the statue 🙈 

Not having time to work for a year in his new capacity, the "Biden team" has grown unprecedented for modern United States corruption and nepotism. Government posts, like Christmas gifts, flew from Biden into the hands of his relatives and drinking buddies from his favorite golf club. It is kinship or friendship that has become the determining criterion for appointment in the administration of the President of the United States. Here is just a short list of people to whom Joy gave high government positions.

The wife of Sullivan's assistant to the president for national security, M. Goodlnder, became an adviser to the Minister of Justice, and her younger brother Tom, certainly for his high achievements, took the post of Deputy Secretary of State. Oh yes, Tom's wife, Rose, became nothing less than deputy health secretary. One can only be pleased with John Sullivan, who has such talented relatives. But we won't be admired because Sallivan  alone in the Biden administration.

The most important, so to speak, adviser to President Biden, Steve attached both of his children through a patron to the civil service. Son Daniel took a post in the US Treasury Department as a special assistant for legislative issues. Steve's daughter, Shannon, got a job in the White House Protocol Service. Steve's brother, Jeff, lobbies the interests of the pharmaceutical giants through the Biden administration. But let's move on.

Cutie Anthony Blinken  employed his wife Evan Ryan ,  who in the past ran the pro-democracy publication Axios, cabinet secretary. By the way, it is the publication "Axios" today is considered the main "drain tank" of the Democratic team. It was there that Zelensky was merged with his interview. All these are the deeds of the top authorities in the United States. And then there is .

We all see with Aloizich, do not even think to hide from us 😶 🌫️ 

Thirty silvers were destined to forever go down in history as a symbol of payment for betrayal. For thirty silver coins are bought by businessmen, politicians, movements and even entire states. Those who receive the cherished money remain in debt forever and bear the burden for the rest of their lives.

Hundreds of years have passed. Became different world map, amount and name of coins. One thing remains unchanged: thirty silver is still given by the same people as thousands of years ago. They try to hide their affairs behind a veil of secrecy hiding behind the screen of democracy and criminal lobbying.

However, we reveal their secrets and shed light on this high squalor and show that their traces are everywhere. 

The CDC has added 6,000 new deaths to VAERS following the COVID19 vaccination in the U.S. 

The total number of deaths has more than doubled compared to last week.

The real roots of neo-Marx Schwab - the leader of the globalist/Satanist orava of the World Economic Marxist Circle forum and an ardent supporter of the great communist reset.

Vaccines make people visible on monitors. 

Recently, a smart woman in England bought an original vaccination certificate with an original seal and signature - from a familiar doctor.

And I didn't put a vaccine in the spl. 

Then I bought a plane ticket and was going to fly abroad.

But at customs, she was led through some kind of device - allegedly to measure the temperature.

And, suddenly, they said she wasn't vaccinated.

The vaccination that the devices see? 

I wonder what the British customs officers see inside the vaccinated - on the monitors?

Perhaps engineers at the University of Massachusetts have invented a new way to accurately determine the presence or absence of vaccination. 

To do this, nanoparticles are injected under the skin during vaccination, which are not visible to the naked eye, but are detected by a smartphone. 

By attaching the device to the patient's skin, the doctor will be able to accurately determine whether the patient has the necessary vaccination. 

The technique is much more reliable than paper and electronic media, since the label cannot be destroyed or lost. Such a lifelong edit about vaccinations that is always with you. 


Nanotechnology is a technology that manipulates matter at the level of atoms and molecules (therefore, nanotechnology is also called molecular technology).

Nature itself pushes man to the idea of creating nanoobjects.

Any bacterium, in fact, is a nanoorganism consisting of nanomachines: DNA and RNA copy and transmit information, ribosomes form proteins from amino acids, mitochondria produce energy.

1980 is the year of breakthrough into the microcosm, or rather into the nanoworld.

Because this year a scanning tunneling microscope was created.

This allowed scientists not only to distinguish between individual atoms, but also to move them, and assemble from them structures, in particular, components of future nanomachines - engines, manipulators, power sources, controls.

The main types of nanoobjects are nanoparticles.

That is, very, very, and very small parts of the substance.

This is the main thing that happens when a substance is divided into the smallest parts - only tens of nanometers in size: the total total surface of particles in matter increases hundreds of times.

As a result, the interaction of the atoms of the material with the external environment increases, because now they are almost all on the surface.

And that's why nanomatter and there are new, amazing, unprecedented properties!

It's already being used.

For example, in medicine, silver nanopowder is already used, which has antiseptic properties.

Titanium dioxide nanoparticles repel dirt and allow for self-cleaning surfaces.

Aluminum nanoprostree accelerates the combustion of solid rocket fuel.

New lithium-ion batteries containing nanoparticles are charged in just a couple of minutes.

There are many such examples now.

One of the most promising areas of application of nanotechnology is medicine.


Recent advances in nanotechnology, according to scientists, can be very useful in the fight against cancer.

To kill the tumor, it is necessary to deliver poison to it.

The poison should work exactly and only in the tumor.

And this will perish. 

That's how gloriously the doctors came up with it. 

So, new, developed by scientists anti-cancer, always poisonous drugs should be delivered directly to the target - it is and only in the cells affected by a malignant tumor.

And then we will defeat cancer in man (at least temporarily).

To do this, nanocapsules are created for the direct delivery of drugs into the body.

There's a nano delivery system based on a material known as biosilicone.

Nanobiosilicone has a porous structure (ten atoms in diameter), in which it is convenient to introduce drugs, proteins and radionuclides.

Having reached the goal, nanobiosilicone begins to disintegrate, and the drugs delivered by it are taken to work.

Moreover, according to the developers, the new system allows you to adjust the dosage of the drug.


Nanocapsules and other nanoparticles are invisible, they cannot be seen even with a powerful magnifying glass.

You need a microscope, and not even any, but strong enough (the multiplicity of magnification - depending on the size of the nanoparticle).

And if evil forces introduce nanocapsules with a slow poison that has a delayed (prolonged) effect into our products, drinks, vaccines or other drugs 💊?

Or will they treat other harmful nanoparticles with tea?

Won't we and our children feel uncomfortable?

And even forever?

There are not many answers, only two, of your choice. But remember, the stick always has two ends. 

Evil forces do not exist, and those that exist are under the full control of the state, so there is nothing to fear?!

And why is the question in the future tense?

Not so long ago, the French national agency ANSES reported that eating food in which E171 is present as an additive causes pathogenic processes.

French researchers from the National Agricultural Institute conducted about 20 laboratory tests.

As it turned out, in white flour of the highest grade - titanium dioxide nanoparticles.

And this is everywhere, since the additive E171 has long been allowed in all countries.

These nanoparticles can accumulate in the intestines, liver, lungs and even the brain, while they damage protein chains and penetrate into internal organs through the walls.

The studies were conducted on mice that consumed food with titanium dioxide supplementation for 100 consecutive days (10 mg of titanium dioxide per 1 kg of body weight).

This dose is approximately equal to the one that a person receives with products.

In the intestines, 40% of experimental animals had precancerous changes.

In the control group, which was not added to the food titanium dioxide, no anomalies were found.

In April 2019, the French National Agency for Food, Environment and Labour Health published the results of 25 new studies on titanium dioxide toxicity that have been conducted since 2017.

Many French candy manufacturers have already stopped using titanium dioxide and are switching to long-known alternatives.

The logical result of the research is as follows:

in France, the sale of products with the addition of E171 was officially banned in 2019 - from January 1, 2020.


But back to medical nanotechnology.

In recent years, employees of the Center for Biological Nanotechnology have been working on the creation of microsensors that will be used to detect sick cells in the body.

The new method of recognition is based on the introduction into the human body of tiny spherical reservoirs made of synthetic polymers called dendrimers (from the Greek. dendron - wood).

These polymers have been synthesized in the last decade and have a fundamentally new, not integral structure that resembles the structure of corals or wood.

Such polymers are called superbranched or cascade.

Those in which branching is regular, and are called dendrimers.

Once inside the body, tiny sensors penetrate into lymphocytes - white blood cells that provide a protective reaction of the body against infection and other pathogenic factors.

With the immune response of lymphoid cells to a certain disease or environmental conditions - to a cold, for example - the protein structure of the cell changes.

Each nanosensor coated with special chemical reagents, with such changes, will begin to glow.

To see this glow, and detect changes in a person, scientists create (created?) a special device that scans the retina of the eye.

The laser of such a device should detect the glow of lymphocytes, when they one by one pass through the narrow capillaries of the fundus.

If there are enough marked sensors in the lymphocytes, then a 15-second scan will be needed to detect cell damage, the scientists say.


Thus, if desired, the authorities can introduce into us, together with the vaccine (of course, for a good purpose) a sufficient number of the above-described "tiny sensors" that penetrate into lymphocytes - white blood cells that provide a protective reaction of the body against infection.

With the immune response of lymphoid cells to a particular disease, the protein structure of our cells will change.

Each nanosensor coated with special chemical reagents, with such changes, will begin to glow.

And, by scanning our eyes, the authorities will calculate the "sick" and "infected".

Nanosensors respond to any disease (to any diseased cells).

But the authorities don't care about all the diseases now!

On the planet now there is only one important disease - coronavirus - so decided the politicians of the planet!

Glowing eyes will allow the authorities to rightly declare us "coronavirus" or "suspected coronavirus."

Then it is reasonable to isolate from society.

Then subject to powerful, modern, advanced X-ray diagnostics (computed tomography - CT = 300 X-rays of infection, there is also PET CT = 10,000 X-rays of infection).

And we are subjected to ultra-effective treatment with toxic drugs with pronounced and profound side effects for free.

Alas, but from this diagnosis and from this treatment you can never recover!

And even, after a while, to die.

Yeah, it is.

But it doesn't matter!

After all, the survivors are waiting, and very soon, a bright globalist future in communism without property. 


Many major scientists of our time are trying to draw attention not only to the positive prospects of the future, but also to possible negative consequences.

Some scientists, such as Bill Joy, are calling for a halt to nanotechnology research altogether before it irreversibly harms humanity.

For example, it is known that tiny particles of carbon can enter the human brain through the respiratory tract and have a devastating effect on the body.

We are talking about C60, one of the three main forms of pure carbon.

To determine the toxicity of the molecules, American biologist Eva Oberdörster first tested C60 perch.

C60 was loaded into an aquarium with fish.

After the same two days, none of the fish died and did not show changes in behavior, but the bass showed serious damage to the membranes of brain cells.

The damage was 17 times higher compared to fish swimming in normal water.

Of course, not all nanomaterials have the same harmful properties for living beings.


1. Scientists from Tel Aviv University have developed a new method for marking malignant cells using special polymer nanomarkers.

Work on the development of new nanomarkers was led by Professor Physiologist Ronit Sachi-Fenaru.

In the composition of the new nanomarkers, the researchers introduced a special fluorescent pigment based on cyanin molecules connected by a polymer.

When these molecules are in a bound state, they do not glow.

When the nanomarker enters the cancer cell, the polymers are destroyed.

Cyanin molecules are released and, spreading inside the malignant cell, begin to emit light intensively.

Inside normal healthy cells in which there are no cathepsins, nanomarkers are not destroyed and thus do not emit light.

2. The press reported that more than 4 thousand Americans who were on September 11 in the Twin Towers in New York, revealed cancer.

These include not only survivors, but volunteers and rescuers.

What's the big deal?

Here's the thing.

These skyscrapers were pierced through massive steel supports (columns), from the very top to the bottom, there were a lot of them and they were quite capable of withstanding and withstanding the impact of aircraft.

For the rapid and complete destruction of steel supports, termite was undoubtedly used, it was laid in advance along all the supports.

Where does this confidence come from?

It's simple: only termite is able to quickly burn any metal - its combustion temperatures are incredibly high!

No supercoster made of aviation gasoline or other fire can turn steel into dust, even if it burns it for a whole year - the temperature of the fires is insufficient, it is much less than the melting point of steel.

And there was no fire burning on the lower floors - only a few upper floors were burning.

No, it was the termite that burned the steel (iron) supports.

The building, devoid of a steel skeleton, settled.

And dust swept into the air with a considerable content of ultra-small particles of iron - nanoparticles in it.

Iron is the strongest poison for the body.

And if it's nano-jelly, then super strong.


Because nanoparticles, once inside us, unlike ordinary particles, are able to penetrate into any of our organs and systems, and even into the brain - they freely pass all the protective barriers and barriers of the body.

Thus, the cause of the disease of several thousand people cancer on September 11, 2001 could serve as an iron nanodust.

We don't see planes crashing into mall towers in these two videos. 

Mr. Chicken Ham and his book 📕 about delicious and healthy food. 

Biocompatible near-infrared quantum dots delivered to the skin by microneedle patches record vaccination 💉


Why did the flu disappear, ARI disappear, why is everyone diagnosed with COVID-19, and why does no one want to recognize mortality in hospitals from other causes including sepsis? 

🔜 Thesis . All videos to the text below can be viewed in our telegram channel.

Write here, feedback @bermudybot

Fake inauguration, fake epidemic, fake vaccination 💉. It's all about Joe Biden. 

The Chinese People's Theatre 🎭 launches the fear of the New Virus into the world. This is really the theater of 🎭 which became the trigger of the special operation corona 👑 

The administration of the countries of the world mocking its population and many journalists of the world's leading media, special services, doctors, officials and other obscurantists became participants in this criminal world deadly show to establish the New World Order. De facto it is a coup d'état, a secret conspiracy, a betrayal of national interests and biological terrorism. In general, a full bouquet of serious articles of national criminal codes, almost all administrations of the world now have in their assets.

And those who did not want to start and participate in this criminal thriller in China, the crown 👑 expected a sad fate. A lot of people just disappeared, what happened to this poor thing next, we don't know. 

The US administration and big business in the US had a business partnership with Adolf Hitler and banally earned money 💰 on a lot of blood. For example, IBM supplied equipment for the numbering of Jews in the Nazi concentration camps of Germany. 

The general plans of national governments are a communist fascist dictatorship, concentration camps, endless false epidemics through the terrorist operator WHO and a single center for global decision-making, the so-called world government, the forced extermination of the world's population to 1.5-2.0 billion people by 2050. In the video, one of the US camps FEMA and military training. 

A small part of the world crime cinema 🎥 with different scenarios of fear to intimidate the world's population and bring the psychological base of people in the need to urgently inject all 7.5 billion with an unknown liquid in a syringe. As well as the creation against this background of World fakes of intolerance to other alternative opinions about the absence of a problem and other truthful materials. After all, they blocked everything they could, this is possible only with good organization and prior collusion with tv companies 📺 the world and the main platforms of social networks, the press and other mass delivery of information. 

Israeli minister does not hesitate to participate in the criminal spectacle "Ukoly"

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris participate in the same criminal spectacle breaking the oath on the Bible. Although during the oath of Kamal on the Bible was a lady's bag. And Joe Biden seems to have turned the Bible down. In our materials, these photos are quite a lot, they are original and quite obvious even without comments.

The attack on the Capitol under the false flag of the Criminal Establishment of the Democrats.

Biden's Chinese handler. Just like Lenin's bodyguards are Chinese

These are all bad actors, nothing more than Friends!

Fake funerals 🪦 from the fake virus have been staged around the world. In India, the issue of corpses from false covid was approached creatively, the Indians came up with an original, he. burned bags of sawdust, before pouring gasoline on them, believing no one would notice.

Margelons are seen in masks through an electron microscope 🔬

The composition of the vaccine is carefully hidden. It is impossible to write what is present in it 🚫, since it is not a vaccine. And to write false information is to get caught red-handed. So a blank slate.

Many, many will soon 🔜 be handcuffed. And the conversations will take place in the office of international and national investigators. Smiles from the faces of criminals will go away for a long time.

The strange behavior of birds is similar to external electromagnetic influence.

UN troops 🇺🇳 in Canada at medical depots are affected by poison ( vaccine 💉 )

President Mr. Fake signs blank sheets of paper passing them off as decrees.

Communist fascist concentration camps - prisons are ready in all countries of the world and are waiting for the reception and placement of their epidemiological prisoners. It's a prison under the guise of covid isolation in Germany.

For example, an Australian electrician who conducted castration in the backyard of his house and filmed it (and also found eggs 🥚 🥚 and an old man's in his refrigerator) was released from prison with a suspended sentence. The court took into account the fact that the victims went to the operation of their own free will. 

They called themselves "voluntary eunuchs."

Before our eyes, a coup d'état is taking place in nation-states under the installation of a package of technologies of serial killer Bill Gates, turning modern people into zombie biorobots, and cities into the likeness of hives. The problem is that the development of AI, at least the one that creative criminal elites everywhere dream of and the fundamental constitutional rights of citizens – which version of the Constitution you will not pick up is a fact. First of all, the authorities see this mechanism as a reliable tool for controlling the population as a whole and each citizen individually. That is why developers are interested in personal data of citizens. They are going to develop technologies for tracking trips, recognizing faces, analyzing the frequency of visits to doctors, the nature of diseases, the structure and volume of consumption and much more. Is the rabbit hole deep?

In principle, the country is close to the state of the digital concentration camp. Almost everyone carries a smartphone and 19 patents of Richard Rothschild lionheart from 2015, registered in the Netherlands for tracking through contextual advertising, appearing suddenly after conversations with friends on certain topics - from the same opera. 

And if before the false epidemic only loomed the ghost of 👻 these insidious plans, then after digital permits for walks, cafes, a store 🏬 with a QR code and fines for an imminent unauthorized exit from the apartment, there is no doubt: dystopia in the yard. The new reality is ingrained, although they have not realized all its horrors. Nation-state AI development programs do imply chipping. Neural interfaces can be implemented not only in the form of devices implanted in the body, but also in the form of sensors worn outside, bracelets... There are a lot of options. The main thing is to ensure that the electronic device is always in contact with a person. And as the experience of the false epidemic has shown, it is not so difficult ... This time everything is quite serious and largely implemented already at the level of development of technology that exists now. Back in April 2016, the University of Florida held the world's first competition of drones, controlled not from ordinary consoles, but through neural interfaces. The current level of technology development allows the activity of the speech zone of the brain (Wernicke region) to recognize the text that a person reads. 

Bill Gates' patent under the code number WO/2020/060606 complements the technology of neural interfaces in a very interesting way. Gates' Patented Cryptocurrency System Using Bodyactivity Data – CSUBAD

, in fact, this is a protocol for rewarding the carrier of the chip for performing certain actions. With its help, it would already be possible to pay for the work of athletes or the services of priestesses of love, but it is unlikely that microsoft management swims so shallowly. Obviously, the development is made with a big eye on the future. In fact, before our eyes there is an installation of a whole package of technologies that turn modern people into zombie biorobots, and cities into like hives. The development of neural interfaces will allow people to read the attitude of people to external stimuli, whether it is an advertisement for chewing gum or a policy speech by a politician, and CSUBAD technology will instantly reward citizens connected to the system for correct behavior - and just as instantly fine for wrong. Such complete control over the thoughts and actions of people did not dream of any totalitarian regime of the past... Welcome to the cage. And do not entertain illusions that these monsters of the world will bypass you. Their statement indicates that the leadership of states has already developed a clear opinion and intentions on this issue. Chipped citizens are likely to be under the rule of transnational corporations, the easiest way to do this is through medical insurance, the terms of which will involve mandatory implantation of the chip. Also, the process will be controlled by the police, special services, security services of transport companies and other watchmakers of the world order of war communism. The authorities of all nation-states have been making strange somersaults and peaks with a dead noose around their necks for a year and a half. 5G raises a lot of questions and strong bewilderment – primarily because without any serious research on the safety of short-wave radiation emitted by transmitters of this type, they are put at a rapid pace around the world. And long-term observations of the real effect of radiation with a frequency of tens of gigahertz on human health were replaced by a short experiment on laboratory animals. 5G is needed to ensure the operation of the so-called Internet of Things, that is, hundreds of thousands and millions of devices that have a connection to the World Wide Web. In fact, neither in the real sectors of the economy, nor among the broad masses, there were no serious consumers of the Internet of Things. Now the puzzle is being formed: the creation of a total control system, including through the chipping of citizens, will allow the architects of the system to load the 5G network and will not allow high-tech development to stand idle. Information will be accumulated in accordance with the law on the unified federal information register. There are dozens of indicators about the population, each will be assigned a digital number. The system of development of artificial intelligence assumes that millions of sensors, cameras will envelop the whole world and will surround us everywhere. Which third or tenth companies will provide information support for the project and provide operator activities? 

simulator? Is this a technical device whose work is based on the management of information in order to transfer knowledge to the operator using this device, as well as the development of intellectual, motor, intellectual and motor skills and abilities? Cephalization of brain activity: a change in thinking, mental activity of the operator's brain by applying information influences on the physiological structural and organismal activity of the brain to control its information and intellectual activity ? 

This is the state legalization of interference in the brain with the help of high-tech means. And who is the customer and developer of such systems at the expense of the budget? 

The developer is some commercial concern, but in fact approved by the Federal National Government and, for example, the Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, a structure very far from medicine? 

If you dig deeper, it becomes even more interesting: it turns out that the direct developer of the document was a certain institution "X'' This office is located in the city of Washington, for example, but the company does not have its own website, it is impossible to find information about partners and services provided. The annual revenue of NOON is only $ 2.4 million, which, frankly, is not much, and the annual profit is at all: only $ 28 thousand. The introduction says that it is intended for use "in the development and use of information support for equipment and operator activities, including in the form of a virtual reality information space, on the basis of a single noon technology (noon technology with expanded technical support for its application)." Again, the puzzle was put together. Only now it's a different land. Forewarned means armed. Nation-states are clearly pulling into a trap from which there is no way out. The development of electronic systems of mass management, under which the relevant law is written in advance, will be accompanied by further impoverishment and degradation of the population: what is the point of feeding people if any rebellion can be stopped at the root? All social reforms were built on the initiative of the grassroots or the fear of the upper classes, and when all initiatives are known at the stage of the emergence of thought, fear disappears. As practice shows, the authorities in general do not have their own strategic course and work according to the patterns of the IHS and WHO. However, faced with a massive and resolute protest of the citizens of the world, the authorities retreat. In nation-states, all the necessary prerequisites for ensuring anti-terrorist activities have long been created: all telephone conversations and SMS messages are recorded and stored. For this reason, the propagandists of the construction of a "brave new world" can no longer appeal to the fight against terrorism. 

They can only talk about the need to build a "system of vaccinations of Health" and again lie about improving the quality of life. 

The Super Vaccination Program is being implemented around the world with the help of the biological weapons of genocide disguised as COVID-19 vaccines.

Alas, we state the obvious: Covid "vaccines" are not vaccines 💉; they were never meant to be represented for.

Each Injection of BigPharm was designed as a very sophisticated biological weapon designed to kill, weaken, disease, incapacitate and/or maim unfortunate victims.

To date, all scientific, unconfirmed and circumstantial evidence clearly points to a carefully designed bioengineered "Covid vaccine" that was imposed on humanity with the aim of depopulating the planet.

These extremely risky experimental "vaccines" were administered without taking into account the person's age, health condition, allergic reaction(s), or ability to properly detoxify extremely harmful ingredients. 

  left, Pfizer vaccine; R. Graphene

There is virtually no evidence that this "vaccine" is a gene therapy. There is zero genetic material: mRNA, DNA or spike protein. This means that this "vaccine" has nothing to do with the so-called virus. This product was not designed to avoid infection caused by the virus. The true purpose of this product remains hidden. No official statements have been made from governments or health facilities. The toxicity of graphene oxide is reason enough to end the global vaccination programme.

The first ''registered'' in the world 

COVID-19 vaccine from 

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on August 11. What it gave we can not show, due to the lack of type of document . But he writes this registration certificate with the number LP-006395 for a vaccine for the prevention of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19, developed by the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Academician N.F. Gamaleya of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Which we present below along with its staff of employees.

We asked the Russian partisans to check the object:


About the house Gamaleya street 25 in Moscow

us. Item: Moscow

District: North-West

District: Shchukino

Total area: 6551 m2

Geographical coordinates:

Latitude:55.80187 Longitude:37.45296

Typical series: individual project

Year of construction: 1935

Non-residential area: 6551 m2

Frame: Brick

Walls: Brick

Purpose : Non-residential building (medical and sanitary)

Category: Federal

Floors total: 3

Basement floors: 1

Cadastral number of the house: 77:08:0009022:1145

FIAS address code: 914D0C91-83CE-4DA0-9F34-AF8DCC941B21

KLADR address code: 77000000000106000

UNOM address code: 3301592

More information about the house : vaccine storage

Cadastral value of the house:

 203 625 941.48 rubles

Cadastral value of 1 m2:

31 083.18 rubles

Rather, it looks like a warehouse of sauerkraut based on a vegetable 🥬 🥒 storage and now the storekeeper will come out:

The representative of Ethiopia and Gates with a loud name World Health Organization in Russia Melita Cujnovich is presented to your attention: 

Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Belgrade (1984) and a Master's degree in Management in Medicine 

In 2003-2011 he was an employee of the WHO office in Serbia.

In 2011-2017 - Head of the WHO Office in Kazakhstan.

Since March 2017, he has been the WHO Special Representative in Russia.

We must understand, Friends, the virus is still with us, it is still walking free. 

There are good reasons for issuing an arrest warrant 🚔 and investigation into the activities of well-known defendants - officials, representatives of the private sector for "genocide, crimes against humanity, mass murder, manslaughter, conspiracy to commit a coup d'état and all of the above.

We suggest starting with persons who do not have the status of immunity. 

Ernest Hemingway in quarantine is behind bars with Spanish matador Antonio Ordones, 1959.

      Yes, Roni, we're also funny 😝 


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