Overton window in action 2021 🤴

Overton window in action 2021 🤴

The Overton window is a method of influencing the mind of society, divided into 6 stages: "Unthinkable", "Radical", "Acceptable", "Reasonable", "Popular", "State Norm".

Examples of the consequences of this technique can be observed in everyday life. In the modern world, technology is developing faster and the rhythm of life is becoming more frequent. In this regard, a person becomes more receptive and malleable for the information fed to him. We want to be aware of all events, and the flow of information, constantly perceived by us, is immense and there is simply no time to analyze it. It is on the basis of these criteria of modern society that the Technology of the Overton window works.

The basic principle of the Overton window is to deceive your neighbor. But, we are not talking about a simple deception, but about a detailed technology for introducing what it seems impossible to get used to. And every decade, with the advent of new technologies in the field of communication with man, there are more and more sophisticated ways, the so-called impact on mass perception.

Overton Window - what is it

The technology of the Overton window was named after the American scientist and psychologist Joseph Overton, who, having studied the technology of influencing the human mind, in the 90s wrote a scientific dissertation on this topic. In fact, he simply told a technique created many centuries ago and effectively working to this day. Just in the modern world, there are many innovations, and, consequently, the possibility of a more rapid impact on the masses of people.

Joseph Overton (04.01.1960 – 30.06.2003) studied the method of dehumanization of man and explained how to step by step transform human perception to unacceptable, disgusting and shameful in normal, general social and even prestigious. How to react to people who are not amenable to general influence and how to even use them as a tool for implementing the planned strategy.

Also, the Overton window is called the window of discourse. Discourse is a rather complicated term in the modern lexicon. There are many definitions of this word. But the main meanings are speech, reasoning, speech.

One of several techniques of targeted advertising is an audience parsing tool called Cerebro Target. 

The principle of operation of this tool and the settings of targeted advertising are similar to overton windows, and they are extremely similar. To begin with, a suitable audience is chosen, which is easiest to acquaint with the proposed product. The behavioral factors of user data are then evaluated. After that, a beautiful presentation of the product or service is formed. And in the final stage: there is a sale, and in the case of Overton's theory, there is not a sale, but an introduction.

Theory in simple words

When you understand the basic principles of the theory of mass zombification, you will understand: the meaning is that windows move, both from the stage of unacceptable to acceptable, and vice versa. To make it as easy as possible to understand this principle of work, it is necessary to understand that this is not a way of persuasion in the commission of certain actions. Look behind the screen. And you will see that this is a much deeper and more complex mechanism - this is a way of convincing you to make a "balanced" (as you think) decision.

That is, the primary task of using this technology is the gradual destruction of human moral principles. And the most unparalleled thing is that most people can't even imagine the fact that they are being manipulated. They sincerely believe that they make their own choices and make an informed decision.

Examples of Overton Windows

Let's ride through world history on horseback 🐎 to understand examples. 

Over the past 200 years, there have been significant changes. And these changes are not an accident. There has always been a source — a subject that purposefully programs the population according to the principle of the Overton window. The word subject does not mean a specific person, but an organization or caste of people.


200 years ago, this feature was perceived extremely negatively and was considered unacceptable. But from the XIX century to the present day, the active action of the Overton window theory can be traced.

First of all, it all started with the psychoanalysis of the scientists of this process. In 1896, Sigmund Freud published his conclusions on his psychoanalysis on homosexuality. Then, for almost 100 years, many research organizations began to practice research to confirm this theory.

As a result, in the second half of the XX century, the media joined. Countless publications on the subject of homosexuality began to appear. At the stage of the first touch with this topic, the media got into the brain of the masses very carefully. All over the world, it was only discussed: "Homosexuality is an aberration, but this process is natural, and what is natural, it is not ugly. To condemn a person for homosexuality is tantamount to condemning him for being tall or physique."

Gradually, all research from the field of assumptions began to reform into full-length inferences. Then, there was information that many media personalities recognized by society practice same-sex communication, and those who do not practice are loyal to it. Gradually, diplomats, singers, show men and many celebrities began to admit their non-traditional sexual orientation.

As a result, the Overton method flawlessly coped with the task. The fact of homosexuality, considered disgusting 50 years ago, is commonplace in modern society. You do not need to go far, examples from recent movies:

Beauty and the Beast – Lifu shows open sympathy for Gaston (children's film);

Poster of the film - Beauty and the Beast

"In all the heavy" - a student has oral sex with a teacher (starring Johnny Depp);

Film — Into All The Heavy

"We are the Millers" - during the film twice showed the homosexual inclination of law enforcement officers.

Film Poster - We Are the Millers

There are countless more examples from films of different subjects that promote same-sex relationships. But the essence is the same, effeminate men are increasingly appearing in the media space. Think of the recent Eurovision Song Contest and Conchita Wurst. Could this have been acceptable 50 years ago?

Sorry if you like to hammer each other in the ass we have no complaints about you, but why replicate it on the big screen 📺. Any specialist will tell you this is not a project for the sake of art and do not argue with us. In this case, we will go the way of studying the transactions and eventually come to the customer of this ass and spread the point wider to ask why he took this topic! 

Eurovision Song Contest – Conchita Wurst

Overton's theory has paid off – from now on in most countries, being gay is not just the norm, but prestige, brand and status.

This is a clear example of how Overton's technology has also influenced women's morality and priorities over the past 50 years. And in this matter, we have passed the final stage – the political norm. It is pointless to assume that everything happened on its own.


About 100 years ago, society was content with natural products. Putting the food of our generation on the table in those days would have refused to eat such food. However, scientists and advertising campaigns have successfully coped with the task. To date: semi-finished products, fast food, crackers, carbonated drinks and so on, are included in the daily diet of the food we take.

There are countless similar examples. Such social change is not a natural course of things, but an intentional, sophisticated technology. Almost everything that used to be equated with chaos is considered commonplace today. The main reason for using the Overton window in these areas is that the biggest money is earned on human flaws. After all, it is extremely difficult to profit from morally stable personalities who monitor their health. It is much easier to trade - on condoms and rubber balls after the world fake AIDS, and now the New Fresh - a vaccine 💉 from Corona 👑, boosters every 3 - 6 months against all diseases. This is a collection of donations from the population of the world for the needs of a bankrupt elite gang and the church including. Otherwise, how to explain the vaccination points in the temples? Obscurantists are cheap, ghouls 🧛 

Also, the method of mass suggestion works very effectively due to the change of generations every 15 - 20 years. 

Stages of impact of Overton Windows

In the above examples, a radical change in public perception of these concepts is clearly traced. Now that you understand the principle of operation of the Overton window, let's analyze the system of building the mechanism of mass dehumanization. For every social problem, there are so-called windows of opportunity:

1. Unthinkable ; 

2. Radical; 

3. Acceptable; 

4. Reasonable; 

5. Popular; 

6. State norm.

By and large, the stages of Overton can be compared with the stages of the sales funnel. If you are not familiar with this term, we recommend that you read the article about what a sales funnel is and how to create it. In discussions of the overton window theory, there is a favorite topic - cannibalism, which has already become the standard definition in this story, so explaining all the stages in this example is too hackneyed. Let's analyze each window on a topical topic - children's euthanasia. This issue has long been in circulation and has advanced to the final stage, it remains only a little to finalize it. But we will consider the entire structure of the construction of this system: from beginning to end, so that you understand the train of thought (the author of children's euthanasia) and the principle of operation of windows.


Initially, the idea that a person can officially kill his born, unhealthy child looks terrible. Even talking about this topic is considered unacceptable. And immediately start promoting children's euthanasia is impossible. Society will reject this attempt. But, to conduct a scientific study of this issue, no one forbids. Scientists, in principle, can touch on any topic.

And since we touched upon such an important issue, we will convene a scientific conference on the topic: the hopeless state of a minor, from a medical point of view. Let's look at the subject of this topic and get the conclusions of a number of authoritative scientists that the introduction of a special drug to stop life is one of the options for solving the problem. Of course, this information will leak to the masses, even in a negative way.

Then, you just need to support and develop the problem that has arisen, and society adapts. Consequently, an active discussion of this topic will begin. At this stage, it is still unimaginable, but the Overton Window has already moved, that is, a revision of positions has already been indicated: what was wild has become radical.


The taboo on discussing this issue has already been removed, but the idea of killing a child is still unacceptable. In addition to periodic scientific symposia, this topic is increasingly beginning to spin on TV and on the Internet. Simultaneously, with scientific discussions, there should be some society of radical supporters of the murder of incurable children and let it be a small community on the Internet, but it will definitely be noticed and quoted in all the necessary media.

This transition is the most important. Now, instead of the concept of killing sick, suffering children, they will come up with a mitigating term - child euthanasia. The meaning is the same, but the ear does not cut.

Society is indoctrinated with the idea: "Disabled people did not choose such a life, why should children suffer from their unbearable pain?". So far, for this period of time, no one is saying that it is urgent to get rid of all minor incurable children, however, the masses are beginning to seep talk about the development of a law on the admissibility of child euthanasia in rare cases.

If you are a person serving the political, cultural or social needs of society, you will certainly be asked questions in the media about your opinion on such a radical innovation. If you do not answer such questions, you will be considered limited and criticized.

The flow of information begins to increase. People's perceptions are becoming more open, the window is moving from the "radical" to "acceptable" stage.

Interviews – Media Work


The problem has long been covered and discussions periodically take place, that is, people have managed to get used to it and there are no more goosebumps when discussing children's euthanasia. There are more and more programs and reports about how difficult it is for poor children and that they cannot live like this. There are rallies in defense of supporters of this technique. Scientific articles grow into fiction books.

Scientists are increasingly claiming that there are cases in which it is wiser not to torture children, but to alleviate their suffering. The media begin to quote, for example, the Spartans, hinting that during periods of human existence, children's euthanasia was used and considered the norm, and everything new is a well-forgotten old, everything is cyclical, and so on. Everyone who continues to think rationally and is not ready to put up with what is happening is exposed as short-sighted ignoramuses, cave Neanderthals and so on. Gradually, the window from the "acceptable" stage passes to the "reasonable" stage.

Child in a wheelchair


The "Reasonable" stage reshaposes people's attitude to the very fact of killing children. In fact, if you do not oversaturate the human brain with information, but present it processed and proportionally, without focusing on important details, the effect will be immediate.

Various TV shows are launched with a discussion of this topic. Interviews are taken from parents who have given their defective children to special children's institutions or even parents who killed their children and received criminal punishment for this. And if they are not, then actors are hired. A full-length multi-story story unfolds. There are also children who do not want to live with such an ailment. If there is a problem with searches, then the solution is similar - actors. Society reacts to this like a freak show, but the attitude has irrevocably changed to neutral.

Then, there are feature films in which, indirectly, the deplorable fate of such children is demonstrated, which affects the feelings of people and makes you think: "but it is true, they also suffer."

Cartoon poster — Dwarf Nose

The case takes a huge number of turns. The upper strata of society divide the problem into different types: unthinkable; permissible and so on. Increasingly, there are talks about the introduction of laws on child euthanasia.


Now, in addition to the subconscious of adults, children's perception of this issue is also involved. Terminally ill children also watch the above TV shows and understand that they are the focus of attention. They begin to have a thought: but really, I did not choose such a life, why do I need it?". 

Overton's theory is close to completing its task.

There are no more questions about loyalty and the scientific inferences of the problem. Politicians, singers and other media personalities actively declare their indifference in this matter: "Personally, I am my child - never, but who am I to judge this, parents are more visible, and children do not deserve such a fate." On TV and on the Internet there are more and more products that cultivate the essence of killing an unhealthy child. In the films, the suffering of the disabled, from the indirect, develops into a fundamental attribute.

Analytics is gradually turned on. There are many articles and news programs, with the results of surveys of people in different countries and different categories, on this topic. Also, the results of the polls show the percentage of ers who are indignant. Suddenly, there is some famous actor or philanthropist who has a sick child who does not want to live, who cannot solve this problem by virtue of the law.

Reforming from the window of reasonableness, into the window of the accepted standard, the idea is introduced into the public mind that the issue is already on edge - it's time to change something. The point of no return is passed - the final stage begins: 

State norm

The final stage of this epic is a list of laws that states that from now on every parent or every sick child who has reached a certain age has the right to decide on euthanasia. And anyone who is against it belongs to people who have encroached on the right to choose and freedom of speech.

Starting from human loyalty, in contrast to all indignant, mass organizations will be created. The problem is fully transferred to the world media and enters into political circulation, for its own benefit. For example, the creation of: medical centers for the study of genetics, in order to avoid this problem; euthanasia institutions; specialized psychological centers for cancer patients and so on.

Of course, for all this, public money is allocated from budgets, both for budgetary organizations and for private ones, as irrevocable subsidies. The principle of construction of work and further benefits are obvious.

The overton theory successfully coped with the task - take off the poor hat. Almost all of the above stages have already been worked out. At the moment, we are in the initial segment of the sixth stage. In Europe, this method is already practiced: the first official case of child euthanasia was recorded in 2016.

In this example, we have analyzed in detail each stage and the principle of building communications with society. Now let's go to our favorite private shop - 😷 crown 👑 and deal with this state terrorist span, whether there is a mass dehumanization and who benefits from it.

Explanation of technology on the example of the crown 🤴 

Could you imagine back in January 2020 that you will be forbidden to go out, and most people will sit under siege at home and will be left without work, medium and small businesses will suffer such losses that most of the entrepreneurs are forced to leave the market and you, in principle, will have nothing to feed yourself and your loved ones?

"The coronavirus is a false pandemic, we will all get infected, we are all in great danger. In China, people are falling in the streets, dying in countless numbers. In Italy, they do not have time to bury the dead. And now the world 🗺 overtaken by a terrible epidemic.

Three American heroes: Bush / Clinton / Barry, all in a black coat 🧥 hands in his pockets. Bleating 🐑 shameful team of assholes, not otherwise. And the whole world 🗺 sits at home together, states throw all material resources (our taxes) to prevent the bitch of a global catastrophe, and only by uniting, we will be able to pass this difficult path. 


Birthday of our young terrorist Barry 

Oh, what a cheap crime Vaudeville Barry/Bill/Dodge caliber it is. 

Very impressive your words and the situation is quite serious. But before you buy tons of buckwheat, toilet paper, antiseptics, masks and sit at home on the couch waiting for everything to end soon, let's compare all the facts together and apply them to the theory of the Overton window.

We will definitely touch on the situation of all countries, but because we live on the same land. 

The story of the spread of lies called coronavirus has evolved and is developing to this day in a very coordinated and rapid manner, so many windows intersect with each other, as in principle and in all previous examples, only in a more explicit way.


In December 2019, we could not have imagined that we would be locked up at home and fined for walking in parks, playgrounds or trips out of town to nature. For us, this situation looked absurd, that is, unthinkable.

And on December 17, 2019, after Chinese theatrical productions with people's scorching, narrow-eyed communists suddenly had a so-called precedent - the first coronavirus infected with an unknown coronavirus in the world in China (the city of Wuhan) and where would they think they would come up with this scene about the seafood market? 

Yes right. This is David Rockefeller's plan, he speaks directly and points to this market. Our Operational Material will be given below ⬇️ at the end in the links to this basic scenario ''Windows 🪟 Overton'' 

Female, the Chinese bought bat meat containing the nucleic acids of the coronavirus. And after taking this exotic food, they suddenly discovered a mass infection and began to fall on the streets. 

Oh, bravo David, you're a filmmaking genius. Narrow-eyed is also nothing, but it was these communist assholes who ruined all the raspberries David. Since this Chinese folk theater 🎭 corpses - actors, we caught in the spring of 2020 (we took for a false Chinese ass and Chinese rotten eggs 🥚 🥚 in lime). 

All these videos of fakes of Chinese folk art from the collective farm of Wuhan and its communist assholes, as well as a lot of other fakes you can find in our telegram channel honest citizens of the world! 


Our chat 💬 for communication 


Feedback in any language. We work with translators. 


The Chinese People's Theatre continued at the level of China's CCP and its tame Communist "scholars" from China's National Center for Disease Prevention and Control. A false conclusion was formed quite quickly: Coronavirus is an incoming RNA virus from coronavirus species, scientific definition: SARS-CoV-2. He is given the definition of the disease: covid-19. And 5 days before that, the Russians register PCR - Test (documents in references). The same thing began to happen in most countries. False statistics of those infected by fake PCR tests from 2015-2916 with delivery to the countries of the world from 2017 were carried out (we open links) and on the basis of this lie the conclusion is made: the virus is dangerous and a global epidemic can begin.

That is, there is a substantive analysis of the problem and a scientific conclusion: it may be better to self-isolate. So far, no one is announcing the introduction of sanitary measures. Scientists only speculate, they are scientists, to make loud statements and stay within the limits of scientific respectability. But the rumor about the problem has already passed to the masses - the Overton window was moved to the next stage.

Scientist studying the Covid-19 virus

Can someone identify this torso? 


Then, in early January 2020, the world media actively joined, quoting scientists and citing new statistics - sick and dead around the world. The problem needed to be defined. Covid-19 has been ephenimized into the common name "coronavirus disease" (in fact, the coronavirus is the genome of diseases). This renaming is an integral part in the legalization of what is happening.

In all the previous examples, it was necessary to invent and implement the so-called frightening factor - the reason why everything that happens looks acceptable. In our situation, there is no need to invent anything. The reason is already there: "coronavirus is a terrible disease." 

Now it is only necessary to warm up the crowd with horror news reports.

At this stage, the national authorities begin to warm up and make assumptions about what is happening and quote pre-prepared false doctors, but no one has yet made loud statements. The society of the world is not yet broken, and, therefore, is not ready for abrupt changes. In view of the pandemic, the WHO (World Health Organization) declares: a state of emergency on a global scale, the threat of infection is very high. The situation is gaining momentum, the number of false infected and false deaths thanks to biological terrorists from Hopkins and screens of world monitors is growing. Tactical distractions are being conducted to ostensibly scientific research to create an antiviral drug. In fact, real scientists are not allowed to this topic of the New Virus at all. They are blocked wherever possible, there are threats to personal safety and they are not groundless at all. Disappear professional doctors 🥼, Doctors fall out of the windows of offices. 

Everything is fine, there is a special operation corona 👑 Close not to approach - will kill! 

Among ordinary citizens of different countries of the world there are conversations on the topic of sanitary regime, in connection with the threat to life. An unacceptable topic has been put into circulation — there has been a rift in the uniqueness of the situation.


February – Moving to the next area, the window reshapasses the topic of coronavirus 😷 from a radical area to an area of the possible. The media and politicians continue to quote scientists. Rumors are starting to spread faster than the false virus itself.

There are 2 camps - supporters and opponents of the severity of the disease and mass self-isolation. The task of these structures is to conduct active debates, thereby distracting society from information, for example, economic problems. In the human brain, the battlefield for the problem is unnaturally formed. On the extreme flanks there are 2 of the above camps.

People are beginning to be frightened by the situation in different countries of the world, the media use fake photos and videos: messages are going around the clock: more than 30,000 people have died in China. In Italy, people do not have time to bury, show expensive coffins ⚰️ for € 5,000 in some warehouse of the factory, passing it off as a morgue. And according to data from the Ethiopian WHO, statistics do not show a special excess of the mortality rate and this can also be found on the Internet and part of the media says the same. 

Historical reports of mortality from epidemics, for example, from plague or measles, are given as another proof of the state of emergency. Creating a reference precedent is an integral part of the introduction of bestialism into the human brain. Anyone who disagrees is referred to as unreasonable.

Once a legitimating precedent is provided, resources are formed, moving the window from stage is acceptable to the area is reasonable. The state begins to probe the ground through public statements, declaring openly: a self-isolation regime will be introduced.


At this stage, the fragmentation of a single problem is hung and the first decisive actions begin. On March 11 (officially?) it was confirmed that the coronavirus is a pandemic. And this is the first time in our lifetime, taken under the control of the states of the world. 

WHO recommends that countries provide health and municipal facilities with protection against the virus and take measures to maintain social distancing.

The soil is ready and world governments are beginning to come out of the shadows: in the middle and end of March, restrictions are introduced in many countries of the world, in the form of a ban on flights to other countries. Of course, immediately close people for several months in apartments. Of course, everything is calculated by military psychologists for conducting psychological warfare: shock and awe, the administration of the world (the authorities) are included in the war game and begin to make the first tentative terrorist steps. 

Approximately and characteristic of any administration in the world: 

"The state sees how critical events are in connection with the pandemic. The entire world economy has suffered, its decline is already noticeable at the moment and an analysis of the further situation is being carried out. In general terms, for this period, we are able to prevent the active development of the virus. But we all need to realize that our country is not able to detach from this problem, because of our location and area. The countries neighbouring us have already been hit hard by the pandemic and it is impossible to fully protect ourself from the virus in the current situation. Therefore, we ask all residents of our country not to be negligent to the instructions of medical workers and authorities. "

In order to add horror and aggravate the situation in order to avoid the so-called consequences, a stir was created on medical protection products: masks, antiseptics and so on. Trump helps Putin, Putin sends a plane ✈️ to the United States and even in how many countries the chemical troops of the Russian Federation are flying to help. Circus 🎪 and clowns 🤡 unprecedented scale to the village. Immediately there were journalists of the top media washing their hands live and advertising detergents, memes all over the Internet about these same masks and home self-isolation. In parallel with this circus on the news, the same thing is constantly spinning: you will get infected and contagion to your family, seasoning up all these lies and giving up another global lie from Hopkins with statistics of "dead" in the world, in nation-states, giving lies a comparative analysis from crooked morons who have large in score and problems with mathematics of the 5th grade.

All rationally thinking people who think about the economic situation and the fact that there is a real concentration camp were pushed into the background, scientists were blocked, pretending that they simply did not exist. Pseudo - quasi scientists, doctors from the obstetric medical center for pigs and dogs, the same journalists experts in medicine and the nature of the virus at this stage with all their might together with Bill Gates prove the danger of the coronavirus. Public indexing is being carried out and quarantine begins.


A very common tool for popularization is called - look around. Public figures, actors and others begin to promote home self-isolation in their personal Instagram accounts by their own example. In any collision with the media space, a person is persuaded not to leave the aisles of his apartment: hashtags in social networks, TV broadcasts, advertising and so on ...

Hashtags about coronavirus have filled the media space 100%. 

Scrolling through information about the mortality of populations is becoming more frequent to the extent that is possible. More and more stars and bloggers demonstrate that they are also sitting at home, that they are not indifferent to their health and their loved ones. Songs and poems are invented, performed by universally recognized singers they spin wherever possible. On TV, in breaks from the news about the pandemic and the provision of statistics, movies or tv series about mass extinctions are broadcast:

The Russians are launching the 2019 series Epidemic;

Americans are launching the 2016 film Pandemic;

The 2008 American film Media;

The 2011 American film Contagion.

There are countless examples, but the essence of all films is the same - to demonstrate the consequence of the virus, namely human genocide.

As expected, the week of self-isolation is gradually turning into a month, with comments that we are now at some peak of the pandemic. Also, the main issues are dynamically covered at the level of information operators, journalists and so on, distracting the population from the main economic innovations, namely the introduction of laws under the noise:

Trump / Putin / Merkel / Macron, announced each of their own: mostly it is help and something else. In every administration in the world, we record cases, but not a single false covid administrative bitch has died in any administration in the world. 

State norm

The final stage: what is happening at the moment - April and what to expect next.

By the final stage, the topic is heated to the limit, the windows lead to the problem of the level of actual politics of countries and the world. The authorities are finally coming out of the shadows. Overton's method coped flawlessly. Now nation-state governments can impose any unthinkable laws under the pretext of fighting the false coronavirus. Which basically starts to happen.

In educational institutions per second introduced distance learning around the world. This option is the introduction of coercion. Oddly enough, this system was introduced under the slogan: "we care about the health of our children." 

In March and April, many governments of the world issue illegal orders on penalties for violation of sanitary standards. The prescribed penalties of amounts are different by country and continent, but we also fix the synchronicity of actions. Using a common simulated scenario, the Governments of nation-states establish an emergency situation in the territory of their choosing. And in this area, a citizen is not only arrested, but also fined for not small money.

Measures are also being introduced to significantly infringe on the legitimate rights to independence and movement, not without the help of CCTV cameras and the national police forces participating at the level of leaders in this criminal festival. 

The total amount of fines in different countries of the world is huge, everyone felt the taste of huge unhealed money 💵 falling from heaven and earth. All state structures sold out to the devil and lost both conscience and decency. At the same time, the world media deliberately broadcast information about fines intimidating the population on the news. 

The central administrations of nation-states are placing obligations in the fight against the false coronavirus on the States, provinces, regions and lands, thereby relieving themselves of responsibility for what is happening, saying that mistakes will be stopped ...

Governments are testing a facial identification system using thousands of surveillance cameras in the world's capitals to detect violators of the self-isolation regime. A QR code system is being pushed and introduced centrally around the world. That is, a person who wants to leave the apartment needs to scan the code. Which indicates serious steps towards full-scale control of society, namely: the introduction of digital ID and biometric data instead of passports.

Keeping our finger on the pulse of several countries of the world, we fix several large megacities, as these megacities become a test site for most of the above innovations. For example, the City of New York is becoming the main place of concentration of the EPIDEMIC of the United States 🇺🇸. 

During the introduction of totalitarian control and by-laws, society is already broken. Some resist, but in general society has agreed to its defeat. For criminals, it's a victory. For the population, this is an irrevocable fiasco.

In terms of bioterrorism, the global undermining of the economy of nation-states, and as a consequence of this plan, the deprivation of all private enterprises of interest from private to public partnership (the work of neo-Marx Klaus 🤶 Schwab "The Great Reset" and there in full terrorist growth writhes another terrorist masterpiece "4 industrial revolution"). State labor, state enterprises and mass state control of national states and society.

Theft and looting flourish on the streets. Believe me, this is just the beginning. Soon, all marginal or simply hungry people will begin to unite in ethnic groups. And then it will be impossible to appear on the streets not only for quarantine reasons, but also because it will be simply dangerous. And this is exactly what the terrorists are trying to achieve - the introduction of war communism and military units. We're already seeing this everywhere. 

Of course, the government will talk about a new mentality of health and order. It is quite possible that police officers, in a special way, will be removed from the streets for the period of mass robberies, so that once again these problems can distract society from the emergence of another totalitarian laws that infringe on the rights of citizens.

The final stage is complete. 

Almost every day, the same question is asked by the citizens of the world: "when will this end?". 

According to the plans of the terrorists - never, while the society of different countries of the world will succumb to the herd instinct and allow such tricks of the Overton window to be done on themselves.

Texture of consequences 

The standards of the state of emergency (situation) are established in each country constitutionally. And the most basic, if this provision is introduced at the official level, it provides citizens with such benefits as: tax holidays and the possibility of obtaining financial assistance for living. These conditions must be provided by the government.

However, based on the established world practice, officials (the state) are engaged in fraud on freshly invented and essentially illegal acts. This makes it possible to selectively coordinate the situation, that is, to help some and not to help some. And to avoid budget expenditures to help the population.

De facto rape the population of the world. Farmers, impose quarantines and other restrictions that cause a fatal blow to small and medium-sized businesses, for children, the elderly, force people to self-isolate at home, and no administration in the world intends to compensate for this Hell in full damage to money. And it is not only about individuals, small and medium-sized businesses are ruined, but in a place of support, entrepreneurs are intimidated by the national police forces.

There is no and there was no global catastrophe, there is no and there was no national catastrophe in any state of the world, there are no legitimate reasons and grounds to panic that humanity is threatened with death ☠️ from an unknown disease. This is a 100% brazen terrorist lie and biological attack, blackmail of nation-states and the world. 

In connection with all these events, in some countries recorded constant robberies on the streets. They will definitely escalate into riots – it's a matter of time before. And this is another reason for new attacks by the authorities to keep their own population at home and not to cancel the new draconian measures of tracking on COVID19 patents from the famous scientist of the virus 🦠 Richard Rothschild from 2015 registered in the Netherlands. And this is a QR code violator and so on, under the pretext of endangering life and imposing a curfew. This is the segregation of the population into poison-pricked and not injected with toxic chemicals.  

In addition, in connection with the catastrophic declines of the economy, almost all enterprises will go bankrupt in the next 6-12 months and, as a result, the entire complex of the service sector will go bankrupt. Analysts know that in the modern world, most organizations have credit obligations. In connection with non-payment, all companies of interest to the authorities are waiting for the same fate as Ulmart a few years ago. That is, it is possible that soon there will be a deprivation of private companies into state ones.

Consequently, there will be no competition between enterprises, wages and prices for goods produced or sold by companies will be fixed by the state.

Where the world is going 🗺 in the end: there will actually be no work; due to the decline of the economy, wages will be reduced to the limit; to go abroad will be extremely problematic; after work, in the evenings, walks will be prohibited, due to increased crime. 

Not a life, but a dream, isn't it?

The following are up-to-date data from WHO:

Statistics of the ten most terrible diseases.

You draw all the conclusions yourself, we have only provided you with the facts.

A detailed report 📑 Ethiopian below ⬇️, to whom we have no credibility, as there can be no trust in any state terrorist, however, we give a report 📑 the WHO 


The population is harshly deceived and persuaded to the only false salvation: constant false medical totalitarian surveillance. As if, it is calmer to retreat from independence and freedom, accepting universal control and a microchip in the body.

How to resist the effects of windows? 

How to resist a mass event - to swim against the current. The answer lies on the surface – start with yourself. In principle, this installation works in almost any situation. Our everyday problem is that we expect a "wizard in a balloon", that everything will get better on its own and a good life will be served to us cooked on a platter. Alas, this is not the case.

The task for all: a freight train carrying apples travels at a speed of 50 km / h. For what period of time the train will cover the distance of 100 km?

The answer is obvious: 2 hours.

Now, let's add a little bit.

Task: specialized vehicles engaged in the transportation of giant soft-bodied turtles listed in the red book, as the rarest species of animals, the length of which reaches up to 102 cm, living exclusively in Indonesia and in the southern part of Papua New Guinea, transports animals from the city of Begasi to the city of Medan, moving at a speed of 50 km per hour. Fuel in this transport is enough to overcome distances of 3000 thousand km without stopping. Most of the way has already been passed. The vehicle is in good condition, it remains to overcome the segment of 100 km. Upon arrival, the vehicle will need to replace the salentbolok, stabilizer racks and diagnostics of all components of the compressor, namely: turbine, centrifugal pump and common rigid axis. After what period of time will this vehicle take the animals to the city of Medan?

After spending 3 minutes of your time, you will solve this problem and realize that the answer is obvious. At the very beginning of the material it was mentioned: the amount of information perceived by us is so huge, and most people have neither the desire nor the time to analyze the information received, therefore, there is no time and no one to understand the issue. 

We do not urge you to do just that, but just give recommendations: stop running headlong reading everything in a row and watching only videos, stop for at least 25 minutes and think about the events happening around you. This will be the first step to resisting the zombification of your mind.

The most important thing is to make sense of the problem. So when you're faced with mass dehumanization, first ask yourself questions:

1. Who is interested in this and for what purposes is it done?

2. How productive is the information produced to the masses?

3. What happens if I find this information reliable?

4. Will this innovation not bring negative consequences for society?

5. Does this thought not go against my beliefs and sober mind in general?

After analyzing the above issues, you will be able to figure out whether it is really necessary to believe in what local national criminals are trying to convince you of in the high status of officials. In addition, you need to filter the information you receive. That is, to check the information received for reliability, with the help of reliable comparative and reliable sources.

For example: according to the news, it is reported that the infection rate has increased by 20%? Therefore, we go into the static data and look at the reliability of the figures. The most important thing is not to listen to the crowd, even if it is your loved ones. We do not persuade you to the fact that everyone is trying to deceive you. 

It's just that there is a possibility that many have already succumbed to mass suggestion, also having heard unreliable data in the media or from friends.

Make it a rule when faced with something unknown, always ask yourself: will you not turn away from the path you have planned. Some information needs to be weeded out. Because, all the information food that you absorb into yourself, forms your consciousness, and then - priorities and goals. A person who is confident in his views on life and understands what he wants is much more difficult to mislead.

Additional materials of the Editorial Board and the facts of the crime of the 21st century 

'' Corona 👑 virus 🦠 '' 




People! Be vigilant with these Electrical Appliances and Characters in These Appliances👇

Reiner Fuellmich is a lawyer and spokesperson for the Corona Investigative Committee (Stiftung Corona-Ausschuss) in Germany. In 2020, Fuellmich and his colleagues started to document violations of law, medical malpractice and scientific fraud, as they relate to the Covid-19 epidemic.

Reiner Fuellmich is a civil lawyer and member of the German and California Bar Association.

Lawsuit against covid scammer Christian Drosten (Charité)

Ronald Reagan 1988.

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