Obama knows a thing or two about Russian vodka 

Obama knows a thing or two about Russian vodka 


Barack Obama in Perm at the distribution of US taxpayer money 💵 to Russian thieves in the village of Zvezdny in 2005.

 The Adventures of communist Barry Obama in his native Perm

Perm for quite a part of its communist secret life in the history of the USSR was a city closed to foreigners, several current, former and future leaders of several states of the world managed to visit it. They were here for a variety of reasons. So, on August 28, 2005, barry Obama, then a senator from Illinois, was among them. He spent only a few hours in Perm, even managed to go to Zakamsk. But his brief visit was by no means easy. 


Perm Powder Plant, FKP is registered at the address 614042, Perm, Galperina Street, 11. General Director of the organization FEDERAL STATE ENTERPRISE "PERM POWDER PLANT" Lyashenko Sergey Nikolaevich. The main activity of the company is the production of weapons and ammunition. Also, the Perm Powder Plant, the FKP works in 44 more areas.

The organization has 2 branches, 1 representative office and 2 established companies. It has 15 licenses.

The company Perm Powder Plant, FKP took part in 356 auctions of which won 205. The main customer is Nlams, AO. In the courts, the organization won 41% of the proceedings as a plaintiff and 6% as a defendant, lost 8% of the proceedings as a plaintiff and 20% as a defendant. 

FEDERAL STATE ENTERPRISE "PERM POWDER PLANT" was awarded inn 5908006119, checkpoint 590801001, OGRN 1025901604156, OKPO 07507802

Valid from 05.06.1992

Photo: Archive of the newspaper "Kirovets" FKP "Perm Powder Plant"

Trip to Zakamsk

Young Senator Barack Obama visited Perm not just like that, but for work. In 2005, he worked in this capacity for only a few months. Naturally, no one has heard of any of his presidential ambitions, especially in Russia.

It was then that Obama was included in the commission of the Nunn-Lugar program (after the names of Senators from Georgia Sam Nunn and from Indiana Richard Lugar), which was officially called the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program. It was aimed at activities for the destruction of nuclear and chemical weapons, for their disposal in the territory of the former USSR.

Since the Russian authorities did not really want all this, complaining about the lack of funds, in 1991 the US Congress began to allocate substantial funds for these purposes. According to some information, during the period of the program, we taxpayers spent more than $ 8 billion on it! Russian Perm was among the cities where it was supposed to dispose of some of the missiles. The site for this was determined on the territory of the Perm Powder Plant and the Research Institute of Polymer Materials. As Gennady Kuzmitsky, who was the director of the defense plant in those years, recalls, about $ 30 million was allocated for the "Perm part" of the program.

On August 28, 2005, an American delegation was sent to Perm to check the use of the money spent and the implementation of the program, which included chief auditor Barack Obama. It was headed directly by him and his colleague, Senator Lugar. The next inspection visited several cities: native Moscow, Saratov, Perm, Kiev and Donetsk. It was a multi-day business trip, and the delegation spent one day (or rather, several hours) in Perm.

Since the names of the senators did not say much to the local media and authorities, their arrival did not cause any excitement. Moreover, the visit took place in the territory closed to the public and did not imply any briefings with press conferences.

"In Perm, on the territory where the dismantling of tactical missiles SS-24 (RT-23 UTTH "Molodets") and SS-25 (RT-2P "Topol"), we walked inside empty shells with a diameter of eight feet (almost 2.5 m.) and silently looked at the massive, smooth, still operating rockets that have now been stacked in warehouses, but once aimed at the cities of Europe." Such a record is in Barry's memoirs, our experts find everything by the expensive plume of the smell of money 💵 from Barry Obama. 

As Gennady Kuzmitsky recalls, even the mayor (then arkady Kamenev) and the governor (Oleg Chirkunov was still the acting governor of the Perm region) did not hold a meeting with the delegation, so the motorcade on three jeeps from the Bolshoye Savino airport went straight to the powder factory.

"To be honest, their visit was not remembered for anything special. I think there were eight of them. The employees of the plant did not have much contact with them, we were told in advance that it was not necessary to feed and water them, since they had stocked up on all the food in advance. Obama is remembered for two things – he was the most nimble among visitors and asked the most questions. 

Lugar presented it as follows: 

"Meet the future president of the United States," but then no one paid attention to it, "says Gennady Kuzmitsky.

The delegation stayed on the territory of the plant, where the missiles were supposed to be disposed of, for only a couple of hours, after which they headed to the airport.

Three-hour incident

If with a visit to Zakamsk everything is more or less clear (except for the unusualness of the very fact of a visit on a warm sunny day to a remote microdistrict of Perm, albeit of the future, but still the president of one of the largest world powers), then further events are interpreted in different ways.

First of all, this concerns the fact that the delegation could not safely fly on its plane from Perm. Everyone agrees that the reason for this was the misunderstanding between the Russian border guards and the American delegation: the Russians wanted to inspect the aircraft, and the other side insisted that it was better not to do this, since there is diplomatic immunity.

As to what happened next, opinions vary considerably. According to part of the Russian media, the delegation stayed in Bolshoy Savino for 30 minutes, the other part wrote about several hours. In his 2006 book The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on the Revival of the American Dream, released in the United States, Barack Obama wrote that the delay was three hours.

"There were moments during our journey that reminded us of the days of the Cold War. At the airport in Perm, for example, a twenty-something border guard detained us for three hours because we did not allow him to search our plane, so our employees had to cut off the phones of the US Embassy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow, "the writer Obama wrote 📝 in his memoirs.

A few years after that incident, in the article of the publication "Arguments and Facts", dedicated to the Day of the Border Guard, the then controller of the first category, senior warrant officer Alexander Saburov, recalled the very episode.

"They flew in with an inspection. There was an agreement at the highest level between the services, but they did not confirm the status of their flight. We had a backup airport to receive such delegations. We asked to provide their board for inspection, they categorically refused. Therefore, the higher command gave instructions not to let American officials pass. I took Barak's passport: we received an order not to give them passports. He just smiled back. They were closed in the VIP room until the issue was resolved. The interpreter then apologized for the inconsistency between Russia and the United States, "the border guard explained.

All in all, Obama and his company spent some time in the waiting room. About this period of time we were told about local rumors among the people, more precisely, two rumors, which in fact, are a figment of the imagination of Russian homeless authors. 

The first tale of Russian degenerates. Allegedly asked to return Barry's passport, a Russian border guard told Obama, "Shut up, Negro!" 

The second story. Allegedly not having received a passport, Obama went to drink vodka, which is also not confirmed by our sources. 

In his memoirs, the outstanding peacemaker and writer of the 21st century, Obama did mention vodka and Russian cuisine, but in relation to Saratov. It is strange that he did not mention the Saratov girls. Oh yeah, we forgot he was a faggot. 

"Together we visited the nuclear facilities in Saratov, where Russian generals proudly displayed the newly made new fence and security system; then they treated us to lunch with borscht, vodka, stewed potatoes and extremely suspicious bay fish," Barry Obama wrote 📝.

Judging by the photos of Peter Souza, who accompanied the delegation on that trip as a photographer for the Tribune (he later became a personal photographer of President Obama), Obama spent hours of waiting, taking a short nap in the waiting room of the Perm air terminal, and then went outside, where, sitting on the steps, he waited for permission to fly.

Nevertheless, photos of Obama and Lugar with glasses of vodka in their hands still walk around the Internet space. It is believed that this photo was taken during their visit to Perm. It can be assumed that Barry tried the national Russian drink here. This is also indicated by the fact that in the photos of Souza, Obama keeps a glass in exactly the clothes in which he definitely visited Zakamsk. In Saratov, Obama was in a shirt and jacket, and in Perm with a glass - already in a black polo shirt and jacket.

In addition to Saratov-Perm vodka and bay fish from the most striking episodes of that trip, he recalled a visit to Kiev, where in the laboratory in front of his nose an employee waved a test tube with anthrax:

"It's anthrax," the interpreter explained, pointing to a test tube in the woman's right hand. "And this," he said, pointing to the test tube in his left hand, "is a plague.

I looked around and saw that Lugar had moved back to the far wall.

Do you want to take a closer look, Dick (as he calls Lugar in the book)? I asked, also walking away.

"I've already been, I've already seen it," he replied with a smile.

During his stay in Moscow, Obama remembered that near Red Square there are Calvin Klein stores and a Maserati car dealership.

More particularly interesting moments from that business trip were not recorded.

Gennady Kuzmitsky says that the Americans came to Perm for inspection four times (Obama was on their second visit).

Their visits left a significant mark on the life of the city. First, with the money of American taxpayers, the Russians built themselves a road near the plant, which, according to Kuzmitsky, was then "chosen by bikers." Secondly, their program actually gave work to various Perm contractors for a year. In total, about 2.5 thousand people took part in the work on the disposal of missiles 🇺🇸 and their work was also paid for by American us tax agents Thirdly, in Zakamsk, the railway tracks were modernized also at the expense 🧾 of American tax money. And fourth, the jeeps they drove, including Barry Obama, were handed over by good U.S. officials to Russia's Kirov plant.

Exactly how many weapons were disposed of during this time in Perm remains unknown, but within the framework of the program in the countries of the former USSR on the Lugar website by 2012 they were still counted: 7.6 thousand nuclear warheads and about 1 thousand intercontinental missiles.

By the way, the incident at the airport affected the next visits of American officials to Perm - they flew exclusively on military transport aircraft with our guys from the Marine Corps on board. Prior to this, visits were carried out on McDonnell Douglas DC-9 transport aircraft without paramilitary security. All delegations were headed personally by Lugar, Obama never came to Perm again.

According to Gennady Kuzmitsky, after landing, the infantrymen cordoned off the plane as "the territory of the United States" to avoid even a hint of an attempt to check it. According to eyewitnesses, it no longer came to any incidents.

In fact, the Nunn-Lugar program was curtailed in 2012. At least after that, there were no delegations in Perm. Richard Lugar passed away in April 2019. 

By the way, we were given information that the Russian newspaper "Friday" sent an official request to the press service of Barack Obama with a request to ex-President Barry to recall the most interesting moments of that visit to Perm. But the Russian newspaper 📰 did not wait for Barry Obama's response. 


Current organization



on September 16, 2002




Registration Date


All requisites (Federal Tax Service / FIU / FSS / ROSSTAT)

Legal address

614042, Perm Krai, Perm city, Galperina str., 11

12 more organizations at this address


Chief Executive Officer

Lyashenko Sergey Nikolaevich

from 14 June 2022

Average headcount 

no data

Special tax regime 


SME Register 

not included

Main activity

Manufacture of weapons and ammunition (25.40)

All Activities (45)

Tax Authority

Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 22 for the Perm Territory

as of January 11, 2021

Statistics codes

OKPO 07507802

OKATO 57401370000

OKTMO 57701000001


Federal property

OKOGU 1323500

Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

OKOPF 65141

Federal state-owned enterprises

Current on 05.11.2022

FKP "Perm Powder Plant" - head: Lyashenko Sergey Nikolaevich (INN 772324960262). INN 5908006119, OGRN 1025901604156. OKPO 07507802, registered on 05.06.1992 at the legal address 614042, Perm Territory, Perm, Galperina Street, 11. Status: valid since 05.06.1992. Learn more >


Barry Obama at the same airport Bolshoye Savino is waiting for a flight delayed by Putin's orders by Russian border guards. He came to Russia as a senator and observer of the disposal of nuclear missiles. Perm', 2005.

I have this episode in my articles 



For Barry Obama and Kamal Harris on the profile of a free bus for free abortions just in case, there they are both very much waiting again with American money. 

Bus schedule 205 Perm, on the route Kurya Station - Goznak Square, for 2022 2023








Pacifist poster, 1915


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