NWO State Terror 

NWO State Terror 



The administrations of the United States, Europe and the EU, as well as other administrations of the world, participating in one planned special operation of the false virus 🦠 committed and continue to execute a dirty, bloody, multi-vector attack with lies on the population of the American and European continent to approach the final stage of the special operation - a single world government, de facto, we are talking about a large-scale coup d'état carried out by the governments of the United States and Europe, the UN. WHO MB , other players involved .

Incumbent national governments are state terrorists and war criminals.

It's no secret that David Rockefeller's NWO plan consists of different stages, moreover, after the exposure of the special operation world corona 🤴 19 in the mode of a false pandemic, the plan began to be adjusted and changed almost every day. We've also had a change in our plans. 

German writer, spiritual orator, who in 2011 took first place in the list of "Watkins Review" as the most influential spiritual teacher in the world, in 2008 the New York Times called him "the most popular author of spiritual literature in the United States", Eckhart Tolle: We will see the Great Reset, but not as planned.

"We are going through a period of growing collective madness"

"We are being challenged to wake up. We'll see a major reboot... but not in the way that certain [WEF] organizations plan to do."

"What politicians do, what the media does ... it's just pure evil; they're evil or just plain stupid! What humanity desperately needs is wisdom."


You have decided to destroy our lives, and we have decided to take your lives and have already advanced and are going after them. Wait, everything is going according to David Rockefeller's plan. 

Already by the end of this year, Ukrainian kamikaze drones will be presented and will begin to be transferred to the Armed Forces, Ukroboronprom.

 The first tests of the "heavy machine" with 75 kg of warhead have already been successfully conducted.

 And this is not the only development of the domestic UAV.

 "The heavy machine will fly normally by the end of this year, a model will be created that people are not ashamed to show. It has already flown. This is a heavy machine, more than 200 kg take-off weight. Such a development corresponds to the tasks that were set by Valery Zaluzhny at the end of August. And by the new year, we will present the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense as the main customer. And the customer will decide whether this machine will go into production," Ukroboronprom manager Oleg Boldyrev said.

You will enter our coffins without viruses and antibodies, without diets and aerobics.

30th International Forum-Exhibition of Funeral Services "Necropolis - WORLD 🌎 Davos - New York - Moscow - Washington 2022 

Faith in Biden's democratic party is akin to Russian fascist Orthodoxy. 

It seems that all believers go to church on Sundays, some especially gifted have a home chapel. 

 all baptized, and the Bible has not been read about the Gospel, is not aware, does not take communion and does not know what they believe. 

A special way of the island was chosen, yes bitch to fuck ? That's just what his bitch is the point of beating and where this crooked thread 🧵 leads - in what ass we take, all fuck the faggots silent. Or from above you can see to beat, you so decided the insects 🦟 are small - grassy 

The most famous DeMolean of all: Walt Disney

Disney, whose company is now busy with large-scale criminal offenses and corrupting children, was the 107th member and the dude joined these obscurantists in March 1920, at the age of 19. 

Demonlay is an international fraternal organization for young degenerates between the ages of 12 and 21. 

It was founded in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1919 and named after Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar. It is a Masonic youth organization.

 🇺🇸 Pederasty, maniacally cultivated by the state at the expense of taxpayer money, and Nazism are one phenomenon of a demonic kind.

Victoria's Secret comes from the secret of the English "Queen" Victoria, she was a man and one morning decided that he was a woman, and unilaterally imposed it on her kingdom.

The water in the glass "borrows" the shape and color of the glass. If you change the external form, you change the way the inner form manifests.

And if you change the schema of the body, you form a way of manifesting the soul. 

This principle is at the heart of the Cabal's transgender program and its byproducts. The program is aimed not only at a small group of people, but also at Humanity as a whole. In addition to the social engineering option, the transgender agenda uses symbolism to activate a certain type of spiritual entity—demons, demons, and other satans. It's all the components of the slave's NWO, it's the slave world they imagine. According to their idea, this should lead the masses to the cult of Baphomet and its consequences.

Anyone can access the Spiritual Meaning of Physical Actions and understand how, why, and why form is being attacked/attacked.

With the help of surgery, hormones and other means, the communist fascist clique creates its own forms, with the aim of settling in the minds of all demons, larvae and demons, which, as it seems to them, they need to build a New Unified World. That's the crazy Satan, who is one foot in the grave by age, that's what we're dealing with. 

The main component needed to attract demons by changing "forms" is sin or, it is used by the clique, sexual transformation, whatever form it takes. Sin is a bridge between the reality of the first level and the real reality, where demons who have not yet found a receptacle on Earth live for the time being.

The enemy has conducted research on human biology and knows that this is the only way in which he will very quickly be able to import the image of the Antichrist into human form that is convenient for him.

The whole problem with the conspirators is that they are exposed and known by their last names. 

          Need BIO-Nuremberg 2 

Here's what Emily Burns writes:

"There was no mistake. There was a political calculation that hurt us, but hurt our children even more!"

the political establishment – left and right – desperately wants to move on, to pretend that the last 30 months have not happened. With very few exceptions, Ron DeSantis, Kirsty Noem, Rand Paul, Thomas Massey, Ron Johnson, and a few others.

They betrayed core values.


The Scottish Government is finally recognising that wearing masks is harmful.

Scotland has been slow to abolish mandatory mask wearing for the general population, even despite a study published in Nature https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-15409-x and generally despite any peer-reviewed studies that show that masks are harmful and ineffective. 


The legislative requirement to wear muzzles as the first slaves was transformed into a "directive" on April 18, 2022, but remained as a strict recommendation in the field of health and social security. That guidance was revised in June but was still strongly encouraged to wear masks, meaning that many nursing home residents may never have seen a face without masks in more than two years. 

However, concerted work has finally led to a change in the degenerate policy aimed at ending the normal wearing of masks in social institutions. 


You can change everything. You need desire, perseverance and sobriety. 


• N95 respirators against Medical Masks for the prevention of influenza among medical personnel: A randomized clinical trial.


• Physiological effects of N95 masks on medical personnel.


• Physiological effects of wearing the N95 mask during hemodialysis as a precaution against ARVI in patients with end-stage kidney disease.


• Preliminary report on the deoxygenation caused by the surgical mask during surgery.


Bacterial and fungal pneumonia

The wet environment of the mask is an ideal medium for the multiplication of bacteria and fungi that are inhaled and cause lung infections.


Pleasant statistics of the losses of high-ranking military officers of the fascist army in Ukraine.

 As of November 1, 1,402 people lost their lives

Total combat losses of the Rashists

 The enemy suffered the greatest losses in the Lyman and Avdiiv directions

Ekaterina in Odesa today wearing a hangman's cap and a boa constrictor in her hand

Total Russian combat losses as of November 3, 2022

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhnyi said that Russian troops lost twice as many planes in Ukraine than the Soviet Union during the 10-year war in Afghanistan.

 "278 Russian aircraft in Ukraine against 118 Soviet aircraft in Afghanistan. This war is the same shame for the Russian Federation and will cause its destruction," Zaluzhnyi said.









Execution of terrorists who carried out the explosion in the Cathedral of The Holy Week, which killed more than 200 people, Bulgaria, 1925.


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