The Democrats are on the attack in a final and decisive battle. 

The Democrats are on the attack in a final and decisive battle.

You know Friends, and I give the Day of our national gaps between one absurdity every four years, a special role in shaping our national identity, freedom and democracy, increasing solidarity and harmony in our American society - I, in general, like weekends very much. 😻 

Great evening news for all of us, all of us supporting and fighting for the distressed Democrats and U.S. citizens. 

The DPRK to support the democratic opposition of the United States, suffering difficulties and at the request of Hillary Clinton, by the upcoming US presidential elections in 2024 begins deliveries to the United States of its counting machines and clothing brands with a patch on the left sleeve with the profile of the leader of world communism and the American people Joe Biden. 

We can already see, Friends, the sour faces of these downtrodden Republican Goats and how they cry along with Armani and Calvin Klein, biting their elbows in envy. 

​«... We have the ability to send all enemies into hell of fire, but that's not our task. We listen to and obey the words of the Creator in our hearts, and these words give us a sacred purpose. The goal is to stop the supreme ruler of hell, whatever name he uses – Satan, Lucifer or Iblis. For his purpose is perdition."

Little Dimka re-read what he had written, shook his nose quite a bit, closed his notebook and ran to play in the cemetery 🪦

On November 4, 1937, in Moscow, on American equipment and according to the American recipe brought in 1936 by A. Mikoyan from the United States to the USSR, they began the production of ice cream with the help of American engineers and American workers, on American equipment installed in Moscow, after commissioning and state acceptance, after training Soviet personnel, they produced ice cream 🍦 from the USSR - the first famous Soviet "Plombir".

Historical Chronicles of the Slaughter Department 

+18 . Our source gave us delicate, almost intimate details. These are our American ice cream sticks in the form of a spoon 🥄 for eating, the Soviet Ministry of Health adapted for the analysis of feces of Soviet citizens. The Soviets didn't have special containers for their communist shit. Before taking a fecal test to the clinic, they had to find a glass jar, disinfect this jar on an open fire, then put the flat on the floor on a lined sheet of blank paper, which was also not easy for them, to find a blank sheet of white paper with a total shortage of everything, usually they tore the sheets out of the school notebooks of their children. our source, an old Chekist, who knew young Kisa, better known on our island as Henry Kissinger, told us from his work in the MGB, after which the Soviets put their shit with a spoon or large matches in a jar and carried their sample of shit for analysis 🧐. Paper with the surname was glued to the jar. And the doctors finally learned American chopsticks for picking at soviet shit. 

We have long wondered whether to give these strange details from the source from which we are in terrible shock 🤯. Lost appetite, missed a business lunch 🍱 But we decided to give everyone this, because we do not believe that we should alone endure all this Soviet / Russian shit 💩. 

Our sources will tell us why yesterday there were wild traffic jams in Moscow. 

It turns out that everything was blocked because they rehearsed today's rally - the reconstruction of the send-off to the front called "We won then- we will win now." 

Sometimes it seems to us that it is a dream. But no. In boots in puddles. No, obviously it's not us sleeping. 🛌 

     The Russians can't repeat anything. 

They can't do anything. 

Not the people's militia of 1612. 

No revolutions.

Not a victory in the Patriotic War. 

Not to eliminate the devastation. 

Not space. 

No ballet. 

Not an arms race. 

Not a popular impulse in the early '90s.

Ice cream with sausage - and then they can't. 

They can't do anything. 

This is the true communist unity in 105 years of communism – everyone and everything, "people" and "power" 

"The food is tricky. You need to be able to eat, and imagine - most people do not know how to eat at all. You need not only to know what to eat, but also when and how. And what can I say. Yeah. If you care about your digestion, my good advice is not to talk about Bolshevism and medicine at dinner. And - God save you - do not read the Soviet newspapers until lunchtime. Patients who do not read newspapers feel excellent. Those whom I specifically forced to read 'the truth' lost weight."

An even bigger package of Joe Biden's campaign is here 👇

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