Barack Obama is a Russian intelligence agent

Barack Obama is a Russian intelligence agent

A friend of Barry's family 


The stamp is top secret. 

Biden was sexually exploited by the daughter of Russian agent Barack Obama. 

If you add up the rumors that Biden Jr. roasted Obama's daughter Amalia with Obama's dog, which was caught in the frame during one of the at Biden Jr.'s house, then we can say with almost one hundred percent probability that a rumor is not a rumor, but is a reality. Hunter did sexually use Barack and Misha Obama's purchased daughter. By the way, Jim Stone agrees with us on this. Biden Jr. not only fried Obama's daughter, but he also used the whore Gaga. The same Lady who spoke in one of her freak shows in a costume of meat, from which blood flowed, and performed within the walls of the Ethiopian WHO, where the terrorists are ruled by the Ethiopian communist Ghebreus, who is contradicted by a friend of the pedophile Epstein, a former IT specialist, the current chief "virologist" of Planet Gates. 

       A real Bolshevik sex coke gang.

For communist liars, this is the norm, they live and breathe this debauchery of crimes all their lives. These are just a few episodes of their lives from old man Joe's son, Hunter. 

The photos are disgusting, but without showing them to the World twice or thrice, it is impossible to let the World know who controls a significant part of it and therefore impossible to uncheck the back of this communist hydra of criminals and pedophiles thriving in the Oval Office. 

Those who are lucky enough to see and know the island 🏝 of bad luck should know, on or at least remember one year of hot bubbling on the island at the mention of the name of the former PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Today, Barack Hussein Obama is lying back in Joe's Oval Office, as if it hadn't been those unfortunate 4 years when the Kremlin's carryover prize went to 👨 another, red-haired agent of Putin. A few more years will pass and what will remain in the memory of civilization about Covid - a man who lived and worked in the neon cabinet of Ronald Reagan and on whom once as many as eight plus 2019 with an open end date also depended on the fate of the island 🏝 and all coastal areas? Only virus 🦠 19 will remain and only this app below ⬇️ 

The main syringe 💉 of the United States, Joe, again tells the whole world about Putin's capabilities and the possible use of chemical weapons by Russia in Ukraine. Joe's ordinary obvious - can your communist gang of start doing something to prevent this from happening? You're too self-explanatory as Ordinary Joe and Barry behaving with a real interest in a prolonged conflict with the worst-case scenario in Ukraine. 

Putin is a schizophrenic, just like you in the Oval Office. What can you apply to morons? You will poison yourself primarily with degenerates. 
The name that Barry Soetro chose for himself is not all right as much as his wife Michelle Obama's name, which has already been taken apart. 

Barry chose the name "Barack Obama" for his scholarship. And it's no accident. The phrase "Barack" in Hebrew means "light from the sky" or, if you like, a fallen angel, Satan.

The name of the former U.S. leader, Barack (ררק B'rq) - translates as "lightning", and the surname of ex-President Obama (O'BAM -מגן עדן) translates from Hebrew "from the sky."

Thus, we get a line from Luke 10: 18 in the name of the first black president of the United States: "I saw Satan falling from the sky (O'Bama) like lightning ("Barak")."

Whether you believe in the Apocalypse or not, it's not the point. The most important thing to understand is that elites who seek to subjugate the whole world believe in it, and who, if one concludes that strange messages are encoded in the names of some of their representatives, encourage him in every way: 

-Barack Obama - "lightning, "fallen" - AP. Luke (10:18)

-Michael LaVaughn Robinson - 666 - Revelation of John the Theologian

Strange, to say the least, coincidences. Can't you find it?

Barack Obama is a Russian intelligence agent. 

The material that lies in our archive is long overdue time to publish, in the material is not a version of the facts. This is a reconstruction of a unique KGB/SVR operation. In intelligence, there is no subjective concept of "impossible", but there is an objective cost of the operation and the ability of the government or individuals to finance it. 

Official biography of the agent 

Barack Hussein Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu (Hawaii, USA). His parents met in 1960 while studying at the University of Hawaii. His father was a Kenyan (1936-1982) and his mother was a white American (1942-1995). They divorced in 1964 because Obama's mother starred in and was engaged in prostitution. My father returned to Kenya, where he died in a car accident. His mother married and moved to Indonesia, where Barak graduated in 1979 from a private school where he smoked marijuana, took cocaine and alcohol. From 1980 to 1981 he attended college in Los Angeles and then Columbia University in New York. In 1985, he moved to Chicago, worked as a public organizer in disadvantaged areas of the city. In 1988-1990 he studied at harvard Law College. In 1995, his mother died of cancer. In 1996, Obama was elected to the Illinois Senate as a Member of the Democratic Party. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004. In 2007, he ran for president of the United States. On November 4, 2008, he was elected the 44th President of the United States. On 6 November 2012, he was re-elected for a second term. 

Signal 🚨 

In the KGB, the primary information about the object is called "Signal" and is designated as "C". The signal for Obama was drawn immediately after his election as president. In 2009-2011, a lot of materials were published in the United States, as well as Jeremy Corse's scandalous book 📖 "Where is the birth certificate?", indicating that Obama was not born in the United States, so he did not have the right to be elected president. The campaign for the possible impeachment of the "fake president" was led by billionaire Donald Trump. On April 27, 2011, the White House released Obama's birth certificate, which was analyzed by many experts and declared a fake. Nevertheless, the US Congress did not even consider the possibility of impeachment proceedings due to the fact that no congressman wanted to get the stigma of a racist and cause unrest of the black population of America, pogroms and revolution. 

Obama was very lucky. 

Jerry Corsi, after the release of his bestseller, became an official enemy of the White House. Corsi conducted a very thorough investigation. He visited Hawaii, had great difficulty gaining access to the official records of the clinic where Obama was allegedly born, and said that he used the birth certificate of Virginia Sunahara, who died three days after birth. Then Corsi went to Kenya, and also traveled to the United States all the places where Obama studied and worked, interviewed a lot of people. 

Who is an illegal immigrant? 

And now – about the illegal intelligence officer of the PSU of the KGB / SVR, US President "Barack Obama", who has ruled America according to the instructions of the KGB since 2009. 

As soon as there was a rumor in the press in 2008 that Obama had used a fake birth certificate to get into big politics, it became clear that we were talking about an illegal immigrant, or rather, about how he was documented. In this case, it is standard: the KGB agents in Honolulu worked and provided the Directorate "S" of the PSU of the KGB with the necessary document. Similarly, Michael Zatelli (Mikhail Kutsik), an illegal from the Russian "dozen" with Anna Chapman at the head, arrested in 2010, was documented by Canadian evidence. The birth certificate is very important, because on its basis all other American documents are easily obtained - a social security card, a driver's license and a passport. 

An illegal immigrant is a career intelligence officer, namely the Directorate "C", who pretends to be a citizen of the host country or a foreign citizen from a friendly state, uses genuine or false documents, speaks a foreign language at the level of his native language, acts autonomously from legal residency. To cover up, an illegal immigrant usually chooses a profession that allows him to move freely around the country and the world (business, journalism) in order to recruit agents (usually "under a false flag" or by using a "dark" source), to establish any connections. An illegal immigrant, unlike an employee working in a legal residency under the cover of an embassy or consulate, does not have diplomatic immunity, in case of arrest and trial, he can be imprisoned for a very long time. In such cases, the special services often practice the mutual exchange of arrested intelligence officers. 

The training of an illegal immigrant who is being prepared for withdrawal to the United States includes: 

a) language training, study of the United States, special equipment, recruitment methods, legends; 

b) a trial period, verification of the legend and documents "for strength". An illegal immigrant travels to the United States through intermediate states with a change of passports and legends, places of work, connections. In America, he can live for a year or two, and then return home, again with a change of countries and documents, for additional training and correction of the legend; 

c) intermediate implementation. The officer again travels abroad through intermediate countries, where he can stay for a year or two, acquiring additional connections; 

d) the main implementation. An illegal immigrant arrives in the United States, receives original documents, becomes a citizen of the country, gets a job that makes it possible to travel around the country without arousing suspicion. It begins to fulfill its main task - the recruitment of sources in the interests of political, scientific, technical, military intelligence. 

Illegal immigrants fail for the following reasons: 

– poor education and language training, unsuccessful legend, unreliable documents; 

– violation of the rules of conspiracy in working with agents, alcohol abuse, drug use, promiscuous sexual relations, suspicious "throwing" of cash, atypical for an American behavior and lifestyle, habits; 

– the desire to make connections mainly among secret carriers; 

– betrayal by an agent or "mole" in Moscow. 


And now we're reconstructing the real biography of U.S. President "Barack Obama." 

First of all, we draw attention to his legend, it was made masterfully - according to the rules of illegal intelligence, it works best, and it is most convenient to get used to it if it represents a mixture of real and fictional dates and events. So, the black boy "Obama" was born around 1958 (at least 3 years earlier than the real Obama), was the son of a student from Kenya who studied in Moscow and dated a Russian girl. After graduating from the boarding school, he entered one of the Moscow universities, where he was recruited by PSU for subsequent transfer to permanent residence in Kenya and his promotion to the political leadership of the country. Teachers of the Institute of PSU began to deal with him according to an individual program. 

At the same time, in 1979-1981, the real Barack Obama studied at The Western College of Los Angeles, where he became a socialist obsessed with the idea of "taking away from the rich, and dividing everything equally." 

The PSU station in Washington, D.C., which closely monitored left-wing college and university graduates who could be recruited, received information about a gifted socialist student. Photos and information went to Moscow, where his resemblance to a guy who was being prepared for withdrawal to Kenya was discovered. There was a plan for an operation to kidnap Obama and replace him with a double - an illegal intelligence officer. In 1981, Obama visited his mother and sister in Indonesia, and then went for 3 weeks to India and Pakistan, where the families of his fellow students lived. In India, he was kidnapped, and the Russian "Obama" has already gone to Pakistan. This was the initial test for the authenticity of the identity and legend of the illegal immigrant. In Pakistan, a "poor student in second-hand clothes from a poor store" (as "Obama" later wrote about himself in the book "My Father's Dreams") suddenly settles for 2 weeks in a suite of the chic Lahore Hilton International. Then he was "suddenly" introduced to Yusa Gilani, a member of the Central Committee of the League of Pakistani Muslims and the future prime minister, with whom he even went hunting. This is exactly what an illegal immigrant should be doing – establishing business and political contacts on the way to the country of destination. Obama came to the States confident of success. The main task was modest - penetration into political circles at the local level, city, state, and in the future - the Senate or Assembly of the state and even the US Congress. By this time, my father had died in a car accident in Kenya, my mother was living in Indonesia and could be avoided for as long as possible. By the way, Don Johnson, who worked with Anna Dunham, Obama's mother, confirmed that after entering college, his son avoided her in every possible way. In 1995, she died very young, at the age of 52 from ovarian cancer. Time changes the appearance a lot, especially when the child turns into a young man – "Obama" had to avoid old friends as much as possible and glow less in public for another couple of years. 

Also in 1981, "Obama" was transferred to Columbia University, where the poor had nothing to do and where no one knew him at all, studied political science and graduated in 1983. Interestingly, During the 2008 presidential election campaign and during his first presidential term, Obama categorically refused to say anything about his studies at the university, to demonstrate any document or student work, to name at least one fellow student or friend from the university. 

Even more interestingly, the world's most respected newspaper, the Wall Street Journal, reported in September 2008 in an article entitled "Obama: The Lost Years" that Fox TV interviewed 400 four hundred students enrolled in political science and several others in 1981-1983. It turned out that absolutely no one remembers student Barack Obama. In 2005, "Obama said, "I studied very hard, communicated very little, lived like a monk." 

In fact, "Obama" during these years was in Moscow, where, as befits the standard plan of the Office "C", he underwent additional training and preparation for a political career in the United States. 

The leadership of Columbia University also categorically to this day refuses to show any records of the study of the student "Obama". Only one person could silence them — CIA Director Leon Panetta, who was appointed by the 44th President Obama in 2009.

- Why? 

- A little 🤏 later and lower ⬇️ 

As befits an illegal intelligence officer, "Obama" has no childhood friend and no acquaintance or fellow student, despite the fact that he studied at Occidental College of Los Angeles, Columbia University in New York and harvard Law School. Any! In 1983-1985 he worked in business in New York, and then suddenly moved to Chicago and became a public organizer in the troubled black areas of the city. The decision was prompted by Soviet intelligence - the fact is that the mayor of Chicago was a black American Harold Washington, which means that it is in this city and in this state that it will be easier for "Obama" to break into politics. 

In 1987, he visited Kenya, and from there he was sent to Russia for a week to report, additional training and adjust the assignment. We asked our information partners and colleagues at the time of the investigation and they informed us of the following: 

" has a professional visual memory - I saw "Obama" in Moscow in July 1987 near the hotel "Golden Spike", one of the buildings of which was used by the Institute of PSU KGB named after Y. V. Andropov as an educational building, at this time our informant was trained in this building.

The yacht of the aerospace company Blue Origin and the owner of The Washington Post. Jeff Bezos "Flying Fox" off the coast of Turkey.

Bezosovskaya yacht was in the Big Bitter Lake, there "rested" megacontainer carrier EverGiven 

Yacht S.Y. Vertigo owns an American entrepreneur, media mogul, owner of media, film companies and publishers in the United States, Australia, Europe, Latin America and Asia, founder, chairman of the board and CEO of the holding companies News Corp and 21st Century Fox Rupert Murdoch was also in the Great Bitter Lake. 

In the photo China and also "EVERGREEN"-Codename of H.R. Clinton. Another name for the tractor with a container, as you know, could not be.

Even then, we were wondering what kind of fishing 🎣 Igor Kesaev's yacht participated in the Suez Canal, if you "reel" a little time and look at the previous geolocations of the Merdokvo yacht Vertigo and its trail. The trail leads directly to the Sky superyacht, owner Igor.


Directorate "C" of the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR was a unit of the KGB of the USSR, which performed the functions of illegal intelligence. Until July 1954, the functions of illegal intelligence were carried out by the 8th Department of the PSU of the KGB of the USSR. 

By the way, Jerry Corsi tried to verify this information through his connections among conservative journalists who studied Barry's biography, but he did not succeed. And on October 13, 2011, a statement by a certain Paul Pieniezny appeared on the Internet: "Obama, who was in Russia in 1987, was not Barack Obama, but a student from West Africa. He's alive, he's working as a diplomat." I wonder who is hiding under this name? And why did he need to deny the information about Obama's stay in Russia actually by confirming it? In 1988, Obama flew to Europe, where he met with employees of the 1st Department of the PSU of the KGB (work on the United States). Options for his future political career are being discussed. The safe option is in an African country, including Kenya; the risky option is in the U.S., where he could become the second Martin Luther King. We chose the second option and discussed financing. The choice and calculation proved to be accurate — Obama was elected to the Illinois Senate in 1996 and to the U.S. Senate in 2005. 

On August 5, 2005, US Senator "Obama" came to Russia together with Senator, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Policy Committee R. Luger to check the storage sites and the presence of nuclear warheads (including in Perm) intended for destruction in accordance with the US-funded "Joint Threat Reduction Program". On the night of August 6, Obama held a conspiratorial meeting in Perm with SVR Director S. N. Lebedev to discuss possible prospects for Obama's candidacy for the US presidential election in 2008. 

Lebedev was waiting for a very unpleasant surprise - "Obama" got out of control and said that if he was elected president, he would make political decisions independently, including on Russian-American relations. Information about the meeting was instantly reported to Russian President V. Putin, who instructed to teach the illegal immigrant a small lesson. In addition, he had to "correct the brains" for the scandal with the mistress-secretary, the beautiful Vera Baker, because of which "Obama" had previously almost lost the senate elections. The flight of "Obama" and Luger, the most influential American politician, from Perm was delayed on August 7 for 3 hours. They were both dragged out of an American military plane by some incomprehensible border guard officers and stuffed into a room at the airport 2x3 meters until they, suffocating from lack of oxygen, agreed to hand over their passports for verification and be subjected to personal search. At this level, this is something transcendent and smells not just of a diplomatic scandal, but of a rupture in relations between states. The pilot of the plane contacted the White House and directly reported the situation to President Bush, who was very puzzled by such a hidden political demarche of his "friend Vladimir". Five minutes later, State Secretary Condoleezza Rice was already on the phone with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who assured that he had no idea what the hell were doing in Perm with his good friend Luger, who was very loyal to Russia, by the way. Nevertheless, early in the morning, a person rushed from the Foreign Ministry to the US Embassy in Moscow with an official apology for no clear reason. 

Finally, the "border guards" came to 


** from Lebedev to "dump". Out of nowhere, the FSB was also printed here, which said that within a week it would sort everything out. 

Putin contacted Bush and apologized — also unclear for what. The international scandal was nipped in the bud. Poor Lebedev was still pushed out of the reconnaissance a year later, although he honestly carried out the order. Of course, "Obama" learned his lesson and in the future did not indulge in independence. And now for the fun part. This very "Cooperative Thread Reduction Program" in Congress was initiated by none other than Luger himself, with the support of Obama, who, after becoming president in 2008, made leftist Luger his unofficial adviser. Even more interesting is that, according to a report by the independent State Accountability Office under the US Congress, the $ 6 billion allocated for the program was spent in Russia on the destruction of obsolete missiles and their replacement with more advanced ones, as well as on the salaries of developers. What kind of rollback Obama received and how he shared with Luger is still unknown. And it is only known that Luger did not mention a word in his official report on the incident and did everything to silence the American press. So "Obama" not only corrected himself, but also poured $ 6 billion from the American budget to the Motherland. Clever Barry! 

How did Barry become president? 

On February 10, 2007, the operation of the PSU KGB (since December 18, 1991 - the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia) to promote the illegal intelligence officer "Barack Obama" to the top political leadership of the United States enters the final phase. US Senator from Illinois "Barack Obama", who has worked in this position for only 2 years, announces his decision to run for President of the United States and begins the election campaign. 

Obama promised Americans "Change," that is, change. He was automatically supported by millions of African Americans, understandably, and millions of Hispanics who believed his promises to give citizenship to 12 million illegal Latino immigrants. 

The essence and meaning of the need for fundamental changes in the lives of US citizens, where 3,000,000 (three million) millionaires live, no one really understood, but then Russian intelligence connected the world media. The operation was carried out through SVR agents, in particular through Richard Standgel, editor-in-chief of Time, the most influential political magazine in the world. As soon as the unknown Obama was elected to the US Senate from Illinois, Time immediately declared him one of the hundred most influential people in the world. Standgel pulled off the same trick in 2007, as soon as Senator Obama, unknown to anyone in America, began his presidential campaign. In addition, the whole of Europe was suddenly stunned by the oldest British political magazine "New Statesman", which suddenly included in 2004 the unknown freshly minted Senator Obama from the distant United States in the number – attention! - "10 People Who Can Change the World" This was done by another SVR agent, Peter Wilby. 

Back in 1954, 100 politicians and big businessmen gathered at the Bilderberg Hotel in Arnhem, in the Netherlands. They decided to hold annual conferences closed to the press and the public in order to strengthen mutual understanding between Western Europe and the United States. In fact, this Bilderberg Group (club) forms world politics and, most importantly, coordinates actions in support of this or that leader, president or prime minister. The venue of the conferences and the composition of the invited guests change, but one person is present invariably – this is the former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Kissinger is the man of the Rockefellers, who, along with the Rothschilds, rule the world. 

On June 6, 2008, the Bilderberg Club annual meeting was held at the Marriott Hotel, Centili, Virginia. Late at night, US presidential candidates, Democratic rivals Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton secretly, without informing the press, arrived in Centili for several hours to meet with members of the club. Despite the secrecy, journalists found out about it. Representatives of the candidates acknowledged that Obama and Hillary Clinton were in Centili on June 5, but refrained from any further clarification. 

Two days later, on June 7, Hillary Clinton, who in May said that she never gives up and always brings the fight to an end, suddenly announced her withdrawal from the presidential race and the full support of Barack Obama. The conclusion is simple - the club under the leadership of Henry Kissinger preferred Obama. Interestingly, Henry Kissinger and V. Putin have met about ten times since 2000, the last meeting took place on January 20, 2012 in Moscow, and both do not hide the fact that political differences do not prevent them from maintaining friendly relations. It is not at all a fact that V. Putin recommended Kissinger to support Obama as a possible US president. But there is another fact - on January 8, 2008, candidate Hillary Clinton, speaking to voters in The Hampton, said the following about Putin: "He was a KGB officer. He has no soul by definition." On June 6, at a night meeting of the club, a stunned, stunned and incomprehensible Hillary Clinton receives instructions from Kissinger to yield to Obama and withdraw from the race. It turns out that V. Putin is part of a very limited circle of people who control the world. 

On July 2, 2008, in Boulder, Colorado, Obama makes a surprise announcement that requires a short preface. 

The election campaign of "Obama" went so successfully that the Director of the SVR M. E. Fradkov had a curious, if not to say brilliant, idea, approved by V. Putin. If Obama suddenly becomes president, he will be able to create a new intelligence agency with special powers of total control of America. 

Naturally, such a special service will be led by illegal SVR. Thus, a completely unique tool for monitoring and managing the United States will emerge. 

Here's what Obama said on July 2: 

"We cannot rely only on the military to achieve our national security goals. We must create a civilian national security service as powerful and just as well funded." 

Naturally, questions and doubts arose among many politicians, but only Congressman Paul Brown spoke directly and harshly about the fact that Obama wants to create a security service like the Gestapo to establish a Marxist dictatorship. After the election of "Obama" as president, this idea was not developed, the president did not introduce a bill for consideration by Congress, but, as they say, it is not yet evening. We claim that everything that has happened and is happening in connection with the organization of a false virus 🦠 is part of the brilliant task of the SVR to create a branch of Russian intelligence on American soil. 

On November 4, 2008, in Washington, D.C., "Obama" won the race and became the first Russian illegal intelligence officer elected president of the United States. At the same time, the Congressional Research Service officially reported that no one in the government had investigated the eligibility of Barack Obama's participation in elections under the country's Constitution. 

🔻🔻 Pronunciation error🔻🔻

April 29, 2009, CIA, Langley, Virginia. "Barack Obama" came to the CIA specifically to introduce the terrorist gang to their new boss, Leon Panetta. During his speech, he makes a fatal mistake — instead of "I chose Leon Panetta to lead the Office," Obama said, "I chose Leon Panetta to leave the Office." He immediately corrected the error, but for us and our colleagues who closely monitored every step of Agent Barry, everything became clear. 

Scouts have an iron rule - "One mistake in pronunciation, and the opponent will put a lead point at the end of the sentence." 

This speech is on the video on the Internet, in particular on YouTube "CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia: Changes to Interrogation Policy for the United States (2009)". 

An error in pronunciation sounds at the 7th minute. 

The text of this speech can also be found on the official website of the CIA, the title is "Transcript of President Barack Obama's Remarks at CIA Headquarters". Interestingly, instead of the word "leave", the word "lead" was twice written there - they say, no mistake, the president repeated the same thing twice.

No, dear American censors, there was a mistake, and a very serious one. Who better than you scouts to understand what happened. 

April 21, 2009 | 19:08. The President visits CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia to speak to CIA employees directly, discussing precisely why he has decided to change interrogation policy for the United States. (public domain) Download mp4 (206.5MB) Read the Transcript. Remarks by the President to CIA employees at CIA Headquarters.

Real American intelligence officers spoke unequivocally: - a person born in the United States, a person for whom English is the native language, can not make such a mistake in any way and never. If a person said "leave the CIA" instead of "head the CIA", it means that he was taught the language, and he constructs phrases before he speaks, although he does it very quickly. He constructs, not automatically, which is why Barry the Negro allowed such an incident. 

While legions of Covid 😷 soothsayers are practicing scenarios of confrontation in the war in Ukraine from a crazy attacking Russia, where inevitably Russia loses in the next month or two, it does not all dawn on everyone that the pandemic and war are links in one criminal chain ⛓ of very long and complex processes, for example, this obvious thing:

"He (Putin) got everything, he did everyone, with our own hands" (former NATO representative in Moscow Harry Tabakh).

I understand how bitter and unpleasant this truth is to the progressive public, but there is nothing we can do about it – true, it is true. The best way here is to correct, correct and once again correct, and it is better right now for all national administrations to declare their resignation, set a date for new elections and with a clear conscience go to the investigator at the place of main residence and write a statement of guilt. And to make it easier on the soul and heart, write a statement wider, so to speak, from the height of the 🦅 eagle's flight, writing in the statement where the legs grow. That is, to reveal in detail in the guilty plea the cause-and-effect relationships that have been helping the Kremlin and Putin time after time, and western and American defendants especially do not want to do anything worthwhile for 30 years. 

In an interview with the Ukrainian channel SobiNews, a former high-ranking NATO officer and part-time Trumpist, he said a lot of garbage, but here's what is interesting: despite the fact that the main nuts went to Biden and his predecessor Obama, he never said the main thing, which now will have to be done for him.

As a starting point, first of all, let me remind you: it is impossible, having talked with Putin in private for at least 20 minutes, not to become his agent. Checked by everyone who at least once got into such networks, except that this cup passed only those who in themselves are not interested in him personally. 

At the same time, the paradox is that of all the high-profile figures, the most famous "agent" is still considered donald Trump and this is true. The old story began with the novel of the Czech model and VIP whore Ivan Zelničkov, recruited by the KGB, she was transported across the Italian Alps simulating an escape from Czechoslovakia first through the mountains to Austria, later to Canada and a while after adapting to the place of the main operation New York. Trump Donald Fedotych is a Slavic president and is in love with his boss and often could not hide his sympathies and admitted that he sympathizes with Putin, but only as a strong personality, not inferior to him. Although neither is strong, it is rather the tender attitude of two extremely flawed degenerates. 

It still eludes the public that it is worth digging elsewhere and this is relevant right now: where the agency is no less high-ranking, or rather, the same position, although with its own specifics. 

One of the two highest-ranking agents is the same Nobel Peace Prize winner for 2009, the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama. The reason why Harry Tabach did not pronounce the sacramental "agent" is that even he, a Trumpist to the core, is not without reason afraid of being known as a Negrophobe, which we are not afraid of at all. Perhaps we overestimate the former military, because, as often happens with ordinary "downed pilots", he is very unscrupulous in sympathy, as he relies on some of his personal grievances. So why do we think Barry is Putin's agent? Let's understand some of the direct and indirect actions and inactions of this tanned dark-skinned guy and what they led to:

🔻2009 – Obama signed the START-3 treaty with Russia and initiated a "reset" of relations, trying to ease tensions with Moscow that worsened after Putin's Munich speech in 2007 and, especially, after the five-day war with Georgia.

🔻2011 – Unprovoked US aggression against Libya led to the almost complete destruction of this stable African state and showed the whole world how, using the UN Security Council, the Oval Office administration legitimized the attack and showed its true face as a bloody world policeman. And the role of the president's clown then in Russia was played by Putin's partner and 4-year-old substitute, Dima Medvedev, and the role of prime minister was played by Putin, who immediately made a special appeal, where he harshly condemned the actions of the American military, thereby, in contrast, once again loudly presenting Russia to the world as a defender of the rights of sovereign states. In fact, this was the beginning of a serious drop in the hegemon's reputation, since almost for the first time the leader himself publicly admitted that Libya is America's "gravest mistake."

🔻2012 - On December 14, 20-year-old Adam Lanza opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. 20 children aged 5-10 years and six adults died. This was the first terrorist attack in the United States since the events of 9/11, which showed the vulnerability and imperfection of domestic American politics. Subsequently, the entire presidential term of Obama, the shooting with numerous victims in public places passed into almost everyday mode.

🔻2013 – Scandal with the leak to the press of secret materials published by the former employee of the CIA and the NSA Edward Snowden, who later received asylum in Russia. A whole system of surveillance and wiretapping of politicians and officials, including (and above all) from allied countries, was revealed, which once again hit the reputation of the United States and again indirectly played into the hands of Russia. Obama strangely pretended that nothing had happened and continued the "reset."

🔻2014 – the Ukrainian Maidan marked the beginning of the US sanctions policy against Russia. Obama said the Russian economy was "torn to shreds" as a result. For Russia, this was a strong incentive for the transition to a policy of import substitution, as well as the beginning of the political and economic process of getting rid of dollar dependence. But most importantly, the whole world and, above all, the United States suddenly faced the fact of bloodless annexation of Crimea to Russia. 

🔻2015 – Obama became the first U.S. president to appear on the cover of a publication dedicated to the life of the LGBT community. His picture adorned the issue of the California weekly Out in November. A few months earlier, the US Supreme Court issued a verdict that the conclusion of same-sex marriages does not contradict the American Constitution, thereby recognizing them as legal throughout the country. Thus, in the United States, a destructive trend of the primacy of the rights of gender minorities was launched, followed immediately by disabled people, people of color and all others who suddenly considered themselves offended. 

🔻2015 – Speaking at the UN General Assembly in September, Putin announced the beginning of the Russian liberation operation in Syria, where it once again turned out that not only in the near Crimea, but also far beyond its borders, Russia is able to secretly prepare large-scale infrastructure facilities for basing its armed forces. But most importantly, Russia has demonstrated the highest effectiveness of combat operations, especially on the effect of comparison with the actions of the American army.

🔻2016 – Completing the process of destruction and discrediting of the United States from the outside and from the inside, in May, Obama visited Hiroshima, Japan, visited the Museum of Memory, laid flowers at the memorial and personally talked with several hibakusha – as the victims of atomic bombings are called in Japan. 

So far, no U.S. president has done more to dramatically weaken the United States and, at the same time, to strengthen Russia proportionately sharply. And after that, Obama is not Putin's agent? And Barak is not a communist like Putin? Yes? 

Presumably, Obama himself was not recognized as Putin's agent only because of the animal hawkish position of his right hand during his first term – Hillary Clinton, who unwittingly covered her well-concealed patron with a thick shadow. However, the patron himself seems to have been very pleased with this, for it made it possible to hide his true intentions from everyone. 

And now, having missed the extravagant period of Putin's Trumpism, let's move on to the character who relentlessly accompanied Obama throughout his second term. Naturally, we are talking about the old man Biden – the 46th president of the United States.

Here, by the way, the story is much more banal, so to list and describe in detail the achievements of the "powerful old man" is only to waste the reader's time, which is especially expensive in our fast-paced time. Therefore, especially taking into account the fact that they are all heard, we will confine ourselves only to listing the "merits" to which he is directly related from the moment of the fact of election and for the following year:

🔻with his participation, he finished off, finished off and completely perverted the already imperfect US electoral system. 

🔻continued Obama's destructive policy of internal decay by pedaling the rights of minorities to set quotas for their representation not only in the public sector, but also in private business.

🔻practically killed the American oil and gas sector, which finally turned Russia into a world energy power before the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine. By the way, if Putin had not recruited to Ukraine, the Russian Federation would have milked Europe with its gas and oil for a long time, blackmailing with prices and supply volumes. 

🔻shamefully ended a 20-year mission in Afghanistan, surrendering to the Taliban a huge arsenal of weapons and all voluntary and involuntary U.S. aides in that country.

🔻in fact, he lifted US sanctions from the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, leaving Europe to sort it out for itself.

🔻he behaved very poorly with a syringe in the river and black underpants on his face, thereby accelerating inflation in the American economy to unprecedented proportions, which put the Fed in front of the need to raise interest rates, which will lead to a further narrowing of the use of the dollar as a means of payment.

🔻publicly refused to help Ukraine in the event of an open military conflict with Russia.

🔻in fact, he finally quarreled with his allies in Europe, pushing them into the arms of Russia.

🔻obtained a public Russian ultimatum, as a result of which America for the first time in post-war history risks finally shrinking to the state of a middle regional power, moreover, isolated from the whole world by the oceans.

🔻well, as a cherry on the cake: he put pressure on his administration degenerates and the State Department, forcing them to prepare a written response to Russian proposals for mutual security, thereby recognizing the world status of the new Russia and shaming skeptics who believed that America would simply ignore the ultimatum.

NWO Biden is the same agent of Putin as Obama, however, with his own specifics, which is that, unfortunately for the United States, he has an old political school, which in the current situation is simply contraindicated for America, because (both directly and indirectly) it works for Russia.

Oh, by the way, a few words about the specifics of Barry and his husband Misha, about this somehow everyone is shamefully silent and has not yet voiced. 

The African-American president has not gone anywhere and is now in the White House, which has never happened in the history of ex-presidents. Why? And all because it is definitely not customary to throw away such high-ranking agents in the special services. Well, at least until the agent lights up and is either donated or made emergency evacuation measures. For example, in Rostov Don to Vita Yanukovych.

Obama Foundation, and where do you get that kind of money and desire for $500 million luxury in chicago's south to build a huge Obama Center with a museum immortalizing the first Negro president and his first Negro girl/boys.

From the press release:

"It will be a place where you can reflect and grow, connect and create; feel your own sense of purpose and discover the changes you want to make in the world. It will be a place where you can honor the memory of history, inspiring young people to write their own chapters.

And all this will be done in creating jobs, expanding economic opportunities and unlocking the potential that has always existed on the South Side. Leveraging the limitless talent of neighborhoods across Chicago, it will become a campus for the community, built in partnership with the community."

How do you like this inspiration for black communist hegemons? How valuable is this tanned agent, the specifics of which, used in recruitment by 150%, are as simple and banal as possible - he openly hates WHITE America and is ready to make every effort to decompose and destroy it until his last breath.

We will not wish you Hussein, success in your not easy and even dangerous and difficult business. The main thing is, you do not stand up so much, you have not been weakly opened by us in two years and you are lying nasty on our palm.

Oh, remember Barry, Rostov is now bored, it's definitely not rubbery anymore and the place is hardly praised by everyone there in your and David's list of communist freaks of fugitives.

These are our deeds, Roni, sinners...

Three homelands of the former virologist: 

Barack Hussein Obama is not who he claims to be - his irreconcilable opponents from the United States are trying to prove this. 

Will the professional investigation be able to establish exactly who this well-tanned guy likes to 🎤 sing songs. He is definitely the legitimate 44th former president of the United States and can the US court convince us of this? 

We feel in anticipation of great showdowns and political upheavals worse than the famous "Watergate affair". 

Some of the findings of our investigation into barry Obama's criminal family, events and facts. As part of the investigation, we found an interview with a California lawyer, former Soviet citizen Orly Teitz, she has been living in the United States for more than 25-30 years. Found her exclusive interview "MK" and the lady for the first time told about the details of a private investigation of the biography of the President of the United States, who, according to the lawyer, has several names, three citizenships, 39 identity card numbers and 140 addresses throughout America.  

Kenyan Trail 

Orly Teitz, in support of her version, posted a sensational document on the Internet - a copy of the birth certificate of the American president, where the place of birth is recorded as the Kenyan city of Mombasa, and not the state of Hawaii, as indicated in the official biography. With the question of how Orly Teitz got this scandalous document, and our interview began. 

The person who gave me Barack Obama's real birth certificate wants to remain anonymous. He is afraid that persecution will begin against him. I will only say that the document was received in Kenya. In this country, everything related to the biography of Barack Obama and his family is under strict censorship of the authorities. 

And the main reason is the family relationship between the Prime Minister of Kenya, Raila Amolo Odinga, and the President of the United States, who are cousins.  

An interesting fact about the personality of this man and the level of relations with Obama: Odinga was born and raised in Kenya, but spent his young years in the GDR, at the Karl Marx University of Berlin. After a youthful fascination with communism and atheism, he became a follower of radical Islam in recent years. 

- Based on the Kenyan birth certificate, you claim that US President Obama is not the legitimate head of state - why ?  

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Linda Evangelista, 1989

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