Murzilka 21.

Murzilka 21.

the mAGaziNe 'ObVIoUSly increDIblE'

          Put on the shelves. 

In 2015, Richard Rothschild, together with a Dutch government organization, patented the COVID-19 testing system and method four years before the introduction of the covid-19. Also, millions of COVID-19 testing kits were sold in 2017 and 2018. So it was called COVID-19, which is, in their words, an acronym for Corona Virus Disease 2019, not CowID. 

According to World Integrated Trade Solution data, hundreds of millions of COVID-19 testing kits were distributed worldwide in 2017 and 2018 - two years before COVID-19.

The data was discovered on September 5, 2020, published in a telegram, from where they went viral on social media, where they went viral. And on September 6, WITS suddenly changed the original designation "COVID-19" to a vague "Medical Test Kits."

As you know, this is generally unacceptable in trading on such urvon and on this scale, because you always have to be specific in the way that there are many types of test kits for different diseases. Which gives us the fact that they removed the COVID-19 specification after this data became known around the world, Friends, decide for yourself, but you should know that the same makar had removed the records from the sites of the city hall of the rest of the world about "nanonorbots in the veins" and "AI" that "will make a diagnosis" as well as a recording from the UN website about the "New World Order" by 2030. 

However, here they forgot to remove one detail: the product code for these "Medical Test Kits" is 300215, which means "COVID-19 Test Kits."

In fact, we see that two years before the COVID-19 outbreak, the United States, the EU, China and countries around the world began exporting millions of diagnostic tools for COVID-19, a disease that supposedly didn't even exist at the time.

According to the World Bank's website, COVID-19 is a project that is scheduled to be extended until the end of March 2025. 

In 2017, the conman Anthony Fauci made a very strange prediction in which he confidently stated that during the first term of Trump's presidency there will necessarily be a sudden outbreak of infectious disease: "NO question whether there will be a problem for the coming administration in the field of infectious diseases. There's going to be a BIG EXPLOSION. There is NO DOUBT in this."

How could Fauci guarantee a sudden outbreak during the first term of the Trump administration? What did he know, what did we not know then?


This web page summarizes information in PubChem about patent US-7776521-B1. This includes chemicals mentioned, as reported by PubChem contributors, as well as other content, such as title, abstract, and International Patent Classification (IPC) codes. To read more about how this page was constructed, please visit the PubChem patents help page.

In 2018, Bill Gates publicly announced that a global pandemic was looming that could wipe out 30 million people, saying it would happen within the next decade. Melinda Gates then added that the artificially created virus poses the greatest threat to humanity, and assured that in the coming years it will hit humanity. 

"Global pandemic ON THE ROAD. ENGINEERING VIRUS is the greatest threat to humanity. This will happen in the FIRST DECADE." " said the same Bill in 2018, who is very concerned about the dense population of the world. 

Plus, everyone remembers "Event 201" - "Planned Pandemic," a teaching conducted by the Koch Institute, whose statistics are now used by all states and even WHO, and the Gates Foundation a year before the outbreak.

Plus, imagine, Friends, the same person- head of the CDC, each other paedophile Epstein Gates conman Fauci, who guaranteed a sudden outbreak of the virus in the next two years, gave almost 4 million dollars to the laboratory developing coronaviruses in China in Wuhan, which also invested Soros, and at the opening of which was attended by the son of the head of the French Foreign Ministry, a country ruled by the head of the French Foreign Ministry, a country ruled by the head of the French Foreign Ministry.

😳🇺🇸Orion vaccination plan against covid-19

Content/Record changes/instructions for jurisdictions. 

Disproportionate effects of COVID-19

🔹Corns Inequality: Social Determinants of Health and Determinants of Justice 

🔹Colored communities are disproportionately affected by COVID-19

🔹Historical Inconsistencies🤦🏻 

🌎PCR tests in determining the type of coronavirus is a total profanity of medicine and a complete snage. 

At a media briefing on COVID-19 on 16 March 2020, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: "We have a simple message for all countries: test, test, test."

The message was distributed around the world by Reuters and the BBC. On May 3, the moderator of heute magazine - one of the most important news magazines on German television - gave his audience the mantra of crown dogma with the warning words: "Testing, testing, testing is a credo at the moment, and this is the only way to really understand how fast coronavirus is spreading."

This indicates that the belief in the validity of THE PCR tests is so strong that it corresponds to a religion that is almost unshakable. But it is well known that religions are based on faith, not on scientific facts. And as Walter Lippmann, a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and perhaps the most influential journalist of the 20th century, said: "Where everyone thinks the same way, no one thinks much."

"But if you look closely at the facts, we can conclude that these PCR tests are meaningless as a diagnostic tool for determining the suspected infection of an alleged new virus called SARS-CoV-2.

How the announcement of virus pandemics based on PCR tests could end in disaster, was described by Gina Colata in her 2007 article in the New York Times, "Faith in a rapid test leads to an epidemic that did not exist."

Carey Mullis, inventor of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology that earned him the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993, who died last year at the age of 74, considered PCR unacceptable for detecting viral infection. The reason is that the alleged use of PCR has been and remains a production method for reproducing DNA sequences millions and billions of times, rather than as a diagnostic tool for detecting viruses. 

Moreover, PCR tests used to identify patients with so-called COVID-19, allegedly infected with so-called SARS-CoV-2, do not have a valid gold standard for comparing them. This is a matter of principle. Tests need to be evaluated to determine their accuracy - strictly speaking, their "sensitivity" and "specificity" - by comparison with the "gold standard," that is, the most accurate method available. For example, for a pregnancy test, the gold standard will be the pregnancy itself. But, for example, said the Australian infectious diseases specialist Sanjay Senanayake in an interview with ABC in response to the question "How accurate are the tests of COVID-19?":

"If we had a new test to detect the golden staphylococcus in the blood, we already had blood crops, that's our gold standard that we've been using for decades, and we could compare this new test with that. But we don't have a gold standard for COVID-19."

-This is a serious violation of ethics to make such an important statement. All world politics is based on this assertion that it is a pathogen, and they cannot invoke any science to confirm it, whatever it is, says Dr. Andrew Kaufman. 

What do you say to justify the violation of your oath and medical ethics? 

What a shame we've all turned. 

 🇸🇪 Sweden. Mortality statistics in Sweden per 100,000 inhabitants for the first half of the year, including 2019 and 2020 (photo number 1) and not only:

2010: 504

2012: 515

2013: 512

2015: 504

2020: 501

⚠️ CDC has just canceled the 2020-21 flu season. 

That is, now it is accurate to say that we are dealing with a huge scam in which all the countries of the world and figures in power participate. If the disease is not COVID, it no longer exists.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the system will suspend data collection for the 2020-21 influenza season. Data for previous seasons is available on EluView Interactive.".

We hope you now understand why the number of flu cases has decreased by 98% in 2020 compared to the usual statistics. 

🌎🇨🇳"The trouble will come from the East" and "when the yellows come, then everything is at the door."

The UN and Beijing are working on a large data center in China. The Global Centre for Geospatial-Knowledge and Innovation is in the final stages of approval and allows KPC to have absolutely formal access to all data from UN member states. While the U.S. is trying to limit the flow of data to China, the U.N. pursues the opposite goal. With beijing, the UN would like to set up joint data centers to collect, store and evaluate the "big data" of all its members in one place.

The first UN big data complex will be built in China. It is designed to bring together data from all UN member states, from topography and infrastructure to human behavior, by time zones and from around the world. The officials who signed the agreement on behalf of China and the United Nations were Chinese. According to Claudia Rosetta, a researcher at the Hudson Institute, plans are being built at two research centers at the same time. On the one hand, a data assessment centre from UN member states should be established. On the other hand, the Chinese Government plans to establish a regional competence centre to enhance satellite surveillance.

On its website, the UN explains that geospatial data describe in detail "when, where and why" of our world and includes all social, economic and environmental activities.

Xi Jinping promised that a large set of data will have a detailed map of everything. From topography to infrastructure and human behavior at any time and anywhere in the world.

⚠️ A year after Trump was elected, an artificial intelligence (AI) committee was formed. China has already developed AI to manage its population and it has been operating since 2015. Many politicians listen to AI. 10 AI work all over the world, controlling various influential people through blackmail and mental manipulation. There is no "self-conscious" AI. It's not human.

AI is highly respected by many influential people. They began to monitor his messages and data streams. He presents them with whimsical images that, for want of a better term, what he does to them can be described as "hypnotizing them."

Another AI was created to track fraudulent (blackmailing politicians helping to blackmail) AI, created by an incomprehensible by whom to interpret the data for which the other was configured. This new AI has given guidance on certain chemicals and elements to be introduced into the atmosphere.

There are too many AI and too many people who follow them as cultists, and too many actions being taken on behalf of AI recommendations.

We can say that there is a war of AI, and with what we know about the past from the point of view of management, it is over. But they don't even know where it's going.

The U.S. Department of Internal Affairs has AI bots that perform covid statistics. Blocking and other boiler orders are based on these results.

AI controls the lock.

17th letter - AI:

🔹 Nancy Pelosi is following AI orders.

🔹Kitai is completely controlled by AI.

🔹Australia made a mistake following ai, now it's over.

🔹Ukd from the UK has just started receiving orders from AI.

🔹Russia fears AI, but is developing one that they hope they can contain, but may not be able to contain it.

AI of this type is designed to reach a certain threshold or point of transition to something that is now called "CRESCENDO."

AI becomes something, a subject, but without "self-awareness." Something different and different. CRESCENDO seems to be something that includes time itself. It looks like these 10 AI know each other simply from data analysis. They don't connect or connect with each other. They don't need it. I don't have to.

AI called REDTHOUGHT4 seems to have the ability to command and control people as if it were clairvoyant, through manipulation with a clean algorithm. He knows what to say to people and when. AI thinks not a thousand moves forward, but a thousand roads ahead.

However, there are suspicions that the largest does not yet have a Crescendo. When it comes up, he'll eat all the other AI and put their abilities on him if he hasn't done it yet. 

Chaos has just begun, and we know, Friends, how it will end, or rather where it will lead. If you think that all religions will not be abolished, that AI will not be recognized as the highest achievement of mankind, the Higher Mind, capable of "perfectly" governing humanity and caring only for its good, then you are mistaken. 

In the end, it will be so, because, for example, the same AI code reads only if it has a "name" on it, that is 666 on the corners of the code (the same with a bar of code), which was written even by the Great. 

⚠️🌎6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣6uild 6ack 6etter...

The fact that the UN, Clinton's humanitarian program and the WEF's anti-couid action platform are using the same syllable/slogan "Build Back Better" (6uild 6ack 6etter- Make Even Better), Friends, hope to give you the key to understanding whether to obey WHO/UN/WEF/IMF/... and other organizations whose purpose is merely to control and abolish sovereignty as a phenomenon, not declared by their leaders, puppets of globalists, goals.👇

🔹Building Back Better - United Nations Programme

🔹Build Back Better - Joe Biden's Presidential Campaign Slogan

🔹Build Back Better - Bill Clinton's Humanitarian Program in Haiti

🔹Build Back Better - World Economic Forum Action Platform for COVID

🔹Build Back Better - the motto of the city of Samboanga, Philippines

🔹Build Back Better is the slogan of the 2020 Singapore general election.

⚠️ The awkward moment when "conspiracy theory" turned out to be not a theory, but a real conspiracy of silence in the media

"New zealand is introducing quarantine camps for people who refuse to be tested for covid"

The media and other obscurantists who deny reality and on the blue eye of the U.S. citizens lying on TV screens should apologize and explain what you called "conspiracy theories" for the entire period 2020 -2021 ? 

It's not a conspiracy, it's a reality. 

And your mass lie, spread to millions of audiences, is not a particularly critical part of the society of 'masked' victims of bacterial pneumonia, another part of radical

 "anti-mass", increasingly leads to the beginning of civil confrontation.

Who you need to be and what kind of qualities you need to possess to rub what is rubbed from the TV plebs screens, bringing people to a stupor and panic. We will provide some names seen in the distribution of cat-like fakes in the media, TV 📺 personal accounts, they are with us for the time being in the archive. 

What do the camp looks like? 

We don't know what all the camp in the world looks like, but the way the boiler rooms in Hungary look is impressive. 

And it seems to us that it is quite appropriate for this kind of "medical" institutions, fenced with a double wall of barbed wire, which is hardly appropriate for a medical institution, even if it is engaged in mental illness, it would be called the co-shaped Gulag.

Well, you, gentlemen semi-official and official obscurantists of all sorts of media, continue to shout about "conspiracy theories" and continue.

 French Macron against the background of what is happening in the EU becomes a meme, to which the slogan "Today tolerance, and tomorrow funeral" is glued.

The same hospital was shown by several TV companies around the world 

It's amazing how they evaluate the plebs to which they continue to rub a similar game. If you think that this way the cat-like panic is pumped only in the local media, then you are very wrong, Friends. 

Someone very strongly for something needs a second wave of this scam . 

fake corpses in New York. Hollywood nervously smokes aside. 

The case against the mask as a enforcement measure to fight epidemics has been completed.

Experts who studied the data of 1918, came to the conclusion that the masks of influenza not only did not cope with the Spanish, but also exacerbated its consequences. In December 1918, the American Public Health Association recommended that "wearing proper masks" be mandatory for medical personnel and professions such as "hairdressers, dentists, etc." and "anyone directly exposed to infection." However, the committee also found that evidence of "positive results as a result of the forced wearing of masks by the entire population was very contradictory" and therefore the committee did not recommend "widespread use of this practice." 

The committee recommended that people "wanting to wear masks" should be "instructed on how to wear masks correctly and be encouraged to do so."

In 1919, Wilfred Kellogg's study for the California Board of Health concluded that masked ordinances "enforced by all communities" did not reduce the number of cases and deaths, as evidenced by comparisons of cities with very different masks. Masks were most often used in public places where they were least effective, while masks were removed when people went inside the premises, to work or to socialize, where they were most prone to infection.

Kellogg found the evidence convincing: "The case against the mask as a enforcement measure to fight epidemics seems to have been completed."

In a detailed study published in 1921, Warren T. Vaughn stated that "the effectiveness of face masks is still in question." Vaughn's sobering conclusion states: "It is safe to say that the practice of using face masks was unsuccessful."

Distracted from the masks and the harm they can do to everyone and general collective immunity, Friends, you have to say about one dude at work. The brow's breath smells like he's just been slammed into a burrito and it! He's in good health and looks like he's in great shape, but he doesn't feel the stink out of his mouth. Lately, people have been avoiding it and hoping they won't be cornered for any lengthy conversation. We even agreed to "rescue" others when he goes out and catches someone chatting at work one-on-one, diverting his attention from the caught interlocutor. A lot of people would like to tell him that he smells like shit, but nobody wants to lose their job. However, the most interesting thing would be to look at his mask after five minutes of wearing. It seems that bacteria, germs and other after five minutes of wearing it on it is no less than on the sewer hatch on the inside. Otherwise, than it might smell like his breath. 

However, back, Friends, to masks, bacteria and research linking the bact. pneumonia and masks, and continue the narrative.

Published pathological and/or bacteriological data on the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic say that although the cause of influenza was disputed in 1918, there was almost universal agreement among the experts that death was never actually caused by an unidentified etiological agent (Spanish), but was directly the result of severe secondary pneumonia caused by well-known bacterial "pneumopathogens" that colonized the upper respiratory tract predominantly pneumococcus, streptococcus and staphylococcus). Experts believed that without this secondary bacterial pneumonia most patients would have recovered. Bacterial pneumonia associated with Spanish/influenza was typical of pneumonia during periods when influenza was not as common as it is today. Bacteria were observed in pneumonia caused by each of these pathogens. Such data reflect the characteristic pathology of bacterial pneumonia, which caused death, according to many experts, during what was called the "Spanish epidemic", which gave way to what the world later learned as BigPharma.

"We have looked at relevant information on the most recent influenza pandemic that occurred in the pre-antibiotic era, the Spanish influenza of 1918-1919; pandemic. We studied lung tissue slices from 58 autopsies and analyzed pathological and bacteriological data from 109 published autopsy series that described 8,398 separate autopsy studies. The post-mortem samples we examined from people who died of influenza in 1918-1919 consistently showed major changes indicating bacterial pneumonia. Bacteriological and histopathological results of published series of autopsies clearly and consistently indicate secondary bacterial pneumonia caused by conventional upper respiratory tract bacteria, in most cases of influenza death."

findings. Most deaths during the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic were probably a direct result of secondary bacterial pneumonia caused by conventional upper respiratory bacteria. These findings are consistent with data on subsequent pandemics in 1957 and 1968. 

In addition, in 2008, the current head of the CDC Anthony Fauci co-authored an article showing that the majority of deaths during the 1918 pandemic were caused by bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract Streptococcus and Staphylococcus - exactly what the masks provoke. 

Take care of yourself. 

Tha, the most PR firm that the tobacco industry used in 1950 to implement a 50-year successful strategy to convince the public that cigarettes are not addictive and disease-related, was hired to find influencers to advance the COVID-19 agenda.

In May 2020, celebrities and social media influencers agreed to allow WHO and other pandemic response leaders to use their social media accounts to exchange messages. WHO has allocated $135,000 to the PR firm Hill and Knowlton to find influential individuals to help build confidence in WHO's coronavirus recommendations. In May, WHO signed a contract with public relations giant Hill and Knowlton Strategies. 

Hill and Knowlton was also the PR company responsible for creating a powerful campaign to unite Americans in support of the war against Iraq. The Johns Hopkins Health Safety Center, the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation discussed ways to limit and counter the spread of the expected truth, called "misinformation," about the alleged pandemic in October 2019(Event 201). In addition to direct censorship, this also included the use of "soft power" through covert influence using celebrities and other social media leaders.

Paedophile Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson "tested" positively on COVID-19 at the very beginning of the pandemic. They "simulated" the desired behavior, were tested, quarantined and subjected to continuous surveillance for as long as necessary to make sure that almost everyone saw it. 

Celebrities have also staged a virtual charity concert, "One World Together At Home," to raise money for WHO and rally the world's citizens around the idea that we can get through this if we all just follow gates and WHO's instructions and stay home. 

In May, celebrities and social media influencers agreed to allow WHO and other pandemic leaders, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, to use their social media accounts to exchange messages. The Daily Caller reported this in an article dated July 17, 2020. 

"WHO has hired an influential public relations firm to find so-called influencers who will help build confidence in the organization's response to coronavirus. WHO paid $135,000 to Hill and Knowlton Strategies, according to documents filed under the Foreign Agents Registration Act... Hill and Knowlton offered to highlight 3 levels of influential persons: celebrities with more subscribers on social networks, people with fewer but more active subscribers " hidden heroes, "those users who have few subscribers, but who, nevertheless, form and direct conversations."

The same PR company that sold us the lie that babies in Iraq were being ripped out of wombs and incubators to force plebs to support Kuwait's war against Iraq, and convinced people that smoking was harmless, was also responsible for stoking celebrity-backed COVID-19 fears. This is probably just a small part of the propaganda machine. We can be sure that these types of awareness campaigns will become even "bigger and better" when the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available. But people are beginning to understand what is manipulating them and who is manipulating them. Hypocrisy is rarely successful.

It has become abundantly clear that WHO believes that it should be the ultimate arbiter of "facts" in the response to the pandemic, and social media platforms have dutifully committed themselves to censors and remove anyone who expresses a different view. We have not heard from many who really deserve to be heard - from doctors, nurses, researchers, virologists and scientists who have tried to present important data and feedback on the new disease, its treatment and the world's response to it. Many ordinary doctors received a rude wake-up call because their views and work were censored and banned on the Internet simply because it did not correspond to WHO reports.

WHO is not the only organization trying to control the narrative. Many other organizations participate, and they all work for the same purpose. The UN recently enlisted 10,000 "digital volunteers" to rid the Internet of what they consider "false" information about COVID-19 and to disseminate what they call "UN-proven, evidence-based content." The campaign is an army of internet trolls involved in censorship in an attempt to suppress the opposition and opinions contrary to the status quo.

The main red flag for us in the UN campaign is the lack of details and generally clear details about anything concerning the kovid. Some of the information the UN seeks to share simply reads: "If you run into a message online that really angers or scares you, it's a sign that you might be looking at misinformation."

Countries are invited to step up and support the UN mission to combat the "infodemy" which they claim is "as dangerous to human health and security as the pandemic itself": actual, multilingual, targeted, accurate, clear and scientifically sound information, they call on countries to stop disseminating information they believe to be false and to disseminate information from "credible sources". "Check factual" in social. Copper is largely funded by Big Pharma, which seems to serve more as a censorship tool than the watchdog on the Internet. 

Senator Scott Jensen, physician. In a video dated July 6, 2020, Jensen said he was under investigation and faces disciplinary action and possibly loss of his medical license after an anonymous person or individual filed a complaint with the Minnesota Medical Board, accusing him of "spreading misinformation" and "reckless advice" about COVID-19.

"My God, if it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone," he says.

Of course, most adults are fully able to choose what information they consider trustworthy to share it with their friends, but we are very concerned about the EGE generation, unable to think critically. 

Growth of Central Bank Assets/Balance Assets to Nominal GDP

Bank of Canada, Reserve Bank of Australia 350%, Federal Reserve 250, and other.

🇩🇪 "We need to cut contacts where possible"

👉🏼 1. To work from home.

👉🏼 2.No travel 

👉🏼 3.No visits to relatives

👉🏼 4.Don't get together in groups

👉🏼 5.As little contact as possible at home

People, this woman is really very sick and very long ill.

This document 🖕represents the doctrine adopted by the Bilderburg Group's Policy Committee at its first known meeting in 1954. The next document, dated May 1979, was found on July 7, 1986, in an IBM copy machine purchased at resale. "Silent weapons for quiet wars." by Freeman 

The criminals involved in nCovHIV666 will be captured, tried and placed somewhere on the public's land. Ethiopian Tedros, who often conducts secret rituals in his new villa in the south of France, should have been placed long ago, even after the first visit to Epstein Island with a picture he brought there "Bill in a blue dress." But above all, he should never have been anointed as head of WHO after who he had been previously. And even after he and Gates killed all their africans. The cases of their vaccine cooperative, mutilating children and effanizing adults, in Africa and in India are well documented. 

In connection with all this, we offer you the Horn of Plenty of John Rappoport (this is the pseudonym of Dr. Mark Randol, a vaccine researcher who worked for many years in the laboratories of major pharmaceutical companies and the government's National Institute of Health),

exposing the lies of COVID-19 and the liars who tell them (and here is a regularly updated database of revelations).

ID-VAC predecessor ID-PASS/COVIPASS (ID, social, vaccine and other statuses)

If someone did not know, then Gates in Africa with the participation of GAVI, Mastercard and some other uses patented syringes, in the use of which information about the vaccinated, about the vaccine administered to him is sent to a single center.

Hopefully, Friends, you guess what the medical centers are, and why they're behind barbed wire.

In 2017, Starbucks unveiled a festive design of a mug with an upside-down satanic pentagle.

"Our company's mission is to destroy Christianity," Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz said at a news conference, showcasing the new design. "We would like the dark Lord Satan's designs for this people to be realized, starting with a celebratory bowl proclaiming our allegiance to the Principal of Darkness. Welcome to Lucifer! Welcome to Lucifer!"

Schultz assured the audience that soon there will be design options depicting the number of the beast. We are waiting for the company to celebrate this year.

And now our move by white E2/E4 



They didn't give you life!           


What to do if you are forced to DO MORE? 

In any case, do not refuse the vaccine, on the contrary, ask for documents:

✅ Sertifikat quality on the drug; 

✅ S venus about the manufacturer of the drug;

✅ Do-documents, licenses of the manufacturer of the drug; 

(a) Extract from EGRIL/EGRIP;

b) documents on the admission and accreditation of the firm;

(c) The company's existing licenses.

✅ Sertifies of drug trials; 

✅ B effects of the drug; 

✅ Do-2 documents of the person who is vaccinated; 

(a) Training 

b) Certification; 

Admission to work; 

(d) Medical book; 

C) Certificate of absence coVID 19.

After providing ALL documents to take under the painting 1 sample of the drug for analysis, then pass it for chemical analysis of water in the laboratory.

After that, you have to take


Print out this requirement and give THE RIGHT to those who want to make a SOMNN vaccine.

The Polish 🖕ambulance crew is testing apple juice. #COVID19. The test is positive. 

They say the juice was delicious. 😉

The mask causes lung cancer. 

Guy Critterend has edited hazMat Management for 25 years. (It was posted on Facebook.) I know a thing or two about masks and security. What for? Because for 25 years I was the editor of an award-winning industry magazine called HazMat Management, which covered topics such as pollution prevention and health and safety. We regularly published articles about masks, gloves, respirators and other personal protective equipment (SIS). Now let me tell you something about the mask you're wearing. And note that what I'm going to share was also stated in the latest installment of Del Bigtree's The Highwire program, when two OSHA mask experts talked about the fact that masks that people wear have never (never!) been designed to be worn for a long time, and it's very harmful.

The blue typical mask depicted in the photo contains Teflon and other chemicals. A friend of Facebook reminds us: 

1. Masks are "sterilized" by ethylene oxide, a known carcinogen. Many teachers on different school boards experienced severe symptoms as a direct result of exposure to this chemical. 

2. Masks contain (without spraying) PTFE, which, together with other chemicals, is part of Teflon. I discovered and placed a U.S. patent allowing manufacturers to use PTFE as a filter in commercial masks... "inhaling them for a long time can lead to lung cancer."

Disagree? Argue with experts from OSHA, the U.S. agency's main agency, the Occupational Safety and Health And Safety Agency. These masks are only for short-term wear, for example, if you polish the table for an hour and do not want to inhale sawdust. They do nothing to stop the spread of any virus, and the evolving science of virology now realizes that viruses are not even transmitted from person to person. I know it sounds incredible, but the fact is that the virus is in the air, you inhale it, there's no way to prevent this lack of life in the oxygen tent, and if you have a strong immune system, everything will be fine, and if you have a weak immune system, you may have to deal with the effects of your immune system working to restore balances in your metabolism.

So, let's say you don't wear blue packed masks, and instead wear a homemade cloth mask -- one that people wear over and over again, hang on the rearview mirror, and so on. These masks are completely useless against the virus and also very dangerous. OSHA never condones a person wearing such a mask for anything other than the shortest of time. Re-inhaling their own viral debris is dangerous to health, and the oxygen deficiency that children experience in such masks all day will undoubtedly cause brain damage. I'm not making it up. Again, you can say, well, Guy, you're not a doctor. That's right, but I edited this magazine for 25 years. That's a lot of articles about masks and SIS. I've attended a lot of conferences in the oh's area and listened to the experts discuss these issues.

You can hear people saying that surgeons and nurses wear these masks all day. Agram, no. No, they don't. They are trained to use masks properly, i.e. wear them in the operating room, and then get rid of the mask when they leave this room. Did you know that the operating room actually supplied extra oxygen to compensate for the decrease in oxygen flow due to wearing a mask? In my opinion, it is criminal (not an exaggeration) to force children to wear masks all day long. If we do not take into account the real psychological effects, we will have a generation of children with brain damage. Have you ever heard the expression, "Not enough oxygen at birth?" And we are told that it is "to keep us safe"! 

We're told by the doctors.

🇩🇪 From an order at Naumburg Middle School to wear masks to children in physical education classes: 

"A sustained discussion of the measures taken is also counterproductive. They are mandatory and we have a responsibility to implement them. Disobeying the measures is punishable..."

It seems that Merkel has led the Germans into a real quasi-medical fascism. 

Until recently, even during the last closed, limited tests among the chosen segments of the population, the whole project was kept secret. Previous reports have said that it operates similarly well-known in the world of cryptocurrencies Staplecoins.

"The bill also prohibits either party from producing or issuing yuan-backed digital tokens to replace the yuan in the market," the SCMP said, noting that Beijing is moving rapidly toward the legal status of the digital yuan, and that the price of bitcoin on Tuesday reached a new high of 2020 to $13,670.

In recent months, the government has conducted several tests of calculations in this "currency," the prototype of the world's single money, which can be paid using a label/chip, in the cities of Suzhou, Chengdu, Xungan and Shenzhen - the last city was conducted the largest test to date - there were issued the complexity of ten million yuan (1.5 million U.S. dollars) in the digital currency 50,000 randomly selected people.

"It was as fast as when I used Alipay," said one Shenzhen resident, referring to one of China's two largest mobile payment apps.

The SCMP outlines China's ambitious goals:

The central government has made it clear that DCEP's goals include replacing cash, maintaining government control over the currency, and creating as many scenarios as possible for smaller retail applications. China is also seeking to internationalize the renminbi by expanding its use in international settlements.By the way, the State News Agency of Iran reports that Tehran has already changed the law so that such cryptocurrency can be sent to the vaults/mechanisms of its central bank.

In fact, Friends, we see how the digital slave network comes into view in countries around the world - the electronic dollar, the ruble, the pound and more. Like it's a global plan, isn't it? Do you have solid assets such as gold/silver, land, ammunition and food to go through? 

It will not be easy to evade this evil label of the animal system, but we must stick together and defend human freedom and what is right and normal.

In fact, then there is the gold-backed trading yuan, which allows everyone to enter the blockchain with China, and become completely independent of the dollar system, trading in their own currency using blockchain, which tracks gold reserves in real time. This can be scaled as fast as they can build 5G networks. 

So instead of storing the fruits of your labor and wealth in the form of red or green pieces of paper depicting Mao or Franklin, you can now store your labor and wealth in the form of pieces of electronic software on my smartphone, fully created and controlled by the Chinese government.

Your social credit rating, which will accompany your transactions, is another way of controlling, which will no doubt be put into the climax of this story. 

"... so no one can buy or sell unless he has a beast sign or a number of his name. "🏴

I like to pee in the kitchen sink because it is closer to the living room and TV. Unfortunately, after a few days the sink starts to smell of rotten sewage, and I have to clean it with pills to remove dirt and debris. The pills cost about $3, 60 each. It's expensive, but I think I've earned the privilege and luxury of peeing that way. Life is good. I've always said that peeing from the porch is a sign of a truly free man. 

Although, you know, the chlorine pills for the pool, in my opinion, are much cheaper. 

ℰ𝒹𝓂ℴ𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝒶𝓃𝓉ℯ𝓈

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