"Give me control over the national money supply, and I don't care about your laws," Mayer Amschel Rothschild (founder of the Rothschild dynasty).

"Give me control over the national money supply, and I don't care about your laws," Mayer Amschel Rothschild (founder of the Rothschild dynasty).

Ͳɦε Ɗαʝɭγ Ɠαʐεʈʈε'ʂ 'Βεɾϻμɗα Ͳɾʝαηɠɭε Ѕαγʂ'🎙

The sacrificial human symbolism from Rothschild is certainly naked... And what about the other ...? ...

Jacob Rothschild boasted that the New World Order, which will be headed by his family, will be set by him by 2018. 

Now it becomes clear to us that the new world order has moved from 2018 to 2020-2021 and we will face this new order in the person of the Honourable Lord Clinton. 

Fact-checkers burn and already lie a little without hesitation and not hiding: the ignorant plebs will eat and this

Fact-checking: Rothschild did not patent the COVID-19 test in 2015 and 2017." 🤦🏻 ♂️😂

SCOOP - October 13, 2015 Patented covid-19 testing method 😷 EUROPE, ROTHSCHILD.


And harmful addictions, as you know, always end badly, or sadly, the question of the term and nothing more. Is your glass of 🥃 with whiskey 🥃 and soda half empty, or half full? That's exactly the terms we'll talk about in the second part. 

The satire "12 Chairs" by Ilf and Petrov was written in 1927. The vivid, sparkling novel of two writers in a satirical form depicted the socialist reality of Russia in the 1920s. 

Special operation and lies of universal scale! Tests on Covid-19 were purchased by countries from 2017! (evidence below). 


"Nothing was yours except a few cubic centimeters inside your skull" (c)George Orwell, "1984"

Fauci said wearing masks was likely to become permanent, no matter what.

Well, everyone is waiting for "blockchain passport vaccination" because, we are watching the American media and they are beginning to muss stories about the forgery of paper passports vaccination, which speaks specifically about the preparation of plebs for the introduction of blockchain with covipass

33 is a very significant figure in the belief system of the Illuminati and other Freemasons. 

Number 33 is also the number of years separating the two covers of The Economist, owned by the Rothschild family and the Agnelli family (owner of Juventus and fiat).

J.K. Rowling is a Satanist, and given her attacks on the media, it's likely that Trump is the gatekeeper who should take the plebs aside🤦🏻 ♂️😂


Hillary Rodham's father was an arbiter (godfather) to the Rothschild and Rockefeller clans. Hillary Clinton's daughter, Chelsea, became the wife of banker Mark Mezinski - so Rodham's family strengthened itself by confirming his status as a referee.

Statist Clinton, who advocates for abortion, called on people to get vaccinated and censored by anyone who questioned the BigPharma vaccine.

The number of votes in support of total suppression of votes and questions about BigPharma's activities is multiplied day by day. Interestingly, the bulk of those advocating censorship, when it comes to BigPharma, vaccines, vaccine deaths, foot-and-air and their multibillion-dollar profits, are people with a reputation not only in the conservative part of society; and this reputation, like that of the same friend of paedophile Epstein notorious Gates, who advocated the reduction of the population of the earth by "planning the campaign" and vaccination, which he now "rescues" the people he was going to cut, is not a plus. 

Thus, the host of voices advocating censorship and total suppression of votes, asking uncomfortable questions about the couid and vaccines/vaccines of mRNA, was joined by the famous for her strange manner of wearing the Crucifixion upside down Chelsea Clinton. Remarkably, she cast a voice in favor of this not somewhere, but in the Vatican, the possibility of a presence in which people with an upside-down crucifix I, Friends, and could not imagine. 

Speaking during an online meeting at a conference at the Vatican, Chelsea Clinton, 41, responded to a question about the so-called "indecision on the COVID-19 vaccine" and called for a global crackdown on anti-vaccination messages on social media, saying global efforts were needed to combat critically-needed messages on social media.

"I personally strongly believe that more intensive, focused and coordinated global regulation of content on social media is needed," said Hillary's daughter, No less known for her love of lies and murders that we all saw across her face, the laughter and outright pleasure on her face when watching the video of the moment Colonel Gaddafi was killed and raped, which was like ecstasy, "We know that the most popular video in all of Latin America in the last few weeks, which has now garnered tens of millions of views, is just an anti-vaccination, anti-trump, anti-trump newsletter that YouTube has refused to delete."

Clinton also added that anti-vaccine content created in the United States is "thriving" around the world through social media platforms and said she personally worked hard to get the conet removed, but her efforts were not successful. Let's omit the strangeness in this kind of behavior and perseverance of Chelsea: for what can be common in vaccines and Clinton, besides profit and money that headlights. giants could promise her for lobster.

"We know that - because I tried - that the calls for the leadership of these companies to do the right thing just didn't work, and so we need regulation," said the vice president of the Clinton Foundation, with whose help her mother, like maniac Gates, uses her money laundering and pays dirty deeds, Chelsea, who by the way, by the way, is one of the most ardent lobbyists and supporters of abortion.

Appearing in an online meeting with Dr. Paul Farmer of Harvard Medical School and Dr. Walter Riccardi, the Italian president of the World Federation of Public Health Associations, Clinton also said that the Clinton Foundation is doing everything it can to persuade "those who refuse to vaccinate" and "those who refuse the vaccine" to take doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

She also said, what her foundation thinks about "how we talk to black Americans, Native Americans, Latinos who know that members of their community are often abused or even manipulated or manipulated by our health care system" and that the Clinton Foundation advises people who are trusted by these communities (negroes, Latinos, and others) to convince them to become guinea pigs.

"At the Foundation, we're really trying to help "process" trusted messengers, whether in health care or not," Clinton said, "We've worked with a number of different religious communities, including some of our Catholic partners, to really help make sure that anyone who can have a conversation can actually anticipate or answer any questions that people might have. And we will continue to communicate and try to help you get used to it. So we're just doing everything we can... and we are increasingly thinking about how we can participate in this work and globally, because unfortunately, indecision about vaccination and the rejection of the vaccine are not just America's problems."

BigPharma's experimental vaccines against kovid were central to the recorded discussions broadcast by the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Culture. 

In addition to Clinton, vaccine manufacturers, oligarchs of major technology companies (BigPharma's interests have never been more closely related to BigTech interests), abortion activists, and other well-known and not-so-named names, including gene, also spoke at the Vatican conference. Director of the infamous Pfizer and Moderna, the first of which produces pills for abortion; NIH Director Francis Collins, who advocated the so-called "anti-participation" practice of using the tissues of a slain/abortion fetus in research projects, including ecstasy. Vaccines Google Health CEO David Feinberg; and, in fact, the conman himself, a friend of Gates, the head of the CDC Fauci.

The Daily Mail reported that it found documents showing that NIAID (US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) with the support of Anthony Fauci donated $3.7 million to scientists from wuhan Laboratory at the Center for the Study of Coronavirus Leak. According to a British newspaper, "a federal grant funded experiments on bats from caves where the virus is believed to have originated."

Background: After the sarin pneumonia coronavirus outbreak in 2002-2003, NIH funded the cooperation of Chinese scientists, U.S. military virologists from the Biological Weapons Laboratory in Fort Detrick (which was hastily shut down after the outbreak) and scientists from NIAID to prevent future coronavirus outbreaks by studying the evolution of virulent strains of bats in human tissues. 

These efforts included a study of "function enhancement" that used a process called "accelerated evolution" to create COVID pandemic superviruses, enhanced COVID mutants carried by bats, more lethal and more vector-borne than "wild" COVID. 

Fauci's research has alarmed scientists around the world who have publicly complained about his work: A December article in the NY Times from 2017 states that "these researchers risk creating a monstrous microbe that can break out of the lab and sow a pandemic." 

 In October 2014, after a series of failures in a U.S. federal laboratory that nearly leaked deadly injecting viruses, President Obama ordered an end to all federal funding for Dr. Fauci's dangerous experiments. 

Who is leading U.S. efforts to fight the ho kid epidemic in the U.S. 🇺🇸? That's right, that same Dr. Evil, the notorious Fauci. Now you know who Dr. Fauci is.

Mother Teresa had no children. In 1931, she took a haircut and officially became a nun, taking a vow of celibacy.

In 1940, when Etnoni Fauci was born, Mother Teresa was in Kolkata, India, where she taught at St. Mary's Women's School.

Anthony Fauci was not born in Calcutta, but in New York, USA. His parents are migrants from Italy Eugenia and Stefan. Anthony Fauci is the second child in their family.

The theory that Mother Teresa and Dr. Fauci are bound by blood ties is based on a single photograph taken in the 1980s, after Anthony Fauci took over the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The authors of the theory refer exclusively to external similarities. In addition, the theory of kinship between Fauci and Mother Teresa is not confirmed. 

But it is easy to refute it, comparing well-known facts? 

In addition to Clinton, another Salesforce CEO, Marc Benioff, distinguished himself with his history of promoting LGBT issues, whom TIME describes as "one of the most outspoken leaders" on pederasty and other perversions and sexual deviations.

Other speakers included UN representative and "conservationist" Jane Goodall, who supports population control (reduction); New Age activist Deepak Chopra; Rock guitarist Joe Perry; Mormon Elder William K. Jackson; Sheikh Asim Yusuf, Executive Chairman of the British Council of Scholars and Imams; A pro-abortion model, Cindy Crawford; and the disgraced ex-prefect of the Secretariat for Communications, Monsignor Dario Egano (not to be confused with the Orthodox informant of the Vatican, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vgano, who condemned all this coven). Despite the fact that the whole gathering was on behalf of the Vatican, among the 114 speakers there were only two Catholic clerics.

All that big created Anglo-American clans of bankers - mafia structures. The Italian mafia has the same roots, although once there was its own de Medici banking clan, which supplanted the aristocratic genus Strozzi, but from the Medici no one left, and maybe this place tried to capture the Anglo-American clans through organized banditry.

Thousands of emails sent by the former U.S. secretary of state, sent via a private server, traced a close relationship with the infamous Rothschild banking family, and a potential government partnership with the Rockefellers pops up when a simple search in the Wikileaks archive, there's a lot of beauty about Evergreen's aunt by searching for Clinton's emails.


Lynn Forester de Rothschild wrote a letter dated April 18, 2010, in which she tells Hillary that she "loves catching up" - and "I remain your faithful adoring friend," to which Clinton replies, "Let's make it happen" and signs her reply, "With a lot of love, H."


On September 23, 2010, Clinton emailed Lynn Forester de Rothschild (the letter was heavily edited), saying, "I tried to contact you to tell you and Teddy that I had asked Tony Blair to go to Israel as part of our support for negotiations in the Middle East... „


Rothschild responds, thanking Clinton for "personal appeal to us," and adds, "You're the best and we're still your biggest fans."

On January 9, 2012, an environmental conference is being discussed by email at Jacob Rothschild's historic estate, Waddesdon.


On New Year's Eve 2012, Lynn Forester de Rothschild sent a letter to Clinton saying she was "praying for" her speedy recovery. "And my email account is covered by all PUMA and their 18 million prayers for Hillary's company," reads the email, which read, "Love, Lynn, Evelyn, Ben and Jake."


An email to Clinton dated October 15, 2009, from Melanie Verveer, a former director of the State Department's Office of Global Women's Affairs and a longtime Clinton family insider, reads:


"Speaking to UNESCO on Monday with the new Director of the Unfinished Agenda in Beijing, she called to say that she wanted to give us several million dollars to subsidize the fund to give us an annual award for innovation in women's empowerment, which would be the Rockefellers' partnership with the state, the rockefeller-state "sic" partnership."

Then, on March 10, 2012, Verveer hints at at least a possible venue for Hillary's future endeavors:


"I forgot to tell you that Judith Rodin offered you a set of offices after you left the state service, for your own use in Rockefeller Fdtn, if you are interested - without any obligation. She also said they would be happy to give you a whole month at their centre in Bellagio if you just want to read and write in a beautiful place."

While none of the free thought project's surveyed emails were explicitly damning - thanks in part to the sometimes heavy editorials - evidence of Clinton's comfort with the establishment lends plausibility to the theory that she was the "chosen" candidate.

Numerous pieces of evidence in the emails closely watched by Hillary's staff - and even manipulating them - are also flashing among the mainstream news. Lynn F. de Rothschild told Hillary in August 2009 about journalist Les Gelb, who sought to write about Hillary for Parade Magazine.


Other emails show the almost paranoid views of Clinton, who went on to study at the Tea Party and her journalists and mouthpieces.


Again, nothing particularly damning in itself has been found in this, but even on a cursory search and on aggregate, the letters are proof of the specific origins of the Hillary establishment. 



I remember, in November 2017, it seems on November 20, in the UK, as a result of a collision of a helicopter and a light aircraft flying from an airfield, which lacked any control of air traffic due to alleged "staff shortages", killed four people. As reported at the time in The Telegraph, the crash happened just a mile from the Rothschild family estate, Waddesdon Manor in Buckinghamshire (UK). The Rothschild family reportedly heard a "loud bang" and its members observed a plume of smoke over the trees.

The Air Accidents Investigation Branch said a helicopter and a two-seater Cessna 152 aircraft were involved in the collision.

Firefighter Mitch Missen witnessed the crash as he watched from his garden.

"I looked up and saw them both colliding in the air, after the big bang the wreckage started to fall," he said. "I hurried to get the car keys and in the process called the emergency services, who continued to ask me about his whereabouts. Unfortunately I was unable to find the actual crash site but sent police, a fire department and an ambulance as much as I could. As soon as they were at the scene, I came home."

After numerous calls from eyewitnesses to the emergency services, at least seven units of fire equipment were sent to the area of the disaster.

"A column of smoke can be seen near the next hill where the plane collided today and the helicopter collided - emergency services are still at the scene," eyewitnesses said.

The fact that the incident took place right outside the Rothschild estate and the fact that only three of the four names are reported, and one of the names of the victims is kept secret, makes this incident somewhat strange, to say the least. Of the four victims, only three names have been given - helicopter pilot, Captain Mike Green, Cessna instructor pilot Saavan Mandae, and instructor Jaspal Barkh.

The estate near where the disaster took place is a popular wedding venue and visitor attraction, owned by the National Trust and managed by the Rothschild Foundation under the chairmanship of Jacob Rothschild, the 4th Baron of Rothschild. 

The Freedom Daily wrote that there were very persistent rumours that one of the victims, who has not been named, was Lord Jacob Rothschild. Several sources have suggested that the fourth victim of the disaster is Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild (4th Baron Rothschild). Representatives of the Rothschild clan neither confirmed nor denied rumors of Jacob's death. As the publication noted at the time, if he is indeed one of the victims of the plane crash, then this is a very bad sign for Hillary Clinton.

Clinton has a long history of relationships with the Rothschild family. Perhaps because of her connections to them, she is invulnerable to American justice. Clinton's close relationship with Lady de Rothschild was made public by WikiLeaks, in emails to the Rothschilds, the elderly Clinton used phrases such as: "You are the best z... sweet dreams, "I'm still your faithful adoring buddy" and "love."

In lady de Rothschild's strangest message, when Clinton was to ask Tony Blair (then Prime Minister of England) to accompany her to Israel for Middle East peace talks, Hillary wrote:

"I hope you all understand. [ ... ] Let me know what repentance I owe you," Clinton wrote to a Rothschild woman.

Perhaps Lord Jacob Rothschild found out about Clinton's strange "relationship" with his wife Lady de Rothschild, and he wasn't too happy about it. 

Clinton, in turn, learned that he had learned what she had learned... 

If so, The Freedom Daily concludes, Clinton definitely had a motive to take his life, as she took it from other people.

In this context, it's worth remembering that a week before, another man with extremely close ties to Hillary Clinton had died. 

On Thursday morning, the body of Steve Mostyn, a Texas lawyer with close ties to Hillary Clinton, was found. According to the Houston Chronicle, Mostyn was only 46 years old, left behind a wife and several children, and earlier this year he announced that he was going to retire from politics to spend more time with his family. 

Whether Mr. Mostyn killed himself or was killed, we may never know. Still, he was certainly close enough to the Clintons to know enough information about Hillary to deal with him.

Jacob Rothschild boasted that the New World Order, which will be headed by his family, will be set by him by 2018. 

Now it becomes clear to us that the new world order has moved from 2018 to 2020-2021 and we will face this new order in the person of the Honourable Lord Clinton. 

The Rothschilds, for more than 200 years, have been the "grey cardinals" of business and politics. The total assets of the entire Rothschild family are in the trillions of dollars. 

The very word "Rothschild" is literally associated with wealth. For more than 200 years, they have been the most powerful and wealthy family in the world. Their wealth was created primarily in the banking world. However, they invest heavily in other industries such as real estate, oil and construction. The Rothschilds are said to be one of the thirteen great families that govern the world. 

Rothschild's family values: coming into power

"The name of the Rothschilds has become synonymous with money and power to such an extent that perhaps no other family has ever reached this level before," The Daily Telegraph, a British newspaper.

This unique family began with the patriarch Mayer Amshel Rothschild. He was born into a Jewish family living in 18th century Germany. Mayer was a court banker for German kings in Hesse-Kassel. In 1760 he started banking in Frankfurt. Over time, he provided his services to nobles and royal nobles of Germany and accumulated a huge fortune. Amschel had five sons, and he gave them his wealth. These sons founded banks virtually all over Europe - in Austria, Great Britain, Italy, Germany and France. 

By 1800, the Rothschild family was coordinating banking activities for almost the entire european union. 

They laid the foundations for banking and innovated in some banking sector processes, such as large volumes, privacy, diversification and fast communication. The Rothschilds also established close relationships with the ruling families in the countries where they went to set up banks. Carl Rothschild became very close to the Italian infamous Medici family. Since then, the Rothschild family has amassed a family fortune estimated by some analysts at $100 trillion. 

The Rothschild family: the ruling elite from the depths of the ages.

Almost every member of the Rothschild family is very rich and has great power. Below are some of the most famous and reputable Rothschilds.

Rothschild family coat of arms

Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744 - 1812) - No.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of an international financial institution, in 2005 ranked 7th in the list of the most influential businessmen of all time forbes magazine. The training, led by Jacob Wolf Oppenheimer at Simon Wolf Oppenheimer's banking firm, gave Mayer a lot of knowledge about human nature and the nature of money as such. By the early 19th century he became a well-known international banker and began to issue his own international loans. He had five sons, the most famous of which was Nathan de Rothschild. 

James Mayer De Rothschild (1792- 1868): from Napoleon to wine. 

German is a French banker and founder of the French branch of the Rothschild dynasty. The fifth and youngest son of Mayer Amschel Rothschild. He was an advisor to the two kings of France and played an important role in the railway and mining industry after the wars with Napoleon. He became one of the richest people in the world with investments in tea and wine. 

Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777 - 1836): a global fraud scheme. 

Myer Amschel Rothschild's third child. Nathan Rothschild is one of the most revered Rothschilds. In human history, few have carried out a scam of such epic proportions, effectively taking control of Britain's economy, starting a war and funding both sides of the war, selling bonds, selling fake news and buying back the same bonds at ultra-low prices. In one fell swoop the whole of England was in his hands and in the hands of the Rothschilds. Nathan Rothschild himself reportedly called it "the best thing I've ever done." This tactic of supporting both parties and selling fake news is still very common in America, where news has become a commodity. His power can be judged by one fact: a hereditary title was created specifically for him in the peerage system (June 29, 1885), this is the first time in history when the title was given to a Jew professing Judaism. By 1826, Nathan Rothschild was so rich that he lent the Bank of England enough money to avoid a liquidity crisis. The only reason he did this was because he wanted more power and prestige. 

Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777 - 1836)

David Mayer de Rothschild (1978) 

Sir Evelyn de Rothschild's son, David Mayer. Closely connected with the medical business. In 2002 he studied at the London College of Naturopathic Medicine, where he received his diploma.

Lynn Forester de Rothschild (1954): Agricultural Interests.

Lady De Rothschild is a British-American businesswoman. She promotes the ideology of inclusive capitalism and is the wife of Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild. Owns The Economist magazine as well as an independent wealth management firm. Lady De Rothschild also has economic and agricultural interests. Rothschild's businesses are very interested in food and energy, two very valuable resources that we are talking about 🗣no today. Allegedly they were not enough of these resources, the population became too large, in the opinion of this wonderful family. 

Lady Serena, Baroness Rothschild (1935)

Baroness Rothschild owns a stable of thoroughbred British racehorses. She married Jacob Rothschild in 1961 and had four children: Hannah Mary Rothschild, Beth Matilda Rothschild, Emily "Emmy" Magdu Rothschild and Nathaniel Philip Victor James Rothschild. 

Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild (1936)

After Nathan Rothschild, Jacob occupies the main place in the Rothschild empire. He was born in 1936 and is a well-known British banker and honorary president of the Institute for jewish policy studies. He is known as the 4th Baron Rothschild, son of Victor Rothschild (3rd Baron Rothschild). Jacob has significant ties to both the tobacco and the oil industry. In 2003, shares of the Russian oil industrialist mysteriously passed to him under a business agreement. He was vice-chairman of BSkyB and was a director of RHJ International until his retirement in 2008. 

Jacob Rothschild was a close friend of Princess Diana and had links with Henry Kissinger, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and Margaret Thatcher. Forbes estimated that his net assets amount to about $5 billion. 

Edmond Adolf de Rothschild (1926-1997)

Born in France, died in Switzerland. He was a former member of the infamous Bilderberg Group. Like almost all Rothschilds, he spent several years in banking after graduating from law. In 1953 he founded his own investment bank. In 1994 he was awarded the Legion of Honour and was a passionate zionist. In an interview with a French magazine, he said:

"I am fundamentally a citizen of the world, devoted to France, where I was born, Switzerland, where I was accepted, and Israel, because I am Jewish."

Leopold David de Rothschild (1927 - 2012)

The fourth and youngest child of Nathan de Rothschild. Spent most of his early years on the music scene in London. But all the ways of Rothschild seem to converge in banking. He worked for Morgan Stanley and Clay Mills and Co.

Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (1931)

Sir Evelyn de Rothschild is rumoured to be worth more than $20 billion. It is safe to say that the public will never know for sure about its exact wealth, unless the case ... Sir Evelyn de Rothschild was a financial adviser to senior officials of the state and business, such as the queen Elizabeth II. Was the co-founder (along with his wife Lynn Forrester de Rothschild) holding company E.L. Rothschild. He was chairman of the company's board of directors:

 «The Economist»

«United Race Courses»

«British Merchant Banking»

«Securities House Association» 

Director of IBM United Kingdom Holdings Limited

Deputy Chairman of the Milton Keynes Development Corporation

Director of the newspaper group Lord Beaverbrook and Lord Black's newspaper For the Daily Telegraph.

Jeff Rothschild 

The personalized fortune is about $1.6 billion. 

According to Investopedia, the Rothschild family now controls $2 trillion in assets. However, this figure takes into account only directly related assets to the Rothschilds. It is safe to assume that most of their wealth is hidden, and they undoubtedly pull the strings and invest in the future. 


The Rothschilds do not hold their wealth in public companies, so it is impossible to assess their wealth, and they are not required by law to disclose information about their activities or to provide evidence of key financial indicators such as income and profits. Their diverse holdings, including insurance, mining, natural resources, renewable energy, finance and banking, real estate and even charities, are likely to be for reputation.

Rothschilds: War is like a business, nothing personal.

It is known that the Rothschild family has financed the losers and winners of all wars since the days of Napolien 1803-1815. They fund both sides, so whichever party wins, they make a profit covering all costs. In 1815, Napoleon Bonaparte campaigned to capture Britain. Seeing the opportunity, the Rothschild family gathered and drew up a plan. Jacob Rothschild was in Paris, France. He was tasked with financing Napoleon's military efforts to conquer Britain. On the other hand, Nathan Rothschild, who is based in London, was instructed to finance General Wellington's military actions against Napoleon. Two sons did it, and the war broke out. Soon the family decided that it would be more profitable for them if Britain won the war, and the British royal family would be indebted to the Rothschild family. Thus, Jakob limited the funds to Napoleon's army, and General Wellington began to win. 

The profits and political dividends resulting from this grandiose scam were unparalleled, at least in the history of the time.

Knowing that Britain was winning the war, the Rothschilds began selling their British bonds at once. Other traders saw their actions and came to the conclusion that France should win and Britain to lose. They also dumped their British bonds in large sums. As a result, the price of bonds fell and became very low. This led to economic collapse in Britain. 

As soon as the Rothschilds saw that the fraudulent scheme worked and other traders sold all their bonds, they began to buy them out at ridiculously low prices. They were already one of the richest families in the world, so easily bought them all. 

The Rothschilds did manage to buy back all the bonds that the Bank of England issued that year. When news came that Britain had won the war, the value of British bonds rose so high that the Rothschilds actually doubled their capital. In addition, since the Rothschild family owned all of Britain's bonds, they actually owned the British economy and the Bank of England. Since then, the Rothschild family has used its money and power to develop the economies of other countries of the world. This grandiose fraudulent scheme was very popular with the Rothschild family. They enthusiastically continued to create economic crises for profit, as they did in Britain in 1815. 

Rothschild's banking conspiracy

"Give me control over the national money supply, and I don't care about your laws," Mayer Amschel Rothschild (founder of the Rothschild dynasty).

The Rothschilds have long been associated with debt and banking. The conspiracy of the Rothschild family bank dates back to Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Ultimately, the Rothschild Bank is a complex property network with various financial institutions and numerous acquisitions and mergers in recent years. All the financial accusations of the Rothschilds are that they control the world through debt and usury, and this plan has been developed for centuries. According to some circumstantial data, they together with the Rockefellers own the federal reserve. The Federal Reserve is a private bank that lends money to the U.S. government at an interest rate. The U.S. government comes up with complex reasons for legalized usury, explaining why it's a sensible decision, when it's actually obvious that it's as blatant a robbery as any other. As a result, $21 trillion of U.S. debt to the owners of the Federal Reserve. And the owners of the Fed are the Rothschilds. The Fed is a private company, and most of the debt is held by private owners, and all the evidence suggests that it is, including the Rothschilds. Simply put, more than 500 million people owe less than 10 key players. This last paragraph, in fact, is a summary of the entire New World Order and the Rothschild conspiracy. 

Inbreeding the Rothschilds: nothing should leave the family!

The original founder of the Rothschild family, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, personally bequeathed that the descendants of the females would not receive any direct inheritance. 

This meant that no Lady Rothschild could inherit wealth from her father or mother. Once they reached the age at which they were supposed to marry, they were cut off from family wealth, so they had to come up with ways of self-preservation. The girls found a pretty bad way to get around the restrictions. Having lived all their lives as princesses, they are not accustomed to poverty and married their rich cousins. For more than 200 years, the Rothschild family often married each other. For example, Nathan Rothschild married the eldest daughter of his brother Carl. Officially it is known as inbreeding, whether it somehow influenced the Rothschilds - it is unknown. 

In the 20th century, the Rothschilds faded into the shadows. They made a name for themselves and founded their wealth, it's time to pull out the puppet strings and use them from afar as business and politics went underground. 

However, some deals still sometimes surfaced: 

20% of Rothschild Continuation Holdings was sold in 2005 to Jardine Strategic, a hong Kong-based subsidiary of Jardine, Matheson and Co.

In November 2008, Rabobank Group, a leading investment and private bank in the Netherlands, acquired a 7.5% stake in Rothschild Continuation Holdings AG. Rabobank and Rothschild have entered into a merger and acquisition cooperation agreement.

There can be no doubt that the family, with trillions of dollars of assets and limitless political power, has not used its influence to influence the global world order in various ways. The word "Rothschilds" is synonymous with the word "Illuminati," "New World Order" and "Financial Bond."

"Illuminati" means enlightened, they are members of an ancient, secret society. As you know, the Illuminati use bright symbols to remind themselves of forgetful associates, and in some cases to give secret instructions. We have carefully studied the various symbols of the Illuminati and the associated values that are commonly used to transmit mysterious messages to the masses.

Call it conspiracy, propaganda, mystery, secret society or the control of consciousness, but the Illuminati are an ancient secret society that no one seems to be able to ignore. Across the planet, you can see the hidden signs and symbols they use to indicate their presence. Hidden from view, these characters are waiting to be noticed, let's take a look at them. 

The origin of the Order of the Illuminati and their direct connection with Freemasonry.

Before we know the origin of this society, let me quote the founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, who says that universal happiness, complete and fast, can be achieved by getting rid of hierarchy, rank and wealth. 

In the words of the statement Veishaupta looks decent, but what is in practice?

"Princes and nations will disappear from the face of the earth without violence, the human race will become a single family, the world will become the abode of intelligent people."

"People without violence will disappear" and at the same time "the human race will become a single family." Don't look for a double meaning in these phrases! Knowing the deeds and goals of the Masons - the Illuminati are all clear and clear: ordinary peoples are destroyed, and the "single Masonic family" remains to flourish on planet Earth.

These thoughts of Adam Weishaupt clearly indicate his desire for a new world order, how and by what ways the coup will be achieved, this is the second question. A short story about Weishaupta will help us better understand the essence of the new world order from the Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt was born in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, on February 6, 1748. His early education was led by the most powerful institution of the time, the Jesuits. The Jesuits had influence over the religious and political scenario of the time, and the Great Freemasonry was fed up with it. Elected as a canon law, Adam was tasked with changing the heavy influence of the Jesuits with his radical Enlightenment philosophies. 

Adam Weishaupt was a Freemason, but allegedly abandoned the idea because it did not fully satisfy his requirements. However, it is known that this was not the case. The Illuminati were only a new unit of world Freemasonry, and Weishaupt took charge of the new wing. 

After some failed conspiracies, it became clear to the Freemasons that in order to overthrow the religious and political foundations of the Jesuits, they had to create a new radical secret society with an elite team that believed in its propaganda. For this reason, the Order of the Illuminati was founded on May 1, 1776. Over time, this secret sect grew, encompassing various layers of the elite, including even the famous and mysterious occultist of the time Caliostro.

The society was disbanded in 1788 by the government, due to legislation and criminal charges. Actually, leaving in the shadows was part of the plans of the Illuminati. In the true sense, the secret society never disintegrated, and in fact, it spread its tentacles throughout the world. It also penetrated America through the founding fathers who were part of these secret societies. 

Why do the Illuminati need symbols?

Since ancient times, man has invented symbols to describe a concept or idea better than words. Every secret society comes with its own hidden ideologies and agendas that take the form of symbols. Symbols are used as a means of communication between members to distinguish themselves from each other and to present the thought as an ideogram. In addition, the symbols serve as a reminder to all members of the Order - we exist and watch you! 

Symbols form a picture or message, some of which may be intentional and others so subtle that you may not understand them if you do not belong to a secret society. After its creation and disbandment, the Illuminati merged with the Masons, who had long been a society using numerous symbols. After that, no one was left in doubt that the Illuminati is a unit of the Masonic Order, performing some specific functions. Thus, the use of symbols has become ubiquitous. For example, the sign of the hand "El Diablo" is a "Masonic" symbol, they worship the horned god goat "Baphomet". It symbolizes the greeting of colleagues - "Masons." A large number of symbols and figures come from the occult, such as the pentagram. 

Numerology is the use of numbers to refer to things, philosophies, and people such as "666," which is a sign of the devil. 

Do you want songs? We have a lot of them! 


For example, a patent codenamed WO/2020/060606 was registered on March 26, 2020.

About the skyscraper at 5th Avenue, 666, we think we broke our teeth 🦷 talk 🗣 about the animal grin of his system - someone else. 

13 symbols of the Illuminati

"The All-Seeing Eye" and the Pyramid: don't forget, we see you!

This emblem was adapted by Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati, at its founding on 1 May 1776. At the base of the pyramid, this emblem is equipped with Roman numerals MDCCLXXVI. It's very succinct and simple! The Latin words "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM" mean "a new order for the ages." This is a secret program that all The Illuminati are working on. It is to create an elite world government that mobilizes the distribution of power and money under its control. It's certainly a start... Thirteen steps of the pyramid symbolize the thirteen satanic bloods that are part of this cult. The All-Seeing Eye symbolizes "The Eye of Lucifer" or "The Eye of the Mountain", and it can also be called the "All-Seeing Eye", which means an eye over people.

Pyramid: the foundation of the "new world order"

Obviously the pyramid is the most widely used symbol in the world. The ancient Egyptians revered it as a spiritual symbol. The hypotensed side was the childish god Gore, the vertical side was the female god Isis, and the base was the male god Osiris. The triangle denotes the number 3, which in Hebrew/Babylonian means spirituality. There are theories that the top of the pyramid means heaven, and the base means earth and hell. According to occult beliefs, one triangle is used to summon spirits or demons during a ritual, making it very revered. It also symbolizes power, the elite that controls the world, and the basis for ways of domination, such as the military, finance, the media, education, politics and religion.

"Eye of the Mountain" in the pyramid: total control and surveillance

The eye is associated as a symbol of an all-seeing god, an omnipresent source who cares about humanity. In the circles of the Illuminati, the eye in the pyramid personifies the royal power, denoting the elites who follow it. It seems that he floats in the pyramid, which means that the elite sees themselves as a god and observes everything that humanity does. It was also allegedly accepted by the Illuminati secret police, whose role was to ensure that members remained faithful to the Order. Some symbolists claim that it could be saturn's Eye, while others claim it is the "Eye of the Mountain."

Bafomet: the essence of the elite of the Illuminati - Freemasons

Editorial Competition ! 

Name the animals below. Nicole can not be called, she is our guest today!

The answer in the second part of our contest of cheerful and resourceful girls and guys 😆

The sequel follows in the second part of the contest Guess the Beast ...

Good working day everyone)

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