EdIt obVIous IncrEDible.

Friends, today is a sad date 11/9. A brutal terrorist attack claimed the lives of thousands of people in New York City in three towers. We were not mistaken, it was in three and not in two towers. Our material in memory of the dead.

We express our condolences to all relatives, friends and acquaintances of the victims.

       We mourn with you, Friends.

🕯 🕯

The term "Conspiracy Theory" first appeared after the murder of J.F. Kennedy, when the truth began to emerge about the true causes and initiators of his assassination, to justify the "official" version, saying that the supporters of it are crazy.

"We're going to have a world government, whether we like it or not. The only question is whether a world government will be achieved by conquest or agreement."

James Paul Warburg (On the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on the Revision of the Charter of the United Nations on February 17, 1950)

American tale of the plane crashing into the Pentagon

The chronology of the events of September 11, 2001 states that the events in the Pentagon occurred between the attacks on the Twin Towers and their collapse, namely:

8:46 – strike on the north tower of the WTC,

9:03 – strike on the south tower of WTC,

9:37 – strike on the Pentagon,

9:42 – ABC report of the fire in the White House (in the EOP building),

9:59 – the collapse of the south tower of the WTC,

10:10 – the collapse of part of the Pentagon buildings,

10:28 – collapse of the north tower of WTC,

10:37 – the death of flight 93 over Pennsylvania,

17:20 – collapse of the WTC7 building,

18:00 – CNN and BBC report on explosions and shootings in Kabul,

7:30 p.m. – U.S. government denies involvement in Kabul bombings and

8:30 p.m. – Appoints Osama bin Laden as guilty.

For those who have joined us only now, I remind you that it is night in Kabul; who, why and in what way smashes government buildings there, and remained unclear. But the world's attention is focused on the events in New York and Washington.

The official version of events says that the attack on the Pentagon was carried out by a Passenger aircraft Boeing-757-200, owned by American Airlines; something like this.

At 8:20, he took off from Dulles Airport on the route Washington - Los Angeles (flight 77), and at 8:50 was allegedly captured in the air by terrorists who threatened either with knives for cutting paper, or the presence of a bomb on board.

Immediately after that, this plane allegedly made a U-turn over Ohio to return to Washington for an attack on the Pentagon. But since by that time the plane's transponder (the answering machine for communication with radar) was turned off, air traffic controllers lost it, so 36 minutes, unnoticed, Flight 77 allegedly flew in the direction of Washington.

At 9:32 a.m., dulles Airport air traffic controllers spot a large unidentified plane, and at 9:34 a.m., a command arrives to evacuate the White House. At 9:35 a.m., Vice President Dick Cheney, he said, is picked up by dozens of fellows from the Secret Service and literally carried away by force into an underground tunnel.

But this strange large, incredibly fast and maneuverable aircraft, later identified as Flight 77, changes direction and crashes into the Pentagon building, and it is in the wing where repairs are being carried out and there are practically no personnel.

The dead as a result of this event are considered 64 passengers of flight 77 and 125 people in the Pentagon building.

For further narration, we need to summarize some technical data.

The Boeing-757 aircraft has the following characteristics:

- width (diameter) of the fuselage - 3.7 m;

- height (including rear vertical plumage) – 13.56 m;

- fuselage length – 47 m;

- wingspan – 38 m;

- total take-off weight – up to 123 t;

- weight of an empty aircraft - 58 tons;

- power plant - two turbofan engines under the wings weighing 5 tons.

In general, this is a large passenger aircraft. If it flies past you at a distance of up to several kilometers, it is impossible to confuse it with anything else, except with another make or model of aircraft.

The Pentagon is the main headquarters of the US military department, the largest administrative building in the world. It is located in the suburbs of Washington, on the banks of the Potomac River. The Pentagon building is a huge equilateral pentagon, the length of the side of which is 281 m, and the height (five above-ground floors) is 23.5 m.

A simple geometric calculation shows that the ratio of the horizontal and vertical dimensions of this structure is 1:18.4.

The Pentagon building is five separate concentric pentagonal structures with transitions in the corners, which on some inner faces merge into larger structures. But since the attack came in the "classical" place of this complex, we are interested in what the internal structure of these rings is.

The dates of the construction of the Pentagon, falling on the years of the Second World War, mark only the first stage of the creation of this superstructure. During the Cold War, this complex of buildings at least twice underwent serious modernization and strengthening, which were also designed to counteract the damaging factors of nuclear explosions in the event of war with the USSR.

This photo clearly shows the side section of the first outer ring. This five-story building consists of small rooms separated by very thick brick walls, and reinforced concrete floors.

If the Los Angeles Times does not ly, the Pentagon, in the process of its modernization, was reinforced with "a lattice of steel columns and crossbars to withstand the explosions of bombs." Apparently, we mean such columns.

And now, the official version claims that the passenger aircraft Boeing-757,

hitting the bottom of the outer ring, punched through three Pentagon rings, doing in the ring C

here's the outlet, and

practically without damaging the facade and leaving neither inside the building nor outside a single fragment of the aircraft or human bodies.

We cannot know how the dear reader perceives this, but this version reminds us of the stories of Baron Munnhausen.

Such an absurd account of the events in the Pentagon immediately caused a flurry of objections from skeptics and an army of independent researchers. All their arguments against the official version can be reduced to three main considerations:

First, what will poor America do if it is suddenly attacked by some probable enemy whose missiles and aircraft are not equipped with transponders with answering machines tuned to the FAA's radar system? And after all, no one will give 36 minutes of time to swing and search for each such threat... In other words, the "loss" of a huge aircraft in the airspace of the east coast of the United States during the crisis in 2001 seems incredible.

Secondly, impossible from an aerobatic point of view is the method of destruction of the Pentagon building by a hypothetical passenger aircraft. An aircraft of the Boeing-757 type could not reach the target at almost zero altitude in a large city with such accuracy and speed (about 900 km / h). In short, passenger planes do not fly like this in principle, and those piloted by some inept terrorists - even more so.

Thirdly, an aircraft with duralumin alloys and with a carbon fiber front fairing of the fuselage does not penetrate through three huge buildings of reinforced concrete and brick. Moreover, weapons that could do this do not exist in nature. To destroy any building to the mother is please, but to cut through three powerful buildings, while causing a severe fire - this is not about our modern weapons...

These three main considerations have brought to life many books, articles, films from hundreds and thousands of independent researchers and organizations. Their argument seems logical, complete and comprehensive.

It can be considered proven that the official version is lying 🤥 

As in the case of the assassination of President Kennedy, in the story of the attack on the Pentagon there is a number of contradictory testimonies that, with all the desire, it is impossible to fit into a single logical hypothesis, remaining within the framework of the ideas of traditional physics.

For example, the first media reports about the explosions in the Pentagon were accompanied by such different assumptions that at the time it was suspected that different witnesses saw different events.

Unlike the version that the plane hit the Pentagon (which was not immediately announced, but then became the main, official), in the first minutes after the attack there was information that the attack was made by the wrong helicopter, not that cruise missile, not that truck filled with explosives, not that some explosions simply occurred in the Pentagon (in the form of a "brazen attack" according to US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld).

In any case, none of the witnesses in the first minutes after the explosion did not claim about the aircraft. To top it all off, there was a serious panic on the S.Washington Blvd highway when, just before the explosion, something knocked down several lampposts, flying over the heads of stunned drivers so low that, according to some witnesses, even cut off the antenna in a jeep.

The irony of some researchers about the fact that the lampposts were later pulled out and thrown on the roadway to create an actual base for the aircraft version we do not take seriously, for the simple reason that in this case there would have to be a large army of witnesses to how and when it was done. And there are no such facts. After all, while the Pentagon was burning, the heads turned in that direction automatically.

In addition, the highway was not blocked for traffic, but only a ban on filming the burning Pentagon was announced, ostensibly to preserve military secrets. The most resourceful witnesses just captured these fallen pillars, including against the background of the almost intact burning facade of the Pentagon building, on mobile phones and cameras immediately after the disaster.

After these pillars on the way to the facade of the Pentagon, our facility managed to destroy and at the same time set fire to the transformer booth, located behind a small fence of mesh.

Honest researchers rightly note that after such two additional collisions - with poles and a transformer - any aircraft, even a special cruise missile to combat bunkers, must completely or partially destroy its aerodynamic planes, losing at least part of its speed or altitude, which was already almost zero.

And further, at this zero height, the object managed to punch through three pentagon rings at an angle of about 60 degrees relative to the plane of the facade, making such an outlet in the wall of the C ring.

On the way inside the rings E, D and C, this object managed to make

such destruction,

and then disappear into the patio between rings C and B.

A very indicative fact for my hypothesis I consider the surviving glass on the windows of the inner wall of the C ring, a couple of meters from which something broke through a thick brick wall reinforced with reinforced concrete, the reinforcement from which sticks out in the hole made.

 In the official chronology of events there is still such a moment.

At 10:10 a.m., at the same time as part of the Pentagon's outer ring collapsed, the eastern sector of the U.S. Air Defense prohibits its fighter jets from firing.

Extremely strange are the impressions of the dispatchers of the Dallas airport, who, after the appearance on the screens of their radars of a large unidentified tag, first decided that "this is one of those guys sent to protect our president," referring to a military fighter or interceptor.

But then by the size of the tag, they identified the object as a large passenger plane, which, however, can not fly at such a high speed at such a low altitude, as well as lay such steep turns. They were confused...

These are the basic facts. 

Now the floor to David McGoan to outline the right questions:

"So what crashed into the Pentagon that morning? Did American Airlines Flight 77, which had been absent from radar screens for half an hour and unnoticed by America's most advanced air defense system, suddenly and inexplicably appear in the skies over Washington?

Did he then perform a high-speed maneuver, usually beyond the capabilities of the Boeing 757 (according to some eyewitnesses) and began to enter the Pentagon at high speed and at such a ridiculously low altitude that he cut off the car antenna?

Did he really neatly turn five sturdy steel lampposts and slammed one of his wings into a large generator and still retained as an arrow a straight and perfectly stable approach to the Pentagon?

And did he then crash into the Pentagon with such tremendous force that he was able to penetrate through more than 300 feet (91 meters - sludg.NET) of reinforced concrete obstacles standing at an angle? 

And he did it all in such a way that no one filmed a single frame on film or videotape?

Or did something else crash into the Pentagon? Can we say with certainty that something actually crashed into the Pentagon? 

Was everything done by explosives planted inside and possibly outside the building? If so, what turned those lampposts?

Can we hope to find answers to all the unresolved questions regarding the attack on the Pentagon? Or was this barrier erected in such a way that it was impossible to take?"

Academician James Henry Fetzer: "The 9/11 plan originated in the fertile imagination of Benjamin Netanyahu"

The leading aviation expert on the September 11 attack, philip Marshall, who wrote a book about 9/11, his teenage children and a dog were found dead in their home on Sandalwood Drive. Their bodies, and the corpse of their dog, lying in pools of their own blood, were discovered by friends of teenagers in February 2013.

54-year-old Philip Marshall, his daughter 14-year-old Mikalya Phillips and his 17-year-old son Alex.

"... Think about it. The official version says about some ghost (Osama bin Laden) in some cave on the other side of the world, defeating our entire military establishment in the United States, is absolutely ridiculous. <...> The real reason the attack was successful is because of the military standoff and the coordinated operation that prepared the hijackers to fly heavy commercial airliners. We have dozens of FBI documents confirming that this flight training was conducted in California, Florida and Arizona 18 months before the attack," Philip wrote.

Confirms the version of the late Marshall and American academician James Henry Fetzer. The academic believes that the 9/11 plan originated in the fertile imagination of Benjamin Netanyahu, who has long and actively sought a way to manipulate the United States to overthrow the influence of Arab states, which served as a counterweight to Israel's domination of the Middle East. 

American academic James Henry Fetzer: "The 9/11 plan appears to have originated in the fertile imagination of Benjamin Netanyahu, who was looking for means to manipulate the U.S. to attack Arab states that served as counterbalance to the balance of Israeli dominance in the Middle East," a post appeared on a popular and highly readable Twitter account in the West on May 2.

What is especially remarkable, a tweet about this, posted in the English-speaking segment of the Internet, was retweeted by such users as:

- President of Russia (official news account of the President of Russia)

- Russian Embassy in NL (Russian Embassy in the Netherlands)

- P.R. of Russia OPCW (Permanent Mission of Russia to the OPCW)

- RussianEmbassy Malta (Russian Embassy in Malta)

- Russian Embassy in Ankara

- Russian Embassy UK

-Russian Embassy in the USA

- Embassy of Russia in South Africa

- Government of Russia (English-language news akk on Twitter of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and the Government of Russia)

-TASS (Russian, international news agency)

-MFA Russia (official twitter account of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)

The 9/11 plan appears to have originated in the imagination of Benjamin Netanyahu, who was looking for a means to manipulate the U.S. to attack modern Arab states that serve as a counterweight to Israeli dominance in the Middle East. 

This will pave the way for a subsequent expansion of influence to realize historical Zionist aspirations from the Tigris-Euphrates to the Nile and to receive a "Greater Israel". Long before the concept of terrorism began to exert its influence on the American mind, back in 1987, he (Netanyahu) organized a conference in Jerusalem on terrorism: How the West can win. 

Netanyahu has fully demonstrated his political talent in breaking America to do the dirty work for Israel at the hands of the United States," wrote James Henry Fetzer, Ph.D., academic, American scholar James Henry Fetzer, on June 1, 2016, "The alleged Islamic hijackers were not competent to fly these planes and their names are not listed in any genuine, certified passenger document. It's hard to imagine the fact that a few of them turned out to be alive and well the next day. 

This was to arouse suspicion in the minds of Americans, if the hijackers did not die, then the planes could not crash; and if the planes did not crash, the passengers on board did not die because they were planes hijacked by 19 Islamic fundamentalists and crashed, meaning that the entire "war on terror" was based on the American government's lies to the American people. 

The U.S. government did not even produce documents as evidence that they were on board the planes they allegedly hijacked, which would have been easier to do than to forge all four alleged crash sites.

A series of tweets brought to the attention of the above-mentioned officials and organizations also refer to Netanyahu's book, in which he talks about terrorism as a way of influencing and manipulating the masses.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in his 1987 book Terrorism: How the West Can Win, talks about plans to attack the United Nations building or the World Trade Center to unite Americans in a "clash of civilizations"; [to organize] incessant wars between the Christian and Muslim worlds in order to destroy israel's enemies," reads this resonant recording, "since September 11, 2001, successive U.S. administrations have accused the fake al-Qaeda, Iraq, and Iran of terrorist attacks. Now Israeli poodles such as Senators John McCain, Bob Graham and the rest of the aipac are crawling, and the Western media are trying to make Saudi Arabia a scapegoat for the September 11 terrorist attacks to protect Israeli crimes.

Among other things, there is an FBI report on the so-called "High Five" or "Dancing Israelis" arrested on September 11, 2001 after they were seen celebrating death and destruction unfolding on the site of the World Trade Center:

The Israelis were spotted near a park in New Jersey's Liberty State, celebrating the World Trade Center (WTC) bombing within minutes of the WTC (i.e., the first Tower; North Tower) being first struck by an airplane. The photos show that on the sides of the van photomontage of the tragedy, which at that time had not yet taken place.

Emergency dispatch radio transmission with 9/11 ( video not available ) text :

Officer: "I got a message about this plane, it's a big truck with a painting ... a plane diving into New York and exploding [inaudible], you know, in the truck, the truck is between 6th and 7th on King Street."

Officer: "[inaudible] ... you're holding these two guys [inaudible]."

A few voices/stir: "[inaudible] ... fuck, beat the shit out of them!"

Officer: "Listen you need [inaudible] on those two guys? Are you there...?"

Officer: "We have both suspects ... we have suspects who go ... drove into the van, the van exploded – we both have, let's help here..."

It was later revealed that two "Middle Eastern" suspects escaped and then detonated a mural-van bomb, both arrested by police and later sent home to the Jewish state (along with 198 other Jewish spies) by then-Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff.

About the same trucks say and witnesses in the form, it is not available.

It is appropriate to cite photos of Israeli students who "worked" with detonators in the building of the World Trade Center even before the terrorist attack organized by the US special services and the Mossad, which only once again confirms the validity of the above. The photo was taken two days before the tragedy of September 9.

Despite quite convincing evidence of the terrorist policy of the Netanyahu cabinet, carried out by him everywhere and everywhere, many continue to persist in their ignorance, citing arguments from the category of "how can something bad come out of this part of the Holy Land, in which Evil cannot settle." 

Such short-sighted, short-sighted, if not criminal, arguments covering Uncle Bibik's Absolute Evil, which he has been presenting for too long, can be answered with the words of Scripture - "... when ye see the abomination of desolation, let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains."

A terrorist attack that didn't happen. 

Who killed three thousand Americans on September 11?

It's been 19 years since Nine-Eleven. 

In New York, three skyscrapers collapsed. Not two, but three, but the third for some reason prefer not to remember. 

And when the third plane crashed into the repairable wing of the Pentagon, and strangely almost self-destructed, and another fell in the desert. And this is not all the mysteries of the tragedy that happened. 

So, on the morning of September 11, 2001, some unknown persons hijacked four Boeing aircraft (two in Boston, one in Washington and another in Newark), after which the first two planes crashed into the New York skyscrapers WTC-1 and WTC-2, the third hit the Pentagon wall, and the fourth crashed near Shenksville, Pennsylvania. Two WTC towers, attacked by aircraft, within an hour and a half suddenly in a very strange way completely collapsed, neatly folded inside. Also, for some reason, the neighboring skyscraper WTC 7 completely and neatly collapsed, although no aircraft got into it. 

It took only a few days after the "terrorist attacks", as the first official version of everything that happened was ready and the perpetrators were named. Osama bin Laden, who led this action from Afghanistan, and, of course, his brainchild al-Qaeda, was immediately named to blame. Also immediately named were the names of all 19 hijackers who threw their cars near the airports, in which they found the Koran and instructions in Arabic "How to control the plane", and in the wreckage of the planes found miraculously preserved passports of "terrorists". From this it followed that it was urgent to start bombing Afghanistan and invading Iraq.

In the fall of 2002, a special commission was established under the loud name "National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States". It was presided over by former New Jersey Governor Thomas Kean. The commission included former employees of the CIA, FBI, Department of Justice and other government agencies. Philip Zelikow, a member of the Bush administration who also worked under Bush Sr., directed all the actions and progress of the investigation. 

The final form of the official version indicated above was adopted on July 22, 2004, when the above-mentioned commission of 83 people completed the report on 585 pages. The report of the "Keane Commission" confirmed the above version, which still remains the only and irrefutable.

And now here are some facts showing how the US intelligence services are able to "investigate" and obtain the necessary and deliberately announced results. 

Cell Phones

The official report claims that all information from the Boeing, which crashed into the WTC skyscraper, was transmitted to the ground via mobile phones. In particular, flight attendant Betty Ong (Betty Ong) talked for 23 minutes, and flight attendant Madeline Sweeney (Madeline Sweeney) – 25 minutes. Suiney's last words were, "I see water! I see buildings!" 

And now a fact about which the authors of the official report "forgot". In 2001, cell phone calls from an airplane flying at speeds of more than 700 km/h were not possible. 

The fact is that when the phone hits the broadcasting area of the base station, or "honeycomb", there is a so-called "greeting", which in 2001 took at least eight seconds. The "greeting" system was not designed to move at a speed of 700 km / h and is possible at a maximum speed of 150 km / h. And only in 2004, Qualcomm, together with American Airlines, developed a system that, using a satellite, provides cell phone calls from the aircraft, on which a special mobile base station is installed. On 15 July 2004, the system was tested and operational. 

Deception with speed

The official report of the "Keane Commission" provides a diagram of the alleged movement of Flight 175, which crashed into the south tower of the WTC, according to which the plane overcame the final straight section from the city of Trenton to New York in four minutes. 

Scheme of movement of Boeing to New York 

And now the fact: The distance between Trenton and New York in a straight line is 85 kilometers. For an even score, you can even consider it equal to 80. According to official data, the plane covered this distance in 4 minutes. Let's find the average speed of the liner in this area: V = 80 km / 4 min = 20 km / min = 1200 km / h. We get the speed of sound. 

Of course, the Boeing 767 was not supersonic. In the technical characteristics of the Boeing-767-200 it is said that its maximum cruising speed at an altitude of 12 km is 915 km / h. And this is only at an altitude of 12,000 meters, where the air density is five times lower than at sea level, and the liner flew into the building at an altitude of several hundred meters. In the same technical characteristics it is said that the maximum permissible speed of the Boeing-767-200 (the so-called Vne - Velocity Never Exceed), exceeding which the aircraft will simply begin to collapse, is 0.86 speed of sound, that is, about 1000 km / h. Therefore, even if the aircraft managed to still develop the speed of sound, it would have crumbled long before Manhattan. That is, the official investigation invites everyone to believe that it is impossible purely physically. So, another lie of the official investigation.

"Twins" could not collapse on their own

According to the official report, the hundred-story skyscraper WTC-1 fully collapsed 1 hour 42 minutes after the impact of the aircraft, and its twin WTC-2 - after 56 minutes. The reason, of course, is indicated as follows - the impact and the subsequent fire that occurred after the Boeing hit the buildings. 

But that's where some equally surprising facts come in.

It turns out that the "Twins" were designed so that in addition to the wind load could withstand the frontal impact of the Boeing-707, the largest passenger airliner in those years. In the early 1970s, Leslie Robertson, who built the buildings, calculated the effect of the collision of the Boeing 707 with the WTC tower. He reported the results to the New York Times, claiming that the towers will withstand the impact of the liner flying at a speed of 960 km / h, that is, taking the blow of the liner, the skyscraper will remain standing without undergoing serious structural damage. In other words, the central frame and the remaining standing perimeter will withstand the additional load formed due to the absence of the demolished part of the load-bearing structures. It was with such a margin of safety that the "twins" were built.

Frank DeMartini, one of the leaders of the WTC project, confirms this idea: the building is designed to withstand the impact of the Boeing 707 with maximum take-off weight. It was the largest aircraft of that time. I'm sure the building would have weathered even a few air strikes, as its structure resembled a frequent mosquito net, and the plane is like a pencil that pierces this grid and has no effect on the structure of the rest of it.

The fire also could not destroy skyscrapers. Here's the evidence that the official report is lying again:

So, the building of the WTC-1 withstood the first blow. However, in the next hour and a half, as a result of the fire, something happened that provoked the collapse of the tower. By the way, this is the first and only case in world history when a skyscraper turns into a pile of ruins as a result of an hour and a half fire - this is if you believe the official version.

In the mid-1990s, two British firms – British Steel and Building Research Establishment – conducted a series of experiments in the city of Cardington to identify the impact of fires on steel-framed structures. On the experimental model of an eight-story building, steel structures did not have fire-resistant protection. Despite the fact that the temperature of the steel beams reached 900 ° C (!) with a critical maximum of 600 ° C, in none of the six experiments there was destruction, although certain deformations took place.

In August 2005, John R. Hall Jr., of the National Fire Association of the United States, published an analytical paper, "Fires in High-Rise Structures." In particular, it provides statistics according to which only in 2002 in high-rise buildings there were 7300 fires, many of which were very intense and lasted for many hours, having managed to absorb more than one floor. Despite the presence of casualties and significant damage, none of these fires led to collapses.

If that's not enough, here are some more concrete examples of the worst fires in decades:

On February 23, 1991, a fire broke out in the 38-story One Meridian Plaza building in Philadelphia. The fire started on the 22nd floor, covered 8 floors and lasted 18 hours. As a result of this fire, many glasses were knocked out, granite cracked and load-bearing walls sagged. Nevertheless, the building survived and not a single part of it collapsed.

On May 4, 1988, the 62-story Building of First Interstate Bank in Los Angeles caught fire. The fire lasted 3.5 hours, burned 4.5 floors - from the 12th to the 16th. But the supporting structures survived completely, and secondary structures and several intermediate floors received only minor damage. The building survived.

On August 5, 1970, an explosion broke out in the 50-story building of 1 New York Plaza and a fire broke out, which lasted six hours. There were no collapses.

On October 17, 2004, a skyscraper caught fire in the Venezuelan city of Caracas. The fire broke out at the level of the 34th floor, covered 26 (!) floors and lasted 17 hours. The building survived.

And finally, the fire in the same New York World Trade Center. On February 13, 1975, a fire broke out in the north tower on the 11th floor, as a result of which 65% of the floor burned out completely. In addition, the fire spread down to the 9th and up to the 16th floor, without affecting, however, office space and limiting itself to mines inside the central frame. The fire lasted three hours and, despite its much higher intensity than on 11 September 2001, the structure of the building was not damaged. Absolutely unharmed remained not only the central frame, inside which the fire mainly spread, but also all the intermediate floors.

WTC fire in 1975

And the 47-storey "WTC 7" collapsed itself... accidentally.

The official report claims that the WTC-7 "collapsed" due to the weakening of the load-bearing structures, despite the fact that no aircraft fell into it. 

About the demolition of the building number 7 WTC, as it turned out, generally knew very few. Its destruction passed somehow imperceptibly against the background of the rest of the events of that day. This 47-story skyscraper, which was also called Salomon Brothers, housed the offices of the FBI, the Department of Defense, the 1RS Tax Service (according to the Online Journal, with a huge amount of dirt, including on the infamous Enron), US counterintelligence, the stock exchange (with evidence of stock fraud), as well as various financial institutions. Its collapse occurred at about 17:20 New York time, and several rather curious incidents are associated with it at once.

FEMA claims that this building collapsed for the same reasons as the "twins" – due to the weakening of the load-bearing structures. But why? The plane did not get into it. Fires did not rage in it - only in three places there were small local fires: on the seventh, twelfth and twenty-ninth floors. If we recall the scheme of the entire WTC, then the building No. 7 is the most remote from the "epicenter", separated from the main complex by a street. Where did his injuries come from? The report is silent about this.

Such a small fire allegedly caused the complete destruction of the WTC-7 building.

And the most "truthful" in the world, the BBC even reported the collapse of WTC-7 in advance. 

Indeed, the report of the British TV channel BBC (BBC) looks unique. In the tv news release, which aired at 10:00 a.m. London time, that is, at 5:00 p.m. New York time, the host told viewers that the WTC-7 building in New York had collapsed. But there were still 20 minutes left before its collapse. Moreover, the correspondent of the TV channel Jane Standley (Jane Standley) in his live report from New York told about the collapse of the WTC-7, while being in its background. A rare photo just depicts this moment - the building of the WTC-7 is marked with arrows. The caption at the bottom of the screen reads: "The 47-story Salomon Brothers building next to the World Trade Center also collapsed."

Bbc tells about the destruction of WTC 7 

However, at some point, apparently, the tv crew realized what had happened, and at 17:14 the picture of the broadcast from New York suddenly distorted by interference, and a few seconds later it disappeared altogether. 

How else to explain this incredible "blur", if not the presence of a pre-written script? Is it possible that the building was planned to be demolished a little earlier, but london simply did not have time to bring information about the delay of this mise-en-scene of the play, and the British continued to follow the script. So they got a press release before all of this happened? But from whom and how?

Of course, such an incident caused a lot of questions to the BBC channel. However, the head of news Richard Porter explained this mysterious story: "We are not part of a conspiracy. No one told us what to talk about or what to do on September 11. No one informed us in advance that the building was about to fall. We haven't gotten a press release or a script of events that are going to happen."

It turns out that if no one informed them in advance, then they themselves, on their own initiative, told about the collapse of the building, which will happen in 20 minutes. But we read on: "We do not have the original recording of the reports of September 11 – but not because of the conspiracy, but because of the confusion." The news record of one of the most important days in the history of the channel was suddenly lost.

Dead "terrorists" were alive

The list of terrorists was published by the Ministry of Justice on 14 September 2001. According to the FBI, here are the 19 names:


This is archived material from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) website. It may contain outdated information and links may no longer function.

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FBI Announces List of 19 Hijackers 

Washington, D.C.

September 14, 2001

FBI National Press Office

(202) 324-3691

The following is a list of the nineteen (19) individuals who have been identified as hijackers aboard the four airliners that crashed on September 11, 2001, into the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon, and Stony Creek Township, Pennsylvania. Information listed for each hijacker differs, but may include date of birth, address provided, or visa status. This is the extent of the information available at this time.

The FBI requests that anyone who may have information about these individuals-even though they are presumed to be dead- to immediately contact an FBI field office or call the toll-free hotline at 1-866-483-5137.

American Airlines #77

Boeing 757

8:10 am departed Washington Dulles for Los Angeles

9:39 am crashed into the Pentagon

1) Khalid Al-Midhar - Possible residence (s) : San Diego, California and New York, New York; Visa Status: B-1 Visa, but B-2 Visa had expired.

2) Majed Moqed - No information available.

3) Nawaq Alhamzi - Possible residence (s) : Fort Lee, New Jersey and Wayne, New Jersey and San Diego, California.

4) Salem Alhamzi - Possible residence (s) : Fort Lee, New Jersey, and Wayne, New Jersey.

5) Hani Hanjour - Possible residence (s) : Phoenix, Arizona and San Diego, California. Believed to be a pilot.

American Airlines #11

Boeing 767

7:45 am departed Boston for Los Angeles

8:45 am crashed into North Tower of the World Trade Center

1) Satam Al Suqami - Date of birth used: June 28, 1976; Last known address: United Arab Emirates.

2) Waleed M. Alshehri - Dates of birth used: September 13, 1974/January 1, 1976/ March 3, 1976/ July 8, 1977/ December 20, 1978/ May 11, 1979/ November 5, 1979; Possible residence (s) : Hollywood, Florida/ Orlando, Florida/ Daytona Beach, Florida; Believed to be a pilot.

3) Wail Alshehri - Date of birth used: July 31, 1973; Possible residence (s) : Hollywood, Florida, and Newton, Massachusetts; Believed to be a pilot.

4) Mohamed Atta - Date of birth used: September 1, 1968; Possible residence (s) : Hollywood, Florida/ Coral Springs, Florida/ Hamburg, Germany; Believed to be a pilot.

5) Abdulaziz Alomari - Date of birth used: December 24, 1972 and May 28, 1979; Possible residence: Hollywood, Florida; Believed to be a pilot.

United Airlines #175

Boeing 767

7:58 am departed Boston for Los Angeles

9:05 am crashed into South Tower of the World Trade Center

1) Marwan Al-Shehhi - Date of birth used: May 9, 1978; Possible residence: Hollywood, Florida; Visa Status: B-2 Visa; Believed to be a pilot.

2) Fayez Ahmed - Possible residence: Delray Beach, Florida.

3) Ahmed Alghamdi - Possible residence: Delray Beach, Florida.

4) Hamza Alghamdi - Possible residence: Delray Beach, Florida.

5) Mohald Alshehri - Possible residence: Delray Beach, Florida.

United Airlines #93

Boeing 757

8:01 am departed Newark, New Jersey, for San Francisco

10:10 am crashed in Stony Creek Township, Pennsylvania

1) Saeed Alghamdi - Possible residence: Delray Beach, Florida.

2) Ahmed Alhaznawi - Date of birth used: October 11, 1980; Possible residence: Delray Beach, Florida.

3) Ahmed Alnami - Possible residence: Delray Beach, Florida.

4) Ziad Jarrahi - Believed to be a pilot.

We read the official list of "hijackers"

And the list was provided with the following comment: "The FBI is absolutely confident in the accuracy of the identification of nineteen hijackers responsible for the terrorist attacks of September 11. In addition, the investigations up to 11 September were thoroughly reviewed by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States, as well as jointly by the Senate and the House of Representatives. None of these checks raised the slightest doubt as to the identities of the nineteen hijackers."

On September 23, 2001, the British BBC news agency unexpectedly reported that Walid al-Shehri, a Saudi national and named hijacker of Flight AA11, was now alive, well and well in Casablanca, Morocco. The Saudi Embassy confirmed that he attended flight school in Daytona Beach, Florida. He left the United States in September 2000 and works for Royal Air Morocco. This is further confirmed by the Associated Press, according to which Walid al-Shehri appeared at the American embassy in Morocco: "The FBI released a photo of him, which was replicated in newspapers and television news around the world. The same Mr. al-Shehri appeared in Morocco, thereby proving that he was not a member of the suicide pilot team." Total, minus one.

Weil al-Shehri (AA11) is also alive and well. He works as a pilot and his father is a Saudi diplomat in Bombay. The Los Angeles Times, in an article dated September 21, 2001, reported that the head of the information center of the Saudi Embassy in the United States, Gaafar Allagani, confirmed that he had personally spoken to both father and son. Total, minus two.

Abdulaziz al-Omari (AA11) lost his passport while studying in Denver, which he reported to the police. He now works as an engineer at Saudi Telecom. The Telegraph on September 23, 2001 quoted him as saying: "I couldn't believe it when I saw myself on the FBI's lists. They showed my name, my picture and my date of birth, but I'm not a suicide bomber. I am here. I'm alive. I have no idea how to fly an airplane. I had nothing to do with it all." Total, minus three.

Said al-Ghamdi (UA93), a pilot of Saudi Airlines, was in Tunisia at the time of the events of September 11, where he was undergoing training in the management of an Airbus-320 aircraft with 22 other pilots. The Telegraph quoted him as saying: "The FBI has not provided any evidence of my involvement in the attacks. You have no idea what it's like to be called a dead terrorist when I'm alive and innocent." Total, minus four.

Ahmed al-Nami (UA93) works as a records manager at Saudi Airlines in Riyadh: "As you can see, I am alive. I was shocked to see my name on the [terrorist] lists. I've never heard of Pennsylvania where I happen to have cared for a plane." Total, minus five.

Salem al-Hamzi (AA77) works at a chemical plant in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia: "I have never been to the United States, and in the last two years I have not left Saudi Arabia." Total, minus six.

Khalid al-Midhar (AA77) – programmer in Mecca, Saudi Arabia: "I like to think that this is some kind of mistake." According to the Chicago Tribune, he was watching TV when his friends started calling him and figuring out if he was alive. Total, minus seven.

According to the Saudi Embassy in the United States, Mohand al-Shehri (UA175) and Satam al-Soukami (AA11) are also alive and well.

It wasn't until September 23, 2001, that FBI Chief Robert Mueller declared, "There are doubts about the identities of some of the hijackers."

But despite the obviousness of outright falsification with the names of "terrorists", in the official report of the "Keane Commission" appear all the same 19 original names. 

Fake Bin Laden

And since now there is no evidence of the involvement of the "hijackers" in the terrorist attacks, it means that al-Qaeda seems to have nothing to do with it, and it is not necessary to bomb Afghanistan. 

Two Bin Ladens + Two Bin Ladens Barry Obama and Hillary Clinton. So, we were not mistaken? 

Albert N. Stablebine, a retired U.S. Army Major General who led the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command from 1981 to 1984, was responsible for monitoring all air defense systems during 9/11 in his last (he died in 2017) interview spoke about the facts confirming the staging of 9/11. The interview is all the more remarkable because from the very beginning Stubblebine believed the official story of September 11 and was one of its main "movers to the masses." And then he turned his attention to the hole in the Pentagon from the alleged Boeing 757.

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eDItOr-in-cHiEf TRiBUlE

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