We fill claims and statements to the police with the contents of documents and scientific 🧬 studies committed before the capture of crooks, maniacs and freaks of high public office, de facto, made by mankind to universal intellectual impoverishment and ou…

We fill claims and statements to the police with the contents of documents and scientific 🧬 studies committed before the capture of crooks, maniacs and freaks of high public office, de facto, made by mankind to universal intellectual impoverishment and ou…

Ͳɦε Ɗαʝɭγ Ɠαʐεʈʈε'ʂ 'Βεɾϻμɗα Ͳɾʝαηɠɭε Ѕαγʂ'🎙

Dr. Teresa Tam recommends wearing

masks while jogging outdoors. 

And this is said by another defendant in the lawsuit against the health of Canadian citizens and citizens of other states living in Canada 🇨🇦. Introducing Justin Trudeau, a Canadian public servant who is currently Canada's 3rd Chief Public Health Officer. 

And that's not all you need to know about modern medicine and modern medics regulating co foreseeable measures.

Combined with the old material, the Great Wall of China and the crowds of people on the wall, as well as the deployment of the Chinese Army on Canadian territory near the U.S. 🇺🇸 borders, everyone should know very briefly: 

Teresa Tam (Chinese: 譚 詠詩; 1965) - Canadian physician and poo employee blic, who currently serves as the 3rd Chief Inspector of Public Health of Canada ...

CNN and the regular speaker splashing their poisonous saliva into the screen 📺 very similar to ethnic Chinese.

About Ted Turner we said in the previous block, he also needs to pack an alarming suitcase 🧳 and put warm socks 🧦 

On this basis, the actions of business entities engaged in authorized trading activities aimed at non-violent obstruction under the "mask regime" of citizens-consumers in visiting retail facilities without masks and access to goods for the purpose of purchasing them, cannot and should not be considered as actions infringing (violating) the rights of consumers, as such actions by business entities meet the principle of reasonable conduct of participants of civil relations and have no grounds of unreasonable evasion. what is the retail contract (meaning the interconnected provisions of the articles of national laws.

At the same time, citizens who are simultaneously consumers of relations governed by consumer protection legislation, who do not comply with the requirements for wearing masks when visiting public places, including shopping facilities, as part of the established rules of conduct when imposing a high-alert regime in an area where there is a threat of an emergency, or in an emergency zone, may be brought to administrative responsibility under the articles of national laws.

13 dangerous effects of wearing a mask - what do masks achieve? 

Masks, which become a habitual attribute of any resident of the territory, where the ball is ruled by covidobes, are not so harmless, as it is claimed by the propagandists hired by them, repeating in different ways: "it is now a sign of a civilized person who cares about his and someone else's health!". They - lie, however, as usual, but that's why they lie in this case, it is worth to paint on points to be minimally armed, when you once again stand with their requirements of the mascobes.

So, the main effects of wearing masks, psychological, medical, social, economic and legal:

Psychological effects:

1. Mask - a demonstrative instrument of complete submission, a sign of obedience to someone else's will, humility and humiliation, stigmatization

2. Mask - abdication of one's own opinion and decision, willingness to rely on another, knowingly pursuing its goals

3. Mask - a symbol of abandonment of his face, face, personality, depersonalization, transformation into a cog, one of the crowd, part of the herd

Medical effects:

4. Headache due to hypoxia and hypercapnia

5. Deterioration of lung function in people with chronic diseases

6. Reduced immunity due to inhibition of immune system cells

7. Aggravation of the severity of the condition in cancer patients due to a number of reasons

8. Increased concentration of pathogens under the mask

Social effects:

10. Dividing society into wearing and non-wearing masks with a natural opposition to each other

11. Provoking social conflicts between convinced masked and convinced oil-free

Economic and legal effects:

12. Additional costs for masks that need to be changed almost every hour to ensure safety of use

13. Contradictions in the laws - under the existing legislation to oblige a person to wear a mask and refuse to provide him because of its absence is not possible, so a legal conflict is born, leading to the erosion of legal concepts in the population

As for social effects, the Internet is full of information and videos showing how aggressive maskers attack oilless people, pushing them out of public transport, for example, or as the authorities do. The danger of enshrining such scenarios in society, "war with all with all", is not even necessary, it is self-evident, as is the obvious and humanization of some citizens who consider themselves entitled to arrange lynching of fellow countrymen ...

There are only a dozen reasons for this, but the list can be expanded, but it is quite listed. Unbiased medics warn with one voice about the senselessness of wearing masks and the potential harm from them, and do so from the very beginning of masco-decia. Here is a professional opinion of a well-known and authoritative American neurochirabe on the danger of wearing masks -

The mask not only reduces immunity, but can also lead to the virus entering the brain

"If you put on a mask, exhaled viruses won't be able to get out and concentrate in the nasal passages, go into the olfactory nerves and into the brain," said Russell Blaylock, a neurosurgeon.

Researchers found that about a third of workers had headaches while wearing masks, most of them already had headaches that were exacerbated when wearing a mask, and 60% needed painkillers to relieve their condition. As for the cause of headaches, although it may be a rubber band from the mask and the pressure it puts on the face, the bulk of the evidence indicates hypoxia and/or hypercapnia. That is, reducing blood oxygenation (hypoxia) or increasing CO2 in the blood (hypercapnia). I have no doubt that there are cases where older people or people with impaired lung function lose consciousness and hit their heads. This, of course, can lead to death.The most recent study, which involved 159 health care workers between the ages of 21 and 35, found that 81% of subjects had headaches because of wearing a mask. Some have had headaches caused by masks before. Unfortunately, no one informed the weakened elderly and people with lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema or pulmonary fibrosis, about the dangers of wearing a face mask of any type, which could lead to a serious deterioration of lung function. This also includes patients with lung cancer and people who have undergone lung surgery, especially with partial resection or even removal of the lung entirely.The importance of these results is that the decrease in oxygen levels (hypoxia) is associated with impaired immunity. Studies have shown that hypoxia can suppress a type of major immune cells needed to fight viral infections called CD4-T-lymphocytes. This is because hypoxia increases the level of a compound called hypoxia-induced factor -- one that inhibits T-lymphocytes and stimulates a powerful immune cell inhibitor called regulatory T cells. This creates the premise for any infection, including COVID-19, and exacerbates the effects of such infection. In fact, the mask can expose you to an increased risk of disease and, accordingly, much worse outcome.For people with oncology, especially if the cancer has already spread through the body, prolonged hypoxia is an additional risk, as the cancerous tumor grows best in a micro-environment with low oxygen content. Low oxygen levels also contribute to inflammation, which can contribute to the growth, infestation and spread of cancer. Repeated episodes of hypoxia have been suggested to be considered as a significant factor of atherosclerosis and therefore an increased risk of all cardiovascular (heart attacks) and cerebrovascular (stroke) diseases. There is another danger of wearing such masks on a daily basis, especially if they are worn for several hours. When a person is infected with a respiratory virus, he gets rid of a certain part of it with every breath. But if he wears a mask, especially an N95 mask or any other tightly attached to his face, he will constantly inhale the virus repeatedly, increasing its concentration in the lungs and nasal passages. It is known that in people who suffer the worst coronavirus, the highest concentration of the virus is observed at an early stage, which leads to the development of a deadly cytokine storm. New evidence suggests that in some cases the virus can penetrate the brain. In most cases, it enters the brain through olfactory nerves that are directly related to the area of the brain responsible for short-term memory and memory consolidation. If you put on a mask, the exhaled viruses won't come out and concentrate in the nasal passages, penetrating the olfactory nerves and getting into the brain."

Technocracy.News - https://www.technocracy.news/blaylock-face-masks-pose-serious-risks-to-the-healthy/https://tv-den.ru/2020/09/18/maska-ne-tolko-snizhaet-immunitet-no-i-mozhet-privesti-k-proniknoveniju-virusa-v-mozg/

Here's another article on the subject, with a huge number of references to serious research at the end of it, an article covering the need to wear masks in the context discussed, "fighting the covid-19 pandemic and social responsibility for non-proliferation of infection," once and for all -


This kind of statements of professionals a huge number, enough to Google and any search engine will fill you with links, however, in the top lines of the search will be commercial offers to purchase masks, looking in this context especially absurd. But, if the alternative is a fine or the inability to make a purchase, use the service, work - many have no choice. They think, at least. But this is only the first choice, then - everywhere ...

By the way, there are brilliant exceptions to the rule, as, for example, the mayor of one of the Italian cities, who imposed a fine of 2,000 euros "for the unreasonable wearing of a mask" and thus became famous against the background of other mascobes.

Now think about this - just in 

1) Following officials demanding to wear masks, instructions from above, the whole thing? No, of course, there is also 

2) Commercial interest in the sale of private oil factory products, there is also 

3) manipulation of coercion and obedience. It is possible that there is also 

4) the intention of deteriorating the health of the population (see medical effects, which it is impossible not to know anyone who can read texts). What prevails is not the essence, 

5) The end result is important, in all negative for wearers and in all the same positive for forcing.

For what reasons do you wear or do not wear a mask 🤿?

Isn't that the main thing that we are forced to wear muzzle masks, despite the fact that all the effects are quite obvious and do not require professional knowledge to understand and evaluate them?

The notorious Overton windows are the technology that is used above all, the gradual transformation of the previously unthinkable, consistently - into a radical, acceptable, acceptable, normal, non-alternative. Humanization. Today you put on a mask, tomorrow agreed with vaccination, the day after tomorrow - with chipping, then - with anything, because there is nothing to lose, and his will at the chipped will will not remain, the decision for him will be made by those who today force him to wear a mask, Pharisey pushing about the insignificance of this step. That is why they put pressure on the population, without any apparent serious reason to insist on the obviously absurd requirement of wearing from nothing that does not protect the rag, that the question of consent with its self-inquisorths is a matter of man's choice of further fate, no matter how excessive this statement may seem at first glance. One way. You are forced to follow it, and we, as if conspiratorial, do not even try to resist their fate. Why, citizens?

The mask is the only material proof of the virus' existence, which is why psychopathic bastards hold on to it. 


In the current WHO Interim Guidelines of 05.06.2020. "The use of masks in the context of COVID-19" is stated: " there is currently no direct evidence (according to studies on COVID-19, as well as healthy population) of the effectiveness of universal and widespread use of masks by healthy people in order to prevent respiratory viral infections, including COVID-19; WHO recommends the use of medical masks, self-isolation and medical care in case of ill-health...; There is currently no conclusive scientific evidence or evidence directly indicating the need for the widespread and widespread use of masks by healthy people, and existing risks and benefits need to be taken into account (see below); Potential harm/problem: The likely drawbacks of widespread use of masks by healthy people are: the likelihood of a higher risk of self-harm due to touching the mask and then touching the eyes with contaminated hands; The probability of self-insession in case wet or contaminated non-medical mask is not replaced. These conditions are conducive to increased activity of the microorganism; The possibility of headaches and/or breathing difficulties depending on the type of mask used; With frequent use for several hours - the likelihood of skin lesions, dermatitis caused by irritation, or exacerbation of acne; Non-particulate speech A possible feeling of discomfort A false sense of security that can lead to people neglecting other preventive measures, such as safe distance and hand hygiene; Improper wearing of a mask, especially for young children; Waste management problems improper disposal of masks, leading to the accumulation of garbage in public places, the risk of infection of public services, as well as the danger to the environment; Difficulties in communicating with deaf people, as they focus on lip movements to understand speech; The shortcomings or difficulties associated with wearing masks, especially for categories such as children, persons with intellectual disabilities or mental illnesses, elderly people with cognitive impairment, persons suffering from asthma, chronic respiratory diseases or respiratory disorders, people who have a recent history of facial trauma or maxillofacial intervention in the mouth, as well as those living in hot conditions and in the climate. It is clear from the WHO recommendations that masks are not needed by everyone - moreover, they are dangerous for certain categories of people or health conditions. It means that all people can't wear masks. This was clear at the level of physiology - this is clear from the WHO documents.

In the event that the so-called "mask regime" is introduced, any appearance of an individual in a public place without a mask will have signs of an illegal act (action) aimed at endangering not only one's own safety, life and health, but also the safety, life, health, health and health of other persons in an area where there is a threat of an emergency or in an emergency zone. On this basis, the actions of business entities engaged in permitted trading activities, the purpose of non-violent obstruction in the conditions of the "mask regime" of consumer citizens in visiting retail facilities without masks and access to goods for the purpose of purchasing them cannot and should not be considered as actions infringing (violating) the rights of consumers, as such actions by business entities meet the principle of reasonable conduct of participants in civil relations and do not have signs of unreasonable evasion from the conclusion of a public contract, as is the contract of retail sales (the meaning of the interconnectedness of the provisions of the state of the public.

To find out what is really going on in India, there is no point in looking for anything in the newspapers or on TV. 

If you want to know the truth, you should look for info yourself in all sorts of nooks and crannies of the Internet. 

There, in the wildest corners of the Internet, brave, principled, well-informed civilian journalists do work that the mainstream media can no longer do: separate facts from fiction, get to the bottom of it, tell the truth, unlike our media, which has rolled to the point where they stupidly retell BBC news, CNN and other similar litter, repeatedly caught in lies.

Remember, not so long ago for a week or so, all the media as one described the horrors in Brazil, how they told that there is almost not enough land to bury the haunted, that their corpses are burned in the streets, and this despite the fact that Bolsonaru himself defiantly did not wear masks and greeted his hand when he held any meetings, and as then in one moment all the narration stalled in all the media as if in Brazil suddenly all suddenly recovered sharply and the dead rose from their graves and everything became as before, and as all the media suddenly also dramatically as one fell on India.

Indians chase vaccinators 👇





Looks 🖕

And at the same time, we can say with almost 100% certainty that you have not read about either the suspiciously large number of Indians who died within a few days of taking the vaccine, nor about how the police intimidate the villagers, forcing them to take PCR tests from 2017 and give injections that they do not want to be given, preferring traditional Ayurvedic medicine, no pressure , provided to Modi by both the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the CDC, which actually sends employees of their Epidemic Intelligence Service to India to conduct "surveillance of COVID- 19 ? 

This state of affairs with journalism around the world is abnormal, Friends. In fact, it is part of the takeover of our information and bio-security globalist elite, whose main motives seem far from harmless. Sovereign nations are no longer sovereign. India (Brazil, too) is used to promote a frightening narrative. 

We are played out, we are being brazenly lied to, brainwashed, promoted on an unprecedented scale. And the people making this deception possible are the same people who would rightfully have to expose it, but instead chose not to, or they were made to understand that it wouldn't help their careers.

2020 heard the funeral ringing not for the ovaries, but for the mainstream media, sadly. We could all see the media dying in their pathetic and shameful refusal to acknowledge or even look at the scam with a covid. 

The media and TV didn't just look the other way, they destroyed our freedoms, they stole them, in fact they welcomed the whole disaster and the deception. 2020 can be considered the year when the word journalist has become synonymous with liar and criminal.

It will be interesting to see, journalists will go to the very end in the matter of betraying us and our countries, they will continue to bend the agenda of criminals and lie to us from the TV screens and from the front pages of newspapers and the media instead of the true state of affairs or someone will stop them? 


My Game, My Rules: No mask-no entry ? ? ? 

Senior cardiologist Dr. Asit Hanna has documented more than 751 deaths of Indian medical professionals and from abroad in India as of 04 May 2021 allegedly from COVID-19

And that's despite the fact that honey. workers in India are vaccinated first. And no one will let them to work if they are not vaccinated. Healthy health workers become infected and die most likely as a result of an adverse post-vaccination event. Death from the Indian vaccine is known even in Ukraine. 

That is, doctors and medical professionals are victims of their own blind belief in vaccines or ignorance and make a huge contribution to the detriment of humanity by advocating for lethal vaccines against the kovid, which helps the media, which are in full power global kagal, to form a horror among plebs and to show a terrible picture from India, while reporting that there are as flies from the kovida doctors while keeping quiet about vaccinating medics.


CNN and a permanent speaker splashing Chinese poisonous saliva into the American screen 📺. Turner, with things on the way out. 

Aluminium in the vaccine 💉. We go through the chronology of research without emotions. 

Part 1.


Aluminium in the vaccine 💉. We go through the chronology of research without emotions. The end.


What does the vaccine 💉 from? What do we put in a syringe 💉? Solution from the defunct Covid Virus 😷 ? The editors together with the scientists were poisoned in a long expedition in search of 🔦 Sars-CoV-2. Dealing with documents. Part 1. 


When asked, the Robert Koch Institute was unable to send us any research demonstrating that (a) "positive" asymptomatic people caused illness in someone (not just "positive"), that (b) "positive" people with symptoms of the disease are someone else ill (not only "positive"), and that (c) any person who has had a "positive" test for SARS-CoV-2 has done a "positive" test for SARS-CoV-2. [ 4 ]


😳 New Dem Program Inflates Possible "Death from COVID" Without Testing.


RESURION SOVID-19 - SPECIAL FORCES, POLITICAL AND BUSINESS PROJECT WORLD BANK, WHO, SPECIAL, as well as other unidentified dignitaries. All the research and documents available to the Editorial Board leave us with no doubt that this is the case. The coined name COVID -19 first appears in Richard Rockefeller's 2015 patents. 


The editor and its editor-in-chief personally, taking advantage of the great intimacy and easy access to the bodies of the world's stars of the show business, Hollywood and other star ballet, asks my favorite in some places star bodies to betray the personal greeting of the Editorial To all CNN TV journalists and the company as a whole, unconditionally wise leadership of this media empire. Dear my star bodies, you have no idea what honor the journalists of this tv company have achieved. In January 2020, the famous former currency prostitute of Russia, and a little later or immediately, we did not notice this difference in the transition of status from a prostitute - the mistress of the loving head of the state bank VTB of the Russian Federation Andrei Kostin, this charm Andrei cute calls this famous chump colleague. Bravo CNN 👍 👏 👏 👏 


Report to all concerned high-ranking leaders and civil society! part3)


George Soros and Bill Gates bought Europe as well. These two smmies are the largest sponsors of the Council of Europe, the UN International Criminal Court 🇺🇳 and the ECHR. 


𐌴D𐌹𐍄𐌏𐍂-𐌹𐌽-𐌾H𐌹𐌴𐍆 ദ 🃏 รཞ୲ദບℓ౿ ℓ.

Report Page