Report to all concerned high-ranking leaders and civil society!  part1)

Report to all concerned high-ranking leaders and civil society!  part1)

Vladimir Lagutkin

RESURION SOVID-19 - SPECIAL FORCES, POLITICAL AND BUSINESS PROJECT WORLD BANK, WHO, SPECIAL, as well as other unidentified dignitaries. All the research and documents available to the Editorial Board leave us with no doubt that this is the case. The coined name COVID -19 first appears in Richard Rockefeller's 2015 patents. 

COVID -19 is not a medical history ! 

Fill the etudes (articles) of the criminal code with meanings ! 

RESURION SOVID-19 - PROJECT WHO AND WORLD BANK de facto, according to the documents.

Don't say anything to the executioners. Alexander Galic.

You're a executioner, adds the Editorial Board.

1.The World Health Organization General Information WHO was founded on 7 April 1948 and is headquartered in Geneva as a specialized UN agency of 194 Member States, whose main function is to address international health problems on the Earth. It has 6 regional and 150 national offices with at least 7,000 staff. According to the official version, WHO is engaged in normative and practical activities aimed at health worldwide, immunization, control of infectious diseases, the spread of AIDS, etc. It also provides technical assistance to countries in need, and supports and coordinates international health emergency responses. Since 2017, the former Minister of Health and Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Tedros Adhan Ghebreyesus, has been WHO Director-General, and Dr. Mike Ryan, Who's Executive Director for Health Emergencies, served as Assistant Director-General for Emergency Preparedness and Response to the WHO Health Emergency Programme in 2017-2019. Prior to that, from 2016 to 2019, this position was held by the epidemiologist Peter Salama, who died suddenly on January 24, 2020.

Reminds the Editorial: WHO's official mandate is to "achieve the highest attainable level of health for all peoples", serious researchers and scientists note that often under the guise of health organization it actively engages in political, legal and human rights activities, promoting the interests of large pharmaceutical companies and financial structures. The most telling in this regard are the situations with the so-called avian influenza 2005. With the onset of the avian influenza epidemic, German virologist and epidemiologist Klaus Steur, who led the INFLUENZA programme at WHO, urgently warned of a global wave of infections that could lead to seven million deaths, in response to which governments purchased Tamiflu and Relanapp influenza medicines for millions of people. However, avian influenza claimed not seven million lives, but a total of 360, and Stehr, who played a crucial role in WHO's strategy after leaving the organization, took a high position at the Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis. As for Tamiflu, the manufacturer is the Swiss pharmaceutical giant Hoffmann-La Roche. In turn, he acquired a license to manufacture this drug in 1996 from the American biotechnology company Gilead Sciences, which in 1997-2001 was headed by D.G. Rumsfeld, who was Secretary of Defense in the Bush administration from 2001 to 2006. At the initiative of Bush Jr., the U.S. Congress, frightened by the possible consequences of avian influenza (with a possible fatality of 200,000 to 2 million people), allocated 7.1 billion dollars to fight it, of which 2 billion went to purchase 20 million doses of Tamiflu. Mass purchases by the United States were supported by the governments of Great Britain, Japan, Israel and other countries, as a result of which "Hoffmann-La Roche" earned more than a billion Swiss francs from the sale of the drug. During the swine flu outbreak in 2009/2010, WHO declared a pandemic, the sixth highest level of influenza threat, and the same situation with avian influenza was repeated. At the time, Dr M.-P. Keeney, who until 1988 worked for the biotechnology company Transgene SA, which had a strategic partnership for vaccine production with The Already Named Hoffmann-La Roche, was the Director of the WHO Vaccine Research Initiative. Prior to joining WHO, Keeney was also active in the European Vaccine Initiative, sponsored by many pharmaceutical companies. WHO's warnings about the effects of influenza have again been so stark that many governments have stockpiled emergency supplies of medicines and vaccines. Thus, Germany alone ordered medicines and flu vaccines worth 450 million euros. But since the actual outbreak in the country was relatively mild and only 258 deaths per 226,000 patients (which is less than the usual seasonal flu epidemic), government stocks paid for by tax funds had to be destroyed due to lack of demand.

In response to the situation, the first hearings were held in PACE in January 2010 on WHO's role in exaggerating the danger of H1N1 swine flu and colluding with pharmaceutical companies on the need for mass vaccination against the disease. Parliamentarians have launched an investigation into the influence of the pharmaceutical industry within WHO. The initiator and expert was a member of the PACE health commission, German physician and epidemiologist V. Vodorg, who called the history of swine flu "one of the biggest medical scandals of the century" and accused pharmaceutical laboratories of organizing psychosis around it. As an example, he cited the case of A. Osterhaus, who was a member of the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts and convinced of the danger of a swine flu pandemic. Meanwhile, A. Osterhaus is the chairman of the executive committee of the European Influenza Working Group (ESWI), which plays a central role in WHO's links to European research institutions and is heavily influenced by large pharmaceutical companies producing medicines and influenza vaccines. Its sponsors are the same "Hoffmann-La Roche" as well as "Sanofi Pasteur", "Novartis", "GlaxoSmithKlin", "Baxter", Astra'eneca, etc. V.Vodrg also said that according to the calculations of jp Morgan Bank, the sale of vaccines against the swine virus was supposed to bring additional profits to pharmaceutical companies of about 7.5-10 billion dollars. And the bottom line is that in 2005, companies committed to research and be ready for the rapid production of the H5N1 avian influenza vaccine. After the negotiations "on the one hand, the laboratories pledged to stay ready, on the other hand, the governments assured that they would buy everything. As a result of this strange transaction, the pharmaceutical industry did not risk anything." When the issue of the swine flu vaccine arose, the companies demanded that governments meet their obligations. As a result, the latter found themselves in a situation where only 13-25% of the purchased vaccines were used and it is not known what to do with the rest. Dr. V. Vodorg's main statement was that in the spring of 2009, WHO cheated, changing the internal classification of the pandemic. Whereas a large number of people had to die in order to declare a pandemic earlier, WHO now considers the disease to be a pandemic that has spread around the world. According to Vodarg, "it was necessary that the disease had very serious consequences, with mortality above average. This figure has been erased from the definition." 

Former US intelligence officer Larry Romanoff in his article "A cautionary tale about WHO" is very harsh about the activities of WHO. He pointed out the following: “There seems to be no shortage of assertions, based on evidence from numerous informed and independent sources, that WHO has two main functions: first, it is a tool to reduce the world's population on behalf of its masters, and second, it acts as a powerful marketing agent for large pharmaceutical companies, in particular vaccine manufacturers. " As evidence, he noted that vaccine manufacturers dominate among WHO's vaccination experts, who benefit from its programs through which they win government contracts. Romanoff also argues that there is already "too much evidence (some of which is disgusting)" regarding the decline in the population. He added that there are people closely associated with WHO who "either reduced the population or carried out mass vaccinations as a project for pets." These include David Rothschild, David Rockefeller, George Soros, Donald Rumsfeld and Bill Gates. Among the American organizations affiliated with WHO, he mentioned the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the US Department of Homeland Security, the Rockefeller and Carnegie Institutions, and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Based on this, Romanoff calls WHO an "international criminal enterprise" that creates synthetic viruses in order to then vaccinate against them. Evidence of this is the "rampant production of deadly viruses in secret laboratories around the world and their repeated" accidental "release." The former intelligence officer also recalled infertility tetanus vaccinations among women of childbearing age in Africa and Latin America in the 1990s, and cited research on contraceptive vaccines on the WHO website. Romanoff also discussed in detail the 2009 polio outbreak in Nigeria and 2013 in Syria, which occurred after the WHO was vaccinated with live vaccines, as well as the practice of pharmaceutical companies in developed countries conducting human trials in third world countries, accompanied by numerous legal and ethical violations. As an example, he cited the antibiotic Trovan, developed in 1996 by Pfizer, and tested in Nigeria under the pretext of helping during a meningitis epidemic that was ultimately never received. It should be noted that for many years now, human rights and religious organizations have accused WHO and UNICEF of planned campaigns to sterilize the population of individual countries using vaccinations against various diseases. So, in the same Nigeria in the southern states in 2004, a boycott of WHO vaccination was announced due to suspicions of sterilization of the population of reproductive age. The vaccine samples were tested by Nigerian Dr. Haruna Kaina, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Zaria. It turned out that the vaccine contained estradiol, a form of the female hormone estrogen, and this, according to experts, can lead to infertility. WHO in Russia. In Russia, a WHO country office has existed since December 1998 (represented by Dr. Melita Vujnovich) with the aim of strengthening the organization's presence in Russia, coordinating assistance to the health sector based on WHO's technical capacity, and assisting Russian health authorities in efforts to combat tuberculosis. and HIV / AIDS, providing support in solving structural problems related to essential drugs, etc. So it is not surprising that among the 4 WHO programs it is currently implementing in Russia, the first two are dedicated to the fight against tuberculosis and HIV / AIDS. The third program focuses on road safety and the fourth on tobacco control. However, the choice of such programs is poorly justified. According to the statistics of the State Statistics Committee of Russia for 2019, in our country people most often die due to diseases of the circulatory system (841.1 thousand), oncology (291 thousand), nervous system (100 thousand), digestive organs (97 thousand). ), while the death rate from HIV was 34 thousand people. The methods proposed by WHO are far from always effective, and the situation with tuberculosis is especially indicative in this regard. So, back in 2002, specialists from the Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology, MMA named after THEM. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, S.Yu. Medvedev and M.I. Perelman pointed to the correct methods of diagnosing tuberculosis in Russia in comparison with the WHO: “Russian clinical schools have always strived for the earliest possible recognition of diseases for their successful treatment. In this regard, the priority of active detection of tuberculosis with the help of fluorography of the lungs in Russia becomes obvious. This is practically the only method that allows you to identify and diagnose pulmonary tuberculosis before the appearance of any complaints, cough, and even more sputum with bacterial excretion. In the Soviet period, for the active detection of tuberculosis, mass fluorographic examinations of the entire population were carried out. At present, they are difficult to implement or even impossible for economic reasons and because of the shortage of beam technology. " “Several years ago, experts from the World Health Organization and other foreign specialists tried to convince Russian healthcare organizers and phthisiatricians that the main method for detecting tuberculosis should be passive detection of the pathogen by simple examination under a microscope of a sputum smear. It took time and effort to prove the justice and necessity of Russian principles. By the way, in 2000, it was precisely the radiation methods that actively revealed half of all newly registered patients. One third of them turned out to be bacteria-releasing. " The same situation with HIV, the spread of which the WHO assessed as an epidemic, although there is great disagreement among specialists about the "speed" statistics. So, in 2010, G. Chistyakova, Deputy Director of the Department of Health Protection and Sanitary and Epidemiological Human Well-being of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, pointing out that HIV-infected people make up 0.3% in our country, said that the distortion of objective statistical data “provokes panic in society and does not allow adequate assessment of preventive programs and budget for medicines for patients ”. And in 2018, Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Health of Russia stated that they consider the assessment of the situation with HIV infection in the Russian Federation, given in the report of the WHO European Bureau, in which Russia was presented as the leader in the infection of this infection in the European Region, is considered extremely incorrect [12] ... It is significant that in Russia in 2009, when information appeared that WHO was receiving money from pharmaceutical companies, I. Barinov, a member of the State Duma Commission on Legislative Support for Combating Corruption, said that if the collusion was confirmed, Russia could raise the question of the expediency of its participation in WHO, up to the suspension of its membership in the organization. However, the investigation was never completed. In 2014, WHO and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation signed a document in Geneva entitled "Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) of the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation" for the period 2014-2020. This was done, as indicated, in order to link the RF state program "Health Development" with the WHO European Region (ER) policy "Health 2020", adopted by all 53 Member States of the WHO ERP in 2012. The CCS is a broad-based organization of work at the country level, providing guidance on planning, funding, resource allocation and partnership building. It should be emphasized that CCS with the Russian Federation was one of the first strategies developed in the WHO European region, and this was done, in particular, in connection with the need to emphasize "the new role of Russia as a gaining player in the global health arena."

FUNDING for WHO (who pays to order music). Currently, the organization's budget is about $4.4 billion. U.S. and has two main sources of revenue. 1. Fixed contributions paid by Member State Governments, which depend on the size of the population and the level of their national product and are used to cover general costs and programme activities. 2. Voluntary contributions by Member States, Foundations, Companies and Individuals. In its first three decades, WHO was financed mainly by fixed contributions from Member States, with the United States, which accounted for almost 15 per cent of the funding, the United Kingdom, Japan and Germany, as the largest donor. In the mid-1970s, with the transition to neoliberal strategy and global deregulation, a wave of privatization began, extending to WHO, resulting in a steady increase in the share of private funds in its budget in the following decades. In 1993, the United States secured a freeze on mandatory contributions. 

Today, less than 20 per cent of WHO's budget comes from the governments of the member countries as mandatory contributions, and more than 80 per cent are voluntary from public or private donors, mainly foundations and pharmaceutical companies. 



The editors believe that no one can accuse us of being incorrect in determining the form of WHO ownership. According to the structure of budget formation, WHO is a private shop of individuals. And it is possible to call it an international organization only by distorting the realities. However, the distortion of reality has become a professional feature of the world's platforms. A lie in which they drowned to the ears drags the whole world ha the bottom of the bolt . This is a fact for investigators and investigators of criminal proceedings of courts. Private economic interests have prevailed in WHO's criminal activities, and there have recently been major structural changes in favour of the private sector. Prior to that, only non-profit organizations were allowed to participate in WHO's working and task forces, where the organization's most important decisions were made. But in accordance with the MAY 2016 decision of the WHO General Assembly, commercial companies are now also allowed to have a direct influence on strategic decisions in these bodies. For several years, the largest private donor (the second largest in total funding after the United States) is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, whose revenues account for more than 14% of who's total budget. Thus, according to the 2008 and 2009 reports on voluntary contributions, if the U.S. government allocated $424.5 million, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - $338.7 million. In 2016 and 2017 alone, the annual amount was $629 million. - mainly on vaccination campaigns. The Fight against Polio, to which it has donated a total of $1.6 billion, has benefited the Fund in particular. It has greatly enriched the leading pharmaceutical companies, whose representatives are members of the Board of the Fund, causing a sharp increase in the price of their shares. The Fund itself owns stakes in pharmaceutical companies GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Hofmann-La Roche, Sanofi, Gilead, Pfizer, etc. That is probably why WHO is being restrained when it comes to taking action against the harmful activities of the oil industry or the sugary drinks and alcohol industry. At the same time, the organization denies that it has tied hands because of financial dependence on the Gates Foundation. After the Gates Foundation, the GAVI Alliance, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation, plays an important role in WHO funding after the Gates Foundation. The Alliance was established in 2000 to step up vaccination in the poorest countries, which grew in the late 1990s. It is a partnership of a number of private and governmental organizations to increase the availability of childhood vaccination in poor countries. The Alliance is attended by governments of some developed countries, WHO, UNISNF, the World Bank, vaccine companies and manufacturers from different countries, research and technical agencies, public organizations of various foundations, including, again, the Gates Foundation. Moreover, the Gates Foundation has more credibility in GAVI, and it is significant that in 2000-2009 it provided the Alliance with 1.14 billion dollars, which is much more than the amount provided by the U.S. government ($569 billion). To make vaccines more affordable, the Gates Foundation donated $750 million to the Alliance through the Vaccine Foundation, and at the beginning of 2013, the total amount was $1.5 billion. Since its founding, GAVI has been able to vaccinate an additional 370 million children. Together with the GAVI Vaccine Foundation, it supplies vaccines to more than 70 countries, including China, India and Pakistan. As for GAVI's modus operandi, it has long-term contracts with vaccine manufacturers to supply large volumes of vaccines at tens of millions of doses per year at the lowest fixed prices. But with recipient countries, GAVI is working on a co-financing program that requires the former to pay a portion of the cost of vaccines, which serves to strengthen ties and the long-term stability of vaccination and immunization programmes. More and more countries are now requesting GAVI-funded vaccines and are showing a willingness to participate in co-financing projects. Financial mechanisms thus enable pharmaceutical companies to influence or determine much of WHO policy, acting behind the scenes or through representatives of their companies on the WHO Advisors Committee.

WHO and the World Bank have merged into a single criminal ecstasy of cooperation. The two issuers and WHO partners have gained extensive links in different political circles to promote some strange programme of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and WHO's Thirteenth Common Work Programme (ODA) "to promote health, safety and justice around the world." The funding campaign is driven by a desire to change the nature of WHO funding by promoting innovative models and diversifying cash flow channels. The campaign aims to raise $14.14 billion in funds. to fund ODA in 2019-2023 to increase overall funding, expand donor funding, increase flexible funding (its total volume and percentage) and achieve sustainability and growth in strategic investment. The fundraising campaign stimulates and complements the investment of other global health partners. In this regard, the interaction between WHO and the World Bank (WB) is of particular interest in the fight against the pandemic. The fact is that in recent years it has become common practice for the World Bank to develop models to combat the pandemic. Such models are built for the general goodness of the legality of the theft of funds and other dark purposes under the guise of ostensibly to assess the world's ability to confront another pandemic and to develop optimal scenarios for financiers and politicians in a state of emergency or disaster. Coordination also requires ministries of health within the Government to work with the financial and tourism sectors, not only nationally but also internationally. De facto it is a smooth transition of power and financial powers from national governments of almost all the countries of the world, into a single criminal center with private funding and a very tarnished dark biography of the WHO leadership. 

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