The great German was born on April 3, 1930. Later he will become Chancellor of Germany and Chairman of the Christian Democratic Union. This Great German was Helmut Kohl. He led the government for 16 years. His historical share was a hysterical event. Sepa…

The great German was born on April 3, 1930. Later he will become Chancellor of Germany and Chairman of the Christian Democratic Union. This Great German was Helmut Kohl. He led the government for 16 years. His historical share was a hysterical event. Sepa…

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

Friend Helmut became a real unifier of all Germans and Chancellor of all Germans ! 

Kohl Sr. did not change his beliefs and refused to join the ranks of the National Socialists, which in those days meant quite understandable. In 1950, Helmut Kohl entered the Faculty of Law at the University of Frankfurt. Thus began the adult path of ascent to olympus of the world political scene of the beautiful and the Great German and Man. He has forever entered the history of the world with a positive assessment of great achievements and no one will ever be able to deny it in his right mind and solid memory. So is and always will be!! 

Thank you Helmut!! 

When asked, the Robert Koch Institute was unable to send us any research demonstrating that (a) "positive" asymptomatic people caused illness in someone (not just "positive"), that (b) "positive" people with symptoms of the disease are someone else ill (not only "positive"), and that (c) any person who has had a "positive" test for SARS-CoV-2 has done a "positive" test for SARS-CoV-2. [ 4 ]


Back in May, a major publication such as the Journal of the American Medical Association stated that a "positive" PCR result did not necessarily indicate the existence of a viable virus.

While a recent study published in The Lancet says that "RNA detection cannot be used as an infectiousness of it."

Against this background, one can only agree with Franz Knips, head of the association of health insurance funds of companies in Germany and for many years in close contact with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who in mid-January said that "if you no longer test, the covid will disappear."

Against this background, one can only agree with Franz Knips, head of the association of health insurance funds of companies in Germany and for many years in close contact with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who in mid-January said that "if you no longer test, the covid will disappear."

Interestingly, even the hyper-orthodox German viral king and the chief government adviser on quarantine and other measures, Christian Drosten, contradicted himself about the reliability of PCR testing. In a 2014 interview about PCR testing for the so-called MERS-CoV in Saudi Arabia, he said:

The PCR method is so sensitive that it can detect the only hereditary molecule of the virus. For example, if such a pathogen just accidentally flutters through the nurse's nasal eardrum during the day, and she does not get sick and does not notice anything, then she suddenly has MERS. Where deaths were previously reported, the reporting statistics now suddenly include light cases and people who are actually in excellent health. It may also explain the sharp increase in the number of cases in Saudi Arabia. Moreover, the local media brought the matter to an incredible level."

Sounds weird, familiar?

And even Olfert Landt is critical of the results of the PCR test, saying that only about half of the "infected covid" are contagious.

This is more than remarkable because Landt is not the only co-author of Drosten's work, Corman et al.

the first protocol of the PCR test to be adopted by WHO, published on 23 January 2020 in Eurosurveillance, as well as the CEO of TIB Molbiol, the company that produces the tests in accordance with this protocol.

Unfortunately, this conflict of interest is not mentioned in Corman / Drosten et al. 22 scholars, including one of the authors of the article Stefano Skolo, were criticized in a recent in-depth analysis.

Overall, Skolo and his colleagues found a "serious conflict of interest of at least four authors," including Christian Drosten, as well as various fundamental scientific flaws. Therefore, they concluded that "the editorial board of Eurosurveillance has no choice but to withdraw the publication."

On 11 January 2021, Eurosurveillance responded to Torsten Engelbrecht's email requesting comment on this analysis:

We are aware of such a request ( Drosten et al. paper), but we hope you will understand that we are not commenting on this at this time. However, we are working to make a decision by the end of January 2021.

On January 27, Engelbrecht approached the magazine again and asked again, "It's the end of January. So let me ask you again: how would you comment on the above analysis of your article By Korman/Drosten et al? And are you going to give up Corman et al. paper -- or what are you going to do? Two days later, Eurosurveillance responded as follows:

This will take some time, as several parties are involved. We will report our decision in one of the following regular issues of the magazine.


Given the lack of evidence to detect the alleged new virus and for the SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests to have any significance, it is all the more scandalous that the cost of the tests is not discussed publicly

because they're huge. We often hear politicians and talking heads claim that when certain criteria are met, tests are free, but this is a clear lie. In fact they mean that you pay not directly, but with taxes

But no matter how you pay for it, for example, in Switzerland the cost of a PCR test is between 140 and 200 Swiss francs (from 117 to 167 pounds)

So let's do the math. At the time of writing, about 3,730,000 PCR tests on SARS-CoV-2 were conducted in tiny Switzerland, with a population of 8.5 million, in addition to about 500,000 antigen tests, which are slightly cheaper.

Given the average price of 170 Swiss francs per PCR test, this is a staggering 634 million Swiss francs or 521 million pounds. And despite the absurdity of testing asymptomatic people, just last week, January 27, the Swiss Federal Council again called on people to be tested. Announcing that from the next day the Swiss will have to pay their taxes also for mass testing of asymptomatic people. The Swiss Federal Council estimates that it will cost about 1 billion Swiss francs.

Epidemiologist Dr Tom Jefferson said in an interview with the Daily Mail:

For example, most PCR kits still cost more than 100 pounds to purchase privately, and the UK government says it currently delivers 500,000 kits a day. But even these figures overshadow the 100 billion pounds that the Prime Minister is willing to spend on "his dream" to equip the population with tests. More or less on demand - only 29 billion pounds less. than the entire annual NHS budget.

In Germany, the price varies widely, depending on whether the test is paid privately or not, but on average it is similar

 In the UK,

and to date, they have performed about 37.5 million PCR tests.

Hundreds of billions, hundreds of billions of taxpayers 💵' money spent, no spent, they are burned on COVID-19 tests under contract from 2016! 

These tests are fake, they fuel the global financial and political mafia. Our Editorial has no other definition for politicians of countries. With one exception, this new US White House administration 🇺🇸. We'd love to blame her, too. But we understand perfectly well, they did not participate in this special operation, and sorry, sorry. How call we'd be going all over this Democratic gang right now. But we can not, with all our desire can not, they are the only of the major countries of the world entered the watch on January 20, 2021. More precisely, it was later, as our source close to the bodies informed us about the unbridled holiday and drunkenness of all Democrats across the country exactly five days. It turns out they started business later, after moving the dogs. And this was February 🌒. The pre-election race, a deliberate cover-up of information by a rival Republican, one of the goals of the special operation was to catch the hook 🪝 Democrats. This goal was almost fulfilled, fraudulently really misled. Donald Trump didn't hand over the case. And these friends don't even plant 🏭 Coca-Cola, or Elon Musk's small garage pass. 

Yet the U.S. 🇺🇸't passed from hand to hand. 

What do you say? 

We have to chop off my hands. Well, the fact that between the legs is clearly superfluous and interferes. 

It is necessary to express great gratitude to the world intelligence of scientists and their Honest Civic position and high ranks in the report card on the ranks of scientists! 

Thank you Friends ! 

You are culturally educated people! 

Here's to you even before the heap, Dear Explorers 🧑 🔬, so that you do not suffer great delights in your experiences and thoughts why 🤦 it all and why 👇

SCOOP - October 13, 2015 Patented covid-19 testing method 😷 EUROPE, ROTHSCHILD.

Special operation and lies of universal scale! Tests on Covid-19 were purchased by countries from 2017! (evidence below). Enjoy the beauty of the Friends plot

We move on to the main known to date defendants in the future criminal case. The plan of the epidemic they inscribed in October 2019, Friends!!

There were no corpses in 2020 of the USA over the past years values. The statistics 📊 falsified by including deaths for other causes in COVID-19.

The editorial board ends our great professional material with a rubric borrowed from quentin Tarantino 

'Inglourious Basterds' 

Meet 👇







The end .


In addition to the angular and legal responsibility that the investigative bodies form and it will be presented to a large number of well-known political and financial figures, now called by our Editorial known defendants in criminal cases, there is still a huge silent, moral and intellectual responsibility of various professional elites. The position and attitude of the Editorial to the role of elites in any country of the world has been voiced and known for quite a long time. We look more than 14 months into the eyes of 👀 part of this elite with great regret and bitterness and see in these eyes the emptiness and degeneration of all the positive qualities inherent in a highly developed individual and Man, Man is written with a capital letter, as it has always sounded proudly. The fight for the first places of ratings with the name and state of the account, supplanted everything else. It is a struggle and a victory of recognition and financial well-being of elitist groups over spiritual and intellectual content. Just like during the last great war, many elitists stood on the shelves of the historical niches of the world's libraries. Similarly, in the period 2020-2021, in the time of the whipped printer and mental disorders of the brain, in the form of rabies COVID -19, many elitists occupied their historical niches on the shelves of the future library of the world. Gradually, following the very dangerous ideas of globalization, instead of the national space of different countries of the world, too clumsily and intrusively the financial elite erased into powder scientific, industrial, engineering elite, offered itself to the world like a prostitute, doing it extremely not professionally and brazenly. Apparently, tired of their defeats and illiquid body and delusional ideas, the mafia of globalists - Marxists - terrorists, decided to act large-scale, criminally and swiftly, having arranged the world biological blackmail of the planet. Today, in 2021 there is not a single place on the planet where there is no criminal octopus 🐙 of officials, medics, police and other structures. The web of the biological mafia is woven into the parallel worlds of the "native mass" and globalizing elites. In the absence of real control of the weF criminal gatherings, decisions of the IMF, MB, UN 🇺🇳, other international organizations, over the past 30 years these structures have turned into private benches of elite clans and groups. They have become quite distant from real life and do not take into account the interests of the population of their countries and the world as a whole, but only the interests of a small group of physical and legal issuers. Market social-Darwinism and militant economic centrism have subjected all countries of the world to the present total biological looting and plundering of national budgets on a cosmic scale, all this happened in just one calendar year. The world has not known anything like this, perhaps, since the Second World War, for 76 years that hell is over. The prescriptions of the "bosses" of the COVID-19 special operations project were zealously implemented by all Governments and with the tacit consent of all elite professional groups around the world, with the exception of some real scientists, rare representatives of Hollywood, show business. World stars played an unseemly role of singing along and total silencers 🧠. Today we are witnessing unprecedented social polarization, mass aggressive protest of the population in different countries of the world, embezzlement of budgets, resources, trampling of the rights of nations against the background of the information catastrophe of national silence and lies.

Elites who have long been refocused on their personal position and monopoly in international centers of power and finance have ceased to be representatives of their nations and peoples. The opposition of the elite to its own people inevitably spawned the colonial ghetto that we all observe on the streets, the latest example of Brooklyn. This ghetto with such elites has no future unfortunately. The world has finished, the world watching the impunity and rudeness of their own kings and world elites, entered a streak of turbulence, the world and its fate now depends on chaotic movements and decisions of non-professionals, amateurs, and de facto, ordinary rebirths, political prostitutes and homegrown clowns 🤡 who came on a 18th century cart with a provincial circus. Circuses are dressed like nobles in a golden brocade and dresses. And yet, all this luxurious provincial shit, woven into the golden and diamond frames of the emptiness of thought 💭. 

Moments of 🎧 

Don't think about the seconds down.

Time will come - you will understand, probably:

They whistle like bullets at the temple, -

Moments, moments, moments.

Every moment has its own resonance,

Its bells, its mark.

Moments are handed out - to whom shame,

To whom - inglorious, and to whom - immortality!

The rain is woven from the tiny moments:

The water flows from the sky,

And sometimes you wait almost half your life,

When it comes, your moment.

It will come big like a sip,

A sip of water during the summer heat.

And in general, you just need to remember the duty

From the first moment to the last.

Moments compressed into years,

Moments compressed into centuries,

And I don't understand sometimes,

Where's the first moment, where's the last.

Don't think about the seconds down.

Time will come - you will understand, probably:

They whistle like bullets at the temple, -

Moments, moments, moments.


Thank our reader for the patience of heavy text ! 

❤️𝚼𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕵𝖔𝖐𝖊𝖗 🃏

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