😳 New Dem Program Inflates Possible "Death from COVID" Without Testing.

😳 New Dem Program Inflates Possible "Death from COVID" Without Testing.

"So if in your ... if you don't have COVID- 19 on your death certificate, you can make it," the AOC said.

The madness of brave idiots we sing odes. 

⚠️ New Yorkers who lost a family member last year can now lie and say that the man was sick with the covid, and get $9,000.

A non-fluid attempt to manipulate the statistics of death from a kovid. Statistics have already been manipulated, and this will accelerate the manipulation and we all know how it will end.

In the video, Cortez discusses a new aid program that will reclassify people who have already died as "possibly" those who have died from COVID.

The FEMA program will pay $9,000 for a deceased person and a maximum of $35,500 for an individual application.

"So if in your ... if there is no covid on your death certificate, you can put it there."


Obviously, before our eyes on the streets of New York committed a crime, and in public, many will go against themselves, their conscience and the memory of their loved ones, not even imagining how it will end in the end. 

The farmer- paramedic is tired 😴 as the lead "doctor" calls into question the effectiveness of the vaccine .

🎚Biblian corruption. In 1969, Dr. Richard Day (1927-1989) was a professor of pediatrics at The University of Pittsburgh and Mount University., the Sinai School of Medicine in New York and the National Medical School, director of the Family Planning Institute (1965-1968), which is funded by the government, the Rockefeller Foundation (since its founding in 1921) and private donors.

Dr. Lawrence Danegan (1923-2004) was a practicing pediatrician in Montana. Below are his memories of a lecture he attended at a meeting of pediatricians on 20 March 1969.

"In order to do this, the Bible will be changed. It will be rewritten in accordance with the new religion. Gradually, keywords will be replaced with new words with different shades of meaning. Then the meaning attached to the new word can be close to the old word - and over time other shades of the meaning of the word can be emphasized, and then gradually the word is replaced by another word.

I don't know if I'm clear about this, but the idea is that everything in Scripture doesn't need to be rewritten, just keywords are replaced in other words. The variability of the meaning attached to any word can be used as a tool to change the meaning of Scripture and therefore make it acceptable to this new religion. Most people won't notice the difference; and it was another case where he said, "Those few who notice the difference won't matter."

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As Karl Marx once said, whose role Schwab now plays: "If you decide to hang capitalists, the capitalist will sell you the rope."

Someone is in a hurry with all this shit on the introduction of digital passport slavery, despite the fact that every day their criminal plans become obvious even to an idiot.

🔹Therce Bill Gates' microchip to Dr. Fauci blocking natural medicines: how anti-vaxxers

already traded fanciful theories about the COVID-19 vaccine even before it appeared.

🔹Scientists of the Pentagon have shown a microchip that recognizes COVID-19 in your body before you show the first symptoms, and a filter that extracts

virus from the blood.

And yet, Friends, the reason for the editorial sadness is that much of the ignorant plebs, despite this kind of obviousness, still persist and stigmatize us as conspiracy theorists. Although, we only have a greater horizon and horizon of a scaled crime map with detailing, it gives us a more complete picture of what is happening, as well as modeling the reality as it really is. 

Well, the figure from the golf course pulled up, nerves gave up, seeing the failure of the plan, and perhaps Putin counted down on the phone 📲 and gave a new party task ...

FDA Suspends Experimental Injections of Johnson and Johnson COVID- 19 Due to Serious Side Effects

The FDA has announced it recommends suspending the experimental Johnson and Johnson vaccine "due to excessive caution" due to reports of fatal blood clots in the brain. 

However, former US President Trump called the decision a "terrible disservice to people around the world" and demanded that the vaccine be "quickly returned to the net." 

The report that the FDA is suspending experimental Johnson and Johnson COVID injections due to serious side effects first appeared in Health Impact News 


June 25, 2017 ? 

The US president's adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. 

Jared Kushner a possible antichrist? 

Since he purchased the skyscraper at 5th Avenue, 666, so many people in the United States have been thinking. 

A few words about the face and figure of Jared Kushner: he is very similar to the Antichrist, which sometimes we see in dreams through time and distance. Especially if you wear Kushner in a black or red cloak, the resemblance will be complete. But at the moment, Kushner doesn't have the same snouth that will be the future antichrist. Maybe it's a matter of time. As people say, everything has its time.

We'll go by coincidence.

It is well known that the Antichrist will be of high stature. Coincides with Jared Kushner, whose height is 191 cm.

According to the biblical prophecy, a man who will make peace in the Middle East, albeit false, will be the Antichrist. What do we have? Trump said of Kushner that if "he can't make peace between Jews and Palestinians, no one can." Kushner hasn't made peace yet, but here we already have a claim to coincidence. Kushner seems to be pushing for a fateful step.

Another fact that can be called a coincidence: Jared Kushner is a close and personal friend of Benjamin Netanyahu. Evil tongues tell them are friends with families and Jared calls Netanyahu simply "Uncle Bibi." Given that recently Israeli Jews are excited by the actions of their criminal uncle, very similar to the unfinished temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount to reign antichrist, it's like another coincidence. 

Kushner's political portrait is complemented by the fact that his wife Ivanka is friends with Dasha Shchukova, the ex-wife of Roma Abramovich and the girlfriend of Prince 🇲🇨 of Monaco. Ivanka is a follower of the ultra-Orthodox Chabad sect, whose main goal is worldwide expansion.

The skyscraper at 5th Avenue, 666 has already been mentioned above. They say Kushner paid three times as much for this building to get that address. It's not even a coincidence, it's a brazen protrusion of a new world order. It's quite Satanic.

It is known from prophecies that before the arrival of the Antichrist, the world will be struck by the sreprey-love. With regret, the Editorial Board observes how, looking at how under the pressure of mamona fell the last bastion of Orthodoxy (KGB Russia), too, we have a coincidence. 

In material well-being and excess is almost all gabesh clergy of Russia, and the leadership of the country of the Russian Federation officially preaches the embezzlement of money.

In 1989, a baby was born in Ukraine, in Polesya, who immediately reported that the Antichrist had already been born, but God gives people time to repent. The word "already" means that the baby was born before, which means that the birth of the Antichrist could have been before 1989. The old woman of the shimmonah Sergiya said of the arrival of the Antichrist: "I will not live to see it, and you will live." She died in 1977. So the Antichrist was born between 1977 and 1989. The period coincides with Kushner's birth date (1981).

Another coincidence. The mother of the Russian prophet Vyacheslav says that before his reign the Antichrist will be little known in the world, that is, it will not be an unknown homeless person, although he will come to power suddenly.

Now let's talk about inconsistencies and doubts.

Doubts about what the Antichrist will be from the United States. Allegedly there is a prediction of Serafim Sarovskiy that the Antichrist will be born in Russia, but thorough studies of the life of the saint not without reason questioned these statements, attributing them to Motovilov. There are several opinions here. Those who live in Russia believe that he will be from Russia. Those who live in the U.S. believe that he will be from the United States. Those who live in the Middle East believe that it will be from the Middle East. So many people, so many opinions. The debate on this issue so far is pointless. Let us remember at least the reflections of the Jews 2,000 years ago about our Savior Christ as to where the Messiah would come from. As a result, most of them decided that Jesus was not the Messiah. Let's leave mysticism all the same, going into a thorough review of contracts and contacts, prisoners in person or with the assistance of Gerald in the period 2016-2021 on TESTS COVID-19 and the supply of vaccines to Israel 🇮🇱 and other jurisdictions of continents. It's a very interesting activity, Friends! 


⚠️ Johnson and Johnson were ordered to pay $417 million to one woman over her cancer allegations.


And so far it is only about children's powder, the legal disputes about which have been going on for decades, not about vaccines. The fact is that Johnson and Johnson was selling baby powder containing cancer-causing asbestos, as the company knew about.

 Your Democratic attention is a CBS video that explicitly claims to be citizens who have not been vaccinated against SARS with coef. survival of more than 99%, and from which not doctors are successfully treated, will not be saved from the effects of a volcanic eruption on the island of St. Vincent. 

It's hard to believe that this is the democratic reality of 2021, Friends. The St. Vincent authorities are doing this in front of the world, unless, of course, CBS is lying, and the prime minister is not chasing a snowstorm. Although, according to The Daily Mail, the unvaccinated really no one is going to take out, because when boarding the transport you need to show a passport vaccination.


What is the vaccination 💉 if the virus is 🦠 not presented by anyone? We walk like a urky in a circle of a prison yard. Does anyone in 2021 still believe that this clinical lie will not come out very soon in the worldly life of many politicians and their children? 

We have all witnessed an unprecedented scale of lies and value, when real science is suppressed by the medical and political complex. Politicians and governments suppress science. They do so in the interest of the supposed society, saying it is in order to speed up the availability of diagnosis and treatment. They do this to supposedly support innovation, bring products to market at an unprecedented rate, to supposedly save lives from what is not AIDS, tuberculosis and other, and that is successfully treated.

Science is suppressed for political and financial gain with far-reaching consequences and goals - on a global scale of medical fascism and slavery. Covid-19 has unleashed a state war against the population of countries accompanied by unprecedented plundering of budgets and corruption on a cosmic scale, that is the greatest harm to public health. 

Politicians, financiers, corporate executives, private foundations, and other advertising agents of this special operation are directly criminalized for this opportunistic behavior, just as they are all either accomplices or members of an international criminal group, which also includes scientists, health experts, silent in a rag in order to keep their warm places. The pandemic has shown how it is possible to manipulate the medical and political complex without even having any emergency, only by engaging in equilibrium words, calling this action a reality around the clock for more than 14 months in a row. 

Politicians often claim to follow science, but this is a misguided simplification. Science should be followed by doctors, not politicians. To voice the measures of the doctors who should be responsible for the medical measures imposed. Plus, science is never absolute. The best approach is for politicians, publicly appointed decision-makers, to hold an open table and publicly discuss with those they suppress by censoring and sometimes depriving them of jobs, jobs and careers. But we do not see it, although such recommendations from us have come to the highest level. Instead, we are seeing unprecedented levels of propaganda and price. 

Ask yourself 'why and why?'.

How can science be protected in these exceptional times in terms of the world's lawlessness? The first step is to fully disclose conflicts of interest and competing interests on the part of governments, politicians, scientific consultants and other designated individuals: test managers, diagnostic test purchases and vaccine deliveries. The next step is full transparency of decision-making systems, processes and knowing who is responsible for what. Plus the need to apply "responsibility," especially a lot to whom there is for that, despite the attempt to censor the coverage of the processes.

As soon as transparency and accountability become the norm and morality, people will run to vaccinate themselves or on the contrary will stop doing so. Examination of "truth and untruth" is possible only without a conflict of interest. 

In the meantime, all ill-considered, and sometimes thought out with evil intention, make science, media, medicine, those areas, which people trust less and less every day. The clear, open and in advance publication of the scientific foundations of policies, procurements and medicines/vaccines is a fundamental requirement for honesty before the People who elect politicians. The stakes are too high to be ignored. 

In the meantime, few of those responsible can say "honor we have." Object, if you can, Friends, it's time to start an open discussion, because this kind of health policy has already taken us very far and will lead to global disaster. You can't lie around the clock for so long without even stopping for a dream 😴 

Jacques Attali, one of the main actors behind the scenes, about the reduction of the population . 

Here is what Jacques Attali wrote in 1981, then an adviser to Francois Mitterrand: 


"In the future, we will talk about finding a way to reduce the population. Let's start with the old ones, because once they exceed 60-65 years, a person lives longer than he produces, and it costs society dearly.

Then there are the weak, the useless, who bring nothing to society, because there will be more and more of them, and especially, finally, stupid. Euthanasia targets these groups; euthanasia should be an important tool in our future societies, in all cases. Of course, we can't execute people or build camps.

... We get rid of them, making them believe that it is for their own good. Overpopulation, and mostly useless, is something that is economically too expensive. It is also socially much better when the human machine stops abruptly than when it gradually deteriorates.

We also can't test millions and millions of people for intelligence, we can bet on that. We will find something or call a pandemic aimed at specific people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that affects the old or the fat, whether the weak will succumb to it, the frightened and the stupid will believe in it and will give themselves to heal. We will make sure that the treatment is provided, the treatment that will be the solution.

... The selection of idiots happens on their own: they go to the slaughterhouse on their own." 

(c) "The Future of Life - Jacques Attali, 1981" Interview with Michel Solomon, collection of Les Visages de l'avenir, Seghers.

First, they tried to bribe people with free doughnuts to get vaccinated, 10 percent off the pots, and now Samuel Adams's beer company is offering free beer to Americans who have been vaccinated. 


Apparently, it was never about good health. But it is unlikely that a real pandemic, from which the sea of corpses really needs this kind of motivation and incentives to vaccinate. 

Offering junk food and alcohol in exchange for a vaccine, isn't this the pinnacle of sura and cynicism??

Do we believe that the next incentives may be cannabis or mushrooms 🍄? Or maybe even prostitutes to invite and from the budget to pay them? 

I wonder what the hell is in this vaccine so fenced that it's so much to sell? It's the same marketing and advertising involving the first persons of the state, it seems it is a very expensive product for someone / someone ? 

Incredible drop of mores, Incredible. 


💉🇮🇱Israel is paying a friend of the head of the WHO, a colleague of paedophile Epstein, who is considered by some to be a paedophile, who has revealed that he will raise about $200 billion on vaccines. Gates, the head of the CDC conman Fauci one million. The payout is made in the form of a reward/prize, a prize "for the protection of science." Yes, Friends, this one fauci, who at the beginning of what was called the fallen house of the kovida said, that the masks are not effective, and then that they are effective, and that the creator of the PCR tests on which the whole scheme of the kovid pandemic is built, Nobel laureate Carey Mullis, who was removed two months before the pandemic, said that he had nothing to do with science, that he was "not a medic", that he should be "removed from the post he holds" but that the new administration is now listening to the 🗺 world? 


And at the same time, U.S. crime studios are not looking at the fact that Pfizer's experimental mRNA vaccine is striking a well-known CNN legal analyst, some clinics are closing because of the side effects of experimental vaccines continuing to burn. Apparently charged and warmed you contract with deposits offshore is not weak. Okay, look and this...

Before vaccination, women's health was not very interesting.

"Fauci warns women who have received the Johnson and Johnson vaccine in the last 13 days to "be attentive to symptoms" as scientists investigate whether birth control pills play a role in the formation of blood clots." 🤦🏻 ♂️🤯

In fact - from the category of annoying misunderstanding, the fact of such a long work of this gentleman as the chief infectious agent, somewhat shifted to another plane of the issue! 

The editors tried to avoid this topic earlier. We don't like racial issues by definition, although we once expressed our opinion on murder while watching the recordings in slow motion. We had some suspicions about the staging and here: 

George Floyd's teacher is a white aunt Wayne Sexton, she led the second class at the banner of modern looting, and her eventful life, with a touching letter Floyd, which she for what allegedly kept all these years and voiced when Floyd died of an overdose, just admires his events! 

The teacher was: 

🔹 teacher in Sandy Hook - massacre on the morning of December 14, 2012

🔹 at Orlando Pulse Pederast Club - Massacre June 12, 2016

🔹 at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Massacre October 27, 2018

🔹in Oklahoma church massacre in November 2017

🔹 and even was a defendant on 9/11.

If we formulate the definition of this woman briefly, it is obvious that this aunt is the same Bana, only an adult. 

So, to your attention is another strange thing for the commoners, but understandable for those looking at life sober weave - Floyd's girlfriend shows that she was the teacher of the "next "accidentally" murdered black man - Down Wright, and she described him as "dumb" and in need of "big love". 

Down, 20, was shot and killed by a female police officer on April 11, in the same town where ex-policeman Derek Chauvin is currently on trial, accused of killing the same black floyd. 

If you can imagine, Friends, such a plan of coincidence and admit that, in principle, it can be, despite the fact that Floyd's teacher is an ordinary crisis actor, which we showed with more than 100%, then we can not imagine this.

It's just really interesting to know.

🔹 What's at the threshold of the human mind?

🔹 What's the way it's to be a clown?

🔹 What's the point of watching plebs think that everything you give them, whatever game you're broadcasting to them through the pocket media, is really true? 

🔹 How is it-to-live on an island with millions of people evacuated from common sense? 

Recall this story covered in darkness. First of all, it is the height of the elections and an attempt to disrupt them.

Second, a very interesting teacher Floyd. 

The editors immediately noted that this case was an operation under a fake enemy flag. On October 27, 2019, Barack Obama posted a picture of this guy on his foundation's official Twitter account, which is a fact. Timothy D. Jafett of Corpus Christi, Texas, confirms that the victim, if at all, was not Floyd. Therefore, I follow the story "called the cargo ... "We have to continue to cover this agenda until those who have not yet woken up and understand how Putin has the whole world.

So, CNN, after being called "Floyd's murder," interviewed his teacher, who was second grade. Wayne Sexton, the teacher's name, showed a picture that George, who had already slanted after school, had drawn in the second grade.


your attention is a segment of the video of an American guy who drew attention to what you could pay attention to yourself, if you had the time and desire. The full video lasts more than an hour, so


In our opinion, the main thing and a sufficient number of frames that could understand what's what.

The guy gives an interesting story - a chronology with George Floyd's teacher Wayne Sexton. As it turned out, her fate is full of surprises and tragic events.

First, in addition to teaching Floyd's marauding banner, she was also a teacher at Sandy Hook, was at the Orlando Pulse Gay Club at famous events, in a New York synagogue at an equally famous event, in an Oklahoma church, and was even a defendant on 9/11. 

Without a doubt, this aunt is heroic, she lived a truly amazing and adventurous life. 

🔹 of all the billions of people on earth, Wayne Sexton," it was George Floyd's second-grade teacher, 

🔹 was also a teacher in Sandy Hook, Newtown, Connecticut, WHERE the massacre occurred on the morning of December 14, 2012;

🔹 visited the Orlando Pulse Gay Club in Orlando, Florida, USA, where the Massacre also took place on June 12, 2016; 

🔹was at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, when a mass shooting occurred there on October 27, 2018;

🔹 attended an Oklahoma church in November 2017 when there was a mass shooting;

🔹 and even was a defendant on 9/11?

It seems that even this will not convince anyone of anything. It's always hard to wake up. And the truth always hurts. But staying awake in the world of proxy puppets is also hard. Therefore, most people do not want to wake up and will fight with us by disabling our account time after time, for us to just try to wake them up. 

Do you believe that in second grade, George Floyd not only wrote this terrific essay without spelling errors and impeccable handwriting, but also that his teacher kept this particular assignment from her student, that she deprived his parents of the opportunity to read it, to shine with pride at the thought of the potential that the future has prepared her student.

'And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not befallen him.' 

What's it like to live on an island with millions of people evacuated from common sense? 

California Governor Newsom is trying to influence the 2.1 million people who signed a petition to revoke him for being a crook and petty tyrant.

"The bill to disclose the name and address of everyone who signs the recall petition has just passed the Senate Electoral Committee. California counter-enlightenment is moving forward. Newsom's thugs want to punish us for signing his recall petition, intimidating us that we will never sign another one in the future. Let's call clearly SB 663!..."


Perhaps this is the rare moment when nurses can rest while the bodies are taken out of the intensive care unit, freeing the ventilator.

 Trump / Putin (Plane for Trump with Idicine Equipment in Recruitment) for new American diced corpses 藍

👆Russian text: 

"How good Wuhan was with coronavirus. The virus has already killed 170 people, the total number of infected exceeded 7.7 thousand. At the moment there is no region left in China where the virus has not penetrated," - this kind of post appeared today in the Twitter account Lenta.ru.

Is it possible to classify this post as a propaganda kovid? Yes of course, this is an instruction for the media to sow panic 😍 beautifully. But they are stupid as monkeys 🐒, it's schizoids, chauvinistic racially discriminatory jackals of Putin, man-hating fascism, inhumane creatures and other astral scum of the Russian media 

Later, 👆sribes from Lenta.ru, who understood all their flaws deleted this tweet from his official Twitter account, which wrote about " How good Wuhan was with coronavirus." 😂


Pidaras is a humpback. 

For international investigators, get in the case of this rooster. 

And this is an official way of stealing budget 🇷🇺 space-scale money.

Russia approved the inclusion of COVID vaccine in the calendar of preventive vaccinations 💉

The first deputy chairman of the State Duma, Aleksandr Shchukov, said that the government commission on bill activities on Monday approved a bill under which the national calendar of preventive vaccinations will be supplemented with vaccination against coronavirus infection.

"It is proposed to supplement the approved list of preventive vaccinations with vaccination against feco-viral infection. I think that this is a very important decision, and the bill will quickly go to the State Duma for early consideration," said Shchukov, whose words are quoted by the press service of the United Russia faction.

The press service explained that it is a draft federal law amending the "On the Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases" FH.

According to the background information provided to journalists, the adoption of the bill will require allocation for 2021-2023 from the federal budget an additional 75.815 billion rubles: in the 2021 season - almost 31.37 billion rubles, and in the epidemic seasons of 2022-2024 - 22.22 billion rubles annually.

Article 9 of the federal Law on Infectious Diseases Immunoprophylaxis now contains a list of 12 vaccines included in the National Preventive Vaccine Calendar: hepatitis B vaccines, diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, rubella, polio, tetanus, tuberculosis, mumps, haemophilia, pneumococcal disease and influenza. 

The calendar itself, the timing of vaccinations and the category of citizens subject to mandatory vaccination are approved by the Ministry of Health.

April 14. The Supreme Court of Russia considers a triple lawsuit against the Russian government for the chiavy tyranny


In Rospotrebnadzor explained new rules for Russians arriving in the country

On April 14 /TASS/ Rospotrebnadzor ordered all Russians arriving in the country by any mode of transport to take a test for coronavirus within three days of arrival and upload the result to the portal of state services. This was reported on Wednesday in the press service of the department.

Previously, the test for three days had to be taken only by air arriving in Russia.

"From 15.04.2021 to all citizens of the Russian Federation arriving in the territory of the Russian Federation by any mode of transport: to ensure that the questionnaire arriving in the territory of the Russian Federation is completed before arriving in the territory of the Russian Federation in order to provide sanitary and quarantine control at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation (the questionnaire is filled out on the Single Portal of State and Municipal Services (EPSU);

within three calendar days from the day of arrival in the Russian Federation to undergo a laboratory test on COVID-19 by PCR method and to place information on the results of laboratory research on COVID-19 by PCR method at the EPGU," the statement reads.

It is noted that citizens need to observe the isolation regime in their place of residence or residence before receiving the results of the test.

We're here. Get out of the bunker 😂

Nothing more than a replay of Putin's spring 2020 special operation, in a mirror version of the execution. All of this is documented and documented. 


𝚼𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕵𝖔𝖐𝖊𝖗 🃏

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