Report to all concerned high-ranking leaders and civil society! part3)

Report to all concerned high-ranking leaders and civil society! part3)

Vladimir Lagutkin


Coronavirus and the World Bank. After the pandemic was declared, WHO pledged to provide all countries with appropriate financial support. On April 2, the World Bank Group launched the first emergency health care operations to respond to COVID-19, designed to improve the effectiveness of the response in developing countries. Under the expanded program of economic assistance to countries, up to $ 160 billion should be provided over the next 15 months to overcome the immediate consequences of the pandemic. Expedited deployment of new operations is envisaged. World Bank Group President David Malpass said in this regard: “In an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, the World Bank Group is moving fast and massively, and we are already deploying health response operations in more than 65 countries ... We are attaching efforts to strengthen the ability of developing countries to withstand the COVID-19 pandemic and to accelerate the start of economic and social recovery. The poorest and most vulnerable countries are likely to suffer the most, and our experts around the world continue to prioritize finding country and regional solutions to the ongoing crisis. ”[37] Axel van Trotsenburg, World Bank Managing Director of Operations, said in a similar vein: "This emergency package will help save lives and identify, prevent and curb COVID-19 in the countries where we operate." “We will coordinate our work globally across countries to ensure the rapid exchange of best practices, including how to strengthen national health systems and prepare for possible re-waves of this deadly virus.” As for the question of who will be most affected by the coronavirus, we will touch on it a little later. In this case, it is important to emphasize that the WHO recommendations, regardless of the specific situation in the country, eventually began to be implemented everywhere, with rare exceptions (Sweden, Belarus, Turkmenistan). It influences other countries precisely because, in addition to medical consultants, trainers and other clerks, it has so-called “negotiators” who use other mechanisms. The situation in Belarus has become especially indicative given the events that began here after the presidential elections. In the first half of April, WHO experts arrived in Belarus, who strongly recommended introducing quarantine up to curfew, but the country's leadership did not accept these recommendations. When, in June, the Belarusian leadership asked the IMF to provide $ 900 million as part of a rapid financing instrument to combat the consequences of the spread of the coronavirus, the latter put forward demands not related to the financial part, that is, the introduction of quarantine, isolation and a curfew. This was also not accepted by Belarus. The case with Turkmenistan, the only country in Central Asia that has not officially confirmed a single case of coronavirus infection, is also indicative. In mid-July, the WHO delegation stated that it was concerned about reports of an increase in the number of pneumonia cases in that country and recommended that the same key measures be taken as with covid-19. As for Russia, the opinion of many serious epidemiologists and virologists regarding the coronavirus changed here in the second half of March, precisely after the announcement of the pandemic. It turned out that there is a central financial directive for doctors and for hospitals, according to which they received an additional financial incentive - which was officially announced. 2. Who ordered the mandatory isolation scenario. Today, there are sufficient grounds to assert that the scenario that WHO imposed on all of humanity was developed in advance and was aimed at creating conditions for a deep restructuring of the economy and the entire management system of the world community in the interests of global circles associated with the World Bank and the US Federal Reserve and preparing accelerated transition to a new technological order. This scenario began to be written in the United States under President Bush Jr., when the possibility of countering attacks with biological weapons against the American military stationed outside the country was being studied. In 2005, the Department of Defense and the US Health Service proposed a specific quarantine technique that turned military bases into facilities that were inaccessible to biological weapons destruction. According to the neoconservatives, all foreign citizens are terrorists, but since they have no way to penetrate the locations of the American military, it is necessary to isolate sick soldiers in hospitals and introduce a barracks regime for healthy ones. As a result, US military bases turned into closed cities capable of withstanding a prolonged siege. You can live in them for several months without any problems. The then Secretary of Defense John Rumsfeld ordered the same technique to be extended to the entire population of the United States. That is, in the event of the proliferation of biological weapons, it is necessary to use total quarantine, which at first was going to be used only at the bases. Extending these rules to all citizens was entrusted to Dr. Carter Meher of the Former Combatant's Health Service and Dr. Richard Hatchett of the National Security Council, who were able to develop a plan in 2006 at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just before Rumsfeld left. Rumsfeld entrusted the development of this idea to his close American biopharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences (which we have already written about), which is engaged in research, development and commercialization of low molecular weight antiviral drugs. In 1988 Rumsfeld joined the board of directors of the company, and in 1997-2001. was its president. This is a political idea that has nothing to do with the fight against the epidemic. At the same time, Rumsfeld considered his plan not as local, but as global, in which it would be possible to rebuild the entire financial system of the world. Global global self-isolation will lead to a restructuring of the entire world community and a redistribution of tasks across regions, launch an even greater specialization of the global economy, as a result of which the United States will retain its main sector. Zones that are not integrated into the global economy should be deprived of state institutions of power and turned into simple reservoirs of natural resources. Sufficiently developed zones (including the European Union, Russia and China) will be responsible for the production of consumer goods. And the production of weapons for the army and police around the world will be provided only by the United States. Similar ideas were developed at the American Enterprise Institute by the Project for a New American Century group. But related to this is the doctrine of the global division of labor, called the Cebrowski doctrine. Cebrowski is a vice admiral of the US Navy, an expert on network wars, a supporter of global restructuring, which involves the redistribution of productive forces in favor of the United States, the destruction of a number of industries and the reorientation of industry in favor of weapons and the introduction of total electronic control over the population through mobile phones 📱 🍰🍒

There is another important point: the switch of implicit media financing from the interests of oil to the interests of pharmaceutical companies. So the idea of "universal mandatory isolation", proposed 15 years ago by the Bush administration, was originally aimed not at ensuring human health, but at the militarization of American society in the event of a biological attack and for the introduction of continuous management, sweeping away all existing official power in the United States. At the time, the idea sparked a storm of protests led by Professor Donald Henderson, who both ran the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the American Epidemic Response System. He praised the plans as the final slide of the administration towards totalitarianism, which led to the adoption of the Patriot Act after the 9/11 attacks, and a violation of the Convention on The Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. In 2017, under Trump, all the official documents mentioning the measures appear to have been updated in a hurry to prepare for the next 2020 election in total quarantine. Richard Hatchett is director of the Coalition for Innovation to Prevent Epidemics (CEPI), which coordinates the development of new vaccines. 

The instructions lay long ready and just waited in the hour X . And it certainly came in the fall of 2019 in New York in the complex of buildings Rockefeller Plaza are taking place exercises on October 18, 2019. The Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Safety, the World Economic Forum, and the Beale and Melinda Gates Foundation are conducting a top-level pandemic exercise called Event 201. This scenario involved the emergence of a new zoonous coronavirus transmitted to pigs and humans, which spread like fire, creating chaos around the world. This leads to a pandemic within the first year, with no way to obtain the necessary vaccine. There is a fictional antiviral drug that helps but does not limit the spread of the disease. The event ends with 65 million people dying in 18 months. The pandemic is beginning to slow down due to a decrease in the susceptible to the virus, but continues until a vaccine is created or until 80-90% of the population is exposed to the disease. In the same October 2019, military maneuvers were held at the U.S. Air Force base in Charleston, South Carolina, and in South America, where the military's response to the pandemic emergency was practiced. In Italy, there were military columns and tanks. It is worth noting that Hopkins has a branch in China and Italy. This Editorial connects the dots for 12 months, connects for the blind, the deaf and the dumb. 

December 12, 2019 Forbes wrote that experts simulated the spread of a new fictional virus (even produced news fictional media with frightening graphs). Experts assessed the needs - whether there were stocks of masks or medicines. The answer to the question of logistics is complicated by false news reports. The epidemic, driving people underground and forcing to hide the disease, only escalates. None of these means of combating horror prevents the spread of coronavirus. As the number of cases grew exponentially, panic, fuelled by misinformation and conspiracy theories, grew in society. Overcoming such a pandemic in reality would require international cooperation, and the obstacle is the closure and nationalism in a number of countries. 

On January 17, when there was no confirmed case of coronavirus infection in the United States, Johns Hopkins University notified the public that the next pandemic would not only cause serious illness and loss of life, but could also cause serious cascading economic and social consequences. Efforts to overcome these consequences will also require an unprecedented level of cooperation between Governments, international organizations and the private sector. With the emergence of coronavirus in the early stages of the response to it in the U.S. faced two positions - President Trump and the position of Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is considered one of the leading experts in the fight against epidemics. It was Fauci who advocated the introduction of authoritarian measures reminiscent of Rumsfeld's plan. 

Now again there will be unpleasant direct text from the Editorial Board for many readers' ears. 

Yes, Trump outwardly clumsily resisted this, the so-called Dr. Fauci leaked confidential information about the so-called "Red Dawn" group. This group brings together 37 people who assume that after the disappearance of the Soviet Union, the main threat to the United States is red China, where the epidemic began to spread, and because of this they must take power and start a war against China. The group 🎸 obvious idiots: Anthony Fauci, Robert Redfield (director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the same Carter Meher (adviser to the Department of Veterans Affairs) and Dr. Richard Hatchett (director of CEPI), who during the presidency of the Bush chicken lover extended the rules of isolation to the entire population. This idea was promoted by Hollywood, but it is very difficult to understand that this artistic chicken coop understands in threats, preaching the essence that China is an unfriendly power, a red horror, which should start a biological war against humanity. Yes, no one argues that China 🇨🇳 friend, but neither is the main threat for sure. The incorrect definition of priorities by non-professionals has led the Western world to tragedy on the European and partly American continent, which Hollywood does not feel with lips, ass, or no other sense organ, including the brain 🧠 

Significantly, the day after WHO acknowledged that the coronavirus outbreak was a CWH, U.S. Secretary of Defense Esper issued an order requiring the U.S. Northern Command to be at a low start with regard to so-called continuous control (NU). NU is the continuity of power in the event of a nuclear war, the death of the president and vice-president and chairman of the House of Representatives. In addition to the deaths of these individuals, the only reason for the introduction of THE NI is the inability of these persons to perform their functions. According to this directive, in this case, the government should move to the military and be carried out with the help of the so-called multi-storey reserve government. The continuous control system is being introduced by the Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Command, and since it can be used in an artificially created emergency, this has led some observers to believe that the coronavirus may have been launched to use the system. 

Election November 2020 📡⏳

Why were Fauci's ideas not accepted by Trump? And they were implemented only by some governors of the states? 

We don't know about the governors of the states, we think it's just stupid. And Trump didn't make his own decisions, and the editorial board repeatedly spoke loudly about it in Megaphone 📣 

The decision to vote 🗳 by mail has sufficiently devalued these plans of the Kremlin.

And the democratic establishment can understand, they played in the pre-election PR without having to understand without classified information about the fake. 

And in Europe and other countries of the world, the case has become irreversible. At the out of the face, the measures were unquestioningly taken by French President Emmanuel Macron, who said: "We are at war and we have an obligation to keep the civilian population isolated." These rules to isolate the U.S. military then began to apply to other European countries like a virus that presumably had to be tamed before the world economy collapsed. As the French researcher T. Meisan writes, "contrary to public rhetoric, from a medical point of view these measures are absurd and are aimed not at fighting the epidemic, but at reforming European countries and including them in a new political and financial project.

Everything is much more banal if you know the history, to live in the ChSSR and Prague in 70 - .... later tell a lot to exceptional chumps who seem to be adding 2/2 adding to get a figure of 10 and above, and then only to your bank account 🧾 

And Trump is the gatekeeper. 

The anon bears a striking resemblance to the Bolshevik Psiop of the 1920s "Operation Trust". Operation Trust was a Bolshevik counter-intelligence operation to neutralize the opposition. 

Just as in the case of the company, it gave the false impression that it was a powerful group of military, ex-military, scouts, ex-intelligence officers acting incognito in order to stop the communist seizure of power. Operation Trust is a counter-intelligence operation of the GPU, which took place in 1921-1926 and in its course was created a fake organization of the anti-Bolshevik underground "Monarchical Association of Central Russia" to help the GPU (HVAC) to identify monarchists and anti-Bolsheviks. 

Thus, there was a fake resistance controlled by the opposition. 

Don't you think it's familiar, Friends? 

In the case of Trump, the zanon sheep also claim that trump is behind powerful men from the military and ex-military, including intelligence, many of whom are inside DeepState and are fighting against Gates, Schwab and their Great Reboot. 

Adds confidence and we did this material a little earlier a simple fact, it is thanks to Trump and his operation Warp Speed (unprecedentedly fast) during the year implemented the developed mRNA vaccine against the kovid (which, as I am sure was ready before, as the technoogy of the MRNA head of Moderna spoke back in 2015). 

And Trump "donated" more than a billion dollars to the Global Alliance on Vaccines and Immunization, founded by paedophile Gates (GAVI), and thanks to him GAVI managed to squeeze $8.8 billion out of the countries : the European Commission provided GAVI €300 million; 

Germany - €600 million ; 

France - €500 million; 

The Netherlands - €325 million; 

Italy - €120 million; 

Sweden - by 34 million; The UK has pledged $2.07 billion; 

Japan $300 million; 

Saudi Arabia - $150 million; 

Catalonia - $20 million; 

Australia - $137 million

It adds us confidence in the validity of our allegations to a huge amount of concomitant knowledge of both circumstantial and direct evidence, as well as the fact that everyone has any chance of breaking down the deepstate or lifting the veil over them more than possible, either disappearing or dying, which Trump could not have known, he too easily surrendered himself, which is deadly, and he is still alive, and his supporters have surrendered.

Davos, January 21, 2020


Andrey Kostin Nail's lover with the operator of the Russian TV channel is looking for a way out of the basement of the house where U.S. President 🇺🇸 Donald Trump lives. 

"Davos is not rubber. There's not enough room for everyone. Some Russian businessmen stay in Klosters, Switzerland. From it to the convention center to go on average 30-40 minutes. 

On the ground floor of the Walserhof Hotel is a legendary restaurant. Once there was dinner acting Prime Minister Kasyanov. And for me, this restaurant is remembered by the fact that here I shot my first story about Davos in 2013. I remember talking to the chef, my cameraman and I went up to the mountains for lunch organized by an Indian delegation. After waiting 2 hours, we finally made our way to the legendary Paulo Coelho and, despite the discontent of the guards, recorded an interview with the writer. 

Prince Charles and Princess Diana have always stayed at the Walserhof Hotel in Klosters when they flew to the Alps. Sometimes with kids. Last year, Prince William flew to Davos alone. But the media discussed not so much his speech as the hole on the sole of the shoe. Although maybe it was just a black spot. By the way, this year's forum is also expected to be his speech."

For good, mediocre and stupid royals, you should be deprived at least of the opportunity to express their delusions on the broad masses, and elected leaders of countries to oblige the public contract to report not about their undertakings and desires to do anything useful at the beginning of the project, and to report this usefulness solely on the results of what was done. Given the developed communications and your own social media accounts, you have become exposed to all the things that are not relevant to practical use in life at all. It's a bad movie and underground! 

The Editorial Board has an indiscreet question in this regard, and the U.S. Secret Service so all Russian prostitutes take in the basements of 😆 houses the location of American presidents? Or was only Trump accepted and only in Davos? Although we saw another one in the Oval Office. I wonder there on a good old tradition was and if there was, who served whom? 

It seems all the children have already understood : "pandemic 😷 COVID -19" is not the pandemic Covid-19 . This is a man-made project of the special services of a hostile state and a special operation. It involves various powerful representatives of the criminal authorities of traitors of the Western world, multinational companies, with the opportunity to implement their political and financial project, although it has not been discussed or even presented openly. We are talking, of course, not only about pharmaceutical companies, but about the largest companies that ensure the implementation of total digitalization of society. For weeks, fundamental freedoms have been infringed in democratic countries. People are prohibited under the threat of a fine or imprisonment to leave their homes or take part in rallies and demonstrations. Compulsory schooling for students under the age of 16 has been temporarily abolished. Millions of workers have lost their jobs and become unemployed. Hundreds of thousands of businesses are forced to stop working. They are unlikely to be able to reopen. In part of Russia, this was facilitated by the adoption of the Federal Law of April 1, 2012 N 23-Fz "On amending the Federal Law on the Protection of The Population and Territories from Natural and Man-made Emergencies", which introduced the concept of "high-readiness regime" without determining what it is. 

Without giving time for preparation, European governments forced enterprises to move to remote work. All "working" communications over the Internet were immediately registered in the Echelon/NSA electronic tracking system. This was followed by known hacker attacks. This means that Five Eyes (Australia, New York, the United Kingdom and the United States) could open access to the confidential data of almost all European companies, and the hacking was detected too late. 

These actions have not had any medical justification and have so far. No government in the world has provided a single serious justification document. Mandatory universal isolation" has so far been seen as an effective means of combating epidemics than a single professional. Political leaders of EU member states were paralysed by absurd delusional mathematical calculations predicting the total deaths of the new coronavirus made by the Fergusson group from King's College London. They were also under pressure from the "team" whose members took part in the Davos Economic Forum. You've been notified of this for a long time. Munich Security Conference from the same opera. It's early as to the Munich beer house to move such gatherings. Children do not shine with knowledge, and after your experiments they will turn into talking parrots, not at all incapable of critical thinking, they will learn to speak and think. In a world that is being prepared for the European Union, the world media will be financed not by the oil industry, but by large pharmaceutical companies. They will convince you that all the measures taken are good. And search engines will present the media as reliable sources of information, not depending on the quality of the information they disseminate, but depending on which authors are represented in them." 

The quarantine (some details). 

The idea of social distancing as a measure of non-drug intervention in the fight against epidemics was first voiced in the National Pandemic Influenza Strategy 2006. social distancing, isolation, vaccination and antiviral treatment." The main authors of this idea were already mentioned by K.Meher and R. Hatchet, who suggested that Americans in some points could return to the approach of self-isolation, which was first widely applied in the Middle Ages. As one of the researchers pointed out, "one of the closed sides of the coronavirus crisis is that the idea, born out of President Bush Jr.'s request to better prepare the nation for the next outbreak of the contagious disease, has become the heart of the national response to the pandemic." [50] . By the way, it happened right after those temperamental dances with Putin under the harmonica happened . . . 

When Meher and Hatchet presented their plan, senior officials, accustomed to relying on the pharmaceutical industry with their massive production of new drugs, met the proposal with a degree of skepticism and derision, so they had to overcome strong resistance. Today, the concept of social distancing is familiar to almost everyone, but when it was first sold out in 2006-2007, it was seen as impossible. 

Editorial always uses its own knowledge and materials in its work, as well as works with all the materials we are interested in open sources. Links to materials in Expertise (Pdf)

Speech by L.I. Brezhnev at the 16th Congress of VLKSM on May 26, 1970.

Dear fellow delegates! Komsomols and Komsomols!

The Congress of the Leninist Communist Union of Youth is a big event in the life of Soviet youth, in the entire social and political life of the country. (further greeting to the congress on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, an excursion into the history of the creation of VLKSM with quotations from V.I.Lenin and the wish of the Congress to be guided by Lenin's principles in solving the pressing problems of our time, and building tasks for the future).

Young people appreciate the feat of their fathers, but even now, no less than before, need and dedication, and enthusiasm, and devotion to ideals, and readiness for the feat. You defend the conquest of your fathers, you implement the grandiose plans of communist construction. This is an honorable, responsible and inspiring task. And believe me - the time will come, and you, the youth of the 70s, your deeds and accomplishments will be envied by your children and grandchildren. (Applause.) (There is a bust of Marshal Shchukov in Kharkiv.)

Comrades! Of course, you will discuss on which areas of communist construction it is more expedient to concentrate the efforts of the Komsomol now. I would like to make some comments on this. (Here now seems to be the most "meat" report. As you know, the Soviet economy is entering an important new phase. The technical base of industry and agriculture is changing radically. All this brings a lot of new things to our approach to solving national economic problems, to the development and implementation of economic and technical policies. Practically all the major problems of our social development are now connected with scientific and technological progress. (There should be "meat" right now.

We can say that in the years of NAP and the first five years we passed the primary school of socialist economics. Now we are faced with the tasks of the higher school of economics of socialism. These are the most difficult and most creative tasks on the way to communism. You, the Komsomols, will decide them under the leadership of the party. But to successfully do it, not to keep up with the century, not to lag behind the pace of scientific and technological progress, the main thing - to master knowledge. Lenin's demand "... first - to learn, secondly - to learn and third - to learn..." still remains an indispensable rule of life. (Applause.) The party cares about making young builders of communism people widely educated, creative-. Young people should be clear that science and technology know no limits in their development. Therefore, from the school bench it is necessary to cultivate an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, a living susceptibility to new scientific and technical discoveries. (No, it's not "meat" yet, but it should go soon... Should! Read on. )

Now, after the measures taken by the party and the government, more young people from factories and factories are coming to universities and institutes. Our universities were significantly replenished with young people from collective farms and state farms. Komsomol took charge of this youth, helps her in her studies. Good deed, comrades, the right thing to do! ("And when will the "meat"? - timidly asks young people from collective farms)

The Komsomol deserves all the support and care about the development of scientific and technical creativity of working youth. The tradition has become competitions on professions - in skill, in working skill compete young turners and tractor drivers, builders and millers, milkmaids and cooks. Hundreds of thousands of young men and women take part in the work of student scientific societies and public design bureaus. Many bright talents are revealed at the exhibitions of technical creativity of young people. Tired of reading? But it all started with the fact that the person who personifies the "party" wants to express some thoughts as to whether: "... on which areas of communist construction it is more expedient now to concentrate the efforts of the Komsomol." Can you find these "considerations" from the text above? Maybe it's such a long entry? But this is a third of the report. Maybe there will be some specificity below - "meat" that so awaits "youth from collective farms." We read on.

Our agriculture is an important field of activity for young enthusiasts of scientific and technological progress. It goes without saying that the solution of the big tasks set by the party before agriculture, on the shoulders of only people technically literate, skilled, loving land and work on it. And we are pleased to note that komsomol has actively responded to the party's call to help rural youth master the technical professions that our village so desperately needs.

All the diverse, multifaceted activities of young innovators, inventors, innovators of productions - these genuine carriers of technological progress - forms a new type of worker - a champion of all advanced. The introduction of new progressive ideas always reveals remarkable scientific and organizational talents, brings up high demands and citizenship. We need people of these qualities. (Remember how highly appreciated was given by the thief-housekeeper Georges Miloslavsky of the activities of the young Komsomol inventor and innovator of Schurik's production.

The Union of Science, Technology and Manufacturing is the key to our success at a time when the scientific and technological revolution is unfolding. (Applause.) To you, comrades, to expand and strengthen this union. It is up to the Komsomol to find new and new ways to involve all young men and women in this important work. (Is that the "meat" we've all been waiting for? Next is a paragraph about the importance not only of the work of creating material values, but also of labor that ensures the comfortable existence of man (service and creativity).

The hands of the Soviet people created giant material values. You must learn to manage them as skilled and forward-thinking masters. (Further refers to Lenin's words and the party's decisions on this matter).

Improving production, improving everyday life, recreational conditions, intolerance to shortcomings, all backwardness, to manifestations of bureaucracy - that's where both creative impulse and the inherent youth healthy critical beginning, which also must be able to support (Applause.) It is important to appreciate in young people and the ability to enthusiastically perform the task, and the ability to respond to shortcomings and to overcome them. It is necessary to strive to create such a spiritual climate in the workplace and in everyday life, in every collective, which would elevate a person, reveal his best abilities, give birth to intolerance to antisocial actions.

Comrades! Communist education of young people was and remains the most important content of the activities of Komsomol organizations. In the Komsomol, young men and women spend those years when character is formed, worldview is developed, life positions are marked. If at this time you have not learned to work in good faith, have not acquired a taste for knowledge, do not know how to distinguish the truth from falsehood, the true values of life from the imaginary, catch up will be difficult.

That's where we'll stop. Then there is the discussion about the struggle of young people around the world with imperialism. On international unity and friendship, and joint struggle of young peoples around the world. On the role of the Komsomol in the army ranks. And in conclusion - simple appeals and slogan-like proclamations, punctuated by violent prolonged applause and applause.

Dear Western colleagues Leonid Brezhnev from forums and other world platforms of vanity and emptiness of ideas. Get out of our eyes 👁. Sit on your dicks and gallop on your own land allotments and there bring to life on your own plot of land, farm, factory, stable, airfield your vision of happiness. You fucked us with your harmful gatherings - forums for our blood money. 

Let's all go to the ass! Do not want to jump on your own dick, we can pick you up with another transport, on a shovel, like Kadafi. 

The End .

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

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