George Soros and Bill Gates bought Europe as well. These two smmies are the largest sponsors of the Council of Europe, the UN International Criminal Court πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡³ and the ECHR.Β 

George Soros and Bill Gates bought Europe as well. These two smmies are the largest sponsors of the Council of Europe, the UN International Criminal Court πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡³ and the ECHR.Β 

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The study by Gregor Puppinka, a lawyer and head of the European Centre for Law and Justice, caused a sensation. The Frenchman shows how tied Soros and Gates are in organizations such as the European Court of Human Rights, the Council of Europe, the UN and WHO.

The French lawyer and head of the European Centre for Law and Justice, Gregor Puppink, last year uncovered financial ties between George Soros, Bill Gates and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Puppink recently discovered the close ties between Gates, Soros and the Council of Europe - the ECHR was created by the member states of the Council of Europe.

George Soros and his Open Society Foundation and Microsoft, a company founded by Bill Gates, are the two largest sponsors of the European Court of Human Rights. Puppinck demonstrated this in 2020 on the basis of the agency's annual financial statements.

"If you read the Council of Europe's annual financial reports, you will see that the Open Society of George Soros and Microsoft's Bill Gates are the organization's two largest private donors.Β 

The two organisations donated almost 1,400,000 euros each to the Council of Europe between 2004 and 2013 and almost 690,000 euros between 2006 and 2014. Open Society also supports the initiatives of the Council of Europe, including the European Institute of Arts and Culture," Gregor Puppink told The French newspaper Valeurs Actuelles.

There has been no direct funding since 2015, as the Council of Europe has established a separate fund for extra-budgetary voluntary donations. As a result, it does not need to include these funds in its financial statements.

The UN and WHO are also affected by

The issue of funding from billionaires affects not only the Council of Europe, but also the International Criminal Court, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN).

Puppinka's study found that the International Criminal Court received about $115,000 from the Open Society Foundation in 2017. In addition, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is who's second largest donor after the United States, with a contribution of US$530 million in 2019.Β 

80 per cent of WHO's budget is based on voluntary contributions, i.e. donations from foundations and governments. "This type of financing naturally calls into question the political independence of these organizations," the lawyer stressed.

Judges in courts come from NGOs

In addition, George Soros has personal connections with several influential members of these international organizations. Former Council of Europe secretary general Thorbjorn Jagland called Soros his "good friend."Β 

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muiznieks, who held this post until 2018, worked as a program director at the Soros Foundation in Latvia. Former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet also call Soros their "friend".

Puppinka's study shows that 22 of the Court's 100 permanent judges have been representatives of seven NGOs in the past decade. Of these, 18 were dealing with cases in which the NGOs for which they worked were involved. According to Puppinka, this is a violation of the basic rules of judicial ethics.Β 

"Among these seven NGOs, the Open Society network stands out for the number of judges associated with it (12) and the fact that it funds the other six organizations mentioned in the report."

In addition, between 2014 and 2018, Soros and his lobbyists held 64 conversations with commissioners and senior European Commission officials. There are even pictures of EU politicians with the Hungarian billionaire. And Hungary πŸ‡­πŸ‡Ί it's Russia.


Neo-Marx, Klaus Schwab, head of the World Marxist Circle , with the epic name of the Economic Forum / in the mountain ski resort of Davos and agenda: "Biological evolution comes from generation to generation. But imagine whether this process can be accelerated by surpassing Darwin's gradual changes in the issue of individual experience. So-called "transhumanists" dream of this. Transhumanism has begun to mean different things to different people, from belief systems to cultural movements, from research to technological fantasy. You can't get a degree in transhumanism, but you can subscribe to it, invest in it, explore its actors and act according to its principles."

The main talking head of πŸ—£ and the physical embodiment of Swabian philosophy in life, one of the most massive killers of reconciliation, on whose conscience at least 400,000 Indian children maimed by his vaccine, vaccine maniac Gates: "Thanks to the development of tools such as artificial intelligence and gene-based editing technology, we have the opportunity to create this new generation of health solutions to make them available to everyone on the planet. And I'm very happy about that."

The banter turned into a magnifying glass and a mirror of reality, and his supporters: My palm turned into a fist- What if the sheep understood their human destiny in life and the universe and the strength of their cohesion will understand that the message of Isaiah Berlin, to which Schwab once referred: "Freedom for wolves often means death for sheep"?, is laid and easily eliminated, the elimination of the lousy sheep from their community?

France: Winemakers in Chablis light thousands of torches to protect their vineyards from freezing overnight.

Use the search πŸ”¦ just find the "Sunny Minimum" and continue to prepare for the future, Friends. Soon Gates will close part of the sky/

The greatest crime of the 21st century is the abandonment of its people for the sake of the nascent class of "exotic" cosmopolitans without the flag and the Motherland, but with an unbridled desire for what is called the Great Greatest Sin: human capital in exchange for "economy", life in exchange for things.

1942 mass killings in concentration camps.

2021 mass killings in old-age homes.

Notice how they hold it, back and forth, voluntary vaccination, however.

This is Professor Dolores Cahill from University College Dublin - She received a degree in Molecular Genetics from Trinity College Dublin (1989) and a doctorate in immunology from Dublin City University in 1994.

In this video, she predicts that people who take the so-called mRNA vaccine, which can't actually be called a vaccine in our usual sense, will die in 5-10 years.

Gates' plan for depopulation through vaccines, as he himself said, and not once, but what, however, many for some reason do not want to believe), now does not look so unrealistic, right, Friends?

But no one asks us to believe that there is a depopulation plan and it is put in place, it does not require faith at all, and it takes only five minutes to study this topic, because everything is still in the public domain, including Gates' speeches about reducing the population of the planet through vaccination and "planned parenthood."

βš οΈπŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸŽšThe Government of Alberta, under the pretext of fighting the new ARVI, with a "survival rate", according to the CDC, more than 99%, threw the pastor into prison, came at night as the melt surrounded the Church with a fence, and the doors of the Temple chained.

Today, April 7, 2021, the Alberta Health Service, Canada, (AHS) physically closed the Church of Grace of Life (GLC) and closed access to the building until the Grace of Life Church could demonstrate its ability to comply with the limitations of Alberta's Chief Medical Officer.

For months, AHS has been trying to work with the GLC to address ongoing public health issues at the facility. Actions taken prior to the physical closure of the site included:

The order issued by AHS on December 17, 2020 requires the GLC to comply with CMOH restrictions.

The ruling of the Royal Bench Court, obtained on January 21, 2021, requires the GLC to comply with the previous ruling.

The closing order issued on January 29, 2021 requires closure until compliance with the restrictions.

On March 27, 2021, AHS sent a letter to Pastor Coates informing him of the continuing spread of #COVID19. Last week, AHS invited Pastor Coates to meet virtually to discuss the risks associated with the caucus, but the church did not name a date for the meeting.

The Church of Grace of Life has decided not to follow these mandatory restrictions and has not tried to work with AHS to reduce the risk of cooid transmission.

With the increase in the number of kovid cases and the prevalence of more easily transmitted and potentially heavier variants, there is an urgent need to minimize its spread in order to protect all Albertans. From July 10, 2020 to April 6, 2021, AHS received 105 complaints from the public about the Church of Grace of Life. Since July 10, 2020, AHS inspectors have carried out 18 inspections at the site, with violations per visit.

Meanwhile, Erin Coates, the wife of Gracelife pastor James Coates, who was jailed, demonstrates the fence erected around the church overnight and claims it is done under the guise of a health prescription, and rightly adds that "the church is not a building, it is people bought by the blood of Christ":

"This is what happens when you have freedom of religion in a free and democratic society: they imprison your pastor for freely opening the doors of the church, serving Christ's sheep and not hurting people. Now they chained the doors of GraceLife Church, encircling them with a chain fence. All this under the guise of a sanitary order. It is a pity that the Church is not a building, it is a blood-bought people- Christ won and will win. We have an enemy, and this enemy has been defeated by the death and resurrection of Christ. For all those who find it satisfying - you will not be able to stop the gospel. The name of Jesus Christ will be pronounced with even greater strength and conviction. The word of God will be heard all over this country, doing all the work that God has appointed to glorify Himself. I pray for all the pastors and Christians who still think it is a virus and a health order. It is clear that our Charter and the Penal Code mean nothing until the Government can come up with a good enough story to ignore it. God, have mercy on our people. I pray for their souls. They are clearly under your control." 🀦🏻 ♂️

This is a struggle not against the kovid, but against the people, the faith and the Church, Friends, and it is obvious if you go to any supermarket where there is a lot of people.

The manufacturer of tests on COVID- 19 says that Pandemic is the largest scam ever committed.

Chief Pathologist Dr.

Roger Hodkinson said during a conference call that the pandemic

Coronavirus is "the greatest hoax ever committed over an unsuspecting public." Hodkinson, who is the CEO of a biotech testing company, said: "There is a completely unfounded public hysteria caused by the media and politicians." We see a politics playing in medicine, and it's a very dangerous game. Positive test results do not mean clinical infection. All tests must stop, because the false numbers they produce and cause public hysteria... risk

The death rate for people under 65 is one in three hundred thousand, and it's outrageous to shut down society because there was just another bad flu."Β 

Schwab, this neo-Marx who summed up the "philosophy" of the New World Order and the Great Reboot, is a real type, I'll tell you, Friends.Β 

If she has eyes, he'll see. And having a brain and the ability to use it will understand what he saw correctly...)

The European Medicines Agency (EMA), among other things, is responsible for allowing vaccines. In the course of the planning of the boiler strategy, some vaccines were approved, including Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, and Astra'eneca, the deaths of which have already been recognized on the off. Level.

If you look closely who is currently speaking from the EMA, you will come across the name Emer Cook.Β 

She is also director of drug and other health technology at the World Health Organization, run by the Gates maniac.

Cook worked for many years in the pharmaceutical industry. In doing so, she worked, in particular, for the aforementioned corporations, whose vaccines have now been approved by this very EMA, where it now works.

Corruption knows no bounds .

πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺPropagandist file.Β 

This propagandist of vaccination, the German actress Ears Glas Band-Aid is on the wrong hand...

An Irish Army unit is being deployed in Dublin. The reasons for such unexpected nonsense are not yet known, but perhaps to help in the vaccination of plebs.

πŸ’‰ Possible deployment of troops in Dublin is related to this, and perhaps there is no πŸ‘‡

Ireland will start discriminating against unvaccinated citizens.

Irish Deputy Prime Minister Leo Varadkar confirmed that the government is developing a digital certificate of vaccine with a green certificate so that people can prove that they have been fully vaccinated:

"The government will introduce additional measures for fully vaccinated, more freedom for those who have been vaccinated. We are developing a digital vaccination certificate with a green certificate so you can prove that you are fully vaccinated."

He also said that the Irish vaccination program will accelerate in the coming weeks, telling the public:

"Ireland is now on track to overcome the million-dose mark this week. Implementation will be accelerated in the coming weeks. We expect that most adults will receive their first dose by mid-May, and people over 70 will be fully vaccinated. And by the end of June, the vast majority, more than 80% of people, will be offered the first dose, so, you know, it's actually a phase of acceleration -- it's April, May and June."


The governments of the democratic countries of the world are the real killers. The killers of their own country - and the whole western civilization as a whole. They are with the persistence of a maniac trying to enhance the unique culture of each western country - and the entire Western civilization as a whole.

Not realizing that by doing so they are killing individual countries, and the entire Western civilization, and in general the entire human civilization.Β 

And since Western civilization is the foundation, the core of all human civilization, if it collapses, our entire world will collapse. And it will turn into the real Hell on Earth.

The culture of the country is its soul. It is obvious that if you kill the soul, the "body" will die. Both the country and the whole Western civilization, when it comes to Western culture, is being boiled and crumbled before our eyes. Very soon it will cease to exist.

Who needs the destruction and disintegration of every western (Christian) country?Β 

Western (Christian) civilization?Β 

All human civilization? That's right, dictators, criminals and the Devil, Satan. The Prince of Darkness, the Enemy of the Human Race.Β 

Who do you serve as stupid liberasta faggots?Β 

Here's the answer at the top - morons are finished.Β 

You are killing the culture of your country and the whole European civilization in general.Β 

Unprecedented challenge.Β 

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