Guys who are out there give to Mommy Ilona Anna pass on to her rather my passion ❤️ 🔥 and my fire 🔥. I am all blazing with the fire of passion ❤️ 

Guys who are out there give to Mommy Ilona Anna pass on to her rather my passion ❤️ 🔥 and my fire 🔥. I am all blazing with the fire of passion ❤️ 


Mom Ilona Anna, what a squalor we have reached. Don't you know what fools gave these degenerates to fuck themselves all their lives? It's a shame for any decent pussy to shove those communist red carrots into themselves. Oh my God, Anna, fuck me rather Mom, I'm all grieving with impatience, I can no longer live without you Sweet 😊 

Give Us More Shame, Give Us Even More Shame to the Degenerates. Exhibitionism and universal shame is our credo of life! And we will not allow anyone to claim this world title! No one, you hear no one will take it away from us, we will block everyone, we will begin to bush by the legs of the 🦵 🦵 we will bite our necks, but we will not give our merits to the world community of morons of degenerates to any. 

       Thank you 🙏 for listening! 

And under the ancient under the column

He cast a curse from his mouth:

"Ah, guys, with the venerable Ilona Anna 

I'll leave soon, brethren! She got confused with poets, Obsessed with theaters —

So shasta with tickets 🎟 On visiting gladiators! "I," shouts, "from incivility. I'm going to be hysterical soon!". In general, angry as a fury. Encouraged by Obama! Just chirping and snickering... Oh, pour me the "doubles" again! Slaves giggle in my face. To war to me, but there is no war! I'm going to break all traditions — I can't handle both, igo down, patricians: I'm bitter with the Texans! I'll leave her home in Denver — Let him take Kamala with him. And on prosecutorial sesterties. I'll get myself a heterochka. In heterosexual though immoral. But they weren't crazy. In the hetera, let everything be clearer, But the relatives died. There I will be able to heal and I’m going to come out of the binge soon! And the patricians went home, Sex with Mom envied.

Transcript of the document for persons with low vision, hearing and brain. Intergalactic QR. To the bearer of this passage is open to all the doors of the world, including paradise. Owner injected 6 times out of turn Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.; born November 20, 1942, Scranton, Pennsylvania, former united islands territory is an American, world, planetary, intergalactic, political member of the world communist movement NWO of the Bolsheviks and the current chief paramedic of the planet from January 21, 2021 indefinitely. 

Transcript of the document for persons with low vision, hearing and brain. 

Intergalactic QR.

To the bearer of this passage is open to all the doors of the world, including paradise. Owner pricked 6 times out of turn in the ass area Alexander Boris de Pfefel Johnson. 19 June 1964 (57)

Manhattan, Nu York, USA. Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Briton, Nobel, planetary, intergalactic - political member of the world communist democratic movement of the Bolsheviks and acting chief paramedic of Foggy Albion on July 24, 2019 indefinitely. Included in the pass is an integral part of the leader, boris's intergalactic particle from three former creatures: Alegra Mostin-Owen (1987 – 1993). Marina Wheeler (1993 – 2018) with a transformation into . Keri Symands from 2021 – indefinitely, forever, forever. Dot 

  "How do you like these degenerates, Dad?" 

- Yes, I also say ::- to tell everyone together with wives and mistresses starting from kindergarten. The rest are shot in stadiums in each state. I suggest Dad work seven days a week in 3 shifts of 6 hours and 30 days. To shoot 66 people a day, I thought my unit would cope. And the cleaning of 🧹 corpses should be entrusted to the city services of snow and foliage removal, as well as garbage trucks and involve factories 🏭 for the manufacture of briquettes for the fireplace and distribute for free one bag per house / apartment. Still, finally, they should bring people at least some benefit, Dad!

        Family Affairs in Ancient Rome

The Shocking Licentiousness of Ancient Greece and Rome

The Rothschilds belong to the Orsini, along with the Rockafellers and many other large families. ALL of these ruling families have the same ancestry and all come from the Orsini, a Roman feudal family that separated in the eleventh century from the Boboni family descended from the Julio-Claudius. Incest is the norm for them. The world thought after the Second World War that it abolished evil and gained humanity, in fact evil was never overthrown, it just went into the shadows. Those who do not have good in themselves, those who do not have love do evil, being puppets. Nazism, Communism, Maoism, Zionism and other red-brown shit serve the same purpose, even though external antagonism is all subordinated to evil and the goal of establishing world evil.

To understand the psychology of these people, you need to familiarize yourself with their pedigree and relatives. 

The Greeks and Romans wrote their gods from themselves, so the behavior of the current budget alphonses of celestials is the embodiment of the innermost desires to be what their ancestors were. 

There's so much sex, blood, and cruelty out there that level XXX seems like an innocent show for kids. Let's at least take a member of Zeus. For some, it can pass through the file cabinet as Jupiter and the lord of the sky, thunder, lightning, who knows the whole world. This maniac and sexual terrorist cheats left and right for his wife Hera and is guided by one thing: to fertilize everything that moves. For the sake of this, he is ready to become at least a carcass, even a stuffed animal. He loves women and men equally: in the guise of a serpent he seduces Demeter and Persephone, in the skin of a bull - Europa, under the guise of a swan - Leda, pretending to be an eagle - a beautiful young man Ganymede, in the guise of an ant - Eurymedes, as a dove - Phthias, in a fiery guise - Aegina, as a satyr - Antiope, under the guise of a cloud - Io, in the guise of a hedgehog ... no, the hedgehog didn't seem to exist. But even the underground bunker, where Danae was hidden from this maniac, is not an obstacle for him. Zeus turns into a golden shower, seeps through the ceiling and penetrates into her womb. Well, what do you want? The guy has a bad heredity: dad is a god-eater. His father Kronos swallowed his children so as not to be overthrown, and Zeus was not digested only because a wise mother slipped her husband a stone wrapped in diapers instead of a newborn. However, the pope of Zeus threw out the things and the crap. Since his own father Uranus mistreated His mother Earth, Kronos once ambushed himself at his parents' bedchamber and at the very moment of his father's orgasm waved a sickle at the eggs, scratching dad the most expensive thing. He threw his father's reproductive organ into the sea, thanks to which the beautiful Aphrodite was born.

Yes, I will disappoint the beautiful ladies, who are sure that the goddess of love appeared from the sea foam, gentle and fragrant, like the German remedy "Badusan". Everything is much more brutal. Here is what the researcher of ancient culture Hans Licht writes on this subject: "In the oldest source (Hesiod, "Theogony") the following is unequivocally stated: "For a long time the penis rushed along the sea, and around it a white foam flowed from the immortal penis, and in it Aphrodite was born." That is, the reproductive organ, cut off at the time of sexual intercourse, was full of seed, which is now erupting outwards, giving rise to Aphrodite, in the sea and together with the sea. There's not a hint of sea foam here." Now imagine for a moment that for the people of the ancient world all this is not a fairy tale. This is a story as real as the Tatar-Mongol yoke is for us. The ancient Greeks did not doubt the exploits of Hercules and looked up to the gods in everything from actions to sex.

No sexual minorities

Boys and girls in ancient society lacked sexual orientation. The Greeks and Romans were not divided into heterosexuals, homosexuals or bisexuals – they were omnivores and all-sexual and fucked everything that moved. Even zoophilia (from ritual to household) they were quite tolerant, because it was not shunned by their sexually anxious gods. This can be confirmed by the myths of Leda and the Swan, the Minotaur, Triton, insatiable goat-footed satyrs, centaurs and ugly cynocephalus - people with dog heads. All this is an echo of the sexual contacts of the ancients with representatives of other biological species. For the ancient pagans, sex was not a sin under any circumstances. On the contrary, it is a priceless gift of the gods. It was they who made man a sexually omnivorous, and Plato's famous dialogue "Symposius" tells how it was. Zeus, when creating a person, immediately relied on three sexes: a man, a woman and a husband-woman (androgyne). He divided each sex in half – which is why those who are descended from the original man are looking for their soul mate in the form of men who are descended from the original woman – prefer women. And only from androgynes led their kind men who love women, and women who love men. So same-sex love is natural and God-pleasing in Hellas and ancient Rome. They didn't even have any special words to match our "gay" or "lesbian." But the personal name Pedophile was. And the ancient Greeks did not see anything reprehensible in it (as well as in the phenomenon itself).

Platonic Love

A common modern joke about the fact that "a pedophile differs from a teacher in that the former loves children truly", the ancient Greeks would hardly have appreciated. Pedophilia and pederasty were the most important part of the intellectual, spiritual and physical formation of a young man. A method of education sanctioned by the state. Upon reaching the age of twelve, every Greek teenager had to acquire a senior mentor who would give him all sorts of signs of attention, give him gifts, admire his beauty and instruct in all male prowess, acting as a guardian, adviser, friend, coach and sexual partner. The youngest in such pairs was called "ait" - the listener, and the older - "aispnell", the inspirer. And for a man it was considered a violation of the duty not to attract a young man to himself, and for a young man it was a shame not to be honored with such friendship.

By the way, those who consider the expression "platonic love" to be synonymous with love without physical contact will be curious to know that according to Plato, the highest manifestation of love is the harmonious fusion of the spiritual principle and the physical bodies of the mentor and the student. "Platonic love" is homosexual love. The Greeks considered homosexual love to be more sublime and profound than men's relaxing and pampering love for women. The world of ancient Hellas is a man's world. The woman in it is an inferior being, unable to satisfy the intellectual needs of men. It is suitable only for procreation and carnal pleasures. While young men are open to high thoughts, this is why only high relations are possible with them. A beautiful young man for a Greek is always preferable to a beautiful woman. No wonder Plato in protagoras writes: "The youthful color of a twelve-year-old boy brings me joy, but preferably a boy of about thirteen years. The one who is fourteen is an even sweeter flower of the Eros, and even more charming is the one who has just turned fifteen.

The sixteenth year is the age of the gods, and to desire a seventeen-year-old is not my destiny, but Zeus..." He is echoed by Strata: "I am not seduced by the luxury of hair or curly curls, if they are produced not by nature, but by the diligence of art. No, I like the thick dirt on the boy who had just come out of palestra and the gentle sheen of his body moistened with fresh olive oil. Love without embellishment is sweet to me, and artificial beauty is the work of a female Cyprida." No one could convince the ancient Greek of the educational benefits of pederasty, for it was from the pederasts, in their opinion, that the best defenders of the fatherland grew. After all, the lover of his partner did not flee from the enemy, but fiercely fought for his beloved until the very end. And that's the pure truth. Formed in Thebes, the elite Sacred Detachment, consisting of 150 love couples, heroically proved itself on the battlefields and completely laid down in the Battle of Chaeronea. Finally, anyone in Hellas knew that homosexuality was good for health. The famous Hippocrates was two hands for homosexual relations, for "to adult men they bring youth and health, and the masculinity and other positive qualities of an adult man through his seed are transmitted to adolescents." True, there were limitations. Homosexuality is the lot of free citizens, slaves did not have the right to enter into relations with free-born boys. Male prostitution was also not welcomed - it was believed that the one who sells his own body for money will easily renounce the common interests of the state. Rome, which adopted sexual customs from the Hellenes, was also very loyal to homosexuality. Edward Gibbon, an English historian of the 18th century, speaking of the first fifteen emperors, states that "Claudius was the only one whose taste in love relationships was completely natural." Everyone else cohabited with the boys. Moreover, emperor Hadrian, passionately in love with the teenage Greek Antinous, after he drowned, officially deified him and erected statues of him throughout the empire.

The Law Is Harsh

Nevertheless, neither the ancient Greeks nor the ancient Romans can be called adepts of free love. They had strict rules of sexual behavior. A Roman citizen could indulge in any sexual fun with women, men and teenagers. But - under two conditions. First, in an intimate relationship with a partner, he should always dominate. Be active, not passive. A passive role in sex was considered a disgrace, as the citizen becomes effeminate and, having lost his virtus (courage, valor), is useless civilly and militarily. In the army, passive homosexuality was considered a crime, a soldier caught in it was simply beaten with sticks. On the other hand, those who liked to play a passive role were contemptuously called "kinedas" or "paticus", lowering their legal status below the plinth. Like prostitutes, gladiators and actors, passive homosexuals had no right to vote in elections, nor could they represent themselves in court. The second rule: the subject of a citizen's sexual desire should stand at a lower social level than he does. This was dictated by purely economic reasons: so that the appearance of an illegitimate son of the same rank did not jeopardize the hereditary rights of legitimate offspring. If both rules were followed, no one ever reproached the Roman for his sexual preferences.

Kama Sutra for slaves

The sex life of married couples was quite bland in ancient Rome. Although in the Roman house they openly talk about sex, not hiding anything from the younger generation. Often, the wife and husband, retiring to the bedroom, do not even pull the canopy over the bed. Everyone can see the act of coition of the host and hostess - down to the domestic servant, who continues to quietly clean up to the house. However, a number of restrictions were imposed on the relationship between husband and wife in bed. It would never have occurred to a wife to ask her husband to deliver her oral caresses. Nor would her husband have asked her. There was a taboo on oral sex between equals in ancient Rome. I will say more - for this they were deprived of citizenship. A free Roman could receive pleasure, but not deliver it. This was considered shameful and indecent. But this taboo did not apply to slaves, freedmen and non-citizens. And therefore, an ancient Roman citizen, like an ancient Roman citizen, could get his own by resorting to the services of the lower rank. They could call a slave or a slave, go for inaccessible caresses to the nearest brothel, but not get them from a legal spouse. As archaeologist and historian Alberto Angela writes in his remarkable book A Day in Ancient Rome, "The Romans were simply fixated on the mouth. For them, the mouth is something noble, almost sacred. It is a social tool because people speak, address each other, exchange information, make speeches, and therefore, it must be pure and undefiled. In the Senate, the mouth generally becomes a political tool. So (...) to accuse a senator of having oral sex, to call him a Fellator, is to inflict a grave insult on him. This was tantamount to an accusation of treason for desecrating a mouth that has such an important function in the service of society."

That's Why Bill + Bill +

David + many more want in ancient times.  Bill would not have to apologize to Hilary and the nation, nor would he have to pay his lawyers. And his oval would not turn into a celebrity and a millionaire, but would be on the same level with slaves and prostitutes. The doors of decent houses would close in front of her forever... That's what they're building.


The Greeks saw masturbation as an outlet. Masturbation reduced, in their opinion, the number of rapes, the number of illegitimate births and suicides about unrequited love, so the matter is useful. They loved to depict such scenes on vases, and in their language there were an amazingly large number of words to reflect this concept, including the poetic "sing a wedding song with a hand" and "fight with a hand with Aphrodite" By the way, the Greeks preferred to use the left hand for this purpose (closer to the heart). And they didn't hesitate to do it in public. In particular, a bright representative of the philosophical school of the Cynics Diogenes of Sinope (the one who lived in a barrel, or rather, in a pithos - a hefty clay vessel for grain). Urging his fellow citizens in the square to be content with little and renounce passions in order to taste the serene joy of existence, he often picked up his tunic and began to masturbate, accompanying the action with a wise maxim: "Oh, if only I could just as easily, rubbing my stomach, get rid of hunger and want." Women in this area did not lag behind men. In the bedroom of each Greek woman there were devices called baubons or olisbs. These were made everywhere, but the best were self-satisfied from the city of Miletus, from where they were exported throughout the Oikoumene. The women were proud of them and often exchanged them among themselves. So, in the sixth mimiyamba of Geronda, entitled "Two Friends, or a Confidential Conversation", the metro girl complains that her friend Corrito had a wonderful olisb, but she, not having time to use it, handed it to her friend Eubula, and she told someone else, and it is a pity - because Metro would very much like to get this tool, because it was made by a skilled master.

Fidelity is a relative concept

We were given the testimony of Euripides, here is what is written in the interrogation protocol: the Greeks were the first of the ancient peoples to observe the principle of monogamy, believing that the introduction of many wives into the house is a barbarian custom and unworthy of a noble Hellen. But at the same time, adultery in ancient times extended only to women. The wife's infidelity was severely condemned, and the husband had every right to kill her lover, and sometimes herself. Society turned a blind eye to her husband's infidelity and the presence of many concubines. And Hans Licht wrote: "Greek public opinion did not know the arguments using which it would be possible to condemn a man who was tired of the eternal monotony of married life and seeking rest in the arms of an intelligent and charming courtesan or who knew how to brighten up everyday routine with a conversation with a pretty young man." And it is impossible not to admit that in this the Greeks were more moral than we are, since they recognized the presence of a man's tendency to polygamy and acted not secretly, but openly. The current polites wants to make us all more honest, and poets will be forced to praise the ideal of an understanding woman who did not interfere with her husband's love affairs. For example, the Greek was in every right to even collapse with friends in the company of girls to his home - the wife in this case was supposed to show modesty, retire to the female part of the house and patiently wait for the end of the feast. In Sparta, treason was actually welcome. This small and warlike state was vitally interested in increasing the number of warriors strong in body and spirit. Moreover, Spartan husbands of age could entrust their marital duties to younger men of their choice, since each of them equally disposed of both his own children and those of others. In Rome, the laws of Augustus provided for strict punishment for violation of marital fidelity, for adultery with someone else's wife, but for concubinate, for communication with a concubine, men were not punished. And, of course, every man of the ancient world had every right to visit brothels. After all, the connection with a prostitute was not considered treason at all.

Nocturnal butterflies

Neither Ancient Greece nor Ancient Rome knew the lack of tolerance and prostitutes in houses of tolerance. The ancient world looked at corrupt love without prejudice. It's a necessary, useful, profitable business. And very beneficial for the state budget. Brothels were in Greece under the supervision of city officials, and brothel keepers were required to pay an annual tax to the state. The Romans treated visiting brothels in much the same way we did about visiting public restrooms. I walked, pressed, walked in, walked out. At the same time, the wife could easily wait for her husband in the tavern opposite and even ask him not to rush much. It seems wild to us. For the Romans, it's perfectly normal. After all, they did not see adultery in this. The husband became an adulterer only when he had sex with an equal. And the rest is how to relieve the need, how to brush your teeth. Therefore, the Roman matron could easily, bored, gnaw on a peach in her room, while in the next one her husband frolicked with wild screams with a slave or slave. And she was not at all shocked that in the evening he went with his friends to let off steam in the nearest brothel. The brothels (they were called lupanaria) in the Eternal City were like mud, and they all worked on the principle of an assembly line, which Henry Ford himself would envy. To speed up customer service and automate the process of providing sex services, the owners of lupanariums have even introduced special tokens - spintria. They were made of bronze, less often of bone, and resembled coins. On one side of it was depicted a sexual act, on the other was a number. The pose depicted on the spintria corresponded to the service provided by the prostitute for this token, and the figure was either the price or the number of the booth. Historians do not have a consensus on this. At the same time, the price was ridiculous. On average - 2 assa, like a glass of cheap wine. Child prostitution was also widespread. In Rome, entire farms of sex workers flourished, whose owners bought child slaves and raised orphans for prostitution. Their sexual use was allowed by law, for which taxes were regularly paid to the treasury. Moreover, the rape of a slave or a slave by a pimp was not punishable.

In Rome, the laws of Augustus provided for severe penalties for violation of marital fidelity, but every man of the ancient world had every right to visit brothels. after all, the connection with a prostitute was not considered treason at all.

Size matters...

The image of a phallus on the streets of ancient cities was found almost more often than in our days the word of three letters on the fence. Phallus was idolized. He was worshipped. The Greeks placed square columns in front of temples and houses with a male head and an erect genital organ, which, in their opinion, guarded roads, borders and gates. The Romans preferred huge stone members that were installed in squares, streets, in front of the entrance to houses and taverns. They were cut down on the walls of porticoes, on pavements, hung over children's cradles, ovens of bakers, were an integral part of the landscape of gardens, fields and vegetable gardens. Bronze phalluses (and often whole bundles of them) with bells inside were hung from the ceiling of the dwelling or at the entrance. They were called "tintinnabuls" and rang if they were touched. And everyone who passed by touched them, because otherwise he risked losing his luck and health. And all because the people of antiquity believed that an erect penis is a terrible force. He was for them a symbol of prosperity, prosperity, abundance, fertility and fertility. A symbol of victory, wealth and success in business. In addition, the phallus as a source of seed and life was credited with the magical ability to drive away troubles, misfortunes and scare away evil spirits. And if a Christian, faced with something terrible and unknown, in our days exclaims "the power of the cross is with us!", then the ancient Roman for the same purpose would invoke phallic power. Therefore, the first thing that an ancient Roman boy received as a gift from his parents were a rattle in the form of a penis and a fascinum - a stone, bronze or bone image of a phallus, which he wore around his neck as an amulet, sometimes adding to it for reliability also the image of a fig, a cookie - an ancient symbol of sexual intercourse. And in life, the ancient Romans, like the Greeks, preferred a member of modest size. Great masculine dignity was considered impractical, unaesthetic and even comical. This is easy to see by looking at the ancient statues. Between their legs hangs not a miracle the size of XXL, but a device for the study of which you need tweezers and a magnifier. Almost a child's size. The ancients believed size was not the main thing. The main thing is love heat and the ability to fertilize. And it was believed that for this the shorter the device - the better. Aristotle wrote that a short term has a lot of advantages: it looks more beautiful, the seed has to overcome a shorter distance, and therefore it more accurately reaches the goal. Logic! The exception was theater. In the Eternal City, the performances of acrobatic sex began to be in demand - a kind of analogue of modern film pornography. The actors on the stage tried to amaze the audience with their incredible poses that shamed the Kama Sutra, and the audience - to see everything in detail. Therefore, in these shows (shown in between classic comedies and tragedies), actors with huge penises were valued. After all, they could be seen even from the far rows. Ancient people treated the hygiene of the penis with reverence. Regularly washed, anointed with oil, and before performing physical exercises, he was subjected to infibulation, namely: they pulled the foreskin on the head and tied with a ribbon so that, God forbid, it would not damage. So the antique fitness room looked much funnier than modern ones: a crowd of naked men - and each had a dick with a bow.

BeautifulLy Tasking Goddess

If we talk about the canon of female beauty, the tastes of the ancient Greeks and Romans were close to the tastes of today's Caucasians. They appreciated curvy blondes. And to be competitive with blonde German slaves, women invented many clever recipes. Wigs, citric acid, onion husks, milk and even lime were used. And since the light shiny skin, according to men, testified not only to aristocracy, but also to passion, women tried not to sunbathe and washed with goat and donkey milk. However, it took more to be known as a sex bomb. A low forehead, a straight nose and large bulging eyes were needed, and the distance between the eyes should have been at least the size of one eye, and the mouth - one and a half times the size of the eye. In addition, wide hips, powerful legs, breasts that fit in a man's palm or a little more, and a slightly overhanging bulging stomach were needed. These forms were considered perfect, as they served as a guarantee of fertility. Great attention was paid to the buttocks. The Greeks generally had a clear point on this matter. They idolized Aphrodite Callipiga - Aphrodite the Beautiful, built her a special temple and regularly held competitions in her honor to identify the best callipiga of Hellas. These beauty contests of women's asses enjoyed incredible popularity in all Greek polis, the fillet part excited Greek men clearly more than women's breasts. By the way, the usual symbol of a heart pierced by an arrow comes from ancient Greece. But it has nothing to do with the anatomical heart. It's a stylized part of a woman's ass, and the arrow piercing it is one of the oldest phallic symbols. Draw your own conclusions... The second Greco-Roman point in the field of sexual and aesthetic preferences was hair vegetation. They could not stand it in spirit, they considered it a terribly unaesthetic sign of barbarism. And everywhere - on the legs, and under the armpits, and in the genital area. Their ideal was a woman with a smoothly shaven womb, and men did not care at all about how much torment this was achieved. And here women can only sympathize. Thus, the comedian Plato speaks of "hand-plucked myrtle bushes", and according to Aristophanes, women often used a lit lamp or hot ash for this purpose.

Perhaps some

know, or have heard of the adventures of Asterix and Obelix. 

Well, it was not so long ago, in the 50th year BC Julius Caesar conquered Gaul, and the inhabitants of one small village refused to pay taxes to the Romans. They had a magic drink in the village, drinking which the above-mentioned inseparable friends Asterix and Obelix, became super sexy heroes who ruled the entire Roman Empire.  So, during their fucking and adventures in Italy, they met the coronavirus, and with its faithful bacillus. What they did to him is still unclear, but given that we are now with him, it is likely that the coronavirus then evaded intimacy and escaped, discovering its passion ❤️ 🔥 full and strong only now.

The people in the UN building 🇺🇳 selected exceptionally. Hunchbacked, squinting David Rockefeller well learned the lessons of his communist brother, also David, who went to the forefathers a little earlier: - Cadres decide everything. As part of these commandments, the UN quarter in New York city was turned into a special purpose garage and something similar between the period of the Roman Empire and the Qing Empire (the modern communist, bleeding abscess of the world China 🇨🇳). 

Map of flat earth at the UN 🇺🇳 inside the building is, now David, to strengthen his youthful fantasies and childhood dreams of the profession of a bullfighter, decided to architecturally enhance the impression of Argentine buffalo and reindeer penguins with this cute composition near the entrance group of this international brothel of tolerance led by a socialist mechanic - a Marxist who does not know where to buy or sew a decent costume. lest we observe this crumpled communist shit found in some urban garbage dump by David, laundered and planted on the farm of the world.  The debauchery, boundless greed, and pathological sadism of the Roman Caesars .  From the book of the ancient Roman historian Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus "The Life of the Twelve Caesars", written by him in 120 AD. Almost all of the first Roman emperors were homosexuals, more precisely bisexuals. They had wives, most of them had numerous mistresses, but they also had perverse sexual relations with men, in most cases either in a passive form or in the form of pedophilia with boys. 

Painting "Vercingetorix throws weapons at the feet of Caesar"

Julius Caesar in his youth was sent on official business to Bithynia (a subordinate state to Rome in Asia Minor), and there the Bithynian king Nicomedes "corrupted its purity." And Caesar liked it so much that when he returned from a business trip, he came up with an obviously far-fetched excuse to go to Nicomedes again. The Bithynian king was even nicknamed "Caesar's back friend", and Caesar himself began to be called the "royal litter", and when Caesar was elected consul, the second consul, Bibulus, called his colleague "Bithynian queen". When Caesar once in the Senate began to praise Nicomedes, he was interrupted by Cicero with the words "everyone knows perfectly well ... what have you given him." Even soldiers from Caesar's army sang mocking songs about his connection to Nicomedes. Senator Curion Sr. called Caesar "the husband of all wives and the wife of all husbands."

Caesar's heir was Octavius Augustus. Modern historians for some reason write his name as "Octavian", but all Roman historians write "Octavius". It seems that the Romans were more visible what their ruler's name was.

Patron of the arts presents liberal arts to Emperor Augustus

So, Augustus was adopted by Caesar, and at the same time was in a "shameful relationship" with his adoptive parent, and even, as Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus reports, "his innocence, revealed by Caesar, he offered later in Spain and Aulus Hirtius for three hundred thousand sesterces." Well, why not blue prostitution? Growing up and getting married, Augustus became "a great lover of young girls, who were obtained from everywhere by his wife herself," but in his old age he was drawn to boys - "he liked their pretty faces ... and he bought them from everywhere, especially from Syria and Mauritania." The next Roman emperor, Tiberius, "had boys of the most tender age, whom he called his fish and with whom he had fun in bed." Tiberius could not resist his passion for boys even during religious rites, as evidenced by this example:

Offering gifts by Mary Magdalene to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. Painting by artist Vereshchagin

"At the sacrifice, he once became so inflamed by the charm of the boy carrying the censer that he could not resist, and after the ceremony almost immediately took him aside and molested him, and at the same time his brother, the flutist; but when they began to reproach each other with dishonor, he commanded them to kill their shins."

Such a sadistic "love."

The Roman historian describes other homosexual and pedophile amusements of emperor Tiberius so naturalistically that in translation part of the text from the book of Suetonius was omitted, and the translator honestly indicated in the notes that "the translation is softened", so you will not read this abomination - the most obscene fragments are not included in it. The next Roman emperor, Gaius Caesar Caligula, was in a "shameful relationship" with Marcus Lepidus, with the pantomime (actor) Mnester, and "with some hostages" (in Rome there was a tradition to take hostage the sons of the rulers of the conquered peoples).

Death of Caligula

And another partner of Caligula, Valerius Catullus, "a young man from a consular family," declared publicly that "his lower back hurts from fun with the emperor."

In addition, Caligula had another sexual perversion - incest. He had sex with all of his sisters. Then there is an unprecedented, simply unique case in the early history of the Roman Empire - the emperor Claudius ascended the throne, who was neither homosexual, nor bisexual, nor pedophile, and never, never in his life, had sexual contact with males.

Emperor Claudius

However, the next emperor, Nero, tried to correct this omission. As reported about Nero by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, "he made the boy Spor a eunuch and even tried to make him a woman: he arranged a wedding with him with all the rites, with a dowry and with a torch, with great pomp he introduced him into the house and lived with him as a wife."

Siemiradzki. Christian Dircea in Nero's Circus

And here is another colorful quote about the emperor Nero from the book "The Life of the Twelve Caesars": He gave his own body so many times to debauchery that hardly one of his remained undefiled. To top it off, he came up with a new pastime: in animal skin, he jumped out of the cage, pounced on naked men and women tied to poles, and, having satiated wild lust, surrendered to the freedman Doryphorus: for this Doryphorus he married as him - Spor, screaming and screaming like a raped girl. "

Such emperor Nero was a "universal": he managed to try everything in his life, even got married. It is not surprising that rebellions and rebellions arose against such an original, riots began in the Empire, and within a year Galba, Otho and Vitellius ascended the throne one by one. "Everything is like a selection of fire-guys", to put it in the words of Arkady Gaidar. Here is what Suetonius writes in the Life of the Twelve Caesars about the emperor Galba:

"He felt lust more for men, and for adults and strong ones: it is said that when Ikel, his chief concubine, brought him the news of Nero's death to Spain, he not only kissed him tenderly in front of everyone, but also immediately asked him to prepare in his arms, and then took him away."Emperor Otho, who overthrew Galba, was the first of his friends during Nero's lifetime, not only because of the similarity of morals, but also "because of the depraved intimacy with him." The next Roman autocrat, Vitellius, in childhood and adolescence was one of the lovers of the already mentioned pedophile emperor Tiberius. For his son's intimate services, Vitellius' father was appointed consul.

Emperor Vitellius

By the way, Daddy Vitellia was in love with a freedwoman, and even "he mixed her saliva with honey to treat her throat like a drug, and not occasionally or imperceptibly, but everyday and in front of everyone." But this is a wonderful idea for today's "traditional healers" turned on urine therapy - to be treated with the saliva of a beloved woman. It's probably nicer that way. In adulthood, Vitellius did not give up the habits of youth, and debauched with the freedman Asiaticus, who was terribly tired, and he tried to escape from the royal lover, but was caught, and forced to continue the banquet. After the murder of Vitellius, a miracle happened again - the heterosexual Vespasian ascended the Roman imperial throne, who had never been seen in homosexual contacts in his life (at least, Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus does not write anything about Vespasian's homosexuality).

Emperor Vespasian

By the way, it was to this hero of Suetonius's book that the phrase "Money does not smell" belongs, and it had a literal meaning - Vespasian introduced a special tax on sortirs, and when his eldest son Titus tried to shame the self-serving father, "he took a coin from the first profit, brought it to his nose and asked if it stinks. " No," Titus replied. "But it's money from urine," Vespasian said.

They say that the apple from the apple tree does not fall far away. But with the children of Vespasian, this proverb did not work - the apples fell very far. If Vespasian himself was of normal sexual orientation, then his sons, Titus and Domitian, looked into the blue distances.

Titus in his youth was a great lover of boys and eunuchs, and he had many such lovers, however, becoming emperor, he abandoned bad habits, stopped sleeping with boys and "did not even want to look at them." The example of Titus proves that it is possible to change orientation by force of will. Titus' younger brother, Domitian, is the last of the twelve Caesars described in Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus.

Domitian in his youth was the lover of the one-eyed praetor Clodius Pollion, and, in addition, Domitian was the lover of the senator Nerva, who became emperor after his assassination. Most likely, Vespasian was just a latent homosexual, whose orientation was not openly manifested, and his homosexual inclinations were in a "sleeping" state (or, as an option, he was just successfully disguised), but in his sons, Titus and Domitian, bad heredity came out, and they made a "coming out".

So, of the first 12 Roman emperors, 10 were open homosexuals (and this is 83%). Taking into account the latent homosexual Vespasian, it is already 11 out of 12, that is, 92%. You can, in principle, say - what difference does it make with her, with the orientation, would be a good person.

However, they were not good people.

As Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus testifies, almost all of the "twelve Caesars" were characterized by extreme cruelty, and some even pathological sadism, and almost all of them were characterized by exceptional greed, and shamelessly took property from Roman citizens and inhabitants of the provinces. Julius Caesar, as Suetonius delicately writes, "found no selflessness in either military or civilian positions," "in his first consulate he stole three thousand pounds of gold from the capitoline temple," and then engaged in "blatant robbery."

Augustus executed those who surrendered to him - "killed them like sacrificial cattle."

Emperor Tiberius executed rich people on knowingly false charges in order to confiscate their property. As Suetonius writes, "not a day passed without execution." For the first time in history, Tiberius introduced the death penalty for "thought crimes" - people began to be executed simply for words unpleasant to the emperor, or considered "seditious".

Children were executed for the crimes of their parents. Tiberius ordered that underage girls be raped by the executioner before execution. Tiberius personally observed the torture, and even came up with new, previously unknown ways to torture people. Gaius Caligula continued Tiberius' policy of mass executions for nothing, only this emperor introduced one innovation in the execution procedure - in addition to the usual methods of deprivation of life, people began to be fed to wild animals in the circus. Caligula loved to look at torture and executions while eating. I guess that's how his digestion improved. However, the property of the executed for his magnificent entertainment was not enough, so Gaius Caligula forced the Romans to draw up wills, where he was declared the heir, and those wills where the emperor was not indicated as the heir were recognized as invalid. But Emperor Claudius was just an idiot. Literally. As Suetonius writes, "He did not even hide his folly; however, in several speeches he claimed that he was purposely pretending to be a fool under Gaius, since otherwise he would not have remained alive ... however, he did not convince anyone." As the evil tongues said, he didn't even have to pretend. Suetonius adds of Claudius that "in his actions he often found such rashness that he did not seem to know or understand who he was, with whom, where and when he spoke." About the emperor Nero, Suetonius reports that under him "Christians were punished, adherents of a new and malicious superstition" (this attitude to Christianity was preserved by absolutely all Roman pagan rulers who persecuted Christians until the beginning of the IV century, until, finally, the emperor Constantine realized the truth of Christian doctrine and declared Christianity the state religion). In addition to banning Christianity, Nero managed to screw up many other unseemly deeds. For example, he killed a whole bunch of his relatives, including his own mother Agrippina. The executions of ordinary people under Nero took place in exactly the same way as under Tiberius and Caligula. In addition, Nero set a fire in Rome, which destroyed almost two-thirds of the city. The emperor sent his servants with torches to set fire to houses all over the city, as "he was disgusted by ugly old houses and narrow crooked alleys." Emperor Galba introduced his own innovation into the practice of executions. If earlier the execution was preceded by a court procedure that formalized the emperor's will to kill a person in the proper legal form (a guilty court verdict), then Galba simplified everything - they began to execute without trial, simply by order.The court still handed down predetermined sentences, and it took some time, and Galba valued time. Emperor Otho was the ruler for only three months, and spent them in the war, so he did not have time to screw anything up (except for the fact that before that, being friends with Nero, for a "huge bribe" he achieved the appointment of a convicted criminal to the Senate). But the emperor Vitellius showed exactly the same sadism as his earlier predecessors. As Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus writes of him, "To execute anyone and for anything was a pleasure for him." Emperor Vespasian stopped mass executions, not out of the kindness of his heart, but because he considered it more profitable to take money from defendants for acquittals. Bribes began to be given quite openly and legally. In addition, Vespasian began to sell government positions to those people who wanted to occupy them. Thus, Emperor Vespasian legalized corruption, and made it part of the state system. Millions of officials around the world probably dream of such a leader. The only Roman emperor who, having a lot of time and opportunities, did not do the Romans anything bad or shameful is Titus. However, before leading the state, Titus, being one of the Roman generals, destroyed Jerusalem, and took bribes for mediation in resolving various disputes by his father, Vespasian. Emperor Domitian, who closes the list of 12 Caesars whose lives are narrated by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, clearly had a certain discord in his head: "he locked himself up for several hours every day and was engaged in catching flies and piercing them with a sharp slate." But if only flies suffered from it! Domitian resumed mass executions and torture, and even personally invented a new torture - "cauterized shameful members." But he needed executions not for the sake of pleasure, but self-interest for - the property of the executed was confiscated, and accusations were invented. Out of greed, Domitian abandoned the system of legal corruption introduced by Vespasian, and began to dismiss judges convicted of bribery: the emperor wanted the money to go to him personally, and not part (bribe), but all the property of the accused in full. In addition, Domitian, like Caligula, began to appropriate other people's inheritances. For every action there is a reaction, so when the Roman emperors pestered the people with their arts I hate it, there were people who killed arrogant tyrants.

Pushkin's phrase about "autocracy limited to a noose" is quite suitable for the Roman Empire. Julius Caesar, Gaius Caligula, Galba, Vitellius, and Domitian were killed with bladed weapons, Tiberius was strangled, Claudius was poisoned, Nero and Otho committed suicide to avoid falling into the hands of their opponents, and only Augustus, Vespasian, and Titus managed to die a natural death. Thus, of the first 12 Roman "Caesars," only 25% died of natural causes, and 75% were either killed or forced to commit suicide.

In the event of the death of the emperor, including if the death was violent, in many cases he was canonized as a god, in order to somehow maintain the authority of the government as such. It was necessary to convince the people that emperors behave so strangely not because they have a sick psyche or moral degradation in the last stage, but because they are beings of a higher order to whom human morality does not apply. Therefore, in Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus in the book "The Life of the Twelve Caesars" the chapters on some emperors are called so: divine Julius, Divine Augustus, Divine Claudius, Divine Vespasian, Divine Titus - these figures after death were recognized as gods. But Caligula, for example, declared himself a god during his lifetime. Temples were built for divine emperors, special priests were appointed to worship the emperor and to give him divine honors. Refusing to worship the cult of the emperor or questioning his divine nature was equated with sacrilege. So, the idea of the great Roman Empire, bringing the light of civilization to backward peoples and grateful descendants, and being a model for all progressive humanity is nothing more than a myth, and real Roman history is an endless series of senseless executions, murders, sadistic cruelties, sexual perversions, robbery of the people, and various other outrages that have become the norm of everyday life for Rome. And at the very top of this parasitic state, which lived at the expense of war booty and slave labor, there were almost always such rulers who can only be called degenerates, another decent word is even difficult to find. In addition, note the following: the first Roman emperors were distinguished simultaneously by homosexual sexual orientation, sadistic cruelty, and pathological greed. From this we can conclude that these qualities are closely interrelated, and all these three human properties are signs of degeneration. Therefore, if on the path of life you come across a sadist or a very self-serving person, you can draw appropriate conclusions about his sexual orientation. Whoever he pretends to be.

Me and Monica in 2001 at the same party. Do you remember Mo? Tribule X

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