NWO project and its main figures 

NWO project and its main figures 

TRibUlE bUReaU

The UN, the IMF and the World Bank want to kill the existing order, and for the new global economy to be based on programmable digital currencies of the Central Bank, biometric wallets and digital identifiers associated with vaccine passports, carbon footprints and a social credit system based on their anti-values.

SDR = social credit score for countries.

ESG = Social credit assessment for companies.

CBDC = Social Credit Score for Citizens.

Quarantine, covid, censorship, inflation, war, and climate change are all tools to help them achieve their goal.

Let this mini-prison isolator video be that red pill for normal people to help wake up from lethargic sleep.


Altering the Human Genome: "The Long-Term Effects Won't Just Be Symptomatic"

Dr David Martin: "The project that started Moderna [Darwinian Chemical Systems] itself was a project in which they specifically figured out how to get mRNA to write themselves into the genome of any purpose they were pursuing... And the fact is that Moderna was launched after it was proved that mRNA can be transfected and recorded in the human genome. "


Epigraph of the month of July 

The definition of globalist and elite certainly doesn't fit the NWO conspirators at all. The Jewish Negro Gang is also not an entirely accurate definition. The Jewish, Negro, Masonic state gang of budgetary alphonses, here is a more accurate definition of this international NWO OCG. 

Killed Dr. Zelneko, well, nothing, soon 🔜 and your turn will come to the coffin ⚰️, if of course there is something to put there. 

We know that many members of the conspiracy are very nervous, this is understandable, taking on the chest such a Mega crime is not easy. Only a complete degenerate could decide on such a thing. By the way, now in social networks it is seen especially well. 👌 

It would be naïve to believe that this project is possible without Elon's satellites. 
Elon Musk remained completely silent for 8 days. 

His last post is a 7/11 meme. Elon Musk plays the role of the False Prophet, promising the World eternal life by digitizing their consciousness.

7/11 is July 11. This is exactly 17 days after the first Q message dated October 28, 2017. June 24, 1717 - the foundation of Freemasonry.

October 28 is a significant day, the day Q first published the message. And that's the day the St. Louis Gate Arch was built. And it's also Bill Gates' birthday.

The leader of "Q" Vincent Kennedy published 7/11. Remember that Donald Trump also "erroneously" said 7/11 instead of 9/11, referring to the attacks on the WTC.

Date - 06.06.2022; 6-6-6. Bill Gates turns 66 years and 222 days old, George W. Bush 911 months old, Obama 22,222 days old, and Trump 666,000 hours. 

On June 24 of this year, Q's return, as well as the Moon's accession to a rare planetary alignment that began on the day Trump turned 666,000 hours old.

7/11/22 will mark the beginning of the 2664th week of Elon Musk's life. 2664= 666 + 666 + 666 + 666. As well as 17 days since Q returned.

Time and time again, we've seen events seem to happen according to dates like these. This can be considered their ritual date.

2/22/22 is an event that occurs once every 248 years. The time between this date and the eclipse of 2024 is 22 months and 2 days! Pluto has connected (turned) with the United States. The last time this happened was on July 4, 1776, the day America was founded. Astrologically, Pluto brings Destruction and Rebirth. Rome fell when Pluto returned.

Worthy of each other interlocutors 

«... Would you like to join me for a conversation at the Clubhouse? "It would be a great honor to talk to you,'" he said, writing the second part of the phrase in Russian language.

Even then, we were wondering what kind of fishing 🎣 Igor Kesaev's yacht participated in the Suez Canal, if you "reel" a little time and look at the previous geolocations of the Merdokvo yacht Vertigo and its trail. The trail leads directly to the Sky superyacht, owner Igor. 


🇺🇸 Elon Musk's ex-wife Grimes decided to prepare and enters the role of a rock opera based on the Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx. 


     All, Los Angeles Went On Pussy 


        NOTE, THREE = CHIP 

Elon Musk – Natal Chart Calculation

Date of birth: June 28, 1971 at 12 h. 0 min. (GMT +2) 

Locality: Pretoria, South Africa 

Coordinates: latitude 25°s45′ longitude 28°e11′


Planets Longitude

Q Sun f Cancer 06°04'10"

W Luna h Virgo 10°29'26"

E Mercury f Cancer 14°27'22"


&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp



Planets Aspects of Planet Orb

Q Sun t Sextile W Moon 4.42

Q Sun r Square I Uranus 3.41

Q Sun o Quincons O Neptune 5.26


Planet Configurations

Tau Square Q Sun – I Uranus – M Chiron

Tau Square E Mercury – I Uranus – M Chiron

Large Square Q Sun – I Uranus – E Mercury – M Chiron


Elon Musk – natal chart interpretation

Q Sun in cancer f 06°

Solar Cancer belongs to the type of very sensitive people with a subtle mental organization. He acutely feels any disapproving look in his direction, and is very worried about it.

This is part of the cover of The Economist's "The World in 2019", late 2018. The Economist is partly owned by the Rothschilds. So there's nothing random here.

Under Putin's face, we see the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse walking through Europe. According to most interpretations, horsemen represent War, Death, Famine, and Pestilence. 

One of the horsemen is the Statue of Liberty and wears a face mask, an ominous prediction of COVID-1984 and possibly another epidemic? 

The situation in Russia|Ukraine can mean war and famine [planned food shortages]. 

Next to Putin's head, the words "Putin's pipelines" are written the other way around. In occult circles, mirror writing is often associated with Satanism and black magic based on the inversion of symbols. 

Russian oil pipelines have become a serious problem.

They need to give a very tough answer and put everyone on their knees in the pose and put a shovel in the ass and so on until the victory keep on the chain ⛓ of jackals NWO 



Dr Mike Ryan, WHO Emergency Programme Manager:

"The conditions we are witnessing in Ukraine are the worst possible factors in the intensification and spread of infectious diseases. It doesn't matter if it's #COVID19, it doesn't matter if it's polio, it doesn't matter if it's measles, it doesn't matter if it's cholera; Unfortunately, pestilence and infectious diseases have always been considered one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse."

This is apparently due to moderna's recent announcement of 15 new injections of mRNA personally identified by WHO.

Moderna CEO Stephane Bankel: "What have we been thinking a lot about is how do we better prepare the world for the next outbreak or pandemic?"

They always warn about the future and about plans ...


We also respect and love the signs, just as the members of the international gang love and revere the number 666. The difference between us and them is only the numbering of the numbers . For example, today we are choosing the number 10 and 10 types of violations of the Nuremberg Code in the false Covid-19 pandemic.


No one recognizes the redhead Donald Fedotych Trump? 

The mansion of a friend of the main sponsor of the WHO, a friend of Gates, pedophile Jeffrey Epstein on the Upper East Side was sold to a mysterious buyer for $ 51 million.

According to the victims' lawyer Epstein, the mansion of a friend of the WHO's main sponsor Gates on the Upper East Side was sold at a large discount from the original asking price of $ 88 million. It was bought by an unknown buyer for $ 51 million. 

More on the main figures of the NWO project George Soros: This Prohindei Magyar Nazi owned a significant share of the pharmaceutical/biotechnology company WuXi AppTec in Wuhan, where Chinese actors played their assigned role of people falling dead.

One address is enough to understand: the company is owned by Soros, however, we will give a more specific geolocation to make it clear that the company is located in Wuhan. As can be seen from the order, Soros owned a stake in WuXi AppTec at 666 Goaxin Road for about $ 250,000.

Soros owned the company and the date of ownership dates back to 2011. So they were preparing to make a virus, but they did not succeed. And later they decided to turn off the information lie of pharma - bio media. All of Soros' holdings were listed on the market watch list and protected investors by the SEC in 2011.

However, apparently, if Soros has not gotten rid of his stake in this company at the moment, we can say with a certain degree of certainty that the efforts of Soros and Bill Gates in taking care of the health of the citizens of the Earth merged and summed up. According to a report published earlier, the American company Schrödinger Inc., with offices in Portland and New York, whose software is used in pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology laboratories, and provides molecular modeling and software solutions for enterprises to improve the efficiency of drug discovery and material development in science, has raised funding of $ 85 million, which was carried out by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Chinese biopharmaceutical company. 

The Chinese biopharmaceutical company is an oklo-sorov company called WuXi AppTec.

Foundations/companies such as Deerfield Management, Baron, Qiming Venture Partners and GV, formerly known as Google Ventures, also participated in the donations.

The Microsoft co-founder has donated $10 million three times to Schrödinger since 2010. in 2010 and $20 million in 2012.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has $50.7 billion in assets in 2017, is a tax-free private fund that holds the donated investment assets of Bill and Melinda Gates, as well as Warren Buffett. The Trust was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington.

As you can see, the paths of two mega bandits Gates and Soros, so far from the bio-, pharmaceutical- and other - industry people, united in a false coronavirus agenda, and Gates' connection with [COVID19] is no less obvious than the connection with him of the same Soros. 
Scotland's NWO Criminals' Parliament votes to usurp power and makes the false agenda of "emergency powers" [COCID19] permanent.

Yesterday, Members of the Scottish Parliament voted to permanently incorporate some emergency measures, originally introduced temporarily to "combat the pandemic", into Scottish law.

The Covid Act in Scotland, originally passed in March 2020, gives the decentralised parliament a number of powers it has not previously enjoyed. It has now been renamed the Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) Bill (Scotland) and codifies a number of these "emergency" powers into permanent legislation.

Among such powers are the constant conduct of criminal cases via video link, remote registration of deaths and other practices that open a truly chic gate for corruption, while themselves having nothing to do with health or its preservation.


100% power grab 

A group of degenerate Oval Office nurses from the drug cartel continue to devastate the US budget and agree to pay Pfizer 56% more 

The pharmaceutical giant is already breaking profit records and is expected to reach more than $ 100 billion in revenue this year, 2022.

On Wednesday, Nurse Joe's administration signed a new agreement with Pfizer to supply $3.2 billion worth of vaccines for 105 million injections of the venom. And this is only the first batch of mRNA injections. In total, the contract will bring Pfizer much more than $ 9 billion, since this recent purchase agreement ends on 300 million cans of poison. Compared to previous agreements with Pfizer, this public-private agreement without a tender will cost American taxpayers significantly to significantly more.

My grandfather's administration justified this kind of business by saying that it needed to replenish supplies to prepare for seasonal false peaks. The data does not support this claim... 

BlackRock is on its way to owning everything

Thanks to Larry Fink's parasitic brainchild Aladdin. 

Anyone who follows the financial news is well aware of BlackRock, an insatiable parasitic financial institution that devours every attractive asset it targets. Larry Fink is the founder of BlackRock along with his creation of artificial intelligence, known as Aladdin, which means 'Investment Network in Assets, Liabilities, Debts and Derivatives'.

In the video, the vision of the degenerates with their artificial intelligence - a monster carrying out the orders of its owner ...


🇺🇸Woke up, as they say: North Dakota residents go crazy because of the mystery of the purchase of land by Bill Gates

"The public is kind of outraged," said Doug Goering, North Dakota's agriculture commissioner. "It's a question ... he has nothing to do with land, he has nothing to do with agriculture, he travels to different states and buys land."

It's amazing to watch the plebs wake up when Gates had already become the largest landowner in the U.S. And it's strange that about the land they had a question that it "has nothing to do with agriculture," and about the BigPharma injections, for which their government lays out their dollars, billions of their dollars, no one was outraged that he was not a doctor.


If most diseases/cancers end up coming from parasites, and specific parasites need a host cell to live and reproduce, then what the hell is the NIH scam Fauci, in partnership with Gates Sr.'s family planning organization, injecting people with "aborted fetus cells" that they collect and insert into Gates vaccines that will be given to children as well? And what if the cells of the aborted fetus are the "host"? Also, why are "fetal cells" added to our food and drink, coca-cola and nestlé?

Why don't animals in nature get cancer, even though their bodies work just like ours? Maybe it's because they don't eat our food and don't prick our vaccines?

Given today's planned parenthood fiasco, what might their exposure lead to? To a frank undisguised farm. genocide, which, in fact, has been going on for two and a half years.

This is for you long memory grandfather, although it is unlikely that you will have it too long. 





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