Old songs about the main thing 

Old songs about the main thing 

Carnival Extravaganza 


 🤡 🎭 Mask 🎭 

     Cameron Diaz in "The Mask," 1994.


On October 18, 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health, together with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, convened a "noble" meeting of 15 leaders in business, government and public health to simulate a "hypothetical" situation with the spread of the pandemic around the planet... coronavirus. The main participants were representatives of the U.S. general, as well as political leaders. This collection was called Event 21. 

       Soon after, the world changed...

In early June, there was a virtual meeting with the participants of the special operation covid business, government officials, activists and other globalists : Prince Charles, Secretary General of the United Nations Socialist Antonio Guterres, MasterCard CEO Ajay Banga, BP CEO Bernard Looney, chief economist of the International Monetary Fund Jean Gopinath and many others. Klaus Schwab as moderator and founder, he is executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos since 1971.

Klaus molvil malyava (in criminal jargon note 🗣) :

"The world must recalibrate and re-evaluate its basic systems if it is to survive the aftershocks of the coronavirus pandemic"

"The COVID-19 crisis has shown us that our old systems are no longer suitable for the 21st century. It exposed the fundamental lack of social cohesion, justice, inclusion and equality. Now is a historic moment, a time not only to fight the virus, but also to form a system for the post-crown"

New York Representative Alexandria Ocacio-Cortez👇


A little bit about the Green New Deal package. The package does not yet have legislative force. It declares the goals of American policy for the next 10 years, and includes intentions such as preventing global warming and minimizing possible negative consequences for the socially vulnerable. That is, another package of intentions from Gretetta Tunberg. Reconstruction of the society, according to the WEF, will be called the "Great Reboot." The purpose of the Great Reset is not just to implement policies that will further redistribute wealth, but also to completely restructure existing world structures and institutions. 

In his insherated work "Covid-19: The Great Reset", co-written with the French writer Thierry Maller, Klaus Schwab, when he had just managed to write ✍️ and even managed to give Putin in January 2021 , writes:


"Many of us think when everything will return to normal? The short answer is: never."

"Nothing will ever return to the "disturbed" sense of normality that prevailed before the crisis, because the coronavirus pandemic marks a fundamental turning point in our global trajectory."

"Some analysts call it a serious bifurcation, others a deep crisis of "biblical" proportions, but the essence remains the same: the world as we knew it for the first time in the months of 2020 no longer exists, dissolved in the context of a pandemic."

Neo - Marx says "Great reboot" should happen soon. 

This "Great Reset," Schwab said, is a "commitment" to work together and urgently build the foundations of economic and social systems to pave the way for a "fairer, more stable and sustainable future." According to this crazy old Schwab, world leaders must restore the "functioning system" if they are to solve the problems of the next 50 years, and hissed that in order for this "Great Reset" to work, every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and that all industries, from oil and gas to technology, must be transformed in a similar way. In short, we need a "Great Reboot of Capitalism."

In the grandfather 👴 lights the stars 🤩 in general it is about military communism in the expropriation of property . Here Klaus 🤶 cunning, and the same elderly marasmatic leaders are well aware of it as parrots 🦜 because they like it: to take away and arrange communism. 

"A great reboot," Schwab said, should happen soon because the window for its implementation is "short." 

It's definitely Klaus 🤶 so it's still a drawing grid that window 🪟😂

"the world must work together and quickly to renew all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions."

"We have only one planet, and we know that climate change could be the next global catastrophe with even more dramatic consequences for humanity. We must decarbonize the economy in the remaining short time and bring our thinking and behavior back into harmony with nature."

Sharan Burrow, Secretary General of the International Trade Union Confederation (ICP), expressed support for the measure, noting that there was an urgent need to develop policies that were consistent with the principle of investing in people and the environment. If we want to "rebalance" our economies after COVID-19. The economies, which according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), are heading for the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. 

"We want to end the profit mentality at all costs, because if we don't build an economic future within a sustainable framework in which we respect our planetary boundaries and the need to change our energy and technological systems, we will not have a living planet for people."

United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres also spoke positively of the "Great Reset":

"We must build more equitable, inclusive and sustainable economies and societies that are more resilient in the face of pandemics, climate change and many other global changes we face."

Who are all these people? Who are they? 👇

So, to understand where we are and what awaits us, some paragraphs from the 1989 letter. 


In 2015, Richard Rothschild, together with a Dutch government organization, patented the COVID-19 testing system and method four years before the introduction of the covid-19. Also, millions of COVID-19 testing kits were sold in 2017 and 2018. So it was called COVID-19, which is, in their words, an acronym for Corona Virus Disease 2019, not CowID. 


We move on to the main known to date defendants in the future criminal case. The plan of the epidemic they inscribed in October 2019 👇


 SCOOP - October 13, 2015 Patented covid-19 testing method 😷 EUROPE, ROTHSCHILD. 👇


Mortimer B. Zuckerman, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, U.S. News & World Report, Publisher, New York Daily News; Founder and Chairman of Boston Properties, Inc .; NY👇









We respect the impressive years of the elderly if they are not quite in themselves, but live their lives and do not interfere with anyone. But here we must pay attention to the age of this ardent young man changing the world 🗺 

Klaus Martin Schwab (German pronunciation: [klaʊs ˈmaʁtiːn ʃvaːp]; born 30 March 1938) is a German engineer and economist best known as the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum.

And this ancient fossil, we will have something to tell about the new world with its barely moving jaw? 

During the meeting neo Marx , he also shaved naked Klaus noticed looking into the distance: "fundamental flaw" entails "restructuring" "all aspects" of modern society, including our thinking and behavior, as well as the creation of a new social contract ,focused on social justice. Tell your friends who he is this New Marx. Did anyone choose him? And if you chose then tell me on what Communist wash dug up this CMO? And also who dug it up in 2019-2021. Please come on stage until we wet your eggs 🥚 🥚 soaked. 

#COVID19 training strategy, response program, proposals, 25 projects in Phase 1. Phase 1 was scheduled until 31.03.2025.

The document has all precautions: Vaccine passports, lockdown until the age of 25, resistance control.

There is also a list of all the World Bank (WB) partners that are forced and must adhere to such rules.

For internal use. 

WB, IBRD and the International Development Association. Total funding of $600 billion of that to $4 billion for health care.

Humanity will not break out of the vicious ring of History. 

Many people know that IBM worked for Germany during the war and the computers of this firm "participated" in the Nazi extermination of Jews in Germany.

Today, IBM and Ubirch have signed a contract to obtain a digital vaccination certificate. And Germany, in turn, signed a contract with IBM and Ubirch to create a digital passport vaccination from #COVID19.

In this way, bearing in mind that the practice of introducing passports discriminating on the basis of "sick" and "healthy" were introduced in Germany under Nazism and remembering the fact that such initiatives were directly and unequivocally condemned by the "Nuremberg"), which puts now calling for the introduction of covid passports on a par with the criminals-Nazi fascists, many of whom were executed, we can testify.

The cause of the malformation, Friends, sin and its consequence-degradation. It is possible to assume what and for whom this story will end now☠️

🇺🇸 Plan to mix white Europeans with other races through migration, the Calergery plan in America is not a conspiracy theory, it's a reality. Note, on the door of the bus in which the migrants were brought to the camp, outside the latch.


And the plan is carried out by the whites themselves - it is hard to imagine. 

"They have died as the third British Airways pilot in the last seven days. The third pilot died last week," the recording reads, "The first two guys were in their forties and fifties; this guy, in his thirties, in perfect shape, with no disease. He receives a second injection from couidiosis and dies a few days later, just like the first two. Because of this, British Airways is in crisis talks with the government about whether to allow vaccinated pilots to fly, and blood clots are formed because of the spikes their bodies begin to produce after the procedure of changing their data to them by the God of the gene with the help of mRNA. The problem, of course, is that about 80%, according to my friend from British Airways, 80-85%, have already been injected."

The man then says that only "10% of pilots will be able to fly" and call it a "serious problem."

Twitter users shared a photo of the four pilots with condolences. In light of this information, Friends, and in connection with the appearance of so-called fact-checkers, whose work is difficult to call good-advised, I will tell you that I have made the facts in this information unbelievable. 

For example, Reuters, not once and not two caught on the distortion of reality and on the shift of the fous from explosive information to nothing means hat, reports, putting on the main plan is not so significant that "negotiations with the government are not underway", but, at the same time, rolling on the crest of cynicism, the extent of which, given that the four pilots really died, it is difficult to meet anywhere else , casually confirms their death, very likely from the vaccine. A spokeswoman confirmed the authenticity of the deaths. "We are thinking about their family and friends," the airline said, adding, of course, as it has happened when it comes to possible vaccine deaths, that none of the deaths were vaccine-related.

"We were not aware of the deaths of BA pilots following covid vaccination, and we have not discussed with BA or other airlines how to ban pilots from flying after COVID-19 vaccination," said Dr Sarah Branch, Director of Vigilance and Risk Management for MRNA, "There are currently no restrictions on aviation or other industries and activities after vaccination. And we continue to advise that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks to most people. It is still vital that people apply for vaccination and a second dose when invited to do so. We ask anyone who suspects that they have a side effect of their COVID-19 vaccine to report it to the Coronavirus Yellow Card website." 


lie. British Airways is not in "crisis talks" with the British government over vaccinated pilots. Four pilots have indeed recently died almost one by one after the vaccine, but the link between their deaths and vaccines has not been proven, as it is unlikely BigPharma will want to support the investigation and plead guilty to their deaths. 

Louise-Marie Neubauer and Greta Tunberg

Louise-Marie Neubauer "coach" Greta Tunberg, is associated with the founder of the Rothschild dynasty Mayer Amschel Bauer, who changed his surname to Rothschild after returning to Frankfurt to take over his father's business. Louise Neubauers is a climate activist and volunteer for a campaign founded by Bono and Bill Gates, who also has ties to Soros.

Although she is Jewish by her father's Rothschild, her mother is part of a family of Nazi collaborators, the Rimstom family, now the largest producer of tobacco and cigarettes in Europe.

😷As across Italy, 60 million masks have been confiscated. 

😷As across Italy, 60 million masks have been confiscated. 

Strange, but off. Cause of non-worms/nanorobots/mortelons 👇

😷 With masks from China is really some nonsense

"It's a brand new mask straight out of the packaging." Children" masks are made in China. A little heat causes movement. I stabbed one with a needle and she jumped on the needle and hugged her," the statement said. 

The guy specially bought a microscope to check whether what many TV channels write about masks and some "nano-worms" in them, and he is in shock. Click here for the whole story of how he bought the device and how he started researching the subject. 👇


We also gave the task to colleagues to buy a microscope and these worms there are 👇


it's a "health hazard."

"Laboratory analyses that preceded the first seizures have in fact shown that the penetration rate of these devices is clearly higher than expected. In fact, in some cases the filtering capacity was even ten times lower than stated, leading to a risk for the medical staff who used them, falsely believing that they could guarantee adequate protection."

🇨🇳 No one thought, Friends, why is it normal for mainstream media to call the new mutation a "South African strain" while they never call a Chinese covid and report that it can't be called that?

Blackrock, a key figure and tool of the New World Order. The company doesn't just buy up all the housing to give it back to you ("You won't have anything...") - all like in the book neo Marx Schwab - they also use their huge financial impact to enforce the zero-carbon program - #AbsoluteZero. 

BlackRock's $7 trillion asset manager makes climate change a central part of its investment strategy for 2021. 


It's something big, very big and scary.

            Hero of the Day 

THE 💪 she was kicked out of school in New York for refusing to wear a mask. These are her words: 

"Today I had a hard emotional day. Today I stood my ground, and I was very adamant in defending what is right, and to make it clear that this is an insecure environment, no longer being in a hot class without air conditioning with a temperature yesterday of 96 degrees, and today a high 86 degrees, in a mask as a slave, it is impossible to concentrate and work at our tables with the sweat pouring with me. I love the heat, I know what it's like to be in the heat. I race Bmx all year round in full shape, the only difference is that I get off the track through wet. I can drink freely, I can breathe fresh air without a muzzle on my face, it's inhumane. @saugertiescsd refuses to expose us. @saugertiescsd refuses to relax the rules that we must wear a mask during gym and outdoor sessions when the temperature is high. Today I told myself that I didn't know if I would survive the whole school day because of the constant pressure from the teachers who shouted at me to shut my mouth. Today was the day I said no. I was kicked out of school because I didn't follow orders to wear a mask in a poorly ventilated classroom. In my eyes, this is the true definition of child abuse. You don't leave the dog in the car- you certainly don't control us, kids in a hot classroom with a mask on their face, all the administrators sit and bark orders from their air-conditioned offices in business suits without muzzles. I don't know what statement they're trying to make for us. Today was the day I didn't say anything else. I hope that this picture will go viral, and just know that you control your body, the Board of Education does not need it. 

German Chancellor Adolf Hitler and Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini at Salzburg train station. 

These pictures were taken by Walter Frenz on April 22, 1944, during a two-day meeting between Hitler and Mussolini at Klesheim Castle near Salzburg, Austria.

The mortar. Finnish troops use a homemade slingshot to throw grenades at invading Soviet troops. 1939-1940.

Model June Wilkinson.

💉 Former head of Myanmar's vaccination #COVID19 has been arrested👇


In Myanmar, just arrested the former head of their vaccination program against koida along with 11 other doctors, who are now charged with treason, incitement and conspiracy with an illegal organization ...

We have long warned many. Assemble an alarming suitcase 🧳 and put warm socks 🧦 

            Kim Novak, 1957

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