Great zero. 

Great zero. 

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

Great zero. 

What did two ethnic Germans Klaus Schwab and Herman Gref say? 

How much Herman Gref (Sberbank of Russia) earned on Bitcoin highup on June 2, 2020 by the decision of the Chairman of the Board, then sberbank, Herman Oskarovich , ethnic German as well as Marxist Klaus Shaab , canceled free transfers of money between the accounts of individuals inside the bank. And there is an excuse for this: FK of 16.12.2019 No. 434-Fz "On amending Article 29 of the Federal Banking and Banking Act, where the emphasis is placed on internal transfers between accounts opened in different regions of the Russian Federation, that is, they cannot be taxed only on the principle of opening in different structural units of the bank.  This occasion served as an excellent cover for the Chairman's desire to make money on increasing domestic turnover through Bitcoin purchase and sale transactions. If suddenly any of you do not know that the map Sber is halfway to buying bitcoin, it remains only to go to the largest exchange Localbitcoins or Bestchange located in the location .......?! And transfer the money to the seller with a better price. According to official data received from these exchanges, more than 5000,000 illegal exchange offices selling BTC on the means of transfers "Sberbank Online" over the past 5 years on the Localbitcoins exchange more than 70 traders have passed 500 BTC and 100,000 transactions on the Localbitcoins exchange. That's more than 2 billion rubles for each figure. The next stage in the turnover of 250-500 BTC to which came 560 exchangers. It is difficult to imagine the total turnover of BTC-ruble Sber transactions, but clearly it is a significant part.  It turns out that Sber introduced a kind of tax on cryptocurrencies, and ordinary people who are not related to cryptocurrency pay ? Here's an interesting look at who is doing it in the U.S. 🇺🇸 and Europe ! 

Isn't it curious Friends ? !

 As behold, the ethnic German Klaus Schwab is one of the operators of clerks, he serves the world elite group. The book is not translated into Russian, and it contains 190 wonderful pages.

Let's start with the biography of the German Klaus Schwab. He was born in 1938, in Germany. He graduated from the highest Swiss school in zurich. Engineer in mechanical engineering, doctor of economics. He then graduated from Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government. He's Carl Popper's follower of open society. You could also say that he had read Marx's work exactly, unlike you Friends, otherwise he would not have been able to write his phantasmagoria 'Great Reboot' firmly entered Labour into the fragile minds of politicians. 

This is a perennial and famous concept, however, not everyone knows that in the latest edition, Carl Popper made a very important reservation. He said an open society could be as tough as a closed society. But this nuance is not strongly talked about and written. 

Don't you remember in the 60th year of Brzezinski's late compatriot? Evgeny Primakov's personal friend is the father of Arab terrorism. Brzezinski is one of the authors of totalitarianism, and he refused to use the term in relation to the USSR . Brzezinski refused to reprint a book he co-wrote with his teacher, Carl Friedrich, about Soviet totalitarianism. And also tell you who Brzezinski really was? Or have you already found out fifty years later? 

Schwab is a socially very active man. In 1971, he established the European Management Conference, then established a fund that merged a platform to discuss global issues by leading politicians, economists, intellectuals. 

In 1987, the fund was named the World Economic Forum. The annual contribution of the members is $585,000.

In 1987, together with his wife, he established the Schwab Social Enterprise Foundation. In 2004 Forum of Young Leaders of Globalization, in 2011 - A community of those who create the global world, and de facto big corner financial criminals from the former USSR including . And by 2021, this gang - a community of 4421 hubs and there are 9,731 members. He is a member of many boards of trustees, an honorary professor of 17 universities. Outwardly everything is decent and he is married and has two children.

I wonder how the U.S. and the West rate the Taoist Forum? For example, BBC NEWS, in January 2017 wrote an article that edits "Defeat in Davos as the global elite retreats."

This article said that Brexit, Trump, populism is forcing liberal Europe to retreat. It read: "Annual meetings of representatives of the global elite, who emphasize the importance of combating climate change while flying on private jets. They talk about the need to fight global hunger by eating caviar sandwiches and drinking them with champagne. They talk about the need to fight poverty, being surrounded on all sides by a huge number of services. And so came 2016, in a pro-globalization union confidently talking about Clinton's victory, but 12 months passed and the Taoist get-together was in turmoil." Greta, a lover of tigers and meetings with girls on the yacht of Vyacheslav Doronin Leo Di Capriz! Should I continue? 

In 2017, for the first time in Davos came a communist totalitarian , his world media called the Chinese leader. Good company out there going, isn't it Friends? The 1989 Tiananmen Massacre, also known as the "June 4 event" (china 六四事件) in China and the Tiananmen Massacre in the West... forgotten about it? In fact, for the first time the Chinese representative was invited to the Davos forum in 1979, but no one came.

It is no coincidence that the Davos mafia party invited Xi Jing Ping, because the Chinese in that situation tried to use this situation and said that they are ready to lead globalization.

But 2018-2019 came, a crisis, and it became clear that the globalists were shitting from head to toe and stinking of their elite shit all over the world. De facto, they're bankrupt and they need to do something about it. And then, in a good way, suddenly there was a crown 👑 virus 🦠






A set of quotes from the Marxist Schwab: 

"Many people ask, when will we finally be able to return to normal life? In short - never ! Life will never return to the broken state of normality that dominated the crisis, because the epidemic is the point of a fundamental turn of our global trajectory. The world we knew in the first months of 2020 is gone, it has dissolved into a pandemic. We are astonished by both the rapid and the unexpected nature of these changes. Together, they lead to changes in the second, third and fourth order, to cumulative effects, unforeseen results. Thus, a new normality is formed, radically different from the one we have gradually left behind. Many of our beliefs and opinions about what the world should be are being destroyed. Schwab attaches great importance in the establishment of a new world to young people, to their radicalism. He believes that the younger generation will be the catalyst in the fight against climate change, for gender equality, for environmental reforms, for the rights of the LGBT community."

We are well aware and know the LGBT rights community in the West above the roof. By the way, Herman Gref in this company is not the last character. We fix the main vectors 🧭 globalization of the new world order:

Combating climate change, i.e. suppressing industry and its associated sectors;

The struggle for gender equality, i.e. bringing women to the fore;

Ensuring equality for sex minorities;

- green economy, it is also as a means of pressure.

Saying that in certain industries and companies a big reset can cause some executives to return to the old norms, this will not happen, because it can not be. It looks like a spell that Schwab is trying to convince himself.

Further, he brings to the 🧠 the verdict of the nation states "the inability of the governments of nation states to fight the deep-rooted diseases of our societies and economies, to read the risk, as it has been throughout history, that the recurrence of the disease will lead to strong conflicts and revolutions. It is our duty to take the bull by the horns and the pandemic gives us this chance. It is a window for making, thinking and resetting our old world. If democracy and liberalization expand, the nation state will have no place. Unaccountable expert groups will decide, not just in terms of medicine, and global corporations with social responsibility should be behind them."

Forgive the crooks, and where the German Schwab found global corporations with social responsibility, perhaps it is Deutsche Bank 🏦? Is it siemens? We're going to have to look for 🔦 these people. Corporations are only interested in profit and security secrets and it is the law of business, enough to portray themselves as immaculate girls whole. You're not the only ones so smart and stubborn. 

Democracy on the one hand and unaccountable experts on the other? How unaccountable is that?

For example, Luke Mont Tonnier, the Nobel laureate, came up with the idea that COVID-19 was created artificially. So it was just erased into powder, that's independence for you. They washed it down, the ones the corporations hired. Well, you know who did it. 

No matter how weak the national state is, oligarchic, for example, as in Russia, but it is the opportunity of a small person to influence the government and protect himself from it. It's not going to be like that with corporations! 

Now, to get out of this corkscrew, criminal elites seek to zero the world, to ruin businesses, further buying with the help of money national budgets by buying shares, privatizations already from the state themselves. At the same time, capital and financial power turn not even into political power, but into total power.

By the way, in Russia the germ of such power is Grefovsky Sber. In general, everything Schwab writes is a rather old song of the world revolution and the rotten elite.

At 28, Herbert Wells, a member of the Milner Society and closed supranational British groups, wrote The Open Conspiracy for Open Conspiracy. In the 40th year he writes a new book The New World Order - the New World Order, where he writes that the world should be governed by intellectuals who know where to move the world. You can see without binoculars how this knowledge is applied....

Then in the early 70's all these ideas revived the Roman club. The first report of the Club of Rome, called "Growth Limits", was led by Meadows and Forester, the idea of zero growth, i.e. the development of 50% to 50% on the elimination of environmental problems, although in the early 1970s the environmental problem was not as acute as they are, for example, now.

In 74th year, the second report, which was called "Humanity at a Crossroads," by the authors Messarovitch and Pesti.

And if you have in the head the ability to conduct a chain of logical chains, it is easy to detect: both of these reports consist of three criminal ideas: limiting consumption by the masses, reducing the population and world public administration, in which experts play a decisive role. Are these the experts of the Roman Club? Or are they involved in the criminal history of the world? 

What the Marxist Schwab says: "We are at a crossroads, on the road to a better world, with greater equality, with great respect for nature, with great challenges facing us, but also our ability to restart history after the reset, today more than people ever could have hoped for." And the teenage girl, Leo's ward and the Rockefeller family are also talking about it. And it seems to everyone it is very fascinating to repeat as if parrots 🦜 this criminal nonsense ? ! 

What could ensure that reset or zeroing was possible? A pandemic, or rather a man-made crisis of everything and everything, including the brains of 🧠 and behavioral instincts of huge zombies masses of dark and ignorant population and in general all processes 2020-2021 and associated with it causally - investigative actions and connections.

Marxist and clown cosmonaut Schwab writes: "Crisis is the potential of change, there is a new world, the contours of which we must come up with and draw."

To amplify the effect and justify the impossibility of going back to the past, Schwab in every way exaggerates the COVID crisis and writes: "The crisis caused by the coronavirus has no parallel in history, we will deal with its consequence for many years."

And immediately he contradicts himself: "COVID-19 is not an existential threat to humanity, but it is war."

Who's the fucking fucking 🐑? With the world's population? And New Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin combined in one person philosopher Schwab responds - with an invisible enemy. Elsewhere, he stresses again: "COVID-19 is not a new existential threat."

The book was published in June 2020, and it gives such figures: 0.006% of the world's population died from the covid, now it is about 0.3-0.4%. This is not in any comparison with the Spaniard. At least 50 million people died from the Spanish woman, which is 2.7% of the population. From AIDS from 1980-2020 0.6%.

So far, 5 million people have died from COVID. Already significant documenting what the state structures of different countries do with statistics do you believe in this figure? Because it is one thing to die from COVID, and it is quite different to die from another disease but to record 📝 in the corona 👑 virus . These are different articles of the criminal code ! Understand the point!? 

Double standards are applied to people's deaths. When people die from side effects, it writes in the death certificate still COVID. Now that people have died of pFA'ER vaccination, they say it's not from a vaccine, but from their chronic diseases. Do you understand or know or remember Nuremberg 1946? Or did the memory, along with knowledge, go off in the back passenger seat 💺 armor? Then we'll remind you. 

Schwab talks about dangers all the time. The biggest danger is that the health care system will be overwhelmed, it's a red line. Understand this: not to allow the collapse of optimized medicine, but at the same time he is forced to admit that the most patients and deaths in Anglo-Saxon countries, in the U.S. and Great Britain, where neoliberal optimization was carried out to the point of failure and these deaths are payback? Are you comrades in your mind? List of options according to the theory of the Marxist Schwab:

1) Partial retreat of globalization.

2) The growing conflict between the United States and China.

3) Automation of production.

4) Strengthening control over the population.

5! Digitalization

Here, Schwab pours himself out of the carafe and rubs his hands with the conman Fauci, Gates, and Chubais says bluntly: - I welcome the coronavirus virus, because COVID will go, and digitalization will remain.

As soon as Schwab moves on to the real consequences of COVID, the picture becomes even more gloomy. 

This graphomaniak writes: "History shows that the macroeconomic and macro-social effects of the epidemic often persist for about 40 years, i.e. for two generations. Globally, the recovery of the labor market may take decades, as the situation will worsen in the near future, as automation and optimization and robotics will be added to the pandemic."

Marx - Schwab doesn't negotiate, but we'll pay for it because we don't have to pay. Although the conscience still has to wake someone up ! Do not exaggerate the possibilities of robotics, at least for the next 10 years. Yes, robotics is evolving, but not at such a rapid pace. Look at U.S. budget revenue 🇺🇸 from the manufacturing sector! About 27%. How many of them are military products and related production? Now divide by population and take into account the number of registered unemployed. Someone without basic data to management decided to eliminate this dysfunction by mass disposal of the population ? Or just does not understand which reboot signed up to participate ! So we'll explain for free yet.  

So how should the employment situation improve then. Marx-Schwab says it's going to be bad first, and then better. He contradicts himself. By the way, does he have a medical certificate of sanity? 

Schwab writes: "Accelerating technically new introductions will reduce labour costs and will primarily affect low-paid people in routine work. The labour market will be divided into highly paid and automated. The result will be a demographic nightmare, a youth employment crisis."

Schwab relies on the development of the craft economy, it strongly smells of delusions of Russian young reformers, such as Hakamada and Gaidar and other shushers - spar from 92-93 years, which said, well, if scientists will cook, and grandmothers will start selling knitted things. It's from the same series.

Another problem is the rate of economic growth. In the 1930s, as well as during and after the crisis in 2008, GDP growth fell by 10% within a few years. In 20 years it happened within three weeks. The service sector 🥊 hit. The services sector in the United States is 80% employment and 70% of GDP. The richer the country, the greater the share of the service sector.

The industry left the U.S. thanks to you know who. Economy services, the economy of service economy consumption . Industry in China 🇨🇳, South Korea 🇰🇷 Brazil 🇧🇷.

By the way, see the proportions of income in the budgets dear aunts and uncles. In the U.S., the budget is formed and is held on medium and small business ! To sweep under itself small and medium-sized business you have to introduce a dictatorship that will suppress this business. How will it end? Explore the history of the USSR. And if you don't care that you're going to blow up the economy, then take The German Schwab into administration and introduce a new position of 'Chief Nationalization Specialist'. One major infectious disease specialist already is, he is clearly lonely in your house. 

Schwab's thusing language from age broadcasts: COVID-19 pause, gave people the opportunity to think what is real value. In fact, it is a call to crush consumption, to tighten the belts. But the elite will not reduce consumption, as you ate black caviar spoons in Davos, and will eat further.

The remaining 90% of current Americans and people from the West should reduce their consumption.

And then even more wonderful is the beautiful Marquis and Carl! 

In the face of the growing difficulties caused by the pandemic, the very concept of GDP as a measure of development must be updated. It should reflect the values created by the economy and unpaid work.

Do you know that the digital economy does not create any values and the new concept of GDP should reflect fictions? As in a fairy tale, the king's new dress. It is the only means of the current criminal elite to hide their materials and Spiritual Bankruptcy.

Marx-Schwab goes on to say that as inequality grows, technological progress is increasing, GDP and GDP per capita are becoming less useful indicators of living standards. Oh my God, what idiots you're listening to! 

It turns out that Klaus's progress increases inequality and makes the poor poorer, and the rich richer, he is no longer useful. Therefore, it is necessary to somehow hide and camouflage this growth of social injustice. To do this, we need to abandon the GDP figure, it too clearly shows the gap and instead it is necessary to introduce new indicators of life. What? What morons should be in order to accept this concept of the future? 

Schwab replies: "The new indicators should take into account, somehow, infrastructure, human capital and environmental structure. Affordable health care and strong social ties are much more about happiness than material consumption." And that's said by a man who bathes in luxury. 

Marx, in the face of the already shaved Schwab says: it is necessary to end excess consumption, to consume less, in connection with which a new term of growth is introduced on the contrary - growth on. How do you match the idea of zero growth from the Roman club? These guys were the guys who suggested we move from growth to growth before? Suki, I'll get you out of the fucking water. 

Schwab is very sympathetic to the quote released in the UK at the end of May 2020, a manifesto calling for a strategy not to grow. I propose a decline in the quality of the economy that will lead us to a better life, content with less.

Schwab cites the example of Patagonia, in Argentina. And so he recommends to countries that are more victorious than the pathogynization of life. A moron who survives a degenerate mind. 

It's as if in a fairy tale the persuasion of Fox 🦊 Alice and the cat Basilio, will move on the field of miracles, which was a dumping ground. That's to create such a wash calls Schwab and it's all bitch world experts. Where do you collect this, on what washes roll back? And this wash will last for several generations, or rather forever. The point of no return is very close. 

Elite crime of the world itself has zeroed, just shitged and went bankrupt, now these sons want to enrich themselves by deceiving people and by reducing the population from the supposed epidemic. In fact, to turn the lives and farms of mankind into something of a low-quality. 

They want the whole world to pay for their bankruptcy 🗺. 

We can offer you a half-collar, we will beautifully and elegantly bend you into a cancer pose and make you crawl in this position the location of the international court in GAGA, without an intermediate stop in Davos for shaking the black caviar and debauchery in Davos, transiting the fuck crawl and jumping more on command will be. As a positive example of more developed countries plunging into stagnation and decline, the philosopher Schwab cites us Japan with low inflation, ultra-low interest rates. We're invited to survive your mother's Japaneseization by Schwab. Rather than all the most developed countries, this is the next combination of scams : lack of inflation, lack of growth and zero levels of debt. And this miner thinks it's pretty good.

Schwab is fascinated and pays great care to the social consequences of the pandemic. He begins his health: "The pandemic is a death sentence for neoliberalism, which favors competition, market fetishism, government intervention and social security. Since neoliberalism is over, the post-pandemic era will lead to the distribution of wealth from the top to the bottom." Here you can applaud lenin as Lenin at the Finnish railway station in St. Petersburg, after arriving in a sealed wagon from Germany, to carry out a coup in Russia. 

And then the philosopher writes: it is wrong that COVID is a great equalizer. On the contrary, it will increase existing forms of inequality, social, medical, economic, psychological. In the post-pandemic world, drug manufacturers and hospital owners will be the best place to be at the expense of the poor. Did you check the philosopher's mental state? 

The main big demand will be the structure that monitors and ensures health - bigpharma, insurance companies, automated and robotic industries, companies connected with computers, plus information platforms, large and super-large companies. In fact COVID is a great snr.

The degree of risk to which different classes are exposed varies. Poor and hard workers during a pandemic can sit at home providing children with distance education, making sure that children learn. In the service sector, 70% of employees can work remotely, and in food 3%. Different ethnic groups are at risk to varying degrees.

The conclusion of Marx-Schwab: "In the short term, inequality in the post-pandemic world will increase, but the trend may change. There will be quite a lot of dissatisfied people and most likely they will demand justice and, probably, the authorities will go to the meeting. However, history teaches that this optimistic scenario is unlikely without widespread social unrest." Bravo 👏 

If we understand the meaning of words and have the ability to analyze written ideas, then we see two options that the abstract artist Schwab paints us - this is a masterpiece, this painting 🖼 oil 🧈 to increase inequality forever. The second painting 🧑 🎨 from him is that he himself does not really believe in this situation and this situation can change only as a result of the social struggle of the grassroots. That's what we see! 

The zeroing is designed to make all the results of humanity achieved in the last 60-70 years to zero. Please note that in just one year, terrified by this information terror, they have given up on the vast number of democratic gains achieved over the past 200 years. This is the situation of zeroing, zeroing the gains that the peoples of democratic countries have achieved in 100-200 years.

Schwab is very afraid of social unrest, and he says it's a very dangerous thing in a post-pandemic world. The economy will be reduced by 20-30%, and unemployment will be at least 20-30%.

If we consider that already now 30% of Americans have zero wealth, the deterioration of the situation will make riots of the type as 2005 in New Orleans ubiquitous and committed to the usual business. 

We are invited to buy a pandemic world in bulk - the world of permanent turmoil, revolutions and suppression.

Another thing he doesn't like at this stage is that governments are still taking revenge, not corporations, that can balance the situation. But he believes that in the short term it is good, because the state focuses not on profit, but on social security.

It is on the state that he expects that it will help to make the transition from shareholder capitalism to capitalism of participation.

Schwab considers the fourth industrial revolution to be an important means of building a post-nicated world. He wrote two books on the theme of this revolution, and they have been translated into many languages. Many weak minds began to use the theme of the fourth industrial revolution. Serious specialists of the Fourth Industrial Revolution did not accept it, they explain long and unsuccessfully on their fingers: this is not a technological revolution, behind this term hides monstrous options and no relation to the industrial revolution this bacchanalia has no. .

In 2018, a closed conference was held in Sant'Tof, under the auspices of the ANB advisory board. It was not secret, reports were not widely disseminated. A total of 6 reports are presented on industry and economics, demographics and finance, climate and comparative analysis of crises, as well as the dangers emanating from artificial intelligence.

Speakers on the first topic of curry's industry and economics, he is the company's research director and Coker is director of research at the law firm Coker and Kompany. 

They defined the findings of Schweb's book softly as incorrect ! 

Speakers argue that any industrial revolution is fuelled by an increase in productivity. The annual average of this factor in 2009-2017 was lower than in 2000-2008, and in 2000 they were lower than the average for the last 20 years of the twentieth year. There have been no such low productivity growths as in 2010 since the beginning of the twentieth century.

The current Internet economy, which is trying to link with the fourth industrial revolution is involved not in production, but in the sphere of collapse of finance, marketing, advertising. The first industrial revolution was based on coal, plant, telegraph and lasted about 50-60 years. It peaked in 1868-1992 and achieved a productivity growth of 2%-2.2%. 

The second industrial revolution is the internal combustion engine, oil, the pipeline lasted about 35 years, the average increase in productivity growth is 2.2%. The third industrial revolution, the shortest and weakest resulting productivity gains in Europe, is less than 2% in 25 years.

Later or then at the beginning of the 21st century, productivity was ubiquitous and steadily declining, amounting to less than 0.4 per cent of public services in terms of GDP. 

In such a situation, what new industrial revolution are you all talking about? There is a process of degradation of the economy and fading and industry and correspondingly new revolutionary ideas in management . How to combine the idea of the fourth industrial revolution with the idea of The Japaneseization of developed countries and the sweating of less developed, low-quality economies? It's like trying to cross a bull with a rhino. 

The shareholder is the owner of the shares, he has ownership and management rights. An ordinary shareholder is just a participant, he has no property, but suffers year after year losses, in case of poor equity management. These minjers only know how to steal and perform at their gatherings in Davos and write beliberda in books. 

The term is inclusive capitalism: capitalist as if a party, but by divining property. How to deprive property of millions of medium-sized, small entrepreneurs? This can be done through dictatorship. Dictatorship can be velvet in the first stage.

By the way, the first wave of COVID bankrupted 4.5 million entrepreneurs in the North Atlantic world. Are you aware of these numbers? 

And also exorbitant and maximum legalization of business. This is when laws are passed that make it completely impossible to operate production. 

Not a single medium or small business will be able to hire a lawyer who can protect their interests, as it is very expensive. As a result, the largest corporations remain and will remain, in which property is not just a function of power, property is dissolved in power.

Corporations and banks put under control not a material asset, but a social, intangible.

Platforms and large corporations shaping lifestyles and needs of the population not only destroy the market, they are busy alienating property in a soft form, striking the psychotype and will of the person. And this is a very different option and story, going back to the recent history in Nuremberg. 

In fact, we are invited to buy a ticket to the post-capitalist world, there abolished private property, there abolished the right to private sphere and more.

Thank you dear comrades for such a forest offer from you ! Allow as a right tamada at our wedding a toast 🥃 yearn and distinguishing over glasses here 🍾 🥂 🥃: 

- We wish you a good way without traffic jams and queues to the final station at the main address of the location: 


Netherlands Hague, Netherlands


52-04-05" s. 4/21"11"

The International Tribunal is the body set up to trial persons accused of international crimes. The Tribunal does not operate on a permanent basis, but is established to deal with cases united by common characteristics (e.g. crimes committed in a given territory). A body is created if crimes are massive and the State where they are committed is not in a position to protect citizens. The institution requires an international treaty or a UN Security Council resolution. The UN Charter does not explicitly provide for the right of the UN Security Council to set up tribunals. Under article 29 of the Charter, the Security Council could establish auxiliary bodies that it would find necessary to carry out its functions. 

In addition to the International Court of Justice, which is the main judicial body of the United Nations, there are a number of international courts and tribunals associated with the UN to varying degrees. Unlike other international special (ad hoc) and mixed criminal courts, the ICC is a permanent institution. He is responsible for crimes committed after the Rome Statute came into force.

The location is The Hague, but at the request of the court, meetings can take place elsewhere. 

❗️ International Criminal Court should not be confused with the UN International Court of Justice, which also sits in The Hague but has a different competence. The ICC is not part of the official united Nations structure, although it can bring cases on the submission of the UN Security Council.

Let's drink to the unhindered road. And if someone has problems in independent foresight do not worry and do not worry ! 

We will come to your office or home quickly enough 💨. 

For those who do not want to raise with us glasses of 🥂 and drink to the bottom for this gorgeous toast 🍻 crib at the bottom of the 👇

Rassia 🥃 🥃

American 🥃 🥃

Notice this is just the first toast 🥃. 

Since our wedding 💒 big and drink we will be long and long . There's enough supplies for everyone.

Be healthy and happy together! 

𝚼𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕵𝖔𝖐𝖊𝖗 🃏

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