Features of national fishing 

Features of national fishing 

💉 Former head of Myanmar's vaccination #COVID19 has been arrested.

In Myanmar, just arrested the former head of their vaccination program against koida along with 11 other doctors, who are now charged with treason, incitement and conspiracy with an illegal organization ...

We have long warned many. Assemble an alarming suitcase 🧳 and put warm socks 🧦 

The White House's "influential man" on social media was caught trying to bribe hospital systems to get fake positive reviews about "vaccines" for couidosis or, as it is also called because of the inconsistency of just three Koch postulates, to encourage their spread.

Eben Forster, the "electronic organizer" at Main Street One, reportedly sent a private message to one institution offering a "paid partnership on Instagram for one post", promoting injections of the Chinese virus as a solution to the epidemic.

"I am appealing to you to share the possibility of partnering with content!" the statement said, "For this campaign, we are looking for health professionals who would like to discuss vaccination indecision with their social media audience. We want to hear from you what the vaccine #COVID19 means to you and why you are fighting misinformation about vaccines at this crucial time of vaccine introduction."

The message goes on to explain that as soon as the "target person" or organization posts the desired post, he "will be rewarded for using your voice!"

Since the number of vaccinations for Chinese couidiosis in the states is terribly low, fascists-medics are trying to come up with new ways to trick people to get an injection.

In Ohio, an idiocy lip. Mike DeVine introduced a vaccine lottery to award five "happy" winners $1 million each in exchange for reprogramming their DNA with mRNA-horse chemicals.

Old Joe and his office use a proven approach of influential persons, manipulating the medical system, forcing her to give injections in exchange for good old money.

"After all the recent layoffs of health workers for refusing to vaccinate with a dangerous vaccine, there seems to be a push to use fake Marxist-communist reviews to move the vaccine even further," populist.press reports, "If the vaccine was so wonderful, they wouldn't have to pay people to be thrilled with it. This is a serious problem that shows how deceitful the big pharmaceutical company and The Biden administrator are."

The slave trade has been an extremely profitable business for people of completely different nationalities and faiths since ancient times. Everyone did it: Arabs and English, Portuguese and Dutch, Muslims and Christians. By the middle of the 18th century, Americans had joined the European slave traders. The first in New England legalized slavery in northern Massachusetts. In the beginning, both whites and Indians could become slaves, not just natives of the African continent. But there was too much fuss with the first one. White could easily escape and they were impossible to find. Indians, perfectly oriented on the ground, also very often made successful escapes. In addition, the Indians did not have much endurance and were too prone to a variety of diseases. There were no such problems with black people: it was difficult for them to escape, as they had no chance to mix with the crowd. There was no one to protect them. In the North of the States, slavery was not as profitable as in the South. Therefore, they gradually abandoned it, selling all slaves to the southerners.

Marxists 🤡 from the WEF one epidemic is not enough. They need hunger to establish totalitarian orders.

And here are their new Marxist initiatives funded by the government. These collective farmers made a computer model and it showed them that global warming would lead to more evaporation, and so we need to stop using water to irrigate crops for animal feed.

Clowns 🤡 from the WEF.


Vaccine priestess Gates in England at the G7- British Genocide Agenda includes plans to destroy animals and drink them from the human food chain: "The UK will also present detailed information on the zoonous disease research centre in Surrey to develop vaccines for animals, especially farm animals, to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus from animals to humans, which is expected to will be the main source of new human diseases." 

And why treat animals if her husband says that meat by 2030 will be a luxury and that it should be cut from the diet? They're probably going to be killed and maimed, Friends.

Disruption of food chains began with the Suez Canal. These stories are in our material. Open all links 👇


💉 In the video, nanoparticles perform tasks for which they are programmed. 


They can be activated by electromagnetic radiation or chemicals. Millions of these "nanotvary" may well be and most likely have already been placed in one injection.

⚠️💉Insionial conference in 2018, Wuhan Institute of Virology and co-author and advocate of "functionality" quasi-doctor Ralph Barich advised participants how to "make money" during the next pandemic. 

Barik, who attended conferences at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and is described by Wuhan "female bat" Shi zhengli (who disappeared immediately after the "outbreak" and who is likely to be dead) as one of her "longtime collaborators," made the comments at an april 2018 event hosted by the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Barik, who called the lifting of research bans on augmented functionality "critical," also provided laboratories in Wuhan with humanized mice to conduct controversial studies with coronaviruses similar to SARS.

"Enhanced function is one of those approaches that is an important tool for public health preparedness and response," Baric said in 2014, lobbying for a moratorium on performance-enhancing research.

During his 2018 speech, "Representing the next influenza pandemic - and how to prevent it!" he presents a slide titled "Global Catastrophe: Opportunities Exist." The slide shows which types of stocks and industries rose sharply during the Ebola outbreak, and he uses this data to extrapolate financial advice on how to "make money in the next pandemic."


"I wanted to tell you the good news. There are already winners, right? So if you ever want to prepare and make money on the next pandemic, if that's what you want to do, buy shares in Hazmat costume manufacturers and protective clothing companies or companies that produce antiviral drugs for this particular pandemic," he says.

Baric adds that the aforementioned sectors and stocks "are likely to feel good" before stressing that "there are actually mutual funds to ensure pandemic preparedness."

"Some products succeeded in 1918, including masks, the same today," he advises.

Discussing the following slide- Pandemics: Opportunity, Barik argues that "pandemics are really a time of opportunity."

"People have the opportunity to gain political gain, financial gain and personal gain in times of social upheaval, and this is likely to happen," said one who should be tried for genocide. 

🇨🇳🇺🇸 survivor in Maosist China draws parallels between today's "anti-white" ideological treatment of America's plebs and communist brainwashing tactics. Differences are indistinguishable.


The first legal slave owner in American history was a black tobacco farmer named Anthony Johnson? 

Anthony Johnson was one of the first to have a court-sanctioned lifelong right to own a servant.

Anthony Johnson, who was once also a servant, was a "free Negro" who owned 250 acres of land in Virginia in the 1650s. Five servants worked for him under a contract. One of them, a black man named John Cazor, claimed that his term had expired years earlier, and Johnson had held him illegally. In 1654, a civil court ruled that Johnson could actually use Casor's services for life. Historian Halliburton Jr. calls it "one of the first known sanctioned cases of slavery - not counting punishment for a crime."

The largest slave owner in North Carolina in 1860 was a black plantation owner named William Ellison.

lie. Dark-skinned William Ellison was a very rich planter and manufacturer of cotton cleaners, who lived in South (not North) Carolina. According to the 1860 Census (which referred to him as "Ellerson"), he owned 63 black slaves. 

He is one of the largest black slave owners in South Carolina (there were about 170 of them).

American Indians owned thousands of black slaves

Really. In January 2016, historian Tia Miles sent the editors of the Slate website a photo of an Native American who owned black slaves at the turn of the 19th century. Miles estimated that in the early 19th century, the number of slaves held by the Cherokee reached 600. During the resettlement to the west in 1838-1839, the number of enslaved people was 1,500. (According to her, the cries, choctaw and chickaso were owned by 3,500 slaves by the early 19th century.) "Slavery slowly penetrated into the Cherokee family," Miles said. "When a white man came to an Indigenous settlement to usually work as a merchant or An Indian agent, he became the owner of the "African" slaves." If this person was married to an indigenous woman and had a child (which was not uncommon at the time), then as an adult, that child, who was half European, half Native American, inherited all slaves (including their children), according to white law, and was entitled to use tribal lands under tribal law. This allowed such people to expand their wealth and eventually become large farmers and planters.

In 1830, there were 3,775 black people who owned 12,740 black slaves.

In 1830, there were 3,775 black people who owned 12,740 black slaves.

According to the historian Halliburton Jr., there were approximately 319,600 free people in the United States in 1830. About 13.7 per cent of the total black population were free. Most of them owned slaves. According to the 1830 census, 3,375 free blacks owned a total of 12,760 slaves.

Violent "black slavery" has been prevalent in Africa for thousands of years.

The disgusting relic of past centuries, when people enslave themselves, dates back thousands of years. And it's not just about black people, it's not just Africa. Most of the slaves brought to America from Africa were purchased from black slave owners. 

Slavery was eliminated in the United States through the efforts of people of different nationalities, including whites. The names of white leaders of the abolitionist movement are better known than those of black leaders, including David Walker, Frederick Douglass, Dred Scott, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Trut, Nat Turner and many others. When Congress passed the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865, it was the culmination of years of multiracial movement to abolish slavery.

Sugar plantation in Jamaica, St. Anne. Beautiful to live is not forbidden, a good start for the presidential dynasty, not ashamed in front of the Rothschilds and other friends (who, incidentally, and gave the English Crown a loan for compensation to Hamilton Brown)

WikiLeaks published 137 documents on Kamala Harris. In particular there is a theme of her origin, as it is known her motherline flows from India, her mother migrated to the U.S. from there. The paternal line is from Jamaica, although Kamala claimed that her ancestors were slaves from Africa enslaved by the Jamaican authorities.

BREAKING: Wikileaks Posts 137 Documents on Kamala Harris Hours After She Is Named Joe Biden’s Running Mate


A Jamaican family search recorded: "Hamilton Brown owned several plantations from 1817 to 1845. According to the 1818 almanac, which can be found on this site (Jamaican Family Search), he was the owner of Minard (128 slaves), which he was to be acquired from his previous owner (John Bailey) in 1815 or later. Another register (86 slaves) cannot be attributed to any estate, although in the following years it is listed in the Almanacs as the owner of several (Antrim, Grier Park, Colliston, Little River, Pensioner and Valley of Unity). 

Of course, she is not responsible for what her ancestors did; she had nothing to do with it. But she made a deception, claiming that her ancestors were slaves in Jamaica.

Her father, Donald Harris, claims to be a descendant of Jamaican slave trader of Irish descent Hamilton Brown (1776 - 1843), his paternal grandmother , born Christina Brown 


It's funny that in the English-language wikipedia, the article about her father changes right before her eyes. Yesterday (November 7, 2020) there was that her father declares the kinship of his grandmother and sugar planter. This morning, a direct reference to an article about a slave trader was removed, and it was simply modestly mentioned that he was a descendant of the one who built the local church. Now there's not a word about the origins of Hamilton Brown. The moral image of the black rights activist is being cleansed.

A worthy member of the British Colonial Society, Hamilton Brown is famous for two things, in addition to the founding of his town Brown's Town in the largest county of St. Anna in Jamaica.


Under the Abolition of Slavery Act of 1833 and the Slave Compensation Act of 1837, the British Government received the equivalent of 2.31 million pounds in recalculation for the current money.

A prosecutor with a slightly scandalous past in which romantic and populist beliefs never prevented him from defending colleagues and superiors from the pursuit of the law, which shows in favor of her high contractual capacity.


In 2016, Kamala Harris used her position to help Planned Parenthood emerge from a scandal involving the sale of tissues and parts of aborted babies. 


WASHINGTON, December 29 (S.C.) Vice President Kamala Harris vaccinated her for a vaccine against coronavirus live and urged all Americans to follow suit.

"I'm now vaccinated... I want to encourage everyone to get vaccinated. It's relatively painless, it's really fast, it's safe... My husband will do it today. I'm waiting to get the second part of the vaccine. It's literally about saving lives. I trust scientists," she said after the minute-long procedure.

She said she was vaccinated with Moderna.

The minute-long procedure of Kamal's injection when reviewing and analyzing the video by professionals, turned out to be a tough divorce or a banal deception of fake 👇


It is the emblem of members of the secret society of Yale University, registered in 1856 by William Russell (it was founded earlier). Then it was called the Russell Trust Association. It is known that the most influential American politicians were members of this society. Both Bushes did not escape this fate.

The numbers under the skull can mean different things. According to one version, this is the date of death of Demosthenes (322 BC), who was the founder of his secret society, which became the prototype of "Skull and Bones." According to another version, this is the founding date of the club (1832), where the second deuce means that the society is secondary and is a branch of the German society of this type.

Both of these explanations seem to me to be far-fetched. Look at these American faces and imagine that they give the number 322 just such a meaning - the date of Demosthenes' death. It's crazy. I'd rather agree that they have no idea what those numbers mean. 

It just sounds beautiful. "Catch 22," "Slaughterhouse Number Five," "Skull and Bones - 322." And so on.

Dive into our spiritual session for a few days... Can a month last? 

⚠️💉 the hysteria and fear in the media against the numbers and logic of freaks is devoted. 

"If you want to be healthy, get vaccinated"


💉Thirdly footage. We don't have any information on the date of the shooting 🎥 it all looks shocking. It is likely that a person has been given an anti-vaccine vaccine. Around April 2021. From the footage of this video it is possible to say with almost 100% certainty that in American psychiatric hospitals, people are vaccinated against their will.

It is amazing that people can tolerate such terrible treatment, and that someone, being a human being, can behave so terribly, in fact, becoming a medical rapist. It is clear here that the person who was given the injection did not want it. Why are these people not just forcing, but raping other people, and the U.S. administration has known about this video since April but continues its vaccination agenda 💉 to this day. 


It is clear that those people who do such vaccinations and perform such, brainwashed, but still there must be someone next to them, who would explain to them that the force in this case is wrong and criminal. What a nightmare.

⚠️💉 🤡 🤡 🤡 the hysteria and fear in the media against the numbers and logic of freaks is devoted. 

Call for universal vaccination 💉 

Bush/Clinton/Obama 👇


All three are behind many horrific staged events that have cost the lives of many innocent people and caused massive suffering. They were also Epstein's buddies. Two of them flew on his plane to his Island of Horrors to do terrible things with innocent children. And now these three luciferian freaks, as well as the faces from the box and other "journalists," tell you to trust science and get injections of their eugenics treatment. They have no intention of killing themselves or their families, they just want to exterminate ordinary people.

The worst of the worst in America, standing there with their hands in their pockets. All three of them. In black clothes. They tell people to "trust science and get injections." This is a very candid video. And you ," "journalists," keep doing their job. 

And remember, no one will leave the Court. No one. People should make a decision without outside pressure.

Before closing the Suez Canal, the team instructed to draw ✍️ member. We just don't know one whose dick was drawing guys in the ship's chopping. 

Bioterrorism is a broad concept involving the use of biotoxins/substances to destroy biological (particularly human), food (including agricultural) and environmental resources, or to control those resources. Conventionally bioterrorism is divided into: - economic, - environmental, - food (including agro-terrorism), - genetic. Since bioterrorism can have a devastating impact on human health and destabilize the functioning of the economy, it can be regarded as one of the greatest threats to world security and an effective lever of influence on the population and leadership of countries. Biologically aggressive (military) forms of influence are among the most terrible means of destruction of human civilization and the biological world in general, developed by modern scientists, including geneticists. Not only modern science, but also nature itself have prepared a rich arsenal for bioterrorists - a lot of toxins, viruses and bacteria. Unlike conventional weapons, biological weapons cannot be fully controlled, especially if the territory is contaminated and proliferation cannot be recorded. The destructive, aggressive and uncontrolled potential of biological weapons is to date particularly attractive to terrorists whose intentions are not willing to resolve the issues of the global plan peacefully and to understand responsibility for the future of the planet.

The product 👆theracy of ignorance or malice called the vaccine has not passed all the necessary tests. You see the company's plans 👆 by dates, the U.S. lawmaker has relieved any responsibility of the company for this bodily in a syringe 💉 👇


💉"benefits far outweigh the risks," BigPharm said. And yet, a quick search of the yellow card message system shows that not only blood clots, but also blindness, miscarriages, strokes are among many other side effects. In legal circumstances, this will lead to recalls and massive multibillion-dollar lawsuits. In the end, and all authors and performers will be isolated from society for a long time. 

Guys on the cargo ship are breaking supply chains. One covid does not cope very well with the organization of autumn - winter hunger😂

💉Tyrania in the name of "security"

During an appearance on the Chris Cuomo show on March 10, CNN medical analyst and Chinese doctor Liana Wen said aloud the quiet/hidden part of their narrative: The vaccine is learning compliance, not health. It's about giving your rights and freedoms to the state and being grateful for the carrots (she says so) when they allow you to breathe a little. The vaccine is how they plan to destroy all of us, friends, both physically and psychologically and spiritually. 

It's time for Americans to start spending incentives on guns. The ability to shoot can one day save a life) 


What the world has come to, Friends, when they are so unabashedly open about their plans. Still, a significant part of the plebs doesn't want to hear anything about their recycling and enslavement. How sad it all is...

Clown 🤡 The White House administration 👇


        Fake corpses in New York 

Footage 🎞 from the game for children and parts of adults.

🤡 camera 🎬Camera, Motor, Filming ⚰️


The name of the country substitute anyone, you do not make a big mistake, so launched fear into the world of spring - summer 2020. No matter where this video is filmed, a single script and it is played in different locations around the world. 


Turn off the TV 📺 Friends. 👇

Serps - hammery. 

Compulsory residence permit. The passport stamped the company or institution where the document owner worked. Workers of collective farms did not have a passport, and to go to the city, they needed to get written permission in the village council. A person without a passport could be arrested and imprisoned for a couple of years. Since 1932, the passport system has been installed in cities, towns and district centers, as well as in the Moscow region and in some areas of the Leningrad region. Passports were not issued to servicemen, disabled people and rural residents. The document contained information on the date of birth, nationality, social status, attitude to military service, marital status and residence permit. It was issued to citizens who have reached the age of 16. If a person changed his place of residence, he had to be temporarily registered within 24 hours. The photo was added to the passport in 1937.

There's a thread bolt for every cunning ass. 

The question is, why? The answer was still Dostoevsky. "Tricky" differs from "smart" in that his mind is short. That is, a cunning man is not able to think through all the consequences of his act. 

And, as usual, regularly receives what he receives from life for his short-sightedness.

In other words, a cunning man is a stupid person. A stupid man who tries to behave like a smart man. Of course, this way he gets a lot of problems. Where did the proverb come from: "For every cunning ass there is a bolt with thread."

In general, gentlemen, there are no smart Satanists. 

This is nonsense. Satanist - the porthole is cunning, it's true, but not smart, and if suddenly a person is smart, it is not Satanist. 

"Who is it?" 

" Yes so, the horse 🐎 in a coat 🧥

That's it. Take care of yourself and the national passport. There are no other passports and there will be no other passports. 

There are a few things in our lives that you can look at forever and they can never be replaced or undone:

Sun 🌞 Water 💦 Air ⛅️ Money 💵 💴  Freedom 🗽 

Life is a game ... A game in which people are just actors ... In fact, the actors are a very small theater, where only one puppeteer, pulling all the threads ... A kind of baron, a bystander for ordinary eyes 👁 and unconditional executor of the fate of his little heroes ... Such a small tragedy 🎭 long in life ...

Little game of little people ... Pointless game ... Actors rarely can change something, most often their fates are already predetermined, and the end is clear ...

The threads will slip out of the hands of the puppeteer, will have to survive alone, with lawyers. The puppeteer has dried up, he can no longer take control of anything, the threads have fallen out of his hands ... Marionettes can't change anything... But there were always those who survived... they are few, but they always stood out from the non-cash oxygenless gray crowd, in which they were forced to live, work, fall in love, part, disperse and converge again, and eventually die by their death, perhaps not their own ... Both are doomed to death 🪦 end all the same and unfortunately not a runaway end - death ... But the difference is how to live that small amount of time that you have allotted ... To live so as to decide what to do for yourself, to make mistakes and to correct them yourself ... Just breathe full breasts, without restrictions ... breathe oxygen and give it to others ... The point is that even after death to breathe oxygen, and this is given not to everyone, but only to those units that in life, could breathe and give oxygen to other people suffering from its shortage ...


Of course, our life is a game, now it is very gambling and the stakes are higher than ever, you need to live it so that then - someone, wanted to reconsider, or repeat.


Today, a British meteorologist, brother of politician Jeremy Corbyn, Piers Corbyn on the London Underground removed all covid-control stickers ✊

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