Urgent news 🗞 📰 

Urgent news 🗞 📰 

Mauser Feederle

So, to understand where we are and what awaits us, some paragraphs from the 1989 letter. 

"Rockefeller's novel "Lockstep":

Phase 1: Common cold/gripp. The most-light symptoms. The media endorse mass paranoia and use a defective testing system that captures any genetic material in the body and triggers a positive result, a mass of cases, through death certificates, double counting and classification of all deaths, including other and natural causes, like Covid-19. The blocking will force us to live by the laws of Dragonia, prevent protests and suppress public resistance.

Stage 2 of Phase 1... lack of food, social distancing, masks and lack of contact with sunlight and healthy bacteria. Exposure to 5G radiation further attacks the immune system... This will also be dumped on the Covid-19. All of this will happen before the vaccination is ready for it, and an even more powerful blockage will follow until everyone likes the vaccine.

Phase 3 If most people resist the vaccine, the ATPICIN pneumonia/HIV/MERS virus will be released. A lot of people are going to die. It will be the survival of the fittest. It will also be the last push for everyone to be vaccinated to get back to normal. Those who have taken the vaccine will fight those who do not have it, it will be anarchy on all sides.

They plan to cut off the world's food supply, an ideologically promoted Schwab, a physical friend of paedophile Epstein Gates, performed by the Ethiopian terrorist director of WHO.

"In the right hand of the Snickers

In the left hand "Mars"

My PR Manager - Klaus Schwab and Karl Marx

2010: Rockefeller's 'Operation Lockstep' Predicted 2020 . 

In 2010, in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, the Rockefeller Foundation, one of Our major "philanthropic" organs, convened what is called a "scenario planning exercise" where future events that we may or may not be planning are "gamed". Ostensibly, future and scenario planning is simply prudent, especially as regards public health, so it [...]






In 2015, Richard Rothschild, together with a Dutch government organization, patented the COVID-19 testing system and method four years before the introduction of the covid-19. Also, millions of COVID-19 testing kits were sold in 2017 and 2018. So it was called COVID-19, which is, in their words, an acronym for Corona Virus Disease 2019, not CowID. 

Atomic Bombshell: Rothschilds Patented Covid- 19 Biometric 


ATOMIC BOMBSHELL: ROTHSCHILDS PATENTED COVID-19 BIOMETRIC TESTS IN 2015. AND 2017. by Silviu "Silview" Costinescu OCT 04 2020 by Silviu "Silview" Costinescu It's not disputable, since the information comes from of몭 cial patent registries in the Netherlands and US. And we have all the documentation

According to World Integrated Trade Solution data, hundreds of millions of COVID-19 testing kits were distributed worldwide in 2017 and 2018 - two years before COVID-19.

Medical Test kits (300215) exports by country | 2017


Medical Test kits (300215) exports by country in 2017 Additional Product information: Diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions Category: Medical Test kits/ Instruments, apparatus used in Diagnostic TestingThe data here track previously existing medical devices that are now classified by the World Customs Organization as critical to tackling COVID-19


The data was discovered on September 5, 2020. And on September 6, WITS suddenly changed the original designation "COVID-19" to a vague "Medical Test Kits."

As you know, this is unacceptable in trading on such urvon and on this scale, because you always have to have specific names and they correspond to the code of goods : there are many types of test kits for different diseases. What gives us the fact - they removed the specification COVID-19 after this data became known all over the world, Friends, decide for yourself, but you should know that the same makar deleted the records from the site from the city halls of the world . It also removed a recording from the UN website about the "New World Order" by 2030. 

However, they forgot to remove one detail: the product code for these "Medical Test Kits" - 300215, which means "COVID-19 Test Kits."

In fact, we see: two years before the COVID-19 outbreak, the United States, the EU, China and countries around the world began exporting millions of diagnostic tools for COVID-19, a disease that didn't even exist at the time.

According to the World Bank's website, COVID-19 is a project that is scheduled to be extended until the end of March 2025. 

In 2017, the conman Anthony Fauci made a very strange prediction in which he confidently stated that during the first term of Trump's presidency there will necessarily be a sudden outbreak of infectious disease: "NO question whether there will be a problem for the coming administration in the field of infectious diseases. There's going to be a BIG EXPLOSION. There is NO DOUBT in this."

How could Fauci guarantee a sudden outbreak during the first term of the Trump administration? That he knew what we didn't know?

He knew about this U.S. patent 🇺🇸 

Albright Orders Daily COVID-19 Tests At Intel Patent Trial ...


Albright Orders Daily COVID-19 Tests At Intel Patent Trial ... since he took the bench in 2018 and became the nation's busiest patent judge, with over 800 complaints filed in the Western District ...

And in 2018, Bill Gates has publicly announced that a global pandemic is coming, which could wipe out 30 million people, saying it will happen within the next decade. Melinda Gates then added that the artificially created virus poses the greatest threat to humanity, and assured that in the coming years it will hit humanity. 

"Global pandemic ON THE ROAD. ENGINEERING VIRUS is the greatest threat to humanity. This will happen in the FIRST DECADE." " said the same Bill in 2018, who is very concerned about the dense population of the world. 

Plus, everyone remembers "Event 201" - "Planned Pandemic," a teaching conducted by the Koch Institute, whose statistics are now used by all states and even WHO, and the Gates Foundation a year before the outbreak.

Plus, imagine, Friends, the same person- head of the CDC, each other paedophile Epstein Gates conman Fauci, who guaranteed a sudden outbreak of the virus in the next two years, gave almost 4 million dollars to the laboratory developing coronaviruses in China in Wuhan, which also invested Soros, and at the opening of which was attended by the son of the head of the French Foreign Ministry, a country ruled by the head of the French Foreign Ministry, a country ruled by the head of the French Foreign Ministry.

rockefeller. 1991: "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Shop and other publications whose directors attended our meetings and have kept their prudent promises for almost forty years.


It would be impossible for us to develop our plan for peace if we were exposed to the bright light of advertising. But now the world has become more advanced and ready to go to world government." 

We did not make a scandal, you did not get the leader, the real exuberant little, that's not the leaders ... 😂

The end, the train 🚂 goes no further. 

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