

💉🤡 The pandemic is not a matter of medicine, health or safety, it is a matter of economics... 

GreatReset in action.

The head of the IMF (international hospital 🏥) Kristalina Georgieva and her sincere confessions in the state biological terrorism: Vaccination policy is the economic policy of 😂

Komsomol members of Bulgaria do not even consider it necessary to have the correct pronunciation of the English language.

This is not the level of a top manager, this is some kind of milkmaid of the barn from the collective farm "The Testaments of Karl Marx" 

Kristalina Ivanova Georgieva was born this communist contagion on August 13, 1953 in Soviet Sofia Bulgaria, occupied by Soviet troops after the third world war. Positioning this Bulgarian terrorist as an economist, she is the chief executive officer of the World Bank, the European Commissioner from Bulgaria, and even an expert on sustainable development, the Managing Director of the IMF since 2019. Vice President of the World Bank (from March 2008 to February 2010, member of the Board of Trustees and Associate Professor at the Department of Economics at the University of National and World Economy in Sofia. Prior to the liberation of Bulgaria from Soviet occupation, this university bore the name of the famous international terrorist Karl Marx. Relative (Rockefeller's cousin). 

 One of the influential members of the "Committee of 300" is, as already mentioned, G. Kissinger, who fulfills the duties of a strategic analyst and diplomat in this secret government. He uses the gigantic intellectual, informational, economic, financial, political and organizational potential of the world government, that is, in fact, he has tremendous power.

 So, here are excerpts from Satan's New Testament, vividly reflecting the "mysteries of the Illuminati":

Victor Rothschild Soviet agentThe largest Jewish families diligently and with all their strength helped first the Bolsheviks and the emergence of the Soviet power - and then also by all means helped the USSR in economic industrialization and during the 2nd World War.

There 🖕is no answer to one 🧐

The pedigree of another neo Marx, Klaus Schwab, is already related to the Rothschild family. 

Her mother was originally from the city of Lyubimets, her father was the grandson of a Bolshevik terrorist - a revolutionary from the city of Elena Ivan Kyrshovsky. 

( Bulgarian Russian ) . 

She completed her secondary education at the 7th secondary school "Holy Sedmotyrniki". She received her higher education in the field of political economy and sociology at the Karl Marx Institute (after liberation from the communist yoke in 1991, the university was renamed the University of National and World Economy in Sofia. Loudly, nothing can be said swinging Bulgarian resort. Kristalina in connection with the difficult economic situation in communist Bulgaria, like many pretty girls worked as a prostitute, including sleeping 🛏 with the teachers of Karl Marx. The Communists have always been in trend, since the distant 1917, they almost all led a double life of fleas. After graduating in 1976, the fucking Komsomol Kristalina for outstanding merits in the part of blowjobs under the teacher's table began scientific work on improvement in the same discipline, and for even greater merits in the night fucking she was already made an associate professor in 1977. The dizzying career of Komsomol fleas is the norm in communist regimes.

Although there are exceptions, such as Kamal in the United States.

In 1986, Komsomol member Ivanovna defended her doctoral thesis on the topic: "Environmental Policy and Economic Growth in the United States" (the declared topic of the dissertation in Wikipedia is false, such titles of dissertations at the Marx Institute in 1986 were not purely speculative and physically also did not exist). 

Here is another student of Karl Marx at Donetsk University (Ukraine 🇺🇦). 

For some reason, he does not want to tell the truth about his Komsomol youth to the Germans of Germany and to the world as a whole. 

She was born in Hamburg,17, 1954 to Horst Kasner (German: Horst Kasner; 1926–2011) and Gerlinda Kasner (1928–2019). Horst Kasner, who had Polish roots and germanic his surname Kazmierczak three years before Hitler came to power, studied theology at the universities of Heidelberg and Hamburg.

Paternal grandparents of Angela Merkel, 1919

Angela's grandfather, Ludwik Kazmierczak (son of Anna Kazmierczak and Ludwik Wojciechowski), a policeman from Poznań, served in the German army during World War I, was captured in France, where he joined the Polish army of General Józef Haller. He participated in the Polish-Ukrainian and Soviet-Polish wars. In 1923 he moved to Berlin, where he served in the police (from 1943 with the rank of Haupt-Wachmister in the security police of the Pankow district of Berlin). Angela's mother, Gerlinda Jench, was born in Danzig (now Gdańsk), lived in Elbing (now Elbląg) until 1936.[1][2][3]

A few weeks after Angela's birth, her family moved from Hamburg to the GDR, where Horst Kasner was assigned to the parish of the Lutheran Church of Berlin-Brandenburg in Perleberg. Three years later, in 1957, the Kasners moved to Templin. There, Father Angela no longer served as a pastor, but took part in the creation of an intra-church educational center, for a long time led a college for pastors and held a prominent position in the Lutheran Church of Berlin-Brandenburg[4]. His wife worked as a teacher of Latin and English. In addition to Angela, the couple had two more children: Angela's brother Marcus (b. 1957) and sister Irena (b. 1964).

Kasner was one of the members of the part of the church that supported the GDR government and the SED policy towards the church. The Kasners enjoyed certain privileges, they were allowed to travel to the west,

Anna at school decided to enter the Physics Department of the Karl Marx University of Leipzig and in 1973 moved to Leipzig. 

Anna often visited the Soviet Union and even visited On the recommendation of the Soviet authorities Gora, the homeland of Joseph Stalin. And during the denigrated trip of 🧳 to the USSR in 1974, at one of the meetings on youth exchange with physics students from Moscow and Leningrad, she met her first husband, a physics student from Vogtland, Ulrich Merkel. The wedding took place at Templin Church on September 3, 1977.

Our thesis and blueberry speculator 🫐 "The influence of spatial correlation on the rate of bimolecular elementary reactions in a dense medium" defended everything from the same Karl Marx in June 1978 perfectly. Well done Anya During her studies, Angela actively participated in the work of the SSNM - an analogue of the Soviet Komsomol. Wikipedia is very modest in saying - participated. Our Anya was the secretary of the Komsomol organization and was engaged in communist education (laid down her comrades in knocking out in the communist paradise of the GDR). 

Work in the Academy of Sciences of the GDR (1978-1989) Member of the German Communist Party, . 

Angela, as a certified physicist, received a place at the Central Institute of Physical Chemistry at the Academy of Sciences of the GDR, located in Berlin's Adlershof district.

Immediate plans of state biological terrorists 

COVID 12 on the way, predicted in Rockefeller's Lock Step: Ex-CDC director warns that there will be an option more dangerous than Delta in the fall

Dr. Robert Redfield, warned that a variant of SARS-CoV-2, even more contagious than Delta, could hit the U.S. in just a few months.

"Unfortunately, I'm going to predict that within two, three, four months, we're going to have another option and that option will be more contagious," Redfield said. "The only thing we can all do to really resist the evolution of this next option, to slow it down, is to vaccinate our population."

The Covid-Plan/Rockefeller Lockstep 2010 tells us that a simulated global outbreak requires certain steps, different phases, overall timing and expected outcomes. We have seen all this and will see it again. And it was laid out in Rockefeller Lockstep 2010:

Create a highly contagious but very low mortality rate virus to fit the plan needed. Using SARS, HIV, a hybrid research strain created in the Fort Dietrich Class 4 laboratory from 2008 to 2013 as part of a research project to find out why corona viruses spread like wildfire in bats but are extremely difficult to infect humans. To counteract this, they added 4 HIV inserts to the virus. The missing key to infect humans is Ace-2-Receptor. 

Create a weapon-friendly version of the virus with a much higher mortality rate as a backup plan. Let it be ready for release in Phase 3, but only if necessary. SARS, HIV, MERS, an armed strain of Tribit created in the Fort Dietrich Class 4 laboratory in 2015. Transport the research strain to another Class 4 laboratory, the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Canada, and let it be specifically "stolen and smuggled by China" and delivered to China's only Class 4 laboratory, which is the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. The main scenario is its naturalness. The scenario is that China created it and released it by accident. 

Find all the talking heads: Fauci, Birx, Tedrosa and agencies, the World Health Organization, NIAID, the CDC, and the UN that will be involved in the pandemic response until the planned release of a research strain to control the scenario throughout the operation. 

Create and fund a vaccination and deployment plan so that it can be rolled out globally (Gates: Decade of Vaccines and Global Vaccine Action Plan, 2010-2020). Create and fund vaccination, verification and certification protocols, Digital ID, to ensure compliance/confirmation of the vaccination program after mandatory deployment is introduced. 

Model the lockstep hypothesis just before the planned release of the research strain, using a real exercise (Event 201 in October 2019) as the final war game to determine the expected response, time frame, and outcomes. 

Release the research strain at the Wuhan Institute of Virology itself, and then blame it on the release of a natural scapegoat - the seafood market (Wuhan wet market, November 2019). Just like in simulation. 

Downplay human-to-human transmission for as long as possible to allow the research strain to spread globally before any country can block the response to avoid the initial infection.

Once the country has seen the infection, block incoming/outgoing travel. Keep it transmitted domestically, let it spread as long as possible. Once enough people in a country/region are infected, impose forced quarantine/isolation on that area and expand lockdown zones slowly over time, inflating the mortality rate, tying the research strain to deaths that have little to do with the real virus to keep fear and compliance at maximum. 

If someone dies for any reason and is found to have COVID, consider it a Covid death. And if someone thinks they may have had symptoms of covid, let's say they don't have covid, treat it as a Covid death.

Keep public quarantine as long as possible to disrupt the region's economy, create civil unrest, disrupt the supply chain, and cause massive food shortages. And also cause a weakening of the immune system of people due to the lack of interaction with the bacteria of other people, the outside world, that is, things that keep our immune system alert and active. 

Downplay and attack any potential treatments and keep repeating that the only cure that is viable to fight this virus is a vaccine. Continue to stretch the quarantine over and over again at "two-week intervals" [the words "two weeks" are pronounced like spells], which will cause more and more people to eventually stand up and protest. Challenge them. 

And here's the key part for now: Eventually end the Phase 1 quarantine. Once they've got enough, publicly state that you think "it's too early to end the isolation, but I'm going to do it anyway." Once the audience bounces back, wait a few weeks and keep "typing."

Investigate the mortality rate of Covid strains, August-September 2020, and combine it with an increase in mortality due to people dying from common diseases, who will die at a higher rate than usual, due to a severely weakened immune system due to months of isolation [You should wear masks regularly, social distancing - the inability to naturally exchange bacteria, viruses and thereby educate, strengthen immunity]. 

After all, quarantine Phase 2, from October to November 2020, at an even more extreme level and blame the protesters, mostly people who no longer trust their governments, as the cause of a huge, terrible second wave when the media will say, "We told you that. It was still too early. It's all your fault because you needed to get a haircut. Your freedoms have consequences." [If all this unfolds in this way, the U.S. election will be canceled, postponed, or suspended, and there will be unrest in Russia]. 

Enforce phase 2 quarantine at a much more extreme level by increasing the penalty for disobedience. Replace fines with a prison term. Consider all travels inconsequential and impossible. Increase the number of checkpoints, including military checkpoints. Increase tracking with the required app. Take control of food, gas and create a large-scale shortage of everything so that people can access basic products or services only if they first give permission for a vaccine with all the ensuing consequences.

Keep the Phase 2 lockdown for a much longer period of time than the Phase 1 lock, continuing to disrupt the global economy – further deteriorating the supply chain and further exacerbating food shortages and the like. Challe any public outrage through extreme action or force and make anyone who challenges you appear to be the No. 1 public enemy to those who are willing to comply after a fairly long Phase 2 plus 6 month lockdown, and roll out a vaccination program and vaccine certification and make it mandatory for everyone by giving priority access to those who applied from the start. and let those who are for it attack those who are against it by saying, "they are a threat and the cause of all problems," using words such as "we cannot return to normal life until everyone accepts the vaccine. And the people who challenge them harm our way of life and are therefore enemies." 

In other words, they are going to turn people against each other, riots, blood 🩸, suppression by military forces, concentration camps set up all over the world as a covid isolation ward, forced false tests (infection), forced injections (infection), poisoning in other ways, including gas that is brought to sleeping quarters, false death certificates from non-existent viruses - mass graves are the result of disposing of a part of the population in this way. Way. There are many more ways to provide a secret plan. For each locality and country, their own plans are written depending on the difference in opportunities for terrorists and authorities. 

For the full establishment of military ommu and medical fascism, they calculated the duration of biological blackmail of the world's population until 2028 in endless information attacks. They need to prick 70-80%, that is, most people will then agree with their plan agenda, according to these terrorists. 

We think otherwise! 

Also in the plans of terrorists, yes, they already apply this tactic everywhere, the total restriction of the rights of all who do not want to submit to methodical violence and the restriction of the Constitutional right to freedom of choice and peaceful life. 

We are confident that only national military forces can stop the false vaccination against the false COVID-19, and de facto killing of the population of the nation-states of the world. The case of the special operation corona 👑 went too far to believe that biological state terrorists themselves will stop this crime of the century. 

We can clearly see how they are in a hurry in the United States and Western Europe imposed unthinkable restrictions on freedom of movement and other unjustified restrictions on the rights and freedoms of civil society. 

Even one of the WHO operational terrorists calls for the need to stop revaccination, while this group of terrorists, sensing close retaliation, proposes to transfer the poison (vaccine) to poor countries.

We appeal to all these poor countries: urgently refuse to help! 

If you divide all countries into three groups: 

1) with a small number of vaccinated;

2) medium vaccinated; 

3) high level of vaccinated population.

Then we can clearly see from the incoming data from the United States, Israel and Canada, the mortality rate in these countries on average, increases by 10 times! 

Those are the horrific numbers.

We record mass murder populations in different countries of the world. Everything happens in the previously stated paradigm: Gates - Chubais. This paradigm prescribes a decrease in the number of the world's population from 7.5 billion to 2.0 -1.5 billion by 2050. These figures see if there are not enough resources, this is from the long-standing statements: Chubais at the WEF forum of Klaus Schwab in 2011 and later from Gates, their many of these statements. Christine Lagarde also suffered and suffered live urging something to be done to the elderly, as they live a long time. Fascists of the 21st century say everything openly and under video cameras 📹 So, Friends, those who follow closely the international criminal group of biological saboteurs and terrorists, there is nothing surprising in their malicious criminal acts, except for their boundless arrogance and stupidity. 

Take for example the former world resort of Thailand.

Vaccination begins only in April and is at first very slow, and somewhere in June is gaining momentum. 1 picture💉

The incidence goes the same way - from almost zero for the entire period from last February to 23,000 per day now. Picture 2

And now we look at mortality.
Picture 3☠️

From February 15 last year to April 16, 97 people died. That's in 14 months. And today there are already 7973 people. For these 7877 deaths in 4 months, vaccination should be thanked.


2 more tables. Mortality and vaccination rates are correlated. We have already said this above.

Bennett: the third vaccination for the body - as a recharge for the "iPhone"

The Prime Minister of Israel addressed the people, telling about the current situation and sharing plans for the near future.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett once again spoke about the undesirability of the ban on the work of enterprises and on movement. 

"If we continue to lock up the country, there will be no money left for Iron Dome missiles and armored personnel carriers," he said. 

- I want to dispel false rumors. The vaccine works, and it works perfectly. First, it's safe. Secondly, it works☠️"

Bennett said the government is likely to approve a third vaccine for the population over 40 tomorrow. 

He said that "the country is waiting for hard days." Then the prime minister again urged everyone to be vaccinated. 

"Of the last 105 covid deaths, 103 have not completed the required course of vaccinations," he said, without specifying how many vaccinations are part of this "necessary course" and whether a third vaccination for the elderly is meant.

"There can't be two opinions. I don't acknowledge other opinions. There are facts and there is science that says that a vaccine saves people's lives. 

There are many vaccinations that need to be injected again from time to time. It's like a battery for an iPhone: you need to recharge the body. 

The third dose protects us and gives us stronger immunity than the second vaccination after a certain period," Bennett said.

He reiterated that "previous lockdowns cost two hundred billion shekels" and said that the new travel ban would be "the last measure if everything else does not work." 

"The state is not a nanny, it will not lead anyone by the hand for vaccination, go and get vaccinated," the prime minister said.

    The death vaccine works☠️ is true

In the noisy hall of the restaurant 

Joy and deception 

The Poet's Work 

Near the table 

You're sitting around. 

All in the light of the night 

So it was the same as the result. 

That the words were with the gyb 

Zakpyzhilo golovy intoxicating 

You're going to go with me I know 

He's been caressing you for a long time. 

And I don't give you home. 

Burns in the stronger fire 

Not my you, not mine 

So why am I going to 

How much wine do I have? 

To make a look out of memory 

And forget your dreams 

Ah, what woman, what woman 

I'm like 

Ah, what woman, what woman 

I'm like

Well, this is a personal gift 🎁 dear to you, so as not to enter ⛔️ into the cross-border counterweight. Well, you get it, actually, we hope 🤞

Several million doses of liquid were brought to Ukraine💉 now it is necessary to stimulate the people to be pricked👇it is a way

Odessa. In the children's camp "Young Guard" 33 people (both children and adults) suspect strain "Delta". But this is a preliminary diagnosis - the exact one will be put in Kiev. 

A total of 53 people have contracted COVID in the camp. The center is being prepared for temporary closure.

This was announced on August 18 at a briefing by the chief sanitary doctor of the Odessa region Vitaly Goncharov, the correspondent of the Ukrainian Information Service reports.

A total of 53 people — 50 children and three counselors — have been diagnosed with COVID-19 to date. The children came from 18 regions of Ukraine aged 9-18 years.

As the infectious disease doctor Sergey Kostenko told, most of the patients are in satisfactory condition. There is a cough, a reduced appetite, but in general they feel normal.

Children whose temperature is above 37.7 are subject to hospitalization. Already four were sent to the 3rd nursery, today two more are hospitalized.

In the building "Star", where the flash was recorded, there are only 494 children, that is, so many contacts. They were tested and left for a 14-day quarantine.

Children are "asymptomatic", but will be under the supervision of doctors. Camp contact workers will also be quarantined for 14 days. There are a total of 1058 children in the camp. Of the 500 employees, 230 were vaccinated.

To date, it has been decided to completely close the children's center, that is, all remaining children must return home, except for contact - they will be under the supervision of doctors. 

Each child will be tested for COVID before leaving, and if there is a positive response, they will be left at the camp.

Parents are trying to take their children

Who came to visit us, what people and without protection ...

She doesn't think or delve into that it's just a statue and why this weight is on the shoulder of this Man. 

She just saw that it was very hard for Him. 

She just saw that He needed help. 

In truth, it is said that if you are not like Children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. 

Look at the World with the heart of a child and it will become better. It is then that the World and We will all have another chance to go forward for a long time and confidently in the future! 

Louise and the Beastie Boys, as always, lead an obscene lifestyle, being fond of excessive amounts of alcohol and sex back in 1985.

Ϻɾ. Ϸʝαησ Χ

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