Drugs, electroshock and demons

Drugs, electroshock and demons

Mr. Sledgehammer 

Features of psychocoding of adherents of the New World Order.

A former instructor of the global satanic Order of the Illuminati talks about the structure of the order, its rituals and programming techniques of its adherents

«Breaking the Chain» 

1) http://svalispeaks.com/?p=138

2) http://wanttoknow.info/secret_societies/svali_book_svali_speaks

From the editors:

The preface to this translation of the book "BREAKING THE CHAIN. Liberation from cult programming" could be put the material of the same author - "Interview Svali with Greg Szymanski", but its volume is quite large and its translation was made before me. Therefore, I put this "preface" at the end of the book, in the Appendix, where it can be read both before reading the book itself and after.

In an interview with Greg Szymanski, Svali gives an overview of the Illuminati Order. This woman was in the order from childhood, more precisely, from birth. She was a hereditary Illuminati. She performed the role of a psychocoding instructor in the order-cult. She managed to leave the order and stay alive.

In the book below titled "BREAKING THE CHAIN. Liberation from cult programming" Svali describes in detail the programming techniques of cult adepts.

It is necessary to explain the specific terms "dissociation", "dissociative disorder" and "ALTER" often used in this book. All the psychocoding/programming techniques that the author describes will revolve around these concepts.

"Dissociation", "dissociative identity disorder", "dissociative personality disorder" is a splitting of the human psyche into separate fragments, sub-personalities, ALTERS (from the word "alter") that occurs under the influence of irresistible psychotrauma.

A particularly deep dissociation occurs in the victim in childhood with violence (or participation in violence) on the part of a person to whom there is special trust. For example, on the part of parents (the closest people in the child's life) or a clergyman (the one whom everyone around him presents to the child as a holy and very important mediator of God Himself). Hence such great importance is attached by the Illuminati to the ritual and "teaching" abuse of parents of their children. The same pattern explains why so many children who have been victims of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy come from, the same priestly hierarchy that created and governs the Illuminati Order.

As of November 2013, there were more than 10 million cases of sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests. These 10,077,574 cases are only a small fraction of the crimes committed. According to experts, only 10% of victims of sexual violence dare to report their experience to someone, and only 10% of these cases that have become known go to court..." 

That is, according to the most cautious estimates, in countries where vatican priests work with the population, 10 million children through sexual abuse were subjected to psychotrauma, the consequence of which could be "dissociation".

In the course of reading this book, the reader will understand the main idea of Satanism, which appears to us in different guises - the idea of "DIVIDE and MASTER". Divide the person within the person himself into sub-personalities, pit them against each other and control them through enmity and subordination of one to another. Separate children and parents in families. Divide people in society into warring "religious" denominations and sects or political parties. Divide into "successful" and "losers", rich and poor and manage them, indulging the vanity and weaknesses of some and taking away the vitality of others.

The divided parts of a single whole - society, country, individual - lose the power of unity, harmony, consonance, and then there is a possibility of invasion of them from the side and management, manipulation from the outside. 

So entire countries with a society divided into warring factions are plunged into a destructive stream of endless revolutions and "reforms". 

So people with a psyche divided into separate warring fragments, fragments, become valuable material for Satanists in psychocoding laboratories and in secret sanctuaries where rituals of summoning demons take place. 

Intelligence agencies turn people with a split psyche into "perfect spies". Black magicians in priests' cassocks use them as an open channel for the will of their patrons and collaborator from invisible spiritual realms.

What does such a "dissociation" done with the human psyche look like, shows the story of a Cuban who took place in the secret archives of the KGB under the conditional name "man-quartet" (1).

In the mid-60s in Cuba, Soviet counterintelligence arrested one Juan Angelo Costaniero. In order to understand what is behind some of the strangeness in his behavior, he was sent to the Soviet Union and entrusted to psychologists from the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and the Serbsky Institute of Forensic Psychiatry. After a long study of Juan Costagnero, a picture of his mental state was revealed. It was concluded that the Cuban underwent a thorough psychological treatment in the laboratories of the CIA, where, through the dissociative personality disorder caused by him, he was turned into a "superspy"-killer.

Four unaware of each other personalities, "sitting" in the Cuban, spoke different dialects of Spanish, had each their own name and even individual blood pressure and heartbeat. The first of these personalities was an ordinary agricultural worker. She covered the second person - an American of Cuban origin, who had received special training in the CIA. A third person was obsessed with the idea of killing Fidel Castro. A fourth person was obsessed with suicide mania.

Each of these personalities was included in "Juan Costaniero" with the help of conditional code signals-commands, like TV channels in a TV. When a Cuban programmed to kill Castro fulfilled the purpose of his life, he would turn into a suicide personality for self-destruction. Thus, a human automaton with a mechanism of self-destruction was created.

How to create such automata from living people, how they "work", starting from the utrobe period of development, you will learn from this book.

It is worth considering that we have already entered into a complex intellectual game with those who stand behind the Order of the Illuminati and control this secret society through its highest hierarchs. 

This knowledge is the history of the order, the philosophy and plans for future action of the Illuminati. Svali herself admits in her interviews that one cannot rely on the reliability of the "facts" embedded in the heads of ordinary members of the order. 

As follows from the description of the practice of the Illuminati, all the information that has circulation in the order is a strictly ordered system with elements of the same programming - information "mines" and "traps for fools". They are designed to keep the minds of cult members in the labyrinth of a certain ideology and for possible information leaks - in case one of the members of the order still breaks out from under the supervision and power of psychological programming and begins to speak ... That is, they are designed for us and you.

In order not to fall for such misinformation, it is advisable to take into account and not forget several key points when reading the text.














             Boston, 1950

Against Lom there is no reception if there is no other Lom. 

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