Wise Men Protocols 

Wise Men Protocols 

ⵠⴽ. ᗑⴽ. ᗑⵟƝGⵟ ⵋ

Great Reset - B — Building Back Better . 


You're going to have the Bolsheviks in the toilet 🚽? 

Employees lose respect for a company that is unable to provide facilities for their comfort. 

Against what they fought against, and they ran into 😂 (rhyme).

Karl Marx is a cousin of the Rothschilds.

Totalitarianism is a political regime that implies absolute (total) control of the state over all aspects of public and private life.

Great Reset, New World Order - these code phrases are uttered by all politicians. Coronavirus is a new opportunity, a new opportunity, a new chance. We first suspected behind these too frequent commercials that something is not natural, and now we are proving a conspiracy to change the economic and social - political structure of the countries of the world, their formations and way of life of the population formed for decades. De facto it is anti-state action built on 100% criminal lies of cosmic proportions. We don't quite understand what these people were hoping for. 

We are talking about a well-planned ideological apropriation against the background of a directorized large-scale disaster. There is a pandemic, an attack on the health of all mankind by the coronavirus, and globalists under this medical veil are changing the world. One financial crisis - without epidemic and lockdown, without man-made accidents and famine, without a covid passports and other anti-medical heresy, does not present them with the opportunity to implement the plan and bring it to the point of no return. 

The art of yachtsman is not only to sail in the wind, but also against the wind. As long as the wind is on the right, left, back or front: if there is a wind, the yachtsman floats. Only in the case of a full calm yacht stops. 

Globalists are like yachtsmen: they are ready to use any situation, both in their favor and against them, if only there was movement, dynamics. Manipulation for the sake of fast big money with a long-term multi-vector plan of totalitarian control of the world's population, depopulation, birth control, and the world's population. 

It is impossible to admit it openly, as panic, protests, uprisings, chaos will begin... And finally came up with 👇 and decided to act 

Did Anthony Fauci Own Coronavirus Patent Since 2003? Income Rose 100% During Pandemic?


“Lockstep” Written 10 years ago chronicles how to bring the world down with a pandemic | This report was produced by The Rockefeller Foundation


Kristalina Gergieva from the Institute of Marxism-Leninism enters the circus arena as deputy chief physician of the international clinic 🏥 on related profile of the bank 🏦 finances and other shenanigans 


Medical Test kits (300215) exports by country in 2017 Additional Product information: Diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions Category: Medical Test kits/ Instruments, apparatus used in Diagnostic TestingThe data here track previously existing medical devices that are now classified by the World Customs Organization as critical to tackling COVID-19

        Kristalina Ivanova Georgieva 

This pilot was born on August 13, 1953 in Sofia. Her mother is originally from the city of Lyubinets, and the father is the grandson of the Bolshevik revolutionary from the city Elena Ivan Kyrshovsky .

She completed her high school education at the 7th High School of the Holy Sevens. She received her higher education at the Karl Marx Institute. She began her research at Karl Marx University in 1977 and later became an assistant professor. 

Wikipedia writes that in 1986 she defended her doctoral thesis on "Environmental Policy and Economic Growth in the United States" 🇺🇸 

We strongly doubt that in 1986 this pilot in communist Bulgaria, de facto 16th Republic of the USSR someone allowed to write ✍️ such dessert 🧁 and with this name. We doubt exactly 100% and ask special services to make a request in this communist shuffle. At the same time, the chief doctor Ivanovna 👇 to ask for the same question.

Very blunt Marxists from the international hospital 🏥 after they were caught red-handed replaced the name COVID 19 with what you see at the top. But it's too late to drink Borjoomi when the kidneys fell off, and along with the kidneys dried the brain 🧠. Since when crossing national borders, the goods are customs procedures and this information is available in the customs authorities. And then there's the phone 📱 and we have two cameras in front and back of the 👇

Angela Dorothea Merkel, born Kasner; july 17, 1954, Hamburg, Germany)

Angela Merkel's paternal grandfather and grandmother, 1919

Angel's grandfather, Ludvik Kazmerchak (son of Anna Kazmerchak and Ludvik Wojciechowski), a policeman from Poznan, served in the German army during World War I, was captured in France, where he joined the Polish army of General Jozef Haller. He participated in the Polish-Ukrainian and Soviet-Polish wars. In 1923 he moved to Berlin, where he served in the police (since 1943, in the rank of Haupt-wahmistra in the security police of the Berlin district of Pankov). Angela's mother, Gerlinda Yench, was born in Danzig (now Gdansk) and lived in Elbing (now Elblong) until 1936.

While the Germans fled the GDR, just a few weeks after Angela was born, her family moved from Hamburg to the GDR, where Horst Kasner was assigned to the parish of the Lutheran Church of Berlin-Brandenburg in The City of Perdeleberg. Three years later, in 1957, the Kasners moved to templin. There, Angela's father no longer served as a pastor, according to the official version, he participated in the creation of an intra-church educational center, for a long time led a college for pastors and held a prominent position in the Lutheran Church of Berlin-Brandenburg. His wife and, it seems, Angela's mother worked as a teacher of Latin and English.

During her school years she was a member of the pioneer organization and then the Union of Free German Youth (SNM).

After high school she enrolled at the University of Leipzig named Karl Marx, 1973 . 

While studying in 1974 at one of the meetings on youth exchange in the USSR with physics students Moscow / Leningrad . I met my first husband, a physics student from Foggland, Ulrich Merkel. The wedding took place in Templin Church on September 3, 1977.

Merkel defended the diploma work "Influence of spatial correlation on the speed of bimolecular elementary reactions in a dense environment" in June 1978. During Angel's studies, the Deputy Secretary for Ideological Work in the SNSM Committee, the analogue of the Komsomol. 

Work at the Academy of Sciences of the GDR (1978-1989) . In 1989, the GDR ceased to exist, that is, ordered to live long. And yet Anna has managed to try a lot, judging by her activities in 2020-2021 she misses much for those young years 👇

In light of this, much is cleared up, including the transfer of Angela Merkel's father from the western zone to the eastern one. One can assume, or you might be, it was not a mission to strengthen the faith of East Germans at the height of the Cold War.

The future Chancellor of Germany in his youth successfully speculated blueberries, but not only these berries, while being listed as an activist of the Union of Free German Youth. All this is typical for the Marxist - Soviet - fascist zone. For example, the East German "Comrade for the Trade in Vegetables and Fruits" bought berries from the population at 4 marks per kilogram. And immediately sold adopted blueberries on 2 brands - the trade in berries was supported by state products, in retail blueberries sold cheaper than the purchase price. Early after the laws of life, Merkel handed over a kilo of blueberries, received her 4 stamps, and an hour later came back and bought the same blueberries, but already half the price. And so again and again. At the same time, she easily bonfired at the "Komsomol" meetings of her classmates, who came in exactly the same way as she did herself.

Ah youth, youth ... Where are our years Anya? 

The 20th century was a terrifying example of totalitarian state systems. It is hardly possible to explain their occurrence only by the personal aspirations of dictators who found themselves at the top of power. On the contrary, these people appeared at the right time in the right place. It is possible that the acts of these rulers corresponded to a certain objective need dictated by the vector of development of the States they led. If it's a disease, it's a disease of society. Therefore, the search for objective causes and aspirations of totalitarian systems is always useful for understanding the "current state" of society.

Of the existing definitions of totalitarianism, the most commonly used - from Latin (total - whole, complete) - an inhumane system, which for certain purposes seeks full (total) control over the entire life of society and all aspects of the life of each individual. Family, religion, education, business, private property, social relations, culture and art - the life of every person, the activities of any public organizations and associations - all must be subordinated to a single purpose for which there is a totalitarian state. The goals can be different - the revival of national dignity (Nazism, Germany), the destruction of human exploitation by man (communism, the Soviet Union), self-development and the protection of the original national culture from harmful external influences (Juche, Korea). But whatever the goals (even if they are sublime and noble), the totalitarian means of achieving them lead to similar structures, methods and results. They always seek to destroy the individual, to destroy man - in the physical, moral and intellectual sense.

One of the main properties of the totalitarian system (derived from the definition) - its integrity. All parts of it, all its elements must act in concert. Integrity is achieved in two ways - coercion and upbringing. The goal of totalitarian education is to introduce the goals of the system into the consciousness of each individual. Everyone should understand well what his state is for and think about what and how he should do in his place in this structure to get closer to the goal. The goals, needs and desires of each individual must coincide with the purpose of the system. Every step towards achieving this goal must be of satisfaction to each individual. Then coercion becomes superfluous, it can be replaced by an explanation - what and how a person should do to meet his own need, i.e. to achieve his own and universal happiness.

Its logic derives from the integrity of the system. Only logically correct connections between individual elements of the system make it unified. Violation or lack of logic in connections can lead to ambiguity, local freedom and the emergence of local goals that differ from a single, systemic one. The ideal totalitarian system must be subject to a single logic. The logic that originates in one single postulate is hierarchical.


Yes, we understand your desires COVID21, COVID-22, COVID-24 all as the managers of the idiots of the tripartite commission and the international bank have written. 

Ansell Magnus Nicolin, we disappoint you bro, you are closely associated with Bill and Melinda Gates, and the company is your leading supplier of SIS equipment during Ebola and ATYPICAL pneumonia. Go to the ass, and we follow in the money trail. 

You can join us, especially those who like to follow in the footsteps of money 💵. Although we do not drive anyone, those who like to walk in the ass are also invited to us.

🇺🇸Retrospection of one conspiracy theory. 

Sasha Soros, son of the maniac Soros, knew what and how it would happen with the elections in the states: 

"I'm going to pit you with zimmerman!"

The story of "Black Lives Matter" began with a murder. In late February 2012, Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African-American man, was killed. Killed him by a white patrol volunteer, George Michael zimmerman. At first glance, it may seem that the case is quite simple, but in fact it was much more complicated.

He was neither a racist nor a supporter of right-wing radical ideas. On the contrary, he has been a member of the Democratic Party since 2002. He was also a mentor to a black boy, according to his lawyer.

In general, there were no manifestations of racism on his part during the entire biography of zimmerman, although there were other sins. He almost got into a fight with a police officer while intoxicated, after a fight with the bride, so much so that both accused each other of domestic violence and assault, was accused of significant speeding, but was acquitted - in general, petty offenses that have no trace of racism.

He was fond of law and police work. He took courses at the police academy in Florida, and then declared himself the coordinator of the "neighborhood watch" - and had every right to do so.

"Neighborhood Watch" an interesting American invention, inherited from the era of the Wild West, when to defend against robbers had to their own forces. By the 21st century, the "neighborhood watch" looks like this: armed men gather and patrol the streets. They are forbidden to use weapons - but the very fact of their being on the street greatly reduces crime and helps the police.

George Michael zimmerman lived in a not the most prosperous area of Florida, but it just so happened that among his neighbors there was no one who would join the patrol. He patrolled the streets alone, and in many ways this led to confusion in the case of the murder of Trayvon Martin.

On the evening of February 26, 2012, he patrolled his apartment complex with semi-automatic weapons. Suddenly he noticed a stranger acting suspiciously. According to the instructions, he called the police, calling for the help of professionals. At this point the stranger ran to the exit, and the patrolman, confident in his rightness, rushed to pursue him, despite the dispatcher's requests not to do so.

What happened next is a big question. Supporters of zimmerman allege that young Trayvon Martin attacked him, broke his nose and smashed the back of his head (all of these injuries were confirmed in court). Opponents insist that he himself attacked the teenager, and then shot him at close range. One way or another, the young man died from a bullet wound. And the court faced a difficult decision.

The fact that the death of Trayvon Martin learned all over America. This immediately led to numerous rallies, where protesters demanded "justice for Trayvon." Accusations and threats were poured against him, while many considered him completely innocent. If the victim first attacked the patrolman, the murder should have been classified as self-defence.

Separately, the killing might not have resonated a year later or earlier, but 2012 was a campaign year when President Obama desperately tried to keep office. For Democrats, the topic of racial injustice was a convenient card for mobilizing a black electorate that was disillusioned with Obama.

In many ways, therefore, the ordinary, in general, though a tragic incident, attracted the attention of the whole country. Almost more people knew about zimmerman than about Obama and Romney, who actually fought for the presidency. He was filmed a series in South Park, his name was mentioned more than once in songs, both in a positive and in a negative sense, and in the series "Shameless" there was a bright phrase thrown to the character, who portrayed a black man: "If you do not stop, I will set on you zimmerman!"

The more attention the figure attracted, the more people looked forward to the verdict of the court. Some insisted on a long, if not life term, others on the contrary, demanded to acquit the patrolman. As a result, on July 12, 2013, a trial was held, where he was unanimously acquitted. And the thunder came.

Three Black Valkyries

A huge number of people took to the streets to publicly express their opposition to the verdict. But there was more left at home, while not giving way to the accumulated resentment: for the African-American community, the acquittal of zimmerman was a very painful event.

It was at this time that the phrase was uttered, which marked the beginning of the whole movement. It belonged to Alicia Garza, a black activist who, like everyone else, was depressed and very disheartened by the court's decision. On emotion, she wrote on Facebook "a letter of love for African Americans." It ended with the words: "Stop saying we are not surprised. That in itself is incredibly offensive. I still wonder how little black lives mean. And I will continue in the same vein. Stop giving up black lives. African americans. I love you. I love us. Our lives matter."

This speech was inspired by her longtime friend, African-American Patricia Cullors, who has long been active and fighting for black rights. She reposted the post to her account and tagged her with the tag "Black Lives Matter."

The sacred phrase was uttered. The hashtag was literally created to disperse into the people and become a universal slogan against racism...

Except he didn't. The phrase about black lives drowned in a sea of other tags, completely losing the banal demand of justice for Trayvon Martin. And here the third "Valkyrie" Opal Togeti came on stage.

Opal also had extensive experience in activism: she herself was the daughter of immigrants from Nigeria and actively defended the rights of those who came to the country. She started spreading the phrase on social networks and popularizing the movement.

It turned out all this with varying success. All three dark-skinned girls did their best to make their project really popular, but their fame was very local, and thousands of crowds at their rallies could not be dreamed of.

The sharp rise in popularity of the movement was facilitated by... another murder. In 2014, an African-American man, Michael Brown, was killed by police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson.

There, the story was somewhat similar to that of zimmerman - there are two completely different versions: one says that Brown provoked an order and even tried to attack him, the other claims that Brown was shot after he raised his hands. In any case, Brown's death caused riots.

Then three girls, led by Patricia Cullors with the support of the famous black writer Darnell Moore organized a long marathon across the country to reach Ferguson and express support for the protesters. This race was called "Black Lives Matter: A Trip."

The murder of George Floyd is an operation under a false flag.

On May 25 (Monday), police in Minneapolis, Minnesota, detained 46-year-old George Floyd on suspicion of using a "fake payment" to shop at the store. The rest you know. We decided to put together a small selection of inconsistencies in this narrative.

Derek Chauvin in the photo before his arrest looks a little different than after him.

The two photos clearly shows the different size and shape of the ears, the size and shape of the chin, the size and shape of the forehead, the shape of the nose, the arcs. Although, perhaps, the events of recent days have changed the appearance of the ex-cop, because of the act of which the whole of America still stands on the ears.

The obama Foundation's official Twitter account posted a photo of George Floyd long before he died, and long before the world learned of the existence of this convicted, porn-actor drug addict, on May 17: 

"Did you tune in to start Barack Obama's message starting the message last night? Here are some of our favorite hour-long parties. Answer this theme with your photos from last night and continue the celebration in obama.org. "-- said in a statement of the foundation on May 17.

Not only that, there is an even older message from the Obama Foundation of this kind. On October 29, 2019, the Foundation also published an image of a poster with Floyd:

The Obama Foundation: Michelle Obama and her brother Craig Robinson take the stage at the Obama summit. Tune in now to obama.org."

Attorney Timothy D. Jafett of Corpus Christi, Texas, also confirms that the victim, if at all, was not Floyd.

The real George Floyd died three years ago. Now is the time to reach out to your leaders... I saw a black man I played football against in college, allegedly killed on camera 30 years later... But it's not the same guy... I was his lawyer. He died three years ago...

1. Why in one photo (rear view) shows a man on the road not handcuffed, and in the video in front - that he is handcuffed?

2. Why is the police car outside the Sorvelance restaurant different from the one behind floyd (different car numbers)?

3. Why did the police officers in the Sorvellans video footage who arrested him differ from the police officers in the actual incident?

4. Why does the video show the price of diesel at 99 cents instead of the usual price at around 12.49?

6. Why does Derek have a completely different police badge on top of the second police badge, and match his partner if they work in the same station?

6. Isn't it strange that both officers, Tou Tao and Derek, were previously investigated for excessive use of force and were not charged by State Agent Amy Klobuchar? In addition, Officer Derek Chauvin is under the command of his partner Sister Kell.

7. Is there any policeman so blunt to continue kneeling on someone's neck for 8 minutes surrounded by people while he is being videotaped?

8. Is it possible that the deceased does not have injuries/screams/tears during what is happening? 

9/10 Why does the chief cop keep one hand in his pocket most of the time while he kneels?

11. Don't you think it's strange that Floyd and the officer who stood around his neck and killed him worked together in the same shit at the El Nuevo Rodeo club and had known each other for 17 years (both were fired because of a kovid)?

12. Why did the officer's neighbours say that they did not know he was a policeman and had never seen him in uniform?

13. Why was the same lawyer hired as all the other previous black deaths that caused the protests?

14. Why the surveillance video stored in the store shows Floyd dutifully walking with the officer and not resisting arrest, while the officer gently sits on his neck. Why did the officer feel the need to put the opposing guy on the ground and put his knee on his neck?

15. Why did ambulance workers (dressed in police uniforms, including body armor) treat an unconscious person so rudely and even throw his body to the ground? (Trained ambulance staff never lift a person with a neck injury in this way.) Why didn't they try to diagnose and/or give them artificial breathing?

17 Why did the police chief stresse that the instigators and arsonists were not from Minnesota, why the News crew was not only detained, but also arrested? 

The authors of the film "Captain America" (2011) may have been involved in the prognostic programming of the covid and the situation with George Floyd.

In the scene of the film in Times Square in the background behind the Captain you can see a coronavirus, a bottle resembling a container with a Molotov cocktail and the inscription "I swear george we did it."

That's not accurate, though.

And yes, look at those glitches.

Although, maybe we are mistaken and, in this case, we would be grateful to debunk our theory about the operation of non-aokons-Satanists under a false flag.


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